
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Alorian Gazette

Postby PaleRider » Wed Feb 12, 2014 3:02 am

Emergency responders securing the bomb site
Jan 25th, 3621

A terror strike by unknown entities startled and badly shook the people of Cennindref this morning as reports come in that some 5 are dead and over 30 wounded. The strike came at 8:45 am, just after the worst of the morning rush on a sidewalk bus stop near the city centre. Police and federal authorities have remained tight lipped as to the suspected perpetrators of the attack but sources in the Interior Ministry state that it wasnt a suicide bomber and was most likely a package bomb or pipe bomb. City Hall and the Federal Office building were locked down along with several other downtown businesses as police secured the scene. Later that afternoon people were escorted out of their buildings by local police and returned home to anxious families.
Schools in the city were also placed on lock down and received extra police attention but were able to let out at their normal hours. Many educators feared that further attacks could target schools however such fears have subsided for the moment given extra security attention and screening of all public education buildings. The University of Cennindref, which was roughly 2 miles from the blast site quickly cancelled classes and asked students to leave the premises while university police could be seen patrolling the area and the dorms and classrooms.
So far only closely worded statements from the federal government have emerged in response to the crisis. The Vice-President has condemned the attacks and pledged a full investigation into the matter while the Hosian Democrat Central Committee issued a statement condemning the loss of civilian life and reinforcing the call for a full investigation.

RIOTS IN Llyanmor
Police clash with protesters outside the Government District
Feb 24th, 3621

Several thousand protesters, representing Dundorfian ethnic interests with a mix of left wing radicals staged a protest in the capital to protest the governments financial policy and to make a call for more radical, and arguably more leftist government policy. Dundorfian ethnic groups called for greater recognition of their constituency in the nation saying that since the deposition of the Kaiser they have been discriminated against and become "second class citizens." Soon thereafter members of the leftist groups began railing against perceived injustices economically and socially. Some of their demands were more central government control, greater government attention to education and health issues while making drastic defense and security spending cuts. Among specific calls to action were for greater education subsidization and more restrictions on private clinics for health matters. As the protest wore on into the afternoon, police on patrol were reinforced by riot police and created a secure area around the protesters, estimated to number 4000. A confrontation tone took hold and soon the protesters were charging the police lines, as several officers put it. Clashes became fierce as people tried to break into the government district and occupy government offices. Police fought back with tear gas and batons and towards the end water cannon could be seen being positioned around the Ministry of Health, one of the buildings near the border of the Government District. Some 300 protesters were wounded and about 80 were arrested and are currently being held in the city detention centre.

New Federal Counter Terrorism Centre in Llyanmor
March 3rd, 3621

With the recent rash of riots and terror attacks the Federal Government has responded by creating the Federal Counter Terrorism Centre (FCTC). Vice President Duntreker issued a statement saying the FCTC will be run a collection of agencies from the Federal Police Agency, to the Division of National Security Investigations and will include other such agencies. Federal authorities expressed hope that this new centre would streamline federal security information making it easier to share investigation material and intelligence. Internal Affairs officials expressed hope that new found cooperation would allow the nation to prevent more terror attacks.
Political Affiliation~ GOP (US)
Pro: Liberal Conservatism, Paleo-liberalism, Chicago Capitalism, social conservatism, neoconservative
Anti: leftist, multiculturalism, Islamic radicalism
Currently the Zardic People's Party
Starring as Wiendonia in NS
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Re: Alorian Gazette

Postby Unden1755 » Sun May 04, 2014 8:17 pm

New Political Party in the assembly?

Recently a new political party formed within the Federal Parliamentary Assembly, called "The Federalist Party". Their founder and chairman Colton Unden had this to say,

"People of Aloria, I would like to announce the creation of the Federalist Party, we are honored to serve the people in all ways possible and take great honor from doing so. Our party is standing out from the other parties in the assembly as our overall beliefs are not similar to any of the other parties. We want to listen to the people and do what they think should be done. We follow your voice, we don't go under and become too Corrupted Politicians who just will do whatever for bribes, we truly believe we can help Aloria and become the people's party, that is why I, Colton Unden, am running for Aloria as President"

Will this be new coming of Aloria or just another political party? Sound off in debate at Alorian Gazette Website!
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Re: Official Gazette of the Republic of Aloria

