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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby 13ShinyTie » Tue Dec 26, 2017 4:05 pm

Breaking News: PNI Leader Marco Gomez promises to leave the Majatran Alliance should he be elected President

In a recent Parliament hearing, the PNI (independent from the PNP) proposed a withdrawal from the more than 100 year old Majatran Alliance (MA), with the PNI Leader Marco Gomez stating that:
The Majatran Alliance has outlived itself!

Later in a press conference, Mr Gomez reiterated his stance:
We should stop selling our soul to the devil! When I become President, we will finally depart from this supranational, sovereignty steeling entity!

This turn of events seemingly emerged out of nowhere, and outraged PNI Vice Leader Paolo Vespa-Baldassare, who claimed that it was enacted "without his knowledge", Paolo also claimed that he will "attempt to mitigate the damage done". However, these feelings and tendencies were always there in the PNI/PNP , since their foundations. However, until now only one Leader spoke against the MA, and that was AI founder Beniamino Massa 100 years ago.

Is this a sincere shift of the PNI further towards the right? Or is it just a speculative attempt to put pressure on the current left leaning government? We are waiting for further developments.

Marco Gomez adressing the Press
Nazionale, Official Press of the Alternativa Istaliana (Istalian Alternative; AI)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby TheUnicorn. » Tue Dec 26, 2017 6:52 pm


Hugo Vespa-Baldassare announced that he will try to sway over his party to ally thee PNI, if his brother is to become it's leader.

Hugo Vespa-Baldassare, after the PNI leader's latest announcement that he will make Istalia leave the Majatran Alliance if he is to become president, announced that he had contacted his brother, Paolo, and proposed him to run for his party's leadership.

I know that Paolo was outraged by his party leader's words almost as much as I was; Mr Gomez states that he is a patriot, yet he also announces that he will lobby against the interest of Istalia.

The ULD Vice Secretary announced that he would also support strengthening the bonds between the two parties if Paolo was to win such a race.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Wed Dec 27, 2017 11:15 am

Istalian Edition
Presidente richiama le misure d'emergenza riguardo Solentia
L'annuncio della fine del programma militare nucleare e chimico tranquillizza Romula, sui progetti anti-immigrazione: "quello che fanno così tanto nell'entroterra non è più nostro affare"

ROMULA - Con non poca sorpresa, di fronte alla decisione del Governo di Solentia di porre fine ai programmi di sviluppo militare nucleare e chimico, il Presidente Romulani ha ordinato l'immediato rientro delle misure d'emergenza.
A seguito inoltre dell'annuncio della revisione dei progetti relativi alla costruzione di un muro lungo i confini esterni di Solentia, Il Governo di Romula ha dichiarato che non procederà ad adottare ulteriori azioni né unilateralmente né di fronte agli organismi internazionali.
Il Governo di solentia ha infatti deciso di adottare soluzioni diverse contro il "pericolo" dell'immigrazione illegale, soluzioni che prevedono progetti di costruzioni ridimensionati ma che soprattutto si troveranno ad altre 50 chilometri nell'entroterra.
Alché, il Governo di Romula, in parole semplice, avrebbe dichiarato: "quel che fanno così tanto nell'entroterra non può più essere un nostro problema".

Romula ha comunque riconfermato le proprie critiche riguardo le posizioni xenofobe ed isolazioniste del Governo di Solentia, rappresenterà un duro colpo per tutta Majatra orientale e per lo sviluppo della regione, ma che sicuramente a farne le spese sarà soprattutto Solentia, in una posizione invero privilegiata come crocievia tra est, ovest e nord.

Il Presidente Romulani ha comunque voluto dichiarare:

Non possiamo andare contro il volere democraticamente espresso del popolo di Solentia, ma se i fascisti al Governo dovessero tentare di mettere fine alla democrazia solentiana e di instaurare un regime autoritario e soprattutto che possa mettere al rischio i diritti umani di immigrati e minoranze etniche, l'Istalia risponderà nel modo più rapido e deciso possibile.

