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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Wed Dec 12, 2018 10:28 am

Istalian Edition
Ultim'ora: Due Gruppi Aeronavali in viaggio verso Pontesi!
L'Istalia parteciperà al summit in Cildiania ma il Presidente Manzelli ha anche lanciato un ultimatum a Forum Hortus: "rilasciate tutti i cittadini stranieri detenuti illegalmente o non ci sarà un domani per il Partito Repubblicano ed il suo regime"
The Istalian ships on the way to the Pontesian waters

ROMULA - Da Palazzo Quattroregni stamattina il Presidente della Repubblica Franco Manzelli ha parlato alla Nazione presentandosi di fronte a telecamere e giornalisti ed annunciando che due Gruppi Strategici Aeronavali sono partiti durante la notte alla volta delle acque Pontesiane mentre lo stato di allerta generale è salito al livello 2.
Annunciando la partenza di una tale forza d'attacco, il Presidente Manzelli ha quindi rivolto un ultimatum al Governo Pontesiano, queste le sue parole:

A seguito della totale mancanza di volontà di dialogare civilmente con altri governi, a seguito della violenta retorica utilizzata dal Partito Repubblicano al potere e dal Presidente Manukyan, a seguito degli atti criminali contro cittadini stranieri di cui il regime si è macchiato e quindi, naturalmente e prima di tutto, estremamente in pena per la sorte sconosciuta dei nostri compatrioti, la Repubblica Istaliana non accetterà ulteriori misure ed azioni ostili da parte del Governo Pontesiano.

Per questo, ufficialmente dichiaro che se il Governo di Forum Hortus non rilascierà entro due mesi tutti i cittadini stranieri illegalmente trattenuti in Pontesi, le Forze Armate d'Istalia lo considereranno come un vero e proprio atto di guerra scatenando una risposta più che adeguata contro Pontesi. L'ultimatum è già stato trasmesso alle autorità di Forum Hortus, non vi saranno ulteriori comunicazione rivolte al Governo Pontesiano.

Inoltre, annuncio ufficialmente che l'Istalia, anche se il Governo Pontesiano dovesse accettare i termini dell'ultimatum, non riconoscerà mai l'attuale regime come il legittimo Governo di Pontesi ed anzi invita esponenti dell'opposizione a lasciare il paese ed a stabilirsi in Istalia per costituire un Governo legittimo benché in esilio, al quale offriremo tutto l'aiuto possibile per cacciare i Repubblicani dal potere. Questo sarà un obbiettivo primario dell'Istalia che non accetterà mai più ricatti o persecuzioni contro i propri cittadini!

Il Governo Istaliano, quindi, chiaramente scarica come bufale le dichiarazioni del regime Repubblicano secondo il quale sarebbero 10 mila gli Istaliani schiavizzati e costretti ai lavori forzati, anche se, secondo l'intelligence, il numero di cittadini stranieri illegalmente trattenuti in Pontesi potrebbe in effetti avvicinarsi a quella cifra, con i Repubblicani che paranoicamente e propagandisticamente ormai utilizzano l'aggettivo "Istaliano" per rivolgersi a qualsiasi nazione estera, specialmente democratica e liberale.

Il Presidente Manzelli, nonostante l'annuncio dell'ultimatum, ha comunque confermato la partecipazione dell'Istalia al summit organizzato a Qart Qildar dal Governo Cildaniano, anche perché il Governo Istaliano, se non ha troppe speranze in una risoluzione pacifica della crisi scatenata in Pontesi, è intenzionato a rinvigorire e cementare il ruolo Istaliano in Majatra e soprattutto l'amicizia verso diversi governi invitati al summit.

Infine, a termine della conferenza stampa, il Presidente Manzelli si è espresso sulle recenti proteste da parte di molti cittadini istaliani e quindi sui commenti da parte del Governo Seluciano:

Come già confermato più volte, le dimostrazioni di ostilità nei confronti di Selucia non sono assolutamente sostenuti o condivisi dal Governo Istaliano o da alcuna delle sue istituzioni, ma si è trattato di iniziative da parte di privati cittadini istaliani e di alcuni esponenti politici che, ribadisco, non agiscono in nome o per conto del Governo Istaliano. Ovviamente inviteremo alla calma ed ad una maggiore riflessione i nostri concittadini.

Non posso però esimermi dall'esprimere la sempre maggiore preoccupazione da parte del Paese riguardo l'insensibilità, l'inumanità e l'opportunismo del Partito Repubblicano di Selucia di fronte alla morte di cittadini innocenti. Anche accettando l'ingenua idea che un popolo possa tanto facilmente opporsi ad un regime autoritario e criminale, nonostante la storia ci insegni che buona parte dei regimi sono caduti solo e soltanto a seguito di interventi esterni o solo dopo decenni, se non secoli, di declino interno. Che i Repubblicani si leggano la storia recente del regime suprematista Hulstriano, che i Repubblicani ricordino il regime conservatore di Badara e la guerra civile scatenata per mantenere il potere, che i Repubblicani rivolgano lo sguardo a Saridan riflettendo su quanti secoli il paese è piagato dal segregazionismo.
Ed il segregazionismo per i Repubblicani è un'ideologia legittima, anche di fronte al volere della maggioranza?
Assolutamente no! Maggioranza o meno, vi sono ideologie che sono semplicemente inaccettabili e criminali, poiché offendono l'etica e la morale comune e che nessun regime ha il diritto di imporre, non importa quanto sostegno popolare abbia. I Popoli vanno educati e sensibilizzati! Generare tensioni sociali e contrapposizioni può solo servire a far crescere odio e risentimento tra compatrioti.

Personalmente rifiuto la proposta dei Radicali di condannare questo Republicanesimo seluciano ed il mio partito si sta astenendo dal votare la risoluzione proposta al riguardo, ma posso chiaramente dire che ad oggi, alcun esponente del Partito Repubblicano di Selucia sarà ben accolto in Istalia ed anzi le istituzioni, la Presidenza in primis, rifiutano ufficialmente di avere rapporti con i Repubblicani o con suoi esponenti, anche dovessero essi ricoprire ruoli istituzionali.

