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Re: Selucia

Postby Aethan » Fri Oct 09, 2020 10:37 pm

Political earthquake within COSIRA
The formation of a new government has led to an unexpectedly tense and divisive Federal Committee

From left to right: Regional secretaries of Oleria, Sadaria Occidentalis and Sadaria Orientalis after the meeting

Today at noon a meeting of the Federal Committee of COSIRA, the party's highest management body, was called, which includes the five regional secretaries, in addition to the two General Secretaries - one without the right to vote - and five members elected by the militants, to decide on the future government after the last general elections, in which COSIRA has unwittingly become the "kingmaker".

On the table, according to various sources, there were two options: maintaining the current coalition with the NPLS, but giving prominence to the latter after the electoral results; or form a new coalition government with the MTS.

Apparently, the MTS would have contacted Pyrgopolynices Auspex to propose a change in the government, entering to govern in coalition with them and also dividing the Consulship equally. As proposed by the MTS, the agenda of this new government would focus on the progressive elimination of Hosianism from Selucia, as well as progress towards decentralization and changes in the nation's economic system. But Pyrgopolynices Auspex, despite being the party's general secretary, is obliged by the formation's own statutes to consult any government pact with the rest of the Federal Committee, and according to several witnesses present at the meeting, it has been everything less smooth.

Faced with the more open position to negotiate to reach agreements manifested by the regional leaders of Corgana - its regional secretary, Ateia Polybius, is a former Procurator of the region and is known for her willingness to let the ArchPatriarch return to the region - and Catalia, their counterparts from both Sadarias and Oleria - currently in the position of Procurator after revalidating their position in the last elections - have manifest their firm refusal to approve a government pact with a party that they consider to have "constantly demonized and attacked" them, and whose sole purpose is the implantation of religion in all strata of society. Based on these premises, the talks have lasted for several hours, until finally the Federal Committee approved by a narrow majority of 6 to 5 the continuation of the government pact with the NPLS. As this newspaper has learned, although the regional secretaries of Corgana and Calatia, and the elected representatives of both provinces in addition to the Sadaria Occidentalis one have voted in favor of agreeing a government with the MTS, the strong opposition of the representatives of the two strongest federations - Oleria and Sadaria Orientalis, which together provide 130 of the 197 seats in the political formation -, together with the regional secretary of Sadaria Occidentalis, have ended up convincing Pyrgopolynices Auspex to refuse to negotiate anything with the MTS. In his appearance before the media stationed in front of the party headquarters, the Secretary General thanked the MTS for its willingness to negotiate a coalition government, although it was finally rejected by a qualified majority.

In a joint appearance after the meeting at the party's headquarters, the three regional secretaries opposed to changing their government partner have affirmed that they feel "completely reassured" by the decision taken by the party. Collybiscus Nabor, the current Procurator of Oleria, has declined to make further statements, as his closeness to MTS on federalism issues is well known in the political world. However, Salvia Bellus, current leader of the opposition in the Sadaria Orientalis parliament and former Procurator of the region, has affirmed that the rejection of the MTS is not given by its previous position of confrontation with COSIRA, an issue that they consider "mentality of young children "If not for the fact that, for them, one of its ultimate purposes is the total elimination of the need for religion in the nation, while they consider that the MTS only intends to make a" card game "by substituting some religions by others.

"While we agree with the MTS on some issues such as the need to federalize our nation or the protection of minorities, we cannot forget their past legislative actions, which they have not retracted, to get an idea of ​​future ones. Attempts to re-approve the death penalty, to cut workers' rights, to deny climate change, to grant privileges to the nobles ... These are actions that cannot hide the direction they are going. And it is something that our voters would never understand. Although a coalition with the NPLS is not the most desired, it is a lesser evil compared to a coalition with the MTS, from which only they would emerge strengthened. And although in a coalition with the NPLS our party may obtain less representation in the Executive, we consider that we must put our ideas ahead of the armchairs ".

