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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby RedReaper » Mon Jun 25, 2018 2:41 pm

Labour Party Endorses Democratic Presidential Ticket
Nepoli, Mezzodiurno

Davino Bartone announced today that the Labour Party will support Gentile-Silvero for the presidency, silencing speculation about a possible split in the Grand Coalition's Presidential nomination. This comes after reports that the Radical Alliance is also backing the Democratic Front Candidate.
Bartone stated at a press event that;

The continuation of the Grand Coalition as the cornerstone of the Istalian government comes first and foremost above Party politics. With the future of the Istalian people at stake, and with a possible resurgence of Nationalist Far Right party votes in the upcoming election, the return of the right wing to power must be stopped at all costs.

When questioned about the Labour Party's relationship to the other major left wing parties, the Democratic Front and Radical Alliance, Bartone said;

There are many similarities between our parties, and many differences, most notably in relation to foreign policy and on the questions of immigration and nationalization. While the Labour Party remains the most consistent force for radical and progressive economic change in Istalia, we must realise that the similarities between us and the other left parties are our strength in this politically saturated climate with so many parties vying for control.

When asked about the Nationalist question, and the possibility of the Grand Coalition rebuilding its relationship with the Nationalist Party, Bartone was notably perplexed and concerned;

The Nationalist Party in my mind has had too much influence over Istalian politics for a long time; I share Calenda's concerns on this issue. The Left needs to stop being drawn towards the Far-Right as allies simply to prevent the Liberal Democrats from establishing a government. We need to think up a long term strategy for eliminating the Nationalist's influence over both Centre-Left and Centre-Right governments.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby 13ShinyTie » Mon Jun 25, 2018 4:39 pm

Fabiola Mondadori tries her luck a second time!
Luciano Vespa-Baldassare will retire if the PND "loses a single seat"

With April on the horizon, Istalia spring will once again be very political as the 4414 general election is coming up. The PND hopes that the "democratic right" consisting of the ULD and the PND will gain a larger share in parliament and finally place a right wing president in order to stop the "disastrous advancements of the left", as Leader Luciano Vespa-Baldassare said. After all, Luciano I fighting for his legacy as he is not the youngest any more, aged 74, and he wants to either ensure a PND President or Prime Minister during his political carreer. He has also said that he "will retire if the PND loses a single seat".

The statement sparked headlines and speculation about the successor, with Mondadori and Alessandro Bencivenni aiming for the top spot, but in terms of public ratings, most PND voters would like to see Luciano's daughter Juliana to take that seat, as her charm is well known throughout Italian ever since she was minister of education.

In the Presidential Race, Ms Fabiola Mondadori will try it a second time and she has disclosed her disappointment in the Nationalist Party's unwillingness to collaborate.
I do not understand the PNI's motive, we have attempted to strike a deal with them for their endorsement in the first round which would ensure a nationalist, patriotic candidate in the second round, however they seemingly have too much pride and hence we once again will support the ULD in the second round against what will probably be the FD candidate. The left is united - the right is not - and trust me we tried our best! I nonetheless believe that we have a big chance this year following the horrible left government for now eight years, we posed strong opposition, passed and blocked some bills and the people know who representsent their interests.

The nominations for ministries of the PND remain undisclosed as they will strongly depend on whether Il Duce Vespa-Baldassare will continue his political work.
Nazionale, Official Press of the Alternativa Istaliana (Istalian Alternative; AI)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Jervoy Tyson » Tue Jun 26, 2018 7:47 am

Romula:As the new President took the office.The Foreign & Defence Ministries headed by Junaid Waseem & Alfonso Pelle respectively held joint "high profile" session in the Headquarters of National Foreign Ministry .The officials discussed various aspects of the currently passed Border Control Act and analyzed its consequences.
The officials concluded that the New act would cause serious troubles of security leading to High Instability in the country.
The Defence & Foreign Ministers had also advised the President Agostino Salazar to reconsider the Border Control act and impose the previous restrictions.
Defense Minister Alfonso Pelle holding a press conference
Foreign Minister Junaid Waseem
At the end of meeting the Defense Minister said:
We have held a detailed meeting with officials of Defense & Foreign Ministries to discuss border control.We are not against people coming from various parts of the terra but what most important is the "SECURITY".I & Mr.Junaid has talked to President and asked to reinstate the previous regulations.Both of us have ordered the respective ministries to sent dossiers to the President & soon to the Parliament.

