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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Fri May 22, 2020 3:00 pm

Yingdalan Navy Tests New Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile

Testing the new anti-ship ballistic missile, Nanfeng, or "Southern Wind"

To some, Terra seems unstable, to others, it is business as usual. To Yingdala, it doesn't hurt to prepare oneself for the eventual return of history. This has been the core of the Strengthen the Nation and Soaring Dragon programs. Given recent events, it appears Yingdala has certainly been preparing.

Thanks to the national programs supporting economic and defense development, Yingdala was able to test its prototype anti-ship ballistic missiles (ASBM) named Nanfeng, or "Southern Wind". The new ASBM, still years away from production and full deployment, will serve as multi-use defensive weapon with eventual implications for the civilian economy. It will be able to be deployed on ships, land based systems, and in the air. Given Yingdala's position as an island country, it is absolutely critical for it to be able to defend itself from hostile navies.

As of late, Yingdala has pursued a strategy of an oceanic "grand wall", whereby the Yingdalan armed forces could establish a robust defensive perimeter in Yingdalan national waters to deny access to hostile actors. Past colonization, invasion of Yingdala, and Yingdala's past invasion of Ananto in Kalistan have informed the strategy greatly.

Like with other Yingdalan military technology, Tian'an has offered bring on the assistance of Trigunia, Vanuku, and Jelbania per various bilateral treaties. Yingdala has even offered full joint ownership of the program, meaning all countries involved would have access to the most advanced product and not the "for international export" version.

Although Yingdala's test of the Nanfeng ASBM comes at a time of heightened tensions, Tian'an is ever keen to reassure Terra that its intentions are purely defensive with the goal of securing Yingdalan sovereignty.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Fri May 22, 2020 5:41 pm

Yingdalan Government Considers Investing in Kalistan as Relations with Old Friends Improve

Yingdalans harvesting GMO maize, an activity that might be brought to Kalistan

The Yingdalan government has seriously considered Kalistan's proposal for developing its agriculture sector. With the recent end of conflict, agriculture investments could be a good way to promote stability, demonstrate Yingdala's friendship to the world, and reestablish the fraternal relationship that once existed between Kaliburg and Tian'an.

Given recent agricultural technology development in Yingdala, Tian'an would be the prime choice for Kalistan's agriculture ambitions. Already, the Kalistani government spoke directly with Prime Minister Xiao Tai, who handles food and agriculture affairs for Yingdala. Specifically, the Kalistanis are interested in the introduction of cereal grains. It is said the Prime Minister spoke positively about the possibility - but a firm decision has not been made. However, should Yingdala assist, it would help the Kalistani government feed its people, something Kaliburg and Tian'an can agree is extremely important.

Beyond mere development, Yingdala's possible efforts would help Terra see that Yingdala cares about all people. Food is a necessity. Increasing access is of paramount importance, a cause which has been taken up by the World Congress. Tian'an sees its role as not only doing what is right, but also doing what is responsible.

All of this comes at a time when Yingdala has been pushing to improve its relationships with Seleyan and Dovanian nations. In addition to comprehensive treaties with Rildanor and Baltusia, Yingdala signed treaties with Drania and Gaduridos - countries that once served as Yingdala's familial allies. Although the treaty with Drania does not contain defense provisions, those have not been ruled out for the future. Furthermore, with the eventual ratification of the treaty with Gaduridos, Yingdala will be allowed to construct a total of three joint defense bases in Ridlanor, Baltusia, and Gaduridos - pledging to ensure freedom of the seas for all countries and peoples.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sat May 23, 2020 12:52 pm

New e-Commerce Company Launched to Bring Yingdalan Trade to Terra

JadeMarket is names after the famous Jade Street and Market in Tian'an

With help from the government's Investing in Yingdala program, which is part of the Strengthening the Nation campaign, the new e-commerce platform JadeMarket.com officially launched in Kaizhou. Known informally in Yingdala as part of the "e-coast", Kaizhou is home to Yingdala's high tech sector. JadeMarket adds yet another gem to Yingdala's advancing economy crown.

