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Re: News from Lodamun

PostPosted: Wed May 30, 2018 6:16 pm
by M13
Gorky: "We disagree with President Mideen"
July 1, 4400

Former LNC Representative Andreij Gorky, who is still working behind the scenes of LNC, said that he and his party take distance from the stance of President Mideen and her party on Saridan. Gorky claims that supporting an embargo on Saridan is cowardish and very undemocratic. He regrets the choice of the government and hopes his disappointment and that of the citizens will translate itself in electoral results next year.

Re: News from Lodamun

PostPosted: Mon Jun 11, 2018 6:45 pm
by M13
Lodamun is a democracy and we will defend that!
March 3, 4407

Just weeks before the arranged elections, Vice-President Devis steps forward with a kind of unexpected message. She states to defend democracy at all cost, because, she says, her party officials have been threatened by an unknown organisation.

"Just recently the Ecosocialists have decided to leave the stage for unknown reasons. Yet I believe to know the reason of their early resignation. Certain party officials of LNC, including myself, have been threatened with repressailles if we continue our nationalist course. And I believe the exact same thing happened to our coalition partners of EP. To the people responsible for these threats I would like to say: We are the last line of defence when it comes to the wellbeing of this democracy. We will defend this democracy with our hearts and with our lives if that seems necessary. We are Nationalists, and as long as people choose to vote for us, we will continue our struggle."
Several years ago Andreij Gorky received similar threats, Devis said, but that never stopped him nor the LNC.

Re: News from Lodamun

PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 7:56 am
by M13
Covert Ops by Lodamese Navy in Anantonese Ocean
Minister of Defence denies any involvement
June 22, 4011

A small newspaper in Lodamun has headlined that a large Lodamese taskforce has been spotted off the coast of Ananto.
Kregon Watch published the headline yesterday. This morning it was picked up by nearly all the national newspapers. In the article the newspaper claims that the Lodamese 2nd Fleet, which is based in Norstavan, left port about two weeks ago. A reliable source even got them some photographs of ships, sailing under Lodamese ensign, passing the isle of Ananto. Ever since Lodamun has chosen to support neighbouring nation Kalistan, there has risen a lot of criticism. EVen though the Lodamese Government hasn't taken any official stance on the Kalistani claim, some nations are considering them to help and support Kalistan. The newspaper says that the current Government is willing to support Kalistan in its claim and would even be prepared for war.
According to inside information, the First Fleet based in Andalay, would also be preparing to set sail.

Minister Roose denies allegiations that his Navy is preparing for war.
Ahmad Roose adressed the press in a written communiqué.
In these times of instability, I can assure the nation, its citizens and any critic outside our borders, that the Lodamese Navy is not taking part in the conflict that might exist between Lourenne and Kalistan.
I will try to outline the situation. I hope all will understand that I cannot give specific details on place our unit for operational reasons, but nevertheless: It is true that a taskforce left port two weeks ago. They set sail in order to conduct a naval exercise that was planned two years ago. One should understand that we have invested a lot of money to modernize and preserve our fleet, and a large combined exercise was necessary to trial our vessels.
There is no reason for sorrow: the last thing I heared all is going well and the Admiral is very pleased with the results of our ships. In the next week some of these ships will execute live-firing exercises. Afterwards a large scale wargame is planned.
We do not wish to get involved in any issue that doesn't concern us, neither do we wish to provocate any nation.

Critics believe Lodamun is preparing for war. Professor Drankorgel, specialist in warfare, assures the public that Lodamun is not ready for war.
While the Minister of Defence has done a great job, in my opinion, to modernize the Navy, his forces lack exercise and training. I am confident that the Minister is speaking the truth about the current situation. He wishes to get the Navy fully operational by the end of this year, after which he will concentrate on his airforce and the Army. The Army needs a large investment, being neglected for a couple of years. While the ships currently at sea are actually fitted with all weaponry and hot warheads, going to war now would be a stupid move.

Re: News from Lodamun

PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2018 8:37 pm
by M13
President Devis in hospital
April 3, 4414

President Devis is in hospital after she has been attacked outside her office.
Because of the swift reaction of her bodyguards, she could be saved. But it doesn't look good. She has many stabbing wounds and has suffered some beating. She will survive and will recover, but she will have to work from her hospital bed for a while.