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Luthorian Edition
President reppeal emergency measures regarding Solentia
The announcement of the end of the nuclear and chemical military program reassures Romula, on anti-immigration projects: "what they do so far inland is no longer our deal"

ROMULA - Quite surprised, facing the recent decision of the Government of Solentia to end the nuclear and chemical military development programs, President Romulani ordered the immediate reppeal of the emergency measures.
Following furthermore the announcement of the revision of the projects related to the construction of a wall along the external borders of Solentia, the Government of Romula declared that it will not proceed to adopt further actions either unilaterally or in front of international organizations.
The government of Solentia has in fact decided to adopt different solutions against the "danger" of illegal immigration, solutions that envisage reduced construction projects, but above all they will be put in place at more than 50 kilometers inland.
whereupon, the Romula Government, in simple words, declared: "what they do so far inland can no longer be our problem".

However, Romula reconfirmed its criticism on the xenophobic and isolationist positions of the Government of Solentiaofwhich will be a blow for the whole Eastern Majatra and the development of the region, but it will certainly be Solentia the most affected, being indeed in a privileged position as crossroads between east, west and north.

President Romulani still wanted to declare:

We can not go too much against the democratically expressed will of the people of Solentia, but if the fascists at the government should try to put an end to the solentian democracy and to establish an authoritarian regime and above all put in endanger the human rights of immigrants and minorities ethnic groups, Istalia will respond as quickly and decisively as possible: there is no place in this continet, as well as in the rest of the world, for fascist dictatorship
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby 13ShinyTie » Wed Dec 27, 2017 10:59 pm

PNI Vice Leader Paolo Vespa-Baldassare WILL run for PNI leadership „if people agree with [his] conservative agenda“
Paolo: „I have talked with my brother Hugo, and despite our disagreements in many areas one consensus is certain, MA is beneficial and the course of Il Duce Marco Gomez’s action is unacceptable for the 44th Century!“

Is Mr Vespa-Baldassare turning away from his party and voters or is he saving them?

Following the PNI leader‘s recent declaration expressing the desire to leave the MA should he get elected President, the loudest voice of internal opposition came from the Vice Leader Vespa-Baldassare, who was seemingly uninformed about this spontaneous decision and sincerely outraged:
Not only was I uninformed about this proposal, it contradicts every reason why this candidate was essentially chosen by Mr Votta as his successor. We all believed in Il Duce‘s pragmatism but this is everything but pragmatic. It is riding a populist wave which I even believe will not give us a single percent in the upcoming election. After talking with my brother Hugo, two things became clear to me, firstly the benefits of the MA which give Istalia so much. Secondly, I will run for PNI leader if the voters want me to. Currently my audience is the endangered species of libertarians voting PNI, but I believe by giving Istalia true conservatism, not populist fascism as is common in this wing, but healthy conservative politics I can sway more people to my side. I want to work with my brother in the ULD and with the CC, but by extension also with the currently awful left wing parties, which I am sure will get punished, like we have always done. I do not want to be in a party which does nothing but criticise anything left of nationalism. What I am saying, in essence, is my desire to run for leadership should the people become disillusioned by Mr Gomez, which we will see no doubt in the next election.

Mr Gomez‘s words have found resonance amongst many members of the party, including PNP leader and Vice Leaders, who believe that the MA stops excessive Romulan domination over their region and also with Speaker for Finance and Grandson of the last AI leader Franco Ricollo, Gianluigi Ricollo, whose views also have strong weight in the party as they are classical conservative values.
Nazionale, Official Press of the Alternativa Istaliana (Istalian Alternative; AI)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Thu Dec 28, 2017 11:54 pm

Istalian Edition
Aisha Menchi (HoG): "Grande soddisfazione per la legislatura più rivoluzionaria degli ultimi 50 anni!"
Di fronte alla Camera per il tradizionale discorso del 22 Settembre, il Capo del Governo parla delle riforme varate e di progetti futuri

ROMULA - Il Presidente del Consiglio Aisha Menchi ha ricevuto scroscianti applausi dalla maggioranza ma anche forti critiche dall'opposizione presentandosi alla Camera per l'annuale discorso in occasione della festa di celebrazione della caduta dei Restaurazionisti Quanzari.
Quest'anno il Capo del Governo ha con soddisfazione esposto le ampie riforme introdotte fino ad oggi durante questa legislatura, parlando non solo della notevole mole di lavoro che il suo Governo ha dedicato a queste riforme ma anche del perché le riforme erano considerate necessarie e vitali.

