New Endralon and Kizenia

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New Endralon and Kizenia

Postby Brydog » Tue May 26, 2009 12:29 am

News from New Endralon.
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Re: New Endralon Republican

Postby admtrap » Fri Jul 24, 2009 1:26 am

From the official State Newspaper:

April 7, 2791

Cetatea Albă - Preşedintele Anaïs Kuzaki, the beloved leader and defender of our freedoms, has fallen seriously ill. Prim-ministru Rin Shizuka shall immediately act as Preşedintele for all but the ceremonial duties of the office, under the law of succession, until the Preşedintele recovers. Jade Anaïs Kuzaki, the beautiful ten year old daughter of the Preşedintele, has been entrusted with the ceremonial duties of the Preşedintele office, under the supervision of her uncle.

From a celebrity/tabloid paper;

April 16, 2791

Fluviului, Sodali - Jade was cheered by loving crowds as she arrived in the Sodali capital, to dedicate the new Highway 14 bridge downtown. Crowds of supporters, wellwishers and admirers chanted "Zeiţă Jade" as the acting Ceremonial Preşedintele strolled through the crowd, surrounded by her security forces. Despite criticisms that the young Jade is being treated as if she were royalty, and is brutally spoiled, rather than the daughter of a democratically elected leader, the young Jade kept her composure well during her first public appearance without her mother. We are sure she would be proud.
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Location: Kizenia and Kuzaki

Re: New Endralon Republican

Postby admtrap » Fri Jul 24, 2009 6:59 pm

From the international press;

Attempted Coup d'etat in Cetatea Albă?

Forces loyal to Prim-ministru Shizuka clashed with forces under the command of General Antyn Chousheau, of the Corps of Engineers, in the west bank suburbs of Cetatea Albă last night, as two weeks of tensions over accusations that the Prim-ministru intended to take over the nation in a bloodless coup finally turned violent.

The General, operating under a request from Mayor Geoargi of Arubashito to secure the reservoir, following an earthquake earlier in the day, had taken control of Arubashito Dam. Security forces from Cetatea Albă arrived on scene, and attempted to arrest the General, on orders from Shizuka, on grounds of subordination. The General refused to submit to civilian law enforcement, stating that only the Preşedintele could legally have him arrested. Shots were fired, but it is unknown how many were injured.

At the current time, it appears the military has taken control of the west bank of the Tilarnia River, and the Parlamentul has passed an emergency act giving Shizuka dictatorial power, placing (at least in theory) the military under her sole command.
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Location: Kizenia and Kuzaki

Re: New Endralon Republican

Postby admtrap » Sun Jul 26, 2009 12:09 am

From the Cult of Jade news

May 1, 2792

Cult of Jade ousts Parliment! Victory!

With the assistance of loyal members within the military, and a pair of old politicians from the old regime, the Parliament has been overthrown! Their efforts to prevent our Zeita from ending this civil war on Her terms and according to Her will have finally been ended. The deposed leaders of both factions in our war will be judged by Her, after she has been legally crowned our ruler.

Long live Jade! Long live New Endralon!

From an underground opposition paper

May 1, 2792

She has been seldom seen during her short life. Little more than a political prop for the masses, to distract them from the anti-democratic antics of her mother. Like her mother, she is the titular head of a mass cult of personality with little substance or ideology behind it, only the craving of power. Unlike her mother, she is essentially a figurehead, riding apparatus built by others. And unlike her mother, she was raised from day one to be a spoilt princess.

A year ago, she gave her one and only television interview to date - to a childrens educational programme that few saw and fewer still noted. Indeed, it was noteworthy only for the vapidity and utter lack of intelligence the child who now rules our nation held - the part where she had to pause and drag on a cigarette to remember her line about the dangers of smoking being particularly and painfully obvious.

In the end, with the civil war between Shizuka and Chousheau raging, both plotting to have the "blessings" of the child of our deceased President, they sowed the seeds of their own death, turning what was once a relatively harmless and vapid fan club into an organ strong enough to take over the government itself. It wasn't until Colonel Graudenţa, and junior ministers Moe and Katsu, both betrayed their bosses, that the civil war ended - mercifully with much less death than could otherwise have emerged. But in the battle between a military dictator and a political despot, we have come out with what could be the worst outcome - a petulant child, who will now grow believing she is the deity her worshippers make her out to be.

How long will it be before the Colonel or the Ministers fall into disfavor with this mercurial child? Once she deems them no longer cute? With the Parliament filled with cultists, and the government barely plodding along, a collection of cultists, and betrayers of the two civil war factions, what is to become of our nation? It is a mistake of the highest order to turn a perfect figurehead into a person whose word becomes law.
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Location: Kizenia and Kuzaki

Re: New Endralon Republican

Postby admtrap » Thu Jul 30, 2009 12:47 am

(From the official state paper)

Zeita Jade: "Cute is the law."