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Breacking news: Two Air-Naval Groups traveling towards Pontesi!
Istalia will participate to the summit in Cildiania but President Manzelli has also launched an ultimatum to Forum Hortus: "release all foreign citizens illegally detained or there will not be a tomorrow for the Republican Party and its regime"

ROMULA - From Quattroregni Palace this morning the President of the Republic Franco Manzelli spoke to the Nation presenting himself to cameras and journalists and announcing that two Aeronaval Strategic Groups left during the night for the Pontesian waters, while the general alert state rose to level 2.
Announcing the departure of such a force of attack, President Manzelli then addressed an ultimatum to the Pontesian Government, these are his words:

Following the total lack of willingness to talk civilly with other governments, following the violent rhetoric used by the Republican Party in power and by President Manukyan, as a result of criminal acts against foreign citizens of which the regime has been stained and therefore of course and above all, extremely in pain for the unknown fate of our compatriots, the Istalian Republic will not accept further measures and hostile actions by the Pontesian Government.

For this reason, I officially declare that if the Government of Forum Hortus does not release all foreign citizens illegally detained in Pontesi within two months, the Armed Forces of Istalia will consider this as a veritable act of war triggering a more than adequate response against Pontesi. The ultimatum has already been transmitted to the authorities of Forum Hortus, there will be no further communication addressed to the Pontesian Government.

Furthermore, I officially announce that Istalia, even if the Pontesian Government were to accept the terms of the ultimatum, will never recognize the current regime as the legitimate Government of Pontesi, and instead invites members of the opposition to leave the country and settle in Istalia to establish a legitimate government, albeit in exile, to which we will offer all the help we can to drive the Republicans out of power. This will be a primary goal of Istalia that will never accept more blackmail or persecution against its citizens!

The Istalian Government, therefore, clearly discharge as hoaxes the declarations of the Republican regime according to which there would be ten thousand Istalians enslaved and obliged to forced labor, even if, according to intelligence, the number of foreign citizens illegally detained in Pontesi could in fact get closer to that figure, with the Republicans who paranoidly and propagandistically now use the adjective "Istalian" to address any foreign, especially from democratic and liberal nation.

Despite the announcement of the ultimatum, President Manzelli has nevertheless confirmed the participation of Istalia to the summit organized in Qart Qildar by the Cildanian Government, also because the Istalian government, although it does not have too many hopes in a peaceful resolution of the crisis unleashed in Pontesi, is intent on reinvigorating and cementing the Istalian role in Majatra and above all the friendship towards several governments invited to the summit.

Finally, at the end of the press conference, President Manzelli expressed himself on the recent protests by many istalian citizens and then on the comments from the Selucian Government:

As already confirmed several times, the demonstrations of hostility towards Selucia are not absolutely supported or shared by the Istalian government or by any of its institutions, but it has been initiatives by private citizens of Istalia and some politicians who, I repeat, do not act in the name or on behalf of the Istalian Government. Obviously we will invite our fellow citizens to calm and to a greater reflection.

But I can not fail to express the growing concern on the part of the country regarding the insensitivity, inhumanity and opportunism of the Republican Party of Selucia in the face of the death of innocent citizens. Even accepting the naive idea that a people can easily oppose an authoritarian and criminal regime, despite the history teaches us that most of the regimes have fallen only as a result of external interventions or only after decades, if not centuries, of internal decline. The Republicans should read the recent history of the Hulstrian supremacist regime, the Republicans should remember the conservative regime of Badara and the civil war which they unleashed to maintain power, the Republicans should turn their gaze to Saridan reflecting about how many centuries the country is plagued by segregationism.
And segregationism for the Republicans is a legitimate ideology, even in the face of the will of the majority?
Absolutely not! Majority or not, there are ideologies that are simply unacceptable and criminal, because they offend ethics and common morality and that no regime has the right to impose, no matter how popular support it has. The Peoples should be educated and sensitized! Generating social tensions and contrapositions can only serve to increase hatred and resentment among compatriots.

I personally reject the Radicals' proposal to condemn this Selucian Republicanism and my party is refraining from voting on the resolution proposed in this regard, but I can clearly say that to date, any member of the Republican Party of Selucia will be not well received in Istalia and indeed the institutions, the Presidency first of all, officially refuse to have relations with the Republicans or with its exponents, even if they had to cover institutional roles.
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Polites » Thu Dec 13, 2018 2:43 pm

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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Fri Dec 14, 2018 11:25 am

Istalian Edition
Incredibile ritrovamento archeologico tra le sabbie del deserto di Pheykran
Un'impressionante cittadella risalente a 8000 anni fa potrebbe riscrivere la storia antica: "Forse è la più antica e misteriosa civiltà apparsa in Majatra"
The first terraced pyramid discovered on the site

PADAGNA - Ad annunciare la scoperta, dopo mesi di scavi in un sito nel sud del deserto di Phaykran, là dove il terreno comincia a salire verso l'altopiano meridionale, è stato il professor Erminio Battardi, docente della Facoltà di Archeologia di Florenza.
Gli scavi erano cominciati circa un anno fa a seguito della scoperta in una grotta proprio tra le alture alla base dell'altopiano di alcuni suppellettili che non erano riconducibili né al Regno di Qolshamih né ai primi gruppi semi-nomadici che popolavano queste terre millenni fa. La scoperta di questa grotta risale a tre anni fa e già allora diversi esperti datarono i ritrovamenti così da farli risalire ad un periodo antecedente alle prime testimonianze storiche fin ora conosciute in Istalia.

La città è rimasta per millenni letteralmente sommersa sotto decine di metri di sabbia e per ritrovarla gli archeologi hanno impiegato quasi due anni di interminabili ricerche attraverso tutta l'area meridionale del deserto di Phaykran.
Finalmente, anche impiegando avanzate tecnologie basate sul rilevamento satellitare radiometrico, la cittadella è stata finalmente identificata ed infine, dopo mesi e mesi di scavi, la prima di tre grandi piramidi terrazzate è stata riportata alla luce insieme ad una vasta piazza circolare chiusa da possenti mura, il tutto edificato sia con grosse pietre graniche, sia con mattoni di fango essiccato.

