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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Masionette9 » Fri Nov 10, 2017 3:48 pm

Nowogard, October 4300

After a quick legislative process, this morning the Sejm enacted the law which changes the retirement age for women and men in the Republic of Valruzia. From now on the common retirement age will be set at 67 years of age. The overall shape of the reform is the same as the government's initial plan for the reform. The law includes some exceptions for citizens to go onto early retirement after a certain job seniority.

The text of the Retirement Age Reform of October 4300:

• The retirement age in the Republic of Valruzia shall be 67 years for men and women;

• Women shall be allowed to apply for an early retirement at the age of 63 after the minimum of 35 years of job seniority; an individual who chooses to go on early retirement is eligible to receive up to 70% of the full pension. Pensions obtained by the passage onto early retirement will not rise to the level of minimum average pension, but instead, they will be the subject to valorization at 24 months intervals, to accommodate their height to the current market trends;

• Men shall be allowed to apply for an early retirement at the age of 65 after the minimum of 35 years of job seniority; an individual who chooses to go on early retirement is eligible to receive up to 70% of the full pension. Pensions obtained by the passage onto early retirement will not rise to the level of minimum average pension, but instead, they will be the subject to valorization at 24 months intervals, to accommodate their height to the current market trends;

• The National Institute of Social Services shall be responsible for securing funds to be re-distributed in the state pensionary system according to the payroll presented by the employer;
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Masionette9 » Fri Nov 10, 2017 10:29 pm

Nowogard, November 4300

Prime Minister Robert Tomczyk in a short statement in the Sejm reassured the government's efforts in challenging and overcoming the plague and criticized dorvish politician Friedrich Pfeiffer for politicizing the issue of the Wolfsheim Plague to glorify him and his party political beliefs. Tomczyk confirmed that the Ministry of Health had commissioned specialized research for the cure which will be conducted by the National Institut for Research of Infection Diseases. Valruzia will cooperate with private and public foreign entities like Cancon Zrt to find the cure for the disease by the effective synergy of both sides.

Statement of Prime Minister Robert Tomczyk:
Mrs. Marshall, High Chamber,

The world we know today has to face the problem of a worldwide pandemic and one of the biggest humanitarian catastrophe possibly in its history. We must put the political divisions aside and join our efforts in order to contain the danger and eliminate the threats of greater humanitarian crisis. With death tolls higher than ever before, the Wolsfhein Plague may affect the history of the world we know for centuries and only by our mutual cooperation, we will be able to limit its impact on the human race. The danger is real and should not be politicized. The crisis on the continent of Dovani, despite the fact that began as the result of dangerous politics and severe conflict of interests, has changed its character and became a crisis of the human race. With uncontrollable spread of the disease, and the research for a cure still in its infancy, the danger should enlighten the political elites of world "superpowers" and the Security Council and force them to act, act in order to prevent the spread of the disease and end the misery of thousands of people living under the oppression, without proper healthcare, without proper education and social services which are necessary to prevent such crisis which the continent of Dovani experiences today.

But what's even more alarming is that despite the fact that the northern Dovani is in the biggest crisis in its history and it is imaginable that such situation can take place at the turn of 43rd and 44th centuries, is the fact that some politicians try to use the crisis for their political gains and promote distorted values. Politicians like Friedrich Pfeiffer, who is rather irrationally trying to put the blame on capitalism and ideas of the free marketput the blame on capitalism and ideas of the free market. What Mr. Pfeiffer did is repulsive in yet another way, by taking our the "medical dimension" of the crisis and the disease he undermines the values of humanity, good will and people's solidarity. His sole intention in this statement is to gorify the trotten ideas of communism. Even the thought that someone would be capable of using the tragedy of people, in fact, millions of personal tragedies to promote communism, a political regime that killed probably more human being that the Wolfsheim Plague itself. It deserves full condemnation and it is disgraceful that a politician of a major party in one of the world's most powerful countries is capable of making such a statement. I'm sorry Mrs. Marshall for the words I'll now use and I'm ready to take all the responsibility foreseen by the Sejm rules, but the words of our colleague from Dorvik carry approximately the same amount of factual information as the bucket of horse excrements.

Getting back to our point, we must put the political divisions aside and join our efforts to prevent the worst humanitarian crisis in the recent history of the world. We must stop thinking that if the disease hasn't spread to our country it means we are safe... with the current advanced level of transporation and its frequiency even the toughest restirctions will not be enough to prevent the possibile spread of the disease. Therefore I call upon the Secutiry Council and its "superpowers" to finaly take an effective actions in order to contain the disease and stop the crisis in Dovani. It is the indispensable right of a human being to leave in peace and to be free from danger, and this right is, as we speak, violated by forces of Hulstria. And with the lack of those rights the crisis in Dovani cannot be stopped.

