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Re: Dorvik

Postby GreekIdiot » Mon Dec 18, 2023 11:09 am

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Re: Dorvik

Postby Zanz » Tue Dec 19, 2023 11:06 am

     Dorvik announces intent to conduct 'Anti-Meddling Patrols' exercise in Migrant's Pass, invites AU member states to participate
          Ruth Oppolzer | Haldor, Greater Kordusia |4 November 5410 (backdated)

The tête-à-tête between Yishelem and Haldor took yet another step up today as the Dorvish Staatskanzler announced to the Artanian Union Council Dorvik's intent to engage in "Anti-Meddling Patrols 5011" in the Migrant's Pass, in apparent open defiance of Beiteynu's threat against such actions by Dorvik.

It is unclear how the nations of Artania will respond to Dorvik's invitation for them to participate in AMP 5011. Dorvish naval forces have historically prevented the participation of non-Dorvish states in such patrols in the Migrant's Pass, which those friendly the the Beiteynuese cause cite as at least partially the reasoning behind Beiteynu's actions in trying to prevent further Dorvish exercises in the Pass. The argument made by Beiteynu is that so long as Dorvik remains the only nation with the "right" to conduct such patrols, Artania can never be free of Dorvish hegemony. This argument has been picked up by nations such as Luthori, which quickly openly defied the Beiteynuese ban and put out statements criticizing both Haldor and Yishelem for meddling and trying to prevent equality for all nations in Artania.

Critics of Beiteynu are quick to point out that though Dorvish policy toward the Pass has historically been hegemonic, under the Dreyer administration the "Dorvik alone" policy in the Pass has quickly gone unenforced and, now, with the announcement to the AU, looks to be entirely reversed. Dorvish spokespeople have been quick to condemn the actions of Beiteynu, and have also criticized Fort William for engaging in "theatrics" to attempt to gather power for themselves in an Artania where Dorvik is open to sharing more of the load.

It remains to be seen whether the Beiteynuese ban will be enforced upon Dorvik, though it was notably not enforced upon Luthori. Experts suspect that Haldor was in fact reassured by Beiteynu's assurances that a "risk of a hot incident in the Migrant's Pass is very low". It is unclear if other Artanian nations such as Rutania, Narikaton and Darnussia, or Kundrati will engage with the Dorvish in AMP 5011, though each has expressed interest in renewed AU cooperation.

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Re: Dorvik

Postby Mbites » Tue Dec 19, 2023 12:13 pm

"It looked like a silly semi-cliquey thing between a few players to me. Following around a troll called Mbites like he was some sort of god... which wouldn't have mattered so much in the scale of things, except one of them was a Mod."
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Re: Dorvik

Postby Torsten1 » Tue Dec 19, 2023 10:47 pm

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Image Kingdom of Rutania / Rìoghachd na Rutha
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Re: Dorvik

Postby GreekIdiot » Thu Dec 21, 2023 12:25 pm

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Re: Dorvik

Postby Kubrick » Wed Dec 27, 2023 11:46 am



                              Ritter Reinhard von Lettow-Vorbeck arrives to meet King & Kaiser at the royal palace, the former HKP Staatsrat member sits firmly in the pro-König camp of the political spectrum.

27. Dezember 5414

HALDOR - The pro-König party Volksbund has won an astounding victory in the second multi-party election of the Kingdom of Dorvik. The party soared to 303 seats, leaving the Bürgerallianz with 170 seats in second place far behind them. The former largest party, Partei für Stabilität, has become the biggest loser of the October 5413 elections. Ritter von Lettow-Vorbeck, the Volksbund leader, has been invited by the King & Kaiser to form a government. So far a proposal has been submitted with the Volksbund filling most of the positions while using support from former coalition partner Dorviks Zentrumspartei to gain a majority in the Staatsrat. Many speculate that the King & Kaiser is pleased with the election results, during the campaign Ritter von Lettow-Vorbeck was quoted stating that "things were a lot better before this multi-party madness".

Ritter von Lettow-Vorbeck is known as a controversial member of the Staatsrat. In the previous coalition, where the Volksbund was a junior partner, he refused to become a minister and instead remained within the Staatsrat to "combat the decay," a position that gained him popularity with the unsatisfied populace of Dorvik. Notably absent from the recent campaign is the Groẞherzog von Bismarck. Konrad von Bismarck is the current financier of the Volksbund and widely cited to be a major influence on the positions of Ritter von Lettow-Vorbeck. During the campaigns and negotiations however the Groẞherzog maintains a low profile. Currently he serves as chairman of the board of BismarckPaulus AG, one of Dorvik's largest conglomerates. In the past he expressed interest in filling a minor cabinet position. The Bismarck family are historically close with the King & Kaiser but many describe the relationship between the Groẞherzog and the King to be 'frosty'.

