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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Tue Apr 14, 2020 6:38 pm

Yindalan Heroes Lead Grand Union on the Path of Self-Cultivation

Years, no, decades, of chaos have plagued Yingdala. Its light, long corrupted by the rise and fall of multiple governments - totalitarian and democratic - seemed far away, far enough to be extinguished forever. However, in the past decade, heroes have arisen in an attempt to brighten that light - to bring the best of Yingdala's past and present to the fore.

Enter former general Jiang Ji, the current Regent and former Grand Provisional President. This man, a career member of Yingdala's dwindling army and sickened by the corruption and failure of Yingdala, worked his way into the good graces of the most recent dictatorship - one of seemingly too many to count. He was aided by the patriotic and capably Gu Yun, the current Prime Minister, a middle ranking bureaucrat with a traditional education who was depressed about Yingdala's state. Together, the two played to their internal audiences: the patriotic soldiers who could not stand to see their nation in dilapidation and the traditional bureaucracy that lamented Jienism's minimal influence. Both groups, balancing each other's interests, supported Jiang in overthrowing the dictatorship and setting up a provisional government, setting Yingdala back on the right path.

As Grand Provisional President, Jiang restored democracy and freedom, immediately calling for new elections. For the first time in decades, Yingdala had a democratically elected government. During those five years, the government under Jiang, assisted by Gu, bolstered democratic governance and restored Jienist values. Their primary goal was moral cultivation.

Before the second set of elections in decades, the government and the Grand Assembly supported a referendum on restoring the constitutional monarchy. It was no surprise that it was also supported by the people. Yet, to ensure the long lasting nature of monarchy, it had to be established properly. Under Jiang, the government set up a commission to search for a new Son of Heaven. While many proposed Jiang, due to his own royal ancestry and recent achievements, he declined in favor of an individual that could best represent Yingdala as a whole.

During the search, the Grand Assembly named Jiang as Regent of the Grand Union, to serve until the Son of Heaven could be found and enthroned. Since that time, the nation decided upon the candidate, chosen by Heaven himself: Yu Li. Yu, a middle-aged local official in the State of Han, was a scion of the illustrious Yu Clan - the first family to rule as Sons of Heaven and from which all subsequent Sons of Heaven must descend. No one, not even the Lius, the Dengs, Jis, Wus, or Suns could disagree on restoring the most senior line to the throne of Yingdala.

Now, after the restoration of democracy, the reestablishment of Jienism, and the upcoming enthronement of the Son of Heaven, Yingdala has been recovering. It is set to pass a new tax bill and budget in accordance with Jienist values, immensely reducing taxes, lowering government spending, and investing in education, the economy, and the military in order to get Yingdala even more on track. Furthermore, it has managed to secure a seat on the World Congress Security Council - a feat unimaginable ten years ago.

Speaking for the government, Minister of Rites Gou Zexian said:
Heaven is to thank for Yingdala's seemingly quick rise from the backwater of Dovani. We intend to contribute to the World Congress and the Security Council as best we can. This will bring prestige to the Grand Union, even more so when His Majesty the Son of Heaven assumes His throne. All national, religious, and international government organization leaders will be invited to attend.

Although Yingdala's may be rising, the government and the people must choose to continue on this path. A long journey awaits this former dragon.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Wed Apr 15, 2020 9:21 pm

Yingdalan Government Announces Major Investments in "Strengthening the Nation" Campaign

Prime Minister Gu Yun announced efforts to be made by the Ministry of Public Affairs, the Ministry of Rites and Education, and the Office of the Grand Recorder to heavily invest in Yingdalan infrastructure, science and technology, and education over the next ten years. The collective efforts, the first part of a multi-billion INS package, are part of the new "Strengthening the Nation" campaign.

Strengthening the Nation, a term found in Yindala's classical texts, was envisioned by the soon-to-be Grand Preceptor Jiang Ji as a way to "redevelop" Yingdala. In total, the Yingdalan government will invest over half-a-trillion INS in modernizing Yingdala over the next decade. It is expected that Strengthening the Nation will set the foundation for a revamped Yingdalan economy.

Part one of the package has been submitted to the Grand Assembly for democratic support, despite the fact that the Ministries could make the decision on their own. Critics and supporters of the government are equally surprised that Prime Minister Gu and Jiang would seek such a high degree of transparency. One possible explanation is that the Yingdalan government is seeking a positive, global public relations boost.

