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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby Wardog » Sun Jan 12, 2014 7:17 pm

President Rondon Calls Urgent Meeting With Army Officials

Concerned about the escalated tensions between Tukarali and Aldegar,President Rui Rondon,has called an urgent meeting later this evening with the Minister of Defence Basilio Avitia,Chief of Staff Lt.General Carlos Dio Zinqon and the Chief of Tukarese Information Agency Colonel Leopoldo Rendillo.
Chief of Staff Lt. General Carlos Dio Zinqon in his office

Nobody knows exactly what will be discussed in that secret meeting,as it came out of nowhere even for the Chief of Staff,Lt.General Carlos Dio Zinqon,who when asked about the agenda of the meeting,stated:"I didn't even know about the President's intention to call urgent meeting".The international community waits to see if the President will actually take matters to his own hands,and what he will do to oppose General Amnam's reign of terror.
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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby Wardog » Thu Oct 30, 2014 8:12 am

Newspaper:Voz do Socialista
First Woman Secretary General of the Union celebrates 5 years.
October 3750
Being the first woman to be Secretary General of the Union Socialista, is certainly a big honor,and Carlotta Maranha has celebrated this honor together with the whole General Assembly of the party.Mrs Maranha has been Secretary General for 5 years and her role in the tough coalition with the centrist UDT was catalytic.
Carlotta Maranha started as a Party Representative on Agriculture and Ecology matters, then became a member of the National Assembly while also being a member of the Executive Committee of the party.She is 55 years old and as she quoted
I will never leave politics unless I'm sure that the people's interests are in safe hands
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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby Wardog » Fri Nov 07, 2014 8:15 am

Newspaper:Voz do Socialista

Maranha resigns,after 9 years of leadership

The first woman to ever hold the position of Secretary General in the Union Socialista's Executive Committee, Carlotta Maranha, has informed both the General Assembly of the party and the Executive Committee that she is resigning with immediate effect and that she will also give up her Executive Committee position later this year.The resignation was accepted with some sadness because of Maranha's 9 year leadership,which led to 2 coalition governments.Several pundits speculate that her resignation was caused after severe critisism on her,regarding mainly the failure of the 3753 elections.
As for her replacement, ex-Minister of Trade and Industry Vitor Perdo was elected from the Executive Committee as Temporary Secretary General until a new Executive Committee is elected but pundits speculate that Perdo,being a veteran politician will look to solidify his position and become permanent Secretary General sooner.
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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby Franco Urquhart » Tue Dec 26, 2017 1:11 pm

PPN Returns, Announces New Conservative Political Agenda

Ricardo Valente speaking at the PPN Conference yesterday

SANGON -- The National People's Party of Tukarali (Tukarese: Partido Popular Nacional de Tukarali) has formally announced its return back to Kalopian politics after a year of turmoil within the party, which has seen the young and charismatic lawyer, Ricardo Valente, rocketing to the forefront of the conservative movement in Tukarali, by purging the PPN of its formerly left-wing membership and shaping the party to become the leading conservative right-wing party in Tukarali. Valente announced the Party's new agenda at the PPN Conference held in a swanky Sangon hotel earlier yesterday. His speech outlined three key principles for the PPN to champion: A strong, free economy, a moral, united community and a limited government. He also stated the party's stance on environmental issues and more controversial issues like immigration and social policy, in which he said that the PPN would stand against "all attempts to further regulate the economy through environmental legislation" and that the PPN was a "staunchly pro-Tukarali party that stands for a united Tukarese national identity, taking a strong stance against refugees, chain migration and illegal immigration". On social issues, Valente was more pronounced in his line that the PPN was for social conservatism. He said that the PPN was "pro-life, anti-gay-marriage, pro-police, and [that if we wanted] the details, [we should] ask the Church". Valente indicated a strong sense of confidence that the PPN would do well in the next legislative elections, and has already laid the groundwork of a powerful conservative political machine that will roar into action in the elections, with a large team of grassroots members handing out pamphlets and booklets of the PPN's agenda, and running several public speeches and television ad to raise the party's profile.
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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby Masionette9 » Tue Jan 09, 2018 6:53 pm

