
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Vanuku

Postby Kubrick » Mon Sep 18, 2023 1:28 am


     Hatràjogah! Mines across Wrnuke open, tackling unemployment
     2 February 5364

     The humble beginnings of the new Konz Temrkai VI Mnek Lits, a state of the art lithium mine set to provide over 500 jobs.

The esteemed Wrntuhiko Küntr Lahm promised jobs to all the people and is now delivering them. The "Basic Needs" program of the Wrntuhiko has seen the most radical change in the economy of Wrnuke for many decades. Lahm has assured every able citizen of a job and seems strong-willed in making his ambitions reality. For now the "Basic Needs" program is focusing on kickstarting the economy by generating jobs that provide an income for the great Kingdom. In a televised speech the Wrtnuhiko explained how Wrnuke holds many untapped natural resources, bringing an ambition to make the neglected mining industry of our powerful nation flourish once more. Across the Kingdom coal mines, silver mines, and helium installations are hiring people and rapidly expanding.

A specific focus has gone to a mostly untapped resource: lithium. Wrnuke holds moderate reserves of lithium, an essential component in batteries, and has in the past decided to mostly import this resource. Now however the Wrntuhiko believes the extraction of lithium could bring wealth and jobs to Jez Wrnuke. Across Central Wrnuke several lithium mines are being established, with the largest of these being the Konz Temrkai VI Mnek Lits. The King himself picked up a shovel and took the first scoop of dirt out of the barren lands that hide these riches. Within traditional folklore precious metals, like gold and silver, are regarded as the 'blood of the earth' and hold both a monetary and sacred value. As such the King quipped that he hopes "our good soil's veins flow richly with lits".

The Labour Office has announced the first phase of the "Basic Needs" program will generate over 15,000 jobs across Wrnuke. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is currently talking to several nations for trade deals and is expecting results soon. "All our resources will be sold at excellent prices, that is money we can return to the people in need," said the great Wrntuhiko. The next phase of the plan will see a large restructuring in the agricultural sector and several building projects, with the Labour Office promising that unemployment will become a thing of the past. The King himself, a patron of the arts and academics, has pledged his own funding for research and creative artists stating that while jobs are important, the superior Jelbic culture cannot be neglected. Historically universities across Wrnuke ranked across the world's finest, it is the ambition of our gracious King to restore Wrnuke as an educational bulwark in Majatra.

     H'ákat (Truth) is the only remaining legal news outlet in Wrnuke, it supports the Lahm regime by publishing propaganda and censored news.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

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Re: Vanuku

Postby Kubrick » Tue Sep 19, 2023 12:16 am


     Geik! Wrntuhiko Lahm signs historic trade deals with several nations
     18 March 5365

     The Wrntuhiko Küntr Lahm signing the Vascania-Wrnuke Trade Deal under the watchful eye of the Vascanian Minister of Foreign Affairs.

The ambitious plan of the Wrntuhiko to re-open, expand, and start new mines across Wrnuke has paid off. Wrntuhiko Küntr Lahm was proud to announce today that two trade deals had already been signed, both the Empire of Vascania and the Medinat of Beiteynu have agreed to sign extensive trade deals with Jez Wrnuke. Both the Elephant and the Yeudi Lion will purchase large amounts of Wrnuke's resources. The blood of the earth is spilling and bringing riches to the great Jelbic peoples of the Kingdom. The Empire of Vascania has agreed to buy vast amounts of lithium, silver, and helium. The Medinat, which has long neglected its mining industry, has shown interest in purchasing Wrnuke's silver, coal, helium, and lithium. The trade deals will cause a further expansion in mining jobs according to the Labour Office, with specific requests for qualified engineers. "The deeper we dig, the smarter the diggers we need," said leading engineer dr. Amrun Obbéz, the Labour Office's expert on the mining industry. Apart from jobs the trade deals will bring substantial wealth to the state budget. Wrntuhiko Lahm was excited at the prospects of things to come: "We are only at the bottom steps of this staircase to greatness! When the government gets the proper funds we can invest in all the neglected parts of Jez Wrnuke, soon our nation will make the world tremble once more!" The Labour Office, in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, announced that further trade deals with Kalopia, Mordusia, and Cildania were on the table. All three nations are being talked to, with Kalopia being close to a deal according to a spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

