
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Gaduridos

Postby Super Progressive » Mon Feb 26, 2024 3:57 am


Despite the cries from moderates and conservatives against the mass nationalization of industries and the placement of them under workplace democracy, the LSP has successfully passed the "Restoration of Socialism Act", a bill first written in the 5420's but was only expanded and put to a vote recently."I think the fact that we are returning to the true socialism that the people have so earnestly wanted is great news" stated by Prime Minister Tarragona, "Capitalism has clearly failed the people of Gaduridos, that is why they elected us with an 80% landslide and a total majority in Congress."

When asked about the budget concerns raised by the Leader of the Opposition, Prime Minister Tarragona responded "It's just fearmongering from conservatives, these measures were put in place back in the 5400's and 5410's when the government spent less on the budget, and yet everything functioned well, the government in fact ran a surplus like it does today.We don't see why it would be any different now."
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Luis1p » Tue Feb 27, 2024 5:24 pm

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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Elena1012 » Tue Feb 27, 2024 7:51 pm

Isabella Arriaga goes on the campaign trail; a moderate prosperous promise to Gaduridos.

As election remains a year away, the PUI has taken the initiative by beginning their campaign trail and Isabella Arriaga will not let the opportunity slide to try to steal LSP voters and go on the campaign trail. She has began her campaign on a moderate platform, calling for reversing the extreme policies the LSP has, to which she has called them "archaic" and "destructive, only fit for a nation in the third world". She has promised moderate policies on economy, believing that cooperation with the free market is vital and that by pivoting towards a planned economy, the nation will struggle and suffer. The Arriaga Campaign has taken advantage of the LSPs adherence to tradition from nearly 40 years, and has moved to try to boost its progressive credentials, citing the PNP to be one of, if not the most progressive party in Gaduridos and that progressives who vote for the LSP are wasting their vote, especially on conservativism with a red dye.

Economically, she has campaigned on continuing agriculture support, and continuing infrastructure projects, working hand in hand with the private sector to ensure the best possible results. She has advocated that the nations farmers need more support, and the Gaduri Infrastructure is in a woeful state besides the sparse infrastructure projects recently undertaken. With the LSP having not enacted any support for the farmer or continuing the infrastructure project, she has chosen to advocate heavily on these, claiming the PNP to be the best option for farmers who need more aide.

However, despite her efforts, she is not without controversy as her staunch hostility to socialism has seen the PNP shift away from Liberal Socialism towards Social Democracy, and this has caused worry amongst the campaign in the attempts to steal moderate LSP voters. Regardless the campaign trail for the PNP has begun, and whether the Progressive Message will be embraced by Gaduridos is yet to be seen.
Hulstria-Mikuni holds successful elections; Centre-Left prevail.

Beitenyunese-Lourennais alliance dissolved; A worrying omen?

Deltaria to begin developments; Mass potential or a wasted effort?
La Rosa Nacional (The National Rose) is a progressive news outlet, dedicated to expressing a progressive free truth to Gaduridos.
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby ReformedEndralon » Thu Feb 29, 2024 8:02 am

Far-Right Party Formed to Contest Next Elections

November 5446

Gaduridos has a new national political party after a mixed assortment of independents, defectors from major parties, businessmen and eccentrics met in the capital Ciudad de Gadur to form the National Front. Journalist Stefania Palamara has been selected as the Presidential candidate for the fledgling party, which will likely inject some media appeal to the party. The party has promised to run on a hardline anti-immigrant platform and will also seek tough measures on law and order while protecting civil liberties and back deregulation for business.


National Front Presidential candidate Stefania Palamara.
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Super Progressive » Fri Mar 01, 2024 8:00 am


With the election only a few months away, The Prime Minister has decided to campaign very rapidly in order to secure re-election for the LSP.Firstly, knowing that the PNP has taken a right-ward turn, the Prime Minister campaigned amongst the more left wing members of the PNP members, talking about how the PUI has turned its back on socialism."The LSP is the only party that can bring about socialism", he said, "after seeing Arriaga bastardize your party, can you really trust the PNP to continue on its promise to liberal socialism?It's only the LSP that fights for truly workplace democracy, as we have implemented it totally in our 4 years of rule, and all the other parties threaten to overturn it.A vote for the LSP is a vote for economic democracy."To attract the left more broadly, the Prime Minister called the LSP "the natural heir to the SPP", a historical left wing party in Gaduridos, though critics say the politics of the SPP aligned more with the PNP than the LSP.

Aside from that, the Prime Minister also campaigned amongst seniors who have nostalgia for the earlier socialist period in Gaduridos and now can retire earlier under LSP rule."The LSP brought back the greatness of socialism to Gaduridos, which was then repealed by a monarchist government," he said, "we should not bend to the will of monarchists like the other parties want, republicanism goes hand to hand with socialism."

May 5447
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Elena1012 » Sat Mar 02, 2024 4:57 am



Yes dear reader, you have read the title correct. The far-right National Front has won elections with 112 seats in the National Congress and Presidency. What this means for Gaduridos, to where such an extremist party can get into power is anyone's guess. We may see a staunchly nationalist administration, am authoritarian one or even a fascist one. Even with the National Progressives getting 2nd place in the elections, this doesn't finish the worrying effects of what a National Front administration will be like. It's been 8 years since a moderate government has been in power and with the far-right gaining full power, we can only worry for what will happen to Gaduridos.

