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Re: Endralon

Postby robmark0000 » Wed Jul 15, 2020 3:22 am

BREAKING NEWS! Hijacked Plane With Endralonians
The Independent Endralon Is A Progressive Newspaper Focusing On Culture, Politics And Foreign Affairs

In 14 January 4785, radical religious fundamentalist Rajutti Gerajan Malivians hijacked that aircraft what
containing the 72 leading business figures of the beef industry, including the Executive Vice President of
Food Department of the Endralonian leading private supermarket chain, Buy and Use Corporation, Mezei
Evelin. The 28 years old businesswoman is really young, however she is the most important leading figure
of Endralonian beef industry, and this is why currently she suffering from fear and terror.

The Council of Grand Directors, the Endralonian cabinet trying to do anything to stop this act of terrorism,
it coordinating with the Malivian authorities, and try to invade the hijacked plan what currently is in the
Krokar Polje Republican Airport, but with preparing to ascend and go to Malivia. Grand Director of Ministry
of Foreign Affairs Magvas Mánuel said that the Malivian authorities also convicted terrorist actions, but
they also confirmed that in theory they agree with the hijackers about their bad feelings about beef industry.

The hijacked private airplane

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Re: Endralon

Postby robmark0000 » Wed Jul 15, 2020 3:38 am

Kos Web Group Formed
The Liberal Economist Is A Libertarian Newspaper Focusing On Domestic And Foreign Economics

Fellow Sovereign Citizens, in December, 4784, the Kos Web Group, an Endralonian privately owned
telecommunication and internet provider formed. The Lievenian Trade Group, the Hugamest Tech
Group and the Buy and Use Corporation owning the majority of the shares in this new formation, and
other individual shareholders owning the minority of it. It'll be the rival of the TelEndralon, the state-
owned telecommunication provider, what currently the largest one in our country.

The CEO of the Kos Web Group is that Kos Sándor, who is a direct democrat sympathizer, and who've
very good relations with former President of the Directorial Republic and current CEO of Lievenian
Trade Group Króm Gyula. Kos Sándor said, that their clear goal with the Kos Web Group is the beating
of the state-owned rival TelEndralon, and the privatization of the telecommunication across it.
We, liberal economists always happy if a trade race starting, so we are happy this time, too.

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Re: Endralon

Postby robmark0000 » Wed Jul 15, 2020 4:33 am

The 25 Steps is an Endralonian, Governmental Gazette with the goal to publishing news about the Governmental 25 Steps Program

Nineteenth Step: Telecommunication

The Endralonian private telecommunication and internet provider Kos Web Group and the Vascanian private telecommunication company Multural signed a contract about cooperation and about building together Endralon's communications-related infrastructure. The current infrastructure was built by the Endralonian state-owned telecommunication provider TelEndralon, what working actively since the foundation of the Directorial Republic, is less robust, according to some. However, the 25 Steps Program funding both companies, both the KWG and TelEndralon to make better our country's communications-related infrastructure.

The Multural and Kos Web Group will starting the building of new radio masts and towers for point-to-point, point-to-multipoint and broadcasting communication, across the whole country. They planning the building of 2 towers and masts in every more important city in Endralon, and the building of others in the rural, near to the small towns. Without bias, the telecommunication towers of the Multural and Kos Web Group are more modern than the antennas of the TelEndralon. Furthermore, with the Multural, the Vascanian social media platform Reaksocial also entered to Endralon what very popular among Endralonian youths.

Twentieth Step: Postal

The Endralonian state-owned post office Horn Public Postal (abbreviation: HPP) of course also got help from the money of the 25 Steps Program for the modernization of the postal system of our nation. The Horn Public Post opened several new post offices across the country, and with it they created many new jobs and made more easier the life of the their simple fellow Endralonains. Before the 25 Steps Program and the modernization there was 3200 post offices in Endralon, currently there are 3600. The 400 new posts mainly are placing in the little bit outdated, agricultural Republican Canton of Zergon, but every Republican Cantons got new post offices.