Led by engineer turned businessman Qian Song, JadeMarket seeks to provide an online platform for businesses and consumers to sell goods to one another throughout the world. Anyone can sign up to buy and sell goods, with purchasers not requiring accounts. To ensure the highest quality and high ethical standards of goods and businesses represented, JadeMarket will utilize expertise in due diligence and Jienist morality to create an experience that not only benefits the consumer, but all of Terra.

Members of the site will be able to pay small monthly fees for expedited shipping on all goods, while vendor members only pay a small percentage of gross income to JadeMarket, giving peace of mind to businesses that may not have had a good month or even a good year.

Although launching in Yingdala's domestic economy, JadeMarket desires to work with businesses and consumers throughout Terra to expand global trade. Chairman Qian Song believes that trade can help nations understand one another better and reduce the impetus for conflict. Given Yingdala's expanding trade relationships with Seleyan and Dovanian nations, as well as Zoo Alliance members, it is expected JadeMarket will have little trouble growing their business Terra-wide.

Yingdala is lucky to add JadeMarket to its growing high tech sector.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sat May 23, 2020 2:26 pm

Tian'an Mulls Reinvigorating the Jade Route and Eastern Development Organization, Considers Enhancing Anti-Pirarcy Exercises in "Nearby Waters"

Statue commemorating the Jade Route and Yingdala's economic internationalism

As Yingdala's economy grows and enhances connections with other nations in Terra, the Yingdalan government has been seriously considering plans to reinvigorate the Jade Route, the seaway trade route that started in Yingdala and went to Majatra (the Jelbic nations and the Augustan Empire) by way of Seleya, the rest of Dovani (the Gao-Showan nations of the North), Keris and Macon (Trigunia and Hutori), and finally to Artania (Dorvik). Although the Jade Route technically exists, its concept has not been articulated in ages. At the end of the day, it is purely the most efficient and quickest trade routes the major markets. Historically, though these routes are fast for ships, they often faced pirate activities.

Discussions between Seko and Yingdala over the Takeda Tea Accord appear to have been the inspiration for a resumption of the Jade Route concept. Given its focus on traditional Yingdalan products, it could be seen as a natural outgrowth of the massively improved trading ties between Yingdala and its traditional Gao-Showan partners.

To go along with the Jade Route, Yingdala has also considered resuming the functions of the Eastern Development Organization (EDO). In the past, EDO was created to economically develop the former colonies of Terra, building sustainable economies, infrastructure, and growing markets for global trade. For some, it was a way penance for the era of colonialism, while other saw it as a way to increase trade with Yingdala. However, it was always billed as a collaborative effort and it is likely this spirit of collaboration would inhabit the program once more.

Should the Grand Union decide to re-implement the Jade Route concept, it would likely need to go all in. So far, Yingdala has been making good progress at securing the Jade Route with its joint defense bases in Rildanor, Baltusia, and soon to be Gaduridos and Aldegar, with a possibility in Kanjor. However, with single nations claiming spheres of influence in certain northern seas, Yingdala cannot be entirely certain of freedom of navigation. If Tian'an wants to secure the economic future for the Yingdalan people, it will have to engage with other nations - and alone - to combat piracy. Perhaps, in the coming months, we will see a Yingdalan flotilla sail through the ancient Jade Route and demonstrate Yingdala's commitment to freedom of the seas for all.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sun May 24, 2020 2:32 pm

Ministry of War Orders Naval Escort for Freighters Carrying Yingdalan Goods North

Protected Yingdalan convoy traversing the Anantanese Ocean

Recent events in the Maddog Ocean and Anantanese Ocean have shown a rise in instability in Terra, especially in areas considered to be part of the global commons and vital to international trade. The issues in these regions have various causes, but these are for the sovereign nations involved to sort out. Tian'an will not sit idly and watch freedom of navigation and innocent passage erode for its vessels and ships containing Yingdalan goods. In response, the Ministry of War, with approval from the Grand Protector, has ordered all cargo ships, freighters, container ships, tankers, and etc. carrying Yingdalan goods to be escorted by vessels of the Yingdalan Navy to secure their legal activities and protect the Yingdalan economy.