The Valruzian Economist || Economic News From Valruzia

Nowogard/Sangon, September 4330

NOWOGARD - Flag carrier of the Republic of Valruzia LOT Valruzian Airlines announced plans on Monday to enter the Tukarese market in January the upcoming year, betting on increasing demand for regional flights across cities in Tukarali and passengers demand for more connection possibilities with Tuarali's neighbors, the Valruzian giant announced the establishment of low-cost Tucan Air.


LOT Group will invest 300 million VPO and will initially create 200 jobs for pilots and crew members in Tukarali. LOT's management is also willing to make the route between Sangon and Nowogard one of the most popular among passengers. Sangon which will act as the main hub of the new airline will also be connected with Brzansk, Gryfitow, and Hel.

President of LOT has big hopes for the planned investment as the recent years have been rather stagnant for the Valruzian airline, especially after the final withdrawal from the Dorvish market, it is crucial for the airline to look for another chance of growth. Jarosław Biernacki, who is the acting President of LOT Group said that the planned investment is the biggest single market investment since the deal with Dorvish AIrways when LOT invested over 250 million investment in Dorvik.

Sangon is one of Seleya's main air traffic hubs for central Seleyan destinations. The International Airport in Sangon served 13 million people last year, it may seem less than 25 million passengers serviced by Ignanski International Airlines but it is still one of the busiest airlines in Seleya.

LOT's expansion to the neighboring Democratic Republic of Tukarali has shielded it from fierce competition in the Artanian Continent and LOT's plan is to spread its services across Seleya. Initially, the Valruzian LOT Group plans to equip the new airline - Tucan Air - with 20 new Reglair i4 Nova which is the newest member of the i4 family. The plane is the first plane designed by Reglair after the company's move to Valruzia. Planes will be able to take 160 passengers on board and fly the distance of 6 thousand kilometers, more than enough to cover the routes within Tukarali and even international routes.
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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby ReformedEndralon » Thu Mar 08, 2018 9:46 am

Resurrection of the Right

March 4359

After a dramatic early election campaign following the collapse of the National People's Party (PPNT) and a constitutional vote to increase the size of the National Assembly from 125 to 255 members, the forces of the centre-right emerged victorious with the Progressive National Party (PNP) and the Republican Party (PRT) taking 113 seats between them. Combined with the centre right Democratic Union (UDT) this would give the parties of the centre-right 153 seats and an overall majority if they chose to work together in the new Assembly.


Supporters of the Democratic Socialists celebrate their 12 seats in the new assembly

Along with the newly formed PNP, other new parties gained seats included the centre-left Independent Movement (MI) and the left-wing Democratic Socialists. It is clear from the results that the government parties no longer have a majority having collectively lost 27.9% of the vote. The only positive note for the government parties is that the UDT managed to win the Presidential vote with Moisés Cardoso winning re-election to a second term in office following the failure of the PNP or PRT to submit candidates.

A new government will now have to be formed and there are a number of possible coalitions. With the UDT unlikely to work the PNP and the PRT we are likely to see another cross-ideological government in office.
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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby ReformedEndralon » Thu Mar 08, 2018 10:00 am

Government Formation Woes

September 4359

At the third attempt Tukarali is likely to finally have a new government, six months after elections in March we led to a heavy defeat for the previous government. The new Independent Movement (MI) has a been a key player in attempting to form a new government, initially reaching out to the Democratic Alliance (AD) and the Republican Party (RPT). Although this coalition proposal wouldn’t have had a majority, the Progressive National Party (PNP) had offered to provide support, but the deal fell as neither the AD or PRT supported the deal.

Following this the National Movement (MNT) attempted to keep the current government (including the Democratic Union (UDT) and AD) in power by including the MI in a new coalition, however the MI refused to support. Finally the MI made a second attempt at forming a government through the inclusion of the PRT and the PNP, which would have had a majority and would have included three parties that all gained seats in the March elections.

