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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Tayes » Wed Apr 24, 2024 6:53 pm


Xavier Baptise Releases New Controversial Book

Xavier Baptiste, a member of the Congress in Gaduridos, and member of the Liberal Union, has released a new book this month titled “La Libertad del Individuo”, translating to “The Liberty of the Individual”. Baptiste, the de facto leader of the small minority libertarian faction within the Liberal Union, argues in the book for the reduction of the size of the state, both in Gaduridos and throughout the world.

The book also argues for the abolition and reduction of most taxation, including a full scrapping of income tax. This, in turn, Baptiste argues, would force the state to make cuts to unnecessary services, allowing the free market to take over, therefore giving individuals more choice over the services they receive. Baptiste also states his belief that although human nature may be self-interested, this should not be a problem for society. Instead, we should exploit this self-interest by creating competition, driving development and innovation.

The book has received an overwhelmingly negative response within mainstream Gaduri politics, including from within Baptiste’s own party. Many have called for Baptiste to be expelled from the party, with Juliana Romano, fellow Liberal Union congress-member, taking to the floor of Congress today to claim that the book goes against everything she believes.

This places the party under considerable strain, and after seven years is perhaps the biggest test of the Party President, Juan Martinez. The party’s leader in Congress will also be tested, as even if Martinez does not expel Baptiste from the party, Garcia could still remove Baptiste from the Congressional group.
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Elena1012 » Fri Apr 26, 2024 10:32 pm

Railway Plan set to begin as Gaduridos looks to connect the Trans-Seleyan Railway with the rest of the mainland.


Tonatora has been one of many cities in the State of Cuernatecas to experience mass economic growth from the Trans-Seleyan Railway and the Gutiérrez Administration has looked to expand this prosperity across the rest of the mainland. To that end, the Corporación Estatal Gaduri (Gaduri State Corporation) has, as per usual been given the contract to begin construction of railroads across the country, from Tonatora to Las Vistas in Manzamal. The Gutiérrez Administration has looked to not only expand wealth at home bht also ensure that a Pan-Seleyan agenda can be easily done.

While Tonatora enjoys the prosperity of Pan-Seleyanism, the rest of the mainland can't say the same and Gutiérrez has looked to change this. By expanding the railway, it will not only allow more goods from Baltusia and Kalistan to cross the country, it will open the door for the railway to go to Tukarali or even Aldegar. But the first step to that is ensuring all of mainland Gaduridos is connected to the Trans-Seleyan Railway.

Besides bringing development alongside the railway path, expanding the rail line will boost the Gaduri economy in more States and expand wealth to more Gaduri, alongside increasing regional development. Furthermore, once accomplished and should a rail line be done with Tukarali and even Aldegar, the economic potential is immense due to the Aldegar Canal. However, for now the focus is on ensuring development and wealth can come to more of Gaduridos. Combined with the need for infrastructure development in Manzamal, economic development can go positively, at least according to predictions.
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Tayes » Sat May 04, 2024 2:54 pm


Las Vistas City Council Announces New Development Plan

Early plans for the central section of Vientos Dorados del Norte

The Mayor of Las Vistas, and Liberal Union politician, Alejandro Suárez, has announced a major development plan for the city; with the resulting area to be named Vientos Dorados. Suárez revealed that he believed the plan would transform the city, boosting the tourism industry and creating thousands of new homes. It was revealed at the announcement that the council had approved and amended a proposal of a consortium of development companies, providing the project with funding. The plan is expected to cost the council around 30% of their annual budget for the next seven years, with the rest of the cost being met by private companies. Funding from existing development projects and local programs will be cut to finance this. Suárez also revealed that the council hoped to apply to the national government for funding for the development.

The first part of the development will see the creation of approximately 25,000 new homes, with a combination of modern high rise and mid-sized apartments. The housing area of the development will take up the northern part of the site, and as such will be referred to as Vientos Dorados del Norte. The area is planned to be semi-pedestrianised, with communal car parks connecting through a network of underground tunnels to one main road at the back of the housing development. The rest of the site will be pedestrianised, with necessities such as grocery shops, doctor’s surgeries and schools all within walking distance. This part of the development will be build first.

The second part of the development is Vientos Dorados del Sur, which will be build along the coastline. This part is expected to draw in tourism and eventually create jobs for the area. The proposed vision is of a long strip of bars, restaurants and entertainment venues. Suárez was keen to make it clear that this would be a great boost to the local economy and wound transform the reputation of Las Vistas into one of high-end tourism.