Surprisingly absent from Ritter von Lettow-Vorbeck's proposal is the Partei für Stabilität. The two parties worked well together in the last coalition according to inside sources yet Ritter von Lettow-Vorbeck is apparently not a big fan of the PfS's leader, Raphael Dreyer. With Dreyer calling Ritter von Lettow-Vorbeck a "political saboteur" and "nuisance" during cabinet meetings. For now however the plans of the Volksbund seem to maintain the status quo and respect the authority of the King & Kaiser. Nonetheless, parties are calling for reform and only time will tell if Ritter von Lettow-Vorbeck will adapt or stumble.

The Henbernsberger Zeitung is one of the oldest newspapers of Dorvik, it has a pro-monarchist and right-wing audience.
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Re: Dorvik

Postby Rogue » Thu Jan 18, 2024 6:18 pm

Dorvische Zeitung
Spiegel assumes Chancellorship
January 18th, 5426

Haldor: Hugo Spiegel, leader of the Nationaldemokratische Partei (NDP), has assumed the State Chancellorship after King and Kaiser Florian III appointed him to the role. This was followed two days later by a official ceremony where Spiegel also presented his cabinet which includes figures like former officer of the Dorvish Police Hermann Fleck who will serve as interior minister and long time confidant of Spiegel, Patrizia Schwarzmann, to serve as Justice minister. The new government consists of only NDP politicians after its landslide victory in last years election in which it captured 590 seats and over 33 million votes. The NDP classifies itself as neo-Haukist, with this being the first Haukist party in centuries to win representation. As expected by pundits its main supporter base lays in the south, with the farmers there making up a strong core base for the party. But it wouldnt win without the urban vote, managing to capture millions of votes in traditionally upper class-industrialist areas. This despite the party its message of seeking to promote agriculture and partially step away from a fully industrial economy.

Previous Haukist parties in Dorvik had been kept in the Hauke family. But the NDP has been led by Spiegel since its inception, combining neo-Haukism with Dorvish nationalism and Hosian Democracy to create a stronger appeal to voters. Distant family of the Haukist founder Benjamin Hauke is still present in this party, with co-chair Ferdinand Hauke a far away relative of the founder of haukism. But despite its promises on agriculture Spiegel made sure to brand the party as more then one issue, promising to do his best in introducing federalism within Dorvik as well as restart the Dorvish economy, with unemployment record high as of now and many of the unemployed putting their hopes in the NDP. Spiegel will have a hard time pushing Dorvik ahead in the coming years as its status has somewhat declined. But with a strong majority behind him and a party filled with ideas, the NDP is sure to breath new life into Dorvish politics. For the King and Kaiser!
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Re: Dorvik

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Fri Jan 19, 2024 12:40 am

Dolgovas konservatīvā partija (Dolgava) info
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Re: Dorvik

Postby Rogue » Tue Jan 23, 2024 1:26 pm

Dorvische Zeitung
Federalism in Dorvik: Taking shape
June 5th, 5428

Haldor: Following the passage of several constitutional ammendments, supported by both government and oppossition, Dorvik experienced the first trials of federalism in provincial elections that were scheduled earlier this year. The resulting election saw the NDP win in the provinces of Largonia, Miktar and Dorvan while the SDP performed well in Kordusia and Mothar. Suprisingly enough a provincial party, the Kordusian Democrats, became second in the capital province and would go on to form a government with the SDP. In all the five provinces governments were formed, largely reflecting the general positive views towards the NDP but also seeing regional parties participating frequently. The unease that the central government feels could be seen in the first few months after the provinces formed their governments, with the central government often seeking to assert influence in areas where the provinces now hold the scepter.

Now, sometime after federalism has been properly introduced, Minister of Domestic Affairs Hermann Fleck has reflected on the transition in a 50 page document called "Federal Dorvik: a comprehensive review". The ministry argues that the federal project is succeeding. With the NDP government in Dorvan seemingly pushing ahead with local infrastructure programs and setting up the first provincial healthcare service, the Dorvan Health Service, providing insurance and urgent care to patients for free. In Largonia the NDP led government has pushed for a new approach to local security, allowing its municipalities to form their own police branches seperate from the Provincial Police. All these projects have been a direct result of the autonomy of the new federal system. And while some within the former circles of power see it as a bad direction, limiting the power of central governments, it is State Chancellor Spiegel himself praising the project for "truly granting local communities the right to their own voice."
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Re: Dorvik

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun Feb 04, 2024 10:39 am

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