With the support of the PRT and the PNP the coalition deal with pass. Power is split between the three parties with the PNP taking the Chancellor, Foreign, Trade & Industry, Food & Agriculture and Infrastructure & Transport positions. The Republicans will take the Finance, Justice, Health & Social Services and Environment & Tourism with the MI taking Defence, Internal Affairs and Education.


Key figures within the MI, PNP and PRT signing the coalition agreement.

The parties have a differing set of ideologies, but this is nothing new for Tukarese politics with has typically seen parties from across the political spectrum uniting to form governments. All three parties have legislation ready to go once the coalition deal is official signed and the next three and a half years of this assembly promises to be interesting.
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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby ReformedEndralon » Mon Mar 12, 2018 3:45 pm

Progressive National Party set the Domestic Agenda

April 4361

Despite having only been formed in August 4358 and having only been in government for nineteen months, the Progressive National Party (PNP) have dominated the domestic agenda, with over fourteen legislative proposals having been put to vote and 11 of these having passed. Under the leadership of Adelmar Rodrigues, first leader of the PNP and current Chancellor (Head of Government)


Leader of the PNP and Chancellor of the Republic Adelmar Rodrigues

All critics of the PNP deride the social conservatism of the party, which has once again seen marriage restricted to heterosexual couples and women rights to work in dangerous industries having been curtailed, the PNP has primarily focused on legislation designed to help the poorest in society. Trade and Industry Minister Rufino Luz successfully pushed through the Comprehensive Workers Protection Proposal which has seen a number of economic rights granted to workers, including a minimum wage, protection for striking workers, regulation of daily working hours and additional rights for Trade Unions and Democratic Workers Councils. On health the PNP have reintroduced a free health service across the nation. The PNP have increased welfare provision, supported animal welfare in farming and re-established a government role in supporting defence and energy sector industries.

The Chancellor Adelmar Rodrigues reiterates that “the PNP has often been regarded as an extreme right-wing party, the PNP is certainly conservative and pro-free market, but we will fight for all to enjoy the maximum opportunity to function in society, ensuring economic rights for those who work, welfare for those who can’t and a free health service to provide for all who need it.” The Chancellor is keen to highlight that more legislation is on its way and that the PNP are not going to waste this opportunity to shape Tukarese society in the interests of all.
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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby ReformedEndralon » Mon Mar 12, 2018 4:05 pm

Foreign Minister engages in charm offensive

September 4361

The Tukarese Foreign Minister has engaged with her counterparts in a number of countries in Seleya in order to expand ratification of the Declaration of Tukarese Neutrality. Currently Kalistan, Valruzia, Likatonia, Saridan, Mordusia and Kanjor are non-signatory states in the continent of Seleya. The Foreign Minister has also raised the Treaty to Malivia, a nation to the west of Tukarese coastal waters. The Declaration of Tukarese Neutrality was first drafted in 3354 and currently has 11 signatory states, mostly located in Seleya. The Declaration recognises historic Tukarese neutrality and commits Tukarali to diplomacy and the avoidance of engagement in conflicts. However the Declaration does not declare Tukarali as a pacifist nation and specifically highlights that Tukarali reserves the right to maintain a military.

The Foreign Minister Camila Queiros stated that “Foreign Policy has taken a backseat in the first two years of the current government” but that “the PNP (Progressive Natioal Party) wishes to increase Tukarese engagement with the rest of Terra and expanding the number of signatory nations to the Declaration of Neutrality is an important goal”

Progressive National Membership votes for Presidential Primaries

October 4361

Following the Progressive National Party (PNP) conference in September, all three quarters of a million members of the party have been balloted on whether or not to run a Presidential candidate at the next Presidential elections in April 4363. Famously the PNP failed to run a candidate in the last set of Presidential elections in 4359, a decision which backfired when the PNP won the most votes in the legislative elections and a PNP candidate would probably have made it to the second round in the Presidential vote.

