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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Tue Feb 20, 2024 6:16 pm

Parisa announcing the massive relocation of funds to TTC and social programs

Massive relocation of funds to TTC with massive tax breaks, Supreme court officially created alongside signs of economic growth: slowly but steadily

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. Following the adoption of both the RICHES plan and the BAA, two major economic bundle of laws and projects aimed at massively reforming the Aldegarian economy to drive economic boost within it, it has seemed that some aspects are finally rippling over as the Ministry of Finance has announced a massive restructuring of the annual budget that will effectively slash the budget of the military in half while said funds will be relocated to the development of Twilight Tides Corporation, formally known as the Aldegar Canal Company, alongside a massive tax break to any company, foreign or national, "willing to help drive Aldegar's economy forward" if said companies are successful enough, the Ministry of Finance announced they will get a number of seats at the Aldegarian Corporate Council but the number of seats will be determined through the annual growth of companies with some loosing or gaining seats. The CEO of Twilight Tides Corporation, Yasaman Sadeghi, has announced that her company will undergo a deep restoration of its fleet alongside establishing shipping lines connecting the mainland with the Somasi island alongside a total restructuring of its leadership executive board of directors under the supervision of the Ministry of Finance to ensure the most efficient way of generating profit. In addition, the Aldegarian judicial system underwent reforms too as the Supreme Court was finally reinstated but with its powers devolved to regional and municipal courts as now the court will be also be able to handle economic disputes that were previously banned during the reign of the previous administration. Furthermore, the Aldegarian Central Bank governor Keykavous Faghih has reported "some aspects of economic growth" happening in Aldegar with its main cause being the total reopening of the Canal coupled with the recent massive radical reforms have led to the creation of thousands of small sized companies that are currently filling the market with new innovative products. Finally, the future looks bright for Aldegar but will it able to pick up with the rest of the world in terms of its economy, or will it crash right down?
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Wed Feb 21, 2024 7:40 pm

Niloofar Tahmasb explaining the new policies of the ACAA

Niloofar Tahmasb appointed administrator of the ACAA, "Remain open until doomsday" policy approved by the MOF: are they really ready to risk it all for the canal?

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. An unexpected press statement from the Office of the Administrator of the Aldegar Canal Autonomous Administration has announced the resignation of Javad Yaghmaei, the former interim administrator that was appointed by the departing MFS transitional authority that played a major role in reshaping the policies of Aldegar concerning the Canal by effectively making it an Autonomous Administration independent from the government in Ramsāhreza which also includes the right to closure and opening of the canal were taken from the hands of the president to the hands of the administrative council of the ACAA and more specifically the powers were handed over to the Civilian and Economic Authority for the Management of the Canal and Traffic of Commercial Ships. Shortly after the release of the press statement, the Administrative Council of the Canal announced the appointment of Niloofar Tahmasb as its administrator, Niloofar used to be a bureaucrat at the Motashannej city council before quickly climbing up the hierarchy then became its mayor before resigning and becoming a board director at the Aldegar Canal Company which eventually propulsed her to the position of administrator of the CEAMCTCS then allowed her to become the new administrator of the ACAA as a whole. No time was left for celebration as she quickly drafted an executive order known as the "Remain Open Until Doomsday" Act, which states,
Under NO circumstances shall the Aldegarian Canal close following the adoption and approval of this piece of legislation from the Ministry of Finances, therefore under the powers that I was granted as the new administrator of the AldegarCanal Autonomous Administration I will personally unsure the openess of the canal to all incuming ships both international and national ships, this bills main purpose is to ensure an easy flow of goods to all nations currently using the canal for their own economic and social gains. This piece of law shall be officially known as the Remain Open Until Doomsday Act or ROUD Act in which extremely specific requirements must be met in order to enforce a closure of the canal such as:
1) A nuclear arsenal was launched against Aldegar or its surroundings effectively turning the canal intoba baren radioactive wasteland, and the closure of the canal would be in this scenario for biohazardous reasons.
2) The state of Aldegar and more precisely the Aldegar canal were to be invaded by foreign or internal forces this shall lead to the forceful closure of the canal indefinitely for safety reasons until said invasion is stopped.
3) An epidemic outbreak of major scale threatening all workers operating the canal will force us to reduce the number of ships allowed to use the canal as our workforce will be drastically reduced and all administrative works will happen via online services.
4) A terrorist attack of a disastrous degree was orchastrated against the structural integrity of the canal, if this were to ever happen the canal will be closed temporarily as the Authority for the Expension and Restoration of the Canal and its Structural Integrity will be granted exceptional emergency powers to allow it to succefully restore the damaged parts of the canal.
The Administrative Council in cooperation with both special authorities, which are also members of the council, does not believe a closure of the canal would be necessary for all scenarios except the two first ones as they represent catastrophes of unprecedented levels that would only happen in a world torn by fighting and instability as such, We, the Administrative Council, promise to leave the canal open until the end of times no matter the ups and downs of this planet, free trade shall florish as Ling as humans are still living on this planet.