Sono state ritrovate anche tracce di scrittura, sottoforma di incisioni su pietre megalitiche soprattutto, la cui origine resta però per il momento sconosciuta anche se gli esperti che per primi vi hanno potuto lavorare, hanno identificato alcuni di quei segni come probabili antiche versioni di alcune lettere degli alfabeti Terrakani diffusi secoli più tardi, facendo così pensare che la famiglia delle lingue Terrak sia stata in parte influenzata da questa lingua ancora più antica.

Erminio Battardi, visibilmente eccitato, ha così commentato la scoperta:

Forse è la più antica e misteriosa civiltà apparsa in Majatra! Questa scoperta cambia la storia antica di Majatra radicalmente. Fin ad oggi, la storiografia ha sempre identificato la cultura Irkawa e quella Qolshamish come le prime civiltà apparse in Majatra al seguito delle migrazioni dei popoli Qedariti, considerati come coloro che hanno portato il seme della civiltà nel continente. Questa scoperta, però, come detto, ci costringe a datare ancor più anteriormente la comparsa della prima civiltà in Majatra e quindi, probabilmente, retrodatare la fine della preistoria e l'inizio della storia nel continente.
Si tratta di una cultura relativamente avanzata, urbana, nella quale riscontriamo forme di stratificazione sociale e probabilmente la città era retta da un "Re divino", intermediario tra gli dei ed il popolo che era ulteriormente diviso in sacerdoti, guerrieri, artigiani e contadini.
Probabilmente questa scoperta dimostra che il clima, 8000 anni fa, era molto diverso e dobbiamo immaginarci il deserto di Pheykran occupato da terreni che sostenevano l'agricoltura. Le ricerca geologiche hanno inoltre dimostrato che sotto la sabbia del deserto si nascondono numerosi letti di antichi fiumi che garantivano l'adeguata irrigazione dell'area. La desertificazione di questo territorio probabilmente è stata la rovina di questa città mentre i suoi abitanti sono divenuti, probabilmente, i temuti nomadi Ayaddan che fino ad oggi si credeva essere giunti in questi territori da nord anche se questo non spiega perché si siano diretti verso una regione già allora inaridita, da dove poi diedero l'assalto ai territori di Qolshamih, invece di cercare di stabilirsi nelle più floride regioni a settentrione della penisola. Un problema che questo ritrovamento potrebbe risolvere definitivamente e molto più realisticamente. Inoltre, i così detti Ayaddan del nord, giunti solo all'inizio del terzo secolo dopo Elia, nonostante l'accostamento con i primi, erano chiaramente una popolazione Qedarita sviluppatasi in Solentia e molte erano le differenze con i supposti "cugini" del sud.
Molto abbiamo appreso in questo anno di scavi ma tanto altro c'è da scoprire! Due intere piramidi ancora da scavare, tutta l'area centrale dove ci aspettiamo di trovare i resti di strutture amministrative e mercati... Questa scoperta ci assicura altrettanti anni di studi e ricerche!

Non solo il mondo accademico è estremamente eccitato della scoperta, ma anche la Regioni Padagna e Mezzodiurno sono altrettanto interessate, sicuramente per i ritorni economici di una tale scoperta che porterà all'apertura sicura di uno strabiliante sito archeologico pronto ad accogliere visitatori da tutto il mondo.

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Incredible archaeological find between the sands of the desert of Pheykran
An impressive 8,000-year-old citadel could rewrite ancient history: "Perhaps it is the oldest and most mysterious civilization in Majatra"

PADAGNA - To announce the discovery, after months of excavations into a site in the south of the Phaykran desert, where the soil begins to rise towards the southern plateau, was Professor Erminio Battardi, of the Faculty of Archeology of the university of Florenza.
The excavations began about a year ago as a result of the discovery in a cave right in the heights of the plateau of some furnishings that are not attributable to the Kingdom of Qolshamih nor the first semi-nomadic groups that populated these lands millennia ago. The discovery of this cave dates back to three years ago and even then several experts dated the findings so as to date them back to a period prior to the first historical testimonies known to date in Istalia.

The city has remained for thousands of years literally submerged under tens of meters of sand and to find it the archaeologists have spent almost two years of endless research throughout the southern area of ​​the Phaykran desert.
Finally, even using advanced technologies based on radiometric satellite detection, the citadel was finally identified and finally, after months and months of excavations, the first of three great terraced pyramids was brought to light along with a vast circular square enclosed by massive walls, all built both with large stones and with dried mud bricks.

Traces of writing have also been found, in the form of engravings on megalithic stones above all, whose origin remains however for the moment unknown even if the experts who were the first to work have identified some of those signs as probable ancient versions of some letters of the Terrakan alphabets spread centuries later, thus suggesting that the Terrak family of languages ​​was partly influenced by this even older language.

Erminio Battardi, visibly excited, commented on the discovery:

Perhaps it is the most ancient and mysterious civilization appeared in Majatra! This discovery changes the ancient history of Majatra radically. Hitherto, historiography has always identified the Irkawa and Qolshamish cultures as the first civilizations appeared in Majatra following the migration of the Qedarite peoples, considered as those who brought the seed of civilization on the continent. This discovery, however, as mentioned, forces us to date even earlier the appearance of the first civilization in Majatra and therefore probably backdate the end of prehistory and the beginning of history on the continent.
It is a relatively advanced urban culture, in which we find forms of social stratification and probably the city was governed by a "divine King", an intermediary between the gods and the people that was further divided into priests, warriors, artisans and peasants.
Probably this discovery shows that the climate, 8000 years ago, was very different and we must imagine the Pheykran desert occupied by land that supported agriculture. The geological research has also shown that under the sand of the desert there are many beds of ancient rivers that guaranteed adequate irrigation of the area. The desertification of this territory was probably the ruin of this city while its inhabitants have become, probably, the feared Ayaddan nomads who until now were believed to have arrived in these territories from the north even if this does not explain why they were heading towards a then already dried up region, from where they then gave the assault to the territories of Qolshamih, instead of trying to settle in the most flourishing regions to the north of the peninsula. A problem that this finding could solve definitively and much more realistically. Moreover, the so-called Ayaddan of the north, which arrived only at the beginning of the third century after Elyahu, despite the juxtaposition with the former, were clearly a Qedarite population once settled in Solentia and many were the differences with the supposed "cousins" of the south.
We have learned a lot in this year of excavations but there is so much more to discover! Two whole pyramids still have to be excavated, the whole central area where we expect to find the remains of administrative structures and markets... This discovery ensures us many years of studies and research!