By no means are these escorts flotillas, fleets, or armadas. Rather, they are modest escorts, consisting of single Huachong destroyer per convoy. It is also likely that each convoy is tailed by a Qingyu submarine to ensure extra protection. Overall, the policy represents the smallest measure of defense Yingdala can provide to secure its trade headed for North Dovani and Trigunia. However, Tian'an will rely on Trigunia and Dovrik to protect Yingdalan goods traveling closer to their regions.

In addition to the escorts, the Ministry of War has requested the development of a new frigate for the Yingdalan Navy. Funds will come from the Soaring Dragon program and work must begin immediately. A sole source contract has already been granted to Dahai Shipbuilding, creator of the Huachong Destroyer. Dahai is said to have awarded subcontracts to Da Zhan Industries and Zhanzheng Defense and Aerospace Corporation in order to speed up research and development and eventual production. The program is said to be the top priority for the Ministry of War as the development of its new missile systems wind down.

With growing instability in Terra, continued development and improvement of Yingdala's economy and and defense capability will be paramount to future success.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Mon May 25, 2020 3:54 pm

Yingdalan Education Approaching Parity with Those of Advanced Economies

Entrance to the National University

For two decades, an entire generation, Yingdala has matched or exceeded the education and culture spending of a majority of Terra's advanced economies. Of the advanced economies, only Kazulia and Istalia outspent Yingdala, making the nation one of the most educationally focused in Terra.

Tian'an's emphasis on educational spending and excellence is not without historical precedent. Education is a critical component of Jienism, therefore, the Yingdalan culture. All people, regardless of class or financial status, are afforded equal educational opportunities. Additionally, all schools must meet rigorous educational standards in both the traditional Jienist arts - which includes math and science - and the STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics).

Since the new era began, a generation of Yingdalan students have nearly completed their mandatory education. These students have been equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to both be productive Yingdalan citizens who can contribute to their society, as well as the society of the future.

STEM, combined with the arts, known as STEAM, has been the major focus of Yingdalan education efforts. According to Jienism, it is the highest function of government to provide education for the people. This focus has intensified with the Strengthening the Nation campaign. The government believes that significant investment in education will ultimately advance Yingdala's economic development. It will lead to more innovation, more entrepreneurs, and more skilled labor that will only lead to sustainable economic growth.

Given this focus and the role of education in Yingdala's culture and governing philosophy, high education spending will only continue. It is a major goal for Yingdalan educational institution to be considered equal to the best in all of Terra.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Tue May 26, 2020 11:45 pm

Yingdala Completes Construction of Joint Defense Bases in Baltusia, Gaduridos, and Rildanor; Construction Continues in Aldegar as New Missiles Completed

Joint Defense Base Baltusia

With Terra growing ever unstable - thankfully not due to Tian'an's action - defense of critical sea routes for all nations is now more important than ever. To help secure these global commons from potentially nefarious actors, Yingdala has endeavored to work with the nations of Seleya as partners to build up economic and military ties, creating stability and a defensive network. So far, Tian'an has ratified agreements with Baltusia, Gaduridos, Rildanor, and Aldegar. In addition to expansive free trade, Yingdala has pledged to come to their aid if they are ever attacked in any way by any actor and vice versa. Furthermore, the nations have agreed to construct joint defense bases in critical areas along the coasts to help secure trade routes.

The Ministry of Rites and Education has asked the Son of Heaven to continue reaching out to nations in Seleya, like Saridan, Mordusia, and Kanjor, where discussions of similar treaties have been met with interest. Analysts expect similar agreements to be signed and ratified soon. Such arrangements would effectively secure the trade of the Eastern Hemisphere with Seleya, Majatra, and Southern Artania - a major global public good. Yingdala is happy to provide it.

All of this comes at an exciting time for Yingdala's defense industry when its two newest anti-air and anti-ship missiles have been approved after rigorous testing. These weapons will be ordered en mass and outfitted to existing delivery systems as they are produced. The new weapons will allow Tian'an to better defend Yingdala's territorial waters and assist its allies.