Contained in the plan is a provision to seek and fund technical advisers on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The government is also actively seeking such advisors from abroad in order to help with redevelopment.

A second part of the plan is said to be in development, this time focusing purely on military matters. Minister of War Zhang Yu said:
The Ministry of War will have a vetted plan soon to submit to the Grand Assembly. Both parts of the Strengthening the Nation campaign will be critical to our nation's success. We must all do our duty to revere the Son of Heaven and uphold the country.

Once the packages are approved by the Grand Assembly, the bidding process for projects is expected to begin - priming the pump of the Yingdalan economy.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Thu Apr 16, 2020 7:17 pm

Yingdala Celebrates Traditions in Advance of Enthronement Ceremony

In a few short months, Yingdala will both celebrate the enthronement of their beloved Son of Heaven and host the international event of the year. Twenty countries, so far, will send delegations, which include both royal and republican heads of state. Among the representatives include the monarchs of Dorvik, Istalia, and Hutori, as well as a royal representative of the King of Kazulia - arguable the most powerful countries economically and militarily in Terra. Certainly, the event will be a soft power victory for the Grand Union.

Beyond soft power, the enthronement ceremony will give Yingdala an opportunity to rebuild its relations with the nations of Terra. Much goodwill has already been built. There are also reports that more in-depth discussions will take place along the sidelines of the ceremony and concern the Strengthen the Nation campaign.

As a way to further celebrate the enthronement year, Yingdalans have been holding cultural events from Tian'an to Kaizhou. Communities have been holding lectures on the Jienist Classical Works, traditional Yingdalan music concerts, archery contests, and more. The Yingdalan Broadcasting Company announced a new historical drama to air in May charting the ancient rise of the Yu Clan and their special connection with the Divine and Yingdalan history. It also announced a series of documentaries on the present Yu Clan and have promised an exclusive interview with the Son of Heaven. Many of these events have been broadcast internationally and are viewable online.

For the moment, Heaven is smiling on Yingdala.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Fri Apr 17, 2020 6:47 pm

Yingdala Increases Security Prior to Enthronement Ceremony, Demonstrates Strength Against Would Be Aggressors

The Armed Forces of Yingdala have been on the move conducting their first joint-force drills in decades. Simultaneously, the navy, air force, and army conducted a number of defensive exercises to hone their techniques and demonstrate their credibility to defend their homeland. The Black Tortoise Fleet - famed of old - began a mission to circumnavigate Yingdala while conducting a series of live fire drills. Coast guard ships also committed to following the fleet. The air force flew multiple sorties and practiced dogfights in Yingdalan air space, while bombers made practice runs in international air space. The army focused on anti-tank, anti-ship, and anti-personnel defensive measures along the Yingdalan coastline, becoming the porcupine thorns that would deter a hungry aggressor.

The drills come at a time when 22 nations will send delegations to Tian'an for the Son of Heaven's enthronement ceremony. These delegations are primarily made up of heads of state and government, making the Yingdalan capital a prime target for any attack.

Security within the capital has also been tightened. In addition to the advanced units of the Tian'an Police, army and army reserve units have been placed around the city. This is the first time people in Tian'an have seen military vehicles in decades.

To boost the morale of the troops and security services, His Majesty reviewed the troops in the City of Heavenly Peace and viewed a series of military drills in the State of Han.

While no issues are expected, it is better to be safe than sorry.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sat Apr 18, 2020 6:03 pm

Yu Li Formally Enthroned as Son of Heaven in Ceremony Witnessed Terranwide, Meetings with Terra's Powers Yield Initial Fruit
The Son of Heaven ascends the Altar of Heaven

On September 5, 4742, in the sight of the leaders of Terra, Yu Li, scion of the ancient Yu Clan, the first "House of Yingdala" from which all Sons of Heaven must descend, was formally enthroned as Son of Heaven, King, Sovereign, and Emperor of Yingdala.