Isabella Arriaga has already made it clear that the PNP will shoot down any radical bill from the FN, and will do whatever it can to safeguard Gaduri liberties and democracy. Rumours have already circulated of a potential "Popular Front" between the National Progressives and the PUI, CR and LSP to combat the FN in the National Congress. However these remain unconfirmed. The only major question is how. How have the Gaduri people been so radicalized to turn to the far-right? While the answer may never be found, Gaduridos will have a turbulent 4 years ahead as it may very well become unrecognizable after these 4 years.

Already, one thing is for certain. We can expect a strong nationalist sentiment to affect the country's laws as the borders will be tightened and efforts will be made to "be tough on crime" alongside rapid deregulation of an already chaotic economy that has gone from mixed to planned and now may very well go to laissez-faire in less then a decade. Any chance of economic normality coming has been dashed for another 4 years. Whether authoritarianism will come as a result is yet to be seen but it remains a possibility with extremist parties.

All we can do is hope for the best. If not for our sake then for Gaduridos.
Kanjorian Elections occur; Communists and Democrats rule?

Trigunia abolishes monarchy as nation goes it's own separate way; A new dawn for Keris or the warning before the storm?

Princeps Maximiamus assumes control of Selucia; A worrying development or stability at last?
La Rosa Nacional (The National Rose) is a progressive news outlet, dedicated to expressing a progressive free truth to Gaduridos.
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Super Progressive » Sat Mar 02, 2024 10:18 pm


The recent election results has shocked political scientists across Gaduridos, with what many people thought previously as a fledging, new party has suddenly won the election.A far right party known as the National Front, is now the ruling party of Gaduridos after 4 years under a far left one.Many people are concerned over such a drastic turn in politics, especially since going from a planned economy to a laize faire one suddenly will have drastic economic effects.Others are concerned over the status of immigrants, especially considering the fact that the FN would prevent any immigrants from obtaining citizenship or a job,

the outgoing Prime Minister and Leader of the LSP, Ivan Tarragona had this to say "If the FN dares to overturn years of earned labor rights, and rights for both immigrants and other minorities, they will pay in both the ballot box and in the streets."On the rumors of a potential Popular Front with the moderate parties "If the CR has any semblence of humanity, they would refuse to ally with fascists."
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby ReformedEndralon » Sun Mar 03, 2024 2:20 pm

President Charts Moderate Course

June 5448

Eight months into office President Palamara continues to chart a moderate course in Gaduridos politics. She and her National Front party, described as far right by many, surprised many commentators by winning the Presidential and National Congressional elections in October 5446. The party secured absolute majorities in the states of Marligantos and Cuernatecas on the back off popular discontent in these regions with the open borders policies pursued by Gaduridos in recent years. However despite benefitting from the support of many nationalists, the National Front has worked hard to secure a stable and moderate centre-right government with the Conservative Renew party. National Front negotiators during cabinet discussions wooed Conservative Renew by stating they wanted to work with the "experienced and mature" party to provide sensible government.


President Palamara at a briefing to the Senate

While many feared the National Front would take away rights from minorities, the National Front has largely focused on more moderate proposals to transform elements of Gaduri culture. The party has introduced legislation to allow the private ownership of homes, to end redistribution of farms and to allow for religious choice in education. Although such policies have upset some on the left, as the government enjoys majority they are likely to pass.
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Luis1p » Mon Mar 04, 2024 4:37 pm

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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Elena1012 » Sun Mar 10, 2024 3:56 pm

National Progressives win 5451 elections!; Isabella Arriaga promises reforms and economic growth.

Having been relegated to 2nd party status in the elections, the far-right National Front managed to introduce their reforms to the country and many analysts have wondered whether the National Front would gain another term or lose the elected mandate, and it seems they outright stumbled. With the party dissolving only months before elections, with many theories as to why as no official reason was stated (the best assumption could possibly be infighting?), this has left the far-right of Gaduridos with only one avenue left: the moderate Conservative Renew Party. However, when elections came, the people chose the moderate centre-left Partido Nacional Progresista (National Progressive Party) and elected Isabella Arriaga to the position of Presidency.

Winning 77 seats and two states, this has put the PNP in a majority by a mere 6 seats. Should the PNP form a coalition with the centrist PUI or the left-wing LSP, a full majority can be kept in the National Congress. Whilst coalition talks have not yet formed, it's clear that the PNP will have an ally in either direction it goes. Outside of the National Congress, Arriaga has already promised mass reforms, such as reversing the worse of what the National Front has enacted, alongside reversing the worse of the LSP's 4 years prior to the National Front. Arriaga has also promised education reform, looking to expand the education budget, develop Gaduri higher education and overall promote a stronger education system. Economically, she has advocated for increasing support for Gaduri Agriculture, and increased infrastructure projects to ease economic burdens and raise the quality of life.

Whatever the case, this has been a major shift in Gaduri politics yet again with the Centre-Left being voted into power. With fresh promises of reform and economic growth, the Gaduri people will have to wait and see if this will truly be an administration of the people or yet another out-of-touch extremist administration.
In other news

Kirlawa Emergency draws the world's attention as tensions rise between Kirlawa and Kundrati.

Lourenne mobilizes into Southern Seleya.

Thallerists win election in N&D.
La Rosa Nacional (The National Rose) is a progressive news outlet, dedicated to expressing a progressive free truth to Gaduridos.
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