Not only is the academic world extremely excited by the discovery, but also the regions of Padagna and Mezzodiurno are equally interested, certainly for the economic returns of such a discovery that will lead to the safe opening of a stunning archaeological site ready to welcome visitors from around the world.
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Sat Dec 15, 2018 8:50 am

Istalian Edition
Programma di rinnovamento delle Forze Armate: nuove unità ed equipaggiamenti pronti ad entrare in servizio
Nonostante i ritardi, il Programma d'attuazione del Libro Bianco della Difesa 4489 sta progredendo con l'entrata in servizio della prima unità di nuove navi d'assalto anfibio e le prime fregate multiruolo
Launching of the LHD "Ciclone"

Alla presenza delle maggiori cariche dello stato, stamattina nel porto di Triesta è stata consegnata la bandiera da battaglia alla prima delle nuove unità d'assalto anfibie della Marina Militare, il Ciclone, che darà il nome alla classe della quale tre le 3 e le 4 unità dovrebbero entrare tra le fila della Marina e che andranno a sostituire le valide ma ormai vetuste navi classe Democrazia, unità nate da una collaborazione con Malivia e che si basarono a loro volta sulla riuscitissima classe Triesta. Le nuove LHD, saranno dotate di una possente flotta di velivoli aerei e, grazie al bacino inferiore, potrà trasportare diversi mezzi di sbarco anfibio.

Rear view of the Ciclone with the well dock with inside a landing craft (among the larger of this kind)

Circa un mese fa è stata varata invece la seconda unità di fregate multiruolo classe Ammiragli, l'Ammiraglio Elia Loria: è prevista la costruzione di 12 vascelli, che andranno ad affiancare le unità della classe Lupo, fregate sul cui progetto si è basato quello della classe Ammiragli. Nonostante non sia stato previsto nel Libro Bianco della Difesa, recentemente la Marina Militare ha deciso di avviare un processo di intervento proprio sulle unità della classe Lupo che, nate inizialmente anch'esse come unità multiruolo, assumeranno una parte una specializzazione anti-aerea ed una parte invece una specializzazione anti-sommergibile. I lavori non dovranno gravare eccessivamente dato che principalmente si tratta di aggiungere o ritirare questo o quel tipo di armamento affinché le navi possano efficacemente ricoprire il ruolo assegnatogli.

Ammiraglio Elia Loria few time after its launching

Per quanto riguarda invece l'Esercito, entro pochi mesi sarà consegnato il primo lotto dei nuovi veicoli corazzati cingolati seguiti a breve dalle prime unità di veicolo da combattimento corazzato multiruolo su ruote. Lo Stato Maggiore dell'Esercito, però, ha dichiarato che lotti successivi per queste unità arriveranno solo successivamente dato che le forze di terra hanno richiesto che ci si concentri sulle unità dell'artiglieri, ovvero un nuovo cannone da campo aviotrasportabile ed i nuovi semoventi dotati di obice e mortaglio.
L'Esercito non ha invece dato troppo spiegazioni ai giornalisti riguardo diverse unità dotate di torrette di vario genere, nonché postazioni di rilevamento, consegnate nei mesi scorsi e che sono stati visti partire verso il nord della penisola su lunghi convoi ferroviari. L'Esercito ha semplicemente dichiarato che si tratta di sistemi per la difesa dei confini.
D'altronde parte del Programma di Attuazione del Libro Bianco della Difesa era ed è ancora posto sotto segreto militare ed anzi, dal Ministero della Difesa è stato diramato un comunicato rivolto alla stampa nel quale si sottolinea la riservatezza di parte dei programmi in attuazione invitando i giornalisti a non cercare di estrapolare o raccogliere informazioni che potrebbero compromettere la Sicurezza Nazionale.

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Infine, dopo i successi dei prototipi sviluppati in Istalia e in Vanuku del nuovo Fucile d'Assalto Majatrano (Majatran Rifle), il Ministero ha annunciato che l'Esercito Istaliano utilizzerà il modello che verrà sviluppato sul prototipo Vanukeano come fucile d'ordinanza per la truppa, mentre i modelli che deriveranno dal prototipo Istaliano saranno dedicati alle varie unità di Forze Speciali. Il prototipo Istaliano è infatti più compatto e più adatto per forze d'élite, inoltre sarà dotato di munizioni speciali rispetto al modello per la fanteria ordinaria.

Image Image
Vanukean prototipe (left) and Istalia prototipe (right)

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Armed Forces renewal program: new units and equipements ready to enter service
Despite delays, the 4489 Defense White Paper Implementation Program is progressing with the entry into service of the first unit of new amphibious assault ships and the first multirole frigates

In the presence of the major offices of the state, this morning in the port of Triesta was given the battle flag to the first of the new amphibious assault units of the Navy, the Ciclone, which will give its name to the class of which three 3 and 4 units should enter the ranks of the Navy and that will replace the valid but now obsolete Democrazia class ships, units born from a collaboration with Malivia and that were based in turn on the successful Triesta class. The new LHD will be equipped with a large fleet of aircrafts and, thanks to the well dock, will be able to transport different amphibious landing crafts.

