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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Tue Oct 31, 2023 5:55 am

The Yishelem Post
Ramatkal inaugurates cultural revival organisation
April 5386

- Medinat Department expresses its satisfaction with the new Luthorian - Likatonian military agreement, citing "increased security" in the Artanian Sea
- Technology industry sees a bump in Artanian commerce, as Hutorian conglomerate Millard enters international markets and puts Beiteynuese companies on its radar
- Military confirms formation of the Mizrahi Carrier Strike Group in Hanzen has reached the final stretch; Kohav waits for Luthorian command to provide logistical information


Yishelem, Beiteynu - Vowing to make true of his campaign promise, Ramatkal Nefariouiem Aristocrat has submitted the new Beiteynuese Law Act to the Knesset which will see the official formation of the Arboutit (Revival), the MOEC's cultural revival and preservation organisation in Yishelem. The initiative started by the previous administration (under the same banner of leadership by Sharon Aristocrat - Goldbloom) comes at a time when pressure from the country's artistic and scientific sectors has come to the forefront under a more organised mandate by the MCR. BEILACT/5386 also includes the disbandment of the Medinat Harehev, presumably to trigger even more of the budget amendments introduced by previous administrations over the decades.


The Arboutit will be in charge of oversight and management of cultural revival and preservation programs and initiatives domestically and abroad, operating under the Ministry of Education and Culture's recently empowered momentum brought forth by MCR leadership. The Office of the Ramatkal has began lobbying the private sector to join the table of discussions with the new organisation, with Ashalon Bank BEIFG already confirming an investment of 250M LOD to be injected into cultural projects jointly with the Beiteynuese Government by the end of the decade. The Arboutit's policy will thus remain to pursue and work actively with the private sector in creating, running and maintaining joint programs towards cultural revival and preservation.

The Ramatkal is also expected to review the tax code with the Ministry of Finance (MOFIN) over the course of the next few years.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Tue Oct 31, 2023 6:22 am

The Yishelem Post
Navy completes formation of 3rd CSG in Hanzen
April 5386


Himmelshtern, Beiteynu - The supranational fleet called Mizrahi (Eastern) Carrier Strike Group, led by the newly acquired Queen Isabelle BEINS Mizrahi aircraft carrier, has completed its formation in the ports of Khok Muang and Senphon. Composed of Kundrati, Luthorian, Lourennais, Beiteynuese and Hanzenese naval forces, the navy's 3rd CSG marks its first "deep commitment" to a global level of deterrents, only 2 years after the Hanzenese Government found itself aligned with the Beiteynuese - Lourennais Alliance, seeking the assistance of "cool heads" in attempting to solidify the stability of the region of southwest Dovani.

The Hanzenese ambassador in Yishelem stated in the beginning of the year that the Mizrahi CSG's presence in Hanzen has already enforced stable deterrents with Hanzen's immediate neighbours, even before the actual formation of the fleet itself. The Mizrahi Carrier Air Group is consisted of 50 Kfir jet fighters procured by Biraero & Dimont Aviation of Lourenne and 3 IBAE-400 multipurpose aircrafts by Biraudiss & AUDISS of Istalia, amounting to a force that will significantly extend Hanzenese aerial superiority as well as intelligence, with Hanzen's agencies also accessing the Lavian's reconnaissance network of satellites.

Kavin Mahorit, Head of the Kohav, made the following statement earlier this morning:

The navy has been our military specialty for the better part of almost 2 centuries. The supranational nature of the fleet is something the Beiteynuese Government is particularly proud of; being able to facilitate cooperation on behalf of states seeking to reaffirm stability and security.

The newly formed CSG will fall under the structure of the Zaar Fleets, thus directly under the joint command of the Hanzenese Government.

As a result of our commitment to the fleet, the MOD will be postponing the scheduled upgrades of the Lekavot Fleet in Himmelshtern. Despite sharing the load with our allies both in Beiteynu and in Hanzen, the increased costs and logistical complexity are still not trivial.

The homeland and its extended region is, however, heavily secured.

Fort William is expected to make an announcement on what is presumed to be the stationing of 2 Vanguard class submarines as part of the formation.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Tue Oct 31, 2023 9:49 am

The Yishelem Post
Ramatkal to recognise titles of nobility
May 5386


Yishelem, Beiteynu - Despite not granting titles of nobility, Beiteynu has traditionally allowed them to exist as mere vessels of social status for most of its recent history. With the increasingly expanding relations with the Canrillaise and Luthorian nobility over the course of this century, certain groups even from inside Beiteynu itself have been amping up their pressure more and more in recent years, especially as culture and heritage have started taking center stage with the Aristocrat - Goldbloom Administration. While somewhat surprising, the turn of events and alliances does explain the pivot to a certain degree.

