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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Rogue » Sat Sep 07, 2019 2:00 pm

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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Ab3012 » Tue Sep 10, 2019 10:31 am


Rania Mossadeq returns to talk with the press after a long period of low profile due to the disappointing electoral results of recent years.
Rania Mossadeq, as said to the Press, declared the S&D ready to challenge the leadership of the Left and of the Nation.
The leader of the Socialists criticized the left for disunity and too much contrasting goals to challenge effectively the right parties and then praised the previous governments led by the Socialists & Democrats.
About this, Rania Mossadeq point out the attention on the recent activation of the New Fast Network all over the country, first nation all over the world to introduce the new network protocols and technology. Thanks to the wise leadership of S&D Istalia can boast some of the most advanced enterprises and corporations, can boast furthermore some of the most environment-friendly economy and industry, thanks to the "monumental" Green Plan by Paolo Tarso and today our industry on the sector is one of the most advanced and istalia is among the nations with more percentage of energy produced through renouvable resources.
And then former Prime Minister Mossadeq underlined the space conquests achieved under the S&D governments. Rania Mossadeq announced that the S&D will return to make hear their voice as veritable alternative to the right.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Aethan » Tue Sep 10, 2019 4:03 pm

Il Blocco will take the government to Court
the party leader announces that he will denounce one of the proposals of the ANI law for "attack on public health", with the governor of Trivendito announcing a complaint in the same direction.

Amadeo Conetta speaking with the press

After the election of Amadeo Conetta by the Federal Assembly of the Left Bloc as the new leader of the party replacing Zaira Pistone, he has announced that he will denounce the current government of Istalia before the justice, accusing it of "crime against public health" after the new law that is being processed by the National Assembly and that is expected to be approved in August with the votes in favor of all the government parties (PNI, LG and ANI) and the votes against of all the opposition (BdS, S&D and VeL).

The bill, named as "Deregulation Act", proposed by deputy Ada Sanpaoli, of the ANI, will change 10 articles of the Istalian law, of which the leader of the Blocco has announced that he will take three of them to court.

Speaking to the media, Mr. Conetta - who like all the people who hold the leadership of the Blocco, does not occupy a seat in the National Assembly to guarantee greater independence - has said that although he understands that, as parties that together have the absolute majority of the Assembly and therefore have the necessary votes to change the laws they deem appropriate, the proposed change on some of them will have a serious and very damaging impact on society, especially in the lower classes.

"We understand that among all the parties of the government, and although they disguise it as a proposal of the ANI's own initiative, they have the necessary votes, this bill has the support of the government itself, they add the necessary majority in the Assembly to be able to approve and modify the laws that they consider necessary in our nation, and therefore we cannot complain about the other seven articles of this new law beyond expressing our discomfort because some people in our nation really believe that these new laws will contribute in some way to improve the quality of life of our citizens. However, we do consider above the powers of this Chamber the power not to modify some laws, but to cancel them totally to the detriment of society, which is why the Left Bloc, and myself in particular, are going to act as an accusation towards the government as a whole for supporting the approval of the law, and towards the ANI in particular for promoting these derogations. We have endured insults from all political orientations, from the Lega, which disqualified our secretary general, Mrs. Giuliani, with absolutely conservative and macho accusations, passing through the Conservatives or the ANI, which has done nothing but criticize the left and after that make a crude attempt to imitate us to try to regain some votes that has lasted very little, and ask our collaboration to pass their own laws; going through the socialists who pretend, during the time they are in the opposition, to go on the attack on our parliamentary group so that later, when they need us to form a government, they try to forget everything. We can endure all the hoaxes, falsehoods, accusations and attacks that are launched towards our political party simply by saying things as they are and defending the social republicanism that our nation so much needs and that the powers of the State so little like, but what we are not going to tolerate is that this government plays with the lives of our citizens and especially puts at risk the life and future of the poorest citizens, for which it has never moved a single finger any of the conservative parties that form this government or the previous ones, and they have only dedicated themselves to try to do as if they did not exist or to pass laws to harm them. But as long as those acts were within the powers of the Assembly, we could do nothing. However, the serious mistake that is going to be made with the approval of this law has led us to make this decision, aware of the repercussions that this may have. The ANI has made a serious mistake in confusing the liberalism it advocates with supporting a public health crime such as the one it intends to approve. "

The articles to which Mr. Conetta refers in his complaint affect the legalization, without any restriction and throughout the nation, of gambling; to the elimination of any aid or subsidy towards renewable energies and to place the government without any position on this fact; and to totally deregulate the sale of recreational drugs.

