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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Rogue » Mon Sep 10, 2018 5:05 pm

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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Aethan » Mon Sep 10, 2018 7:04 pm

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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Koba998 » Mon Sep 10, 2018 8:18 pm

RESISTENZA! | PdSI Official Journal |15th September of 4452 |
Ignoble gesture of the Istalian Right against the Popular Front: one communist militant killed, two socialists injured

It happened the last night in Romula. Four young militans of the Istalian left - respectevely, two militants of the PdSI and two of the PC - were posting several posters on the walls near the romulan coordination centre of the Popular Front. The posters criticized the recent affirmation of the Partito Conservatore Autoritario: "The Popular Front against the upcoming black, racist and freedom-destroying government of the right!" It was right at the end of the session that seven young right activists attacked the leftists at the shoulders, beginning a violent brawl: in few seconds a lot of knives came out from the pockets, and a bath of blood began to soil the ground; just the intervent of the police stopped this scene that could've ended in a massacre. Even if the militants of the PF put resistence, one stab at the neck hit mortally one militant of the Communist Party. After the arrest and the interrogation of some witnesses, the police has risen to the identity of the six attackers: four of them belong to the romulian bourgesy, while two are proletarians of the quarter: three of them resulted having a subscrition to the Partito Conservatore Autoritario, while one to the Partito Nazionale Democratico.
In the night, respectively, the Secretaries of the PCA and of the PND condemned the action of the young militants, retiring their affiliation to the party. Then, the Secretary of the PC harshly attacked the right establishment:
You deny your nearness to the gesture of these criminals, but is your propaganda that brought the two poors in that group to attack innocent people with different ideals. Tonight we lost one militant of our party and of the Popular Front, but you did not intimidate us: if the proletarian of Deltaria fought the attacks of the national bourgesy and prevailed, the same we can do in Istalia! If you want begin a war say it clearly: we will fight. If you want a war of logoration, say it: a war of logoration is what you will get!

More polite, but still angry, the reaction of Gioia Garofani, the PdSI leader:
I said this in the past weeks, and I say again: the events in Majatra resound in Istalia as a menace to the industrial and bourgeoise power: they fear from the Popular Front the same popular awakening that occurred in Deltaria, they fear a 'proletarian dictatorship' even if we never quoted it during the electoral campain: they are so feared to lose their privileges, that they see dictators and communists everywhere. Tonight one fellow comrade died, but these acts of fascist squadrism won't stop our progressive and democratic battle. The Istalian menace isn't communism, the Istalian menace is fascism! "

At the end of all, the Radical Alliance and Democratic Front leaders, joined the condolences for the victim, attacking the right establishment for the hate campaign which they established during the last months. Anyway, they appointed how the messages on the posters posted on the walls, didn't receive the approval of the romulan coordination of the two parties.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Vacuz » Tue Sep 11, 2018 7:42 am

Electoral Debut sees PAC tied up with ULD for 2nd position

On Election Night, the Partito Autoritario Conservatore baged 76 seats to tie up with ULD for second place. This means that the PAC has become the second largest party on the Right.

Said Quinziano Mondi, the leader of PAC about the results,

The PAC has won the elections on the basis that the Fronte Popolare prior to the election and even now, continues to blame the PAC for the swing against it. The people supported our policies and therefore voted for PAC. The values of progressiveness and equality, espoused by the Left has completely rejected by the electorate. Given that the Fronte Popolare has lost their majority, which was never there, the Right has the mandate to form the Goverment

On the attacks on the Left-leaning Militants,

The PdSI & PC should stop blaming the Right for the attacks as I feel these accusations are motivated due to their loss in the 4452 elections. The absence of the ULD from the accusations is laughable as the Left intends to salvage their last shot at power.

On finally, the accusations of the Istalian Left of fighting the 4448 elections as PdSV and then 'betraying' the Left by returning as PAC:

It's true that we joined the Istalian political scene as the far-left, environmentalist PdSV, but after the elections we saw our seats increase to 33 seats. Our voters were ironically right-leaning and very capitalist. Hence we changed our policies and re-branded as PAC after seeing our people losing jobs to the unprecedented amounts of 'immigrants' crossing the borders. The PAC is not as racist as what the Left loves to harp on. Sure, we want to stop immigrants from entering Istalia, that's natural for us as we feel we have to have our house in order before letting outsiders in. Basically, Istalians First.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Mister Zeman » Tue Sep 11, 2018 7:50 am