Thank You,
Mrs. Marshall I once again apologize for my language.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Masionette9 » Sat Nov 11, 2017 10:21 am

Nowogard, February 4301

In a response to Mr. Pfeiffer's words Prime Minister Robert Tomczyk released a statement in which he points out lies in Mr. Pfeiffer's statement:

Ladies and Gentlemen,
We've had the occasion to see the total delusional behavior of Mr. Pfeiffer once again. He is indeed a man who committed himself to his political career, unfortunately... nothing else. A man who tends to interpret the reality according to his own caprice, accusing everyone apart from himself for all the mistakes and tragedies of the humankind. Mr. Pfeiffer or I should call him, Comrade Pfeiffer tells lies offhand and misleads the public. Mr. Pfeiffer's delusions are appaling. Communism which Mr. Pfeiffer glorifies, or to be exact communist regimes has killed millions of people worldwide because communism by default tends to eliminate all the dissidents and opposition. It is a system that is not capable of surviving with an effective competition as it is inhuman in its core. But that's not the point of my statement today. Mr. Pfeiffer told lies about the very basic thing, first of one must be totally incompetent to say that valruzian government is theocratic, as the secularist values are written in our constitution and we follow the path of the rule of law. But what's more worrying that "Comrade" Pfeiffer is underestimating the seriousness of the situation the world is in and instead of this he pumps balloons. Spreading the rotten ideas of communism instead of participating in the fight against the Wolfsheim Plague. I want Mr. Pfeiffer to know that he and his ideas are not welcome in Valruzia and surely the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will take care of that.

Thank You.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Masionette9 » Sun Nov 12, 2017 1:15 am

Haldor, June 4301

Is it time to say "Good Bye" for LOT Group's services in Dorvik?

The Szwarzentel Investments S.A., the owner of the LOT Group announced today its intention to withdraw its fleet from Dorvik and temporarily move their aircrafts to airports in Aloria and Kiralwa and till the end of next year all aircrafts stationed within Dorvik are supposed to be re-stationed in Valruzia and a new route network established. Investments group from Brzansk justified its decision with new market trends and the increased demand for cargo and passenger services in Valruzia, but commentators say that decision of the LOT's owner is clearly a political one and that's why it is happening immediately after the elections. Jurgen Nowak, a journalist for the Valruzian Press Agency who works in Dorvik said that it is clearly a sign that the Szwarzentel Investments is not happy with the outcome of the elections and that it will not leave its fleet for the communists to nationalize and cease the infrastructure of the airline. We remind that in 4284 ministries of trade of both countries signed a special deal which established a special type of cooperation between the airlines, LOT Cargo was supposed to fill up the gap in the sector of commercial cargo flights within Dorvik, as the flag carrier of Dorvik lacks a specially designated cargo airline and relies only on the cargo capacity of its passenger jets. This move will undoubtedly create a little bit of chaos in the cargo flights sector in Dorvik, but as the Szwarzentel Investments' spokesman said: "LOT will end all current services and finalize all contracts". LOT Group said that most of the planes have already been transferred to airports in Valruzia where they wait to be reassigned.

Jurgen Nowak said that the decision of Szwarzentel Investments is a sign that the company is on the valruzian government's side and a poke on the communists' noses who will have to face their first problem as the S.I. did not yet announced whether the planes will come back to Dorvik or not. We remind that in recent months a public exchange of statements between Prime Minister of Valruzia Robert Tomczyk and leader of dorvish communists Friedrich Pfeiffer took place after Mr. Pfeiffer undermined the seriousness of the situation of the continent of Dovani. Prime Minister of Valruzia publically condemned Mr. Pfeiffer for using the crisis for his own political gains.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Masionette9 » Sat Nov 18, 2017 7:26 pm

November, 4304.

Feuilleton from the "Direct" Weekly Magazine:

Is it even real? Is it possible? Those are the question raised by those who watched the statement of the dorvish president Edmund Treitschke given in the Staatsrat yesterday. Internet users did not waste their time and the Internet went bezerk with memes and posts ridiculing the dorvish president calling him a freak and madman: "Dorvish President A Freak", "This is a man responsible for one of the world's superpowers.", "Treitschke for President (of a madhouse) 4305". Internet was boiling with the entries about the situation in Dorvik. But let's face the reality, superpower, equipped with nuclear weapon, member of the Secutiry Council is led by a man who's just confessed that he has a mental disorder (Delusional disorder to be exact). How is it even possible that he could run for office? Is there no compulsory psychological examination in Dorvik for candidates for the highest office? But he did not only confessed about his mental illness, be carried on in the State Council and pushed himself to the bottom when instead of just resigning he started a speech about his family relations. C'mon Mr. President, the parliament is not the right place to seek mental support, is it? What is important is the fact that the world's superpower is led by a person with mental illness, no matter how long ago diagnosed with, he still is a person unfit to serve as the President of a Superpower sitting in the Security Council. We'll keep You informed on the situation in Dorvik, which clearly is far from over."
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Adithya » Mon Nov 20, 2017 2:32 pm