About a month ago the second unit of multirole frigates of the Ammiragli class was launched, the Ammiraglio Elia Loria: 12 vessels will be built, which will support the units of the Lupo class, frigates on the whose project was based the new class. Although not foreseen in the White Book of Defense, the Navy recently decided to start an intervention process on the units of the Lupo class which, initially also conceived as multi-role units, in part will take on an anti-aircraft specialization and the rest an anti-submarine specialization. The work must not overstretch because it is mainly a question of adding or withdrawing this or that type of armament so that ships can effectively fulfill the role assigned to them.

As for the Army, within a few months the first batch of the new All Terrain Traked Armoured Vehicle will be delivered soon followed by the first Wheeled Multipurpose Armoured Fighting Vehicles. The Army General Staff, however, has declared that successive batch for these units will arrive only afterwards as the ground forces have requested to focus the production on the artillery units, that is a new airborne field gun and the new self-propelled vehicles of howitzer and mortice.
The Army has not given too much explanations to journalists about different units equipped with turrets of various kinds, as well as detection stations, delivered in recent months and that were seen to leave towards the north of the peninsula on long railway trains. The Army has simply declared that these are systems for defending borders.
On the other hand, part of the Defense White Paper Implementation Program was and is still under military secrecy and indeed, a press release was issued by the Ministry of Defense in which the confidentiality of part of the programs under implementation is underlined inviting journalists not to try to extrapolate or collect information that could compromise national security.

Finally, after the success of the prototypes developed in Istala and in Vanuku of the new Majatran Assault Rifle (Majatran Rifle), the Ministry announced that the Istalian Army will use the model that will be developed on the Vanukean prototype as an order rifle for the troop, while the models that will derive from the Istalianb prototype will be dedicated to the various units of Special Forces. The Istalian prototype is in fact more compact and more suitable for elite forces, it will also be equipped with special ammunition compared to the model for ordinary infantry.
Last edited by Axxell on Wed Dec 19, 2018 9:35 am, edited 2 times in total.
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby 13ShinyTie » Sun Dec 16, 2018 11:19 pm

Anna Verde retires at the end of the century!

Anna Verde adressing the Congress one last time at her leaving party. Her speeches were always captivating.

After 10 years of rehabilitation in the ranks of the opposition, the PND came out strong out of the elections of 4497, winning the largest number of seats in the Chamber and the Governor race in Mezzodiurno, however losing the Presidential campaign brought to an end the long and very fruitful political career of former President Anna Verde. Aged 70, and exactly 20 years after the start of her PND "reign" as Il Duce, she puts down arms after the defeat from Franco Manzelli of the FD. It was a nice way to end her career, as it coincided with the 100th anniversary since the first participation in elections of the PND. Nonetheless, the 6th leader of the PND leaves behind a great deal of work for her successor, namely Luka di Nero (60) who got confirmed unanimously as new Il Duce of the National Democrats. The country is in disarray, Luka is not particularly popular, getting the unanimous confirmation only thanks to Verde's endorsement and the good performance of the party in the elections. Moreover, factionalism has never been stronger. There are 4, not very clearly defined factions in the PND, and 5 people fighting for dominance. There is still the conservative wing, which is still the largest and is luckily for him led by Di Nero after the retirement (together with Anna Verde) of the most unambitious Vespa-Baldassare (Mattheo, former Minister of Education and Culture) aged 80. The conservatives account for about 40 per cent of the party. This number is deceivingly high as 25 years ago, the conservatives amounted 75 per cent. Moreover, the conservatives experience an internal power struggle of their own as unlike his father, the new Vice-Whip Antonio Vespa-Baldassare (41) is very ambitious. The second largest fraction is the Nachiavelli supporters, which although mostly officially aligned with the Conservatives, have openly expressed their support for the factionless Whip of the PND; they amount for about 30 per cent and obviously, Niccolo is using that to his full advantage. He is commonly seen "amongst the people", he calls the admired colonel Raniu a "friend", and even now instead of sitting in the Chamber, election campaigning for him never stops as he joined the mass mob in his hometown of Florenza to demonstrate against the incompetence of Romula - the incompetence for which he is arguably partially responsible. Nonetheless, this momentum causes Di Nero to sleep less at night because if Nachiavelli in some sudden coup manages to claim the Premiership seat, which he clearly wants, then Di Nero's career is officially over. Another 20 per cent of the party is led by the very ambitious Perla Vespa-Baldassare (37), who since the dissolution of the ULD led a fraction of the dissolved party to join the PND. This caused lots of friction initially, causing the PND to plummet in the polls, but the recovery in the opposition has allowed the Liberals to integrate into the PND and the integration clearly paid off in the recent elections. Nonetheless, they are the most liberal exponent of the party and frictions on many social questions and even some economic ones still arise, giving the Liberals their own faction with a very charismatic leader, does not change the course of the heavyweight party that is the PND, but may affect future coalition forming, for example thanks to them, the MLD is favoured to be the junior partner in a potential coalition instead of Istalia Unita. The final 10 per cent is the so-called opportunists, which now work closely with the liberals. They were led by Giuseppe Bencivenni (75) who however retired together with Mattheo Vespa-Baldassare and Anna Verde, never getting his chance to shine like his dad, who led the party in the "golden age" of opportunists. The opportunists are now led by Flaminia Ricollo (43), who is a descendant of Franco Ricollo and who already made a name for herself in the Finance Ministry. She believes the public outcry is "temporary" and believes in tighter cooperation with the AR, which would allow for more of said careful, yet clearly market-orientated reforms. She thinks the economy needs a little "push" and that Istalia should not stop its international commitment because "despite how it looks, Istalia is still a great power." Sentiment which would usually resonate with Radicals.

