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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Aquinas » Thu Aug 23, 2018 3:55 pm

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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby IsleofSalkuo » Fri Aug 24, 2018 9:37 am


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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby 13ShinyTie » Fri Aug 24, 2018 10:06 am

Prime Minister Cecilio Barzetti (PND): "Istalia will not succumb to foreign pressure!"

The Istalian Prime Minister, Cecilio Barzetti, places all efforts of the Cabinet into the conduction of the Istalian Referendum on membership within the MUN. The referendum, despite being non legally binding, will most likely decide the future of the Majatran continent. Istalia's inflation for the last half year was a little higher than expected as financial instability continues to plague the country even more. However, many Istalians believe that the little sacrifice now is better than to continue sacrificing for the MUN in the years to come. Currently, the leave camp is polling at around 55% and a staggering 90% amongst PND voters.

Nations around Majatra and globally try to lobby the Istalian people into staying in the union, with Dankuk even sending well received financial aid. However, the Prime Minister said the following:
Istalia will not succumb to Foreign Pressure! The people will go to the polls, cast their votes and we as their representatives will oblige. In Vanuku, Mr Hyeon was right to say that entering the union was a mistake. Consequently, we are trying our best to fix it.

Thank you, go to the polls and long live Istalia!
Nazionale, Official Press of the Alternativa Istaliana (Istalian Alternative; AI)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby 13ShinyTie » Sat Aug 25, 2018 12:14 pm

BREAKING NEWS: According to first vote counts Istalexit won with over 60%
Celebrations have begun at the PND HQ in Palerno

Juliana Vespa-Baldassare has led the party to its biggest success!

So, according to the most recent counts - with over 50% of votes counted - the PND has won the triple! They are the largest party in the chamber, having enogh for a „Democratic“ Coalition with the ULD, Juliana Vespa-Baldassare has been elected President, paving way for her second term, and the Istalexit referendum is most likely successful. With a voter turnout of 89.27% and with the Leave campaign polling at about 64 % (with over 50% of votes counted), nothing seems to be in the way of the National Democratic Success.

PND Leader, now former Minister of Education and Culture, President Elect Juliana Vespa-Baldassare issued only a short statement in front of the Parliament in Romula (As Minister she could not leave to celebrate in Palerno):
The Istalians have voted for Istalia. The Vanukean bankers, the Cildanian Kings and essentially everyone who is not living the unfair life imposed by the MUN upon you, has told you to stay and „endure a bit longer“. The people have endured enough! The promised prosperity has never come and now we took matters into our own hands and are the first nation to leave this organization. LONG LIVE A FREE AND PROSPEROUS ISTALIA!

The markets are globally shaking once again, with analysts expecting a global drop once it is clear where Istalia is going to go, after all, the referendum is not legally binding. Meanwhile the Istalian Lira has depreciated overnight by 5%, expecting further drops in value and most likely inflation throughout the transition years.
Nazionale, Official Press of the Alternativa Istaliana (Istalian Alternative; AI)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby 13ShinyTie » Sat Aug 25, 2018 10:23 pm

Minister of Foreign Affairs Giannino de Felice: „Those bureaucrats of the MUN are dense, ignorant or both!

After a recent statement of the Grand Conservative Party of the MUN viewtopic.php?f=14&t=8081&p=138958#p138958, the PND Minister of Foreign Affairs has lashed out against the organization:
Those bureaucrats of the MUN are either dense, ignorant or both! Istalia leaving the organization is not a negotiation. Of course the Istalian delegates might sweet talk it, but us National Democrats are going to say it how it is: Istalia is out! However, the question is on what note we want to leave the organization and that is to be negotiated. Do not worry, Istalia is not threatening anyone, because that would imply that we are still considering the Istalexit. From the point of view of the people, that is a decided matter and unless liberal forces want to overturn that since the referendum is technically not legally binding, then legislatively it is a decided matter as well.

So ultimately, the negotiations should ensure that even outside of the organization, the MUN and Istalia can live in a symbiotic relationship and we should all remember that the MA and MUN are not mutually exclusive organizations.
Nazionale, Official Press of the Alternativa Istaliana (Istalian Alternative; AI)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Rogue » Mon Aug 27, 2018 9:40 am

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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby 13ShinyTie » Wed Aug 29, 2018 5:11 pm

President Juliana Vespa-Baldassare appoints her „niece“ Francesca Vespa-Baldassare (ULD) as Minister of Istalexit!
Deal or No-Deal Istalexit the question of debates between the coalition partners and with the opposition leader

The President has recently appointed the ULD politician Francesca Vespa-Baldassare as the new Minister of Istalexit. This would be a temporary Ministry aiding the Foreign Ministry with conducting the slow but steady process of Istalia‘s departure from the MUN. Francesca is now the third Vespa-Baldassare holding a big government office, with the young PND Minister Mattheo, the son of President Juliana, being the Minister of Education and Culture, showing once again the prominence of this long running Istalian political dynasty, connecting the ULD and PND.