The Ministry of Finance released a response statement in which they stated their approval of the new policy alongside promising to allocate more funds to the ACAA and the AC to allow them more freedom of movement concerning their expenses.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Thu Feb 22, 2024 4:41 pm


"Utopian Agricultural Revolution" policy officially started, massive subsidies in saffron production announced: Green and Red gold?

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. Even though, the country has been focused on ensuring continuous economic growth and revitalization of its most important service sectors such as rbe recent adoption of the famous ROUD Act and massive relocation of funds to TTC coupled with massive tax breaks to newly created companies have allowed the government to focus more on the funding to the agricultural sector. The long forgotten aspect of the Aldegarian economy is finally being brought bac under the spotlight as the government announced through the Ministry of Agriculture the start of Utopian Agricultural Revolution, a series of land reforms and policies aimed at boosting Agricultural output in the nation, officially known as the National Agrarian Reforms Package Bill includes policies such as the creation of farmer markets, farmer villages, and farmer towns alongside popularization of collective ownership of lands with the formation of local councils tasked with managing and regulating collectively owned lands, but it's most famous newly introduced policy is the creation of supervision authorities that will inspect all currently used arable land to check on its correct use for agricultural output and if the land is barely used or produces far too little said lands will be seized and redistributed to more "worthy" exploiters, many have described the new policies as ones comparable to socialistic countries and the MOA responded by saying "Well you elected an Utopian administration, what did you expect from us? To make the land the property of corporations, that's laughable." The Ministry has also stated that it will encourage the production of saffron and its exportation, the saffron is a very sought spice that's only produced in Aldegar due to the fact it needs to meet specific environments to grow and be extracted from the saffron Flower. A company more specifically was contacted by the Ministry to take the lead in the new saffron production movement, and that company is known as Stork Foods, a medium-sized buisness specialized in the production of spices and are most known for their saffron production which has seen the valeu of its shares grow by a whopping 34% following the new announcements coming from the Ministry, Stork Foods wasn't the only company to see its valeu in the RCSI rise as another company known as Finik Life and Food has also reported a 28% rise in its share valeu after they announced a collaboration with the MOA to establish supermarkets in future farmer villagers, markets, and towns with the main goal being to drive consumerism and promote Aldegarian products.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Fri Feb 23, 2024 7:30 pm

one of the masquerade performers preparing themselves

Second edition of the Rememberance and Progress Festival held themed around "Royalty during the era of enlightenment", government official present at the event: they can eat cake