Questo l'estratto del suo discorso nel quale il Capo del Governo ha anche indicato le prossime mosse della maggioranza ma anche le speranze e le proposte del suo partito:

Nonostante le scroscianti critiche da parte dell'opposizione, il voto popolare ha garantito a noi di LP ed ai colleghi di DHI la necessaria legittimità per introdurre le riforme che questa solida maggioranza ha introdotto e sta introducendo per l'Istalia e gli Istaliani.
Riforme fortemente volute ma soprattutto necessarie ed irrimandabili, riforme per contrastare un pericolo che il nostro partito da decenni sta denunciando, ovvero la trasformazione del Paese in un paradiso per pochissimi ed un faticoso inferno per molti, troppi.
Grazie a questo Governo la Salute e la Sanità sono tornati ed essere dei diritti, universali e non condizionate dall'ampiezza del portafoglio dei nostri cittadini, come veramente universale e più accessibile è tornata ad essere la cultura in questo paese e presto lo saranno nuovamente importantissimi servizi, come una rete di nursery pubbliche.
Questo governo ha puntano nuovamente sulla redistribuzione dei redditi come fondamentale strumento di equità e giustizia sociale e presto il nostro budget, da troppo tempo esile e ridotto all'osso, tornerà a finanziare efficacemente i servizi dedicati ai nostri cittadini, i quali, anche se affiancati da un'esteso e robusto settore privato, sono stati costretti ad operare con fondi sempre più esili a scapito, oserei direi, del benessere stesso dei cittadini.
Come esponente del partito di maggioranza, vorrei ringraziare e lodare la disponibilità dei colleghi Demohosiani, con i quali abbiamo da tempo unito le forze in campo sociale ed economico per offrire un'Istalia più giusta, più equa, più sicura e vicina al cittadino, e mi auguro, come tutto il mio partito, di poter continuare a lavorare con essi, per continuare a tutelare i cittadini ed offrire più eque opportunità alle generazioni future.
Infine, mi limiterò ad un breve commento sulle recenti dichiarazioni dell'onorevole Gomez, anzi, a nome di questo governo e, fortunatamente, di buona parte delle forze politiche del paese, l'Istalia non abbandonerà l'Alleanza Majatrana e tanto meno verrà meno agli ambiziosi impegni presi nei confronti di ben altri 7 paesi Majatrani e soprattutto di Zardugal. L'Istalia non lascerà il suo determinante ed autorevole ruolo di leadership di questa organizzazione, convinti dell'importanza e della responsabilità di questa posizione, nei confronti del resto del Continente, per continuare a lavorare per la pace e la prosperità di oltre un miliardo e seicento milioni di persone.

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Luthorian Edition
Aisha Menchi (HoG): "Great satisfaction for the most revolutionary legislature of the last 50 years!"
In front of the Chamber for the traditional speech of September 22nd, the Head of Government talks about the reforms introduced and of future projects

ROMULA - The President of the Council Aisha Menchi received thunderous applause from the majority but also strong criticism from the opposition by presenting herself before the Chamber of Deputies for the annual speech on the occasion of the celebration of the fall of the Quanzari Restorationists.
This year, the Head of the Government has expressed with satisfaction the extensive reforms introduced up to now during this term, speaking not only of the considerable amount of work that his Government has dedicated to these reforms but also because the reforms were considered necessary and vital.

This is the extract of her speech in which the Head of Government has also indicated the next moves of the majority but also the hopes and proposals of his party:

Despite the appalling criticism from the opposition, the popular vote has guaranteed to us of LP and to the colleagues of DHI the necessary legitimacy to introduce the reforms that this solid majority has introduced and is introducing for Istalia and for the Istalians.
Reforms strongly desired but above all necessary and which can no longer be put off, reforms to counter a danger that our party has been denouncing for decades, namely the transformation of the country into a paradise for very few and a grueling hell for many, too many.
Thanks to this Government, Health and Healthcare have once again become universal rights, not conditioned by how much big are the pockets of our citizens, as the culture in this country is now truly universal and more accessible, and soon maby services will come back to be more accessible, such as a network of public nursery.
This government has once again focused on the redistribution of income as a fundamental instrument of fairness and social justice and soon our budget, for too long too thin and reduced to the bone, will return to effectively finance the services dedicated to our citizens, who, even if side by side from an extensive and robust private sector, they have been forced to operate with increasingly slender funds to the detriment, I would say, of the well-being of citizens.
As an exponent of the largest party, I would like to thank and praise the availability of our fellow Demohosians, with whom we have long joined forces in the social and economic field to offer a more just, fairer, safer State, closer to the citizen, and I hope, like all my party, to be able to continue working with them, to continue to protect citizens and offer more equitable opportunities to future generations.
Finally, I will confine myself to a brief commentary on the recent statements by Mr Gomez, indeed, on behalf of this government and, fortunately, a good part of the country's political forces: Istalia will not abandon the Majatran Alliance and certainly not will fail to respect the ambitious commitments taken before other seven Majatran countries and above all with Zardugal. Istalia will not leave its decisive and authoritative leadership role of this organization, convinced of the importance and responsibility of this position, in respect of the rest of the continent, to continue working for peace and prosperity of over a billion and six hundred million people.
Last edited by Axxell on Fri Dec 29, 2017 5:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby 13ShinyTie » Fri Dec 29, 2017 1:30 am

Almost all of PNI walk out of Parliamentary hearing.
PNI Vice Leader Paolo Vespa-Baldassare and his supporters stay only to witness impressive Speech

At the September 22nd traditional HoG speech the mood was more divisive than anyone could really remember. There was a clear divide between the ruling parties and the opposition. It culminated at the point when the HoG adressed Mr Gomez's plans to leave the MA, as the PNI Leader and all of the PNI parliamentarians left the hearing as a sign of protest. Only Paolo Vespa-Baldassare, Gianluigi Ricollo and the PNP stayed behind from the Violet Fraction - which was a clear minority. In the hearing however, one could witness Paolo's speech to parliament, which was heavily applauded by the Violet parliamentarians:
The honorable Head of Government Aisha Menchi said many interesting things which made me want to leave the hall together with my party colleagues. I did not as I have respect and I still believe in the MA. However, I do not believe in this government which does not respect its citizens! Currently, they are voting on a bill which would allow them to seize private property! Private property is part of the freedom they apparently cherrish of an individual Istalian! Our official job description is Civil Servant, Not Civil Thief! Next they will change their party colours to red and force us to celebrate Metz day! This applies to both ruling parties. The DHI's actions however will be punished by voters most, as they promised a minimum welfare state, which is acceptable, and they see themselves as a centrist party, which is spineless but acceptable as well. However, they propose policies way left of center and combined with their conservative values which they were forced to supress they are on a good road to fascism.

Today, I urge all freedom loving and truly liberal parties unlike the ones in power to become nationalist, in the direct meaning of the word and save our nation from the upcoming economic catastrophe! We have overcome the Qanzari restoration, we will overcome this too!
Nazionale, Official Press of the Alternativa Istaliana (Istalian Alternative; AI)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Sat Dec 30, 2017 2:32 pm

Istalian Edition
Stefano Romulani: "Aisha Menchi sarà il mio successore"
Il Capo dello Stato, prossimo alla fine del suo terzo mandato, annuncia a nome del partito che Aisha Menchi sarà il candidato presidente della sinistra

ROMULA - Il Presidente della Repubblica, anche se piuttosto in anticipo, ha annunciato la sua decisione di ritirarsi dalla politica alla fine di questo mandato, il terzo per lui che siede a Palazzo Quattroregni ormai dal 4316.
Se Romulani non ha accennato al suo ruolo di Segretario Nazionale di Libertà e Progresso, ma ci si aspettano primarie a breve, ha invece già annunciato che per le elezioni del prossimo Aprile sarà Aisha Menchi, attuale Capo del Governo, a correre come candidato del centro sinistra, all'indomani della conferma da parte dei Demohosiani del loro supporto per il candidato LP, importante gesto di riconoscenza e fiducia e sopratto segno della soddisfazione di DHI per la cooperazione con i LiberalProgressisti, a fare coro alle recenti dichiarazione di altrettanta stima espresse dalla stessa Menchi di fronte alla Camera dei Deputati.