The newly introduced Nobility Act of 5386 sees both the recognition of titles of nobility on the Head of State level, with the Rosh HaMemshala the one to be granting them, and the hereditary manner of conferring both the titles and minor political rights that will, however, not extend beyond the societal level into governance. Sources at the Medinat Department have cited that the Lourennais and Luthorian embassies have received this newest amendment to the Beiteynuese Law with anticipation, noting how "keenly aware" they were of existing efforts and pressure.

It is expected that the Rosh HaMemshala's husband Nathaniel Aristocrat-Goldbloom and the Ramatkal himself will receive titles of nobility, amongst other members from the Aristocrats, Tzafrirs and Benowitzes, 3 of Beiteynu's wealthiest families.

Conspiracy theorists have been blasting social media on how this new amendment confirms the plot introduced in the recently released 1st book of the Meddling Affairs. The Office of the Ramatkal cast aside the question of whether these rumours are true, with Ramatkal spokerperson chuckling in disbelief.

The NA/5386 has been submitted to the Knesset and is already under voting.
The Terran Times
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby Svetlana2 » Tue Oct 31, 2023 5:59 pm


Ada Zundel annouces radical education reforms to following a dramatic increase in depression and suicide rates amongst students: Beiteynuese students finally happy?

Yishelem, Beiteynu. Following an independent investigation requested by the MOEC concerning the current status of mental well-being among students, the results were horrifying as it stated that the percentage of students having experienced or currently experience depression has risen by a whopping 23% alongside suicide rates that increased by 16%. The reasons for those catastrophic results were the neglect of student's mental health by the authorities alongside a spreading and deepening of the idea that students are only here to help drive the economy and nothing else. Ava Zundel, the current MOEC, declared, "Those results are absolutely TERRIFYING, the mear fact that people are driven to believe that their entire purpose is to help fuel our economy absolutely sickens me. As an ex social worker, we have repeatedly sent warning to the government but most if not all warnings were ignored, this time it just confirmed the theory that living in a society of an ever ending wealth will drain the mental capacities of our students." She then also noted "The MOEC will extensively work in improving the conditions within our educational institutions, including private ones. A new set of reforms will be pushed at the knesset to set up a proper program to help the people suffering both physically and mentally. Furthmore, reforms concerning the management of educational institutions will also be reformed with the plan of reducing the school week from 5 to 4 days and increase the days in each vacation."
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby Svetlana2 » Wed Nov 01, 2023 7:10 pm


Therapists nationwide warn of an impending societal crisis following a dramatic increase in the number patients in the course of the past 3 months: too much money kills the mind?

Yishelem, Beiteynu. In correlation with the latest public investigation released by the MOEC concerning the alarming increase in depression and suicide rates among students, therapists all across Beiteynu have addressed their concerns through the Psychologues and Therapists Union for Beiteynuese Mental Well-being. The head of the PTUBMW, Saadya Balsam has stated "the PTUBMW has witnessed a dramatic and dangerous increase in the number of patients following the release of the investigation by the MOEC which exposed the deep rooted issues that plague Beiteynese society. We are warning the government that unless the issue is dealt with properly, Beiteynu may experience the biggest societal and mental crisis in its history." Pedo-psychatrists also triggered the alarm ny pointing the ever more growing normalization of child neglect by parents that are too busy working instead of helping their children properly develop, leading to an even higher number of children being late in term of Intellectual development. Amelia Stewart, a therapist working in Himmelshtern, said "I witnessed a 135% increase in the numbers of patients coming to my office begging me to help them with their depression episodes, it reached a point where I had to decline some of patients because all of my sessions where booked for the upcoming 2 years. I went from having around on average 3 sessions per day to 12 sessions per day." The PTUBMW also released their calculations concerning the average increase of patients in which it was noted that the number of patients going to psychiatrists, pysychologues, therapists, pedo-psychatrists, etc, in the past 3 months has increased by a whopping 92% on average, leading to a saturation of their offices and pharmacies running out of drugs such as antidepressants running out nationwide. The organization has threatened to organize strikes if the mental health issue is dealt with by the central authorities.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Thu Nov 02, 2023 6:44 am

The Yishelem Post
House of Elior receives first nobility titles
April 5387


Yishelem, Beiteynu - Legend says that Elior forged 8 Gems back during the Qedarite Migrations. He was a follower of Ariel, who upon passing, told him of his own vision of a Yeudi Diaspora across 8 continents; historians have presumed it had been in reference to the en masse exit of the Yeudi People by the 1500s, after the 1st Yeudi Homeland and the Sacred Monarchy of Beiteynu plunged into chaos in the 1200s in a period loosely referenced as the "Anarchy". One of the descendants of Elior, Ishmael I, was crowned the 1st Yeudi Monarch in 908, uniting our people in pre-modern Beiteynu, for the very first time.