Re: News from Lodamun

PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2018 6:29 am
by M13
LNC under attack
unknown organisation spreads lies

Lots and lots of lies are being spread nowadays. Many concerning the LNC program, others about the true cause of the battle of the Strait.
A yet unknown organization is trying to get the public to loose confidence in the Lodamese Nationalist Committee. They are spreading flyers which say that LNC is re-arming and is trying to start a war on the Seleyan continent. They have also spread the rumours that the Battle of the Strait, were Lodamun lost one of its frigates, was an 'apetizer' for a serious conflict yet to come.
The organisation has threatened to use violence on both public as private installations. They claim responsibility for the attack on LNC Representative and current President Silke Devis. This organisation will not quit untill LNC and all of its members are demolished.
Minister of Internal Affairs and Secretary-General for LNC Christopher Wolts has ordered an investigation and has denied LNC to be on warpath: "We are currently trying to get peace with the nations on our east. We might be Nationalists, but we are also peaceseekers."

Re: News from Lodamun

PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2018 6:34 pm
by M13
President honours new Son of Lodamun
August 4, 4414

Port Golavia- Two members of the Lourennais Navy were welcomed in Presidium today. They were there after the Presidium had accepted their nomination for the military medal Son of Lodamun unanimously. The two men, Commandant Laponte and Commandant Grenadine, both commanding officers of one of Lourennes naval ships had called for a ceasefire after a Lodamese frigate sank during the Battle of the Strait. They immediately commenced a search and rescue operation in the vicinity to search for survivors. Unfortunately, none of the 12 missing sailors could be recovered. Nevertheless, President Devis honoured the bravery and galantry of the two men.
She said: "Le peuple de Lodamun vous remercie pour les choix que vous avez faites ce jour-là. Même si on n'a pas retrouvé aucun des 12 marins, vos actions ont évité un véritable massacre. Ce nomination pour cette médaille indique que vous auriez une place dans nos coeurs, pour l'éternité. Aujourd'hui, il s'agit d'une journée historique, car vous êtes les premières personnes qui ne sont pas citoyens de notre pays à reçevoir cette médaille. Il me reste que vous remercier."
(The people of Lodamun thank you for the choices you have made on that specific day. Although you haven't recovered any of the 12 missing sailors, your actions have avoided a true massacre. This nomination shows that you both have conquered a place in our hearts, untill the end of times. Today we witness a historical moment, since you are the first non-citizens of Lodamun to receive this medal. There's nothing left for me to do but to thank you."

Re: News from Lodamun

PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2018 6:43 pm
by M13
Nation in uproar? Or terrorist act?
August 9, 4414

There have been riots all over Lodamun the last few days. In many cities there were acts of vandalism, in some cases there were gunfights and there were even a few bombings of installations.
President Devis has called for calm. She made a statement this morning, a very open and honest one:
"We have received threats for some time now of a terrorist group that claims this government is 'selling' its country. When I honoured two Lourennese naval officers a few days ago, the threats became very disturbing. The group sent us a message which said that they would throw over the nation and let anarchy rule. We didn't even consider that to be possible. But then the violence began, the bombings began, ... I would like to ask all of our citizens to have faith in the Government. We are doing all we can to solve this issue. We will conquer this evil."
The military has not yet been mobilized, but the Minister of Internal Affairs said that that was just a matter of time.

Re: News from Lodamun

PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2018 7:05 pm
by M13
President shocks the nation
Political landscape will change forever
August 21, 4414

President Devis made a statement on national television yesterday evening. She was very emotional and looked tired. Some people say she hasn't had a good night's rest for a fortnight.