Corriere reached the inside and found that the concerns of the Ministers are not just politically motivated but instead these concerns are based on reality.Now its the time to see what side the President chooses because a bad decision could lead Istalia into huge trouble
Jervoy Tyson
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby 13ShinyTie » Wed Jun 27, 2018 8:45 am

Luciano Vespa-Baldassare retires!
Vice Leader Mondadori is challenged by Alessandro Bencivenni for the top spot!

Following the electoral turmoil in Istalia following the dissolution of the Social Democrats, Labour and League, the PND still ended up losing two seats in total, maintaining it's position as third largest force in parliamet, only one seat behind the Democratic Front which ultimately won the presidency. Nonetheless, as promised, Il Duce Luciano Vespa-Baldassare retired and the race for his succession begins. Vice Leader and failed presidential candidate Fabiola Mondadori, who was endorsed by Mr. Vespa-Baldassare and his daughter Juliana, and will see the PND do more of the same: Conservatism with closer ties with the ULD than the Nationalist bloc.

Against Alessandro Bencivenni, a popular MP from Genevia and former governor of Padagna who was responsible for their highway privatization (which may have been part of the reason why the PND lost Padagna). Bencivenni will make the PND much more concerned with the economic aspect of politics as he quotes "Politics is a concentrated Form of economics". Should he assume leadership, he would try to work together with the left as "they are the ones currently in power, actually changing things!" One may call him opportunistic, but that opportunism made him CEO of Milonas bank so that is something that the PND may need. He is backed by the youth wing as his son Giuseppe is their Leader now. He also has the backing of the environmentalist DJ Gianino de Felice who sees the environmental work of the FD as "very strong" and he is backed by fellow opportunist Bella Azurri, who is drawn towards the left due to her strong pro-Majatran Alliance stance.
Nazionale, Official Press of the Alternativa Istaliana (Istalian Alternative; AI)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Wed Jun 27, 2018 4:11 pm

Organo stampa ufficiale dell'Alleanza Radicale

Calenda si ritira, ma dopo tanti anni di leadership oggi è difficile individuare un successore

ROMULA - L'ex Presidente della Repubblica Simone Calenda, 66 anni dei quali gli ultimi 30 alla testa dell'Alleanza Radicale, ha dichiarato ufficialmente la sua decisione di lasciare la leadership del partito durante la riunione straordinaria del Comitato Coordinativo Nazionale. indicendo dunque una conferenza stampa, ha rilasciato queste parole ai giornalisti:

Dopo tanti anni di attività e dopo tanti anni di successi, come anche di momenti difficili, ho preso la decisione di dimettermi dalla posizione di Portavoce Nazionale del partito. Ritengo di aver dato tutto quello che potevo dare al partito ed alla causa ed oggi è il momento di lasciare spazio a nuovi volti ed a nuove idee affinché Alleanza Radicale continui ad essere un protagonista della politica Istaliana.
Voglio ringraziare tutti coloro che mi hanno sostenuto ed hanno creduto in me in questi lunghi anni, i miei collaboratori e colleghi di partito prima di tutto, e quindi voglio ringraziare gli Istaliani per la fiducia accordatami durante i miei due mandati presidenziali.

Grazie a tutti

Con il ritiro di Calenda molti sperimentano quella che viene definita la fine di un'era e l'inizio di una nuova avventura, anche se non sono affatto chiare le idee riguardo chi prenderà il posto del Portavoce Nazionale. Infatti, tra i nomi dei papabili più probabili vi era quello di Amina Bengazi, attuale Capogruppo alla Camera, la quale ha però già dichiarato che non si candiderà per subentrare a Calenda. Tra i membri della prima generazione ormai non vi è nessuno abbastanza in vista, ed in forze, per candidarsi, dunque probabilmente a contendersi il voto del prossimo Congresso Nazionale saranno i ministri uscenti Otello Filippetti e Aghar Yassen, quindi la giovane Camilla Bontempi, figlia dell'ex Portavoce Giorgia Ciriello e molto popolare tra le organizzazioni giovanili e studentesche del partito ed infine Nadir Casalotti, il due volte eletto Presidente della Regione Trivendito ed anch'esso cresciuto tra le organizzazioni giovanili e che proprio grazie ai giovani del partito ha conquistato le primarie regionali sconfiggendo Valerio Mastrantonio, il Vice-Segretario uscente del Comitato Nazionale e tra i più stretti collaboratori di Calenda, il quale ha sofferto però la competizione di immagine sia con l'ex segretario che con la Bengazi.