Postby atulgaurindia » Fri Aug 15, 2014 12:39 pm

After 200 Years Public Party is back
The news is very surprising to all current political parties that one of the oldest party is back in politics again. Mr. Ripul Raj Gaur (current president of public party ) my relatives found Public party before 417 years. Public Party gave many residence and prime ministers to the nations like

1. Rajmohan Viratiya - (DOB-12 march 3261) - (city-Verita) - (Region-Kurmal) - (Retirement-12 march 3331) - [Experience - (Head Of Kurmal Region- july 3295 - june 3305 , july 3325 - june 3335 ) – (Ministry of Justice - July 3329- April 3333 ) ]

2. Amresh Rai - ( DOB - 3 March 3263 ) - (city-Ceres) - (Region-Silidar) - (Retirement-3 march 3333) - [Experience - ( Party National President - july 3315 - june 3325 ) - (Head Of Silidar Region - july 3295 - june 3305 , july 3305 - june 3315 , july 3325 - june 3335 ) - ( Finance Minister - April 3296 - April 3300, July 3329- june 3332 ) – ( Chief minister of Silidar – june 3332 – june 3336) ]

3. Prabhat Yadav - (DOB-04 jan 3264) - (city-Alectrona) - (Region-Ultran) - (Retirement-04 jan 3334) - [Experience - (national party president - july 3305 - june 3315 ) - (Head Of Ultran Region - july 3295 - june 3305 , july 3325 - june 3335) - ( Internal Affair Minister Apr 3296 - April 3300 , July 3329- June 3332 ) - (Chief minister Of Ultran Region Nov 3327 - Nov 3331) ]

4. Rahul Sahu - (DOB-03 March 3265) - (city-Port Aloria) - (Region-Krentori) - (Retirement-O3 March 3335) - [Experience - (Head Of Krentori Region- july 3295 - june 3305, july 3315 - june 3325 ) - (Minister of Environment & Tourism Nov 3327 - April 3329) – ( Minister Of Interal Affairs - May 3339 – June 3340)]

5. Sushama Joglekar - (DOB- 23 march 3265) - (city-Libertia) - (Region- Gavonshire) - (Retirement-23 march 3335) - [Experience - ( Head Of Gavonshire Region - july 3315 - june 3325 ) - ( Chief Minister Of Gavonshire - May 3300 - Nov 3304) – ( Prime minister – May 3339 – June 3340) ]

6. Atul Gaur - (DOB - 04th july 3265 ) - ( city - Ultran City ) - ( Region - Ultran ) - ( Retirement - 4th july 3235 ) - [ Experience - ( National party president - july 3295 - june 3305, july 3325 - june 3335 ) - (Head Of Ultran Region - july 3305 - june 3315 , july 3315 - june 3325 ) - ( Hon President - April 3296 - April 3300, May 3300 - Nov 3304, June 3336 – June 3340 ) - ( Head Of the Government - April 3296 - April 3300, May 3300 – Nov 3304, July 3329- June 3332) ]

7. Sushil Kumar - (DOB-16 oct 3265) - (city-Silidar City) - (Region-Silidar) - (Retirement-16 oct 3335) - [Experience - (Head Of Silidar Region- july 3315 - june 3325 ) - (Minister of Trade & Industry April 3296 - April 3300) – ( Minister of foreign Affairs - May 3339 – June 3340) ]

8. Rashmi Pandit - (DOB-26 July 3265) - (city-Egalite) - (Region-Kurmal) - (Retirement-26 july 3335) - [Experience – (Ministry of Foreign Affairs - July 3329- june 3332)- ( Minister Of Finance - May 3339 – June 3340)]

9. Zeeshan Khan - (DOB-27 nov 3275) - (city-Concordia) - (Region-Kurmal) - (Retirement-27 nov 3345) - [Experience - (Head Of National Youth Wing - july 3295 - june 3300 , july 3300 - june 3305 ) - (Head Of Kurmal Region - july 3305 - june 3315 , july 3315 - june 3325 ) – (NATIONAL PARTY PRESIDENT - 5th july 3335 – 4th july 3345, 5th july 3345 – 27th Nov 3345) - (Minister Of Defense - April 3296 - April 3300 , Nov 3327 – April 3329 , July 3329- june 3332 , May 3339 – June 3340) – ( Hon’ble President of Aloria – June 3340 – June 3344, June 3344 – June 3347)]

