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Re: Aldegar Daily

PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 9:51 pm
by Bachelot

Re: Aldegar Daily

PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2018 6:35 pm
by colonelvesica

Re: Aldegar Daily

PostPosted: Wed May 30, 2018 3:34 am
by Orcishtimmy
Khurshid Rayan Leads Pro-Democracy Rallies Across Aldegar


Kasād Polran

“Who are we, who am I? What gives us the right to challenge the status the status quo? For so long, the government has taken more and more from us. They take our liberties, they take our dignity, they destroyed our economies in their incompetence. This is something that we are expected to just sit down and take! Now, they expect us to go away, they expect us to be silent as if we, the people, are not relevant.

Today marks a new beginning! We will step into a new age together! We will not be silent until we are free!”

There truly is a different feeling in the air over the past several weeks. It is a feeling of hope, a feeling of optimism that has been circulating around the nation, and it will hopefully continue into the future.

Khurshid Rayan, the leader of the Yazdi Liberal Party.

-Kasād Record

Re: Aldegar Daily

PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 5:47 pm
by Orcishtimmy
Westwheel Investments Seeks Aldegarian Government Approval For Potential Arms Factory in Polran

Today Hiram Ali, a representative from Westwheel investments approached members of the government today about the possibility of opening up the country’s arms industry to private companies.

The Cohen Arms Company, owned by Westwheel, was looking at purchasing a 6000 square foot facility in North Polran to produce their new military rifle, dubbed the CO-12 Assault Rifle.

This facility, which will employ over 2000 people, is already ready for production, and simply needs government approval to open and would be able to begin production a month after approval is granted.

-The Liberal

Re: Aldegar Daily

PostPosted: Sun Jul 15, 2018 12:33 am
by Orcishtimmy
Ooc: The following was copied from the Aldegar paper and will give context to what happened. I didn’t post it there, but I feel it will make future RP make more sense.

Yasmin Iftar

Shocking leaked government documents show that the HJK party was banned, arrested and executed by a firing squad under the direct orders of President Bozo. The party said the country was under "direct terrorist threat" from the HJK and claimed the intelligence service had found "undeniable evidence of a plot to kill Bozo and topple the socialist government with foreign backing". However, the intelligence department has yet to confirm those details.

Bozo said, "Those who wish to paint me as their enemy are wrong, we are a united socialist nation who wishes to ensure our country is strong, stable and ready to take on the capitalist traitors!". In an interview after this statement had been made she was asked what she thought about the new party on the block the PDA, she replied: "the PDA threaten socialism, they threaten your rights, we must be united in rejecting their liberal dogma and embrace the future of socialist Aldegar!".
the Government of the Jemhewra-ye Aldegār (Republic of Aldegar

Re: Aldegar Daily

PostPosted: Sun Jul 15, 2018 12:37 am
by Orcishtimmy
The Free Democratic Party: Enemies of the People’s Republic
By Abu Bin Cohen

For 13 years, our glorious leader has run this people’s republic! And what a great 13 years it has been! We placed our trust in Bozo, and he delivered wonderful things. The economy is looking great, the poor are taken care of, the sick are given medications and the Yazdi faith has enjoyed a protected status.

Yet there are those among us, those who call themselves our countrymen, maybe even neighbors or friends, who want to take everything away from you. Bozo did a great job of defeating the fascism and imperialism of the HJK, protecting our people for several years. He has destroyed that opposition, making Aldegar free for a longer time.

Today, however, we are seeing the same threat emigre anew! The PDA are the very same enemies that we saw before, they are the imperialist, anti worker, pro-Sadiran people that the Party expelled a few years ago. We shall fight them the same!

Re: Aldegar Daily

PostPosted: Sun Jul 15, 2018 1:53 am
by Orcishtimmy
The Trial of the Rayan’s 17
Kasād, Polran

Artist’s depiction of former Liberal leader Khurshid Rayan upon hearing his sentencing

A landmark trial today as a ring accused of treason, conspiracy to commit murder, conspiracy to assassinate various WVP members, sabotaging Aldegari industry, espionage,election tampering for a foreign power, and espionage were all compelled to plea guilty and sentenced to death by a party judge today.

The details of this case were decried as a farce by the opposition and deemed horrifying by the government. One man was alleged to have sabotaged a butter manufacturer by placing broken glass into the butter in order to “cut consumers throat and stomach.” Other charges include plans for collapsing buildings and sabotaging railways in order to undermine the party.

Many have been calling these trials “show trials,” but the Party says that they have made Aldegar a safer place for everyone.

Ooc: on the discord, we agreed to change the golf star’s name
A Golfing Star

Citizens of the Jemhewra-ye Aldegār (Republic of Aldegar) rejoice as their national Golf idol Anoosh Yazd has won the International Golf Championship. President Bedewcan Bozo has personally congratulated Ronald Peters with the victory. Coach Nigel Scott, an immigrant from Luthori, was quoted saying "this is the day where all the hard work finally pays off".

