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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby ministerboyparty » Mon Aug 06, 2018 1:51 am

Minister of Foreign Affairs undertake to succour for Zardic refugees
The Government reacts after a Coburan petition of help

Thomas Linsyle, Minister of Foreign Affairs, publish a statement to press

Under the undergoing a refugee crisis that mainly composed of Zardic refugees trying to escape the communist regime there, Majatran nations must take an action to solve this problem as soon as possible.

"The Government of Cildania know and keep the eye watching on a problem in Zardic refugees and Ciladia want to help the State of Cobura to solve this problem.

After we recieve a message from United Governorates of Cobura. The Emergency Board of Foreign Affairs called a meeting to get a effective helping plans, finally the plan is out and Minister of Foreign Affairs will announce this plan to the press this evening. And this is the plan: At first, the plan is the country in Cildania Commonwealth Company (CCC) will send a specialist and Military to get the refugees out of Zardugal quickly by Military Ship and airplane. Next is to set up a Refugees camp that support by MUN located near the boarder of Cildania and Badara. For the forecast the Cildania government we and Badara can receive as much as 100,000 refugees. After we solve this problem in Refugees issue, Other country in Majatran nations must raise this story and find the measures to compulsion Zardugal back to democracy as soon as possible "
a statement to press by Ministry of Foreign Affairs

After this statement out, it was reported that Thomas Linsyle hurry to meet Vittor Barra MUN president and Prime Minister Aleksandra Kaloudi at Government House in Qart Qildar.
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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby IsleofSalkuo » Tue Aug 07, 2018 11:17 am

Sinjur Borg. holds a rally in Qart Qildar in August 4435, just short before the elections

Dear all Cildanians,
You have seen this term, the term of the NDC. You have seen on how its party members are determined to remove Gziri forever, remove the peaceful monarchy and attempt to arrest him and are willing to cast out the MUN! We have prevented this with simply more 1/3 in Parliament. Which is why the CMC needs you to vote for it. If we lose that 1/3, we will be hopeless. The average Cildanian will be hopeless! We need to fight for all lives, fetus lives, Cildanian lives, lives of foreigners in the next elections! So on election day, checkmark the box that contains either the C-GCP or the PEP!
Thank you all!

The United Badaran Front

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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby IsleofSalkuo » Wed Aug 08, 2018 8:55 pm

Novembru 4435/April 4436
Il-ħin tal-vot wasal u llum n-nies ta' Qildanija marru biex jivvotaw. Dawn huma r-riżultati, kemm għal l-Id tar-Re u għall-Parlament.
Riżultat tal-Id tar-Re
CMC Ammiral Schembri - 50.56%
NDC Mr. Vasilis Katsavos - 49.08%

Riżultat tal-Parlament
CMC = C-GCP/PEP 48(37/11) siġġu(16.73%)
NDC = CCP/MODAS/UDEL/DP/PL 212(61/51/41/36/23) siġġu(70.67%)
IGfL(Newtrali) 40 siġġu(12.6%)

Il-CMC xkana waħda sew għall-CCP u l-IGfL, speċjalment il-PEP. Il-poter tagħhom biex iwaqqfu affarijiet konstituzzjonali li ma jaqblux magħhom spiċċa u issa x'aktarx ħa jsiru affarijiet biex titneħħa l-monarkija u l-lingwa tagħna, l-Gżiri. Fil-fatt MODAS qalu li l-Gżiri jrid jiġi eredikat. Il-C-GCP huma lesti biex jiddefendu n-nies li jitkellmu l-Gżiri b'gwerra ċivili jekk jsirilhom xi ħaġa mill-NDC.
November 4435/April 4436
The time of voting has come, and the Cildanian people have come out to vote. These are the results for the Hand of the King and Parliament elections.
Hand of the King Results
CMC Admiral Schembri - 50.56%
NDC Mr. Vasilis Katsavos - 49.08%

Parliament Results
CMC = C-GCP/PEP 48(37/11) seats(16.73%)
NDC = CCP/MODAS/UDEL/DP/PL 212(61/51/41/36/23) seats(70.67%)
IGfL(Newtrali) 40 seats(12.6%)

The CMC have basically collapsed to the CCP and IGfL, especially the PEP. Their power to stop constitutional amendments incl. removing the monarchy has been stripped away and it's most likely that we can say bye bye to the Monarchy and our dear language, the Gziri language. In fact, MODAS have recently said that Gziri should be eradicated. The C-GCP are willing to defend the Gziri speakers via a civil war if any of them is touched by the NDC.