However, the appointment was not perfectly smooth as whilst the PND is an avid supporter of a hard Istalexit, leaving nothing behind but several bilateral economic agreements, the ULD including the newly appointed Istalexit Minister, support a soft Istalexit, with most systems still in tact - especially in terms of mutual scientific and medical cooperation. The new Minister will be present at the negotiations with the MUN representative, whoever that may be, as after the departure of Cildania, the most prominent pro-MUN voices are coming from the self-proclaimed strongest Majatran economy and military power Vanuku.

Prime Minister Cecilio Barzetti: Istalia‘s departure from the MUN is non-negotiable; everything else is!
Discussions within the coalition and opposition „clarified course of action“ according to anonymous sources

According to anonymous sources close to the Prime Minister, Istalia has „clarified a course of action“ for Istalexit, and the bill of leaving the organization will be propose to vote as the last bill of this legislative period. In the meantime, the Prime Minister of Istalia, Cecilio Barzetti, has issued a clear statement to the MUN but also to the parties in the chamber:
All parties need to understand the will of the Istalian people to leave. They trusted us to comply with their wishes and we will not disappoint. That is why, I invite with open arms the Vanukean Prefect to negotiate a MUN-MA bill with us as these two organizations MUST work together for the future of Majatra. However, this I say to Vanuku AND to the liberal parties in the chamber: Istalia‘s departure from the MUN is non-negotiable; everything else is! After all, the PND does not have a majority on its own, so a hard, no-deal, Istalexit is highly unlikely. But the Istalexit will happen, we just need a deal, and for that I invite the Vanukean prefect.

Also, I would like to remind the Prefect that they should not get over confident with their economic and military prowess, once this circus is over, Istalia will rise from the ashes stronger than ever before!
Nazionale, Official Press of the Alternativa Istaliana (Istalian Alternative; AI)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Rogue » Wed Aug 29, 2018 9:01 pm

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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby TheUnicorn. » Thu Aug 30, 2018 3:17 pm


The Minister of Istalexit wants to leave the organization on a good note

Francesca Vespa-Baldassare, member of the biggest political dynasty in Istalia, and it's most prominent member in the ULD, a of the Party, as well as the Minister of Istalexit has been busy planning her visits to Majatra's capitals, with it being a part of the Istalexit preparations. According to her recent statement, she wishes to discuss the process with other states apart of the union, hoping to achieve a common consensus and rebuild strong diplomatic relations with them. She also hopes to secure deals with all the separate member states. Looking forward to cooperation with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Giannino De Felice and Minister of Trade and Industry, Aadil el-Jabour, she hopes to prove that a soft Istalexit is the best option.

The ULD President announced that the Party will elect the Presidential Candidate in Fall

In other news, the President of the ULD and former President of the Republic, Bruno Bacco-Messina, has announced that, according to approximations, Istalexit can be feasibly achieved within the next 10 years, marking 4456 as the most likely year of the event, although he stated that it is possible that Istalia may quit the MUN after the next term, if the PND and ULD will be able to provide a stable coalition, which he said that he'll work towards, whilst announcing that the ULD will elect the candidate for President this fall, with Milo Mirabile, a senior secretary of the ULD and the Minister of Internal Affairs as the most likely candidate.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Sun Sep 02, 2018 11:33 am

Istalian Edition
Dove sta andando l'Istalia?
Enzo Di Giordano, noto opinionista politico ed editorialista del Corriere, si scaglia contro la classe politica: "Rincorrono un passato che non c'è più! Bisogna guardare avanti e non tornare indietro!"

ROMULA - Alla fine di un'intera legislatura dopo il referendum sull'uscita dell'Istalia dalla MUN, l'Istalia ancora fatica a riprendersi dal terremoto economico e finanziario che ormai l'attanagliano da troppi anni. La lira ha subito un deprezzamento record negli ultimi dieci anni, l'inflazione galoppa e gli investimenti languono.
Dure critiche sono state lanciate contro il Presidente del Consiglio Barzetti, sia dagli oppositori che dai più intransigenti sostenitori del Partito Nazionale Democratico, scontenti del fatto che un membro dell'Unione dei Liberal Democratici sia stato scelto per condurre le negoziazioni per l'uscita dall'Unione e che sta prendendo la strada del cosidetto "soft istalexit". Non va meglio in casa del secondo partito che più di tutti aveva sostenuto l'istalexit, ovvero l'Alleanza Radicale, dove Camilla Bontempi, de facto leader del partito da quando il Portavoce Nazionale Yassen si è discretamente defilato dalla scena pubblica, deve fare i conti con un partito spaesato e confuso, con molti membri che si stanno mangiando le mani, delusi dalle conseguenze del referendum e dalla Bontempi che aveva guidato il fronte opposto al MUN scalzando Yassen.