Dorvish Finance Minister Meets CEO of LOT airways:-

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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Masionette9 » Mon Nov 20, 2017 11:32 pm

WKP Valruzian State Railway announces public procurement for 21 high-speed trains.
Nowogard, December 4205.

WKP's SPP Vixen, currently the fastest train used in Valruzia with an operational speed of about 200 km/h.

This decision has been anticipated by both public and private sector. As the valruzian Walmaglew is still at the early stage of development of a magnetic levitation trains, the state-owned giant WKP Valruzian State Railways, urged to improve its rolling stock, has been forced to seek providers of new trains outside of Valruzia. At the discretion of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, WKP announced a public procurement for 21 new electric multiple units capable of carrying over 400 people at speeds exceeding 330 kilometers per hour.

The Ministry informed that a handful of foreign business entities will be allowed to take part int he procurement. WKP invited Indrala-based giant, Xiandai Group and Dorvik-based Ebner, Avanza and Tento. As for now, Xiandai Group is the only one to put an offer with two possible units both not exactly meeting the provisions set by the WKP but the differences are "marginal" as Mikołaj Grabkowski, the minister of infrastructure and transport, said. Grabkowski said that the ministerial body formed to adjudge the validity of the procurement will include all factors.

For over a decade now, the WKP has been planning to establish two routes serviced by high-speed trains, but just now the state-owned railways decided to proceed with the plans. If the procurement will end with a success, routes between Szary Kamien and the border with Baltusia and route between Gryfitow and Bawierzow will be serviced by trains exceeding 330 kilometers per hour and with an increased frequency.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Masionette9 » Tue Nov 21, 2017 12:31 pm

Nowogard, March 4306

As Xiandai Group from Indrala was the only company to fill their offer for high-speed trains for the state-owned WKP Valruzian State Railway it was the only one accepted to the second round of the public procurement. Now the WKP and representatives of the Ministry will negotiate the final shape of the contract but it is almost certain, WKP will buy 21 XR200A trains capable of carrying 440 passengers at speed exceeding 330 km/h with an option to buy 15 XR400A even faster train which exceeds speed of 480 km/h.

Currently, the process of negotiations is underway and the WKP will inform about the results. The initial price would exceed 120 million pesos for the whole investment.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Masionette9 » Wed Nov 22, 2017 4:26 pm

Nowogard, October 4206

Xiandai Group's XR200A capable of reaching 350 km/h. The first valruzian unit will be named ''Husarz'' (Hussar).

WKP Valruzian State Railways will launch its first ever route serviced by high-speed trains in January next year. The WKP represented by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport signed a deal with indralan Xiandai Group for the delivery of 21 new electric multiple units XR200A. Indralan trains will be the fastest in the rolling stock of the valruzian railways and one of the fastest in Seleya with the operational speed of 330 kilometers per hour. First trains are due to arrive in Valruzia in December.

21 new electric multiple units will be provided by Indrala-based giant Xiandai Group. Valruzian government and the indralan company agreed to a price of 36 million pesos per one EMU. The overall contract closes on 920 million valruzian pesos and the transport of the EMU's to Valruzia and servicing. In addition to that, the WKP informed the public that after the finalization of the contract it will try to purchase of 4 XR400A capable of reaching 486.1 km/s with 355 km/s as operational speed.

XR200A are equipped with the most advanced tilting mechanism which allows the train to enter turns with up to 75% of the maximum operational speed.

WKP will initially run the new train sets to loosen the track exploitation on routes with high occupancy rates, those are Nowogard - Brzansk, Brzansk - Gryfitow (Tricity) and Gryfitow - Nowogard. Currently, WKP is using valruzian-built E-01 Marry trains capable of reaching 160 km/h as operational speed. After the XR200A will be introduced the journey time will be shortened from 7 hours and 30 minutes from Nowogard to Brzansk to just 3 hours 10 minutes. On route from Brzansk to Gryfitow the travel time will be reduced from 6 hours 20 minutes to just 2 hours 50 minutes. The journey from the capital to Gryfitow will last only 3 hours 20 minutes.
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