
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Jelbania

Postby Kubrick » Wed Jul 08, 2020 11:20 pm

"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Jelbania

Postby Zanz » Thu Jul 09, 2020 6:17 pm

16 June 4782
As Deltarian remittances and seasonal work wane, southern Jelbe squeezed

DRTÁRÉK DTK, Rilmos, Jelbek Khanate Though the Jelbic Khaganate and the Deltarian Empire have often found
themselves in dire opposition throughout history, here, in the southernmost reaches of Jelbe, on the still mostly-porous
border of Rilmos, Jelbe and Ushalande, Deltaria, economic ties between Jelbék and Deltarian have ever been a fact of

Though northern and coastal Rilmos are relatively affluent by Jelbék standards, southern Rilmos and the vast steppes of
Perimor remain some of the poorest areas in Majatra. The vastness of the land, the ferocity of the Jeztaghé tribes of
the steppe, and multiple occupations throughout history have all proved anathema to capital, and inhabitants of the
Jelbék wastes largely live pastoral lives relatively removed from the influence of Baofluz and Wiel. In these places, the
northern Deltarian cities of Apostolul Andrei and Ronnede serve as regional economic hubs, and seasonal and temporary
migration from Jelbe into Deltaria is common, even if frowned upon by Čachtice and strictly forbidden by Baofluz.

In Drtárék Dtk, nearly two in five households depends at least in part on remittances or seasonal work in Deltaria to
make ends meet. As the Deltarian economy has shrunk, so too has this income, and Jeztaghé tribal leaders have warned
provincial officials of impending starvation, epidemics, and strife as is common in tribal-controlled areas on economic

Officials in Baofluz had little concern, noting that Jelbék who choose to work with the Deltarian enemy must reap the
fruits of their treachery.
The Jelbék Purple Stripe is the oldest media outlet in Jelbe. It is written to a foreign and Settled (Jeztaghényr) Jelbék audience.
Just a bunch of shit.
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Re: Jelbania

Postby Kubrick » Thu Jul 09, 2020 10:23 pm

"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Jelbania

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sat Aug 01, 2020 5:19 pm

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Re: Jelbania

Postby Rogue » Mon Aug 17, 2020 10:04 am

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Re: Jelbania

Postby Reddy » Thu Jan 14, 2021 11:46 am

OOC: Old draft, old news

The Jelbék Purple Stripe is the oldest media outlet in Jelbe. It is written to a foreign and Settled (Jeztaghényr) Jelbék audience.

6 June 4855
Jelbe's finest arise to tackle post-Khaganate political chaos

BAOFLUZ, Jelbek Khanate A Kurultai has gathered on the right back of the holy river and has elected a new Khan to succeed the King of Vanuku who it deemed to have "abandoned the throne." The Kurultai, largely composed of Jelbe's most powerful clan chieftains and aristocrats agreed unanimously on Bek Merlkai Merlkaisrmko Grakkrt, great-grandson of the great reformist premier Merlkai Grakkrt.

Merlkai Khan

The Khaganate era saw extreme exploitation by Jelbania's northern neighbour and many common Jelbeks have taken a decidedly negative view of Vanuku Yet in the governing class, much of it Vanukean educated, such loathing has hardly developed. The current Kurultai has refused to consider any measures aimed at leaving the shell of the Khaganate which remains. Incoming premier Baron Wenzel z Katona described the two constituent states as "closer than lips and teeth" and vowed to keep the Khaganate in some form. Indeed, had Vanuku not faced its own political crisis, many believe that the Kurultai would have maintained the King of Vanuku as head of state. The Jelbek aristocracy fondly remember the old King who always took care to keep them friendly and leave them to their devices.
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Re: Jelbania

Postby Reddy » Mon Jan 18, 2021 12:02 pm

The Jelbék Purple Stripe is the oldest media outlet in Jelbe. It is written to a foreign and Settled (Jeztaghényr) Jelbék audience.

26 March 4878
Surprise choice for premier as Jelbek aristocrats watch socialist Deltaria with wary eyes

BAOFLUZ, Jelbek Khanate The ruling Purple Wolf Party has surprised many observers by picking ‘progressive’ backbencher Taj Shlajkai Hyeon as the new Wrntusrljikai (premier). The Taj replaces Baron Wenzel z Katona who retired after a 23 year tenure with a gift of 340,000 LOD from the Kurultai and the elevated title of Count. Taj Hyeon has for decades called for an expanded national government focused on reducing economic and social inequalities. For decades his fellow legislators could ignore him and follow the “same as always” path of the late premier. The rise of socialist Deltaria however worries the Jelbek aristocracy and a not insignificant number of them recognise some wisdom in Hyeon’s views.

At the meeting held to decide on the succession to Baron Katona, Taj Hyeon was chosen with unanimous assent from all factions present. The new leader’s plans could hardly be described as radical – he proposes an income tax of 3% and a similar corporation tax and a small increase in the luxury sales tax, all to fund relief for the unemployed, poor children and widows. The country's long history of resistance to expanded government, particularly the uniquely hated income tax will prove significant challenges for the new premier. He has no experience in government whatsoever despite having spent 23 years in the Kurultai so far.
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Re: Jelbania

Postby Reddy » Tue Jan 26, 2021 11:50 am

The Jelbék Purple Stripe is the oldest media outlet in Jelbe. It is written to a foreign and Settled (Jeztaghényr) Jelbék audience.