10. Deepak Prajapati - (DOB-12 march 3276) - (city-Pax) - (Region-Gavonshire) - (Retirement-12 march 3346) - [Experience - (Head Of Gavonshire Region- july 3325 - june 3335 ) – (NATIONAL PARTY PRESIDENT - 28th nov 3345 – 12th march 3346) - ( Minister Of Infrastructure And Transport - April 3296 - April 3300 , July 3329- june 3332 )- (Minister Of Justice -May 3339 – June 3340) – (Prime minister of Aloria – june 3340 – june 3344, June 3344 – June 3347)]

and many more... now this is the time when we are back to save our nation from the corrupt politicians.. who changed the nation very badly the name of the cities the culture the religion n all....
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Re: Official Gazette of the Republic of Aloria

Postby Tupi » Sun Sep 07, 2014 3:10 am


The last presidential and legislative elections were a huge sucess to the right-wing coalition formed by the United Conservative Party, the Alorian Front Coalition and the Liberal Republican Party. The UCP's candidate James Kozloff, endorsed by the AFC and the LRP won the presidency in the first round with 55.86% of votes, followed by Labor Party's candidate Brandon Zavala and the Social Liberal Party's candidate Vartotojas Neegzistuoja.
The legislative elections were even better for the rightists, the LRP is the largest party in aloria having 185 seats(37%), the UCP has 71 seats(14.2%) and the AFC has 54 seats(10.8%) accounting 310 seats(62%) in government. The opposition is formed by the Progressive Futurists having 77 seats(15.4%), the Labor Party having 71 seats(14.2%) and the Social Liberal Party with 42 seats(8.4%).
There were 5 regional governments in dispute, 3 of them were conquered by government and 2 by opposition. Ultran(LRP), Gavonshire(LRP) and Krentori(UCP) belong to government, on the other hand Kurmal(PF) and Sildar(LP) belong to opposition.
A new cabinet was formed including the LRP, AFC and UCP. The LRP's leader governor Sebastian Frey made the following statement:
Our people is sick and tired of the leftist lies. They want change, renewal and above all they want their voices to be heard, having this in mind we decided endorsing James Kozloff. We need security, health care, education, infrastructure and economic stability but that won't be easy, the Labor Party left us a poor scenario. The UCP can count with our 185 representatives, 2 governors, the head of government and 3 ministries. May god help him in this journey.

Governor Sebastian Frey in his statement
Liberal Republican Party - Aloria
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Re: Official Gazette of the Republic of Aloria

Postby Tupi » Sun Sep 07, 2014 4:28 pm

After the Liberal Republican Party proposes its privatization program thousand of socialist protesters appeared in front of Liberal National Comitee in Schwarzwald, Gavonshire and the police was called to intervene. Protesters tried to invade and take fire in the entire place but they were contained by police.
Protesters started small fires but the firefighters arrived at time

Privatization Program is being well received by parliament
The current privatization for the banking system is being approved by the majority of parliament, by now 310 representatives are favourable and 190 are against.
The project is being defended by the Head of Government Julien Loren, he made the following announcement:
This project represents an immediate liberal impetus, it would be delightful to see it approved. I know that a part of our society is against the privatization but our entire country will be benefited by the economic growth consequent of this. I won't stop my efforts until this nation is free of all state influence in its economy.

Head of Government Julien Loren
Liberal Republican Party - Aloria
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Re: Official Gazette of the Republic of Aloria

Postby Tupi » Thu Sep 11, 2014 1:06 am

Parliament Debating Position on Zardugal-Vanuku's Conflict

The Liberal Republican Party has just proposed a bill debating Alorian position on the ongoing conflict between Zardugal and Vanuku. The LRP defends that Aloria should send Peace Troops in order to bring refugees and give them security. The chances of intervening aside of a country is very small but if it happens the LRP defends entering in the war in favour of Zardugal since to our repulsion to the Tripartite Alliance.

Prime Minister Julien Loren debating in Parliament
Liberal Republican Party - Aloria
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Re: Official Gazette of the Republic of Aloria

Postby Jax Thorn » Sat Sep 13, 2014 11:56 pm

Aloria-Zardugal Rumors?

