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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Luis1p » Sat Jun 25, 2022 7:38 pm

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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Super Progressive » Tue Jul 12, 2022 6:53 pm


Just today, there is a massive protest just mobilized outside the building of the Central Committee.The protestors are oddly socialists themselves, which are also in opposition to the policies of the Gaduridos Communist Party (PCG).Up until the 5140's, right wing politics have run this nation completely after the end of PCP dominence, with many liberalizing reforms to the economy.It was even said that left wing politics were in decline back when that now dead era was only beginning.

But something changed in the 5140's, the final generation that grew up under right wing policies were now tired of them, and wanted change.Now that they were all grown up, and there existed a left wing party since the SPP, the PCG won in a landslide, defeating the SCP.However, while the PCG might have looked like a good alternative at the time, and even so radical it would make the historic SPP look like conservatives in comparison, it implemented quite authoritarian policies, like forcing children to sing the national anthem and putting a total ban on polygamy, something which not even the most conservative parties prior ever dreamed of doing.They not only reversed right wing market reforms, which was a popular move, but also instituted a planned economy, something which is controversial among those that oppose the PCG.

In other ways, the PCG seems to not be doing enough to implement what protestors call "real socialism".Under the PCG government, businesses still have free reign to fire striking workers as well as secondary strikers, which would be contradictory to the ideal of the workers owning the means of production.After all, you're not really free if your livelihood can be easily snatched away just because you do not like your working conditions.

And especially a major greivance is the heavy restrictions against religion and free speech in general.Religions are not allowed to promote themselves, and all TV stations are owned by the government, so no one can make a TV station criticizing the government."Separation of religion and state also applies when the state tries to intrude on religion!", one protestor yelled, followed by cheers of agreement.Still, that's not even the worst thing the protestors find about the state's position on religion.They also find the idea that the government should be involved in vetoing the appointment of religious ministers abhorrent, and the government straight up telling millions of people that their beliefs, which they find their meaning of life in, is false.The government should not concern themselves over what people believe in regards to religion, it's not necessary, and only seeks to allienate millions of people.

With these list of greivances, more moderate leftists, or would have been considered moderate leftists in the 5090's, argue that the SPP should be reformed in opposition to the PCG, as it was the historical libertarian leftist party, which would be the only left wing opposition to the PCG.However, the populace of modern day Gaduridos has gotten so far left that even the SPP is not enough for them.Instead, the idea of reforming the Libertarian Socialist Party (LSP), another historic party, is way more popular among the populace.The LSP was really a radical incarnation of the SPP, when the radical bloc of the SPP took power over the SPP, but it was the only libertarian anti-capitalist party in recent memory,Hugo Costa, a famous leftist critic of the PCG, said "The SPP was merely a bourgesie party, more benevalent than the alternatives of the time, but it still supports the autocracy of the bourgesie.We want a party that not only opposes the authoritarianism of the PCG, but also the authoritarianism of capitalism".

Unrest against the PCG has increased, whether this will culminate into something meaningful, only time will tell.

July 5148
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Rezidentura22 » Thu Jul 14, 2022 10:04 am


PCG firmly in government for the good of the people: dissidents met and justice reform promoted

May 5149

After some negotiations between the libertarian socialist dissidents and the PCB deputies, in the presence of the Minister of Industry Armando Togliatti, the demands for reform regarding the rights of the gaduran workers were accepted.

It should be noted that labour reforms were already in preparation at the PCB Central Committee but had been slowed down by the primary need to reform property and social services in order to guarantee the people the satisfaction of all their basic needs.

On the other hand, the PCB deputies did not accept the proposals regarding the rights of religious bodies. In a press conference, Prime Minister Lucilla Gramsci stated: "In this delicate phase following the revolution, it is not our intention to repress those who believe in God, but the religious bodies in this country have supported the worst right-wing dictatorships and have never opposed the misery caused by the previous capitalist governments. Therefore, it is necessary at this stage to tolerate religion, yes, but also to play an active role as a government in reducing its burden, discouraging citizens from following dangerous dogmas that would take Gaduridos back to the Middle Ages."

Justice Minister Enrique Madrid also announced the presentation of the long-awaited justice reform in the courtroom, in order to guarantee the respect of citizens' rights and the independence of judges from political power, thus stating: "Judges will be loyal only to the socialist constitution, we will avoid the creation of a separate class of privileged people as in the past regime."
Juan Chavez - General Secretary of the Gaduridos Communist Party
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Super Progressive » Fri Jul 15, 2022 1:05 pm


In response to the protests, the PCG did approve of the “Empowering Workers Act” bill, which closed up any anti worker law, but they have rejected the religious rights bill, otherwise known as the “True Secularism Act”, the name being an homage to the saying “separation of church and state applies the other way around, too”.

