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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby 13ShinyTie » Sun Oct 21, 2018 10:46 am

Government parties collapse! PND wins big, but not big enough.
Anna Verde moves back into the Presidential Palace!

The recent elections display a very peculiar situation in Istalia. On one hand, the government parties were utterly defeated and the leader of the opposition PND was greatly rewarded, grasping nearly a third of the seats. On the other hand, the PND cannot govern once again as the second largest party belongs to the FP bloc, meaning that once again a left coalition with simply one more party is much more probable. Of course, currently, the PND and Anna Verde are celebrating their largest electoral success in the party‘s history, but knowing the status quo, the freshly re-elected President has already expessed what most have presumed:
We cannot hide the fact that under the current status quo, the left - even though heavily damaged - still has a majority in the chamber as our only natural allies, the ULD, did not get enough support. We doubt the PdA are willing to enter a coalition with the PND once again as we were standing in the way of everything their government did. Furthermore, the newly introduced Progressive Party are in the FP bloc, which leaves me no choice but to drop the privelege of the PND as the largest party to attempt to form a government first. The ball is now in their park.

The most probable coalition will be a 5 party center left coalition led by the progressives. However, the PND has a history of joining forces with the moderate left to tackle more immediate problems at hand, although the largest immediate problem, namely Solentia, is a strong point of disagreement between the PND and the left, specifically the former President Morandi (AR). It will also be interesting to see whether any party will reach any conclusions as all parties experienced a decline except the PND and Progressives. The AR were the third largest party just 1 year ago, placing the President, and even on the right, the ULD were the most dominant party in Istalia at the start of the century for very long.
Nazionale, Official Press of the Alternativa Istaliana (Istalian Alternative; AI)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Mon Oct 22, 2018 11:12 am

Istalian Edition
Ministro El Salefi risponde a Solentia: "Reazione eccessiva ed immotivata, paranoia alla base delle azioni annunciate"
Il Ministero degli Esteri mette in guardia Solentia sull'adottare simili rappresaglie: "basta ricatti! La chiusura dei confini porterà alla definitiva rottura delle relazioni tra i nostri Paesi"
Minister of Foreign Affairs Ibrahim El Salefi

ROMULA - Dal Ministero degli Esteri è giunta la risposta decisamente tagliente del Ministro Ibrahim El Salefi alle recenti dichiarazioni rilasciate dal Primo Soldato e dal Ministro degli Esteri Solentiano.
Queste le sue parole:

Solentia sta semplicemente abusando della nostra pazienza ed è chiaro che sta sfruttando la sua posizione geografica per condurre un vero e proprio ricatto nei confronti dell'Istalia.
Tutte le misure che il Governo di Halion vuole adottare sono guidate soltanto da paura e paranoie irrazionali. L'Istalia non ha mai dichiarato di aver intenzione di non sfruttare più i collegamenti via terra con il resto di Majatra ed anzi, in più occasioni, è stata esternata la nostra intenzione di impegnarci in un grande progetto congiunto per traforare la Catena dei Nayar e rendere ancora più veloce e scorrevole il passaggio di merci e viaggiatori.

Per il resto, Solentia non ha alcun diritto di pretendere alcun ché riguardo un progetto di interesse esclusivamente nazionale come quello delle "Autostrade del Mare". Solentia non ha assolutamente alcun titolo per chiedere alcunché! Autostrade del Mare è una Grande Opera Pubblica sulla quale solo e soltanto il Governo Istaliano ha e può avere voce.
Se Solentia si sente tradita non credo abbia alcun diritto di accusare l'Istalia di nulla: il nostro paese non può negare grandi opere strategiche e benefici sociali ed economici ai nostri cittadini per favorire gli interessi di un'altra nazione! In Istalia il Governo deve rispondere delle sue azioni solo e soltanti ai cittadini istaliani ed ai loro rappresentanti legittimamente eletti, non ai cittadini Solentiani e tanto meno ad alcun "Supremo Leader" di Halion.
I cittadini, e non qualche leader militare, sono i detentori della Sovranità in Istalia e di fronte ad essi qualsiasi ufficiale dello Stato non può che sottostare al loro volere. I rappresentanti dei cittadini d'Istalia hanno approvato un simile progetto ed è dovere del Governo, il primo dei servitori del Popolo, mettere in atto le dovute disposizione per dar seguito a quest'opera.

