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Postby LNRulez01 » Wed Jan 05, 2011 12:39 pm

Bringing you all the news from Kafuristan, both national and international.

OOC: I couldnt find the offical Kafuri news topic, so this one will be it.
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Re: Kafuri News Service

Postby LNRulez01 » Tue Jan 11, 2011 7:18 pm

Royal Wedding Announced

April 3059,

Bier Qassem, Emirate of Kayuratan, the Majatran Sultanate of the United Badaran Emirates,

Her Majesty Latifah I, Sultana of Al'Badara and Grand Emir of Kafuristan, has announced today the marriage between her son and heir, the Crown Prince of Al'Badara and Heir Apparent of Kafuristan, Crown Prince Ameen and Her Royal Highness Princess Claramond von Wittelsbach of Dundorf. The long awaited marriage was greeted with joy by loyal citizens in both the Majatran Sultanate of the United Badaran Emirates and the Majatran Governorate of Kafuristan. The Governments of both nations have announced that the day of the wedding will be a national holiday to ensure that every subject of the future monarch has the posibility to enjoy the festivities. Further details have yet to be announced, but from what was allready known, the wedding will take place in the royal city of Bier Qassem and the ceremony will be held in accordance of royal and Islamic traditions, just like the weddings of the grooms mother and grandfather.
- It is the rule in war, if ten times the enemy's strength, surround them; if five times, attack them; if double, be able to divide them; if equal,engage them; if fewer, be able to evade them; if weaker, be able to avoid them.

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Re: Kafuri News Service

Postby LNRulez01 » Tue Jan 18, 2011 5:23 pm

Kafuristan breaks diplomatic ties with Cildania.
Kafuri Government calls on the Beiteynuese people to defy communist rise to power.

Lehonti, Governorate of Pathros.

The Kafuri Government announced today that Kafuristan has withdrawn its ambassador to Cildania in response to Cildania breaking all diplomatic ties with the Majatran Sultanate of Al'Badara. The allegations made by the Cildanian government against the House of al-Majali are uncalled for and show a disrespect not only for the Royal Family, but also for the Majatran people of both Kafuristan and Al'Badara. The Office of Foreign Affairs advices all Kafuri nationals currently present in Cildania, that when they need diplomatic or consulair help, to contact either the embassy or consulate of Hulstria or that of Zardugal. When asked if further actions are going to be taken against Cildania, a government official said that the Kafuri Government is considering economic sanctions against the Cildanians, either by impossing monetary restrictions or banning certain Cildanian goods from the Kafuri markets.

Sharīf Khalid ibn Murad al-Halami called on the Beiteynuese people to defy the communist rise to power in the Commonwealth of Beiteynu and Yishelem. Mr al-Halami said that although the Kafuri Government does not necessarily oppose popular revolts, following these godless communist ideals is not the way forward for the Beiteynuese people, but embrassing the teachings of the Holy Prophet Muhammed, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, will bring salvation to all people. Mr al-Halami continued by saying that the Kafuri Government is following the events in Beiteynu very closely as it is likely a violent reaction of the Luthori's seems inevitably.
- It is the rule in war, if ten times the enemy's strength, surround them; if five times, attack them; if double, be able to divide them; if equal,engage them; if fewer, be able to evade them; if weaker, be able to avoid them.

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Re: Kafuri News Service

Postby LNRulez01 » Wed Jan 19, 2011 8:12 pm

Kafuristan increases military readiness level, imposes economic and financial sanction on Cildania and Selucia.

in light of recent events on Majatra, the Kafuri Government announces that it will increase the military readiness level of the Kafuri Armed Forces in general and specifically that of the Kafuri Naval Forces from Code Green (Peace Time) to Code Orange (Heightened Readiness). This decision was made to ensure that the Kafuri Armed Forces are ready to defend the Homeland in case the situation between Selucia and Cildania spreads to other regions on Terra. The Kafuri Naval Forces have been ordered to intercept and detain any and all military vessels of both nations. Intercepted vessels will be escorted to the nearest Kafuri port, where all onboard personal will be disarmed and interned.