There has been many rumors produced by the Vanuku government that the Alorian government has approved military help to Zardugal. These are frivolous rumors provided by the Vanuku government,to gain allies for their unjust war.The latest Alorian involvement of this war has been a recent conference between the parties of Aloria,who has shown no open intent to militarily fund this was.Actually even Aloria's very own Foreign Minister Jax Thorn stated during that meeting that,he wishes to establish peace and put an end to this war.Any military involvement of this war should taken as hear-say and just propaganda being pushed by the government of Vanuku,whom is allied with a bunch of monarchies who violate international human rights law.
Jax Thorn
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Re: Official Gazette of the Republic of Aloria

Postby TFA_Aloria » Thu Dec 25, 2014 8:05 am

OOC: tl;dr of Alorian affairs since I've joined the game, somewhat focused on my party, and definitely biased. Aloria's a lot more active that it looks, but most parties post in the bulletin board for their news so only the Alorian parties can see what's going on.

ARP and TFA create their own coalition to run against the LP/ANC/RCP coalition, call for early elections in 3769 due to two parties being banned. TFA candidate Madison P. Harrison wins the 3769 election because the other coalition doesn't run a candidate with the retirement of President Christopher Antonelli of the Labor Party before the early elections. ANC members resign en masse from the cabinet, refusing to serve under Harrison. Labor Party member and Head of Government Marvin Richardson refuses to follow any orders from the newly elected President due to a constitutional loophole and appoints interim ministers to fill the cabinet, as cabinet bills are being blocked. TFA leader Trotsky claims that not running a candidate was a Labor Party plot to take over the government from the office of the Prime Minister/Head of Government. Trotsky also accuses the ANC of resigning to give more power to PM Richardson. The ANC condemns the TFA for their comments. TFA voted out of the presidency after one term, with Harrison's term being a general disaster.

ARP and TFA spend a term in opposition under President Rodger Mortimer of the RCP, elected 3772. In 3775, the TFA proposes a massive bill to get more seats in Parliament, endorses Arik Waters of the ARP for president, and recruits the GOP to help Waters get elected. Waters wins this elections, proposes a tax increase and a new spending bill. Waters tries to establish a bipartisan cabinet that fails due to the Labor Party abstaining from the cabinet proposal after they allegedly agreed to vote yes. Waters is elected again by an even greater margin in 3778.
Last edited by TFA_Aloria on Thu Dec 25, 2014 8:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Official Gazette of the Republic of Aloria

Postby TFA_Aloria » Thu Dec 25, 2014 8:07 am




We have breaking news from TFA headquarters in Rosenplatz. Longtime TFA Secretary-General Hugo Trotsky has ordered a restructuring of party leadership. Effective immediately the powers of the President and Secretary-General are to be incorporated into a new single position of Chairman. We now go live to Trotsky's speech already in progress.


" the name of efficiency and ease of decision making. I, however, will not be taking this new office. Effective immediately I am retiring from the leadership of this great organization. As my final act of this office I have appointed Chief Enforcer Norbert Bismarck to the office of Chairman. I have utmost confidence in my successor's leadership abilities and I anticipate he will do great things for Aloria and for the party. I have also appointed former President Harrison to Deputy Chairman.

I thank you all for your years of dedicated service, not only to me, but more importantly, to the idea that Aloria can be an international powerhouse, the greatest, most powerful country in all of Terra. Under the leadership of Mr. Bismarck I believe that idea can become reality. Thank you. I will now let my successor say a few words."

[applause from crowd]

[Bismarck walks from backstage to podium, shakes hands with Trotsky, who exits backstage to standing ovation]

"Friends! Comrades! My fellow Hosians! 3775 has been an excellent year! We have regained our position as the largest political party and assisted our associate Arik Waters to our nation's highest office. Under my leadership our party will only get stronger. We have see-"

[Cuts back to anchor]

"That was an official announcement from the TFA. Word from political analysts are surprised at the snub of former President Harrison for the Chairman position. Political consensus at the moment is that Harrison's snub was due to the ineffictiveness and controversy that plauged his presidency. We're going to take a break. Stay tuned for further updates and analysis.



Archbishop Constantine XXVII, a prominent TFA supporter late in his life, has named Norbert Bismarck as his successor in his will. This is something of an unprecedented move, as the Archbishop has not belonged to a political party since the disestablishment of the monarchy in 2100, and since the year 3000 the new Archbishop has been selected from a current Ultran Cardinal. Norbert Bismarck had religious training before devoting his life to politics, so the move has some religious basis in it.