Following strict Jienist protocol, the Son of Heaven was assisted by the Grand Preceptor, Jiang Ji, and Minister of Rites and Education Gou Zexian. His Majesty entered the grounds of the Altar of Heaven with great fanfare, having been first carried to the ground from the Heavenly Palace in a sedan chair. In the processional, in addition to various members of the royal family and government officials, was a traditional orchestra and troupe of singers, playing and singing the traditional hymns from the Classical Works. Once the Son of Heaven arrived, he ascended a chariot with the Grand Preceptor and Minister of Rites and Education and drove it to the base of the Altar.

The Altar is simplistic yet awe inspiring. It could almost be described as a circular pyramid, four concentric circles on top of one another made of marble. To the right of the steps was an ancestral altar. On it were hundreds of tablets with the names of the Yu Clan ancestors. Just in front of the tablets were various foods, as well as sacrificial wine. A similar altar was atop the Altar of Heaven with a single tablet bearing the characters, "Shangdi", the name of Heaven. Surrounding the small alter were the Five Tripod Cauldrons, representing each of the Five Yingdalan States.

When the Son of Heaven reached he base of the Altar, he descended his chariot and burnt incense to honor his ancestors and kowtowed to their tablets nine times. Following this ritual, the Grand Preceptor and Minister of Rites and Education escorted the Son of Heaven up to the top of the Altar where he performed a similar ceremony as to his ancestors, recognizing that Heaven is the father of all the people. The final part of the ritual involved the Yingdalan witnesses, especially the government officials and military officers to kowtow to the Son of Heaven three times (9 bows total) to show their obedience, while His Majesty kowtowed twice (six total bows) to the officials and guests, demonstrating his respect for them.

After rising, the Son of Heaven gave a statement, part oath and part speech, as is the tradition for the enthronement ceremony.
I, Li, just a single man in Terra, follow in the footsteps of my ancestors who were just and led the people to wealth. They did not seek to punish the people, but treated them as their children with sincerity and impartiality. They became glorious in the sight of Heaven. Their officers were like tigers and their ministers virtuous. They helped to maintain and uphold the House of Yu, and thus Yingdala. Their high morals and abilities were blessed by Heaven. It is through this Heavenly Mandate that we rule, rule for the sake of the people. I ask all of you to help me uphold the royal house and Yingdala so that our people may benefit.

Once the speech had ended, the Son of Heaven received the Imperial Heirloom Seal of the Realm from the Grand Preceptor and descended the Altar with great fanfare. Fireworks erupted on the grounds of the Altar, horns blew, and the people cheered. His Majesty was sure to greet every international dignitary, granting each of them bolts of silk, translations of the Classical Works in their native tongues and in Classical Yingdalan, and a personal letter in the Son of Heaven's own hand. To those of royal heritage, he made them Knights of Yingdala, the second highest honor in the Grand Union.

Many meetings were held between Yingdalan Cabinet members and their counterparts from Istalia, Hutori, and Kazulia to discuss aspects of the Strengthen the Nation campaign, specifically to obtain expert advisors in education, science, diplomacy, military affairs, and business. These advisors could help Yingdala bypass difficulties and speed up its development. More detailed announcements would likely come after the enthronement celebrations had concluded.

Beyond these meeting, the Son of Heaven had a private session with the President of Seko, a Zensho Abbess, who performed a blessing. His Majesty also privately met with the Queen of Vanuku, where the two discussed historical ties. In the spirit of those ties, the Son of Heaven bestowed upon the Queen the now complete title, "Heaven's Wolf Child, Prince of the West."
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sat Apr 18, 2020 7:28 pm

Son of Heaven Tours the Nation, Opens Numerous Projects Throughout the Country
Projection of how the new highways should look

Although the enthronement ceremony was completed, the final act was for the Son of Heaven to tour his country. His Majesty began a grand tour of each of the five states to greet his subjects and listen to their petitions. The tour, while ceremonial, also served to encourage the nation to follow through on the government's Strengthening the Nation drive.

Accompanied by Grand Preceptor Jiang Ji and Minister of Rites and Education Gou Zexian, Yu Li first visited the National University in Tian'an. There, he attended an engineering class, met with faculty from various departments, and also met with student groups. The Son of Heaven, as one of his primary duties, gave a lecture on the Classical Works, focusing on how math and science education are actually pillars of Jienism.