With two trade deals established the Wrntuhiko has made moves to invest in the agricultural sector of the Kingdom. The fruitful lands of the North and East of Jez Wrnuke have been bought up by the state and are being redistributed to willing farmers. Investments from the farmers are asked, but not required, giving every ambitious man a chance to set up his own farm in Jez Wrnuke. The Ministry of Agriculture has suspended all laws regarding emissions and pesticides. The Wrntuhiko has defended this decision by stating that the people need to eat and the people need to work. "Restrictive arbitrary laws must not hold back the average person in our great Kingdom, set up your farm, grow your farm, bring food to our tables!" Scientists across the Kingdom have approved of the decision, stating unanimously that the previous laws were overly restrictive. Similar concerns regarding the pollution out of the newly kickstarted mining industry are also disregarded, as the mines across Jez Wrnuke work with the safest methods available.

The Wrntuhiko has also stated that he has the ambition to bring back the old Zoo Alliance. The current trade deals being signed may be a prelude to this development, the government is moving closer to Vascania which it sees as a natural ally. For now other Jelbic states are regarded with caution, except for Jelbe. Wrntuhiko Lahm has stated he wishes to drop any territorial claims to Northern Jelbe if the H'án agrees to become a close ally to Jez Wrnuke. For now however the state is fully focused on establishing more trade deals to boost the prosperity of our great nation.

     H'ákat (Truth) is the only remaining legal news outlet in Wrnuke, it supports the Lahm regime by publishing propaganda and censored news.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

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Re: Vanuku

Postby Kubrick » Tue Sep 19, 2023 12:39 am

                                                                 Densted srnépukmo, lofrkad Wrnuke!

                    Lahm Regime destroys nature as they arrest last opposition members!

                    30 March 5365

In complete contradiction to current reports put out by the Lahm Regime the kickstarted mining industry of Wrnuke is devastating to the environment. Esteemed scientists from the world class University of Belegejo have estimated that the current plans of the Lahm Regime will cause substantial environmental damage, with previous efforts of Wrnuke to restore nature being set back by at least fifty years. Professor Didoŭmo Plamenĉido has lamented the plans of the so-called Wrntuhiko: "It is clear that Lahm only has eyes for profit, it must be noted that the widely announced lithium mine named after the King has been established in the middle of what used to be a nature reserve. The new coal mines, renewed helium extraction, silver mines, it will all cause substantial pollution to the environment. The expansion of the mines will cause massive destruction of the beautiful nature that once was present across Wrnuke. The damage done by the Lahm Regime will set us back five decades in Western Majatra." Professor Plamenĉido even admitted the current calculations were without taking in account the renewed off-shore drilling by one of the world's historic pollution giants Petrovan. "If Petrovan starts drilling on the Eastern Coast of Wrnuke once again, that will not only destroy the Majatran Sea but it will bring us hundreds of thousands of wildlife fatalities." As expected the Lahm Regime was unavailable for comment.

Local activists that have criticized the recent expansions ordered by the Lahm Regime have had their bravery punished. Grak Sháhazi has received numerous reports of the last opposition members across Wrnuke to be arrested for arbitrary reasons. Even the esteemed professor Aldrmai Hizdrüz of the University of Wiel was put into custody after refusing to endorse the current mining industry scheme in front of students. Sources inside of Wrnuke describe a complete totalitarian takeover with no hope for the restoration of democracy. The government of Zardugal however is openly welcoming refugees from across Majatra, at the Grak Sháhazi we urge every man and woman of Wrnuke to come here and establish a better life. One day the real truth will return to our Kingdom, one day we will return home. Until that day we will report the facts.