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. The long-awaited second edition of the Rememberance and Progress Festival has been officially started under the direction of Diamond, nicknamed the Masktival due to its links to the famous Maksed Fools Society, even though officially on paper the Show Masters are invited to direct the Maskival by the galaxy of pro MFS organizations raging from simple associations of villagers thanking MFS for their services to fanatic believers of MFS to the point where some of them worship the Show Masters as goods. But all that aside, the edition of the festival this year is to witness the attendance of dozens of high-end visitors seeking to broker ties with the Aldegarian government as the president Farsi and multiple other ministers have made their attendance public with them even allowing MFS to use the Palace of Shahzadah, Palace of Asa, and Palace of Javaneh as high-end luxurious dinning halls for the duration of the event, even the building of the Aldegarian Free Congress of Representatives has been used by MFS as the main meeting point for the event. In addition, Diamond announced that the theme of the festival this year will be "Royalty during the era of enlightenment" a rather bold theme as it bases itself on canrille Royalty with a mix of luthorian and Aldegarian royal themes, many described the new theme as "innovative" and "shockingly daring" while rumors about Elise Renard and her daughter Aurore Renard being invited at the invited and potentially being the ones to taylor the clothes that will be worn by the show masters for the Maskival. Renard Groupe International, was a renowned Kanjorian luxury company that took the world of fashion and luxury by storm under the leadership of Nina Renard, a woman that could be described as the first ever self-made kanjorian billionaire as she started with scratched before taking advantage of the rise of the absurdist administration under PPRN to boost her business and make a name for herself in the fashion world with her exotic themes that were extremely popular in nations such as Lourenne and Kanjor, but not only did she make Renard famous she also opener 12 diffrent branches in 12 diffrent countries along side acquiring dozens of companies expanding even more her wealth base by making Renard an international Conglomerate that was touched all aspects of luxury. But the company shifted toward a more discret strategy under the leadership of Elise, who is now 87, and with the prospect of the leadership moving to her daughter Aurore Renard and her granddaughter Cendrillon Renard, the company is expected to ruffle its feathers again and finally be back under the spotlight through the use of the Maskival.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Thu Mar 14, 2024 2:50 pm


Renard makes a comeback unveiling their "Luthorian Royal Chicness" themed collection at the Maskival, critiques acclaim the move: the fox is finnaly back?

Ramzhēa, Aldegar. (Backdated) As the second edition of the Maskival reached its peak, the streets of the Aldegarian capital bustling with life, joy, and celebration, suddenly the main avenue that connected the presidential palace to the Federal Free Congress of Representatives was now blasting avant-gardist music composed of a weird mix of alternative and classical music before Elise Renard, the 103 years old woman and current leader of Renard International, delivered a speech in front of Congress, her speech echoing throughout the entire city,
Hello dear participants of the Rememberanc and Progress Festival or also known as the Maskival, I, the heir to the famous Nina Renard and current head of Renard International, am happy to show you the first part of our up and coming Luthorian Royal Chicness which will serve as an introduction to the "Royal Finess in the Modern Age" this will also serve as Renard official comeback under the spotlight as we hope that this will show to everyone that the Renard uniqueness is far from being exctinct. Now let's enjoy this fabulous show and we wish you a happy Maskival!

Shortly after, hundreds of models walked down the long avenue with them wearing pieces of clothing focused and inspired from the garnements of the Luthorian royal family, it ranged from simple white diamond covered gowns to dresses inspired by the outfit of Luthorian empresses during their coronations, the fashion show was also broadcasted nationwide through the use of national television channels but not only was it filmed it was also broadcasted in radio channels too as fashion commentators described the show to the hundred of thousand of avid listeners lending their ears to one could say as the show of the century. Fashion critics all across the world acclaimed the recent bold and ambitious move made by Renard because not only did the once giant multi continental kanjorian luxury conglomerate prove that its hibernation is over, it has also showed that Elise Renard managed to secure key relationships with the Masked Fools Society and especially with Diamond, the show master currently responsible for the festival. Now many are left to wonder if Renard will ever reach it once old glory days or will Elise finally retire and leave space for hee daughter Aurore to takeover amd bring a new breathe to the family run conglomerate.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Fri Mar 15, 2024 3:34 pm

Envisioned future for Ramsāhreza after the UDHR Act

UDHR Act ennacted by Congress alongside plannification of "Neon Ramsāhreza", N&D government and companies granted privileged access to the Canal: Neon Future for Aldegar?