Sia per i due giovani che per i due ministri, ciò che li differenzia sono le posizioni economiche e programmatiche:

Image Image
Yassen e Bontempi, infatti, spingono per ritrovare un partito davvero Social Liberale e che provi ad allontanarsi dal dirigismo socialdemocratico e statalista che ha trovato largo spazio nell'ultimo decennio durante la cooperazione tra centro-sinistra e nazionalisti.

Image Image
Filippetti e Casalotti, invece, sono sostenitori dell'ala di sinistra del partito, attualmente maggioritaria, e quindi di un approccio decisamente più socialdemocratico e delle alleanze programmatiche con socialisti, nazionalisti e socialdemocratici, ovvero con chiunque sia pronto a lavorare per costruire un'Istalia più sociale ed interventista.

Il Congresso è stato indetto per il mese di Giugno, sarà ospitato nel centro congressi dell'Hotel Lungosala Mariani International, e si prevede la partecipazione di oltre 4 mila delegati da tutta Istalia.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Official Press of Radical Alliance

Calenda retires, but after many years of leadership today it is difficult to identify a successor

ROMULA - The former President of the Republic Simone Calenda, 66 years of which the last 30 at the head of the Radical Alliance, officially declared his decision to leave the leadership of the party during an extraordinary meeting of the National Coordinating Committee. Thus called for a press conference, he released these words to journalists:

After many years of activity and after many years of successes, as well as difficult moments, I decided to resign from the position of the Party's National Spokesperson. I think I gave everything I could give to the party and to the cause and today it's time to leave room for new faces and new ideas so that Radical Alliance continues to be a protagonist of Istalian politics.
I want to thank all those who supported me and believed in me over these long years, my collaborators and party colleagues first of all, and therefore I want to thank the Istalians for the trust granted to me during my two presidential terms.

Thanks to all

With the dimissions of Calenda many experience what they feel as the end of an era and the beginning of a new adventure, even if the ideas about who will take the place of the National Spokesperson are not clear at all. In fact, among the names of the most likely elegibles there was that of Amina Bengazi, the current Whip into the Chamber, who has already stated that she will not apply to take over Calenda. Among the members of the first generation by now there is no one in sight, and in force, to apply, so probably the contenders for the next National Congress will be the outgoing ministers Otello Filippetti and Aghar Yassen, then the young Camilla Bontempi, daughter of the former spokesman Giorgia Ciriello and very popular among the youth and student organizations of the party and finally Nadir Casalotti, twice elected President of the Trivendito Region and also raised among the youth organizations and who thanks to the youth of the party won the regional primaries defeating Valerio Mastrantonio, the outgoing Vce-Secretary of the National Committee and among the closest collaborators of Calenda, who has suffered however the image competition both with the former secretary and with Bengazi.

Both for the two youngsters and for the two ministers, what differentiates them are the economic and programmatic positions:

Yassen and Bontempi, in fact, push to find again a Social Liberal party and try to get away from the social democratic and statist dirigism that has found great space in the last decade during the cooperation between center-left and nationalists.

Filippetti and Casalotti, on the other hand, are supporters of the left wing of the party, currently the majority, and therefore of a decidedly more social-democratic approach and of programmatic alliances with socialists, nationalists and social democrats, or with anyone ready to work to build an Istalia more social and interventionist on the economic field.