Our Zeita has spoken, commanding that the Great City of Cetatea Alba be reconstructed in her image - that is to say, cute - decrying the older skyscrapers and factories in parts of the urban area as "ugly and stinky ugly." The Interior Ministry will be enforcing the edict, requiring landowners to beautify accordingly to Jade's Will, or their property will be seized. Some landowners are complaining about requirements which they claim make "no engineering sense whatsoever," such as the owner of 300 N Imperial Avenue, who has been required to "put a giant green jester cap" atop his 74 story building.

These criticisms do not take into account the deeper point behind Jade's edict. Clearly, she sees tourism as a vital stimulus to our economy, and furthermore a stimulus to the national spirit. A drab capital, filled with skyscrapers without hats, and factories painted a drab gray instead of an exciting pink and purple, depresses the people, while a beautified, beautiful city can only inspire us to greatness.

Long live the Zeita!

(Opposition paper)

Government wasting massive funds

In the short time since the so-called Zeita was placed on the puppet stage by her greedy controllers, our nation has gone from a creditor to a debtor, and a power into a whipping boy. Trillions are now spent for the Office of the Zeita and the Prime Minister; not so long ago, that budget was less than fifteen million. Rumors abound that the taxes, which already went higher on the poor after the new Flat Tax was implemented, could get even worse - rumors suggest that there are people trying to convince the Zeita to implement a much higher tax rate on poor people, and a lower rate on the rich. Meanwhile, our national independence has been hijacked, by a mutual defense treaty with Trigunia and Dolgaria - can Egelion be far behind? Sure, the Baltuzian dogs have a lunatic leader so we must defend against him - but honestly, is he any crazier than the pre-teen alcoholic we have on the throne now?
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Location: Kizenia and Kuzaki

Cetatea Albă News Network (Kizenia & Kuzaki)

Postby admtrap » Thu Apr 22, 2010 5:51 am

OOC: Starting a new thread mainly because, in addition to the name change, the former nation's newspaper got taken over in confusion. :D

CANN: Confederation Proclaimed

Ending four years of behind the scenes negotiations, the last vestiges of both Kerisian Colonialism and Socialism have been formally stripped from the nation, as the territory formerly known as the New Endralonian Socialist Republic officially became the United Confederation of Kizenia and Kuzaki. Prime Minister Soria Anaïs Kuzaki held the honor of removing the plaque from the National Parliament, which read in Endralonian "The People's House of New Endralon", and replaced it with a plaque in all three of Kizenia and Kuzaki's official languages, proclaiming the chamber the "National Legislature of the Confederation of Kizenia and Kuzaki." (The reference to Kuzaki is clarified in the Kuzaki language version, where the historic symbol for the Kuzaki Territory, rather than the Family Name of Ren and Soria Kuzaki, is used).

While the national government will continue to set many overall policies, the change in government grants the Province of Kuzaki greater autonomy in local affairs, particularly in Education and Justice.

There was grumbling from the nations New Endralonian community, particularly in Sodali Province, where protesters insisted the nation would "always be New Endralon." Thus far, the protests have been peaceful, with only three arrests when a small group of protesters attempted to block traffic in downtown Fluviului.

Celebrations, on the other hand, were the order of the day in Kuzaki, where Provincial Ministers proclaimed a day of festival in commemoration of the grant of regional autonomy. It is expected that negotiations with Tiania province for a similar autonomous status will be issued sometime in the next year, once tax sharing arrangements are made.
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Location: Kizenia and Kuzaki

Re: Cetatea Albă News Network (Kizenia & Kuzaki)

Postby admtrap » Fri May 07, 2010 11:54 pm

CANN Exclusive: Supreme Commander Ren to step down?

Rumors from inside Palat Drăguţ suggest that Supreme Commander Ren, also known as Anais IV, is quickly approaching a decision on stepping down voluntarily, following her mother's example, rather than facing the rather grim fate her other ancestors have faced. Ren has no children herself, and is said to be considering either Alexandra Kuzaki, the 15 year old granddaughter of her sister Soria, or Alexandra's older brother, 29 year old Marcel Kuzaki, currently serving in the Defense Ministry. The previous heir-apparent, Olga, has been taken out of consideration after a scandal.

"Marcel is the the more qualified by far; since he turned 14, he has been working within the government ministries, learning the tools and trade of government. With his aunt Olga's... unfortunately exhibition of the insanity that runs all too rampant in the family, honestly, Marcel is the only one who has the experience and knowledge of an administrator. Unfortunately for him, he is a son of the family, and there is a rather strong family tradition of the daughters and nieces having preference," notes Professor Klaus Varnuda, Cetatea Alba University Dean of Political History.