Bismarck has announced that he plans to hold the Archbishop position along with his political positions, including potentially Prime Minister and President. This has caused considerable controversy in both the political arena and the church, with senior Cardinal Bryn Corfield threatening to ignore the appointment of Bismarck and split the church entirely. Political analysts outside the TFA are worried that Bismarck holding the high offices of both the Alorian Church and the Alorian government could lead to a quick erosion of the separation of church and state that has defined Aloria since the abolition of the monarchy.

Hosians outside of the TFA stronghold in Ultran may have reservations, but Ultranians have overwhelming been in favor of the move. With over half the populace registered TFA members, the turnout to witness Bismarck's appointment was absolutely massive, with a turnout of over one million. Bismarck kept his acceptance speech short and free of the nationalist rhetoric that usually characterizes his speeches, focusing on his religious qualifications and assuring the populace he can lead the Church in the right direction.
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Re: Official Gazette of the Republic of Aloria

Postby kyle1103 » Fri Dec 26, 2014 10:38 pm



In breaking and tragic news coming out Krentori an Alorian Reform Party field office came under attack by a man named Raul E. Jordan who had previously worked for the ARP but was fired for hostile threats to co-workers, and gross incompetence according to papers released by the Executive Committee of the ARP. Chairman Jason Owens (age 56)who was Chairman for last 14 years was present at the office introducing himself to a new group of volunteers, Owens was killed in the attack. Witness say Owens was trying to protect an elderly man who was shot and later pounced dead at the hospital. Owens died at the scene, and is survived by his wife Maureen and their five kids, and two grandkids.

Two volunteers, both of underage were injured and last update by hospital staff in serious but stable condition. The suspect Jordan was taken into custody by an off-duty officer responding to the gun shots, the office engaged and shot the suspect once, but is in stable condition and expected to be fined. President Arik Waters a member of the ARP and close friend of Jason Owens released the following statement:

“I am disgusted by the acts of violence that showed itself in Krentori today, and saddened to hear the killing of my dear friend Jason Owens, and Joseph McKinley, an Alorian Army veteran who lost his life as well today by helping out in our field office. My thoughts and prayers are with their families and with those of the two other volunteers who were shot as well. This violence and acts of barbarism will not be tolerated in the Republic of Aloria and I am confident the Alorian Justice System will find the suspect guilty and suitable punishment for his crimes. In meantime I ask all of Alorian to remember Chairman Owens, Mr., McKinley, and the other two injured in this horrible act. Thank you”

Owens was the most popular Chairman in history of the ARP and the longest serving to date, was credited with moving the power from the EC to the delegates, giving them the ability to finally nominate their parties candidate at a convention.

According to ARP bylaws, Vice-Chair Linda Moon is the current Interim-Chairwoman of the ARP until a full vote by the delegate’s at a political convention, at which a new Vice-Chair if needed will be elected. Sources say the EC controls scheduling of special political conventions, and are looking to hold one in “within 2-4 months or so”.



After the tragic killing of ARP Chairman Jason Owens a special convention was held in the month of February of 3779. The position of Chairman and Vice-Chair were voted on by the entire 375 delegate body, with Interim Chairman Linda Moon running for a full term, and winning in a unanimous vote of approval by delegates. Moon was seen as a close Owens supporter and a close confident of President Arik Waters, who has been able to communicate party message since first becoming the Communications Director for the ARP when it first was founded.

Moon nominated Gerald Redman current Member of Parliament and has been a member for the last decade. Redman is seen as favored by the science and technology factor of the party but widely panned by business for his support to hike business tax to 20 percent. Redman was elected by a close margin only winning by 28 votes against another Parliament Member, Julia Edgar who was widely praised by business but according to sources “Moon highly questioned her political experience”

In a huge stunning move by 306-69 margin the delegates abolished the Executive Committee of the ARP, starting by the end of the year. The EC was seen as being on the chopping block as Owens made it public that he would abolish the EC at some point under his tenure, the proposal that was eventually passed was called the “The Owens Political Freedom Proposal”. With the EC abolished, 13 of the members will be without party leadership positions with only a few being considered for leadership positions elsewhere in the party by Moon.

The convention also renomianted President Arik Waters by a unanimous margin to run for a third term, however the President has declined to accept the nomination or to run for a third term and is reportedly urging Moon and Redman to focus on other races not the Presidential Election.
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