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Re: Vanuku Post Gazette (VPG)

Postby Opakidabar » Mon Mar 08, 2010 9:08 pm

Colonies leased to Egelion
Damage to Budget caused by purchase of colonies nullified

Fort Bartlet, Vahama The most beneficent lease agreement is going to be signed shortly by Egelion and Vanuku governments. All Vanuku colonial possessions in Dovani shall be leased to Egelion for 99 years. Terms are very beneficiary to Vanuku citizens and businesses in leased territories. Such a treaty promises a huge relief to the budget and significantly reduce the budget debt caused by the purchase of territories.

As earlier today explained Chancellor de Witt:
"Egelion is a nation of example. They are holding dear the social democratic values and are doing a great job in giving their citizens responsible policies and high quality of life standards. The colonial population will be better off with the lease and we are significantly better off both due to relief to our budget and debt management and due to our continuous great relationship with the nation of Egelion. I hereby thank the Egelion's Ministry of Foreign Affairs for such a great job in administration of treaty and hope our two nations engage in even closer relationship in future"
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Re: Vanuku Post Gazette (VPG)

Postby Jay (LDP) » Fri Mar 12, 2010 11:33 am

OOC: For RP purposes only - backdated to 2898.

Collapse of Liberalism in Vanuku
Rutger Westerveldt (Opperste President 2836-2842, 2857-2863)
Excerpt from an editorial for the Vanukese Political Times, 18th August 2898.

For almost a century, the mighty Liberale Democratisch Partij held almost unilateral power and control over Vanukese politics, under the pretext of liberalism and freedom. The policies presented and enforced by the party were a more radical interpretation of those implemented by their predecessor, the Nieuwe Kapitalistische Partij, and were expected to bring the Vanukese economy and nation to the top of the world food chain. Clearly, they failed.

When I resigned as Opperste President in 2863, the cracks in the Vanukese economy were beginning to show and social unrest was evident. My successor, the LDP appointed Werner Meint Jacobsen continued along party lines and refused to consider the obvious signs that were presented to him time and time again by the likes of myself and other former senior Government members. His denial of the failures of a liberal, capitalist society extended for the full thirty years of his reign and it comes as no surprise to those of us who criticised his relentless ignorance that his presidency would be the last for the once-untouchable Liberale Democratisch Partij.

The ever increasing riots, protests and voter backlash saw many senior members of the LDP attacked by angry members of the public - both verbally and in some extreme cases physically. And rightfully so. The ignorance shown by this party had severe consequences on many innocent citizens of the Eerste Republiek Vanuku, who in certain cases lost their entire livelihoods as the economy disintegrated. Vital services became near on impossible to afford for the regular everyday family, and living standards dropped to shameful levels.

The Party has no choice but to finally resign to the fact that their century-lasting control over Vanuku would be remembered as a failure and a disgrace.


Government set to resign
By Wil van Nelsen.
Excerpt from news article in Vanuku Herald Sun, 5th September 2898.

Opperste President Werner Meint Jacobsen and his senior Government ministers have formally announced that as of the 1st of December this year, all Liberale Democratische Partij members will resign their positions within Government and the party - at least on a national level - will refrain from contesting in future elections. The collapse of the current Government regime, which has been in power for almost a century, comes about as a result of the recent economic instability and voter backlash. The troubled Opperste President was forced by devastated citizens to call an early election for December, and polls have indicated that if LDP members contested they would have lost at least one hundred and forty of the hundred and sixty night seats that they held. The newly formed opposition party, the Groene Socialistische Partij van Vanuku, would be guaranteed victory.

As such, the embattled party has decided to fall back and will "only contest for local government".

"The senior members of the Liberale Democratische Partij have unanimously agreed that significant change is required for our party to continue with its work. We are proud of our achievements in our time of leading Vanuku, however it appears that the public of Vanuku wish for change. We will, at least for the time being, be resigning our positions of power and will continue to contest only for local government positions," said Opperste President Jacobsen to a crowd of LDP members and supporters. "We wish to emphasise that the party is not dissolving - we will continue to fight for freedom, capitalism and the safety and protection of our fellow citizens. And to make it very clear, despite the commentary from some of our former representatives, the LDP does not believe its time in power has been a failure, and we will not be ruling out a return to national politics in the distant future. The comments from the former Opperste President Rutger Westerveldt suggest that perhaps our biggest failure was on the judgement of the intellect of some of our former highly-appointed officials".
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Re: Vanuku Post Gazette (VPG)

Postby Jay (LDP) » Fri Mar 12, 2010 11:33 am

OOC: And now back to current times...