Please Note that sudden new Elections took place due to the CCP's inactivation. Since it was sudden and happened after an extremely short time, there will be no new news article issued. Here are the results ... sid=627474

The United Badaran Front

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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby IsleofSalkuo » Fri Aug 10, 2018 1:23 pm

Sinjur Borg gives an announcement to the public
Sinjur Borg while making the announcement

"Hello ladies and gentlemen, it is sad to announce...
my wife(Miss. Elizabeth Borg) has died today morning. She had suffered a heart attack and was quickly rushed to the hospital where she died of cardiac arrest just after she arrived. I'll be taking a few days(ig) off from the public eye following this. I need to cope with the death of my wife, the mother of 3 beautiful children. This doesn't mean that my party won't be active for those few days, don't worry about it. Now I need to end this speech. starts crying I have to go. Good luck for the new temporary leader of the C-GCP, Keith Fearne!"

The United Badaran Front

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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby CCP » Fri Aug 10, 2018 4:09 pm

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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby Aquinas » Sat Aug 11, 2018 10:15 pm

October 4437

Marmara condemns Seksik! magazine over Borg/Heij claims

Conservative Monarchist Party leader Nunzio Marmara has hit out at the popular Seksik! ("Gossip!") celebrity gossip magazine after it published suggestions that Elizabeth Borg, the recently-deceased wife of top politician Sinjur Borg, suffered her well-reported heart attack whilst engaged in an intimate internet cam session with Heijinoju Jeztrisrmko Megàmotojokai, popularly known as "Heij", who is the CEO of Jelbék Bank of the World and currently a candidate for the position of World Congress General Assembly President.

"Lies and filth like this should not be published," he said. "Elizabeth was a fine, noble woman - a faithful wife - and I'm just horrified that anyone could link her to that man and publish something as vile as this". He called for the law to be changed to allow judges to award stiffer punishments for libel cases, and also for what he called a "Mind Pollution Tax" on "scurrilous organs of the press like Seksik! magazine".

Holding two duchies unconstitutional, claims expert

Following news of the marriage of the heir to the Duchy of Barbaro to the Duchess of Hebilon and the possibility this could lead to their eldest son going on to inherit both Duchies, Professor Konstantinu Schranz, an esteemed 96 year old constitutional expert, has insisted it would be "completely unconstitutional and against precedent" for one person to hold two Duchies at the same time. He suggested as an alternative that one of the Duchies could be inherited instead "by a brother or an uncle".

However, another constitutional expert, Professor Khloe Parretti at the University of Velieres, argued "the case is not so straight-forward as Professor Schranz presents it to be" and that "if we go through history, we can find examples of where this has been done before".

Nunzio Marmara, a leading monarchist in Cildania and the leader of the Conservative Monarchist Party, was asked to respond to the issue but refused to comment. Sources say he is not fully comfortable with the concept of the titles to two Duchies being held by the same person, but is also reluctant to say anything that might potentially offend certain members of the royal family or open up division in the monarchist movement.
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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby IsleofSalkuo » Mon Aug 13, 2018 9:06 am

Statement from our dear leader, Sinjur.Borg
"I have always known my dear wife as loyal and faithful. What the Seksik! magazine has just said is purely unacceptable. There are those who are unfortunately doing ill to my wife, even though she is dead! I must ask the magazine to withdraw their article and formally apologize. If not, I will be taking action, most probably legal. It is not that I don't wish for gossip to be talked about, it's about honesty and fighting against fake news. I thank my CMC friend, Nunzio Marmara for his statement regarding this matter."

The United Badaran Front

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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby Aquinas » Mon Aug 13, 2018 4:06 pm

September 4438

Seksik! apologises for Borg article but enters new controversy over Enercaine

The latest edition of Seksik! ("Gossip!) magazine has used a small 4 inch by 2 inch column on page 39 to apologise for "any inaccuracies" in its article about Elizabeth Borg and Heijinoju Jeztrisrmko Megàmotojokai, and to express its "regret for any hurt feelings". Critics, including Conservative Monarchist Party leader Nunzio Marmara, are complaining that the apology is not genuine and that this is not the first time, and probably not the last time, that the magazine has published scurrilous and baseless allegations.