Some political analysts also consider that these three leaders do not want to risk derision in their respective territories, since while Oleria's Procurator maintains the coalition with the NPLS that gives him the majority in the region, the MTS has been ruling in Sadaria Occidentalis for several decades and COSIRA must be sold as opposition and not as support, while in Sadaria Orientalis is the other great fishing ground for votes for the party and they do not want that governing with a conservative party take its toll on them and jeopardize a possible return to the regional government

Asked Pyrgopolynices Auspex about the matter at the end of the meeting, he has limited himself to answering that "the resolutions of the Federal Committee of the party must be respected" although internal sources fear that a growing desire for power is what has led him to negotiate with the MTS, after their offer to give him one of the two Consulships.
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Re: Selucia

Postby Polites » Mon Oct 12, 2020 10:55 am

Traditionalists Turn Left?
a.d. VI Non. Oct. MMMXVIII a.R.P.c.
(October 2, 4829)

MTS General Secretary Luciana Libitina appears to be behind her party's attempt to form a coalition with the left

Perhaps the most unexpected news surrounding the last elections is the report that a coalition government between the Pagan conservative Selucian Traditional Movement and the radical left COSIRA was seriously considered and was only averted by the narrow defeat of the proposal in COSIRA’s Federal Committee. Although it failed to materialize, the very existence of this proposal, not to mention its near implementation, is surprising given the extremely contentious relationship between the two parties and their seemingly unbridgeable ideological differences. The fact that it was the Traditionalists who approached COSIRA with this proposal is all the more unexpected given the negative attacks that the MTS have been pushing against their left-wing rivals for years. It may be that this rapprochement represents an ideological shift within the Selucian Traditional Movement, but most likely it marks a shift in the party’s electoral and parliamentary strategy.

The Selucian Traditional Movement’s primary raison d'être is the defense of the rights of Selucia’s Pagan population and the entrenchment of Selucian polytheism as the dominant religion in the Republic. Given the fact that, according to the latest census, Pagans constitute only a third of the Selucian population, any political movement aiming to grant Paganism a hegemonic status would need allies in the pursuance of its goals, all the more so in a democracy like Selucia’s. Until recently the solution the Selucian Traditional Movement had found out of this impasse was to court all right-leaning voters to its cause, presenting itself as the only political force capable of defending their interests and averting a communist takeover of Selucia. For a while, red-baiting tactics against COSIRA, a party that includes a small Communist contingent in its ranks, did bear fruit, maintaining the MTS as the largest party in the legislative and granting the Traditionalists a monopoly on the Censorate and thus on the formation of the Senate. But warning against the imminent Communist revolution that somehow never actually materializes can only work as a strategy for so long, and indeed non-Pagan voters have been gradually abandoning the MTS and shifting their allegiance to the more moderate and secular Liberal Party, in spite of its long-standing alliance with COSIRA. These changing circumstances have determined the Traditionalist leadership to reconsider their strategy and focus more on parliamentary alliances than on negative voting.

The collaboration of the MTS and COSIRA in implementing one of the most radical decentralization projects in Selucia’s history seems to have marked the beginning of rapprochement between the two parties. Given that both parties are in favor of radical devolution, many if not most of their ideological differences can be transcended at the national level by transferring decision-making powers over issues in dispute to local governments. And in economic matters, an area of much contention between the two parties, the Traditionalists seem to have pulled a page from Selucia’s history in the search of a precedent of successful collaboration between the left and the right. The MTS found a significant example in the partnership between the historical In Marea and the Republican Party, which, beginning with the end of the 26th century from the founding of the Republic (44th century CE) jointly laid the foundations of Selucia’s innovative co-operative economy. Although co-ops continue to play a central role in the Selucian economy, the golden years when all enterprises were worker-owned and worker-managed are long over. But the Selucian Traditional Movement has found in this historical precedent a valuable model, one that would bridge the ideological gap with COSIRA while maintaining the party’s stated opposition to statism and welfarism. As a first step towards a potential future alliance with the left that would place a return to a co-operative economy at its center, the Selucian Traditional Movement has declared its general adherence to the Kuzacotl Principles and its intention of implementing them in Selucia once it returns to power. Whether this statement of principles will be enough to ensure more meaningful collaboration between the left and the right is uncertain. But the change in strategy and perhaps even in ideology does mark a profound shift in the outlook of Selucia’s conservative movement and will likely have a significant impact on the Republic’s economic policies.
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Re: Selucia