A scagliarsi contro questa politica giunge infine anche Enzo Di Giordano, noto editorialista del Corriere e famoso al grande pubblico per le numerose apparizioni in programmi di attualità politica, che senza mezzi termini accusa l'attuale classe politica di aver proceduto senza una vera prospettiva per il futuro facendo piombare il paese nell'incertezza ed in un limbo di contraddizioni.
Queste le sue parole:

Credo che l'attuale Governo come anche molti all'opposizione dovrebbero fermarsi un secondo e guardarsi allo specchio chiedendosi: "cosa stiamo facendo?". Purtroppo credo che la risposta sarebbe semplicemente un imbarazzante "non lo sappiamo", poiché è chiaro che da anni questo fronte apposto al MUN sta avanzando a tastoni. Chi vuole risollevare le sorti dell'Alleanza Majatrana, chi vuole far convergere e fondere le due Organizzazioni, chi vuole riprendere la Temrkai-Votta Pax, chi vuole uscire da ogni organizzazione, chi cerca di salvare capre e cavoli, e così via.
Ma la verità è che molti, troppi, e non solo nell'attuale Governo, stanno inseguendo sogni di gloria e di grandezza di un passato che è... è passato! L'Istalia è emersa in un continente dove solo Vanuku fondamentalmente e pochi altri potevano vantare nel quinto millennio avanzate condizioni economiche e che ha approfittato quindi della caduta di uno dei maggiori Imperi Socialisti della storia, fondando la sua Alleanza ed investendo massicciamente dunque per risollevare le sorti di uno dei continenti dalla storia più travagliata.
Così facendo però, ha permesso a molte altre nazioni di emergere o riemergere, di prendere la strada di un importante sviluppo economico e sociale ed oggi molte di quelle nazioni sono "l'ostacolo" che si ritrova ad affrontare l'Istalia in questa ricerca delle glorie passate. Cildania, Deltaria, Zardugal... tutti paesi che all'inizio del quinto millennio avevano un peso ed un'influenza minima nel mondo ed in Majatra, oggi sono divenute o sono tornate ad essere delle nazioni con un decisivo peso economico e politico e che cercano di conquistare o riconquistare rilevanza nel continente.
La situazione geopolitica dunque è totalmente differente rispetto ai primi anni dell'Alleanza Majatra ma sembra che la classe politica non si voglia rendere conto di tutto ciò. Ma dove ci stanno portando? Isolamento, passi falsi, depressione economica, critiche a livello internazionale e quanto altro! Come già detto, rincorrono un passato che non c'è più! Bisogna guardare avanti e non tornare indietro! Ed una prova importante di tutto ciò è la recente riforma budgetaria, che ha visto tagli a tutti i settori tranne alla difesa, una delle voci più importanti di spesa per sostenere un apparato militare che alcuni definisco elefantiaco ed inutile, soprattutto in questo momento, erede di uno sforzo titanico per consolidare ed unire Majatra, guadagnare un peso geopolitico non indifferente e contrastare nemici ormai scomparsi da tempo.
Per chiudere voglio rivolgere una domanda alla nostra classe poltica, molto semplice: Dove state portando il Paese? Dobbiamo continuare a guardare al passato o vogliamo finalmente guardare al futuro?

Nonostante le critiche, non si può dire comunque che tantissimi altri in Istalia, invece, siano convinti e soddisfatti delle scelte della classe politica ed il successo del Partito Nazionale Democratico degli ultimi anni come anche la fondazioni di nuovi partiti nazionalistici, come il Partito Patriottico od il già defunto partito chiamato Prima l'Istalia, è la chiara dimostrazione che tanti, invece, siano scontenti dell'impegno dell'Istalia in organizzazioni internazionali considerato come eccessivo ed a detrimento degli interessi Istaliani. D'altronde, tra i cavalli di battaglia dei Nazionalisti, ri-sfoderati recentemente, da sempre vi è l'accusa rivolta agli "Internazionalisti" di sprecare risorse per altri paesi invece che per l'Istalia e gli Istaliani e di aver permesso alle nazioni già citate da Di Giordano di sorgere o risollevarsi grazie all'Istalia ed al sistema economico che ha creato in Majatra nell'ultimo secolo e mezzo.