In this delicate phase following the revolution, it is not our intention to repress those who believe in God, but the religious bodies in this country have supported the worst right-wing dictatorships and have never opposed the misery caused by the previous capitalist governments. Therefore, it is necessary at this stage to tolerate religion, yes, but also to play an active role as a government in reducing its burden, discouraging citizens from following dangerous dogmas that would take Gaduridos back to the Middle Ages.

Is what Prime Minister Gramsci has said in a press conference to justify rejecting the bill.This statement has resulted in many agreeing with it, while many others criticizing it, especially among the LSP.

One of the most compassionate rebuttals, which has brought many to agree with the LSP position, comes from Umberto Lopez himself, the recently elected Leader of the LSP and candidate chosen to challenge Gramsci in the next election.His rebuttal comes as follows:

Historically speaking, virtually no one, including religious bodies, opposed the misery caused by capitalist governments.Neither did atheists, this has nothing to do with religion, it was simply capitalist conditioning, which doesn’t care if you’re atheist or religious.All that matters that you are subservient and loyal to the capitalist system.However this has changed recently, as both religious and atheist people now support the abolition of capitalism and the instatement of socialism, as evidenced by the PCG’s crushing victory over the SCP.If anything, these policies would turn away religious people who would otherwise support socialism simply because the government which proudly calls itself socialist discourages believing in religion.It would be beneficial to the cause of socialism if we didn’t alienate people on their belief in gods or a God, as that is irrelevant to the cause of socialism.Socialism simply means the workers own all the fruits of their labor and democratic control over their livelihoods, regardless if they believe in a God or gods or not.As for religious bodies supporting right wing dictatorships, yes many radical ones have, but most condemn dictatorships.

Following on this, the LSP has proposed an ambitious bill called the “Personal Freedom Act”.As the name suggests it will enact proposals giving more control of every day life to Gaduri citizens, such as legalizing gambling, and abolishing conscription.This bill has gotten quite a lot of support from those in the LSP, but the PCG has yet to react.Whether this bill with pass will be something for the future.

December 5149
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Rezidentura22 » Fri Jul 15, 2022 1:24 pm


Socialism has nothing to do with casinos

December 5149

We are amazed at how those who call themselves libertarian socialists today can propose to our state to go back to legalising casinos, tools of capitalism to make money without merit and destroy entire families with gambling addiction, the cancer of our society.

The personal freedom law promoted by the PSL might have met with our favourable vote for some articles, but none of our MPs were approached in advance to seek a favourable compromise.

Finally, in relation to the supposed 'personal freedoms' of dishonouring the flag or not performing any service for the homeland, Defence Minister Juan Centella said: "The current Gaduridos flag represents our revolution and the blood shed by our martyrs for freedom, protecting it from any act aimed at damaging it is the least if we care about defending the memory of those who sacrificed for us." The minister went on to add: "Currently, our government does not oblige anyone to go to war or to perform military service exclusively. We have chosen to combine compulsory military service with the possibility of civil service, which is a useful training school for Gaduridos in dealing with emergencies and organising the community in the event of serious problems. Removing this obligation, which is a duty for all citizens without any difference of class or political office, from one day to the next would automatically create inequality between those who have the professional skills to defend the country or to protect it from emergencies and those who instead find themselves powerless in the face of such phenomena."
Juan Chavez - General Secretary of the Gaduridos Communist Party
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Super Progressive » Tue Jul 19, 2022 7:35 pm


In the first competitive election in over a decade, the newly reformed LSP managed to blow out the incmbent PCG in the polls.Hugo Costa, the new President, defeated now former President Juan Chavez by over 70% of the vote, showcasing a change in the Gaduri populace.

"This victory could not have been possible without the support of the Gaduri people", Hugo Costa said in his victory speech, "It is my duty, and every other elected official's duty to serve the people to the best of their ability.Clearly, as proven by this election, the PCG has not fufilled this duty.They implemented laws restricting the freedom of the Gaduri people to as they please as long as it does not hurt others, but gave immense freedoms to the politicians in power.The people this election had a choice between freedom for the governed or freedom for the government.I'm glad you chose the former..."

The upcoming Prime Minister, Umberto Lopez, commented on the victory, "The PCG accuse us of legalizing tools of capitalism when we were trying to legalize gambling, clearly the people do not see it that way.Gambling, just like any other activity, can indeed induce an addiction, but this is not sufficient to ban it, and it shows in the polls.If the casinos are owned and managed by its workers, it cannot be capitalist by definition.It is simply a hobby like any other, and therefore should be legal for the people to enjoy.

