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Re: Aldegar

PostPosted: Tue Apr 09, 2024 8:04 pm
by Svetlana2
Despair bear the host of the games

Start of the "Despair Games", Cake and Concord deecribe it as "revolutionary": 10 children, one final winner

Sāhebnazar, Aldegar. Philosophers and sociologists often agree that civilizations that enter a golden age economically, politically, or culturally prefer to continue on operating their mundane life without any radical or drastic change happening, but Aldegar's case is a totally different story. The nation ever since falling to the beartrap that's the Masked Fools Society, the country has witnessed the rise of flamboyant and extravagant trends more and more extreme than the one before it, the society's influence and its impact can be felt all across Aldegar from the isolated villages in the mountains to the bustling coastal cities everybody has at least heard of the Society or were directly influenced by them but even the society has retreated to the shadows once again, its presence looms over Aldegar like a shadow. As such, the Aldegarian people crave the feeling of thrill that was procured by them through an overdose of stimulants using ads, government benefits, careless actions and leisure caused by the Fools actions and influence, all of these factors have eventually led to the creation of the "Despair Games" a joint venture orchestrated by Cake International and Concord Incorporated, held at small popularity city of Sāhebnazar, people were already wondering what was happening in the Xorena region as the city was first evacuated with none of the original inhabitants being allowed to stay there while construction teams were building massive wall barriers surrounding the city, shortly after they were seen building an entirely new massive school like building that included high-end equipments and dormitories but Cake and Concord's teams didn't stop there as they purposefully damaged some buildings and purposefully planted plants to damage the structural integrity of buildings and give them an abandoned post-apocalyptic theme. After that, 10 teenagers were enrolled to participate in the games with each having a special trait or skill deferentiating them from their peers, and the contestants are:
1) Noah Maliam, trait: Harmony
2) Sayinaral Qayag, trait: Justice
3) Xiao Yazhu, trait: Kindness
4) Leyli Golchin, trait: Hope
5) Hannah Gaja, trait: Loyalty
6) Zhao Yimu, trait: Music
7) Zamani Mehdi, trait: Assassination
8) Akhtar Lotfi, trait: Intellect
9) Temuge Otichigin, trait: Fashion
10) Shen Xun, trait: Gambling

The contestants were then thrown into the abandoned city before being greeted by "Despair Bear" the official host of the games, he then stated that the games are a battle to death but also a trial of the guilty in which even tho murder is allowed if one corpse is uncovered a trial will be called in and the person found guilty executed, to ensure that all contestants remain within the games facility, tourets were hand all over the wall barriers and bomb collars attached to the contestants neck that can triggered through manual action or as an automatic response to one trying to take off thier collar. The Aldegarian public, surprisingly, avidly watched the games start in front of their own eyes through their screens with the contestants already exploring the abandoned city, the question of whether or not the killings happening are faked has been left unanswered but the only thing sure is that terra's sadistic games are happening right within its beating heart.

Re: Aldegar

PostPosted: Fri Apr 12, 2024 8:38 am
by Svetlana2
President Parisa Shahi attending the annual debrief on Aldegar's economic situation

Motion to tie the ACR to the LFR swiftly passes with 79% majority, the Aldegarian economy keeps growing: Lourennai influence in the heart of Seleya?