Furthermore, the Horn Public Postal got a contract with the Endralonian national airline and flag carrier Public Air Endralon (abbreviation: PAE) about the letters and shipments from abroad, and to make more easier the transport of them, the Horn Public Postal leased the two, new ARJ A5000 (what the PAE recently bought from the Istalian private aircraft manufacturing Ajace Aeronautics) large cargo planes. Before the leasing, the HPP only had that cargo planes for the letters and shipments from abroad, what it got from the private Endralonian and foreign investors for a while, but now, as the result of the leasing (what funded by the 25 Steps Program) the plane-situation of the HPP stabilized.

This happened in February, 4785 thanks to the 25 Steps Program
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Re: Endralon

Postby Balint » Wed Jul 15, 2020 8:35 am

The new conservative leader is Novák Rudolf

NPP has elected the new leadership. Novák Rudolj has been elected as president. The new leadership is the next:

    President: Novák Rudolf
    Vice presidents: Gál Dominik,Kovács Gyula, Nagy Gergő
    Spokesman: Juhász Ágnes

Novák Rudolf told, that they will be a more conservative party. He said the conservatives won't be in government, if the government don't want to hear them.
We won't be a puppet party. If our partners don't want to hear us, we will leave the coalition. It is not an announcement of the leaving. It is a warning.

Novák Rudolf
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Re: Endralon

Postby robmark0000 » Wed Jul 15, 2020 9:30 am

The 25 Steps is an Endralonian, Governmental Gazette with the goal to publishing news about the Governmental 25 Steps Program

Twenty-first Step: Electronics

The Kalistani private consumer technology firm Kalistani MicroDivisons and the Endralonian private high-technology corporation Hugamest Tech Group will opening two new factories in our nation's scientific centre, in the city of Kobolmocs, Republican Canton of Efínia. The first factory will be in the northern suburbs, named Neumann Cooperated Technological Plant, and the second factory will be in the eastern suburbs, named Kobolmocs Consumer Factory. Both factories will manufacturing consumer products, like phones, TVs, radios or game consoles, CDs. The new joint game of Lodamese RedGamer and Endralonian ENDead will be also publishing on the game consoles what manufacturing here.

The TelEndralon also got a contract with Hugamest Tech Group and Kalistani MicroDivisions about the selling and marketing of the products of the new two factories of Kobolmocs. The 25 Steps Program is independent from the market race between the TelEndralon and Kos Web Group, in the past it helped the latter with the antennas, towers and masts, now it helping the TelEndralon with the marketing and selling rights of the recent products. The Grand Director of Ministry of Trade and Industry Nemes Bertalan, the manager of 25 Steps Program said that this is a great opportunity to make more significant the economic relations between the Republic of Kalistan and the Directorial Republic of Endralon.

This happened in March, 4785 thanks to the 25 Steps Program
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Re: Endralon

Postby Aquinas » Wed Jul 15, 2020 2:09 pm

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Re: Endralon

Postby robmark0000 » Wed Jul 15, 2020 5:24 pm

CEO: 3M Not Negotiating With Terrorists
The Independent Endralon Is A Progressive Newspaper Focusing On Culture, Politics And Foreign Affairs

The radical, religious fundamentalist Malivian terrorists, who hijacked that plane what contained the 72
important figures of beef industry, including the Syldavian-Endralonian Mezei Evelin, Executive Vice
President of Food Department of Endralonian largest supermarket chain Buy and Use Corporation. The
terrorists already released three businessperson, but still keeping under terror another 69 one, including
Ms. Mezei Evelin. The terrorists said they would release the Endralonian lady, if Endralon would give them
and another, more prestigious one, the most powerful businesswoman on Terra, Ms. Boros Roberta.

Of course the Endralonian authorities cannot force the CEO of More Medicament Manufacture to take the
risks, and because of it, Ms. Boros not taking it. Across the official website of 3M, they send a clear message:
the world's most powerful and leading healthcare company not negotiating with terrorists. But they attached,
that they will do anything what they could to free Ms. Mezei and the other hostages from the terrible rule
of terror. The 3M Corporate Security Investigation Team will working together with the Endralonian and
Malivian authorities to solve the problem.