2 October 4882
Premier gambles on election as Kurultai stymies tax reform plans

BAOFLUZ, Jelbek Khanate Four years into his premiership, Taj Hyeon has flung into a high-stakes confrontation with his party’s conservative magnates. The Taj has challenged legislators from his party to an early election following their refusal to support some of his economic reforms. The Kurultai voted down the Taj’s proposed income tax with a considerable margin of 67 against and 42 for. The Taj pushed the bill knowing full well that it would go down in defeat which would trigger an election expected at the end of the year.

A polling station in central Nemawar.

The campaign has begun in earnest with several campaigners cum newly appointed government workers knocking on the doors of gentry, middle class and others prominent enough to vote but not so prominent to not resent the great magnates who dominate the Purple Wolf Party’s conservative factions and the Kurultai itself. Many candidates aligned to the Taj are running as independents in constituencies held by his rightwing intraparty rivals.

A conservative backbencher Beije Hemze H. Nubanyr accused Taj Hyeon of appointing thousands of patronage workers with the intent to purge the party of its conservatives by campaigning against them. He also decried the “money bill fiasco” which he alleges that the Taj triggered by allowing some supporters to abstain or vote against it in the hopes of triggering an election to trigger. A spokesman for the Taj dismissed the allegation as “stuff of best seller lists”
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Re: Jelbania

Postby Reddy » Wed Jan 27, 2021 2:19 pm

The Jelbék Purple Stripe is the oldest media outlet in Jelbe. It is written to a foreign and Settled (Jeztaghényr) Jelbék audience.

28 October 4882
Ultra-conservatives apply extreme tactics to stop Taj Hyeon as premier and allies seized and executed in rogue operation

BAOFLUZ, Jelbek Khanate In one of the most dramatic political developments in the Khanate, the election campaign which face off the reformist premier Taj Shlajkai O. Hyeon against his ultra conservative legislative rivals has ended, like many Jelbek political debates, in blood. Three weeks before the hyped election, the premier was summoned to a hearing of the Judicial Committee of the Kurultai to testify on allegations of corruption and abuse of power.

The premier protested that the esteemed court could not sit while the Kurultai was dissolved and an election in process. He chose to attend anyway and on hisway, he was waylaid by Beks Jlekai Mrjkaisrmko Obme, Stjepan Stjepansrmko Jeztri and Bek Noh Omrsrmko Salzyr the greatest magnates in the Khanates accompanied by some 500 retainers, seized the premier and cut off his head and those of his advisors. The massacre was a trigger for a greater one in the rural constituency where hundreds campaigning for the Taj’s reformist candidates were executed without due process by the magnates’ private militia – a force rumoured as numbering at over 3.000 men.

The election went on as planned with almost all candidates returned aligned to the ultra conservatives. Bek Obme has been named as the new premier, vowing to reverse the “harmful communistic reforms of his thrice damned predecessor” and vowed on his honour to ''never oppress the people with tyrannical income tax, armies of bureaucrats and endless and terrible new laws."
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Re: Jelbania

Postby Reddy » Mon Feb 01, 2021 3:59 pm

The Jelbék Purple Stripe is the oldest media outlet in Jelbe. It is written to a foreign and Settled (Jeztaghényr) Jelbék audience.

2 November 4885
Ruling trio empower monarch in last ditch effort at preserving fast dwindling influence

BAOFLUZ, Jelbek KhanateIn perhaps the most significant if vague constitutional reforms in the Khanate, the government has rammed through a new so-called Basic Law. The new constitution of sorts will see a significantly altered shift of authority back to the Khan who will gain authority over appointment of key state officials in a series of enabling acts passed along the new constitutions .

The move is the brainchild of the so-called three “bloodmouth” Beks Obme, Jeztri and Salzyr who after their brutal assumption of power in late 4882 find that they have neither power nor authority. The three are hated by much of the Jelbek population who remain disgusted at their violation of traditional rules governing the execution of nobles – not so much the application of political violence which Jelbeks regard, with their well-established fatalism, as a necessary condition of local politics.

Ancient custom prohibits the spilling of noble or royal blood under any circumstances with many suggesting that the slain premier Taj Hyeon should have been killed in some other way other than beheading. The three Beks have also bickered a great deal over the division of spoils and policy with mixed with considered amateurism and a propensity for violent solutions such as the shooting down of 12 men who booed Bek Obme at a public function in the capital, have all combined to turn the whole alliance into a comedy of errors.

Khan Merlkai the nation’s hitherto ceremonial and elected head of state for 27 years now, has played the marriage counsellor of state over the past three years mediating and brokering compromises between the trio. Lack of trust in each other and increasing decreptitude of the 194 year old constitutional arrangements have elevated the monarch in the public eye with many increasingly believing that the restoration of an old school monarchy might protect most from the aristocracy's selfishness.
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