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. Aldegar, a nation located in the exact middle of the Seleyan continent and home to the world's most strategic canal connecting the east to the west but the nation has been under the international spotlight for quite some time. You see, ever since the start of the Water Lilly revolution with its eventual success in toppling the old administration through the help of a mysterious organization known as the Masked Fools Society that swiftly managed to spread havoc in the nation by first causing the start of riots by leaking highly confidential documents about corrupt deals happening in the government, they also hijacked Aldegar's national and international TV and radio broadcasting studios that promote lyrics revealed even more about the corruption of the old administration which promptly led to the strike of a deal between MFS and the Aldegarian military to topple the government and create a transition under the helm of the Fools who also reopened the Aldegarian Canal following its temporary closure due to a massive strike of the National Organized Workers Syndicate. Those days of trouble are now dead and gone in the nation's history as it is currently experiencing its biggest and quickest economic boom in its recent modern history, nicknamed the "Aldegarian modern golden age", the seleyan country has undergone deep and radical economic, institutional, and Social reforms that gave birth to a merciless competitive market where companies fight to death, both figuratively and literally, to rise in prominence and gain access to the Aldegarian Corporate Council, the nation's most prestigious economic institution that has direct influence over economic matters, said council has then directly proposed to the presidency to tie the Aldegarian Crown to the Lourennai Franc as to ensure a stable and profitable future. As such, the matter of tieing the ACR to the LFR was debated in Congress as it was part of a bill proposed by the office of the presidency named "Freeing and Revolutionizing Aldegar's National Currency Act", also known as the FRANC Act for short, the bill was given the usual 2 months debating period with both supporters and opponents to the reform being allowed to speak freely on the congressional floor, the most famous supporter of the bill being the Minister of Finance miss Hannaneh Dehghanwho defended proposal when asked about the feasibility of the plan, she stated, "In cooperation with all of the Ramsāhreza Central Stock Institute, the Aldegarian Corporate Council, and the Aldegarian Central Bank, we have spent countless nights doing calculations and analyzing the economic outputs of countries that have tied their currency to the Lourenai Franc alongside countries that untied their currencies and we have noticed that in most if not all casses, countries that do indeed tie their national currency to the United Kingdom of Lourenne's currency experience a skyrocketing in the quality of life of its citizenry coupled with the building of trust with the market due to Lourenne's excellent economic stability that hasn't even remotely got close to complete collapse in the past centuries. Thus, we have decided that making Aldegar join Lourenne's economic influence in some degrees will benefit us on the long-run alongside empowering our already growing economy." Shortly after the debate period was over, the law was voted upon by members of congress with the House of the Sickle and Hammer and the House of Restorationists abstaining while the House of the Rose opposing it with the remaining houses voting in favor of it, this has allowed the proposal to pass with string 79% majority and thus officially tieing the Aldegarian Crown to the Lourennais Franc. The stock market at the RCSI has reacted positively to the change as the Institute recorded an average of 7% price value surge across rhe board for all companies being sold at the institute, the future looks for the Aldegarian People's Free Federation but will it be engulfed by the Lourennai giant?

Re: Aldegar

PostPosted: Fri Apr 12, 2024 7:49 pm
by Svetlana2
One of the newly built distircts in Ramsāhreza

Completion of the Neon Ramsāhreza plan, Country of Festivies and Alweb gets their fund increased: Seleya's heart beats in silicone

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. The long-awaited ambitious urban development plan for the Aldegarian federal capital known as the Neon Ramsāhreza plan has finally reached its final phase with the inauguration of the Ramsāhreza Monorail system that will serve as a second public transit network to the already existing underground metro and bus stations, the Monorail was designed to connect all major sections of the capital from the bustling newly built residences to the old historical centers it is predicted to serve on average 5 million users everyday. But the Monorail wasn't the only thing inaugurated as the new headquarters of Heavenly Fire, Twilight Tides, Stork Foods, and a join headquarters for Concord Incorporated and Cake International have been completed with a 5th one being the headquarters of the up and coming tech company Stellaris, all five buildings are known as the "Star of megacorps" with each representing the points of a star. Now with the city being renovated to be able to handle massive usage of lights and electricity, Aldegarian companies wanted no time in taking advantage of the promised massive advertisement screen by renting the billboards for as much time as possible with the exception of the do called star megacorps that are using teir own building facade to advertise their own products with both Concord and Cake being the most striking ones that advertised the ongoing Despair games through the use of an interactive billboard showcasing which contestant was found guilty of murder then executed meanwhile the citizens of Aldegar are enjoying the construction of 3 million housing units both within and outside the capital that are part of high-density buildings aimed at maximizing security and efficiency. As a result of it, the Kemog region has experienced a massive rural migration movement toward its capital which has forced the government to double the funds allocated to the Country of Festivities plan and the Alweb plan, the former focusing on entertainment while the latter focuses on renovating and expanding the Aldegarian infrastructure network, the budget for both the Ministry of education and Ministry for Higher Educatio have also been increased in order to allow for the expansion of existing schools and universities while still maintaining the high-quality learning offered to them by employing even more teachers.

Re: Aldegar

PostPosted: Sun Apr 14, 2024 10:44 am
by GreekIdiot

Re: Aldegar

PostPosted: Wed Apr 17, 2024 1:39 am
by Svetlana2
Mohsen Blourian adressing the recent rise in tension during a press conference

Aldegar urges for peace and cooperation while threatening to seize assests amidst rising Lourenno-Beiteynuese tensions.