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar.(Backdated) To the surprise of many who celebrated the Maskival it has appeared that the dual republic known as Narikaton & Darnussia has successfully managed to broker a deal with the Aldegarian government but more specifically the administrative council of the Aldegar Canal Autonomous Administration as its current administrator Niloofar Tahmasb announcing in a press statement, "Following days of fruitful negotiations and talks between representatives of the Narikaton & Darnussian government and companies and the Ministry for Trade, and the Administrative council of the ACAA, we are delighted to announce that both the N&D government and companies alongside any ships affiliated with the nation shall be granted the rank of 'Bloodline' which consists of uninterrupted access to the canal as well as being given top priority everytime they wish to use the canal, all paperworks related to using the canal have been drastically reduced alongside being granted permanent indefinite visa status to any N&D national wishing to stay within Aldegar." Many didn't see this move coming from the Aldegarian government but others suspected that the second edition of the Maskival was only a facade for those talks and more specifically talks between the Thallers and the Masked Fools Society but proofs for their claims couldn't be found, making it only a baseless conspiracy theory.

Furthermore, The Federal Free Congress of Representatives has passed and enacted the Urban Development and Housing Reforms Act, or UDHR Act for short, the law introduces a series of reforms and deregulations concerning the future of urban development in Aldegar, the bill famously enforces the construction of densely populated housing units in urban agglomerations alongside abolishing the concept of single family housing alongside making mandatory the use of LED lights for both houses, and streets as the Minister for Urban Development, Housing, and the City Ghazal Manesh declared, "In order to ensure a stable and prosperous future we must change our way of building cities as the city is the heart of all economic activies while also being the home for millions of workers, thus the Urban Development and Housing Reforms Act shall help build efficient and productive cities bustling with life and productive workers," she then unveiled the "Neon Ramsāhreza" Plan which consists of total overhaul of the Aldegarian federal capital which consists mainly of the demolition of old buildings and single family homes that will be replaced with futuristic looking skyscrapers consisting of residential, entertainment, and work units, with the main goal being to turn those buildings into mini cities of their own, but not only will Ramsāhreza witness the most ambitious and drastic urban development plan in its modern history because not only will the capital metamorphose into a futuristic looking city it will also have a brand new public transport system consisting of both underground and upper ground metros and tramways, new bus lines, and a grand renovation of the Ramsāhreza International Airport. Rumors have already started spreading about the future ambitious laws of the government that aim to reshape Aldegar into a brand-new entity with the entertainment and advertisement industry being in the target of the Ministry of Finance.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Mon Mar 18, 2024 10:00 am


Complete deregulation of the entertainment and adversement industry, Plan "Country of Festivities" started: Aldegar capital of temptation and entertainment?

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. With the enactment of the Urban Development and Housing Reforms Act, Aldegar and more specifically the federal capital Ramsāhreza have been witnessing a surge in the number of development projects under the helm of multiple companies but most notably under the guidance of the Ministry for Urban Development, Housing, and the City which has already started massively demolishing old houses to lay out the foundations of future social housing high density towers, but with the government finally dealing with the Urban aspect of their plans it's time for them to tackle the sector deemed "unnecessary" by many but for the Ministry for Culture has been categorized as "utmost priority." Congress passed earlier today the Joyful and Prosperous Aldegar Act or also known as the JOY Act, the law introduced a new set of standards for the entertainment industry while completely letting loose with the main beneficiaries of the deregulation is the gambling industry as now casinos are fully allowed into the country. The bill also legalizes prostitution alongside the creation of the Sex Workers Regulation Administration, an independent body of the Ministry of Labor focused on registering all six workers present within the nation due to the law stating the state's monopoly concerning this sector of the economy as red light districts were added to the Neon Ramsāhreza plan that mainly consisted of the construction of fine ends brothels within the future buildings coupled with tightened security and camera surveillance to "ensure the safety of the workers", the Ministry argues.