The Congress was held for the month of June, will be hosted in the conference center of the Lungosala Mariani International Hotal, and is expected to be attended by more than 4 thousand delegates from all over Istalia.
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Nichola » Wed Jun 27, 2018 5:30 pm

ROMULA, MEZZODIURNO - Il Segretario Gentile-Silvero in seguito all'elezione che l'ha portato a palazzo Quattroregni ha deciso di lasciare l'incarico per meglio concentrarsi sui suoi nuovi doveri, il Presidente della Repubblica infatti sta gestendo una complicata fase di consultazioni per dare all'Istalia un nuovo Governo. Riportiamo di seguito una dichiarazione sull'attuale situazione:
Ho aperto la fase di consultazioni tenendo fede alla volontà che gli Istaliani hanno espresso eleggendomi, per questo ho deciso di affidare un incarico esplorativo a Mattia Renzo per la formazione di un gabinetto di centrosinistra con la partecipazione di una parte del centrodestra (PNI e MUPI), se questo tentativo dovesse fallire chiamerò il candidato Presidente del Consiglio dell'Unione dei Liberal-Democratici per affidargli l'incarico esplorativo, questa è la linea che intendo seguire.

Il Presidente Renzo ha dichiarato che assumerà il ruolo di Segretario ad interim fino alle prossime Primarie scatendando così le reazioni della minoranza Socialista, sul piede di guerra, che lo accusano di "fame di potere".

ANGONA, MEZZODIURNO - In questo clima teso si sono svolte le Elezioni primarie regionali che hanno visto il trionfo della linea "liberale" di Renzo, con i Socialisti sotto al 20% in tutte le regioni tranne la Silicia e che quindi sono ancor meno rilevanti nel FD. Il leader della minoranza, Eusebio Letto, critica aspramente la maggioranza e rilancia l'ala socialista come unica alternativa alla sete di potere di Renzo. Non si è fatta attendere la risposta della Maggioranza, per via di Bea Marchin, che dice:
La minoranza non fa altro che metterci i bastoni tra le ruote e il popolo Democratico l'ha capito finalmente, la batosta che hanno preso è da imputare unicamente alla loro incapacità di fare una minoranza seria.

Ecco i risultati:
Andrea Venchi (LIB): 88,1%
Paola Torriani (SOC): 11,9%

Rashid El-Port (LIB): 94,5%
Zurlino De Vecchis (SOC): 5,5%

Carlotta Gori (LIB): 81%
Matteo Porteri (SOC): 19%

Lucia Mercalli (LIB): 90,2%
Bianco Lino (SOC): 9,8%

Fulvio Vian (LIB): 67,5%
Matteo Rosso (SOC): 32,5%


ROMULA, MEZZODIURNO - Secretary Gentile-Silvero following the election that led him to Palazzo Quattroregni decided to leave office to better focus on his new duties, the President of the Republic is in fact managing a complicated phase of consultations to give to Istalia a new Government. Here is a statement on the current situation:
I opened the consultation phase keeping faith to the will that the Istalians have expressed by electing me, so I decided to entrust an exploratory mandate to Mattia Renzo for the formation of a center-left cabinet with the participation of a part of the center-right (PNI and MUPI) If this attempt fails I will call the candidate President of the Council of the Union of Liberal Democrats to entrust him with the task of exploration, this is the line that I intend to follow.

The President Renzo has declared that he will assume the role of Interim Secretary until the next Primary, thus provoking the reactions of the Socialist minority, on the foot of war, that accuse him of "hunger for power".

ANGONA, MEZZODIURNO - In this tense atmosphere were held the regional primary elections that saw the triumph of the "liberal" line of Renzo, with the Socialists under 20% in all regions except Silicia and therefore are even less relevant in the FD. The leader of the minority, Eusebio Letto, harshly criticizes the majority and relaunches the socialist wing as the only alternative to Renzo's thirst for power. The Majority's response has not been delayed, due to Bea Marchin, who says:
The minority does nothing but put the sticks in the wheels and the Democratic people finally understood it, the blow they took is to be attributed solely to their inability to behave as a serious minority.