From the party they defend that together, the laws of gambling and sale of drugs will fully affect the lower classes of society, which will see in these situations of legal vacuum an easy and quick way to earn money that in the long run, will derive in serious damage to their physical and mental health, to increase hate crimes and to a failure in the educational and health system; while the law on renewable energy will fully affect the commitment against climate change, fully affecting a society that every time needs to find new ways to obtain energy without harming the environment and shows the ANI's true intention when years ago called for the withdrawal of Istalia from an environmental protection treaty, under the excuse that it affected national sovereignty: the intention of being able to give free rein to its skepticism towards climate change by allowing itself to condemn all citizens.

Mr. Conetta, a lawyer by profession, argues that the irresponsibility that the government parties are about to carry out is aggravated by the fact that they have been warned, by their political party, of the consequences of their actions, and accuses to the government of "democratic shame", as well as he informs the ANI that they should forget to count on their votes for any future government or "pseudo-left" law.

For her part, the governor of Trivendito, Fiamma Rienzo, has announced that although the government will set aside the lower class of society, leaving them to their fate, her regional government will legislate, keeping current laws on those three articles.

"Although this ultra-conservative government that Istalia currently has is going to make a mistake of unsuspected consequences and that we will see in a short time, the Trivendito government will not allow, as long as I can, for chaos to fall in this region. The Trivendito government will present an accusation against the approval of these articles, joining our complaint to the complaint presented by Mr. Conetta, and will maintain the laws currently in relation to these three issues, making use of the powers granted to regional governments.
In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby XanderOne » Wed Sep 11, 2019 9:02 am

Advanced technology fuels istalian industry and economy
Aerospace, IT, Research, Telecomunications and High-tech Materials: industry 4.0 pride of Istalia

20 November 4632

A recent research report published by some of the most important academic institutions in Istalia has revealed the heights reached by the Istalian industry and research, which in the last decades have heavily specialized in the most advanced technological and research sectors.

Istalia currently boasts the most advanced and competitive aerospace research and industrial sector and Siderale and Magistro-Leonardi are the two istalian corporations which have almost emegonized space commercial activities worlwide, offering highly efficient and low-cost space launches thanks to their technologically advanced launchers as well as assistance to space agencies abroad.

Alongside the aerospace industry, entire new industrial sectors have been developed, focused on new materials and advanced alloys, as well as high-tech devices and industrial solutions. The highly developed and expert scientific research sector has driven the Istalian industry to become one of the most competitive and advanced in the world in these fields, producing a wide range of products and devices, from home automation and entertainment devices to medical technologies, from industrial production devices such as robotics production lines to high-tech materials for advanced and extreme industrial and scientific applications, precision electronic and mechanical equipment, and so on...

Also the IT sector expanded greatly in last decades: the recent announcement of the nationwide spreading of the New Fast Network prompted most of the largest telecomunication providers and corporations to present their new products, like the first smartphones with new fast network's connection and made with some of the most modern materials and technical discoveries. Like the new T-2000's high-end smartphone by Oliverdi, which announced also a join venture with Istelecom to provide the phones with the new phone/connection subscritions proposals offered by Istelecom, branded as "the network which made real the dreams". The new fast network will provide higher speeds, with data rates of tens of megabits up to gigabite per second for tens of thousands of users, also going to meet the needs of new use cases, such as the Internet of Things, as well as services of transmission and vital communication lines during natural disasters.
The IT research, however, is pursuing its investigation also on artificial intelligence as well as on robotic technology. The assistant robot designed for the AISA is just one of the outcomes of this new fascinating research field which involve numberous public institutions, like university and laboratories, as well as private investments.

Alongside mobile connection, there are also a wide group of public and private actors that are exploiting instead the most advanced breackthrough of optical and laser connection technology. la rete di Autostrade Istaliane SpA (the largest company that manages the network of Italian highways, which uses optical fiber to connect illuminated signs, cameras, Telepass and offering free wi-fi service for entertainment and emergency in motorway restaurants, gas stations and lay-bys), the ENIST's network for internal use to control energy supply and demand (dispatching) electricity on the electricity grid, ERIS, NTT Istalia, the MENTIA network that connects Istalian universities and research labs and institutions, various mobile telephony operators since the base radio stations are also connected in optical fiber, the wireless access networks for connecting the hotspots to the network of transport. CelerNet SpA is highly investing in new generations fiber optic connections to guarantee up to 50 gb/s of connection speed (and more with further developments) and offer what has been defined as "the new generation of entertainment", to which partecipate, among others, new competitive and well supplied media-services providers, like VIDEON, which is expanding progressively in Majatra and south Seleya for its competitive subscriptions and the quality of its offer, starting to promote also high quality films and series produced by VIDEON itself.