Return of the once-Mighty
By Hans Wilders
Excerpt from news article in Vanuku Herald Sun, 24th October 2906

Eight years of Socialist rule appears to be all that the members of the former Liberale Democratische Partij can take. The former Government members, who told the public that they would remove themselves from national politics at least "for the forseeable future" have agreed that their decision has had "disastrous results" and that they will do all within their power to regain control of Vanuku and "return it to its state of liberal and economic freedom".

Former Foreign Minister Claudios Hogarth has assumed control of the once-mighty party, which held unilateral control for most of the 29th century, along with the former Minister of Science and Technology Sybilla Brinkerhoff. The pair have re-invented the party, under the slightly modified name of the Nieuwe Liberaal-Democratische Partij van Vanuku.

Mr Hogarth, who has assumed the title of Voorzitter van de LDP (Chairman of the LDP), made the announcement to the press today in a speech riddled with disappointment at the current Governments actions, but clear optomism for the future.

"Under significant strain, the former leaders of the Liberale Democratisch Partij made the understandable decision to take a step back from politics. This decision, however, was to the detriment of the citizens of Vanuku who were left with no choice but to vote for the Groene Socialistische Partij. The policies of the new Government have not only been damaging to the economy of our nation, but also to the standing that we have in the outside world. The foreign policies and actions taken by the Government have, in particular, been contradictory and have harmed our relations with many key allies." He went on to add that he believes the new LDP could work together with the Government to improve Vanuku. "Despite the differences in policies and the strong disagreement we have with the foreign policy applied, we see no reason why the Nieuwe Liberaal-Democrats could not work with the Green Socialists on improving and developing this nation. We believe that the Government should be co-operative and respectful in dealing with our arrival. We clearly don't expect them to bow to us and do as we say, but we would sincerely hope that they honestly consider our opinions and take into consideration the fact that we have a longstanding commitment to the betterment of our nation."

His new deputy, the LDP Woordvoerder van de Assemblage (LDP Spokesperson to the Assembly) Sybilla Brinkerhoff, was less diplomatic in her valuation of the current Government's time in office.

"Put simply, they've treated our key allies and our recent history with contempt and senselessness. They have not taken into consideration the fact that Vanuku in the recent past has worked very closely with several strong world powers and that it is in the best interests of all Vanukese citizens for these relationships to not only continue, but be strengthened even further.

The withdrawal from the Axis Military Treaty serves to do nothing for this nation except weaken its ability to defend itself if it were ever required. The innocent people of this country deserve to feel safe and secure, and the only way this can be assured if we align ourselves with other strong and successful partners.

On behalf of the new LDP, I would like to give my word to our friends and allies across various nations that we have every intention of re-committing ourselves to these relationships. I guarantee that the new LDP will be behind them on whatever decisions they make in regards to Vanuku and the current Government."

Mrs Brinkerhoff also criticised the Government on its handling of the Vanuku owned colonies on Dovani.

"The Vanukese colonies on Dovani had the potential to take our nation to the next level. It allowed us the ability to improve trade and relations with states we would not normally have connections with, whilst also giving our citizens and businesses the chance to expand into vast territories. The recent lease of these territories to a foreign government proves that the Green Socialists have no desire to improve the world standing of our nation and that they do not believe Vanuku under its current rule is capable of running an expanded state. We commit ourselves to returning these territories to Vanukese control and spreading the Vanukese economy across the globe".

It is expected that the new LDP will begin to propose their updated policy platform to the Assemblage van de Republiek over the next twelve months.
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Re: Vanuku Post Gazette (VPG)

Postby wavyhair1 » Thu Apr 01, 2010 6:59 am

Landslide Budget Reform Passes in Assemblage

Fort Bartlet, Vahama Legislators in Vanuku are one step closer in finally riding Vanuku of debt. In a swift vote this morning the 2916 Budget was past with out opposition with 111 votes in favor and 90 abstaining. This marks the end of a six year attempt by Finance Minister Jon Hendriks, to close the budget gap. Minister Hendriks had this to say after the vote:

"This is a great day for our government, our citizens and our country as a whole. The last six years have been tough, but we knew we couldn't give up until we had a budget to close the deficit. So today I can say that we have closed 90% of our deficit, and the remaining 10% will be dealt with in the next six months to a year."

The main theme of the budget was cuts and lots of them. All departments saw some form of cuts, and Eerste Kanselier Arjen de Witt also saw I modest pay cut in the new budget. According to the Ministry of Finance this budget is only temporary until a new more long term budget and tax package can be submitted.
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Re: Vanuku Post Gazette (VPG)

Postby PresMusharraf » Wed Dec 15, 2010 6:28 pm

Rise of Old Deltaria, Equal Citizenship Rights, and Further Expansion among Duke's Demands
The Duke of Vanuku, Dick Jorsett XVI, speaking to reporters about the state of the Kalopian occupation of Vanuku

"Our demands from our gay mother Kalopia are small indeed," said Jorsett at a news conference today. "We merely ask for those things which Vanukuans have always held dear to their hearts."