Postby Polites » Tue Oct 13, 2020 9:22 am

'Constitutional' Arch-Patriarch Dies
a.d. XI Kal. Apr. MMMXIX a.R.P.c.
(March 22, 4830)

Former Archbishop of Victoria Aemilius Maxentius served as "Arch-Patriarch Angelicus III" for 34 years

Former Archbishop of Victoria Aemilius Maxentius, who, under the name Angelicus III, served as the leader of the breakaway Constitutionalist faction in the Aurorian Patriarchal Church in Selucia since MMCMLXXXV from the founding of the Republic (4796 CE) with his election as rival Arch-Patriarch to the official hierarchy, passed away in his official residence in Auroria this morning of natural causes. The ‘Constitutionalists’ are a schismatic group within the Aurorian Patriarchal Church who broke away from the official church in MMCMLXXXIV a.R.P.c. (4795 CE) when they were excommunicated by the Arch-Patriarch following their swearing the oath required by the Constitution of the Clergy. The schism was further consolidated after the decision by the schismatic bishops to ordain women to the priesthood, and even more so after their election of the leader of the schism and the highest ranking bishop in the Church in Selucia at the time as a rival Arch-Patriarch claiming legitimacy over the entire worldwide Aurorian Patriarchal Church. Although his Arch-Patriarchal claim did not receive recognition abroad, with the exception of a few church takeovers in Malivia, in Selucia itself around 10% of the entire population, or 40% of the Aurorian Patriarchal faithful, belong to the ‘Constitutionalist’ faction.

The leadership of the schismatic group has announced that they will not at the moment elect a successor to Arch-Patriarch Angelicus III and will for the time being remain in a state of sede vacante. They did however reach out to the official hierarchy of the Aurorian Patriarchal Church with a rather unexpected offer for the restoration of full communion. The breakaway group announced that they would be willing to recognize the authority of Arch-Patriarch Thomas Justus and return to communion with him if the official hierarchy of the Church agree to recognize the ordination of women and bless same-sex unions Terra wide. This does not seem like a serious proposal, but rather an attempt by the ‘Constitutionalists’ to consolidate their distinct identity; the schism had been fostered by the Pagan government ruling Selucia at the time as an attempt to drive an ideological wedge between the progressive and conservative wings of Aurorian Hosianism, and the wedge appears to be long-lasting. In the unlikely case that the Arch-Patriarch does accept the schismatics’ proposal this will have immense long-term consequences for the Terra-wide Aurorian communion.
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Re: Selucia

Postby Aethan » Tue Oct 20, 2020 3:07 pm

New mandate for COSIRA!
The left-wing party renews its coalition agreement with the liberals of the NPLS once again in addition to taking the Censorship out of the hands of MTS for the first time in almost thirty years

Pyrgopolynices Auspex after becoming elected Consul for a second term.

The government changes once more its visible figure. After a legislature with the NPLS leading the executive branch in Selucia, the results of the last elections have given COSIRA the possibility to return to the position of Consulship. In this way, after a new government agreement with the Liberals, the left-wing party takes the baton again and the coalition between the two remains in power, as has been happening without interruption since an agreement between 4819 both parties made the leaders of the NPLS Consuls. Subsequently, after the elections of 4822 it was COSIRA that led the executive, and the NPLS did the same once again after the electoral results of 4827. Now, after the elections of 4832, it is Pyrgopolynices Auspex and Laetoria Genesius who have again returned to office.

With 275 seats and 2 of the 5 regional governments - Oleria and Corgana - Pyrgopolynices Auspex has achieved the second best historical result for its party, only behind the one obtained in its first elections by Naevia Cosmas.

After a past mandate agitated at the beginning by the MTS proposal of a coalition government between COSIRA and them - rejected by the minimum in the Federal Committee of the party, the highest decision-making body -, it seems that the strategy of rejecting that government has given its fruits, and COSIRA has remained just 7 seats away from snatching the first position that the MTS has held for decades election after election. This has once again led the MTS to propose to its general secretary, Mr. Auspex, the possibility of forming a coalition government again with them, a possibility that has once again been rejected by the Federal Committee. An especially delicate matter, since of the 275 seats that COSIRA has obtained in these elections, 90, that is, almost a third of the total, come from Oleria, the region whose Secretary General and current Procurator Collybiscus Nabor is most opposed to governing in coalition with the Conservatives, and whose popularity in the region is evident. A duel between Auspex and Nabor that everyone in the party knows about but that nobody talks about.