Scientifical Research not only prompted the industrial improvement and growth but it is itself a veritable pride of Istalia, which can boast some of the most advanced scientifical labs and institutions.
The National Nuclear Ignition Laboratory (NNIL), the Institution managing the well known research Fusion Ignition Reactor, announced its intention to promote the constrution with Solentia of a new scientifical installations under the mounts dividing the two countries. The work will consist in the excavation of a series of circual tunnels, the largest one reaching almost 30 km in diameter, where to built the world's largest and most powerful particle collider and probably the largest machine in the world.
But the excavation and realization of the tunnels is one thing, the realization of the particle collider, of the dectectors and of any other installations of the site will need of an international cooperation.
Some rumors, however, report that although Istalia's got all the know-how and the technical solutions to build the collider, what is lacking is simply the resources to realize such project: for some years the NNIL, which Board of Directors has become almost the highest national research coordination body, is suffering the recent cuts to the technology and research funds by part of the Government and like the AISA, also the NNIL is actually forced to find new partners also abroad to continue to pursue its goals.

The Minister of Foreign Affaris, however, this moorning announced that he is talking with the Prime Minister about the partecipation of Istalia to the Eight Economies' summit in Eroncourt of 4635. The Foreign Minister Stefano Terenzi underlined that such forums are the perfect place where to establish new international cooperation on several matters and fields, where strong alliances linked by economic, scientifical and strategical interests can be established for the benefit of the peoples of the interested countries.
Minister Terenzi expressed the closeness of Istalia to the words and the goals expressed by the Prime Minister of Lourenne Francine Delafour on the need of international cooperation to face the new global challenges and problems affecting our peoples and our planet.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Ab3012 » Thu Sep 12, 2019 12:33 pm


This moorning the political landscape of Istalia wake up surprised by the announcement by part of the leader of the Socialists & Democrats Rania Mossadeq of her resignation as general secretary of the party. In fact, since the leader of the Left Bloc talked to the press denouncing the meausures adopted by the government parties, a wide uprising is shacking the party of Socialists & Democrats, a contestation of the Mossadeq's leadership coming from local sections, national politicians and a lot of party members all over the territories.
The Central Committee thus was forced to demand to Rania Mossadeq to resign so to call a straordinary general congress to elect the new General Secretary. Several other memebrs of the Central Committee announced their resignation too, being among the closest ones to Mossadeq.
Many criticisms actually arosed already after the last Mossadeq's interview by part of the press. Mossadeq was criticized for her lack of argouments, for having just glorified the past years and the past achievements of the Socialists & Democrats party but she didn't say nothing about the future afforts of the party, a part some general and shared goals by the Left, while Left Bloc leadership clearly underlined the current Istalian situation and needs.
It was Mohamed Zahiri to talk to the PRess, member of the Central Committee and former Minister of Finance:
The new Leadershpi will have to give a totally new direction to the party and first of all we have to find a way to be less ortodox and more open to dialogue and cooperation. Secretary Mossadeq has served with the utmost loyalty and with the utmost commitment the party and I was honored to work with her and I'm convinced that what we did it was something of extraordinary for Istalia. However, today, we must face a new Istalia. Today, the people of the Left and whole Istalia saw a new leader talking about the real problems of Istalia, denouncing what is happening today, not talking about past glories. The Socialists & Democrats party must start a new era, and it is sure that we have to do this with a more humble attitude and more open to the dialogue.
We probably sinned with pride, we probably seemed haughty and... perhaps driven by the belief that we were the legitimate leadership of the Left, perhaps demanding more than we ever gave. The party will have to undertake an interior retrospective, surely to recognize our mistakes and try to focus on the good of the Istalians and work with humility and willingness to cooperate because otherwise the RIght will continue to govern while Istalians will continue to see a Left always divided and conflictive.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Rogue » Sat Sep 14, 2019 8:28 am

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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Rogue » Sat Sep 14, 2019 9:03 am

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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby XanderOne » Sat Sep 14, 2019 2:00 pm

Foreign Minister comments on the disastrous nuclear test: "Deltaria will have to assume its responsibilities"
The Istalian Government, beyond the terrible environmental disaster, fears a collapse of the agri-food industry and turistic sector in the interested areas with repercussions for all continental markets
Foreign Minister Stefano Terenzi

14 June 4634

ROMULA - This morning Foreign Minister Stefano Terenzi met with journalists and the Press to express, as pointed out by the Minister, the dismay of the Istalian Empire over the disastrous Deltarian nuclear test that generated the terrible environmental disaster in the Majatran Sea.