                    The Grak Sháhazi (Black Lion) is a news outlet ran by exiled Wrnukaék journalists currently based in Zardugal, it attempts to write factual news about Wrnuke.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Vanuku

Postby Aethan » Tue Sep 19, 2023 2:41 pm

In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
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Re: Vanuku

Postby Pragma » Tue Sep 19, 2023 8:38 pm

Currently playing in: Cildania

Image Vascanian Empire
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Re: Vanuku

Postby Kubrick » Wed Sep 20, 2023 12:09 am


     Irts! TemrKnsékbeid opens iron mines in Cildania and Gaduridos
     9 September 5365

     The re-opened iron mine in the Republic of Gaduridos, TemrKnsékbeid OF was the only mining company to receive the foreign business license.

After months of negotiations and weeks of preparation the news is now official: the Wiel-based company TemrKnsékbeid Oz Frnd has been handed all foreign mining contracts and will exploit the newly licensed mines in both the Principality of Cildania and the Republic of Gaduridos. The kickstart of Wrnuke's mining industry that began in late 5363 after the Wrntuhiko was put in charge of the nation has brought much expertise and investments into the native mining industry. Since Wrnuke has no sources of iron of their own with all previous iron deposits being depleted this valuable resource for Wrnuke's industry had to be sought abroad. A deal with Mordusia stalled and after difficult talks an arrangement with Cildania was reached, Gaduridos seemed more eager to accept Wrnuke's application for business. In both the Principality and the Republic the new mines are now considered operational, in Gaduridos the engineers of TemrKnsékbeid reopened an abandoned open air iron mine. In Cildania new mines are being established, as the nation has no great history of iron mining. The iron ore will be transported to Wrnuke by container ship, a mixture of Cildanian, Gaduri and native shipping companies will be hired for that purpose.

CEO Klune Mardoh of TemrKnsékbeid has announced the deal as a triumph for all nations involved. Mardoh stated that his company would focus on hiring local labourers to supplement its workforce. "This way we help the local economy, a core tenet of both contracts." The TemrKnsékbeid company is behind most mining operations in Wrnuke, having established a reputation for quickly setting up shop. CEO Mardoh is a loyal member of the Wise Council, being one of the original five-hundred that gathered around Wrntuhiko Lahm in 5358. TemrKnsékbeid is a closed company, or Oz Frnd, that has been around for many generations in the Kingdom of Wrnuke. The innovative business methods and mining techniques puts the company at the forefront of the international mining sector. The company will closely cooperate with the steel magnate Vrijstaal OF, which after the depletion of Wrnuke's iron mines had to cease operations. Now with iron ore once again in Wrnuke the smelters of Vrijstaal will be fired up once more. It is expected that the returning steel industry and expansion of TemrKnsékbeid may generate an additional 20,000 jobs across Wrnuke and on the foreign operating locations. Wrntuhiko Lahm has further introduced plans to push out orders to both DFN, Wrnuke's oldest small arms manufacturer, and Jadjohydwasfabrk Hafndam, the old shipyard in Hafndam responsible for most of Wrnuke's navy. This all fits within the third phase of the Wrntuhiko's plan, which is to revive the Armed Forces of Wrnuke.

     H'ákat (Truth) is the only remaining legal news outlet in Wrnuke, it supports the Lahm regime by publishing propaganda and censored news.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Vanuku

Postby GreekIdiot » Wed Sep 20, 2023 9:38 am

A gift to Jelbe; Yishelem observes the rise of Vanuku and Vascania's shadow
November 5365 - In what seems to be like a "chess move" by Yishelem, the navy has decided to gift Jelbe 7 warships
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Re: Vanuku

Postby Kubrick » Wed Sep 20, 2023 1:55 pm


     Mrthotrmojad! Wrntuhiko announces Wiel-Kamalata Axis, re-introduces draft
     18 December 5365

     Representatives of Vascania and Wrnuke meet during the first exercise together in Northern Wrnuke, a move cited as a direct response to Beiteynu.