Seksik! is also now attracting controversy because of its continued refusal to cancel the adverts it displays for Enercaine, a cocaine product which has infuriated Cildania's medical establishment by claiming to be "non-addictive" and to be a cure for ailments including depression, anxiety and fatigue.

Nunzio Marmara last night lashed out at Cildanian parliamentarians for voting down his proposal to introduce stricter advertising regulations. "Most companies which operate in this country are responsible," he said, "but there are a few - like the Kappi Corporation - which are completely out of control and which we seriously need to rein in".
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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby Aquinas » Wed Aug 15, 2018 10:55 pm

November 4439

"Jelbanian Syphilis" panic grips right-wing media

The notoriously sensationalist right-wing tabloid newspaper Kuljum Ajkla ("Daily Eagle") has run a series of stories about Cildanian men being infected with "Jelbanian Syphilis"/"the Jelbanian Disease" by Jelbanian women, many of them working as prostitutes. As a result, public outrage is growing and politicians are coming under pressure to toughen the laws both on prostitution and on Jelbanians entering the country.

The Conservative Monarchist Party (CMP) controlled Agadir City Council in the Duchy of Hebilon has caused particular controversy for running a publicity campaign warning the public about the dangers of syphilis. Many of the posters and leaflets have been criticised for being sexist and promoting negative stereotypes about foreigners.

Publicity poster used by Agadir City Council

The CMP have proposed a bill in the Federal Assembly which would deport all Jelbanian visitors who failing to pass a compulsory sexual health test. Last night, CMP leader Nunzio Marmara told journalists that "the public expect us to act" and that "this is too important for politicians to just twiddle their thumbs and do nothing".

Meanwhile, the Council for Racial Equality have denounced Kuljum Ajkla for their campaign, which they branded "highly misleading, prejudiced and incendiary". They also condemned Agadir City Council's publicity campaign as "like pouring petrol over a fire" and accused the Conservative Monarchist Party of "exploiting public fears for political gain".

Last week, there was an incident where a Jelbanian lady was kicked and punched by two Cildanian youths whilst travelling on a bus. Other passengers present at the time report that she was called "Jelbanian whore" and told "Go back to Jelbania!".

A further incident was reported 3 days ago where a man at a nightclub loudly accused a woman of being Jelbanian and of having infected him with syphilis. She was then pounced upon and spat at by a group of bystanders. However, it later emerged that the lady in question was not Jelbanian but Jakanian.

Agriculture Minister forced to apologise for Dyshini comments

The CMP's Agriculture Minister Oreste Faure has apologised after being caught on tape suggesting newly-elected World Congress General Assembly President Tambethra Dyshini "only got the job because she's brown, she's a woman, she's from a failed third world country people feel sorry for and she knows how to make the Liberal Elite feel good about themselves".

Following a public backlash and pressure from Cabinet colleagues, he issued what he called "an apology and a retraction", saying:

I was tired and winding-down after a very long and hard day. I wasn't thinking. I had no idea the journalist was recording the conversation. Of course I apologise and retract. Those do not reflect my authentic views, it was just talk.

Over 200,000 Cildanians have signed an online petition calling on Oreste Faure to resign.
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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby IsleofSalkuo » Wed Aug 22, 2018 5:52 pm

Novembru 4442
F'kas ta' Aħbarijiet fuq it-television, il-presentatur qiegħed liebes l-iswed
Għadna kif ircivejna aħbar ħażina. Ir-Re Aiden għadu kif ħalliena min din id-dinja u mar f'dinja oħra f'eta ta' 75 sena. Il-kawsa tal-mewt tiegħu għadha mhix ċerta iżda x'aktarx miet b'kawżi naturali. Gabriel Lavièra li hu bħalissa f'stat ta' vistu hu mistenni li jieħu postu bħala t-tieni re ta' Qildanija. Il-Gazzetta tal-Gżiri ħa jkollha xhar ta' silenzju għar-Re. Glorja lir-Re l-ġdid!
November 4442
In case of television news, the presenter is wearing black
We have just received bad news. King Aiden has left this world and went to another at the age of 75. His cause of death isn't certain but it looks like that it's due to natural causes. Gabriel Lavièra who is currently in a state of mourning is expected to take his place as the 2nd King of Cildania. The Gziri Gazette will have a month of silence for the King. Long live the new King!

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