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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby 13ShinyTie » Wed Mar 07, 2018 11:51 pm

Paolo Vespa-Baldassare and Gianluigi Ricollo retire on a "high note".
The successor tandem are a nostalgic throwback to the AI origins - and that is where the party is heading

The new PNI Leader and Vice Leader has been confirmed to be the Isolationist, leave campaign leader, and Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Trivenditan born in 4325 Aurora Adorinda and the short lived World Congress Security Council representative from Romula born in 4320 with a great name Antonio Rosso, the great grand son of former President Gianluigi Rosso, respectively.

Aurora Adorinda
Antonio Rosso

Obviously Aurora has proven herself already, however Antonio has never held elected office. Nonetheless his public appearences and surname give him enough credit for the job. The election of Aurora Adorinda as party leader is a Historic moment for the party, as she is simultaneously a woman, which never happened in the history of the nationalists of Istalia (PNP had Luciana Vespa) and she is the first leader of the nationalists to be born to migrants! As the surname reveals, she has Zardic roots, the cofounding member of the MA, however she was born and raised in Istalia, Trivendito and do not worry, she cheers for the Azurri when the teams play football.

Many specialists claim this to be a full circle for the party, as everyone remembers the tandem of founder of the AI, Beniamino Massa, the strict conservative/nationalist who emerged during the crisis with the MRSF, and the beloved Vice-Leader who created the nationalist doctrine of "Rossoism", which now transformed into "Democratic Nationalism". Aurora is just like Massa, placing Istalia first, whilst Antonio Rosso is more moderate and an exponent of the libertarian wing of the PNI, which has been empowered ever since Paolo Vespa-Baldassare was in charge (whose son is now the leader of the aforementioned libertarian faction of the party).

Confirming all of this nostalgia, the new leaders promised the assimilation of PNP into PNI once again before the upcoming elections, and a renaming back into the Alternativa Istaliana, even though the Participation in the ipv bloc and the lime green colour shall remain.
Nazionale, Official Press of the Alternativa Istaliana (Istalian Alternative; AI)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby TheUnicorn. » Thu Mar 08, 2018 11:05 pm


The Long-term leader of the Union of Liberal Democrats, Hugo Vespa-Baldassare (64), is officially now just a regular member of the party. Yes, after twenty-four years (over half of which he was the Prime Minister of Istalia) Vespa-Baldassare is replaced as ULD leader by Grimaldo Simonette, ex-minister of Internal Affairs, Science and Technology and Deputy Prime Minister.

Grimaldo Simonette will now assume the role of ULD Chairperson, apparently with Hugo Vespa-Baldassare's blessing

The Delegates met in late October to choose the two to proceed into the next round, and, unsurprisingly, the two qualifiers were the two biggest forces in the ULD, discluding Vepsa-Baldassare: First Vice-Chairperson Simonette and Deputy Chairperson Manfrin. The duo qualified with 42 and 41 percent of the vote respectively. he 7 percent went for either minor candidates that didn't make an impact. However, in November, the main part of the race, the popular vote part began, with the two facing off in the popular vote phase. The first polls gave Manfrin a safe 55-45 advantage, which, however, didn't keep. The candidates had three weeks for their second-round campaigns. However, that soon changed, and the wave turned around in Simonette's favour after Elena Vespa-Baldassare (HVP's daughter and Simonette's ex-partner) Carlo Del Gatto (the then-National Coordinator) and Antero Reale endorsed him.

Minister Elena Vespa-Baldassare can't hold a post in the party because of her ositio, but she is expected to become a Vice-Chairperson

In the end, the polls still were putting Manfrin as the winner, but just 52-48. In the end, Simonette won, with exactly that percentage for himself. Vespa-Baldassare himself congratulated him, even Manfrin went out to give his once-rival a handshake.

Chairman Simonette, However, focused on developing the party and his recommendations for different seats in his speech after the results were announced.