(above the election results)
FRONTE DEMOCRATICO - FP (Istalia - inactive)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Thu Jun 28, 2018 9:26 am

Organo stampa ufficiale dell'Alleanza Radicale

Aghar Yassen eletto nuovo leader dell'Alleanza Radicale grazie ad accordo con la Bontempi
Aghar Yassen with his wife after the election

ROMULA - Dopo una settimana davvero intensa per il Congresso Nazionale dell'Alleanza Radicale, finalmente la maggioranza dei delegati nazionali ha eletto il nuovo Portavoce Nazionale del partito: Aghar Yassen.
Nonostante molti puntassero su Otello Filippetti, intorno al quale si è coalizzata buona parte della sinistra del partito, la concorrenza del Presidente della Regione Trivendito Nadir Casalotti ha letteralmente spaccato il fronte a sostegno delle posizioni interventiste favorendo invece l'ala Social Liberale rappresentata da Yassen e Bontempi i quali, dopo quattro giorni di dibattiti, a sorpresa hanno annunciato un accordo tra i due: Yassen leader del partito con la Bontempi alla testa del gruppo parlamentare alla Camera e quindi del Consiglio Coordinativo Nazionale.
Nonostante le proteste di molti delegati, l'entusiamo dei giovani ha prevalso, tanto che anche molti sostenitori di Casalotti hanno infine sostenuto il nuovo team Yassen-Bontempi: il tradizionale triunvirato nominalmente alla testa del partito sarà dunque una diarchia, con la Bontempi che è divenuta nel giro di una notte il numero due del partito con tali poteri da poter rivaleggiare con lo stesso Portavoce Nazionale, alla luce dell'influenza che la giovane Romulana avrà sul Comitato e sul Gruppo Parlamentare.
Otello Filippetti, indignato dal gesto, ha abbandonato dunque il Congresso annunciando le sue dimissioni da ogni ruolo all'interno del Partito, criticando fortemente Yassen:

Lo Statuto è chiaro! Dalla fondazione del Partito i tre ruoli maggiori del partito sono sempre stati detenuti da tre persone diverse! Yassen ha sfruttato il momento di euforia per far accettare una tale forzatura tramite un.... un plebiscito! Ma i plebisciti, vorrei sottolinearlo, sono mezzi usati da dittatori e da regime autoritari! Non so quali accordi abbia preso con la Bontempi per garantirle tutto quel potere, ma quel che è certo è che non ci hanno raccontato tutta la storia!

Da parte sua Yassen ha risposto molto candidamente che benché lo Statuto identifichi tre ruoli al vertice del partito, nulla è scritto sul fatto che debbano essere obbligatoriamente assegnati a tre persone diverse. La Bontempi, invece, ha dato man forte a Yassen sottolineando che il Partito sta attraversando una fase di cambiamento e di rinnovamento dopo 30 lunghi anni che hanno visto sostanzialmente il permanere delle stesse persone e degli stessi meccanismi interni e che quindi oggi, in assenza di abbastanza nuovi elementi validi, la nuova dirigenza è stata quasi costretta a prendere simili decisioni.
A criticare la decisione, però, è intervenuta anche la Bengazi che, nonostante il sostegno garantito a Yassen, dopo l'elezione di quest'ultimo ella è stata velocemente scaricata sia come leader del partito nella Camera a favore della Bontempi sia come possibile Vice-Segretario del Comitato Coordinativo.

Miss Bontempi

Il Partito, dunque, sembra essere uscito piuttosto indebolito da questo Congresso, pieno di tensioni e di rancori come anche di elementi che sembrano disconoscere l'elezione di Yassen e che però indirizzano critiche soprattutto alla Bontempi, vista come troppo avida di potere e da alcuni anche come un elemento con troppa influenza sul nuovo Portavoce Nazionale.
Ma le conseguenze di questo Congresso potrebbero non restare confinate all'interno del partito ma avere ripercussioni anche sulla politica nazionale: sia Yassen che la Bontempi non hanno mai negato la loro avversione per i Nazionalisti con i quali anche durante il Congresso sono sorte tensioni ed attriti durante le consultazioni guidate dal Presidente Gentile-Silvero riguardo le posizioni Governative. Questo un commento del neoeletto Yassen al riguardo:

Stavolta non ci piegheremo! Precedentemente il Presidente Calenda aveva accettato le richieste dei Nazionalisti poiché il candidato AR aveva già guadagnato la Presidenza. Ma oggi la situazione è totalmente diversa! Alleanza Radicale all'intero del Governo che il Presidente sta cercando di formare sarà il secondo partito per seggi alla Camera e dunque non solo chiediamo ma pretendiamo il Ministero degli Affari Esteri! Possiamo discutere sulla Vice-Presidenza del Consiglio, che possiamo anche essere d'accordo ad accordare al PNI, ma per quanto riguarda il Ministero degli Affari Esteri, lì non ci sono spazi di compromesso! Esistono delle regole e delle tradizioni nella formazione dei Governi e se in casi eccezionali si può giungere ad accordi tra le varie parti, oggi non vi è spazio per un simile dialogo. Ho già fatto sapere al Presidente della Repubblica che su quel punto non faremo un passo indietro! Questo vorrà dire che l'esito sarà il fallimento del secondo mandato di Renzo? Siamo davvero dispiaciuti per il Fronte Democratico, ma il Presidente Calenda è stato chiaro già durante la scorsa legislatura: non ci piegheremo più!

Nonostante il cambio al vertice dell'Alleanza Radicale sembra che l'antipatia per il Partito Nazionalista, ed alleati, non sia affatto scemata ed anzi il nuovo Portavoce Nazionale sembra essere anche meno disposto ai compromessi rispetto al suo predecessore. Ma la nuova dirigenza potrebbe causare problemi in generale a questo possibile futuro governo dai propositi statalisti: tra i programmi sostenuti dal Presidente Gentile-Silvero e da Renzo, infatti, vi sarebbe la reintroduzione della Pensione pubblica obbligatoria in Istalia e dunque il cambiamento di una delle riforme più durature introdotte dal Social Liberasmo Istaliano, all'epoca incarnato in Libertà e Progresso. Yassen ha già dichiarato che la precedente leadership, nonostante le grandi conquiste soprattutto nell'ultimo decennio, si è troppo appiattita su posizioni socialdemocratiche e questo, stima Yassen, ha fatto fuggire molti sostenitori che non si vedevano più rappresentati da AR, non vedendovi più il partito Social Liberale di un tempo.
Che la nuova leadership possa causare una frattura all'interno dello stesso Centro-Sinistra Istaliano?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Official Press of Radical Alliance

Aghar Yassen elected new leader of Radical Alliance thanks to an agreement with Bontempi

ROMULA - After a very busy week for the National Congress of the Radical Alliance, the majority of national delegates finally elected the new Party National Spokesperson: Aghar Yassen.
Although many pointed to Otello Filippetti, around which many from the leftside of the party coalesced, the competition of the President of the Trivendito Region Nadir Casalotti has literally split the front which support the interventionist and statist positions favoring instead the Social Liberal wing represented by Yassen and Bontempi who, after four days of debates, unexpectedly announced an agreement between the two: Yassen as leader of the party while Bontempi at the head of the parliamentary group in the Chamber and then of the National Coordinating Council.
Despite the protests of many delegates, the enthusiasm of young people prevailed, so much so that many supporters of Casalotti have finally supported the new team Yassen-Bontempi: the traditional triunvirate nominally at the head of the party will therefore be a diarchy, with the Bontempi who in the space of a night became the number two of the party with such powers that she could rivaled with the same National Spokesperson, in the light of the influence that the young Romulan politician will have on the Committee and on the Parliamentary Group.
Otello Filippetti, outraged by the gesture, therefore abandoned the Congress announcing his resignation from any role within the Party, strongly criticizing Yassen:

The Statute is clear! Since the founding of the Party the three major party roles have always been held by three different people! Yassen has exploited the moment of euphoria to make such a forcing accepted by a... a plebiscite! But the plebiscites, I would like to underline it, are means used by dictators and authoritarian regimes! I do not know what agreements he made with Bontempi to guarantee her all that power, but what is certain is that they have not told us all the story!

For his part, Yassen has responded very candidly that although the Statute identifies three roles at the top of the party, nothing is written about the fact that they must be assigned to three different people. The Bontempi, however, gave a strong hand to Yassen emphasizing that the Party is going through a phase of change and renewal after 30 long years that have basically seen the continuation of the same people and internal mechanisms themselves and therefore, today, in the absence of enough new valid elements, the new leadership was almost forced to make similar decisions.
To criticize the decision, however, also the Bengazi intervened that, despite the support guaranteed to Yassen, after the election of the latter she was quickly discharged both as party leader in the Chamber in favor of Bontempi and as a possible Vice-President. Secretary of the Coordinating Committee.