The final speech of former President Anna Verde as leader of the National Democrats adressed to the Party Congress in Palerno:
Ladies and Gentlemen, on this great day I pass on the torch to you, to carry this party forward. No. To carry the NATION forward. After all, the people have given us, the National Democrats the opportunity to govern this nation for the next few years. They have put their faith in our hands and it is our responsibility not to disappoint them. Whatever the coalition may be, even if the PND ends up in the opposition again, we cannot bow down to anyone or anything. Our principles have brought us here after 100 years of party history. Many parties collapse under pressure withing a decade of exisiting. We have made it for a hundred and the people still trust us and vote for us! We are not an "alternative" vote, we are the mainstream. We are the largest party in the chamber so it is our duty to respond to the call! There are people on the streets, whilst we are sitting here chatting. These people want action, so lets give it to them! Luka, I trust you to handle this. Mattheo, Giuseppe, they will manage. Our time has come to go. Long live Istalia!

PND Whip Niccolo Nachiavelli joins the protests in his hometown Florenza as "voice of the people"

PND Whip Nachiavelli (54) with people calling for his Premiership

Despite elections just ending, for Niccolo Nachiavelli a new election campaign cycle has already started. The next elections are important because, right after the general elections, in January 4502, a new Vice-Leader will be chosen as for now the Party Congress has decided to leave Di Nero alone at the helm of the party in order to unite under one "Il Duce", which would facilitate the creation of propaganda. Although some might say, that the Congress is setting him up to fail as Di Nero, although a great statesman of a famous political dynasty never was really popular, as witnessed by his election record. "The party does not want Di Nero as their face," an anonymous source from within the party tells the Corriere, "He is a fine man, but in terms of charisma he is no Antonio [Vespa-Baldassare], Niccolo [Nachiavelli] or Perla [Vespa-Baldassare]."
However, the Whip of the National Democrats has stepped it up again as he joined the protests in his hometown Florenza against the incompetence of the government. During the protest, he exclaimed the following:
These Romulan bureaucrats do not know a thing about life! Instead of securing our borders and helping our working people, they let in refugees and cause massive redundancies in the public sector which we have not seen in decades! Even during the great recession in the times of the disaster that was the Majatran Union, we did not experience such a disarray. If I would be Prime Minister, I would lower taxes for the poor, increase the spending in our security and appoint Raniu Minister of Defence as he would know how to get those bureaucrats in line to get back on track with our military modernization. Going into debt is not a concern as the end justifies the means!

This controversial, populist statement was greeted with massive cheers from the crowd, chanting "Forza Niccolo!"

Nonetheless, the chances of actually happening of what Mr Nachiavelli is describing are very low as despite his insane popularity amongst the far right, he also experiences great resentment from every other Istalian political group. The other parties already have to deal with him in the chamber, with him being the PND Whip, and they have clearly implied their unwillingness to form a cabinet under Nachiavelli. We will have to wait and see how much Niccolo Nachiavelli really meant when he dropped the ominous phrase: "the end justifies the means".
Nazionale, Official Press of the Alternativa Istaliana (Istalian Alternative; AI)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Nichola » Mon Dec 17, 2018 3:34 pm

Organo d'Informazione presso Palazzo Quattroregni
La Presidenza della Repubblica Istaliana rilascia un comunicato stampa al "Colle d'Istalia", nuovo organo d'informazione della Presidenza della Repubblica.
Il primo atto della Presidenza Manzelli è stato quello di avviare le consultazioni immediatamente dopo le scorse elezioni, il Presidente Manzelli ha contattato i leader del Movimento Liberaldemocratico, Fronte Democratico, Alleanza Radicale e Partito degli Agricoltori per proporre la nascita di un nuovo Governo, per succedere a quello di Claudio Squicciarini, il nuovo Governo secondo la proposta dell'Ufficio di Presidenza sarebbe stato a guida liberaldemocratica. La proposta presidenziale è stata accettata da ML, FD e AR mentre il PdA, probabilmente dovuta alla crisi della leadership di partito, non ha espresso finora un parere sulla proposta di Governo bloccando i lavori di consultazione fino ad oggi. La Presidenza proporrà un esecutivo di emergenza affinchè ci sia presto un Primo Ministro operativo.
Presidente della Repubblica Istaliana, Franco Manzelli

The Presidency of the Istalian Republic issues a press release to the "Colle d'Istalia", the new information body of the Presidency of the Republic.
The first act of the Manzelli Presidency was to start the consultations immediately after the last elections, President Manzelli contacted the leaders of the Liberal Democratic Movement, Democratic Front, Radical Alliance and Farmers' Party to propose the birth of a new government, to succeed to that of Claudio Squicciarini, the new government according to the proposal of the Bureau of the Presidency would have been a liberal democratic leader.
The presidential proposal was accepted by ML, FD and AR, while the PdA, probably due to the crisis of the party leadership, has not yet expressed an opinion on the Government proposal by blocking the consultation work until today. The Presidency will propose an emergency executive to have an operational Prime Minister soon.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Wed Dec 19, 2018 9:36 am

Istalian Edition
Programma di rinnovamento delle Forze Armate: nuove unità ed equipaggiamenti pronti ad entrare in servizio
Nonostante i ritardi, il Programma d'attuazione del Libro Bianco della Difesa 4489 sta progredendo con l'entrata in servizio della prima unità di nuove navi d'assalto anfibio e le prime fregate multiruolo
Launching of the LHD "Ciclone"

Alla presenza delle maggiori cariche dello stato, stamattina nel porto di Triesta è stata consegnata la bandiera da battaglia alla prima delle nuove unità d'assalto anfibie della Marina Militare, il Ciclone, che darà il nome alla classe della quale tre le 3 e le 4 unità dovrebbero entrare tra le fila della Marina e che andranno a sostituire le valide ma ormai vetuste navi classe Democrazia, unità nate da una collaborazione con Malivia e che si basarono a loro volta sulla riuscitissima classe Triesta. Le nuove LHD, saranno dotate di una possente flotta di velivoli aerei e, grazie al bacino inferiore, potrà trasportare diversi mezzi di sbarco anfibio.