In addition, the piece of law enacted by Congress also abolished all regulations concerning the advertisement sector of the economy with the creation of a loose National Advertisement Authority supposed to keep an eye on all advertisements being released in Aldegar, but not only did the Act let loose all regulations concerning advertisement it has also dissolved all restrictions banned the use of buildings for advertising purposes alongside the authorization for the use of advertisement alongside the Aldegar Canal as a way to promote companies with both foreign and national companies being allowed to set up massive illuminated billboards across the entire country and along the canal. This move is set to deeply shake the social life in Aldegar with companies having the ability to go full in when it comes to promoting their brands even if it means building a massive animated LED board on the side of a residential building so that their products are promoted constantly.

Finally with all of the new radical changes to Aldegar finally happening, the government unveiled their new ambitious plan known as the Country of Festivities plan, a 4 phase Urban Development scheme consisting of the creation of "Joy and Hapiness Districts" in major Aldegarian cities with its first phase consisting of construction of 4 casinos in the newly created economic district right outside Aldegar known as the Champagne District, the semi autonomous district will consist of a joint board made up of representatives from all companies present in the district and government representatives to ensure "Mutual agreement and cross field negotiations", the government says, but many are skeptical of the nature of the project as Aldegar isn't really known for being Terra capital of casinos nonetheless the current government hopes to make the nation, one of Terra's leading countries when it comes to entertainment through the use of the canal.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Mon Mar 18, 2024 11:58 pm


Third edition of the Maskival announced with "Cyberpunk futurism" as its theme, official invitations sent to Luthori by the Palace of Javaneh: fruits of spices?

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. The Masked Fools Society, through the use of the Association of Actors and Theatrics, has announced to the surprise of everyone that Gears, also known as the 5th Show Master, will be taking over the preparations of Rememberance and Progress Festival, aka the Maskival. Gears wasted no time with his newly assigned responsibilities as he revealed that the theme of the upcoming event will be "Cyberpunk futurism" a sharp departure from the previous festival's theme being "Royalty during the Era of enlightenment" but the move was expected from him as he's the one responsible for the hacking of the Ministry of Justice and leaking of highly classified documents from the Aldegarian National Carceral Agency which promptly caused the start of massive riots all across the nation, and he landed a hand too by helping his fellow SMs hijack national TV and radio channels to topple the old administration. He justified his theme choice for the festival by saying, "I personally believe even that in order to prepare the people to their future changed lives following the start of massive urbanization projects all across Aldegar we need to make them celebrate in the theme of their future lifestyles, plus it will be a historic one of its kind moment in the history of Terra and Aldegar to have a festival themed around Cyberpunk and futurism, and not gonna lie I'm all up to make history."

Shortly after, the Palace of Javaneh has released a statement declaring that the Aldegar will officially and publicly send an invitation to the Maskival to the government of the Holy Luthori Empire alongside corporations, but said corporations that will be invited are yet to be officialized, nonetheless many are speculating about the true intentions of the Palace and their potential involvement with the Fools. The move, even given its shadiness, is seen as a never done before event in Aldegar modern history to be honest unprecedented moves started ever since the start of the Water Lilly Revolution that ended with a soft coup of MFS with military support effectively crumbling the old administration and leaving space to Terra's first government openly led by a secret society. Now with the invitations official, talks between the Luthori and Aldegar are expected to be held but more specifically potential talks between the Masked Fools Society and Luthorian corporations as Luthori's importation of Aldegarian spices has been increasing steadily for the past couple of years.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Tue Mar 19, 2024 3:53 pm

Meng Koliyan, the new Aldegarian premier

Meng Koliyan appointed new Premier following the resignation of Zohreh, massive infrastructure development plan announced: out with the old in with the new?