Following his visit to the university, the Son of Heaven traveled to the rice fields of Shu, where he witnessed a rice harvest. He also visited a chemical factory that made fertilizers and crop protection chemicals. The agriculture chemicals and genetics industry are two major focus areas for the Strengthening the Nation campaign. Both are essential to Yingdala's food security.

The Son of Heaven is quoted as saying:
You farms are the heart and soul of Yingdala. Without you, we would not be able to survive. My government is working hard to ensure that you are protected, that your yields may increase, and that you can feed the people.

After enjoying meeting villagers across Shu, Yu Li and his entourage traveled along the coast of Anle, where he opened the refurbishment of a number of ports that would be key to Yingdalan trade and economic growth. His Majesty congratulated the workers, telling them that they are directly serving their fellow citizens with their work.

The Anle State ports would be revitalized by the Dagong Construction Company, which had just one of contracts part of the half-trillion INS development effort. Two of the three ports are large container ports, while the third would serve cruise ships and smaller vessels.

Yet another construction project was officially opened by His Majesty, this time in Kaizhou, Jiaozhi State. Kaizhou, one of Yingdala's largest cities and widely considered to be the economic capital, would be the start of the nationwide highway revitalization project. The Lihai Organization would be responsible for construction new interstate highway roads in Jiaozhi, starting with Kaizhou, and linking them with the highways of the other four states. The same company, along with the Huo Corporation, will also build new railroads and refurbish older ones in the Min State.

These foundational projects throughout the nation will provide a firm footing for Yingdala's future economic growth. And with the blessing of the Son of Heaven, how could they not be successful?
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sat Apr 18, 2020 8:05 pm

Yingdala Proposes North Dovani Power Sharing Agreement
Members of the World Congress negotiating team discuss possible peace resolutions

The Yingdalan delegation of the World Congress supervisory task force today proposed North Dovani be reconfigured under a power sharing agreement. Such an agreement, theoretically, would allow the Kyo, Huhoa, and Keobi to be politically equal and reduce tensions and other sparks that could lead to conflict.

Although the details of the proposal have not been shared, as they are being reviewed by the WC task force, there are two logical paths it could take. The first is system where each ethnic group shares head of state and government powers in a council, with the lead position rotating among the groups every year. A legislature could be unicameral and allow equal, elected representatives from each ethnic group, or it could take a bicameral form with equal ethnic representation in the upper chamber and proportional representation in the lower chamber.

The second option is where each ethnic group would each permanently hold an office. For example, the Keobi would take the head of state position, the Huhoa the head of government position, and the Kyo the head of the legislature.

Both systems could have temporary international oversight, although the appetite of the North Dovanians for this feature is unknown.

Yingdala, in its hopes to preserve the traditional cultures of North Dovani, is also pressing for each group's traditional governing structure (sub-national chieftancy/monarchy/etc.) to be preserved as sub-national entities under the North Dovani state. In this way, the Yingdalans argue, all of the ethnic groups will feel a degree of representation, increasing stability.

Liang Wen, Yingdala's Ambassador to the World Congress, even delivered a letter from the Son of Heaven to Rang Yong-ho to encourage him to stick to the negotiating table. In the letter, the Son of Heaven relayed a fable from ancient times of a Yingdalan minister who, after having led an uprising against a tyrannical prime minister to save the Son of Heaven, had to kill himself in order to prevent rebels besieging the capital from harming the Son of Heaven, thus the state. Such a message is likely to be a nudge to Rang to do what is best for the Kyo people and not himself.

Peace must come to Dovani.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Auditorii » Sat Apr 18, 2020 8:09 pm

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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Wed Apr 22, 2020 6:46 pm

Government Announces Soaring Dragon Military Modernization Program
The idealized Black Tortoise Fleet

Nearing the halfway point for the Strengthening the Nation campaign, the Yingdalan Government announced a new ambitious program to modernize the armed forces dubbed "Soaring Dragon." Submitted to the Grand Assembly for approval, the Soaring Dragon program would commence a decade long modernization of the Yingdalan military by utilizing funds appropriated for defense, as well as the budget surplus. Most of the funding will come from the budget surplus.

In total, the Yingdalan government will spend 1.5 trillion INS over ten years on armed forces modernization. These funds will be specifically utilized for training programs, research and development, and acquisition of weaponry. The government has been keen to emphasize the defensive nature of the program. Minister of War Zhang Yu stated:
The Soaring Dragon program is purely defensive. Yingdala is, after all, an island nation that does not share a nautical border or a continental shelf with any nation. Proper defense of the people is the duty of any government.