And some things that should not have been forgotten were lost. History became legend. Legend became myth. And for thousands of years, the 8 Gems passed out of all knowledge. It seems, however, that the House of Elior survived the test of time.

In amending the Beiteynuese Law towards nobility titles last year, the Office of the Ramatkal confirmed that both the Ramatkal himself, Nefariouiem Aristocrat, and the husband of Rosh HaMemshala Sharon Goldbloom, Nathaniel Aristocrat, had received nobility titles earlier this year, making the Aristocrats, most likely the wealthiest Yeudi family known, as the first to receive nobility titles as members of the House of Elior. Aviv Imo Aristocrat-Goldbloom, the daughter of Mrs. Goldbloom and Mr. Aristocrat, has also received the title of Duchess of Sholemberg, presumably marking the entry of the Goldblooms into the house.

The stirring of the legend first came into being in 5385 from a surprising source: the controversial book series The Medding Affairs.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby Svetlana2 » Thu Nov 02, 2023 12:18 pm


Massive quiting hits the Beiteynuese economy as it's experience its worst societal crisis in millineas alongside a shortage of antidepressants nationwide : the Great Beiteynuese Mental Drain is finally happening?

Yishelem, Beiteynu. The unilateral focus on achieving impossible goals in terms of economic growth and capital profit has generated a never-seen before underground societal and mental hotpot fueled by millineas of the neglect from the Central authorities in Yishelem concerning the mental, social, and scientific sectors. All politicies were either fueled to generate profit or ensure a capital gain from said social laws. All of those factors led to the collapse of mental well-being nationwide and the demolition of concepts such as enjoying life without a focus on capital. All of those previously ignored issues erupted during the start of the AUPBCR and BSFP nationwide strikes that denounced 3000 years of neglect of culture and traditional science. Then, the creation of MCR and the appointment of two of its members as minister served as a catalyst for the exposition of the previously ignored mental crisis with the independent investigation launched by the MOEC concerning student mental well-being in schools and the untangling of the crisis that the current education sector faces with its student falling into depression and even attempting suicide due to being pushed to believe that their only purpose in this world is to fuel the economy with more workforce and put more money into the pockets of CEOs. Shortly after that, mental health experts pulled the alarm by releasing numbers exposing a 92% increase in the number of patients flooding the offices of psychologues, therapists, pedo-psychatrists, etc, this lead to a shortage in mental drugs that were often prescribed to fight depressive and suicidal thoughts. Furthermore, pedo-psychatrists nationwide warned about the looming educational crisis among young children, with a big part of them being late in term of linguistique development due to parents not spending enough time with their child's to teach them how to speak properly because of strict work hours. All of those previously ignored issues have finally led to the start of the "Great Beiteynuese Mental and Societal Drain," described by psychologues as "The results of 3000 years of neglect that finally erupted due to outside factors and will make corporations and the government face the consequences of said neglect." Local companies have already released numbers of their employees massively quitting and resigning from their positions, from small part-timers to regional managers, nobody is spared from the ongoing crisis as experts expect it to grow even more if it isn't properly handled by the authorities.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby Svetlana2 » Thu Nov 02, 2023 5:56 pm

Veronica Sylvester posing for an interview

MCR calls out HA and MH self-appointed nobility titles while Beiteynu is experiencing its worst societal crisis in its history: The bourgeoisie is shooting its own leg?