Rear view of the Ciclone with the well dock with inside a landing craft (among the larger of this kind)

Circa un mese fa è stata varata invece la seconda unità di fregate multiruolo classe Ammiragli, l'Ammiraglio Elia Loria: è prevista la costruzione di 12 vascelli, che andranno ad affiancare le unità della classe Lupo, fregate sul cui progetto si è basato quello della classe Ammiragli. Nonostante non sia stato previsto nel Libro Bianco della Difesa, recentemente la Marina Militare ha deciso di avviare un processo di intervento proprio sulle unità della classe Lupo che, nate inizialmente anch'esse come unità multiruolo, assumeranno una parte una specializzazione anti-aerea ed una parte invece una specializzazione anti-sommergibile. I lavori non dovranno gravare eccessivamente dato che principalmente si tratta di aggiungere o ritirare questo o quel tipo di armamento affinché le navi possano efficacemente ricoprire il ruolo assegnatogli.

Ammiraglio Elia Loria few time after its launching

Per quanto riguarda invece l'Esercito, entro pochi mesi sarà consegnato il primo lotto dei nuovi veicoli corazzati cingolati seguiti a breve dalle prime unità di veicolo da combattimento corazzato multiruolo su ruote. Lo Stato Maggiore dell'Esercito, però, ha dichiarato che lotti successivi per queste unità arriveranno solo successivamente dato che le forze di terra hanno richiesto che ci si concentri sulle unità dell'artiglieri, ovvero un nuovo cannone da campo aviotrasportabile ed i nuovi semoventi dotati di obice e mortaglio.
L'Esercito non ha invece dato troppo spiegazioni ai giornalisti riguardo diverse unità dotate di torrette di vario genere, nonché postazioni di rilevamento, consegnate nei mesi scorsi e che sono stati visti partire verso il nord della penisola su lunghi convoi ferroviari. L'Esercito ha semplicemente dichiarato che si tratta di sistemi per la difesa dei confini.
D'altronde parte del Programma di Attuazione del Libro Bianco della Difesa era ed è ancora posto sotto segreto militare ed anzi, dal Ministero della Difesa è stato diramato un comunicato rivolto alla stampa nel quale si sottolinea la riservatezza di parte dei programmi in attuazione invitando i giornalisti a non cercare di estrapolare o raccogliere informazioni che potrebbero compromettere la Sicurezza Nazionale.

Image Image

Infine, dopo i successi dei prototipi sviluppati in Istalia e in Vanuku del nuovo Fucile d'Assalto Majatrano (Majatran Rifle), il Ministero ha annunciato che l'Esercito Istaliano utilizzerà il modello che verrà sviluppato sul prototipo Vanukeano come fucile d'ordinanza per la truppa, mentre i modelli che deriveranno dal prototipo Istaliano saranno dedicati alle varie unità di Forze Speciali. Il prototipo Istaliano è infatti più compatto e più adatto per forze d'élite, inoltre sarà dotato di munizioni speciali rispetto al modello per la fanteria ordinaria.

Image Image
Vanukean prototipe (left) and Istalia prototipe (right)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Armed Forces renewal program: new units and equipements ready to enter service
Despite delays, the 4489 Defense White Paper Implementation Program is progressing with the entry into service of the first unit of new amphibious assault ships and the first multirole frigates

In the presence of the major offices of the state, this morning in the port of Triesta was given the battle flag to the first of the new amphibious assault units of the Navy, the Ciclone, which will give its name to the class of which three 3 and 4 units should enter the ranks of the Navy and that will replace the valid but now obsolete Democrazia class ships, units born from a collaboration with Malivia and that were based in turn on the successful Triesta class. The new LHD will be equipped with a large fleet of aircrafts and, thanks to the well dock, will be able to transport different amphibious landing crafts.

About a month ago the second unit of multirole frigates of the Ammiragli class was launched, the Ammiraglio Elia Loria: 12 vessels will be built, which will support the units of the Lupo class, frigates on the whose project was based the new class. Although not foreseen in the White Book of Defense, the Navy recently decided to start an intervention process on the units of the Lupo class which, initially also conceived as multi-role units, in part will take on an anti-aircraft specialization and the rest an anti-submarine specialization. The work must not overstretch because it is mainly a question of adding or withdrawing this or that type of armament so that ships can effectively fulfill the role assigned to them.

As for the Army, within a few months the first batch of the new All Terrain Traked Armoured Vehicle will be delivered soon followed by the first Wheeled Multipurpose Armoured Fighting Vehicles. The Army General Staff, however, has declared that successive batch for these units will arrive only afterwards as the ground forces have requested to focus the production on the artillery units, that is a new airborne field gun and the new self-propelled vehicles of howitzer and mortice.
The Army has not given too much explanations to journalists about different units equipped with turrets of various kinds, as well as detection stations, delivered in recent months and that were seen to leave towards the north of the peninsula on long railway trains. The Army has simply declared that these are systems for defending borders.
On the other hand, part of the Defense White Paper Implementation Program was and is still under military secrecy and indeed, a press release was issued by the Ministry of Defense in which the confidentiality of part of the programs under implementation is underlined inviting journalists not to try to extrapolate or collect information that could compromise national security.

Finally, after the success of the prototypes developed in Istala and in Vanuku of the new Majatran Assault Rifle (Majatran Rifle), the Ministry announced that the Istalian Army will use the model that will be developed on the Vanukean prototype as an order rifle for the troop, while the models that will derive from the Istalianb prototype will be dedicated to the various units of Special Forces. The Istalian prototype is in fact more compact and more suitable for elite forces, it will also be equipped with special ammunition compared to the model for ordinary infantry.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby 13ShinyTie » Wed Dec 19, 2018 12:02 pm

But will it be big enough to govern?

President Luka Di Nero celebrating in the Romulan PND centre, unlike usually in Palerno, ought to show his immediate readiness to go to work!

Luka Di Nero has ended his streak of failed presidential elections by finally winning! The National Democrats were apparently the best party to capitalize off of the public unrests, which resulted in them winning it all: Presidency, Chamber and Senate. The new speaker of the senate, Marco Azurri (51, PND) has already issued a quick statement about the difficult political situation:
Istalian politics has been plagued since the birth of the Republic with many hardships, stalemates and crises. This is another one of those times and currently, the chamber is unable to act freely in the absence of a majority cabinet. Hence, it is up to us in the senate and the newly elected President of the Republic to step up! We will not disappoint!