The statement by the Foreign Minister:

It is with extreme dismay and concern that the Government of the Istalian Empire learned of the environmental disaster in the Majatran Sea caused by the last nuclear test by the Grand Empire of Deltaria.

The extent of the damage reported by the most recent reports outline a real annihilation of almost whole marine fauna and flora in the affected area. It is certain that the radiation will touch the coasts of all the nations facing the Majatran Sea, the entire mediterranean basin known as the cradle of civilization and renowned for its beauty and its biodiversity will become a deadly radioactive well and nobody knows how long. There is the risk that some very rare marine species that live only in those areas may become extinct, that the genetic heritage of thousands and thousands of life forms of the Majatran Sea is seriously affected and that there will be real upheavals in many ecosystems, such as the magnificent tropical coral reefs of the Majatran Sea.

But we are also facing a social, economic and humanitarian disaster, gentlemen: almost a billion people for months, perhaps years in the most affected areas, will not even be able to get close to "their sea" and above all they won't be able to make a living with their sea!
Whole economic sectors will be devastated: the fishing industry, the ones of at least 10 nations, will be brought to its knees with a sure prohibition of consumption of sea foods for months if not one or two year, and the tourism sector, primarily the seaside one, will follow... just to mention two sectors that give tens of millions of people a living and I assure you that in a year the continent will find itself facing what I personally fear may become the most serious humanitarian emergency in its history.

The continent has already suffered the effects of a recent serious environmental emergency caused by a sudden drop in global temperatures. In the northern hemisphere the damage was greater, it is true, but also the climatic equilibrium of the southern hemisphere was affected and according to the data of the General Department for Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Trade and Industry, the agri-food sector of whole continent was significantly affected, with collapses even of 60% of the yield of the crops due to more rigid climate, winter frosts never seen in the continent in the last half millennium, unusual atmospheric adversities for our latitudes and so on.
The nuclear disaster, whose effects could last for years, will finally bring our continent to its knees and... given the nature of the disaster, nothing can be done to contain it.

What we can do, however, is to immediately ask those responsible to give an account of what they did. The Government of the Istalian Empire is clearly addressing the Government of the Grand Empire of Deltaria.
For a long, too long time the concerns and protests by the international community have been ignored by the Deltaria Government, a nefarious and irresponsible government devoted only to the pursuit of unacceptable geo-strategic objectives aimed only at breaking stability, security and peace for the entire international community, a Government which stands at home thanks only to the violence of repression and false propaganda.
Indeed, alas, this could only be one of the tragic epilogues of such a nefarious undertaking by part of a government devoid of any control or counterweight.
But the time has come to show that the Deltarian Government will also have to answer for its actions to someone, and if this someone cannot be its subjugated people, the international community will be.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Aethan » Sat Sep 14, 2019 2:58 pm

The Left Bloc offers its support to the government to severely punish Deltaria
The leftist party believes that the nation has committed "crimes against humanity" and asks that its leaders be treated as such

The Federal Committee of the Left Bloc has issued this afternoon a statement of support to the government of Istalia to carry out the necessary sanctions against the government of Deltaria after the nuclear disaster happened in the sea of Majatra. In the statement, which uses a very hard tone against the leaders of Deltaria, the Left Bloc calls for the full weight of the law to fall on what they consider to have been "crimes against humanity", as well as calls on the Istalian government also intercede with the serious loss of human rights that is happening in Lodamun.