L'ex Presidente Morandi aveva voluto dare ancora una volta spazio al Governo Solentiano per trovare una soluzione alle montanti tensioni, decidendo addirittura di fermare l'abrogazione del Memorandum di Intesa tra le nostre nazioni, ma di fronte a tale reazione spropositata il Governo Istaliano non solo non può che riconsiderare questa decisione per procedere il più velocemente possibile all'abrogazione del Memorandum, ma si trova costretto anche a chiedere formalmente che i confini restino aperti: la chiusura dei confini con Solentia e quindi con il resto di Majatra potrebbe causare un tale danno al benessere ed alla sicurezza dei nostri cittadini che il Governo potrebbe essere costretto a prendere misure ben più drastiche per porre fine a questo evidente ricatto.

Per troppi anni qui a Romula siamo stati pazienti e comprensivi, per troppi anni si sono stretti legami obbligati da forzate esigenze geografiche e per troppi anni abbiamo accettato una situazione politica ambigua ed allarmante.
Se Solentia vuole riconsiderare la propria posizione nel mondo e le proprie relazioni diplomatiche ne ha piena facoltà ovviamente ma se questo re-allineamento dovesse comportare un danno all'Istalia o minacciarne la sicurezza e gli interessi, Halion potrebbe presto essere costretta a rispondere delle proprie azioni.
Questo è un avvertimento al quale il Governo Istaliano si augurà riceverà risposte rassicuranti e con tutt'altri toni.

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Minister El Salefi replies to Solentia: "Excessive and unmotivated reaction, paranoia behind the announced actions"
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs warns Solentia about adopting similar reprisals: "Enough With The Blackmail! The closure of borders will lead to the definitive breaking of relations between our countries"

From the Ministry of Foreign Affairs came the very sharp response of Minister Ibrahim El Salefi to the recent statements by the First Soldier and by the Solentian Foreign Minister.
These are his words:

Solentia is simply abusing our patience and it is clear that it is exploiting its geographical position to conduct a real blackmail against Istalia.
All the measures that the Government of Halion wants to adopt are guided only by fear and irrational paranoia. Istalia has never declared that it intends not to exploit the land connections with the rest of Majatra and, on several occasions, we expressed our intention to commit ourselves to a great joint project to pierce the Nayar Range and make the passage of goods and travelers even faster and smoother.

For the rest, Solentia has no right to claim anything regarding a project of exclusively national interest such as that of the "Motorways of the Sea". Solentia has absolutely no title to ask for anything! Motorways of the Sea is a Great Public Work on which only and exclusively the Istalian Government has and can have a voice.
If Solentia feels itself betrayed, I do not think she has any right to accuse Istalia of anything: our country can not deny great strategic works and social and economic benefits to our citizens to favor the interests of another nation! In Istalia, the Government must respond for its actions only and exclusively to the citizens of Istalia and to their legitimately elected representatives, not to Solentian citizens, much less to any "Supreme Leader" of Halion.
The citizens, and not some military leaders, are the holders of Sovereignty in Istalia and in front of them any official of the state can not but submit to their will. The representatives of the citizens of Istalia approved such a project and it is the duty of the Government, the first of the servants of the People, to implement the due provision to follow up on this work.

The former President Morandi had once again made room for the Solentian Government to find a solution to the tensions, even deciding to stop the abrogation of the Memorandum of Understanding between our nations, but faced with this disproportionate reaction, the Istalian Government can not but reconsider this decision to proceed as quickly as possible to the repeal of the Memorandum, but it is also forced to formally request that the borders remain open: the closure of the borders with Solentia and therefore with the rest of Majatra could cause such a damage to the well being and security of our citizens that the Government could be forced to take much more drastic measures to end this obvious blackmail.

For too many years here in Romula we have been patient and understanding, for too many years there have been close ties bound by forced geographical requirements and for too many years we have accepted an ambiguous and alarming political situation.
If Solentia wants to reconsider her position in the world and her diplomatic relations it has full power to do so of course but if this re-alignment should cause damage to Istalia or threaten its security and interests, Halion may soon be forced to respond to its actions.
This is a warning to which the Istalian Government wishes will receive reassuring answers with all other kind of tones.
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Mon Oct 22, 2018 5:34 pm

Organo stampa ufficiale dell'Alleanza Radicale

Radicali nel caos, molti chiedono le dimissioni del Portavoce Nazionale ma Morandi non molla
L'ex Presidente della Repubblica, nonostante la durissima sconfitta elettorale, non sembra intenzionato a lasciare il partito ma piuttosto è lui ad attaccare: "Dobbiamo abbracciare un nuovo corso! Falchi e lobbisti di ogni tipo mi hanno legato le mani fino ad oggi ma ora è il momento di cambiare!", tra i primi passi l'uscita dal Fronte Popolare

