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Re: Luthori Central News Network

PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 11:32 pm
by TUSCLeader
TUSC Election victory as Facists rise, leading to chaos

The TUSC became the largest party in the diet for the first time in decades in the elections, but the victory has been overshadowed by violence at the hands of paramilitaries connected to the Hosian Facist Union. The HFU had proposed to support a TUSC/Labour Government provided that party Leaders for the LDU, Conservative Right and White Rose were executed. Aaron West rejected them out of hand in an impassioned speech to the Imperial Diet:

Mr Speaker,

I personally, have never seen anything like what has happened in this diet in recent days. The second largest party is going round calling for the execution of people that I profoundly disagree with, but that are Democratically elected and have the countries beat interests at heart. We intend for normal political discourse to be resumed as swiftly as possible, and will not flinch as Facists threaten our way of Democratic life in this country. We have proposed a proportional cabinet to this diet, of parties that believe in state intervention in the economy. The economy and public services will be the issues this Government focuses primarily n as it looks to solve the problems that caused the vote for the Facists, rather than bowing down to their ideology. As Chancellor I will have many disagreements with the LDU, White Rose and Conservative Right, but we will never seek to silence them, we will not let our countries Great Democracy die under the weight of Facism. I beg to move chair.

West instead proposed that the two natural allies of the TUSC and Labour joined with the ALA, who have often supported Populist economic policies in the past, to formed what West described as a “Democratic Populist Left Cabinet".

Re: Luthori Central News Network

PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 9:22 am
by Ovarix
HFU's Baron Steven Chester steps down, has Sir Jacob Wilbur succeed him.

HFU's media arm has reported that Baron Steve Chester has recently stepped down, and has had Jacob Wilbur succeed him.

Jacob Wilbur is noted to be more calculated and calmer than Steve Chester, with a steadier hand in politics but the same political ideology and is a prominent whip in the diet for the HFU.

Jacob Wilbur gave a speech to the diet, attempting to deal with the political crisis. The following is an excerpt:

"Parties of the diet, regardless of our past differences we ought to hold another election. The government forming now is out of desperation, that is a fact that we all privately know. Let the people speak again, and see who they choose to lead this empire to its greatness".

Re: Luthori Central News Network

PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 9:33 pm
by LegolasRedbard


Following Labour's surge to become the third largest party after the snap election, all eyes were on the Labour Annual Conference, where four contenders were vying for the position of party leader. In a totally unexpected turn of events, Peter Campbell won a majority on the first ballot, following an attack on his home by HFU paramilitaries.

Labour Leadership Election Results Sept. 4460

Peter Campbell - 53%
Tobias Sancroft - 30%
Olivia Walker - 15%
Diana Cox - 2%

In his inaugral speech as leader, Campbell urged the party to fight against fascism tooth and nail, and reacted with disgust at the proposal to join a coalition with the fascists in exchange for executing members of other political parties.

Overshadowed somewhat by this speech was Campbell's Shadow Cabinet reshuffle. Diana Cox, who managed to only win 2% of the vote in the leadership election but won the praise of all involved for her geniune passion, was offered the consolation prize of Shadow Education Minister, following Phily Blair's retirement. Tobias Sancroft, the Chairman of the Labour Party, resigned his position following his election as Governor-General

Re: Luthori Central News Network

PostPosted: Fri Sep 28, 2018 6:53 am
by Ovarix
Labour Leader and Governor General Tobias Sancroft shot in the heart and stomach by former Labour party staffer and Imperial Army marksman outside Labour Annual Conference

Governor General Tobias Sancroft was just taken to the hospital in critical condition after taking a shot to the heart and stomach by a military trained sniper authorities identified as Norman Jones, a former national security advisor to Peter Campbell and Army Captain. The sniper used by the assassin was an Accuracy International AWM, a military grade rifle only available toward those in the Imperial Army. Authorities say that he was wired money from a range of HFU affiliate advocacy organizations and Labour Party affiliated interest groups that supported Peter in the election, such as the Labour Patriots United advocacy group that lobbies for increased police militarization. Authorities believe that Peter Campbell and his affiliates may have collaborated with HFU and Labour affiliated political entities in order to stoke public panic and create an expansion of the police state under the premise of the Fascist threat.

The detective on the scene noted "This was no HFU paramilitary hit job by some teenager with a hunting rifle. This is a high level conspiracy with many parties at play"

The Department of Justice published a report to the public noting that Sanscroft's death would indeed push the Labour/Socialist government into further militarizing the police against the HFU, insuring Campbell would secure the finances of national security advocacy groups in upcoming elections while also securing a cash flow to defense contractors affiliated with the National Hosian Defense Council PAC, known as a shell organization for donors to donate to the HFU's party coffers via the HFU Political Action Committee. With this suspicion, The DOJ created an official investigation into the matter as they attempt to trace the money to those directly responsible.