Prossima alla conclusione, dunque, la brillante carriera di Stefano Romulani, per ben tre volte Capo del Governo e dunque per altrettante volte eletto con sempre maggior sostegno alla massima carica dello Stato.
Convinto social democratico all'interno di LP, solo l'elezione di Alessandro Eugenio di Nacosia-Rohan alla Segreteria del Partito e la sua svolta di sinistra aveva convinto Romulani a restare, pronto come era a fondare un partito veramente di sinistra.
Divenuto il più stretto ed importante collaboratore del blasonato Segretario Nazionale, molti hanno considerato Romulani come il vero artefice della definitiva svolta di LP che dal centro ha progressivamente migrato sempre più a sinistra, accumulando sempre più successi culminati in questa legislatura durante la quale il Capo dello Stato è riuscito a guidare un forte Governo di colore con il quale, tra le altre cose, è riuscito ad introdurre la riforma da lui più voluta, il ritorno della Sanità Universale nel Paese.

Sicuramente Romulani sarà ricordato anche per il suo ruolo in campo internazionale, ergendosi al fianco degli altri capi di stato e di governo vincitori in Hulstria e quindi contro il fascismo, in Selucia e quindi recentemente in Solentia, per non parlare dell'avvicinamento con Cobura e quindi il supporto incondizionato al grande lavoro svolto dall'ex Presidente Votta con Vanuku.

E proprio recentemente, tornando all'Hulstria, il Presidente, nonostante la sua volontà di dialogo e la sua posizione conciliatoria, ha infine deciso di procedere con l'ufficiale riconoscimento del Governo Settembrista, considerato come l'unico in grado di garantire all'Hulstria un futuro democratico, tollerante e pluralista.

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Luthorian Edition
Stefano Romulani: "Aisha Menchi will be my successor"
The Head of State, close to the end of his third term, announces on behalf of the party that Aisha Menchi will be the candidate president of the left

ROMULA - The President of the Republic, although quite early, announced his decision to withdraw from politics at the end of this term, the third for him who has resided in Palazzo Quattroregni since 4316.
If Romulani has not mentioned his role as National Secretary of Liberty and Progress, but primaries are expected soon, has already announced that for the elections of next April will be Aisha Menchi, current Head of Government, to run as a candidate for the center left, following the confirmation by the Demohosians of their support for the LP candidate, an important gesture of gratitude and trust and above all a sign of DHI's satisfaction for the cooperation with the Liberal Progressives, responding clearly to the recent declarations of the same esteem expressed by Menchi herself in front of the Chamber of Deputies.

Next to the conclusion, thus, the brilliant career of Stefano Romulani, for three times Head of Government and therefore for as many times elected with ever increasing support to the highest office of the State.
Convinced social democrats within LP, only the election of Alessandro Eugenio di Nacosia-Rohan to the Party Secretariat and his left-wing turn had convinced Romulani to remain, ready as it was to found a truly leftist party.
Become the closest and most important collaborator of the noble National Secretary, many have considered Romulani as the true architect of the definitive turn of LP which from the center has progressively migrated more and more to the left, accumulating more and more success culminated in this term during which the Head of State managed to lead a strong political government with which, among other things, he managed to introduce the reform he wanted most, the return of universal health care in the country.

Surely Romulani will also be remembered for his authoritative role in the international stage, standing next to the other winner heads of state and government in Hulstria and then against fascism, in Selucia and then recently in Solentia, not to mention the approach with Cobura and then the unconditional support for the great work done by former President Votta with Vanuku.