Secondary news: Aldegar and Gaduros to start "deep and prosperous" cooperation both economically and diplomatically, Aldegar joins the Vamaj network

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. As the world watches the Lourennai dauphine and the Beiteynuese ram go at each other's throat holding daggers made from gold and silver, the Aldegarian federation and more specifically both of Aldegar and Gaduros find themselves stuck in this battle to the death as both countries are considered as extremely important assests for the two contestants with the two seleyan nations being new vamaj member states following a massive boost granted through the lourennai purchase of half of Heavenly Fire's distribution network, but now the two countries must adress the rise in tension if they don't want to find themselves stuck in a morbid dance. The Palace of Javaneh decided to hold a press conference held early in the morning with the attendance of the Minister of Foreing Affairs Mohsen Blourian. He then stated,
The Aldegarian People's Free Federation urges all sides to calm down immediately and to lower their weapons because this recent and rebranded "who was the biggest dick" game happening between the United Kingdom of Lourenne and the Beiteynuese Homeland State will only bring destruction and despair to not only both Lourenne and Beiteynu but also Seleya and Terra as a whole. Due to the severity of the heating up happening, we have decided after thoroughly discussing with both the Aldegarian Central Bank, Ramsāhreza Central Stock Institute, Aldegarian Corporate Council, and both the Ministry of Finance and the office of the presidency to announce that if war ever breakes out between the Lourennai and Beiteynuese kingdoms, we will seize all seats held by both nations in the Administrative Council of the ACAA alongside banning them from ever using the canal while also untieing our currency from the LFR coupled with the potential triggering of the "Aldegar's Last Call for Peace" plan and trust me nobody wants to see us trigger this plan.

As a reaction to the rise in tensions, fhe Ramsāhreza Central Stock Institute index for economic activity in the stock market has reacted negatively but not badly enough to cause a recession as on average companies witnessed a decrease of 5% of their stock value if they were connected to either Lourenne or Beiteynu while other companies continued their upwards trend with anaverage 7% growth rate.
Finally, the minister didn't just adress the rise in tensions, he also addressed the recent visit from Gaduros and the results of it. He stated that both Aldegar and Gaduros are eagerly ready to cooperate both economically and diplomatically with Aldegar immediately granting them rank Eternity for the canal with the high possibility of upgrading it to rank Bloodline if the Gaduri government wishes to, he also stated that Aldegar values her Seleyan allies and calls for more pan seleyan cooperation especially among Central seleyan states.

Re: Aldegar

PostPosted: Wed Apr 17, 2024 5:17 pm
by Svetlana2
Mohsen adressing the recent developments between Lourenne and Beiteynu

2 Xamkorj strikes issued to both Beiteynu and Lourenne with their seats in the canal suspended: Have they angered the Aldegarian monk?

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. In the never-ending game of chess happening over Seleya between the Beiteynuese and Lourennai giants, it seems that the chessboard is about to implode at any given moment with the witnesses worrying about its affect on both their nations and population, and among those witnesses is Aldegar, a nation courted by many due to its extremely strategic as the mother of Terra's most important canal alongside birthing the world's most competitive and fastest growing economy under the leadership of an openly techocratic and corporatationist government that has managed to achieve the impossible and restore the country's former glory while receiving the guiding light of the Masked Fools Society to help them find their way through the darkness

As such, the Aldegarian government alongside all of its economic ans political have been eyeing the current show-off in the sea of lost of souls, a truly ironic name as the sea will most definitely become the graveyard to countless souls, the Palace of Javaneh alongside rhe Palace of Anahita and the Palace of Shahrnaz,(OOC: the Palace of Shahrnaz is the second name for the presidential palace) have all held an emergency joint press conference where all the current Ministers member of the current administration alongside president Parisa Shahi herself were present. All of the the Minister of Foreing Affairs Mohsen Blourian, the Minister of Finance Hannaneh Dehghan, and the Minister of National Defense and Cohesion Hassan Manesh have spearheaded the conference with all of them stating in unison,

The Aldegarian People's Free Federation with the approval of the Aldegarian Federal Free Congress of Representatives and the Council of Class Representatives, we, the current administration of miss Meng Koliyan, have decided to issue two Xamkorj strikes to both Beiteynu and Lourenne and thus temporarily suspending their seats powers within the Aldegarian Canal Autonomous Administration and its Administrative Council. This decision shall take effect immediately with the Aldegarian Federal Navy and the Aldegarian Canal Protection Navy being deployed within our EEZ with the order to either escort out or shoot down any foreign military ships entering Aldegar's Extended Economic Zone. Lastly, we urge all sides to put their weapons down and stop this nationalist nonsense for the greater good of Terra and its inhabitants.