As part of the program, Yingdala will likely take advantage of its Dorvisch advisors, as well as seek further international advice and investment. Natural partners, given talks held on the sidelines of the Son of Heaven's enthronement , could be Istalia, Kazulia, and Hutori.

Of the modernization, the primary focus will be the Yingdalan Navy, followed by the Air Force, and the Army. This has to do with geographic reality. Based on the Minister of War's statement, Yingdala's geographic situation, a blessing to be sure, means that for a threat to Yingdala to be credible, it must come from another nation's navy or missiles (these could be part of any branch). Thus, Yingdala is in need of a strong navy to deter invasion. The naval focus is not to say that the air force and the army will be neglected. Far from it, all branches are critical to Yingdala's defensive success.

Much will remain to be seen if Yingdala can accomplish its lofty goal. However, cooperation with other nations is an almost certainty.

Ministry of Works Reports Progress on Strengthening the Nation Infrastructure Projects

Yingdalan engineers analyze a railroad built by a Dorvisch construction firm

Han Jiahao, Yingdala's Minister of Works who is responsible for the infrastructure re-development of Yingdala, has recently completed touring the various projects taking place in the country. He has noted, with particular emphasis and thanks to Dorvisch companies and partners, that progress is being made.

Although not quite halfway through the infrastructure pillar of the Strengthening the Nation campaign, the refurbishment of the roads, ports, airports, and railways that can be refurbished have neared completion. Increasing attention will be devoted to building new and robust infrastructure that will stand the test of time and benefit the nation.

Experts predict that, although refurbishment will likely be completed faster than expected, building the new infrastructure will likely take an additional two years if the government does not increase its investment. Despite the chagrin of some in government who do not want to spend more on infrastructure, it is a near certainty that the Cabinet will approve of cost increases when the time comes.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Thu Apr 23, 2020 5:13 pm

Prime Minister Updates Country on Strengthening the Nation Campaign

Prime Minister Gu Yun addressing the nation

It is little secret that Yingdala's efforts over the past few years have been an attempt to improve the welfare of its people and improve its standing in Terra. The government Strengthening the Nation campaign has been the primary driver of development, in addition to international technical advice. Given that the campaign is nearing its halfway point, Prime Minister Gu Yun, a shadowy figure preferring to leave publicity to his subordinates, called a press conference to address Strengthening the Nation's progress.

Long live His Majesty! Citizens of the Grand Union, my Yingdalan brothers and sisters, I come before you to provide a status report on the Strengthening the Nation Campaign.

Our collective efforts are beginning to bear fruit. With the the technical assistance of Dorvik, along with other nations in Terra, our infrastructure investments are rebuilding the nation. Critical refurbishment has been largely completed, while new construction is just getting started. Although there appear to be a few setbacks, the Government will meet these head-on with more investment so that our great Yingdalan companies can finish their projects in a timely fashion.

The focus on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics - in addition to the arts - in our schools is also demonstrating progress. Our students are pursuing these subjects with renewed vigor, largely thanks to His Majesty for directly connecting them with the tenants of Jienism and the overall well-being of the nation. Major initiatives on agriculture, pharmaceuticals, and green technology have only just begun.

Although many of these efforts have been through Yingdalan sweat, blood, and tears, we must seek assistance from all of Terra. The Ministry of Rites and Education has begun reaching out to the most experienced nations in Terra to seek further cooperation and has also begun exploring deeper engagement with fellow developing nations. But this should not simply be one-sided. Yingdala is open to business to all! We welcome all kinds of investments that will lead to mutual benefit.

Finally, we should not be discouraged in relation to other nations. As I am responsible for our country's budget, I can tell you that we are spending just as much on science and technology, defense, social services, and education as the powers of Terra. Sometimes a bit more and sometimes a bit less. This demonstrates our ability to domestically meet our needs. All of you should be proud of this accomplishment, one that has been obtainable with low taxation.

We are not halfway done with the Strengthening the Nation campaign, but you should all be proud of your efforts. Let it be an invigorating force to propel Yingdala to the future!
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