ROMULA - Silenzio di tomba dalla sede di Alleanza Radicale a Viale delle Vittorie dove nessun giornalista ha avuto possibilità di entrare ed incontrare qualche rappresentante del partito. Questo almeno fino a stamattina quando, dopo mesi di notizie secondo le quali il partito era nel caos totale, Alessandro Morandi, Portavoce del partito ed ex Presidente della Repubblica, ha anticipato chiunque altro rilasciando una dichiarazione che ha stupito tutti coloro che invece si aspettavano delle dimissioni da un momento all'altro.
Morandi ha così parlato di fronte ai giornalisti:

Il Partito non solo ha sofferto a causa della mia sconfitta come candidato per un secondo mandato Presidenziale ma è stato vittima di una certa insofferenza che da tempo era nell'aria, che ho cercato di fronteggiare ma che non ho potuto, circondato come ero da falchi e lobbisti di ogni tipo che si nascondevano nell'ombra! All'interno della mia stessa corrente, i Marrani, vi erano personaggi che lavoravano nell'ombra per continuare a restare attaccati ad un passato che credo non ci appartiene più!
Dobbiamo imbracciare definitivamente l'eredità di Marra, ma per farlo credo sia giunto il momento di liberarci da una situazione che ci blocca, ovvero credo sia il momento di uscire dal Fronte Popolare.
Credo sia il momento di riabbracciare definitivamente e pienamente il Social Liberismo! Credo ci siamo troppo schiacciati su posizioni socialdemocratiche e... questo ci ha chiaramente penalizzato.
Non sto attaccando i partiti che sono stati nostri alleati fino ad ora, la mia è una critica al nostro partito che deve ritrovare quel Liberismo che abbiamo un po' perso di strada.
Credo sia il momento giusto per ridare slancio all'iniziativa privata e di dare anche spazio ai privati nel settore dell'assistenza sociale alla ricerca di una situazione di armonia tra pubblico e privato.
Continueremo a difendere il nostro sviluppato Welfare nazionale, ma credo abbiamo la possibilità di alleggerire molto del fardello che pesa sullo stato dando spazio anche ai privati e permettendo a chi vuole anche di fruttare esclusivamente il settore privato.
Non dobbiamo eliminare nulla, dobbiamo solo offrire maggiore possibilità di scelta ai nostri cittadini i quali rimarranno gli unici che decideranno come farsi tutelare. E perché no, potrebbero anche avere maggiori possibilità nel scegliere se affidare o meno allo Stato ciò che serve per la sicurezza sociale.

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The Official Press of Radical Alliance

Radicals in chaos, many call for the resignation of the National Spokesman but Morandi does not give up
The former President of the Republic, despite the harsh electoral defeat, does not seem willing to leave the party but rather he is attacking: "We have to embrace a new course! Lobbyists of all kinds have tied my hands until today but now it's time for change!", among the first paths the decision to leave the Popular Front

ROMULA - Maximum silence from the headquarters of the Radical Alliance in Viale delle Vittorie where no journalist had the opportunity to enter and meet some party representative. This at least until this morning when, after months of news according to which the party was in total chaos, Alessandro Morandi, Spokesperson of the party and former President of the Republic, has anticipated anyone else by issuing a statement that amazed all those who instead expected his resignation at any moment.
Morandi thus spoke in front of journalists:

[quote]The party not only suffered because of my defeat as a candidate for a second presidential term but was the victim of a certain impatience that has long been in the air, which I tried to face but that I could not, surrounded as I was by hawks and all kinds of lobbyists hiding in the shadows! Within my own current, the one of the "Marrans", there were people who worked in the shadows to continue to remain attached to a past that I believe no longer belongs!
We must definitely embrace the legacy of Marra, but to do so I think it is time to free ourselves from a situation that blocks us, namely I think it's time to leave the Popular Front.
I think it's time to finally fully re-embrace Social Liberalism! I think we are too crushed on social-democratic positions and... this has clearly penalized us.
I am not attacking the parties that have been our allies until now, my criticism is toward our party that must rediscover that Liberism that we have lost a bit on the way.
I think it's the right moment to give new impetus to private initiatives and to give space to individuals in the social assistance sector in search of a situation of harmony between the public and private sectors.
We will continue to defend our developed national welfare, but I believe we can lighten much of the burden that weighs on the state, giving space also to privates and allowing those who also want to exploit the private sector exclusively.
We must not eliminate anything, we just have to offer greater choice to our citizens who will remain the only ones who will decide how to be protected. And why not, they could also have greater chances to choose whether or not to entrust the State with what is needed for social security.
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Thu Oct 25, 2018 9:37 am