Some have criticised the plan for making such a dent in the city budget, accusing the mayor and council of selling out to developers. Many have suggested that the plan may overrun or cost more than expected. Supporters of the plan however have praised its ambition and the creation of affordable but well-built housing.
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Tayes » Sun May 05, 2024 8:40 pm


Juan Martinez Steps Down as ULG Party President, Replaced by Juliana Romano

Juliana Romano

Before the ULG Federal Conference this month, the party’s first party President, Juan Martinez, announced that he would not be seeking reelection for the position for a fourth term, siting fatigue, a change in family circumstances, and the party’s failure to enter national government. Following the announcement most party members thanked Martinez for his service. Martinez stated that he would be remaining a member of Congress and active in party politics, but would take a more backseat role in national politics for the time being.

Following this announcement the ULG opened up the nomination process for a Party President, as was scheduled anyway given that Martinez had come to the end of his third four-year term. Unlike the last party President contest, in which Martinez stood uncontested, three candidates successfully received the required nominations to enter the member-wide election. These candidates were: Juliana Romano - Chairperson of the Liberal Union Manzamal Regional Committee; Antonio Garcia - Leader of the Liberal Union in Congress; and Xavier Baptiste - the controversial de facto leader of the libertarian faction within the party. The voting saw Baptise eliminated in the first round of the vote with 8% of the membership vote. Romano received 47% and Garcia 45%. In the second round Romano won with 52% of the vote, compared to Garcia’s 48%.

Romano is considered to be an economic liberal, favouring free trade and economic prosperity. She does however have a track record of supporting progressive policies. It is worth noting however that all party policy is set by the membership, so whilst this may signal a shift slightly to the economic liberal faction of the party, no party policy will be decided by Romano. The new party President was considered the best candidate because of her track record of success running the regional party in Manzamal, with the party having established the region as a stronghold, winning 76.89% of the vote in the region at the last election.

The role party President is largely to organise the administration and organisation of the party, responsible for having the final say on staff appointments and other such matters. They are also responsible for the party’s campaigning and media strategy. However, policy is made by a vote of the membership and the representatives in Congress elect their own Leader in Congress - this individual being Antonio Garcia. The party President also does not automatically receive the party’s nomination for President of the Senate, with the election for this taking place before the next election. The party President is seen as a figurehead however, and is one of the most influential figures in the party.
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby GDAC37 » Wed May 08, 2024 7:35 pm

El Engranaje Y La Espada

Ernesto Costa Announces Presidential Campaign for October 5481

This afternoon in Ciudad de Gadur, Chairman of UNdT Ernesto Costa announced his candidacy for President of Gaduridos; Costa, 34 was quoted as saying the following during an interview with The Cog and Sword:

"Gaduridos has for many years been subjected to the ills of partisan politics with its corruption, nepotism, empty platitudes, and false dawns. Naturally, the people are sick and tired of this and want real change, UNdT is prepared to take heed of these pleads and put forth a plan of action not words but action." He continued: "for us in UNdT, Gaduridos has endured all the degeneracy and plutocratic excess it can stomach under the current administration. The elites who run this country of ours have only Atheism and free handouts to offer the masses and this disturbs us. Soon there will be war with Luthori. Not because the people of our country lack the guts and conviction needed to safeguard our neutrality but because the politicians refuse to pave the way for rearmourment. Let's just hope, these events to pass. "

UNdT will be hold a rally in Ciudad de Gadur in order to drop up support for Costa later on this week
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Elena1012 » Wed May 08, 2024 11:24 pm

Gaduridos calls for "rationality" amongst debacle regarding Luthorian military base in Baltusia; "The peaceful status quo should be preserved."

With the Hubris War still fresh in the minds of many, and especially the Treaty of Altatepec, many international observers, particularly from Lourenne, Aldegar and Kalistan have found themselves shocked upon the news of a rather quick Luthorian deployment to Baltusia in the form of a base. This has drawn quick condemnation from the three aforementioned nations with other nations expected to address the debacle. With Kalistan having made a response, the northern neighbour of Baltusia, eyes have fallen onto Gaduridos, the southern neighbour of Baltusia to make a response and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has formally made an announcement regarding the issue.