However, the spokesperson and rising star of the party Sillenia Casta Onibia, in charge of carrying out the negotiations to form a government, denies that there is any political row between the two.

"The relationship between Mr. Nabor and Mr. Auspex is cordial, of fellow party members. It is evident that within our formation discrepancies may arise, but if we are characterized by something, it is by knowing how to reach agreements for the common good" .

In relation to these agreements, Mrs. Onibia has also referred to the recent proposals of the MTS which, if approved, will mean a great political change in the nation.

First, the MTS proposes a drastic reform of the country's religious legislation, to end decades of bitter inter-party debate. With it, the religiosity of the nation would come to depend on the authorities of the State, in addition to guaranteeing a secular education and away from religious influences. But perhaps the most important point is the one that establishes that, although the State will not acquire an official religion, only official religions will be allowed, while what is considered cults will be persecuted. This proposal, at the request of COSIRA, presents a fundamental point, which is what will be considered as "cult": all those religions that do not respect human rights and dignity, as well as equality in all areas without any distinction between human beings. And it is that under this definition, some experts point out that Hosianism could be included, since it does not allow the ordination of women among its ranks.

The other major reform that the MTS and COSIRA are negotiating is that of a greater federalization of the country, which could become a kind of "Confederation", with each of the islands as an independent political subject, where each of the islands elect their heads of government - subject to the final authority of the central government - but with great flexibility when it comes to legislating in their respective territories. This federalization proposal, which began being defended by In Marea-Insularian Left and later by Olerian Dawn as a way to ask for independence for the island of Oleria, is viewed favorably by its current Procurator, Mr. Nabor, but it remains to be seen how the rest of regional leaders are positioned.

Atilia Valerius, who after these elections has been elected Censor of Selucia, ending almost three decades of uninterrupted mandates of the MTS by the minimum - 51.12% compared to 48.82% of his rival -, has asked for intelligence and moderation when applying these two new legislative proposals, in order to "avoid greater evils that later cannot be remedied." It should also be taken into account that with the votes of the MTS and COSIRA there would be more than the 2/3 necessary for the approval of the two proposals.
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Re: Selucia

Postby Polites » Wed Oct 21, 2020 9:13 am

Selucia's First Female Arch-Patriarch
Id. Mart. MMMXXIII a.R.P.c.
(March 15, 4834)

Sarahae I is the new Arch-Patriarch of the breakaway Church

The 'Constitutionalist' faction in the Aurorian Patriarchal Church in Selucia, which had broken away from the main Church nearly 40 years ago after a number of bishops and priests swore an oath to the military administration ruling Selucia at the time, has finally proclaimed its full separation from its mother Church. Until recently the 'Constitutionalists' considered themselves full and legitimate members of the Aurorian Patriarchal Church and believed that it was the Aurorian hierarchy that had fallen into schism when the Arch-Patriarch, unjustly in their view, excommunicated those who swore the oath required by the Constitution of the Clergy. After the death of the rival Arch-Patriarch that the breakaway faction had elected for itself, its leadership had petitioned the leadership of the official Church to restore communion under the condition that the Church introduce the ordination of women and the recognition of same-sex unions Terra-wide.

The Aurorian Patriarchal Church has so far not responded to the reunification proposal. In spite of this, the 'Constitutionalists' decided to fully separate themselves from their mother Church and establish themselves as a distinct Hosian denomination. This month the leadership of the breakaway Church elected Maria Theodosiana, bishop of Leona, as their second Arch-Patriarch, who proceeded to take the name Sarahae I. Becoming the second female Arch-Patriarch in history, after the controversial precedent of Jana I of the Terran Patriarchal Church, Sarahae I's election is a symbol of the distinct identity adopted by the 'Constitutionalists'. Soon after her election, the leadership of her Church petitioned the government to recognize them as a distinct Hosian denomination, separate from the Aurorian Patriarchal Church, known as the "Selucian Aurorian Church". Arguing that the Aurorian Patriarchal Church had fallen into schism and heresy, the Selucian Aurorian Church announced that it would seek communion with the Apostolic Union of Nordland of the Ancient Bishopal Churches (OOC: based on the Union of Utrecht of Old Catholic Churches).