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. Unexpected news have came from Aldegar as the former Premier and President of the Council of Ministers and Class Representatives, Zohreh Keshavarz, has resigned from his position amidst the third edition of the Maskival. Shortly after, the Palace of Anahita held a press conference in which Duan Zemin, the Official spokesperson for the Premiership, stated when asked about why Premier Zohreh resigned, "The former Premier stated in his resignation letter addressed to the current president Parisa Shahi that he will retire from politics for an undefined period of time due to health concerns over his heart disease and the growing age of his which would, and I quote, 'Hinder my abilities to serve the people of Aldegar and ensure a Prosperous future for the nation' he has also stated in his letter that, 'Aldegar needs a more youthful Premier that can match the vigorous nature of the current administration and as such I suggest appointing a Premier preferably from an ethnic minority to ensure that all are represented in the government.' Of course, we are sad of his departure, but he is a human being with free will, and we can do nothing against that. As such, the Palace is happy to announce that Meng Koliyan, the former governor of the Somasi Autonomous Region for the past 5 years will be the successor for Zohreh and her appointment was personally made by the president and approved by the Class Representatives." Shortly after, Meng was sworn in front of Congress in which she also revealed her plan to develop the infrastructure of Aldegar, which will include an upgrade of highways, airports, sea ports, railways, and public transit. The plan known as "Project Alweb" is set to start soon with its first phase focusing on improving the transport between the Somasi Autonomous Region and the mainland as Meng is native of the island and actively improved its infrastructure during her governship of it. Her plan is set to be integrated to both the Country of Festivities and Neon Ramsāhreza plans alongside having the full-on support of the ACAA due to its critical nature in the safety of transporting both goods and people disembarking at the both entrances of the Canal. She has also stated that the plan will rely on the use of nationalized companies to ensure that all of its phases are completed without the goal of generating profit hindering them.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Wed Mar 20, 2024 1:03 am


Stork Foods joins the ACC as the company registers record breaking profit, Historic treaty signed between Aldegar and Yingdala: The golden lion and dragon getting along?

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. Amazing news have came from the Ramsāhreza Central Stock Institute, the Institute's director Doctor Chang Rong announced in a press conference that the company Stork Foods has managed to attain 15 seats at the Aldegarian Corporate Council, making them the first private Aldegarian company that managed to enter the Council and even gain 15 seats as the sole representative of the food and agricultural industry in the Council. The company unsurprisingly managed to take the lead in shares against its main opponent and competitor Finik, a company specialized in the fod retailing industry. The reasons foe Stork's success come from two important internal and external factors such as the government subsidizing the growth of spices such as saffron and diversified agricultural practices while offering a bigger consumer base consisting but not only made of Luthori and its citizenry, the director noted that Stork managed to secure an undeniable influence over the spice industry in Luthori by drastically increasing their sells to the Artanian nation. This series of event has led to the company's value to increase at an amazing rate with the cost of one share being 350% more than the price it used to be when they first went public, but not only did the company grow in power it also grew in influence as rumors are spreading that the current CEO and President of the company Indah Melati Pranata is non other than the Show Master known as Nymphea, said rumors are yet to be confirmed or denied by the company while it focuses on ensuring a yearly profit to increase their seats for the next ACC election.

In other news, Aldegar and Yingdala signed a historic treaty between the two nations as they both agreed on deepening their links with one another, given Aldegar's noticeable 2% Yingdalan minority. The treaty included dozens of cooperation agreements, but the most notable one is the granting of 1 seat per company for every major Yingdalan company that uses the Canal heavily alongside Yingdala being granted the rank of Bloodline, the same one given to Narikaton and Darnussia, granting them the highest priority rank when it comes to the use of the canal. This move has granted Yingdalan companies already preassigned seats at the ACC and thus giving them direct line of negotiation with the government and the Administrative Council of the ACAA but this comes at the cost of Aldegar recognizing Yingdala's special role in Southern Dovani and Gao-Shotan nations, making them the go to nation when it comes to handling affairs concerning Gao-Shotan nations.
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