Istalian Edition
Autostrade del Mare: partenariato tra pubblico e privato è un successo ed anche gli enti locali stanno facendo la loro parte
Il grande progetto approvato durante la passata legislatura sta prendendo forma con cantieri aperti in tutte le città interessate ed il Governo già sta pensando di proporre un progetto simile ma su scala continentale ai partner dell'Alleanza Majatrana
Vinesia's Motorways of the Sea's Terminal under construction

I lavori procedono a pieno ritmo ed in tutte le città interessate dal progetto sono stati ufficialmente aperti i cantieri: questa la comunicazione del Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti relativamente il grande progetto nazionale delle "Autostrade del Mare".
A Vinesia circa due anni fa è stato aperto il primo dei cantieri ed oggi il nuovissimo Terminal è già in fase avanzata di costruzione e si prevede che verrà terminato fra un anno mentre le prime navi dovrebbero attraccare dopo altri sei mesi (necessari per i dovuti collaudi e verifiche del caso).

Lo Stato ha investito molto su questo nuovo progetto ma accanto agli investimenti pubblici ne sono arrivati molti dal settore privato mentre i vari enti locali si stanno concentrando sulle infrastrutture locali nelle città interessate per connettere nel modo più efficace i nuovi terminal con le vie di comunicazioni nazionali.
La Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, principale finanziatore del progetto, è infatti riuscita a creare una grande cordata di privati che sono entrati nel progetto apportando ulteriori fondi mentre il Ministero delle Infrastrutture ha lavorato a stretto contatto con gli enti locali per dividere i lavori sulle infrastrutture viarie: lo Stato si occuperà delle connessioni sui maggiori assi viari nazionali mentre gli enti locali, come detto, si stanno già occupando di strade e ferrovie che nelle città coinvolte connetteranno i Terminal agli assi viari più importanti.

Image Image
Infrastructures being built by local governments

Il massiccio coinvolgimento di investimenti privati da parte della Cassa Depositi e Prestiti è stata un'iniziativa dell'importante Istituto d'Investimento Nazionale, ma sembra che dietro il via libera dato dal Governo ci sia stata la Pressione da parte di diversi partiti tra i quali l'Alleanza Radicale che, come annunciato recentemente dall'ufficio stampa del partito, potrebbe proporre a breve un'emendamento della legge sulle Autostrade del Mare affinché sia dato più spazio a privati anche nella gestione dei Terminal.
L'idea esposta da Muhammad Kassefe, il nuovo potente braccio destro di Alessandro Morandi, punta sul bloccare sul nascere la creazione della società "Autostrade del Mare S.p.A." per optare piuttosto per una serie di gare d'appalto per assegnare ad operatori totalmente privati la gestione dei Terminal e non necessariamente dovrà essere scelto un singolo operatore.

Inoltre, il Ministro degli Esteri uscente, Ibrahim El Salefi, dopo lunghe discussioni con il Presidente della Repubblica Anna Verde, sarebbe intenzionato a proporre in seno all'Alleanza Majatrana un progetto simile da applicarsi in tutti i paesi membri per incrementare e migliorare anche i collegamenti marittimi con beneficio per i flussi di merci e passeggeri.
Per un simile progetto, a far la parte del leone, sarebbe il Fondo dei Fondi Sovrani dell'Alleanza, stabilito con il Trattato Integrativo dell'Alleanza Majatrana, che agirebbe come investitore primario e collettore di investimenti privati mentre i progetti sviluppati in Istalia saranno l'esempio da seguire e la loro "moltiplicazione" in Majatra dovrebbe essere rapida e veloce (applicando simili soluzioni costruttive, semplicemente riproducendo i progetti, ecc...).
Il Ministro degli Esteri non sembra preoccuparsi delle possibili ripercussioni di una simile proposta per le relazioni dell'Istalia con Solentia che, come dichiarato anche dal Presidente della Repubbica "è andata davvero oltre".
Che ci possa essere un riavvicinamento sulle posizioni di politica estera tra Radicali e Nazionalisti? Per il momento il Presidente Nazionaldemocratico ha confermato le preoccupazioni di El Salefi riguardo le richieste inaccettabili di Solentia e le recenti iniziative diplomatiche del Governo di Halion potrebbero allontanare sempre più i Nazionalisti dalle loro posizioni di sostegno all'amicizia Istalo-Solentiana.