Apart from theological and ecclesiological motivations, there is also a political dimension behind the decision by the breakaway Church to fully separate itself and join a different Hosian communion. Some observers expect the Augustinian Law on Religion introduced by conservative Tribune Minerva Augustina to receive the backing of the radical left COSIRA party. The bill serves as a compromise between Pagan and secularist stances on religion, by proclaiming Selucia a "Pagan and Atheist state", subordinating all religious clergy to the government, closing all religious schools, reinforcing state ownership of all religious property, and, most importantly, refusing to grant recognition to religions that do not "respect human rights and dignity, as well as equality in all areas without any distinction between human beings," a provision interpreted as legalizing the persecution of religions that do not ordain women. The Pagan-Secularist bill is more radical in its provisions than the old Constitution of the Clergy, and if implemented it may unleash a new wave of persecutions against the Aurorian Patriarchal Church. This created a strong incentive for the breakaway faction to fully distinguish itself from the main Church and receive recognition as a separate denomination. If it succeeds, which seems likely, then it will receive a measure of protection that the Aurorian Patriarchal Church will certainly lack.
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Re: Selucia

Postby Polites » Thu Oct 22, 2020 1:29 pm

Rise of Sadarian Nationalism
a.d. V Kal. Nov.. MMMXXIII a.R.P.c.
(October 28, 4834)

Of Selucia's three main islands, Oleria has had a long history of separate regional identity and even a strong pro-independence movement. The most industrialized and wealthiest province, Oleria is also the most progressive politically and socially, causing resentment against the generally more conservative and religious central government. The other provinces tended to see Olerian independentism as a threat to their own interests. But over the last few years another island has started asserting its own distinct cultural, political, and even religious identity. The island of Sadaria, divided into the two provinces of Sadaria Occidentalis and Sadaria Orientalis, is the most rural of the three islands. Heavily dependent on trade with the rest of Selucia and on agricultural subsidies, the Sadarias traditionally tended to view Olerian exceptionalism with suspicion. But the island is also the heartland of Paganism in Selucia, being the only part of the nation in which they constitute a majority, which is one of the reasons why the Duodecimviri had the Selucian capital relocated to the Sadarian city of Argona. The Pagan revival that started with the Duodecemviri has served to highlight the distinctiveness of Sadaria compared to the rest of the nation, while the failure of the Pagan Selucian Traditionalist Movement to maintain a majority has heightened fears that the Cultores will continue to remain a permanent opposition. Together these forces have created an impetus towards the emergence of Sadarian nationalism, a movement seeking the unification of the two provinces, wide autonomy, and even independence for Sadaria.

Ethnic Shadari dress is making a comeback as part of Sadarian regional identity

Another factor behind the rise of Sadarian nationalism is the emergence of a distinct ethnic identity for the Cildanian and Hebilean minorities in Selucia. Together they constitute roughly 10% of the Selucian population, but most of them are concentrated on the island of Sadaria, where they are known as Shadarim in the local dialect of Qildari (OOC Phoenician). Although they are counted as part of two ethnic groups in neighboring Cildania, their ties to the eastern island nation have been weakening over time. Firstly, the Qildari language that once tied these communities together and formerly the most widely spoken language in Cildania has almost completely died out in the neighboring nation since the linguistic reforms that promoted Gziri (OOC Maltese) as the country's lingua franca, so much so that nowadays Qildari is spoken almost exclusively in Selucia. The other main tie between the Cildanian and Hebilean communities in Selucia and Cildania is religion, with both being members of the Apostolic Church of the Isles (OOC Maronite Church), but even this bond has been weakening. Selucia's Pagan revival has inspired many Hebileans and Cildanians to revive their ethnic religious traditions, a pursuit that has received the full backing of the Religio's College of Pontiffs. Overall these trends have led to the development of a Shadari identity, oriented towards the island of Sadaria and away from ties with Cildania.