The Party, therefore, seems to have emerged rather weakened by this Congress, full of tensions and rancor as well as elements that seem to disavow Yassen's election and which, however, address criticism above all to Bontempi, seen as too greedy for power and by some also as an element with too much influence on the new National Spokesman.
But the consequences of this Congress may not remain confined within the party but also have repercussions on national politics: both Yassen and Bontempi have never denied their aversion to the Nationalists with whom tensions and frictions arose during the Congress during the consultations led by President Gentile-Silvero regarding the Government positions. This is a comment of the newly elected Yassen about it:

This time we will not bend! Previously, President Calenda had accepted the demands of the Nationalists because the candidate AR had already earned the presidency. But today the situation is totally different! Radical Alliance into the Government that the President is trying to form will be the second party for seats in the Chamber and therefore we not only ask but we demand the Ministry of Foreign Affairs! We can discuss the Vice-Presidency of the Council, which we can also agree to grant to the PNI, but as regards the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, there are no compromise spaces! There are rules and traditions in the formation of governments and if in exceptional cases we can reach agreements between the various parties, today there is no room for such a dialogue. I have already let the President of the Republic know that we will not take a step back! Does this mean that the outcome will be the failure of Renzo's second term? We are really sorry for the Democratic Front, but President Calenda has already been clear during the last parliamentary term: we will no longer bow anymore!

Despite the change at the top of the Radical Alliance it seems that the antipathy for the Nationalist Party, and allies, has not diminished at all and indeed the new National Spokesperson seems to be even less willing to compromise than its predecessor. But the new leadership could cause problems in general to this possible future government by the statist purposes: among the programs supported by President Gentile-Silvero and Renzo, in fact, there would be the reintroduction of the compulsory public pension in Istalia and therefore the change of one of the longest lasting reforms introduced by the Istalian Social Liberasm, at the time embodied in Liberty and Progress. Yassen has already stated that the previous leadership, despite the great achievements especially in the last decade, has too much flattened to social democratic positions and this, Yassen estimate, has made many supporters flee, feeling themself no longer represented by AR, no longer seeing as the social liberal party of the past.
So, the new leadership could cause a fracture within the same Istalian Center-Left?
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Jervoy Tyson » Thu Jun 28, 2018 5:06 pm

Hawu Nationals arrested conspiring Attack on National Institutions offices in Romula, says Defense Minister
In a shocking statement recently released by Defense Ministry,it is stated that 7 Hawu Nationals have been found in preparing & launching attacks on several important government offices in Romula.These include FBI, FBR , National Meteorology Office,Foreign Ministry Office and several other small targets.
The attack plan included bomb blasting not only in romula but also in Florenza & Siracosa.
It was revealed that the attackers aimed to undermine national economic situation by attacking Stock exchanges offices in Florenza & Siracosa.
President has been informed of the situation.
The 7 culprits has been detained and will be presented before court on Monday in Romula.
Defense Minister Alfonso Pelle told reporters:
We are monitoring the situation right now.Those are Hawu Nationals.How they got in its a serious question needed to be answered.The President & PM should raise the issue with Esinsundu Empire, Hawu Mumenhes,its a national demand.They are our friends apparently but what it is this?They should answer
Foreign Minister Junaid Waseem has called the President Paolo Gentile-Silvero.Though he made a brief statement
We wont spare this
said Junaid. Image
Junaid will be having a press talk soon and making statement on the Issue.
Jervoy Tyson
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Joined: Sat Dec 31, 2016 9:12 pm

Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby 13ShinyTie » Thu Jun 28, 2018 10:32 pm

The Power struggle in the PND continues!