Yishelem, Beiteynu. In a highly anticipated press conference, the collective leadership of MCR has openly called out and denounced the self-appointed nobility titles given to the House of Elior. Maya Sharansky, head of the Arts Clique, said, "It's absolutely SHAMEFUL to give your OWN family members titles of nobility and boost your ego when Beiteynu is experiencing a never-seen before societal crisis. Both MH and HA are despicable for pushing their elitist and capital centered agenda." Veronica Sylvester, current MOST and head of the Science Clique, declared "I, as Minister of Science and Technology, personally find it disgusting that both MH and HA are feeding each other and being absolute self-centered persons who truly don't care about the lively hood of the average Beiteynese and only care about what their rich big daddies like." Ava Zundel, current Minister of Education and culture and head of the Social Workers department within MCR, added "I find it absolutely despicable that MH, the supposedly party of the people is now nothing more than a bunch of rich motherfuckers that only give a fuck about their wealth and reputation instead of helping the population. No wonder the social sector was neglected for 3 whole millineas when, supposedly, there were parties that preached for it." MCR then released its "The Humane Organized People's Emancipation Plan" or Plan HOPE for short, the plan consists of deep and extensive programs that will tackle every aspect of the crisis from the mental to the educational side. The plan has already grown in popularity among students and white collars workers due to its ambition to introduce a 4 days school and work weeks and slash down the current brutalist architectural atmosphere in favor of neo futurist modern architecture that puts the community as its sole priority instead of focusing on economic profit. The MCR and its leadership position themselves as the party of "the everyone without any expectation," leading to its reputation among the middle and lower class to grow rapidly to the detriment of MH and HA.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Thu Nov 02, 2023 6:48 pm

The Yishelem Post
"Blowing it out of proportion" says Ramatkal
August 5387


Yishelem, Beiteynu - In a press statement issued by the Office of the Ramatkal an hour ago, Nefariouiem Aristocrat has publicly called for Ministers Ada Zundel and Veronica Sylvester of Education and Culture and Science and Technology respectively to resign from the Aristocrat-Goldbloom Administration. The statement comes as a result of the "drastic instability" introduced by MCR leadership in the Beiteynuese Government, following the MCR's collective denouncement of HA and MH insofar as the nobility titles of the House of Elior are concerned, a matter cited by the Ramatkal as a "completely unrelated issue".

The statement:

It seems we have made a mistake entering into a coalition government with the MCR.

We believed they would seek to elevate governance into addressing societal and mental health issues on a serious manner adjacent with the expertise brought forth by their leadership and appropriate to the level of conduct of the Beiteynuese Government itself. Instead, they seem to prefer blowing it out of proportion in a self-sustaining dance with the media, misrepresenting 3% of the electoral.

Budget towards health and education has been increased, a special organisation was created and we have been lobbying the private sector to funnel more capital into the issues highlighted by the MCR, issues not to be taken lightly; Ashalon Bank BEIFG's 250M LOD endowment is set to be the first step of many.

The Beiteynuese Government take great affront at the disrespect of our ancient heritage.

The Ramatkal and the HA will consult with MH leadership and the Rosh HaMemshala towards the formation of a new cabinet for the Aristocrat-Goldbloom Administration. The MH, holding 85 of 150 seats in the Knesset is expected to set the tone in the discussions, with the MCR notwithstanding.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby _nicolo_02 » Thu Nov 02, 2023 7:44 pm


"Cooperation is key", says RH Aristocrat-Goldbloom
After the recent tensions between coalition partners HA and MCR, the Rosh Ha'Memshala released some comments calling for more cooperation.

Rosh Ha'Memshala Sharon Aristocrat-Goldbloom

SHOLEMBERG, TADRIKA - The Rosh Ha'Memshala of the Beiteynuese Medinat, Sharon Aristocrat-Goldbloom, is vacationing in Sholemberg meanwhile key personalities of the HA and the MCR are fighting over political issues like the nobility bill and the Government's response over the mental health crisis. Aristocrat-Goldbloom agreed to us to breifly interrupt her vacation for some comments:
On the political issues, Sharon said:
Beiteynu is perfectly capable to carry on constitutional reforms while properly addressing the mental health crisis. The Aristocrat-Goldbloom Administration entrusts the Health Agency to take appropriate actions to fight it, and expects everyone to behave productively to pass the constitutional changes and address the health crisis.

Commenting the infighting between HA and MCR:
These parties have every right to debate, but let's remind we are a coalition, and before all, we're supposed to work out our differences in private.

Commenting on the attacks from Ava Zundel:
That's not acceptable. I'll wait for a formal apology, if that shouldn't be the case, I'll politely ask Ms. Zundel to leave my Administration. But I'm sure she just got emotional over these mental health reports, and her politicial inexperience didn't help.

Beiteynu is currently facing an unprecedented mental health crisis, which prompted members of the newly-founded MCR to criticize some MH and HA politicians for not having handled it better in the past, while Constitutional Changes are now being discussed in the Knesset, providing for the restoration of nobility and other provisions that are indicating a return of a Constitutional Monarchic form of Government.
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