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Re: Baltusia

Postby headhoncho » Thu Jul 11, 2024 5:44 am

5514 Social Credit Presidential Primary

Juandré Adams was nominated as the party's Presidential Nominee for the 5514 Baltusian Presidential Election. He defeated candidates Tucker Northfield and Stuart David in the primary.

A candidate breakdown:

Juandré Adams is an agricultural teacher from the Fremont Unified School District, he is a member of the Religious Left Caucus. Despite the Social Credit Party being socially moderate, he is on the progressive side of the spectrum, but is staunchly left-wing when it comes to economics. He gained the endorsements of the Religious Left Caucus and the Make The Change Caucus (a progressive caucus)


Tucker Northfield is the owner/founder of Northfield Vineyards. Northfield is known for his outspoken conservative beliefs. He received the endorsement from the Baltusian Traditional Voice Caucus.

Stuart David is a furniture store owner from Santiago. Not much is known about him politically other than he's a card carrying member of the SCP. He is known for outrageous commercials and stunts. He received no endorsements from caucuses.

Juandré Adams: 52.9% - 9,876,762 votes
Tucker Northfield: 32.7% - 6,105,295 votes
Stuart David: 14.4% - 2,688,570 votes

During his acceptance speech, Juandré Adams emphasized the need for major social and economic change, the need to increase the number of religious people in the nation, and lastly the need for a compassionate leader who truly understands what the people want. He is expected to campaign throughout these next to years to get a head start on the other parties.
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Re: Baltusia

Postby headhoncho » Thu Jul 11, 2024 6:03 am

Social Credit Party Name Change Ballot

During Juandré Adams' acceptance speech, he made a point of possibly changing the party name back to the Farmer-Labor Party to help strengthen the party's chances in 5514.

The National Committee held it to a vote during the National Party Conference.

"Should we rename the Social Credit Party to the Farmer-Labor Party?"
Yes - 83.2%
No - 16.8%
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Re: Baltusia

Postby headhoncho » Fri Jul 12, 2024 4:12 pm

Juandré Adams Live in Rutledge, One Night Only!

Juandré Adams hits the campaign trail in Rutledge, Ralston

"This is not merely an election, but a referendum on the future of Baltusia. The people in this great state understand the importance. In the last election, 60.6% of voters in Ralston supported the FLP, the highest percentage nationwide. We understand the stakes and the necessary actions. Under the leadership of the Baltusian Libertarian Party, the country has descended into turmoil, with rising rates of atheism, poverty, and globalism left unchecked. The BLP has failed to address these issues." (excerpt)

"Folks, amidst this world of uncertainty, let me make one thing clear: a Farmer-Labor administration will not tolerate this status quo. We will restore religion to public life, increase funding for social programs, and withdraw from any globalist initiatives. It's our duty to take back the country we love and hold near to our hearts. May God Bless Baltusia!" (excerpt)

Juandré Adams' is expected to address these three major issues throughout the campaign:

Bolster Religion in Baltusia: Adams' and various FLP congresspeople have a bill in the works to mandate school prayer, build public religious schools, and to make Hosianism the official religion of Baltusia.

Create a larger safety net: Adams' wants to increase minimum wage, welfare payments, unemployment benefits, and create a universal healthcare program. As an educator, he wants to increase funding towards education and make sure college tuition is either fully subsided or partially.

Anti-globalism sentiment: Adams' wants to abolish the Baltusian Free-Trade Zone and exit the Northern Security Treaty Organisation.
Last edited by headhoncho on Sat Jul 13, 2024 7:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Baltusia

Postby Interstellar_ » Fri Jul 12, 2024 5:04 pm


AMI releases 4 new state-of-the-art technologies

January 5th 5513 - Date of Release

L-2A "Nighthawk

The L-2A is the first version of the Nighthawk. It includes sophisticated electronics, CV capabilities, foldable wings and most importantly: advanced stealth capabilities and a large stealth bay. The Nighthawk is furthermore capable of carrying out anti-surface, anti-ship, anti-air and anti-ballistic missions. This is due to it's capabilities of carrying the AAM-500, the AA-2F and the HMP-1, all of which are brand-new weapon systems developed by AMI. The L-2A will be one of the most capable fighter jets on Terra, showing the world a new age of Baltusian engineering and technological capabilities.