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Re: Endralon

Postby robmark0000 » Wed Jul 15, 2020 5:38 pm

Magvas: Keymon Went Too Far
The Independent Endralon Is A Progressive Newspaper Focusing On Culture, Politics And Foreign Affairs

What is it? Tiny, boastful and oppress itself? Yeah you know well the answer, dear reader, it is Keymon. And
do you know what the Keymonite children will know about our country, about Endralon, about that nation,
what give the history's the largest healthcare company ever, what recently celebrated the 50th Anniversary
of its Directorial Republic, what is the emerging power of Artania? Nothing, because the Keymon Ministry of
Education and Culture deleted Endralon (just as Likatonia) from the children's school books.

Our Grand Director of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Magvas Mánuel said that with this action Keymon went too
far. And I think, all Endralonian could agree with him, regardless it is left-wing or right-wing, NPIP, NPP, DD,
NAPP, Davis or MPE supporter. Magvas also said, the government considering sanctions on the small island,
because this hostile activity. As he said, an another nation cannot call another nations "3M subsidiary" or
"corporate puppet". In the meanwhile, the More Medicament Manufacture posted an article in its official
website about convict Keymon's defamation and said that they're just a company, what not rule, but serve
26 countries, including the great nations of Likatonia and Endralon.

Grand Director Magvas Mánuel during the press conference

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Re: Endralon

Postby robmark0000 » Wed Jul 15, 2020 8:20 pm

3M Sending More PMCs To Kundrati
The Liberal Economist Is A Libertarian Newspaper Focusing On Domestic And Foreign Economics

Fellow Sovereign Citizens, a natural human instinct, if somebody attack us, we defend ourselves. In 5, June 4785,
some idealistic Kundrati politicians formed the "Integralist Republic of Kundrati" in the Provinces of Lirnak and
Peghonai of the country. With this secession, the More Medicament Manufacture and Lievenian Trade Group lost its
all facilities in this two provinces, which is clear theft, what the government of the Kundrati Union also convict.
The Palace of Governature, the centre of Kundrati politics not reacted actively yet, but 3M yes.

With the permission of Kundrati government, the 3M send more private military contractors (including individual
contractors, and the soldiers of the Hutorian Phoneix Security International and the Endralonain Incorporated
Security Units) to the western part of the Province of Pilgon, and the northern part of the Province of Celania, to
preventing the more loss of 3M-facilities in Kundrati. The tensions are high, both between the 3M and the Integralist
Republic and the Kundrati government and the Integralist Republic. We hope, we not have to prepare for the worst.

Group of 3M PMCs entering to a 3M-facility in Western Pilgon during the night

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Re: Endralon

Postby robmark0000 » Wed Jul 15, 2020 8:38 pm

Republican Guard Ordered To The West
The Independent Endralon Is A Progressive Newspaper Focusing On Culture, Politics And Foreign Affairs

After the worrying situation of Kundrati, the government decided to ordering 25 000 Republican Guard special
forces soldier to the borders between Kundrati and Endralon - announced Grand Director of Ministry of Foreign
Affairs Magvas Mánuel (Direct Democrats) and Grand Director of Ministry of Defense Fekete Tibor (Ndrálon
People's Party) in a joint press conference. Magvas added, that this military presence in the borders isn't
against the status quo, the Kundrati Union, but against the Separatists, because Endralon cannot take
the risk that the rebels entering to our homeland.

However, the Directorial Republic of Endralon is in the side of the Kundrati status quo, in the side of the
Union, as Magvas said. The Endralonian Representative to the Security Council of the World Congress
Márton Panna proposed a bill in the Security Council about the official World Congress recognition of the
indivisibility of the Kundrati Union. Furthermore, Magvas finished the press conference with the promise,
that Endralon will help the Union in several case, but it won't intervene militarily, because the protecting
the life of the soldiers of the Armed Forces of the Directorial Republic.

Republican Guard (Syldavian: Testőrség a Köztársaságért, native abbreviation: TEK) in the borders

The Independent Endralon Is A Progressive Newspaper Focusing On Culture, Politics And Foreign Affairs
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