"Dear Citizens of Lodamun, I adress you as President of the 2nd Great Democratic Republic of Lodamun.
All of you know that there have been many problems in our nation the last few weeks, and many of us have been living in fear for the last few weeks. I can announce to you that the reign of terror will be over soon. Please allow me to enlighten you. We have received many threats, which became more threatening the last few days. An unknown group, who call themselves HR, has expressed its wish to see the LNC, the largest fraction in our nation, to step out of the Presidium. This group claims LNC is responsible for the deaths of 12 of our soldiers, and that LNC wants war in Seleya. I can assure you that is a lie. We are doing everything in our might to create a solid peace arrangement with Lourenne. Now, the group has threatened to bomb a public place in each of our Provinces every day, starting on September 1st, if LNC refuses to step out of politics. They even threatened to jeopardize the peace talks in Valois, and said they could and would attack there as well.
That I cannot tolerate. I haven't got any answers left, and I have discussed the situation with my party officials and those of the other parties. We have taken the decision to dissolve the Lodamese Nationalist Committee. I have asked the other parties in Presidium to start making arrangements for new elections, and for the time being, all LNC politicians will remain in office to prepare the handover of their ministries. Wishing to respect our legislation, I will remain in office by name, but I have decided that Minister of Foreign Affairs James McAvoy will take over my duties, serving as acting-President.
Last thing left for me to do is to thank all of you for the trust and the support, thanks to both coalition partners and opposition parties for the constructive work we have done together and thanks to my friends and family of LNC.
By finishing this statement, I will no longer be your President, LNC no longer exists and Lodamun will become a peaceful place again.
I wish you all the best of luck!"

Silke Devis has signed the papers to hand over the executive power of her function to Minister McAvoy. This is the end of an era.

Re: News from Lodamun

PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2018 7:54 pm
by LarsO
Lodamun Labour Party wins 4422 election, Liberal Progressives take Presidency

The Lodamun Labour Party remains the largest party in the Presidium. The LLP loses 34 seats, mostly due new parties entering the Presidium. With the 181 seats the LLP has considerable more seats than the second party, the Liberal Progressives, who recieved 101 seats. When asked about which cabinet the LLP wishes to form, LLP leader Cathy Durand had the following to say: "The LLP has worked together and upheld a pleasant relationship with the PSP for the last 4 years, we managed to achive much of our plans and ideas. It would be logical for the LLP to look at them for a coalition partner." The cabinet of the LLP and PSP lost its majority after the election, just falling short of the 300 seats needed to get a majority. Political pundits say that the LLP will most likely ask the new Secular Humanist Party, as that party stands close to both the PSP and LLP.

Even though the LLP managed to win the elections for the Presidium, the LLP lost the race for the Presidency. The Liberals with help of the new Republican Party managed to secure the Presidency. Former President Kate Cohen had this:"Of course I am saddend that I won't be able to continue my work as president for the Lodamun people, but I have great faith in my successor. We may not always see eye to eye and we have our differences, but our loyalty to Lodamun unites us."

Full election results below:
4422 Election
    1. Lodamun Labour Party - 181 seats - -34
    2. Liberal Party - 101 seats - -92
    3. Progressive Socialist Party - 92 - -11
    4. Republican Party - 72 - +72
    5. New Green Party of Lodamun - 52 - -36
    6. National-Socialist Lodamun Workers Party - 51 - +51
    7. Secular Humanist Party - 50 - +50

The Lodamun Labour Party won the provinces of Golavia and Kregon. The Republican Party won the provinces of Andalay and Norstavan. The Liberal Progressives won the province of Rapula.

Re: News from Lodamun

PostPosted: Fri Jul 13, 2018 9:12 pm
by LarsO
Lodamun to modernize fleet and army
Minister of Defence asks for development of new destroyer-class

Port Golavia - 12 February 4423 Minister Kemp of Defence has put forth a multi-year plan to modernize Lodamun's fleet and army. Yesterday the minister asked the Presidium for approval of the funding for the modernization. Part of the plan is to reserve 2,5 billion LOD of the defence budget each year and put this in the so called Army Modernization Fund. The money put in this fund will be used for purchase and development of new equipment for the armed forces of Lodamun. In four years the minister hopes to modernize the navy, which Kemp included in the proposal. The navy will be expanded with three Kregon-class frigates, along with the purchase of those vessels the minister also asked for funding for the futher development and purchase of two Golavia-class destroyers. "A total investment of 5,75 billion LOD over the comming 4 years will give Lodamun a powerful navy. The Golavia-class will be amongst the most modern ships one can find on Terra. These expenses are necessery, the current ships of the fleet are getting outdated and aren't up to the tasks they need to fulfil." The Liberal Progressives stated that they want a special committee of members of all parties in the Presidium to oversee the renewal program.

Kregon-Class equivalent to the Karel Doorman-class
Golavia-Class equivalent to the Type 45 Destroyer