And just recently, returning to Hulstria, the President, despite his willingness to dialogue and his conciliatory position, has finally decided to proceed with the official recognition of the Settembrist Government, considered as the only one able to guarantee to Hulstria a democratic, tolerant and pluralist future.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby 13ShinyTie » Sat Dec 30, 2017 8:54 pm

Marco Gomez calls for impeachment of Romulani during election campaign should the latter deny the passage of a parliament bill
Analytics say that the race is tight, but LP candidate remains favourite

PNI Leader and PNI/PNP Presidential Candidate Marco Gomez adressing the crowd during a rallye in Genevia, Padagna

Recently an out of the ordinary situation occurred in The Chamber of Deputies, where the President Romulani openly intervened and declared that he would not sign the law which will presumably pass concerning the re-legalization of Paramilitaries. Whilst some parties such as the ULD called for a disbanding of the governing coalition, as the bill may pass thanks to the 'yes' vote of the DHI, the PNI Leader Marco Gomez, who proposed this bill together with other pre-election proposals, calls for a direct impeachment of the President as his denial of signing a law passed 'by the people whose will is expressed by parliament' is as Mr Gomez said:
Not just unconstitutional and arrogant, but simply unheard of and is a disrespectful slap in the face to our great people and our democracy!

Mr Gomez has made headlines earlier this year calling for an Istalexit from the MA, which he promised in case of election victory. However, victory is deemed 'highly unlikely' as Mr Gomez does not seem to enjoy the same confidence as Mr Votta did, especially hurting him is the doubt within his own party spearheaded by Paolo Vespa-Baldassare, whose ratings are higher and is deemed much more moderate and reasonable and who has already announced his leadership aspirations. In addition to that, he has a notable name and if not support but sympathy from other parties, such as his brother Hugo's ULD.
Nazionale, Official Press of the Alternativa Istaliana (Istalian Alternative; AI)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Sun Dec 31, 2017 10:27 am

Istalian Edition
Presidente della Repubblica: "Farò di tutto per difendere la nostra democrazia!"
Romulani difende la sua opposizione alla legge sui paramilitari ed annuncia: "se qualche paramilitare si aggirerà vicino alle urne farò intervenire l'esercito!"

ROMULA - Fortissima la tensione nelle ultime ore in Istalia. Ormai prossimi alle elezioni 4326 il Capo dello Stato risponde duramente e con risolutezza al leader PNI, l'onorevole Gomez, che ha recentemente proposto l'impeachment per il Presidente.
Stefano Romulani ha reagito, insolitamente, piuttosto duramente, probabilmente libero da condizionamenti per le imminenti elezioni, avendo annunciasto il suo ritiro dalla politica.
Il Capo dello Stato ha infatti ribadito la sua totale opposizione alla legge sui paramilitari che, come dichiarato nel suo discorso:

Sono una delle minacce più gravi alla democrazia ed ad una società pacifica e democratica, forriera di fatti gravissimi, scontri armati ed odio istituzionalizzato.

Il Capo dello Stato insieme al suo partito hanno fortemente biasimato i colleghi di DHI, mettendo addirittura in discussione il progetto di stabile Coalizione di Centro-Sinistra proposta dai Demohosiani. Ancora il Capo dello Stato ha dichiarato:

Mi duole rivolgere simili parole ai colleghi di DHI con i quali abbiamo letteralmente rivoluzionato la società istaliano da troppo tempo immobile e pronta a sprofondare in una spirale di abusi e diseguaglianze, ma devo farlo. La recente decisione di DHI di legalizzare i paramilitari è qualcosa che noi LiberalProgressisti apprendiamo con disappunto e tristezza, convinti che questa sia una strada buona soltanto per rovinare ed intossicare la nostra società democratica.
L'Istalia da oltre 300 anni ha sempre rifiutato di legalizzare simili strumenti di odio, preservando la sua società democratica dalle degenerazioni che invece hanno interessato molte nazioni dove gruppi di esaltati, se non criminali, sono stati autorizzati ad organizzarsi in simili squadroni dell'odio!
A nome di LP vi dico: il nostro primo e principale obbiettivo per il prossimo mandato sarà mettere nuovamente fuori legge questi inutili disturbatori della civile e democratica società istaliana.
Un ultimo commento aggiungerò: è con estrema tristezza vedere come PNI ormai non sia assolutamente più il partito del beneamato Presidente Rosso...