Unit cost: 220 million BLD per unit

Crew: 1
Speed: Mach 2.5
(Supercruise: Mach 1.8)
Range: 4.500km
Service ceiling: 20.000m
Wing area: 88m²


1x 20mm "C15 Thunder" cannon

Stealth Version:
up to 2x AAM-500 (BVRAAM)(AGM)(ABM)(ASM)
up to 0x HMP-1 (hypersonic missile)(under development)
up to 6x AA-2F (SRAAM)

Non-Stealth Version:

up to 6x AAM-500 (BVRAAM)(AGM)(ABM)(ASM)
up to 8x HMP-1 (hypersonic missile)
up to 10x AA-2F (SRAAM)


The AAM-500 is a new missile capable of striking surface, naval, air and ballistic targets. It was in use for the VLS of the Whitney the Great-class Cruiser and has now been redesigned to fit onto the L-2.

Unit cost: 2 million BLD per unit


Speed: Mach 4
Range: 500km
Flight ceiling: 35.000m
Engine: Two-Stage: Solid rocket booster, solid rocket booster/sustainer
Guidance: Inertial guidance, two-way data link, terminal active and semi-active radar homing
Warhead: 64kg blast fragmentation
Detonation mechanism: Radar and contact fuze
Mass: 1.500kg


The HMP-1 is an air-launched hypersonic missile capable of striking naval and surface targets. It endured a ten-year-long R&D phase to increase its reliability and capabilities. Due to this missile, Baltusia can now join the narrow group of nations that are capable of using hypersonic missiles.

Unit cost: 8 million BLD per unit


Speed: Mach 8
Mass: 800kg
Range: 1.000km
Engine: Solid-rocket motor
Warhead: (possible: Low yield nuclear warhead between 5 and 40 kt) OR 300kg fragmentation-warhead


The AA-2F is a new state-of-the-art SRAAM developped by AMI to enhance our fighters' intercept capabilities. It surpasses former air-to-air missiles by decades in terms of capabilities and guidance technology.

Unit cost: 250.000 BLD per unit


Speed: Mach 3
Range: 25km
Flight ceiling: 20.000m
Engine: solid-fuel rocket
Guidance: combined radar and infrared guidance
Warhead: 12kg HE/Fragmentation
Detonation mechanism: Impact and active radar proximity fuse
Mass: 87.5kg
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Re: Baltusia

Postby Interstellar_ » Sat Jul 13, 2024 11:50 am

Condemnation of Situation in Ikradon


JUNE 13, 5513


The United States of Baltusia understands its duty to protect human rights and civil rights on all of Terra. Recently, the Ikradonian Union has started breaching this international law. Secretly and treacherously, the Ikradonian government sided against their people by legalizing slave labor. Prisoners, whether they may be in prison for robbing a bank or simply criticizing the government are now allowed to put in a situation closely resembling slave labour. The United States of Baltusia calls upon the World Congress and all Ikradonian neighbor-states to condemn this act of oppression and answer with adequate consequences.
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Re: Baltusia

Postby Interstellar_ » Sat Jul 13, 2024 2:25 pm


Federal Government secures massive deal with AMI - The Baltusian Air Force and Navy

Air Force

The Department of Defense (DoD) has managed to secure a striking deal with the military-industrial corporation AMI. The Department has ordered a staggering amount of new L-2A airplanes as well as suitable, state-of-the-art armament. The Secretary of Defense Jason Whitaker stated as follows in a press conference yesterday evening:

Good evening fellow citizens of Baltusia,
we find ourselves in a world shaped by shady governments such as the criminal regime in the Ikradonian Union and a world shaped by meaningless wars like the Nsanlosan civil war. Even in our own neighborhood rogue states like Yingdala cause fear amongst the population and raise the question of whether Baltusia is still capable of defending itself if we do have to face such atrocities ourselves once. In order to safeguard the citizens of Baltusia and guarantee a free and peaceful life on Seleya, the DoD has, with our evergrowing military budget, ordered a new bundle of military equipment from Apex Military Industries. First, we will replace our fleet of 2000 L-1 fighter jets with an equal amount of L-2As. This order will cost the DoD around 440.000.000.000 (440 billion) BLD throughout the following 10 years. Furthermore, we will order a considerable amount of ammunition for these airplanes in order to guarantee our long-term fighting capabilities. This order will cost the DoD another (100 billion) BLD throughout the same time period. We aim to fully replace our air fleet by 5515.