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Motorways of the Sea: public-private partnership is a success and local authorities are doing their part
The great project approved during the last legislature is taking shape with sites opened in all the cities involved and the Government is already planning to propose a similar project but on a continental scale to the partners of the Majatran Alliance

The works are proceeding at full speed and in all the cities involved in the Project the construction sites have been officially opened: this is the communication from the Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport regarding the great national project of the "Motorways of the Sea".
In Vinesia about two years ago the first of the construction sites was opened and today the new Terminal is already in an advanced stage of construction and is expected to be completed within a year while the first ships should dock after another six months (after the necessary tests and verification).

The State has invested heavily on this new project but alongside public investment many have come from the private sector while the various local authorities are focusing on local infrastructures in the cities concerned to connect the new Terminals in the most effective way with the national communications routes.
The Deposits and Consignements Fund, the main financier of the project, has in fact managed to create a large group of private investors which have entered the project by making additional funds while the Ministry of Infrastructure has worked closely with local authorities to divide the works on the road infrastructures: the State will take care of the connections on the major national road axes while the local authorities, as mentioned, are already dealing with roads and railways that in the cities involved will connect the terminals to the most important roads.

The massive involvement of private investments by part of Deposits and Consignements Fund was an initiative of the important national investment Institute, but it seems that behind the green light given by the Government there has been pressure from different parties among which the Radical Alliance which, as recently announced by the press office of the party, could soon propose an amendment to the Motorways of the Sea law to give more space to privates in the management of the Terminals.
The idea put forward by Muhammad Kassefe, Alessandro Morandi's new powerful right-hand man, aims at blocking the creation of the company "Autostrade del Mare S.p.A." rather to opt for a series of calls for tenders to assign to totally private operators the management of the Terminals and not necessarily a single operator will have to be chosen.

Moreover, the outgoing Foreign Minister, Ibrahim El Salefi, after long discussions with the President of the Republic Anna Verde, would be willing to propose within the Majatran Alliance a similar project to be applied in all member countries to increase and improve the marittime connections with benefits for freight and passenger flows.
For such a project, to take the lion's share it would be the Fund of the Sovereign Funds of the Alliance, established by the Integrative Treaty of the Majatran Alliance, which would act as primary investor and collector of private investments while the projects developed in Istalia will be example to follow and their "multiplication" in Majatra should be quick and fast (applying similar constructive solutions, simply reproducing projects, etc...).
The Foreign Minister does not seem to worry about the possible repercussions of such a proposal for the relations of Istalia with Solentia which, as also declared by the President of the Republic, "has really gone further".
Could this be a rapprochement on the positions on foreign policy between Radicals and Nationalists? For the time being, the Nationaldemocratic President has confirmed El Salefi's concerns about the unacceptable requests by part of Solentia and the recent diplomatic initiatives of the Government of Halion could further alienate the Nationalists from their positions of support to the Istalo-Solentian friendship.
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Koba998 » Fri Oct 26, 2018 11:31 am

RESISTENZA! | PdSI Official Journal | July the 5th of 4475

Secretary Maturo: "Now that the Radical Alliance lowered its mask, workers know which parties work to defend them."

After the AR's exit from the Popular Front, the General secretary of PdSI decided to make an harsh speech against the so-called "Morandi line", which, in the view of Secretary Maturo, poses a menace for the workers' interests inside our country:

Sometimes chasing votes leads a party to power, sometimes leads to a crash. When we changed our political orientation from communism to democratic socialism, we didn't chase votes, we just chased reality - when we understood that democracy and socialism could cohexist, we chose democracy, we chose the present and not the past. From several years, our relations with the new Radical Alliance saw a slow deterioration: it has always been my concern that the force which once expressed the libertarian part of the popular vote - the vote of workers and oppressed - was silently becoming a force which under the popular and libertarian propaganda began utilizing these verbs to distract the popular classes from their prime goal - the defeat of anti-popular classes, the affirmation of popular social rights - and lead them in a society full of civil liberties but, slowly, emptier of social ones. Now that AR lowered its mask - after nearly ninety years of great collaboration inside the Popular Front, which now have sadly ended - workers know which parties work to defend them: we will not be dragged from Mr. Morandi into the right, we will proudly remain leftists and socialists! Morandi now can lead its party in the hands of the liberals, of the centrists, of the capitalists and make every istalian banker happy, but us of the Popular Front, recaptured a stronger unity, will continue to fight for the freedom of all workers and all exploited in our country! Of course the Lead years are just behind our shoulders, but we must be wise: they will say to us that we want those years back, but we must respond that we made those years end with our answer to social deseases, and we will continue, in the great framework of democracy, fighting for the workers interest, and we will never betray them to embrace the interests of capitalists, bankers and speculators!
During the following year elections, the Radical Alliance will be left alone: I dare them to find votes inside the liberal electorate, if they can, we will march united under the long and glorious history of the Popular Front, aiming for victory!