Conservative Vice Leader Fabiola Mondadori against Opportunistic Former Padagna Governor Alessandro Bencivenni

For over a year now, the PND does not have a leader, despite Luciano's endorsement of Ms Fabiola Mondadori, the party and leadership is divided into two factions. The opportunistic faction led by former governor of Padagna Alessandro Bencivenni, who aims for more flexibility in the PND and wants to govern with the left which "gets things done", against the conservative faction led by the aforementioned Vice Leader of the PND. One would think that the former leader's endorsementioned would give Mondadori the edge and so it seemed until one after another more of the leadership spoke out in favor of Bencivenni's opportunism and flexibility. Most notably, Giannino De Felice, Bella Azurri, Cecilio Barzetti (who specifically wants to work with the PdA) and Giuseppe Bencivenni (the son of Alessandro and Leader of the Youth Wing). Juliana Vespa-Baldassare, daughter of former leader Luciano, has openly supported Fabiola Mondadori from the start and is now accompanied in her support by Giuseppe di Nero, Simone Amalberti (who sees the PND's future in a bloc with the ULD), Maximilian Varano (pro-nuclear scientist making him incompatible with the FD) and Abraham Lutti (the only Yeudi in leadership, also very pro-nuclear). The only two notable silent voices were the nominee of foreign affairs Raza Ahmed and nominee of defence Silvio Conte, the two could with their voice shift the tide in anyone's favour but their persistent neutrality due to a lack of ambition keeps the balance of uncertainty about the next party leader and consequently the course which the party will take.

Ironically, there is an unspoken consensus that the PND ought to govern in this legislative period and ultimately, the coalition partner of the PND will determine the leader, because if as expected the PND joins the ULD, then Fabiola will have her spot essentially secured, and the PND's course will be pre-determined of more of the same, but if the PND joins the FD and AR , then then the Bencivenni movement will essentially perform a coup on the current party leadership, identity and future course of action. Consequently, no one speaks of the leadership election which was determined to be after the formation of a governing coalition, because the cabinet formation is the election itself and the election will remain a formality, not very democratic but in the atmosphere of indecisiveness it was regarded by both wings as the only viable solution to the issue of leader succession. Should the vote for leader happen now, Fabiola would win by .1% according to polls.

Alessandro and Fabiola have both already made moves by contacting the FD and ULD respectively hoping for positive results, and not long ago, the ULD was the absolute favourite but ever since the AR's outrage over coalition partner PNI the balance may have tipped towards the FD as Bencivenni hopes to take the empty spot to be left by the PNI. However, Fabiola Mondadori's chances remain high as the responsibility of forming a governing coalition has been placed upon the ULD's shoulders now, ever since the current coalition talks failed. However, the ULD needs to find a third partner, which will be difficult as all parties have ties with the former left coalition.

Regardless of the results, the PND will leave the process utterly fractured and the voters in the next elections may not like the fact that the 85 seats they have granted to the purple faction in 4414 will turn into 2 sets of 42.5.
Nazionale, Official Press of the Alternativa Istaliana (Istalian Alternative; AI)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby CCP » Fri Jun 29, 2018 7:58 am

Jervoy Tyson wrote:Image
Hawu Nationals arrested conspiring Attack on National Institutions offices in Romula, says Defense Minister
In a shocking statement recently released by Defense Ministry,it is stated that 7 Hawu Nationals have been found in preparing & launching attacks on several important government offices in Romula.These include FBI, FBR , National Meteorology Office,Foreign Ministry Office and several other small targets.
The attack plan included bomb blasting not only in romula but also in Florenza & Siracosa.
It was revealed that the attackers aimed to undermine national economic situation by attacking Stock exchanges offices in Florenza & Siracosa.
President has been informed of the situation.
The 7 culprits has been detained and will be presented before court on Monday in Romula.
Defense Minister Alfonso Pelle told reporters:
We are monitoring the situation right now.Those are Hawu Nationals.How they got in its a serious question needed to be answered.The President & PM should raise the issue with Esinsundu Empire, Hawu Mumenhes,its a national demand.They are our friends apparently but what it is this?They should answer
Foreign Minister Junaid Waseem has called the President Paolo Gentile-Silvero.Though he made a brief statement
We wont spare this
said Junaid. Image
Junaid will be having a press talk soon and making statement on the Issue.

OOC: Hawu players are IGNORING this RP. Unfortunately Jervoy you did not discuss anything with us before creating Hawu characters for this RP. We would be willing to consider possibly participating if you delete this article and Private Message us so that we can plan the possible Role Play together.
Global Roleplay Committee Chair(until March 2019)
Ity ꜣḥwt xꜣdt, Hawu Mumenhes
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