The Xamkorj system, also known as the Cooperation Strikes system, is a military and diplomatic warning system that has been recently adopted by the Aldegarian government shortly after the inauguration of the Techno-corporatists government, the system consists of three "Cooperation" strikes allowing the targeted nation to have the opportunity to take back their actions and back down for the sake of cooperation alongside direct actions from the Aldegarian government will ensure that their assests are either suspended or seized if they reach 3 strikes. If said nation still doesn't oblige, they will then fall under the Marg system, also known as the Death Strikes system, it allows the nation another chance to roll back their actions unless they want a direct and open war with Aldegar alongside a complete blockade from ever using the canal until proper apologies are issued.

Finally both Parisa Shahi and Meng Koliyan ratified the paperwork officializing the two Xamkorj strikes in front of the cameras before both stated their disappointment when it came to how both Lourenne and Beiteynu carelessly cranked up tensions and are now on the brink of war, then they both repeated their calls for peace and negotiations on Middle neutral grounds as to avoid unnecessary bloodshed and possible catastrophic consequences to the global diplomatic theater but they have declared that Aldegar will not hold back if it is attacked directly or if any attempt at seizing the canal is orchestrated, with the plan "Aldegar's Last Call for Peace" and "Humanity's Hopeful Cry" are still on the table of both Parisa and Meng ready to be used if necessary.

Re: Aldegar

PostPosted: Thu Apr 18, 2024 4:01 pm
by GreekIdiot

Re: Aldegar

PostPosted: Thu Apr 18, 2024 5:23 pm
by Svetlana2
Niloofar announcing the seizing of the seats

Formally suspended Beiteynuese seats now SEIZED, and calls for the respect of Aldegarian law: fucking around and finding out?

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. The Aldegarian diplomatic body and the institutions of the Aldegarian Canal Autonomous Administration have been taken by suprised following Beiteynu's sudden move of trying to avoid their seats suspension by selling said seats to a Kirlawi company under the guidance of a N&D one. This move has been considered by many within the ACAA as a direct provocation from the Beiteynuese side and their allies. So shortly after the official news emerged about the seat exchange, both the Office of the Administrator of the ACAA and the Palace of Javaneh have held a joint press conference in which they stated,

Beiteynu's obvious and bolde move orchastrated by the Beiteynuese block in tbe ACAA has violated MULTIPLE council rules that helped ensure a safe and healthy environment, those same rules alsl oversee the handling of seats controlled by anyone within the council because, even though the seats are technically owned by the purchasers, they still abide to Aldegarian jurisdiction and they are still under the grip of the office of the Administrator and the Council's financial board to seize and suspend according to orders issued by the Palace of Javaneh in the federal capital Ramsāhreza. Thus, due to the dramatic and unfortunate developments, we have decided to seize the formally Beiteynuese owned now Kirlawi owned seats and put them under the direct control of the Office of the Administrator. The seats will be eventually redistributed but not granted back to either Beiteynu or Kirlawa. This will serve as a warning to all parties involved to respect Aldegarian sovereignty and law.

Furthermore, the Administrative Council of the ACAA held an emergency voting session to determine the seats new potential owners with a resolution proposed from the ACC block to give 30 seats to Gaduridos has successfully passed with a 260 majority and another motion to start the process of unsuspecting Lourenne's seats also passing with the unexpected use of the Administrator exceptional executive powers being used to pass the resolution directly while an upcoming reshuffling in the ACAA administration is set to happen soon within the upcoming months with rumors spreading that it is only a facade to mask a purge within the Administration from pro Beiteynuese elements that would seek to take advantage of the situation.

Re: Aldegar

PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2024 6:01 am
by Svetlana2
One of the local bunker managers explaining plan Gaia to the visitors on a display screen

Activation of the Gaia plan alongside deployment of the Keres and Moros battalions amidst the Lourenno-Beiteynuese war: God help us all

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. The most feared scenario for the gunpowder barrel that was the sea of lost souls incident has finally received the spark that caused the explosion as an open war was declared between the Beiteynuese Homeland State and the United Kingdom of Lourenne, the Aldegarian government was surprisingly silent for sometime following the official declaration of wars being published but it seems that the silence was only to hide their emergency plan. A truly ambitious and grand one.