Meanwhile, Di Nero‘s surprise victory has sealed his position as Leader of the National Democratic Party, but has simultaneously opened another can of worms, as the future vice-leader who will be chosen right before a new cabinet is in place, will be most likely the new Prime Minister, assuming the PND manages to rallye a majority around it, which would be willing to give the PM spot to arguably the most right wing party in Istalia. Hence, tensions are rising as 4 candidates: Antonio Vespa-Baldassare, Perla Vespa-Baldassare, Flaminia Riccolo and of course Niccolo Nachiavelli, have emerged as most likely. Each and every one of them would provide a slightly different PND, with Antonio supporting Di Nero‘s course (for now), Perla taking a ULD-esque approach, Flaminia hoping to work closer with the left and Niccolo being the most right wing PND politician.

In his electoral speech, the newly elected President Luka Di Nero has exclaimed:
Forming a competent government is my number one priority. We owe that to the people who have been living without a majority government which could move the nation into some pther direction than the slump we are currently in for far too long. We will make our best efforts to help the middle class, those suffering economically, especially in Padagna and Trivendito where the immigration clashing with locals is a greater-than-ever emergency. We also need to complete our rearmament program and reclaim our position as leaders of Terra! God bless Istalia!
Nazionale, Official Press of the Alternativa Istaliana (Istalian Alternative; AI)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby 13ShinyTie » Sun Dec 23, 2018 10:52 pm

Flaminia Ricollo was a blessing in disguise for the PND

Primo Ministro della Repubblica Flaminia Riccolo has emerged as a proper heir to the line of strong, empowered females spearheading the National Democratic Party of Istalia

The last 4 years can be described with nothing other than recovery years. Istalia is still in an economic slump, but at least the country is moving into some sort of direction. The cabinet is implementing currently 3 reforms which would adress the 3 immediate problems that Istalians are facing: lack of economic growth, the inability to sustain the same amount of immigrants as before and the falling average wages. They were adressed by increasing the workforce number by increasing the retirement age - an unpopular reform but a necessary one according to the cabinet. However, on the other hand, despite corporate displeasure, collective bargaining was returned to the private sector which has been greeted with cheers from trade unions - for the first time in history have trade unions approved the work of a Nationalist Prime Minister. Finally, after very long consideration the PND was able to push for an immigration reform which would allow Istalia to provide aid only to those coming from extreme conditions, meaning that no aid will be compromised for people that actually need it, whilst costs will be drastically reduced.

Meanwhile on the military front Istalia‘s rearmament has been steadily continuing, returning the armed forces to its pre-crisis state. The Istalian markets are careful but optimistic and have seen the largest growth since before the Solentian situation - still below the global average but it is an improvement nonetheless.

A lot of it is attributed to Prime Minister‘s Riccolo‘s effectiveness as a cabinet was formed relatively quickly, for Istalian standards, and a program was formed just as fast. There were no scandals and internal party struggles have been suppressed as in a surprising coup, the two women - Perla and Flaminia - have joined forces to snatch the Vice-Leadership and have a small, yet consistent majority. Flaminia has become Vice Leader and Consequently the Prime Minister, whilst Perla Vespa-Baldassare snatched the ministry of Finance from her Cousin‘s Antonio‘s nose, who was refrained to the traditional Education Ministry.

People were initially quite skeptical about the new Vice-Leader and Prime Minister as she comes from the Opportunist wing whose success was always very short lived as usually, these centrist coalitions such as the one we see now, run out of common ground very quickly. However, at the moment Flaminia Ricollo, the distant relative of former AI Leader Franco Ricollo, is doing justice to her ancestor and to the long line of strong empowered females in the ranks of the PND. The skepticims have dissipated and she has been a blessing in disguise as she shows what the PND can be if it works at maximum effectiveness. She already has issued her willingness to continue the current coalition in the next legislative term if the voters approve of her work.
Nazionale, Official Press of the Alternativa Istaliana (Istalian Alternative; AI)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby TheUnicorn. » Wed Dec 26, 2018 12:01 pm

The "throwback coalition", as it is already called, would continue a long-running tradition

Maria Elisa Manfrin is the leader of the new political movement, the New Union, which was able to become the second biggest party in parliament

Maria Elisa Manfrin announced that her movement, the New Union, is ready to cooperate with the National Democratic party. The New Union itself is an interesting movement; originally, it slipped under the radar after being found following protests of small business owners, demanding lower taxes for their companies. Their union was helped by Maria Elisa Manfrin, the president of the liberal think-tank, "The Hugo Vespa-Baldassare Institute", named after the legendary Prime Minister and leader of the Liberal Democrats. In recent polls, the party didn't appear to have as muchsupport as it gained during the recent elections; they were placed fourth, sometimes even fifth, which meant that it was a surprise when they came in second after the PND, a party that often alligned itself with the Liberal Democrats. Both parties also had members of the legendary political dynasty within them. The New Union, although at the first glance it appears to be closer to the legendary family, actually has less members of the Vespa-Baldassare clan within their lanks, with just Siro, the son of Peral, heading their youth wing.

The leader of the party is Maria Elisa Manfrin, a former economist and chairperson of the forementioned institute. She comes from the Manfrin family, another staple of the "old union", although not as well-known as the Vespa-Baldassares.

Notably, the New Union is a more populist, anti-establishment party that already announed three core issues that it wants to focus on: lowering the company tax, introducing a flat tax and the full privatization of media and culture, with a smaller amount of seats in the legislature and the abolition fo the senate also noted as important issues for the party. The party blames the current party for a slight economic downfall, saying that they are too disconnected from the people and that their politicians don't actually know how to run the country. Instead, the New Union promises to establish a technocratic model of government if they come to power.

Maria Elisa Manfrin already announced that the one clause that they want to present the PND with is lowering the company tax to 4%.
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