Re: Luthori Central News Network

PostPosted: Sun Sep 30, 2018 2:42 am
by colonelvesica

Re: Luthori Central News Network

PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 5:01 pm
by TUSCLeader
West calls leadership election

The Chancellor and Imperial Seal Bearer of Luthori, Aaron West, has called a leadership election in his Party in order to determine who will succeed him. Once the process is completed the new Leader will become Chancellor, and likely call an election. West is now 79 years old, and concerns about his age Persist, despite him retaining immaculate personal health and a sharp mind. West is now one of just 4 remaining Diet members from the 4403 election, with Ben Sullivan (87), Ellesha Wilson (82) and Jennifer Thompson (86) remaining Members of the Diet. Wilson and Thompson are both part of the West front bench, but have said they will step down from the front bench when West ceases to be Leader, and will not stand again for the Diet. Sullivan and West have both confirmed their intention to remain in the diet for the foreseeable future.

Young Secretary of State for Finance Lily Harris has declined to stand for the Leadership, seemingly leaving no clear favourite for the Leadership. Renee McQueen, Carter Owen, William Morris and unknown backbencher Oliver Stoneham have declared and been confirmed as candidates.

Re: Luthori Central News Network

PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 7:07 pm
by LegolasRedbard
Peter Campbell Declares "War!" on the HFU

Following the shocking attack that has left Governor-General Tobias Sancroft in critical condition in hospital, Peter Campbell delivered a fiery speech on the floor of the Imperial Diet. Amid jeers from the HFU benches, Campbell condemned them, calling them "traitorous scum" and saying

The HFU claim to be the true representatives of the "imperial state", and yet they choose to target their emperor's own Governor-General! These thugs do not represent democracy, and that is why I hope that the new Justice Act passes, so these people can be held responsible for what they've done. We must fight them at all costs, we must go to war!

Campbell also refuted the allegations that the Labour Party was to blame for the attack on Governor Sancroft, and requested that Justice Secretary Irwin Otley create a public inquiry into Mr. Sancroft's shooting

Re: Luthori Central News Network

PostPosted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 8:44 am
by Ovarix
HFU Chair Wilbur lashes out at Campbell amid assassination accusation

Sir Jacob Wilbur stood up facing the snarky insults and comments made by the TUSC and Labour diet members - giving his rebuttal.

Mr. Campbell is trying to distract from everyone that it was his national security advisor that shot the Governor General. The HFU has a policy to not attack the sitting Governor General, hence why the HFU did not attack the Liberal Republican Governor General. The Justice bill proposed making marriage a "local" issue, silences free speech among parliamentarians, and attempts to rid the government of its power to commit to extradition treaties. Mr. Campbell has been blaming Fascists even when the money for the assassin came from LABOUR funds proxied through HFU aligned defense contractors! The Department of Justice has already found that there is reasonable motive for Mr. Campbell to kill the Governor General - we are now waiting for Campbell to be LOCKED UP!

As the speach closed to a finish, the HFU members of the diet all stood and roared with applause chanting "CAMPBELL THE KILLER! CAMPBELL THE KILLER!"

Re: Luthori Central News Network

PostPosted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 3:55 pm
by TUSCLeader
William Morris to become new TUSC Leader and Chancellor in January 4464

William Morris, former Luthori Civil Liberties association Director and the TUSC Attorney General has won a shock victory in the TUSC Leadership election, defeating Trade and Industry Secretary Carter Owen. Morris has announced that he will not reshuffle the cabinet before the next election, instead only doing a reshuffle of the Party spokesmen, but leaving the cabinet as it is. His victory was incredibly narrow, but the other candidates have accepted the result and pledged to work with Morris. The results were:

First Round:

Carter Owen - 32.8%
William Morris - 29.7%
Renee McQueen - 23.9%
Oliver Stoneham - 13.6%

Second Round:

Carter Owen - 40.4%
William Morris - 33.4%
Renee McQueen - 26.2%

Third Round:
William Morris - 50.4%
Carter Owen - 49.6%

Re: Luthori Central News Network

PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2018 5:55 pm
by Dino9932
Internal Turmoil Within The Liberal Republican Party

For quite a while now since the rebirth of the Liberal Republican Party in 4468, the party has found its self at odds with it self. Voices by the new generation within the party have pushed for the decrease of the quite prominant rethoric of republicanism as a stance of the LRP. Stating that it hinders the parties roll as the vanguard of Liberalism, the growth of the party and that it forces the LRP to unnecessary restricted political options .

This sudden shift of the party members opinion of the monarchy, is most likely explained through that when the party temporarily disbanded in 4459, following the end of the Osborne LRP coalition Government (4452-4458) most of the older generation of the Underwood Liberal Republican era either, retired, were voted out in 4470 or simply died of, And following the 7.4% electoral loss in the recent general election of 4470. A new generation of Liberals have now come to prominence and power in the party. People like John Clinton the new party chairman who led the party trough the catastrophic election loss, has now called for a special party congress to be held, in an interview he said:


We need to look within ourselves on what happened last year, why we lost so much ground and what we can do now to not only reverse it but also build upon it, so that we can grow again like never before and reach new heights and bring in a new era of Liberalism for Luthori

Its would not be fair to characterize the newer generation of liberals as would be conservative monarchists, rather the newer generation and the new party leadership have stated that most of them are more neutral and indifferent towards the monarchy rather then opposed or supportive of it. In a sense simply accepting that its here.