The Ministry for Robotics has been worked hand and nail in the preparations of the Gaia plan, also known official as the Humanity's Last Bastion for Prosperity Emergency Plan, the plan consists of the opening of bunkers all across the Aldegarian territory alongside the deployment of an AI known as the General Artificial Intelligent Assistant G.A.I.A, the program consist of 12 subprograms designed to help ensure the essential management of the bunkers alongside safeguarding Humanity's knowledge and way of life through the effort of digitilizing pieces of knowledge from all corners of the world under the guidance of two learning programs known as Al Moualim and Al Kabiha, named after the 7th and 8th Masked Fools show masters respectively, the future children born in the bunker or residents of the bunker themselves can learn new informations through radical new means of engagement.

In addition, the subprogram known as Leto will assist the future parents by taking care of their children through the use of educators and learning programs designed to help a child early brain develop successfully while still maintaining their joyfulness, the Gaia plan also includes the Artemis, responsible for the management of local fauna within and outside bunker facilities as to ensure that they don't fall into extinction, Antheia, responsible for the preservation of the flora and studying of its evolution, and Hermes responsible for the safety of interbunker communications to preserve a central authority after any major scale disasters. There's also the Themis program responsible for the upholding of Justice and law within the bunkers even if the central authority is gone, the program was designed as a way to pass laws on itself while calculating their future impact on the residents.

Finally, the Keres and Moros battalions, named after the goddess of brutal battle death and the God of the doom of death respectively, have been deployed as a direct order from the federal ministry for National Defense in order to patrol the Aldegarian maritime borders and ensuring that no military vessel other than Aldegarian ones are allowed to use the canal, tensions are high within the federal cabinet especially after the fiasco that was the Beiteynuese scheme of trying to outdo their seat suspension by giving said seats to a Kirlawi company overshadowed by a N&D one, this promptly led to said seats being seized and a purge within tbe canal administration happening to cleanse it from any pro Beiteynuese elements coupled with the Beiteynuese government being regarded as hostile and hated by the Aldegarian diplomatic body, this shows that any future relations between Beiteynu and Aldegar are set to die in their eggs as a direct consent of their actions.

Re: Aldegar

PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2024 3:31 pm
by Svetlana2

Aldegar declares its support to Lourenne by allowing their navy to use the canal alongside leaving the Bannderspakt: end of Aldegarian neutrality?

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. Following months of fiascos involving Beiteynu and their allies happening within Aldegarian borders alongside the discussion of sanctions against Aldegar planned by fellow Bannderspakt members against Aldegar has forced the government to update their alignment concerning the Lourenno-Beiteynuese war, also nicknamed by the Aldegarian defense minister the "Lost Souls war". The Palace of Javaneh has then ordered an emergency meeting with the Palace of Shahrnaz alongside announcing a press conference to be held.

So shortly the announcement of international sanctions have been made public throug the creation of a treaty, the Aldegarian diplomatic body didn't waste no time responding to the provocations as the meeting with the president has lead to the agreement of Aldegar needing to leave the Bannderspakt due to "Untrustworthy former friends and allies openly backstabbing us and trying to make them their bitch through the use of the canal". Both the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Office of the Presidency have published a press statement that stated,
Dear people of Aldegar and Terra as a whole,
We are saddened to see that nations we considered as allies have openly backstabbed us to fulfill their selfish interests because not only did they betray our trusts by trying to outsmart our institutions they are also planning to unjustifiably sanction and embargo us for those same greedy interests.
As such, the Aldegarian People's Free Federation and its people openly declare their support to the United Kingdom of Lourenne and their campaign to cut the head of Beiteynuese economic imperialism in seleya alongside their wannabe economic tendrils that once again threatened our nation's economic and political well-being. In order to show our support to the Lourennai cause, we have reached an agreement with the current administrator of the Canal to restore the Lourennai seats and allow for the passage of the Lourennai Royal Navy through the canal while still maintaining the high level alert for the Aldegarian Canal Protection Navy.

The withdrawal of Aldegar from the Bannderspakt has been proposed to congress in which it passed with a 100% majority as all 9 houses called out the "bullying" and "aggressiveness" of Beiteynu and their allies before quickening adding the "necessity" to have deeper and closer ties with both Yingdala and Lourenne as to ensure the preservation of international order and banish the Beiteynuese has-been ideals of unlimited money and overtly corrupt administration.