Today, Duke Dick Jorsett XVI, met before reporters with permission from the glorious Kalopian Dictatorship to outline the details of what the Kalopian occupation will look like.

"To be clear," Jorsett stated, "we will always obey the decrees of the Supreme Leader. He is our Head of State and deserves that respect. As well, some of our old Vanuku ways will not be damaged."

The list of proposed steps was outlined in a powerpoint later on.

1st, Vanuku would like to maintain the Dutch language as it is their heritage. However, the Duke stated that he would willingly instituted Greek as a Second Language at every secondary school.

2nd, Vanuku would like to retain a legislative body, the Duema, for domestic manners.

3rd, Vanuku would also like for the citizens of Vanuku to be considered full Kalopian citizens with all the privileges and rights that come with full citizenship.

4th, The Duke stressed the need to denounce the current Deltarian regime in hopes of creating a return to the Old Deltaria. He also stressed talks with Deltaria Nova and the Majatran Islamic Caliphates to discuss like-minded goals of expansion.

“The greater Kalopia and her allies grow, the stronger they get,” the Duke concluded at the end of the conference.
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Re: Vanuku Post Gazette (VPG)

Postby PresMusharraf » Wed Dec 15, 2010 10:59 pm

First Steps Taken, Kalopian Duchy of Vanuku Blockades Ushalande Bay
Ships of the Kalopian (Vanuku Division) Navy moving in to blockade Ushalande Bay. Duke Dick Jorsett XVI has declared that any ship attempting to give aid to Deltaria will be sunk.

As the Kalopian Declaration of War moved through the Kalopian Legislature, the Vanuku Division of the Kalopian Armed Forces quickly moved to seize control of Ushalande Bay.

"We wanted to not only send the Deltarian terrorists a message," said General Victor Streiker, "but also to cut off one of their vital trade routes."

The blockade ensures, for now, that no aid will be able to get through Deltaria from the Sea of Majatra. However, already there were signs that the islands ringing the Sea of Majatra were growing hostile toward the Deltarian regime as Al'Badara recently joined Kalopia and her Vanukuan Duchy in refusing to recognize the legitimacy of the current governing party.

Questions lingered over whether such actions against Deltaria were legal by national and international law.

"Yes," said Igor Flemmings, Minister of Defense for Vanuku. "This is a situation where Kalopian law temporarily conflicted with Vanuku law. As a result, Kalopian law supercedes the Vanuku position, allowing us to take the necessary steps to begin this war with Deltaria."

An interesting question that has been raised since the start of this new war is whether it is possible for Deltaria to be spared total annihlation.

"If the Deltárska Socialistický Strana rises to power and enstates the old order, it is likely we will cease kicking Deltaria's *** and proceed to other areas where our sphere of influence can grow," Flemmings said.
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Re: Vanuku Post Gazette (VPG)

Postby Jay (LDP) » Sun Apr 03, 2011 7:12 am

Vanuku Herald's Ministerial Question Time - on Foreign Affairs and the Luthori Crisis
February 12, 3100

Interviews conducted by leading political correspondant, Derek von Haussmann.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Edwin Smits

DvH: Minister Smits, the conservative Government has long stood out of the spotlight, remaining quiet on international affairs. Where has the foreign ministry been since the Vanukese Conservatieven assumed power?

Minister Smits wrote:Derek, you rightly point out that there has been a long lasting tradition in Vanukese politics for the Government to refrain from comment on affairs outside of the state. Under Voorzitter (President) van Vogt, we intend to change this. Negotiations with our neighbours and long-time friends at Zardugal have already begun taking place, of a political, social and economic nature. Further to that, we are opening up the foreign ministry to other democratic governments across the globe and hope to secure better diplomatic and economic relations with nations the world over.

DvH: I notice an emphasis on the word 'democratic'?

Minister Smits wrote:Yes, the conservative Government under van Vogt has decided to distance itself from past decisions to align our nation with those controlled by undemocratic regimes. We feel that the only rightful and just leadership of a nation can take place with the mandate of the people, and this can only be achieved through a truly democratic, republican system. Anything less is an abomination and should be publicly discouraged.

DvH: Do you have any comment to make on the recent situation in the Holy Luthori Empire?