In a separate interview, the golfing legend expressed his support for the revolution and Bozo regime. “The workers and people of Aldegar inspired my victory today. President Bozo has done wonders for this nation, and I look forward to supporting him in the next election. Workers of the world, unite!”

Re: Aldegar Daily

PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 6:00 am
by Reddy
Glorious Illuminator|Voice of the Aldegarian People
The Glorious Illuminator is a centre-right national daily which is historically sympathetic to moarchism and social conservatism.
Constitutional Committee Appointed To Adjudicate On Claims To The Throne
6 Esfand 5148 SS (6 February 4439)

Aldegar's newly elected centre-right government has appointed an ad-hoc 45 member Constitutional Committee to deal with the numerous claims to the Aldegarian throne. As many as 23 claims have been registered, many of them of considerable validity being those of heirs to the many dynasties which have ruled in the past few centuries. Two of the most prominent claims are those held by Prince Ardashir the great-great nephew of Shahbanu Shirana (r. 4308-4313, 4319 - 4328) The Shahbanu named her nephew (Ardashir's grandfather) as her heir but he never managed to take the throne.

The other major claim is the one by the reigning house of Luthori, the Steuart-Carmichaels. This, they inherited from their ancestress Padishabanu Azita Bahramid. Azita's controversial marriage to a Hutorian prince (presumably non-Yazdean) is thought to weaken her descendants' claim; something the Government has refused to comment on. The Committee should be done by October 31 and the Government will proclaim the new monarch, hopefully ending the decades-long controversy.

Re: Aldegar Daily

PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 6:52 pm
by Reddy
The Southern Post
The Southern Post is a centrist national daily noted for its obsession with house prices.
The Peacock Throne Remains Empty As Monarchists Fail To Agree
6 Aban 5148 SS (11 October 4439)

When Arsaces Moshiri and his centre-right Popular Action Party won the elections in March, the 65 year ex-Central Bank chief was considered a safe pair of hands. Regalia for a monarch's coronation had already been ordered. The Constitutional Committee was considered a mere formality on the path to a sure full restoration of the monarchy. Alas, it turned out to nothing but a dream. Today with tears in his eyes, Court Minister Arsaces Moshiri announced that Aldegar would be adopting a temporary republican constitution.

Court Minister Arsaces Moshiri

The Constitutional Committee failed to agree after four months of deliberation. In July it presented a divided report to the National Divan, the legislature itself failed to decide. After eight ballots, neither of the top two candidates could secure an absolute majority let alone the required supermajority. Liberal legislators preferred the Hutorian-Luthorian claimant while conservatives chose the native Prince Ardashir Vaez.

As the deadlock ground on, the markets whimpered. The Aldegarian Crown lost 7% of its value while house prices fell by 0.2% in the six weeks of indecision as the National Divan failed to decide. It was in mid-August that Moshiri, apparently with no consultation, proclaimed that the country would adopt what he described as a "temporary republican constitution". The religious right, contemptuous of republicanism as ever, rejected this outright and demanded an early election which Moshiri called.

In the election, Moshiri called on the populace to vote for stability and they agreed - around three quarters of all elected accepted the temporary republic, many of them skeptical conservatives desirous only of postponing the constitutional deadlock.

Re: Aldegar Daily

PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 11:31 am
by Reddy
Economic Recorder
The Economic Recorder is a centre-right economic newsmagazine noted for its economically liberal and socially moderate stance.

As Kalistani Economy Takes A Nosedive, Aldegar Fights Contagion
25 Esfand 5149 SS (25 February 4440)

Aldegar has declared itself ready to contain the economic downturn which has spread from the Kalistani economic downturn. The Governor of the Central Bank said that the Bank was likely to institute a variety of policies aimed at maintaining confidence, a concern particularly with the existing economic shocks created by contentious domestic political reforms underway. The Ministry of Finance announced that it was considering a stimulus program of up to 5 billion Crowns aimed at reassuring business leaders who are already jittery about the Crown's 12.5% decline in value in the past 6 months.

Aldegarian Central Bank

Many have expressed skepticism at the viability of such a small scale response with the centre-left Market Trend calling for a "full throated Kodonist (OOC: Keynesian) response." This is not unreasonable given the scale of the Kalistani economic collapse. The Aldegarian markets appear unconvinced and continued their two week streak of losses although they are mild compared to what the Kalistani markets have experienced.

Aldegar Imposes Health Restrictions on Jelbek Migrants

Aldegarian Interior Minister Rostam Anjavi has announced that the Department of Immigration Services will be imposing new health requirements for immigrants hailing from the central Majatran nation of Jelbania. The country has been hit with a major syphilis health crisis. Jelbeks will now be required to present "certificates of health" in their visa applications for travel to Aldegar.

Aldegar's a fairly popular destination for Jelbeks, attracted by the closely related Mu-Tze minority and for to work in a variety of menial jobs in Aldegar's petrochemical industry. An Aldegarian Jelbek community leader Beije Genzi Rkle condemned the move forcefully and said it was "inflammatory and discriminatory"