The DoD has also started a buildup of the Baltusia Navy. Secretary Whitaker stated that this will guarantee Baltusian and Seleyan sovereignty on all of Terra. Nevertheless, the DoD mentioned that this should be seen as a warning against those who deliberately wage wars and support crimes against humanity. Secretary Whitaker stated as follows in the same press conference:

Furthermore, I'd like to add that the Baltusian Navy has been forgotten in the past time. We aim to tackle this problem and increase our naval dominance. In order to secure this goal, we tasked AMI with designing ships for a carrier task force composed of all necessary and optional components. We aim to create a highly trained and sophisticated fleet capable of defending Seleyan shores against foreign threats. We can expect this project to enter the next phase in roughly five years from now.


Last but not least, Secretary Whitaker ended the Press Conference with a strong sign of Pan-Seleyanism:

Ladies and Gentlemen, we currently enter a new age in geopolitical governance. On the Seleyan continent, we move away from nationalist ideas but towards a united appearance on the international landscape. In order to keep this place safe from internal and external threats, the DoD offers protection to all willing Seleyan states; from the coast of Kanjor to the mountains of Lodamun. This is purely voluntary and should be seen as an offer of goodwill. The USB will not act hostile on the Seleyan continent.
Thank you.
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Re: Baltusia

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun Jul 14, 2024 9:16 am

Baltusian-Beiteynuese negotiations take a turn after Luthorian mediation
December 5513
The Terran Times
Also being that guy who's pretending to be this guy.
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Re: Baltusia

Postby Interstellar_ » Thu Jul 18, 2024 8:03 pm

DFA welcomes new BFTZ member - Baltusia-Beiteynu Situation




The United States understands that the Republic of New Endralon and Kizenia has entered the BFTZ. We greet our new memeber with open arms and welcome their choice to join us in our free trade relations. We're looking forward to further improving relations with New Endralon and Kizenia and thank them for their decision. We also understand that the nation of Beiteynu has reconsidered joining our Trade Zone. We see this as a great step forward in improving our relations. The DFA advises Yishelem to keep the treaty up for debate and not to throw it on the hill of forgotten trade deals. We are open for further negotiations. Lastly, the DFA will hereby announce State Visits in the following nations: Selucia, Lodamun, Hutori, Dundorf, New Endralon & Kizenia. All of the previously named nations are either candidates or members of the Free Trade Zone. The State Visits will begin with Selucia on the 2nd of March 5516.
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Re: Baltusia

Postby Interstellar_ » Sun Jul 21, 2024 5:20 pm

State Visit to Selucia - Thinkin' and Drinkin'


JUNE 26, 5517


In the last three days, a Baltusian delegation including Secretary Faulkner arrived in the nation of Selucia. Impressed by their local architecture and culture, they slowly moved on to discussing future Baltusian-Selucian relations and possible deals; especially the BFTZ. On the second day of the State Visit, Baltusian officials began talking to regional powerholders (Prōvinciālis), discussing economic cooperation and cultural exchange options. The DFA acknowledges that cooperation with Selucian provinces (Prōvincia) will be strengthened soon, allowing a friendship between the Selucian and the Baltusian people. On the last day of the visit, both the Baltusian delegation and the Selucian officials once again met in Auroria, celebrating their visit and future cooperation with a Gala Dinner and a bit of alcohol. Whilst on the plane back home, the DFA received a message from Secretary Faulkner reading: "Day 177 - Note 4: We are currently coming back from Selcuia. We had a nice time and the place was beautiful. Might go there on my two paid weeks of vacation in the summer. But now I need to first face the important stuff in life: food. When I'm back home I will order a big T-bone steak with BBQ sauce, fries, and a big coke." The DFA sees this visit as a success and is eager to further improve relations with Selucia. We're however still waiting to see whether Selucia will join the BFTZ.
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Re: Baltusia

Postby Interstellar_ » Wed Jul 24, 2024 8:29 pm

USB investments in Nsanlosa




Today at 4:35 p.m., Secretary Faulkner announced a one-time reconstruction & humanitarian aid fund for the nation of Nsanlosa. The Department of the Treasury therefore transferred $ BLD (= 5 billion BLD) to the DFA. This special fund will be used for repairing damaged infrastructure, rebuilding critical places, and supporting the population. Furthermore, the DFA announced that, in cooperation with FFM and Anodyne Medical, the USB will send medical aid to Nsanlosa. This aid package will mostly consist of basic medical equipment, first aid kits, and vaccines. We're hoping to stabilize the humanitarian situation for the local population.
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