It is, without a doubt, that Gaduridos supports the notion of self-determination, especially for Baltusia and it is respected that Baltusia has the freedom to make whatever choices it wants, including allowing foreign boots into her soil. However, it must be addressed about the possibility of threatening the concept of Seleyan Neutrality. While Baltusia is not forced towards neutrality, it must be recognized that such a deployment of troops may threaten the regional status quo and jeopardize relations within Seleya. The Republic of Gaduridos urges for a rational response from all nations.

With the Gaduri MoFA attempting to tow the line between tolerating the recent actions by Luthori and joining opposition, the situation has seen Kalistan close off the Ananto Strait to non-military vessels yet again, and some seeing it as a blatant disregard of the Treaty of Altatepec, Luthori has moved to defend its actions, and call upon the right to self-determination.

While Gaduridos has made an attempt at urging rationality and keeping the status quo, this hasn't stopped some in the National Congress from taking action, with the ULG and PSSG refuting their votes on the Luthori-Gaduri friendship treaty, with an official response being a "terse and tense situation regarding Luthori". While many expect the friendship treaty to be voted upon again in the future, right now it would seem Gaduridos has done a silent indirect protest of recent Luthori actions. Whether it'll influence anything is anyone's guess but Gaduridos has made a choice. However, it would seem some more radical elements in Gaduri society have viewed the deployment of Luthorian troops to Baltusia in a more hostile light, with the newly formed National Traditional Union calling for rearmament. With controversy high in Ciudad de Gadur, and high across the globe, one can only hope for the best in these trying times.
In other news:
Movement of Cultural Renaissance in Beitenyu denounce Medinat Department; How radical can radicals get?

Lourennais Economy shows signs of recovery; Prosperity for all?

New Verham votes for constitutional amendment; Activity in the East.
La Rosa Nacional (The National Rose) is a progressive news outlet, dedicated to expressing a progressive free truth to Gaduridos
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby GDAC37 » Thu May 09, 2024 3:15 pm

El Engranaje Y La Espada

The National Association of Blackshirts stages parade and political rally in Capital

This morning in Ciudad de Gadur, the men and women of the UNdT's National Association of Blackshirts were seen marching through the streets of the capital carrying flags of blue bearing a sword superimposed upon a cog and banners demanding a end to partisan politics and plutocratic capitalism accompanied by chants of "Gaduridos Awake" and "No War with Luthori" complete with Roman salutes before crowds of 5,000 lining the streets with great anticipation behind them was Traditionalist Youth and Ernesto Costa.

2 hours later, at a auditorium located in Western Ciudad de Gadur crowds of up to 13,600 were seen greeting Costa as he arrived at the venue ahead of schedule; Costa rose to podium surrounded by 4 NAB security guards and gave a rousing speech.

"Comrades of Gaduridos, I stand before you with great pride in our race and our nation. I have come to arouse your passions for better tomorrow, one in which modernity is casted aside in favor of tradition; the essence of which unites all in common cause. For the last three decades, our country has been dominated by the forces of degeneracy, austerity, and plutocracy in a manner which has destroyed the integrity of the family unit with its consumption of drugs, it's perverse sexual relations, it's alcoholism, it's nihilistic fondness for tobacco, and it's pseudo rational atheism; our youth are embracing modes of living which are surrogate attempts to cope with the loss of the church, the virtues of chastity, and an undying love for grit and grime of hard work. Their parents and distant relatives are atomized by the complexity of controlled media and a consumer culture steeped in the emptiness of life. The cost of living has risen to levels unprecedented as have the levels of exertion at the places of work for which they receive reduced wages, in the political arena the controlled media mobilizes them in the service of agendas that place death on pedestal over that of life through the callous promotion of party platforms whose empty platitudes leave them with little in the way of choice. " Costa went on to continue: "Gaduridos! What value is there in this false consciousness? Do we want words with which to feed our lifeless bodies as they rot before us or Do we want Action through which we derive our nourishment and enriched vitality? Clearly, the people know what they want. The time for Action has arrived! It is it now. The UNdT will safeguard this country with a vengeance and throw these criminals to gutter once and for all. I therefore implore all of you to partake in a revolution of the spirit to take back what once was our own. " Costa took a deep breath and then flashed a Roman salute. "Victory to Gaduridos!" To which he then received a violent euthiastic applause.