It is also outstanding by the PCG's unwillingness to see how prohibiting people from disrespecting the flag or refusing to do service is not a restriction against their freedom of expression.If there is an immoral war Gaduridos is involved in, both actions could be used to pressure the government from withdrawing from that war.Instead, we restrict their freedom of expression and force the people into the military, this being one of the myriad of reasons as to the PCG's unpopularity".

February 5152
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Rezidentura22 » Thu Jul 21, 2022 8:58 am


The Gadurian Communist Party held its 2nd Congress early after the electoral disaster

November 5152

The CPG concluded the work of its 2nd Congress this morning after the electoral catastrophe in February. The Congress was scheduled for the beginning of 5153 but was brought forward in view of the latest events and the start of the social-democratic reforms taking place in the country that trample on the national dignity of Gaduridos and their people.

The majority of delegates elected the new Central Committee, given the crisis due to the collapse in consensus, the composition seems to have changed.

As for the moderate wing of the Party, the component of former Minister of Labour Armando Togliatti, linked to market socialism, obtained 14% of the vote, doubling the result of the First Congress

Rising sharply, probably due to the strong opposition to the PSL's policies, the component of the left nationalists of retired General Juan Centella, which increased from 9% to 20%.

On the rise was the component of the radical socialists, of a libertarian stamp and in favour of an alliance with the PSL, who went from 9% to 11% of the vote.

In the centre, the component linked to the outgoing Secretary and former President Chavez, Marxist-Leninist, fell to 47%.

The party's left wing collapsed vertically, with Veronica Santiago's Maoists at 3% and Sofia Torre's revolutionary trade unionists at 5%.

Thus the new 200-member Central Committee:

6 Maoists
10 Revolutionary Trade Unionists
94 Marxist-Leninists
22 Radical Socialists
28 Market Socialists
40 Left Nationalists

Thus the new Central Control Commission, the Party's 17-member disciplinary body

3 Revolutionary Unionists
6 Leninist Marxists
5 Left Nationalists
2 Market Socialists
1 Radical Socialist

The new Central Committee elected the new 23-member Political Bureau:

1 Maoist
2 Revolutionary Syndicalists
7 Leninist Marxists
3 Radical Socialists
4 Market Socialists
6 Left Nationalists

The increase in internal splits within the Party led to lengthy negotiations and only after two whole days of meetings between the components, which let us remember by statute do not exist and do not have the right to call their own assemblies or own their own newspapers or associations, did we arrive at the election of a General Secretary and a General Secretariat of compromise between the areas, the result of the alliance between Marxist-Leninists and Revolutionary Syndicalists.

The new Secretary is therefore Amanda Rodrìguez, of the Marxist-Leninist component, elected with a majority of only 104 votes out of 200.

The new General Secretariat consists of 10 members, 7 of whom are Marxist-Leninists and 3 Revolutionary Trade Unionists.
Juan Chavez - General Secretary of the Gaduridos Communist Party
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Steven » Sun Dec 18, 2022 4:39 am

Formation of New Labour Movement


Leader of the newly formed Labour Party - Leopoldo Ventalli held a speech at the steps of the National Assembly


"The Gadurians are going through difficult times, which have been brought on us by both scheming capitalists and raving communists. It is clear to me that it's necessary to form a new political movement, run in free elections, and WIN to ensure peace. Yesterday I visited the outskirts of the capital of our great nation, which has now been reduced to a chaotic scene of carnage and death. I was there with Labour volunteers who went down to the bloody streets to tend to the wounded. With my own eyes I saw the bodies, I saw women and children lying dead in the streets and their bodies covered in a stench of tear gas. These were innocent people gunned down by the former communist government. Or perhaps it was the monarchists? Does it matter?! They're all enemies of freedom. We shall not rest in peace until citizens of this state are able to roam the streets in peace, and we shall use force if necessary to ensure our goal. However, the first step towards our goal of peace and prosperity will be free elections. And that is what I am committed to and why I am now running for President. Together we will build a stable, peaceful and no longer divided Gaduridos. Viva Gaduridos!"

Gadurdios currently is classified as a 'failed state' as the current government has completely collapsed leaving the country in ruins. The King has fled and with him the treasury, and the communists merely finished the thieving job before being routed themselves. Now, there's been massive labour unrest due to the rising cost of living, and many farmers and other labourers have been completely neglected by the government. These people have formed a new movement headed by the charismatic Leopoldo Ventalli - who has vowed to undue the mess and restore order.
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby TRA » Sun Dec 18, 2022 10:29 am

Yingdala - TRA Press & Media Office
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby TRA » Sun Dec 18, 2022 11:27 am

Beiteynu - MOFA's Yasmin Keshet Comments on the Situation in Gaduridos
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