Infine, il Presidente ha annunciato, convocando addirittura il Consiglio Supremo della Difesa Nazionale, che non permetterà che le elezioni possano essere disturbate dall'inopportuna, e magari intimidatoria, presenza di paramilitari vicino alle urne e che se qualcuno di questi "sbandati annoiati in cerca di violenza e caos", come chiamati dal Presidente, dovesse essere avvistato presso le sedi di voto, farà intervenire d'emergenza l'esercito.
Una decisione invero piuttosto sorprendente, che potrebbe porre il presidente ulteriormente in conflitto con le leggi nazionali, costringendolo ad un decreto di emergenza alla fine del suo mandato che potrebbe fargli ricevere numerose critiche, non solo dall'opposizione ma anche dalla stessa Giustizia Istaliana.
Il Presidente ha però così risposto chiudendo la conferenza stampa organizzata a Palazzo Quattroregni:

Farò di tutto per difendere la nostra democrazia!

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Luthorian Edition
President of the Republic: "I will do everything to defend our democracy!"
Romulani defends his opposition to the paramilitary law and announces: "if any paramilitary will wander near the polls, I will let the Army intervene!"

ROMULA - Very strong tension in the last hours in Istalia. By now close to the elections 4326, the Head of State responds strongly and decisively to the PNI leader, Mr Gomez, who recently proposed an impeachment for the President.
Stefano Romulani reacted, unusually, rather harshly, probably free from conditioning for the upcoming elections, having announced his withdrawal from politics.
The Head of State has in fact reiterated his total opposition to the paramilitary law which, as stated in his speech:

They are one of the most serious threats to democracy and to a peaceful and democratic society, precursor of very serious events, armed clashes and institutionalized hatred.

The Head of State together with his party have also strongly blamed the colleagues of DHI, even questioning the project of a stable Center-Left Coalition proposed by the Demohosians. Tthe Head of State also declared:

It hurts me to put similar words to the colleagues of DHI with whom we have literally revolutionized the istalian society for too long time immobile and ready to sink into a spiral of abuse and inequality, but I have to do it. The recent decision by DHI to legalize paramilitaries is something that we Liberal Progressives learn with disappointment and sadness, convinced that this is a good way only to ruin and intoxicate our democratic society.
For over 300 years, Istalia has always refused to legalize such instruments of hatred, preserving its democratic society from the degenerations that have affected many nations where groups of exalted, if not criminals, have been authorized to organize themselves into similar hate squads!
In the name of LP, I tell you: our first and main goal for the next term will be to outlaw these useless disturbers of the civil and democratic Istalian society.
One last comment I will add: it is with extreme sadness to see how PNI is by now no longer the party of the beloved President Rosso...

Finally, the President announced, even convening the Supreme Council of National Defense, that he will not allow the elections to be disturbed by inappropriate, and perhaps intimidating, presence of paramilitaries near the polls and that if any of these "bored dribbles looking for violence and chaos", as called by the President, should be sighted at the polls, he will make the army intervene in an emergency.
A rather surprising decision, which could put the president further in conflict with national laws, forcing him to an emergency decree at the end of his mandate that could make him receive numerous criticisms, not only from the opposition but also from the Istalian Justice itself.
However, the President responded closing the press conference organized at Quattroregni Palace:

I will do everything to defend our democracy!
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby TheUnicorn. » Tue Jan 02, 2018 8:59 pm


Just a few days ago, Cartucci celebrated his stunning 85-15 victory over Abdella

The ULD elected its leader after Mario Zanussi, the party's leader, decided to retire from his position after the electoral slip that the party took last year. Unlike expected, one of them wasn't the face of the party and vice-leader, Hugo Vespa-Baldassare, who decided to support the General Secretary elect, Cartucci (Who was also the party's defence spokesperson).

Many dub this decision as Vespa-Baldassare's effort to assume a more behind-the-curtains role, one that will however also allow him to avoid joining the government (apparently, Vespa-Baldassare wishes to work on rebuilding the party, to a state similar to that of eleven years ago) which is explained by his urge to take care of inner-party affairs first, however, Cartucci announced that Vespa-Baldassare will be his candidate for the seat of Whip in the chamber of Deputies, and he is also supposed to run for the seat of the General Secretary in the next election...

Will Vespa-Baldassare challenge his endorsee in the next election?
Borgersammenføring - Citizens' Rally
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