May our national comrades triumph on election day...
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Tayes » Sat May 11, 2024 2:08 pm


Liberal Union Take Victory in 5881 Elections

Juliana Romano, the new President, addressing the media after the election

Under the guidance of the newly elected President of the Senate, Juliana Romano, the ULG has achieved victory in both the Congressional and Presidential elections held in October 5881. Though the party has only won a plurality, and Romano, the ULG’s Presidential candidate, required a second round of voting to be elected, the party is claiming the elections a resounding success.

Following the elections the party announced the agreement of a coalition deal with the previously governing Social Democratic Party of Gaduridos in an attempt to form a stable, progressive government. In an address to the Gaduri people after her election victory, she claimed success for her party, but also labelled the newest party, the National Union of Traditionalists, as a threat to democracy and as dangerous nationalists. The ULG has since stated that the new coalition government has been formed to ensure democracy and accountability in the face of rising extremism.

It is thought that the new coalition is a loose one, with parties still largely having control over their own policy agenda. Both parties however have agreed to local government reforms, with the introduction of proper state governments, and to ensuring a commitment to neutrality whilst ensuring Gaduridos has access to self-defence if required. Though both parties have major disagreements over the economy, there are areas of agreement or compromise to avoid a wedge being driven between the coalition partners.

These elections mark a number of significant milestones for Gaduridos. For the first time in 18 years, the PSdG has lost control of the Presidency, bringing to an end an era of Socialist dominance. It has also been eighteen years of dominance in Congress for the PAdG until these elections. However, the far-right National Union of Traditionalists performed exceptionally and unexpectedly well, a worrying sign for the future of Gaduridos beyond the next four years.
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby GDAC37 » Sat May 11, 2024 2:38 pm

El Engranaje Y La Espada

Exclusion and Stagnation

The recent elections reveal to the average Traditionalist a glaring contradiction of current events in Gaduridos, on one hand the party managed to secure Marligantos and Cuernatecas from bourgeoisie and socialists with 39.45% of the vote as the second largest political party in the country, a clear indication that the masses have lost a great deal of confidence in the democratic process espoused by the incumbents with the desire for a more viable alternative to the status quo; on the other hand, despite these successes on our part we are denied our right to participate in the national cabinet and are viciously slandered by victorious plutocrats as being "extremists" and "dangerous nationalists" but alas we are not deterred by these efforts to sling mud for we know who emerge out of this in the coming decade. Almost immediately, the plutocratic bourgeoisie cut a rather unsurprisingly amicable deal with the radical left well aware of the fact that "extremists" would clean house and deliver on their promises with dire implications for the corrupt and dull criminal actors who run our country and controls it's media. Nothing will change and that alone provides these elements among us with great comfort. But it will not last for soon these arrangements will falter. Today, Stagnation reigns but Tomorrow the body of the nation shall be cleansed with toxins expelled.

Victory to Gaduridos, Victory for the Worker's!
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Tayes » Mon May 13, 2024 7:13 pm


Trans-Seleyan Railway Expansion Completed


The project to expand the Trans-Seleyan Railway from Tonatora to Las Vistas has been finalised and completed. The final part of the ambitious infrastructure project was confirmed as safe in January 5483, with services expected and scheduled to begin in February. The Gaduri State Corporation has confirmed that the project kept to budget throughout. The completion of the railway brings huge economic potential not just to Gaduridos but also to the rest of the continent.

The project was first announced under President Guttiérrez of the Social Democratic Party, though it is a project that has always been supported by the Liberal Union and one which was continued under President Romano’s government. The completion of the railway brings massive economic benefits to the entirety of continental Gaduridos, and therefore Gaduridos as a whole, by allowing the import of goods from Baltusia and Kalistan.

The expansion of the line also opens up new opportunities for Tukarali, or perhaps Aldegar, to become involved in the Trans-Seleyan Railway. Should they be interested in doing so, the entire continent would feel the benefit, as it would provide the easy movement of goods across several countries. Should the line eventually reach Aldegar, the economic potential is hugely significant because of the access that would be provided to the Aldegar Canal and the opportunities which that would bring.

The completion also nicely aligns with the huge ULG-backed development in Las Vistas: Vientos Dorados, which aims to establish Las Vistas as a tourism hub and create new homes. The development is expected to be completed in the next three years. Combined with the expansion of the railway, this should establish Las Vistas as one of the most investable Gaduri cities.
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