The speech was acclaimed by the great majority of the socialists militants and representatives (including former secretary Garofani); now, after months of instability for the Maturo secretariat after the electoral defeats, it seems that the PdSI gained, in accordance with the new Popular Front assets, new unity and political force on the istalian scenery.

Nicola Maturo (54), after his speech in front of the socialist militants
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby 13ShinyTie » Fri Oct 26, 2018 7:03 pm

PND back in government!
President Anna Verde: "This government is not one of national unity, it is one of reason!

The President adressing the chamber

After 3 years of political turmoil, with the PND unable to form a majority with its favourite partner and with the AR leaving the FP, an agreement has been made to tackle one specific problem at Istalia's doorstep: Solentia. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs led by AR had strong disagreements with the PND and with the President, resulting in no direction on that issue. However, after the relations between Halion and Romula continued to deteriorate, the President urged the two conflicting sides to find a solution, which resulted in the new government led by the PND, the party of the President, but with the PdA and AR backing the President with a position not left, not right not center, but pro-Istalia. The President still holds on to the memorandum of friendship with Solentia, stating:
I am still of a strong belief that our primary goal should be that our neighbours should not be our enemies and it is still too early to cut ties completely with Solentia. Moreover, they have an amnesty law being passed and maybe, only maybe, they step back.

However, in the same statement, the President has shown her concerns which align with those of the former President Morandi:
If Solentia turns against us and disregards all diplomatic attempts, then I will offer my resignation and you will have been right all along.

Meanwhile, the PND is preparing to launch proposals to make use of their massive majority. The issues to be tackled will be culture, education and science. Topics which the nationalists have been very passionate about always, believing that those three things are crucial in raising a patriotic population. Also, in light of the Solentian situation Othman Kassis, the PND Whip has stated:
We will also propose bills which will untie the hands of our military! I am not sure whether the liberal parties in the chamber will back us, but we must show our nationals that we care first and foremost for their security, after all, they have entrusted us with so many seats.

Finally, the PND has finalized the qualified individuals to replace/replenish the current National-Democratic leadership as officially, there is still no leader, with the roles being equally divided between Othman Kassis, the Whip, Anna Verde, the President, Mattheo Vespa-Baldassare as usual due to his heritage and Luca di Nero, the Prime Minister. This spread of power has brought the party success, but neither of the individuals believe that without an Il Duce, this success can be long term.
Nazionale, Official Press of the Alternativa Istaliana (Istalian Alternative; AI)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Sun Oct 28, 2018 3:16 pm

Istalian Edition
Ministro El Salefi risponde ai giornalisti: "troppo facile indicare chi ha sempre contrastato simili organizzazioni ed ideologie!"
Il Ministro degli Esteri scarica le accuse lanciate da un baltusiano condannato per omicidio sul coinvolgimento dell'Intelligence istaliana nella morte di un membro dell'Azione Canrillese Internazionale
Minister El Salefi almost amused by the fanciful allegations coming from Baltusia

ROMULA - Immediata è giunta la risposta da parte del Ministero degli Esteri Istaliano a quella che è stata definita una "fantasiosa" teoria del complotto, ovvero le dichiarazioni di Brendon Goodman, un baltusiano condannato per l'omicidio di Jean-Yves Bethune che ha ucciso sistemando una bomba nella sua auto.
Il baltusiano avrebbe dichiarato di essere stato istruito da un uomo collegato all'AISER, Agenzia Informazioni e Sicurezza Esterna della Repubblica, ovvero il servizio di controspionaggio estero Istaliano.