Alla vigilia delle elezioni generali del 4448, dunque, gli Istaliani torneranno alle urne non solo per rinnovare il Parlamento ed eleggere un nuovo Presidente ma chiaramente anche per valutare il lavoro del Governo post-referendum sull'Istalexit: il PND riuscirà a mantenere il primato ed a sostenere un "hard istalexit"? Oppure riusciranno i sostenitori della linea più morbida ad avere la meglio, probabilmente sostenuti dalle performance economiche degli ultimi anni ben al di sotto delle aspettative e delle promesse fatte prima del referendum?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Where is Istalia going?
Enzo Di Giordano, well-known political commentator and editorialist of Corriere, lashes out against the political class: "They are chasing a past that is no more! We must look ahead and not go back!"

ROMULA - At the end of a whole parliamentary term following the referendum on the exit of Istalia from the MUN, Istalia still struggles to recover from the economic and financial earthquake in which is gripping for too many years. The Lira has undergone a record depreciation in the last ten years, inflation gallops and investments are languishing.
Hard criticisms have been launched against the President of the Council Barzetti, both by opponents and by the most intransigent supporters of the National Democratic Party, unhappy by the fact that a member of the Union of Liberal Democrats has been chosen to conduct negotiations for the exit from the Union and that is taking the path of the so-called "soft istalexit". It is no better inside of the second party that more than anyone had supported the istalexit, the Radical Alliance, where Camilla Bontempi, de facto leader of the party since the National Spokesperson Aghar Yassen has discretely defiled from the public scene, must make the counts with a confused party, with many members who are kicking themself, disappointed by the consequences of the referendum and by Bontempi who had led the front opposite the MUN by undermining Yassen.

Enzo Di Giordano, a well-known columnist of the Corriere and famous to the general public for the numerous appearances in political current affairs programs, finally lashes out against this policy, who bluntly accuses the current political class of having proceeded without a real prospect for the future, plunging the country into uncertainty and into a limbo of contradictions.
These are his words:

I believe that the current Government, as well as many at the opposition, should stop for a second and look in the mirror asking themselves: "What are we doing?". Unfortunately I think the answer would be simply an embarrassing "we do not know", since it is clear that for years this front opposite to the MUN is groping forward. There are those who want to raise the fate of the Majatran Alliance, those who want to make converge and merge the two organizations, who wants to take back the Temrkai-Votta Pax, who wants to get out of any organization, who tries to save goats and cabbage, and so on.
But the truth is that many, too many, and not only in the current government, are pursuing dreams of glory and grandeur of a past that... has passed! Istalia emerged in a continent where only Vanuku fundamentally and few others could boast advanced economic conditions in the fifth millennium, and which took advantage of the fall of one of the major Socialist Empires in history, founding its Alliance and investing heavily thus to raise the fate of one of the continents with the most troubled history.
In doing so, however, has allowed many other nations to emerge or re-emerge, to take the road of an important economic and social development and today many of those nations are "the obstacle" that is found to face Istalia in this search for past glories. Cildania, Deltaria, Zardugal... all countries that at the beginning of the fifth millennium had a minimal weight and influence in the world and in Majatra, today they have become or have returned to being nations with a decisive economic and political weight and that they try to conquer or regain relevance on the continent.
The geopolitical situation is therefore totally different from the early years of the Majatran Alliance but it seems that the political class does not want to account for all of this. Where are they taking us? Isolation, missteps, economic depression, international criticism and more! As already said, they are chasing a past that is no more! We must look ahead and not go back! And an important proof of all this is the recent budget reform, which saw cuts to all sectors except defense, one of the most important items of expenditure to support a military apparatus that some call as juggernaut and useless, especially at this time, heir of a titanic effort to consolidate and unite Majatra, to gain a not indifferent geopolitical weight and to counter enemies long since vanished.
To close I want to ask a question to our poltic class, very simple:
Where are you taking the country? Should we continue to look at the past or do we finally want to look to the future?

Despite the criticism, it can not be said however that many others in Istalia, however, are convinced and satisfied with the choices of the political class and the success of the National Democratic Party in recent years as well as the foundations of new nationalist parties, such as the Patriotic Party or the already deceased party called Istalia First, is the clear demonstration that many, so, are unhappy with the commitment of Istalia into international organizations considered as excessive and detrimental to the interests of the Istalians. In fact, among the battle horses of the Nationalists, re-unsheltered recently, there is always the accusation directed to the "Internationalists" to waste resources for other countries instead of for Istalia and the Istalians and to have allowed the nations already mentioned by Di Giordano to rise or rise again thanks to Istalia and the economic system that we created in Majatra in the last century and a half.

On the eve of the general elections of 4448, therefore, the Istalians will return to the polls not only to renew the Parliament and elect a new President but also clearly to evaluate the work of the post-referendum government on the Istalexit: the PND will manage to maintain the primacy and support a "hard istalexit"? Or will the supporters of the softer line succeed in winning, probably supported by the economic performances of the last years well below the expectations and the promises made before the referendum?
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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