In a decisive response to what the Wrntuhiko has dubbed "Beiteynuese sabre-rattling" the Kingdom of Wrnuke and Empire of Vascania have signed the Treaty of the Lion and the Elephant. The pact has also been dubbed the Wiel-Kamalata Axis by Wrntuhiko Lahm, who deemed its signing necessary for the "survival and persistence of Jez Wrnuke". While Wrnuke is a trading partner of the Yeudi regime it seems that Beiteynu feels threatened by the resurgence of their honest Jelbic neighbours. The Kingdom of Wrnuke long has plans to revive its Armed Forces and find friends across the globe. But when the lion is provoked by a rebellious zebra he cannot ignore them. The delivery of outdated ships to the Khanate of Jelbe has been seen as a provocation in Wiel, a definition to which Wrnuke's friens in Kamalata agreed. The Wrntuhiko has announced the territorial integrity of Wrnuke may not be violated by any nation in Majatra. Several older destroyers and submarines have been sent out to patrol Wrnuke's territorial waters.

Ahead of schedule the Wrntuhiko has also signed the draft back into effect. "From January 1st all able-bodied men are expected to train to protect their fatherland." The Wrntuhiko called for exceptions for those in academics or essential sectors of the economy. The mining industry has fallen under this categorization and working abroad in the Cildanian or Gaduri mines has quickly become a fix for many wishing to serve Wrnuke in other ways, a practice the government has deemed appropriate. "As long as every Kai does their duty in one way or another we all strive for a better nation." The Wrntuhiko has a long history serving the Armed Forces and declared before that a short period in the army can help find any person a purpose and discipline in life. This is all in line with the traditional Jelbic way of life, in which the role as a warrior is considered essential for the ideal Jelbic man. For now the draft is not in place for women but they are welcome to volunteer. The Ministry of Defence emphasized that the current structure of the law sees men as the primary combatant, Minister of Defence Omr Obbéz has announced he eventually wishes to change it but for now respects the more conservative and traditionalist stance of "many within the government". Shaman Shlajkai Vrn, leader of the largest Zollist movement within Wrnuke, has approved of this decision. "No good Mai should be forced to fight, but if Zol inspires the zeal of battle in them, they must go and follow that divine wind."

     H'ákat (Truth) is the only remaining legal news outlet in Wrnuke, it supports the Lahm regime by publishing propaganda and censored news.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

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Re: Vanuku

Postby Polites » Thu Sep 21, 2023 9:45 am

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Re: Vanuku

Postby Kubrick » Thu Sep 21, 2023 7:37 pm


     Frjtri! Vrijstaal/Lofrsko secures chromium and tungsten
     2 August 5366

     A worker of the Vrijstaal/Lofrsko plant in Wiel pouring steel, the expanded factory can now produce high quality steel for every sector.

The steel conglomerate Vrijstaal/Lofrsko has made extensive business deals with the mining corporation TemrKnsékbeid and a large exporter from Kazulia. TemrKnsékbeid has set up a special facility to mine and refine tungsten, while a deal with a large exporter in Kazulia has given Vrijstaal/Lofrsko access to chromium. Both metals are considered essential pieces in the production of high quality steel, especially steel reinforced with tungsten is sought after in the military industrial complex. Wrntuhiko Lahm has long spoken about the ambitions of unbound rearmament after restoring Wrnuke's economy. Currently mining deals are in place with Gaduridos and Cildania giving Wrnuke ample access to iron for its steel producing industry.

While Vrijstaal/Lofrsko is not the only steel producing magnate in the country it is certainly the largest producing the best quality. Smaller steel producers will be cut into the deal the conglomerate has reached, per a Lahm Decree calling for a "national strengthening of the economy". As such Vrijstaal/Lofrsko will not be the sole user of the chromium imports. Chromium is used to produce stainless steel, which in turn can be used for almost every purpose. The government has also pledged to invest heavily into the research departments of the more boundary breaking steel producers. "We are looking for ways to innovate, to get ahead of the international competition. In the end it must be that steel from Wrnuke is the highest quality available across the world," said Minister Jesmín Gbar. She also emphasized the importance of the upcoming trade deal with Kalopia, which calls for an exchange in scientific research. "Things are looking up for Wrnuke with this trade deal, I think we can safely say that we are back on the world stage."

     H'ákat (Truth) is the only remaining legal news outlet in Wrnuke, it supports the Lahm regime by publishing propaganda and censored news.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

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