The Kafuri Government has also announced that economic and financial sanctions will be imposed on both Cildania and Selucia. The announced sanctions are as followed:

1.) An complete and total ban off all export of weapons, munition and military hardware.
2.) An complete and total ban off all export of products used in the manufacturing and fabrication of weapons, munition and military hardware.
3.) Seizure of all bank accounts, held with Kafuri banks, of the State, military and high ranking officials of both nations, until the confict is ended.
4.) Seizure of all merchant vessels currently in Kafuri waters/ports, until the conflict has ended.

An Kafuri government official said that these action were taken to ensure the complete neutrality of Kafuristan in the conflict. He also added that if the conflict would escelate, the Kafuri Government might have to reconsider its neutrality in the conflict.
- It is the rule in war, if ten times the enemy's strength, surround them; if five times, attack them; if double, be able to divide them; if equal,engage them; if fewer, be able to evade them; if weaker, be able to avoid them.

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Re: Kafuri News Service

Postby LNRulez01 » Sat Feb 05, 2011 4:12 pm

Martial law declared after days of protests.

Lehonti, Governorate of Pathros.

After days of massive protests in several major cities against the regime of Khedive Muhammad ibn Ayrut al-Qulam, authorities have begon cracking down on the demonstraters. In a televised address to the nation on state television, Khedive al-Qulam announced that the Kafuri Government has declared martial law for the entire country and that it imposes a nationwide curfew from 6pm to 7am. Mr. al-Qalum continued by saying that all further planned demonstration will be considered illegal and will be ended by force if neccesary. The Khedive did not mention the demands made by the anti-government demonstrators in his first public address since the start of the protests.

Khedive Muhammad ibn Ayrut al-Qulam announces martial law is declared on state television.

The protests started after several young people set themselves on fire in front of the Majilis al-Dawla in protests of the lack of social reform by the government, massive unemployment and the lack of freedom granted by the government. Hundreds of thousands of people from all walks of life have participated in the protests which have been held in almost every major city in Kafuristan, but the most attention went out to the protests in the capitol city of Lehonti. So far the protests have been peacefull, but it may get out off hand as protesters are determined to continue the protests dispite the announcement of the government to violently end the protests if the are going to be held as planned.

Hundreds of thousands, maybe more then a million people gather on the central square in Lehonti, Kafuristan.
- It is the rule in war, if ten times the enemy's strength, surround them; if five times, attack them; if double, be able to divide them; if equal,engage them; if fewer, be able to evade them; if weaker, be able to avoid them.

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Re: Kafuri News Service

Postby LNRulez01 » Sun Feb 06, 2011 8:45 pm

Dozens dead and over a thousand injured after security forces beat down demonstrations. Tensions keep rising in Kafuristan.


Lehonti, Governorate of Pathros.

Days after the Government had threatened to put down the protests that have virtually brought the country to a standstill, police and security forces have begon cracking down on anti-government demonstrators in order to end the protests. The security forces used tear gas, water cannons and batons to disperce the crowds, but to no avail. After several houres of heavy clashes, which only stopped for the evening prayers, large crowds were still on the streets defying the curfew. Street battles continued through out the evening and the beginning of the night. A spokesperson for the Department of Health said that several dozens of people, including people from the security forces, had died during the clashes and that more than a thousand people had been taken to hospital to recieve medical care and that the number of dead and wounded are expected to rise as the violence continues to engulf the nation.


Anti-government demonstraters said they will continue to defy the inposed curfew and disregard the ban on protests until the corrupt and criminal regime of Khedive al-Qulam is ousted from power. One demonstrator was quoted saying: "We, the people, have enough of the corrupt and criminal dictator al-Qulam. We want him gone, no matter the cost. We will keep going out on the streets to protest and wont stop until al-Qulam and his puppets in the government are gone.". Rumors are circulating on the streets that if the police and security forces are unable to put down the protests, the Government will ask the military to step in and take over from the police.