The emergence of Sadarian nationalism explains how a proposal to transform Selucia into a confederation of three sovereign Commonwealths, proposed by West Sadarian Procurator Stephanus Cassius Aquilinus, is currently sitting in the People's Assembly and seems likely to be adopted. Such a proposal would have been unthinkable even 50 years ago, but now with the rise of two concurrent centrifugal forces Selucia as a unitary state may soon be a thing of the past.
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Re: Selucia

Postby Aethan » Sun Oct 25, 2020 12:48 pm

Countdown to the "Great Reformation" in Selucia
The government and the opposition are preparing for the approval of the Confederation and Supreme Court laws that will change the political and territorial landscape of Selucia in the coming months.

The new seat of the future Supreme Court of the Commonwealth

In a few months, the territorial organization of Selucia, if nothing happens at the last minute, will change drastically for the first time in many centuries. COSIRA, in collaboration with the MTS opposition, have drafted and will pass in the coming months two laws that will represent a political and territorial earthquake already considered "historic" by many analysts: they are the Gessian-Ravillan Law on the Supreme Court and Cassian Law on Confederalism.

The Cassian Law on Confederalism will reorganize the territorial composition of Selucia, endowing for the first time in its history each of the three islands as legal and political entities: Sadaria, Aquilonia and Oleria. Each of them will have two regional Presidents or Praetores, elected by popular vote, and their own parliament selected by lot. With this reorganization, the powers of the regional Praetors are equivalent to those of the members of the government, giving them "praetorium imperium" (ability to command armed forces, subordinate to the imperium consulare enjoyed by the Consuls), "praetoria potestas" (executive authority, including the right to nominate and chair an executive formed of Quaestores, with each cabinet having to be approved by the Curia of that Commonwealth, and with Praetores chairing the Curia, introducing legislation, and empowering others to introduce it), "praetorium ius "(administration of justice within the Commonwealth as well as the administration of international law, with the right to appoint judges and judicial magistrates and to oversee the foreign affairs of their Commonwealth, and with the authority to nominate a representative for their Commonwealths at the World Congress in addition to the national representative appointed by the Senate).

Each Curia, which will be made up of 750 members - thus becoming the most representative legislative Chamber in all of Terra, with approximately one Curial for every 25,000 inhabitants, will have the power to approve or reject the laws proposed by the Praetor, or vote citizen initiatives.

The other important section of this law is related to the autonomy of each of the islands, since in article VIII each of them is granted the possibility of becoming an independent autonomous subject of Selucia if the population so decides through a popular consultation, although without specifying in which terms, which would have to be negotiated with the central government.

In relation to the enforcement of the law in each of the islands, the Gessian-Ravillan Law will also be approved, which restores the Supreme Court of Selucia as the highest judicial body in the nation, which will replace the People's Tribunate and will be composed of one "Iudex Maximus" (Chief Justice), chosen by the Praetor Civilis, and seven "Altum Iudices" (High Justices), one for each Praetor from each of the islands. The most important power granted to this institution is that it may overturn legislation passed by the assemblies of the Commonwealths if it directly contradicts national legislation passed by the People's Assembly.

With these changes, which will be applied as of their approval in the coming months - the Commonwealth will come into effect as of the next general elections - a great political and territorial change is coming in the country, which partly satisfies the demands of various parts of society that had been demanding more autonomy for the regions - historically from Insularia and later Oleria, and more recently from both Sadarias - but some fear that this division will serve to accentuate the differences between the islands and highlight the economic and social inequalities between the islands.
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Re: Selucia

Postby Aethan » Tue Oct 27, 2020 9:59 am

BREAKING The Aedile de Infrastructure and Transport dies
Appia Vitruvia Calida, who has served during the two Auspex-Genesius governments, passed away tonight, as reported by the family

More information: ... lid=634197
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Re: Selucia

Postby Rogue » Tue Oct 27, 2020 11:19 am

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Re: Selucia

Postby Aethan » Sun Nov 01, 2020 3:07 pm

Three for COSIRA and three for the MTS
The electoral reform that makes Selucia a Commonwealth has provided a balance of powers in the governments of the three islands: Sadaria for the MTS, Oleria for COSIRA and Aquilonia for both

Moment in which the second Praetor of Oleria, Egnatia Sevso, promises her position

All citizens were waiting to know what the political reform carried out by the MTS and COSIRA during the last legislature would translate into, by which the three islands of Selucia became autonomous republics within the Selucian nation, with two chiefs of government for each island elected by popular vote. With an electoral turnout close to 75%, the results have not caught many by surprise.