"Alexandra, for better or worse, is likely to be the choice; Ren herself may prefer Marcel, but within the family her rule is not absolute - and Alexandra is Soria's favorite; she and her grandson do not see eye to eye at all. For better AND worse, Ren is no Ai," he adds, noting that Ren's administration, despite starting on a troubling note, has been remarkably free of the random whims and terrors of Ai and Jade's rule.
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Location: Kizenia and Kuzaki

Re: Cetatea Albă News Network (Kizenia & Kuzaki)

Postby admtrap » Sun May 30, 2010 3:32 am

Alexandra "disappointed" in Olympic Performance so far

CETATEA ALBA - Regina Alexandra expressed disappointment that the Kizenian & Kuzaki united team has thusfar failed to perform up to expectations in the Olympics. "We had high hopes," she said, in an exclusive interview, "but in retrospect perhaps allowing the Kutohaderia Tobacco Corporation to sponsor the teams was ill advised."

It's unknown at the present time how this will play out, with Kuzaki Province bidding for the next games to be held in Tanashi.
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Location: Kizenia and Kuzaki

Re: Cetatea Albă News Network (Kizenia & Kuzaki)

Postby admtrap » Thu Jun 03, 2010 9:59 pm

Prime Minister announces "part-time" status for Parliament

CETATEA ALBA - Marcel Kuzaki dula Anaïs, Prime Minister of the Confederation and cousin of Regina Alexandra, has announced that the Parliament will meet only part-time for the foreseeable future. "Most governing is now devolved to local levels anyway, and the Executive Cabinet can handle most of what is not possible to resolve locally," the Prime Minister explained, denying charges that the move was influenced by the Constitutional Court's decision to certify the "Libertarian Alliance" as a national political party. When pressed, he said "I am unaware of any party in the legislature, or represented in local office, by that name."

A lower level palace official who has the Regina's confidence, however, conceded that the Libertarian presence is part of the real reason for the move, speaking under conditions of anonymity. "The Government is not interested in publicizing the views of a party which advocates the legalization of murder. We recognize that the government is hardly universally popular, however, and a significant fraction of the population may be tempted to vote opposition merely out of day to day frustration with the current administration. Change for the sake of change. To the extent, however, that we can prevent their dangerous and radical philosophy, we will do so. We encourage the formation of rational opposition parties, on the right or the left, republican or royalist. But it is clearly in the long term best interest of the nation to keep insanity from power. Perhaps it is irony for the great granddaughter of Ai the Terrible, the great great great grandaughter of Jade the Stupid, to accuse a political faction of complete insanity, but nevertheless is is clearly true here. Their platform explicitly calls for murder to be legal. No civilization can survive with those sorts of ideals in charge, irrespective of any other factors."
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Location: Kizenia and Kuzaki

Re: Cetatea Albă News Network (Kizenia & Kuzaki)

Postby admtrap » Wed Jun 09, 2010 7:59 am

Selucian Embassy "asked to leave country promptly"; Charge d'Affairs to Selucia making preparations to return to Cetatea Alba

CETATEA ALBA - The Selucian Embassy to the United Confederation was put on notice that it is no longer welcome, after Selucian authorities murdered Talal Hannad, the Baderan Ambassador to Selucia, who had been arrested by that nation as a hostage.

"You are free to leave," announced the Deputy Foreign Minister, arriving at the Embassy in the Diplomatic Quarter. "But you are not free to remain." The edict includes a formal revocation of the Selucian Embassy's diplomatic status, with the exception that they will be "not harassed" so long as they make "prompt progress" towards leaving UCKK soil.

All persons under Selucian Passports have been ordered expelled from the United Confederation, in protest to the Selucian barbaric actions. The action was described by a Palace spokesman as "the least harsh response imaginable, given Selucian actions in recent days." While the expulsion does not immediately require tourists to leave, it does forbid any new entry into the nation by Selucians, and any Selucians found guilty of any law violation "will be deported without trial," according to the Interior Ministry. After sufficient time for tourists and businessmen to leave "under their own dignity" has been afforded, Immigration officials will step up enforcement of the Selucian expulsion, under the assumption that any Selucians who ignore the edict are doing so "for nefarious purposes."

The UCKK Charge d'Affairs to Selucia, Krista Motomori, and her staff have already been advised to immediately leave the country "by any means necessary" by the Crown, and a formal travel warning against Selucian travel has been issued, in the wake of Selucian actions. Unless Selucia engages in actions similar to those it inflicted upon Badera's envoy, the UCKK staff is expected to be in a neutral nation by nightfall, and arrive back in Cetatea Alba within the following day. UCKK subjects present in Selucia are strongly urged to make their way to Pontesi, Cildania or Malivia, and then return to the UCKK from one of those nations.

UCKK subjects are also advised to refrain from travel to the United Baderan Emirates, as a war between Selucia and Badera is possible due to increased tensions in the area.
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Location: Kizenia and Kuzaki


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