- It is the rule in war, if ten times the enemy's strength, surround them; if five times, attack them; if double, be able to divide them; if equal,engage them; if fewer, be able to evade them; if weaker, be able to avoid them.

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Re: Kafuri News Service

Postby LNRulez01 » Sun Feb 06, 2011 11:18 pm

Military deployed as security forces collapse. Majatran Unionis Party headquarters burnt to the ground. Death toll rises to more then 250.

Lehonti, Governorate of Pathros.

After days of intense fighting between police and anti-government demonstrators, the security forces have collapse in its entirety and have disappeard from the streets. Demonstrators, emboldend by the the retreat of the security forces, have taken to the streets again demanding the resignation of the al-Qulam regime. In every major city in the country, people have started gathering at central squares, but the main focus lays in Lehonti, were almost 2 million people took to the streets. After several houres of basic lawlessness and as a surprise to some protestors, tanks and armoured vehicles appeared on the streets of the capitol city of Lehonti, taking up strategic places throughout the city. As of yet, the military has not intervened with the protests. Demonstrators reacted with joy to the military presence as they, unlike the police, have a good reputation among ordinary Kafuri's. Demonstrators greeted the soldiers with cheers and some even had their pictures taken on tanks and with soldiers. It is still not known which side the military is on as they have not intervened with the protests and have not began enforcing the curfew that is in effect. The offical deathtoll has been increased to over 250, but it is expected that the number will increase as thousands have been seriously injured.

Police vans set on fire by angry demonstrators.

Earlier that day, an angry mob had set fire to the headquarters of the Majatran Unionis Party, the party of Khedive al-Qulam. The building is one of the moste hated symbols, allong with the Ministry of Information, in the nation. The building was first looted before it was set on fire. The party has not yet responded to the burning of their headquarters. Rumours are spreading that senior officals and familiy members of Khedive al-Qulam are leaving the country, but nothing has been confirmed.


- It is the rule in war, if ten times the enemy's strength, surround them; if five times, attack them; if double, be able to divide them; if equal,engage them; if fewer, be able to evade them; if weaker, be able to avoid them.

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Re: Kafuri News Service

Postby LNRulez01 » Wed Feb 09, 2011 7:49 pm

al-Qulam ousted, military commits coup d'etat and takes controle of government. Badaran troops to be stationed in Kafuristan to help end unrest.

Lehonti, Governorate of Pathros.

In the dead of night and without firing a shot, the Kafuri military in collaboration with the Badaran regime, who send several thousands of soldiers to help end the turmoil in Kafuristan, overthrew the much critized regime of Khedive al-Qulam today after mounting criticism that he had undermined democracy and endangered the unity of the country because of his inability to end massive riots and protests which are plaguing the nation. The sudden, well-orchestrated coup — a throwback to an unsettled era in Kafuristan — was likely to spark both enthusiasm and criticism at home and abroad. The military said it would soon return power to a democratic government but did not say when. Striking when al-Qalum was holding an emergency meeting with his cabinet, army commander Gen. Murtada bin Mahdi al-Hasib sent tanks and troops into the drizzly, nighttime streets of Lehonti. The military ringed government offices, seized control of television stations and declared a provisional authority. The coup leaders declared martial law, revoked the constitution and ordered all troops not to leave duty stations without permission from their commanders. The stock exchange was to be closed, along with schools, banks and government offices. Lehonti's normally bustling streets emptied out early today, from shopping stalls to red light districts, as Kafuri's and tourists learned of the coup. Across the capital, Kafuri's who trickled out onto barren streets welcomed the surprise turn of events as a necessary climax to nearly a month of demonstrations and riots because of popular dissent. Many people were surprised, but few in Lehonti seemed disappointed.