Il Ministro degli Esteri Ibrahim El Salefi, incalzato dalle domande dei giornalisti, ha assicurato che l'Istalia non è minimamente coinvolta nella morte di Bethune e che Goodman semplicemente avrebbe scaricato la colpa su un facile capro espiatorio, ovvero l'Istalia, internazionalmente conosciuta per i suoi sforzi contro regimi ed organizzazioni terroristiche, dittatoriali e segregazioniste, e dunque, spinto dalla sofferenza di dover essere lontano dalla famiglia, avrebbe inventato una storia alla quale non sarebbe stato difficile credere.
Ma non solo, il Ministro El Salefi ha anche accennato anche alla possibilità che, invece, potrebbe essere Goodman quello assoldato per fare e/o dire cose per screditare l'Istalia, guarda caso proprio in questo momento che il Ministro El Salefi è subentrato all'ormai scomparso Aghar Yassen come candidato alla Presidenza dell'Assemblea Generale del Congresso Mondiale, alché tra quanto dichiarato dal Ministro, anche questo:

Il Mondo è pieno di regimi, organizzazioni e persone che farebbero di tutto per non vedere un Istaliano alla Presidenza dell'Assemblea Generale del Congresso Mondiale. Tra questi vi è proprio l'Azione Canrillese Internazionale, quindi potrei azzardare l'Alleanza del Consorzio e quindi molti altri... saranno anche molti coloro che sembrano prendere per oro colato le parole di Goodman, ma credo che potrebbero essercene altrettanti che invece punterebbero il dito contro queste organizzazioni che in più occasioni hanno espresso i loro sentimenti contro l'Istalia!

Per concludere il Ministro ha dichiarato che inoltre, per il momento l'Istalia ha ben altre questioni a cui pensare e su cui concentrarsi, proprio a due passi da casa, ovvero Solentia e Kafuristan, che ormai sono al centro dei dibattiti internazionali:

Anche il Presidente della Repubblica ha espresso la crescente preoccupazione per l'evolversi delle relazioni con Solentia verso cui il Presidente Verde ha dichiarato di essere disposta a fare solo un ultimo sforzo per tentare di ristabilire un dialogo. Posso assicurarvi comunque che il Presidente Verde è ben conscia della situazione interna in Solentia e l'impegno dell'Istalia per fare pressioni verso il regime per un apertura democratica non sono mai cessati. Riguardo Kafuristan, è mia intenzione incontrami con le mie controparti degli altri membri dell'Alleanza Majatrana, ma sicuramente posso dichiarare che condanniamo la violenta repressione e le drastiche misure adottate dal nuovo regime. Per il momento, però, scoraggiamo qualsiasi intervento esterno temendo un peggiorarsi della situazione e la trasformazione del paese in un terreno di scontro per ben altri interessi. Piuttosto proporremo alle varie parti coinvolte un cessate il fuoco ed un incontro in Istalia.

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Minister El Salefi responds to journalists: "it's too easy to indicate who has always opposed such organizations and ideologies!"
The Foreign Minister drops the accusations launched by a baltusian convicted of murder about the involvement of the Istalian Intelligence in the death of a member of the Action Canrillaise International

ROMULA - Immediate response came from the Istalian Foreign Ministry to what has been called an "funciful" and "immaginative" conspiracy theory, that are the statements of Brendon Goodman, a Baltusian convicted of the murder of Jean-Yves Bethune who killed by setting up a bomb in his car.
The Baltusian said he had been instructed by a man linked to the AISER, the Agency for Information and Security of the Republic, or the Istalian foreign counterintelligence service.

Foreign Minister Ibrahim El Salefi, urged by journalists' questions, assured that Istalia is not at all involved in Bethune's death and that Goodman would simply have blamed his guilt on an easy scapegoat, that is Istalia, internationally known for his efforts against terrorist, dictatorial and segregationist regimes and organizations, and therefore, driven by the suffering of having to be away from the family, would have invented a story that would not have been hard to believe.
But not only that, Minister El Salefi has also mentioned the possibility that, instead, it could be Goodman that was hired to do and/or say things to discredit Istalia, coincidentally in this moment that Minister El Salefi has taken over for the now disappeared Aghar Yassen as candidate for the Presidency of the General Assembly of the World Congress, whereupon among what was declared by the Minister, also this:

The world is full of regimes, organizations and people who would do anything not to see an Istalian at the Presidency of the General Assembly of the World Congress. Among these there is the Action International Canrillaise, then I could hazard the Consortium's Alliance and therefore many others... ok, there could be many who seem to take the words of Goodman for gold, but I think there could also be many that instead would point the finger against these organizations that on several occasions have expressed their feelings against Istalia!