At the national level, COSIRA and the NPLS have once again renewed their government pact, so that for the first time since the fall of the Hosian dictatorship the two Consules in office revalidate their position consecutively. Despite the drop in COSIRA seats, the rise in the NPLS, although not with the same force, has served to maintain the government pact, which maintains support levels of around 60%. Despite this, COSIRA has lost the Censorship, which after a legislature in its power has returned to the hands of the MTS.

The interesting thing, and for which everyone was waiting, was to see the results of the three islands, to know how the modification of the electoral system had affected the election of its new Praetors, a position equivalent to Prime Minister, in each of the islands. The first to announce the results was the island of Sadaria, made up of Sadaria Occidentalis and Sadaria Orientalis, where the MTS took both Praetor seats by obtaining an absolute majority. In both regions, the MTS obtained more than 50% of the votes, which made them the undisputed winner in that republic and made Hasdrubal Adad and Iosepha Laeca elected as Praetors of Sadaria.

The next island to announce its results, Oleria, did not provide any great surprises to voters either: both Praetor posts went to COSIRA. Collybiscus Nabor reaped a new absolute victory for his party, also obtaining more than 50% of the votes, and therefore, both Praetor positions for COSIRA, being her fellow partner Egnatia Sevso the elected secong Praetor.

The surprise came from the hand of the results of the island of Aquilonia, the last to be announced. There COSIRA, led by the until then Procurator of Corgana Severinus Lurco, managed to win the island by reaping 34.54% of the island's votes (41.76% in Corgana and 26.66% in Calatia), while the second Praetor's position fell to the MTS, obtaining 33.6% of the votes (17.57% in Corgana and 51.04% in Calatia). The difference between COSIRA and the MTS in the Corgana region surpassed the difference between the two in Calatia, and it was this difference of less than 1% of the votes that finally gave the position of first Praetor to Severinus Lurco from COSIRA and the second to Carathounus Cerinthus, from MTS.

After these results, the COSIRA militancy in Oleria celebrated in the streets a new victory of their party, while in the rest of the nation they wondered what would happen to the national government. However, there has been no change, and the NPLS has revalidated its government pact with COSIRA in just a few months. Now it remains to be seen how this new system of government works, and especially on the island of Aquilonia, where both the MTS and COSIRA must come to understand each other if they want the island to work.

Sertoria Afer, first Chief Justice of the new Selucian Supreme Court

Likewise, after these elections the composition of the new Supreme Court of Selucia has been chosen. The renowned 81-year-old jurist Sertoria Afer has been chosen as her first Iudex Maxima (Chief Justice) by Praetor Civiles Henricus Ravilla, who has praised her long professional career and her fight for the equality of all inhabitants of Selucia. Likewise, COSIRA has appointed three other members of the Supreme Court, while the MTS has appointed the remaining three. However, the surprise has fallen on these appointments: the three Praetors from the islands of Selucia, Caranthounus Cerinthus, Hasdrubal Adad and Iosepha Laeca, have appointed themselves to the high court, something that has upset the ranks of COSIRA.

"This Court was created with the purpose of monitoring compliance with the laws and the protection of the citizens of our nation in all the islands alike, and what the three of them have done is laugh in the face of democracy and the very own judicial career by appointing themselves as members of the court. They have taken advantage of the legal loopholes of the Supreme Court law, which does not specify that its members have to be magistrates or people with knowledge of the subject, to place themselves, and in this way, crudely manipulate any resolution that may be issued and that may go against what they legislate in their respective territories. It is perverse "
has said a high official of the central government, who affirms that they are already working on a modification of the legal text to prevent this from happening again.
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