Official statement regarding the recent crimes carried out by the Deltarian and Lodamunese governments

It is with great anger and contempt that we observe the actions carried out by the government of Deltaria, a nation that for decades decided to set its own path, move away from international conventions and agreements and pursue goals with selfish ends that could put at risk no longer only human lives, if not the state of our planet globally. Today we have attended a disappointing show, where it has finally happened what various international organizations and governments had been warning Deltaria: that or ceased their efforts to continue building and testing weapons of mass destruction of nuclear type, or the worst would come. And so it has been. With total disregard for the ecosystem of our continent, and for the lives they inhabit, the Deltarian government has tested its nuclear weapons in the sea of ​​Majatra, causing serious and probably irreparable damage to its ecosystem, and to life forms that depend, to a greater or lesser extent, on this piece of water. Let's be clear: we can't destroy the planet, no human being can. Our planet will still be there even if we destroy ourselves, and it will find a way to heal its wounds. But our survival as a species depends only on ourselves, and on how intelligent we are. It has become clear that in the Deltarian government there is no thinking being in command, or so it seems, judging by the actions that have been carried out and that, without any purpose beyond trying to demonstrate an arms superiority, has caused some damage that we will regret for a long time.

For this reason, from the Left Bloc we offer the support of our parliamentary group in the National Assembly to the government to approve the necessary sanction measures towards the Deltarian government. We will not support sanctions that can cause serious damage to ordinary citizens, but we do not doubt that these actions that have been carried out cannot be left unanswered, and that is why we will approve, together with the government, from which great ideological differences separate us , the necessary measures of punishment towards those responsible for such a tragedy. Similarly, we make available to the government the votes of our political party to pass laws that help mitigate the effects of the actions carried out by the Deltarian government on our citizens and especially on the environment. The governor of Trivendito, likewise, will offer in the coming days specific measures of environmental protection. We will ask to consider the Deltarian political leaders as perpetrators of "crimes against humanity", and to take all the consequences derivated from that. From the Left Bloc we also want to ask the Istalian government to lead an international coalition to try to recover and protect as soon as possible all those environmental zones that may have been affected, before it is too late.

In another area, but also worrying, are the recent reports that support the loss of democracy that is being carried out by the Lodamunese government, where women, LGBT people and other minorities are being persecuted and discriminated against just because they are the way they are. In this regard, we ask the government to act immediately to cut off this situation, and we offer the province of Trivendito as a refuge for those citizens of Lodamun who no longer consider it safe to live in their country.


Federal Committee of Il Blocco della Sinistra
Simonetta Giuliani, General Secretary
In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby XanderOne » Sun Sep 15, 2019 11:02 am

The Minster of Foreign Affairs expresses to Lodamun Istalian dismay about the violation of human right
Minister Terenzi anticipated also the intention by part of Istalia to adopt diplomatic and economic measures against Lodamun: opened a parliamentary debate

6 December 4634

Istalian Foreign Minister announced to the National Assembly his decision to send to the the Government of Lodamun official communication about the dismay by part of Istalia for the inhuman policies adopted by the current government, labelled as segregational, authoritarian, restrictive measures which annihilate the human dignity, first of all the slavery and the slave trade, allowed today in Lodamun.

The Minister announced the adoption of sanctions and measures against Lodamun, first of all to avoid that someone in Istalia could benefit of the exploitation of slavery in Lodamun. He announced also the intention of Istalia to promote actions also within the World Congress.

This is the message sent to the Government of Lodamun:

Nation of Lodamun,
it is with the utmost dismay that Istalia constates the failing of Lodamun into a segregationist, discriminatory and authoritarian state within which the slavery and the slave trade are allowed.
Lodamun authorities are infringing some of the bost basic and foundamental human rights, they are abusing of their own people, restraining their foundamental freedoms and demoting their dignity as human beings.

Being all these policies simply unacceptable by Istalia, causing serious ethical and moral issue to the Istalian Government in pursuing and allow privates to pursue any sort of relations, especially commercial and cooperative ones, we are pushing to communicate us our decision to severe any diplomatic, commercial and economical relations with Lodamun.

Istalia is considering the adoption of sanctions to impose to Ladomun, we cannot allow that someone in Istalia could benefits of economical affairs in Lodamun which could be related to the exploitation of slavery first of all.
It is intention of Istalia to proposes to the Security Council of the World Congress to adopt further and wider measures against the inhuman policies carried out by your Government.

Sanctions will be lifted and relations will be reestablished once the dignity and the protection of the human rights is restablished in Lodamun.

- Stefano Terenzi,
Foreign Minister of the Istalian Empire

The Minister informing the parliament promoted also a debate with the represented parties which have been invited to debate within the National Assembly the best measures to be adopted to sever our relations with Lodamun, thinking first of all to measures which will not affects the citizens but only the corporations, the public authorities and those people involved in the exploitation of slavery.
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