Martino Trentini(PP):Il Problema dell'Istalia sono gli Idioti
In seguito al brutale assassinio dei militanti di sinistra, il leader del Partito Patriottico ha indetto una conferenza stampa.
La tragedia accaduta a Romula,nella quale un militante del Partito Comunista è rimasto ucciso ed altri 2 sono rimasti feriti, ha scosso l'opinione pubblica Istaliana scatenando una reazione a catena nel mondo politico. In seguito alle dure affermazioni dei leader del PC e del PSI, Martino Trentini fondatore e Presidente del partito Patriottico ha indetto una conferenza stampa:
Quello che è accaduto è un fatto increscioso, ognuno ha diritto ad avere le proprie idee, anche se sono sbagliate e nessuno merita di perdere la vita per la propria ideologia. Tuttavia le parole del segretario del PC mi hanno sconvolto molto di più di questa tragedia: anziché stare zitto e onorare la memoria del militante morto, non ha esitato un solo secondo ad utilizzare l'assassinio come "casus belli" per fare propaganda e per gettare fango sul Partito Conservatore Autoritario, il quale naturalmente non c'entra niente con i fatti accaduti. Il Problema dell'Istalia non è il fascismo o il comunismo, il problema sono gli idioti che stanno da entrambe le parti.

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Martino Trentini (PP): The Problem of Istaly is the Idiots
Following the brutal assassination of militants of the Istalian left, the leader of the Partito Patriottico called a press conference.
The tragedy that happened in Romula, in which a Communist Party militant was killed and 2 others were injured, shocked the Istalian public opinion by triggering a chain reaction in the political world. Following the harsh statements by PC and PSI leaders, Martino Trentini, founder and President of the Partito Patriottico, called a press conference:
What has happened is a regrettable fact, everyone has the right to have their own ideas, even if they are wrong and nobody deserves to lose their lives for their ideology. However, the words of the PC secretary have upset me much more than this tragedy: instead of being silent and honoring the memory of the dead militant,he did not hesitate a single second to use the murder as "casus belli" to make propaganda and to throw mud on the Partito Conservatore Autoritario, which of course has nothing to do with these events. The Problem of Italy is not fascism or communism, the problem is the idiots who are on both sides.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Rogue » Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:10 am

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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Rogue » Tue Sep 11, 2018 3:00 pm

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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Rogue » Tue Sep 11, 2018 7:22 pm

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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Koba998 » Tue Sep 11, 2018 7:42 pm

RESISTENZA! | PdSI Official journal | March the 10th of 4452

Socialism in Majtra: good news from Jelbania, bad news from Deltaria

During the PdSI IInd Congress, Gioia Garofani - re elected as secretary by acclamation - adressed the militants about the important news coming from the Socialist bloc in the middle of Majatra:

We learned in this hours that the Republic of Jelbania will held free elections the next year: this is a great choice of the proletarian state: the ideals of the workers must win on a democratic ground, using, like we did and like we're doing in Istalia, all their forces to defeat the reaction inside the country. At the same time, we watch with fear the nuclear run that seems growing inside Deltaria: of course we know the international pressions that surround the new socialist state, but, after months, it appears clear that no nation in Majatra has motivations (or excuses!) to attack the legitimate state of Deltaria: this militarization plan seems stupid, and, most of all, risks to bring Majatra in an even more harsher climate, right in very difficult years for its coesistence. We renew our support to the socialist battle in Deltaria and Jelbania, we congratulate for the Jelbania's democratic choice, we condemn the obscure militarist plans of Deltaria.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby TheUnicorn. » Tue Sep 11, 2018 7:56 pm


The former President of Istalia revealed who the party will back for Prime Minister

The Union of Liberal Democrats rose to the second position in the Istalian parliament (keeping in mind that they had the second largest amount of votes), overtaking the Nationalists, but falling short of the Democratic Front, a member of the left-wing alliance. That means that they will most likely be given the task to form a government, together with their natural allies, such as the PND, and including parties further to the right, such as the PP or PAC. That means that they will also indicate the centre-right faction's candidate for head of government. In a brief press interview, held in the Parliament building, the party's President broke the news about the party's candidate for Prime Minister; the former minister of Internal Affairs and Health and Social Services, Pietro Adriani, will be their candidate for Head of Government. Privately, a former footballer that had to quit his promising career early due to a spinal injury, Adriani is also a secretary of the ULD, working closely with Antonio Vega and Francesca Vespa-Baldassare.

Adriani announced that, if he is to become Prime Minister, his cabinet would mostly focus on foreign policy

In other news, Bacco-Messina also announced that the ULD is now open to discussing a hard Istalexit, as a softer route wouldn't make as much sense; that would also mean a change on the position of Minister of Istalexit, if the ULD was to occupy that post. Instead of Vespa-Baldassare, we could very well see Ventura taking that ministership if he wouldn't become minister of Agriculture, as rumoured amongst the party's politicians, which would apparently be another part of the plan that is meant to expand the Liberal Democrats' electoral base.

It looks like Antonio Vega, instead of becoming the minister of Justice, as was rumoured, will be instead given the task of forming the rumoured, international party organization, headed by the ULD; the Democratic International, a confederation of parties protecting democratic ideas in Terra, mostly Majatra.
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