Party leader Adelmar Rodrigues spoke at the conference detailing that the PNP “should aim for the highest elected office in the land” and that the membership should back a PNP candidate, which they duly did after votes were counted. A total of 385,445 members voted, voting decisively in favour of running a candidate. The PNP governing council have drawn up plans to hold a Presidential candidate primary during 4362 with the aim of selecting a candidate to run for the party. Crucially the council determined that any member can run in the primary, they do not have currently hold office.
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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby Masionette9 » Sun Mar 18, 2018 4:58 pm

Nowogard, September 4364


Gloria Iustitia's new headquarters (building in the center) in Nowogard, Valruzia.

NOWOGARD - In what seems to be the first official document issued jointly by human rights and democracy organization Gloria Iustitia, and the Council of Seleya which is aimed at preservation of multicultural characteristics of the Seleyan continent and at the same time monitor the state of democracy, human rights and the rule of law, diplomats from the Council of Seleya and lawyers from Gloria Iustitia say that Seleyan Union should work out the future shape of the Seleyan Union. Gloria Iustitia praised the legacy of the Seleyan Union which in the last couple decades became one of the top three areas on Terra where democracy is respected and citizens of Seleyan Union can enjoy peaceful life outside of any life-endangering conflict. In the document called "Seleya: Agenda for future and peace 4400" Gloria Iusitia and Council of Seleya point out that in recent decades the Seleyan Union which represents saw an unprecedented economic growth and according to the authors of the document, that is the result of closer economic cooperation on the continent and taking down economic barriers between member states. Council of Seleya highlights the importance of the Aloboro Agreement which, despite Valruzia and Alduria are the only participants, significantly affected the economic cooperation between the two countries, especially in the automotive. CoS underlines the fact that the Agreement contributes to growth in all sectors of the economy and especially in services, as with no border controls people are most likely to travel throughout Seleya. According to the document, Valruzian Ministry of Internal Affairs claims that average annual number of Aldurian tourists visiting Valruzia is 230 thousand, while the National Office for Statistical Research about 310 thousand of Valruzians visit Alduria every year. When compared with numbers before the Agreement came into force, we can see that they are roughly twice as high without the border patrols. Both Valruzian and Aldurian tourist industry benefits greatly every year thanks to the Alboro Agreement, in both countries the recent decades of saw increase in the total number of hotels and resorts and both quantitative and qualitative growth of the tourist and leisure infrastructure. In Valruzia tourist and leisure services make up a total of 8.9% of the total GDP which is relatively high result in north Seleya.

CoS and GI point out that extreme, nationalist political parties tend to undermine or distort the achievements of the Seleyan Union and tend to overuse the claim that it limits the sovereignty of the Member States. Gloria Iustitia points out that no article in the Treaty on the Seleyan Union limits the political might of any Member State and that all 12 Member States can enjoy the same rights within the community and are free to leave the organization. Economists from Gloria Iustitia highlight that in order to sustain the economic growth of the whole region, Member States will have to sit down together and work out additional protocols or declaration which will reform the current union. One of the proposed solutions is an increased level of economic freedom by establishing a pan-seleyan corporate status for companies that are able and are willing to operate on the territory of Seleyan Union and that their services and operations will have transborder character. Gloria Iustitia point out that the Valruzian government have tried to establish such solution back in 4327 with the Seleyan Petroleum Company - the planned company was supposed to have a unique corporate identity and could be the first ever Societas Seleyanea - allowing it to operate on the territory of the whole Seleyan Union and to be the subject to a special procedures in countries it operates. I could be said that currently, companies like Bonning and Reglair are the closest to what the Valruzian Government wanted to implement more than 30 years ago despite they operate as Valruzian corporate entities, and are subject to Valruzian internal taxation. Creation of such ventures could allow for the creation of the Union's budget which could be used for structural programmes for underdeveloped regions in the Seleyan Union and as subsidies for development programmes of the Member States' governments.
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