The first sign of the coup came when army-owned TV channel Network 5 interrupted regular broadcasts with patriotic music and showed pictures of the army in action. Foreign TV signals into Kafuristan were cut off, preventing the networks from being seen. Later, several thousands of Kafuri and Badaran soldiers were deployed at government installations and major intersections in Lehonti. As troops secured key sites in the capital unopposed, the coup leaders declared that a Council of Administrative Reform with Gen. Murtada bin Mahdi al-Hasib as head of state had seized power in Lehonti and nearby Governates without any resistance. They did not say what reforms the council would carry out. A senior army general, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the situation, said the chiefs of the army, navy and air force met with eachother to discuss formation of an interim government. The military has arrested Khedive al-Qulam and several of his ministers, among them the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Arrest warrants have been issued for those members of the Government who havent been arrested yet. Council of Administrative Reform has announced that the party of the ousted Khedive, the Majatran Unionist Party, will be declared illegal and will be disbanded.
- It is the rule in war, if ten times the enemy's strength, surround them; if five times, attack them; if double, be able to divide them; if equal,engage them; if fewer, be able to evade them; if weaker, be able to avoid them.

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Re: Kafuri News Service

Postby LNRulez01 » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:43 pm

Kafuristan critizes the Quanzari plans on increasing the Exclusive Economic Zone.

Lehonti, Governorate of Pathros.

At a press conference earlier today, Foreign Minister Gen. Mehmet ibn Ahmed Said Muhammed expressed his concerns about plans made by the Quanzari government to increase their socalled "Exclusive Economic Zone" by 200 nautical miles. Gen. Said Muhammed said the Kafuri Government condemns any such plans because they not only contradict the Law of the Sea Treaty, ratified by Quanzar, but would also destabilize and increase tensions in an allready unstable and highly flamable region. If such plans where inacted, it would create a dangerous precedent that could spark conflict along multiple seaborders. The Minister of Foreign Affairs called upon the Quanzari government to enter into a constructive dialogue with their Solentian counterparts in order to resolve any quarrels the nation may have and said that the Kafuri government would be willing to mediate between the 2 parties if necessary.
- It is the rule in war, if ten times the enemy's strength, surround them; if five times, attack them; if double, be able to divide them; if equal,engage them; if fewer, be able to evade them; if weaker, be able to avoid them.

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Re: Kafuri News Service

Postby LNRulez01 » Sun Feb 20, 2011 12:56 am

Kafuristan expresses concern about massive increase in the defence budget by the Kalopian government.

Lehonti, Governorate of Pathros.

In a statement released by the Foreign Minister, Gen. Mehmet ibn Ahmed Said Muhammed, the Kafuri Government expresses its concerns about the massive increase in the defence budget of the Diktátoria of Kalopia. Gen. Said Muhammed said that such an increase worried the Kafuri Government because it could spark an arms race in the region, which could further destabilize an allready volatile and highly flamable region. This increase in the defence budget and heavy rhetoric by the governments of Kalopia, Solentia and Quanzar fuel the fears of the Kafuri Government that it could lead to an armed conflict in the South Majatra area. Gen. Said Muhammed continued by saying that the Kafuri Government is discussing with the Military High Council the possibility and need of increasing its own defence budget as an reaction to the action taken by Kalopia.

The Ministry of Defence announced that the Military High Council has decided to reinforce Kafuristan's southern borders with Kalopia and Solentia in responce to the increasing tensions in the region. Several divisions from the north will be reassigned to the southern border area's. When asked how many soldierd were going to be redeployed, the Minister of Defence Gen. Basir ibn Waheed al-Farsi couldnt say specificly how many, but that it is expected to be more then 100.000. Gen. al-Farsi also announced that the Military High Council has ordered the construcion of multiple new fortifications and the improvement of excisting fortifications along the southern borders.
- It is the rule in war, if ten times the enemy's strength, surround them; if five times, attack them; if double, be able to divide them; if equal,engage them; if fewer, be able to evade them; if weaker, be able to avoid them.

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