Defense appears to be the name of Yingdala's strategic game.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Wu Han » Wed May 27, 2020 10:08 pm

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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Thu May 28, 2020 12:14 pm

Istalia and Yingdala Agree to Expand Economic Ties, a Major Boon for Majatran-Dovanian Trade

Minister Wen announces the Istalian-Yingdalan treaty

After over a decade of negotiations, Romula and Tian'an have finally agreed to enhance their trade and economic ties. Although lacking a historically close relationship and noting their sometimes disagreeing stance on global affairs, the two countries have maintained a cordial relationship and have genuinely sought friendship. This positive foundation will surely rapidly increase trade and investment between Istalia and Yingdala leading to major economic benefits.

The trade deal is identical to deals Yingdala has penned with Lourenne, Baltusia, Gaduridos, Aldegar, and Rildanor. Investment will be eased, disputes will be settled in an orderly fashion, cultural and educational ties will increase, and trade will be free.

Both nations are set to reap massive rewards from the new deal. Istalia will be able to make money off Yingdala's growing emerging market status through its investments and importing cheaper goods, while Yingdala will be benefit from Istalian development efforts and know how. Furthermore, as the largest consumer market in Terra, Yingdala can take advantage of Istalian goods and services that could maximize Istalian benefits.

Still to be ratified by both countries, each side is confident that it will sail through their legislatures.

According to Minister of Rites and Education Wen Jun, "There is something special when two countries who have engaged in talks for a long time reach a mutually beneficial agreement. Such is the magic of diplomacy and friendliness!"
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Fri May 29, 2020 12:31 pm

Son of Heaven Describes Vision for the Country - Highlights Overall Development and Diplomatic Goals

The Son of Heaven speaks from the Dragon Throne

His Majesty the Son of Heaven, Yu Li, gave a televised speech from the Dragon Throne in the Heavenly Palace on May 5, 4763. Drafted by His Majesty's government, the address laid out the government's plans for the future. These plans are largely consistent with the past twenty years of development efforts. However, as development continues, Yingdala clearly plans to play the role it has been given.

First, His Majesty discussed Invest in Yingdala, part of the Strengthening the Nation campaign. He noted that the government's most recent Invest in Yingdala initiative passed with full support of the Grand Assembly. The program will continue to invest 1.25 billion INS in Yingdala's emerging sectors annually for a total of 1.25 trillion INS through 4771. To date, Yingdala has over 2.5 trillion INS in the economy.

Unlike other nations, Yingdala has maintained full fiscal responsibility. It has kept taxes low, regulations at a minimum, education and job training at a premium, and maintained a small surplus. These factors make Yingdala one of the most attractive nations for foreign investment, but more importantly, domestic innovation. His Majesty stated that Yingdala would continue to put education first and pair it with the wu wei economic system to maximize benefits for all people.

Second, the Son of Heaven emphasized Yingdala's massive Soaring Dragon program, also part of the Strengthening the Nation campaign. He noted that Soaring Dragon has made immense progress in its efforts at domestic defensive innovation. So far, a new submarine, destroyer, fighter, and anti-air and anti-ship missiles have been developed and deployed; with a new cruiser cruiser, as well as recently announced frigate and multi-role fighter programs underway. The government has already ordered or deployed 10 new submarines, 20 new destroyers, and 100 new fighters - with those numbers set to possibly double.

Furthermore, like the Invest in Yingdala program, the Grand Assembly will pass a continuation of the Soaring Dragon program, which will endeavor to invest another 1.5 trillion INS in Yingdala's military modernization - including training - through 4775. These funds do not include salaries and are purely focused on programmatic activities.

Finally, His Majesty pledged that Yingdala would be a beacon of virtue in the world. The Grand Union will be a symbol for all nations to look at and emulation - on their own terms. The Son of Heaven pledged to preserve the sovereignty of nations, freedom of the commons, and to never engage in hegemonism. He also said that Yingdala would be willing to work with all nations on mutually beneficial cooperative efforts and hope that Valruzia and Jakania will be among those nations.

Now, Yingdala enters a new stage. One it intends to use responsibly for the benefit of Terra.
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