Minister Smits wrote:Thankfully it appears that the worst of the crisis is past. The instability of what is widely regarded as one of the more powerful nations in Terra has been of great concern to most. That said, we fear the situation will never be resolved until Sir Dietrich Razkarth withdraws his disgusting comments regarding a "purge" of the supporters of a Luthorian Republic. The conservative Government believes it is only a failed democratic system that could allow for citizens to be tried with treason and stripped of any rights just for challenging a government regime.
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Re: Vanuku Post Gazette (VPG)

Postby Jay (LDP) » Sun Apr 03, 2011 7:13 am

Vanuku Herald's Ministerial Question Time - on the Sovestan Grand Canal
February 18, 3100

Interviews conducted by leading political correspondant, Derek von Haussmann.

Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Wilhelmina Maarten

DvH: Minister Maarten, I have been advised of an important announcement to be made regarding the state of Sovesta. Do you have any news on this to present?

Minister Maarten wrote:Thankyou Derek for your question. The announcement set to be made is that Vanuku will soon be undertaking its greatest ever engineering project. It will be known as - The Sovestan Grand Canal (SGC). An approximately 130 kilometre strip from the east to the west of Sovesta will grant greater access into the seas of Majatra and prevent the need for the long, treacherous trip around Pontesi. Construction is expected to begin by Q3 3100.

DvH: Who will be responsible for the construction of the canal, and upon completion its regulation and maintenance?

Minister Maarten wrote:Negotiations are still underway regarding these questions. As per its usual process, the conservative Government will be seeking to contract private corporations to look after the construction and ongoing management of this piece of infrastructure.

DvH: Who is likely to gain from the construction of this grand canal?

Minister Maarten wrote:The construction of such a significant piece of infrastructure is always going to be a costly exercise, so it would not be going ahead if it did not provide real benefits for private corporations, the citizens of Vanuku, the Government and our neighbours. Zardic Foreign Minister Vardel Kostandian has already expressed great interest in the project and we hope many of our other neighbouring Governments will do the same.
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Re: Vanuku Post Gazette (VPG)

Postby Jay (LDP) » Fri Jun 24, 2011 4:54 am

Vanukese Conservatieven - Chairman resigns, Comments on political state in Vanuku
January 31, 3141

Fifty-five years after first becoming Nationale Voorzitter van Vanuku (National President of Vanuku), a position he held for twenty-six years, Nicholaus van Vogt has decided to vacate his role as Chairman of the Vanukese Conservatieven (VC). Mr van Vogt has been credited as being one of this nation's more radical and liberal leaders, responsible for greatly limiting the power and control of the Government over the people. He is also credited for the construction of the Sovestan Grand Canal, which has been of enormous economic benefit to Vanuku and neighbouring states.

The resignation of Mr van Vogt has seen a significant restructure of the VC leadership committee.

Former Minister of Food and Agriculture Melissa Ottensoen has been selected as the new VC Chairman and candidate for Nationale Voorzitter at the next election. She has appointed her new leadership committee which she hopes will form part of a new coalition government in the near future.

Ms Ottensoen used her maiden speech as VC Chairman to congratulate the Partij voor de Bevrijding van het Volk (PBV) for their electoral success and commented on the current state of politics in Vanuku.

"The PBV have for a long time been friendly with us at the VC, so we wish to offer our congratulations to them for their continued electoral success despite being challenged by the recently formed Christian Democrats. The result, however, leaves the VC with the balance of power with neither of the two larger parties holding a clear majority. As such, we have been approached by both parties regarding a potential coalition government and we are taking both offers very seriously. We do feel, however, that with the PBV's long term relationship with the VC and with their greater majority in the Nationale Assemblee, that they deserve our attention first. If nothing is able to eventuate, then we may look to the Christian Democrats."
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Re: Vanuku Post Gazette (VPG)

Postby Kubrick » Tue Nov 08, 2011 1:54 pm

Volk en Vrijheid announces era of progression.
Grand Chancellor de Vreede promises more liberties.

Wiel, Vahama/Verhamelen - Grand Chancellor of the Vanukuian Reich Meindert de Vreede has announced that Vanuku will enter an era of progression under leadership of Volk en Vrijheid. The recent dissolution of the Fascistische Partij van Vanuku has made it possible for the VV to grab control over the entire nation in a bloodless coup. However, while the VV wishes to keep the fascist state the FPV created they also wish to totally change the entire political system to allow other parties and give the people more liberties. In the next couple of years these changes will be laid out and put in place, this was promised by both De Vreede and Van Zanten, the party leaders of the Volk en Vrijheid Party. Whether the situation will actually improve remains a question but one can not deny that stability has finally reached Vanuku.
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