To conclude, the Minister said that, for the time being, Istalia has other issues to think and about concentrate on, just a stone's throw away from home, that is Solentia and Kafuristan, which are now at the center of international debates:

The President of the Republic also expressed his growing concern about the development of relations with Solentia towards which the President of the Republic said she was ready to make only a last effort to try to re-establish a dialogue. I can assure you, however, that President Verde is well aware of the internal situation in Solentia and the commitment of Istalia to put pressure on the regime for democratic openness have never ceased. Regarding Kafuristan, it is my intention to meet with my counterparts of the other members of the Majatran Alliance, but I can certainly declare that we condemn the violent repression and drastic measures taken by the new regime. For the moment, however, we discourage any external intervention fearing a worsening of the situation and the transformation of the country into a battleground for many other interests. We will rather propose to the various parties involved a cease-fire and a meeting in Istalia.
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby 13ShinyTie » Sun Oct 28, 2018 11:32 pm

Left collapses, Nationalists draw consequences
Anna Verde loses presidential race against Liberal Democrat, will not attempt again

The recent elections saw Istalia send a clear signal to Romula: The left is out of fashion. After the last 2 decades of left parties being present in the government, with the previous legislature included, the recent elections have clearly voted for the the two “Democratic” right groups, namely the liberal and national democrats. With the only exceptions being the AR and Socialists but miniscule in comparison to the gains made by ULD, propelling itself to the top spot and even beating the ruling National Democrats by a handful of seats. The divide of Island vs mainland was also once again clearly present as the island preferred the Blue, whilst the mainland the Violet. Obviously the ULD, after winning the Presidency and the Chamber, got the task and privelege to form a government which most likely will be with the PND, which will result in the most right wing government of the last 50 years.

Regarding the PND specifically, the party is clearly unhappy after losing 20 seats and despite getting over 150 seats total, a right wing government coalition (probably) and 3 reguonal governors, the Nationalists failed to be the largest parliamentary force, preventing most likely a new PND Prime Minister, and failed to gain the Presidency. The best that they can hope for is being the minor coalition partner and consequently the vice-premiership. Anna Verde has already drawn consequences by saying:
We are clearly unsatisfied, it seems that our moderate rule has been punished even though we have managed to push through most of our programme. We hope that in the right wing coalition with the ULD we will be able to pass even more laws which are clearly important to our citizens as they have voted “blue” so massively. The economy and infrastructure will take the front seat.

We as a party also need to draw consequences as we have lost 20 seats. It is clearly time to reinstate an Il Duce and I am ready to take up this responsibility by putting my name on the ballot. The party members will vote in the leadership election at the end of this year. The Vice-leader will be chosen on the same occasion. However, I announce that the previous Presidency has been my last. I have attempted it 4 times and won twice, which is a good time to stop as age does usually not make a woman more attractive.

Meanwhile, the PND Whip Othman Kassis has offered his resignation by stating:
Firstly, I am too old for this, the new generation needs to take over, but secondly and most importantly I am taking responsibility for my actions. I was the one at the forefront pushing our program and the people clearly rejected the program by stripping us of the majority and giving it to the liberals. We need a new program and a new Whip who believes in it and who will push it through the chamber! A Popular Program for the People!

The celebrations in the PND HQ in Palerno have been taking place as regular but are overshadowed by the massive ULD cheers in the city, as the PND has even lost in their home town. In Romula, as is usual, the AR won despite the PND winning the region and in Padagna the PND was just short of an absolute majority. Overall, mixed feelings are circulating in the PND as the country has clearly set course towards capitalism.
Nazionale, Official Press of the Alternativa Istaliana (Istalian Alternative; AI)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby TheUnicorn. » Tue Oct 30, 2018 3:47 pm


Although he became the party's President, Cassella will just become the Minister of Finance and Deputy Prime Minister

The ULD, currently led by Olimpio Cassella, former mayor of Palerno, was able to once again become the largest party in the Parliament, following big gains thanks to Constante Leno's wise leadership. After years of having the backseat, the ULD regained a very important position in the country's politics. THeir candidate will now most likely become the Prime Minister in the ULD-PND coalition, while their once-again Presidential Candidate, Siro Sacca, is the very one giving their candidate that task.

For leading his party to victory in the elections, as still being the de facto leader of the party, Constante Lenzo will become the Prime Minister.

Constante Lenzo is, however, the person that will become the Prime Minister. Before leading the future Cabinet, Lenzo led his party to electoral success, with an open agenda, which proved to be especially popular with the youth, which massively voted for the Liberal Democrats this time, with people in the 25-29 age group becoming the largest part of their electorate, instead of their usual 40-44 and 35-39.
Borgersammenføring - Citizens' Rally
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