Those were:

Del Gatto for First Vice-Chair, Migliore for National Coordinator, Reale for Deputies Leader and Adriani as Deputies Whip. Now that Balotelli became a Senator, it is possible that he will assume the role of Deputies Leader of the ULD in the Senate, finally replacing Issa.
Borgersammenføring - Citizens' Rally
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby menkiller755 » Sun Mar 11, 2018 4:58 pm

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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Nichola » Sun Mar 11, 2018 7:16 pm

FLORENZA, PADAGNA - Si è svolto il settimo Congresso del Partito Laburista, nell'ODG c'erano i seguenti punti: Modifica Statuto di Partito, resoconto sul numero di iscritti nel Partito e la pubblicazione della nuova lista dei candidati ministri.
La modifica dello Statuto, che dovrà essere approvata da 2/3 dell'Assemblea, in caso di approvazione a "maggioranza semplice" (1/2) si dovrà tenere un "referendum" tra gli iscritti al Partito, riguarda le elezioni Primarie: si terranno ogni 5 anni, le elezioni serviranno ad eleggere l'Assemblea di Partito ma non più il Presidente che sarà eletto dall'Assemblea, la stessa eleggerà anche i capigruppo di Camera e Senato mentre le altre cariche (vicepresidente, segretario e vicesegretario) saranno nominate dal Presidente come avviene adesso. Nello Statuto sono state inserite le "correnti" ideologiche all'interno del Partito: liberali, socialdemocratici e socialisti. Stando a un sondaggio al momento le correnti hanno il seguente consenso: Lib: 60%, Soc-dem: 35%, Soc: 5%.

L'Assemblea vota con 191 voti a favore, 8 contrari e 1 astenuto la riforma, non ci sarà bisogno del referendum.

Il Presidente Rosso, prima di introdurre i nuovi candidati ministri, fa un resoconto sul numero di iscritti al partito, gli iscritti a marzo 4361 sono 750.547 in aumento di 10.345 unità dallo scorso anno, questo risultato sottolinea il Presidente è il migliore dal 4343 quando si toccò quota 801.600, Rosso conclude questo piccolo intervento ringraziando tutti i neo-iscritti.

Rosso introduce ora tutti i candidati PLI alle elezioni:
-Presidente della Repubblica: Lucio Vero Rosso - Presidente PLI dal 4354, 37enne di Florenza ha fatto il Vicesindaco della sua città dal 4349 al 4354, appartiene all'ala liberal del Partito.
-Presidente del Consiglio: Nicola Borromeo - Vicesegretario PLI dal 4359, 55enne di Milona in precedenza è stato Segretario PLI dal 4341 al 4359, storico esponente socialdemocratico del PLI.
-Ministero degli Esteri: Beatrice Macario - 60enne di Turrino dal 4325 al 4335 ha lavorato come funzionaria d'Ambasciata presso la capitale di Pontesi, laureata con lode in scienze internazionali.
-Ministero degli Interni: Pietro Monteverde - Capogruppo alla Camera del PLI dal 4359, 41enne di Romula è Deputato dal 4350.
-Ministero delle Finanze: Carla Maritini - Vicesegretaria del PLI dal 4351 al 4359, 45enne di Romula laureata in economia e deputata dal 4354.
-Ministero della Difesa: Giorgio Palma - 59enne di Palerno, ha servito presso la Marina dal 4328 al 4360, ora candidato Senatore per il PLI.
-Ministero della Giustizia: Federico Ghedini - Presidente del PLI dal 4341 al 4349, 61enne di Vinesia è stato Magistrato dal 4321 al 4351 nonchè deputato dal 4346 al 4358.
-Ministero dei Trasporti: Claudio Romio - Ministro dei Trasporti dal 4355 al 4358, 46enne di Ulbia è depuato dal 4354.
-Ministero della Salute: Duchessa Giuliano - 30enne di Florenza è laureata in medicina con il massimo dei voti, è candidata alla Camera con il PLI.
-Ministero dell'Istruzione: Beatrice Grande - Presidente della Padagna dal 4342 al 4350, 47enne di Milona è stata una docente dal 4333 al 4342.
-Ministero della Tecnologia: Giuseppe Giusta - 25enne laureato in biologia e robotica, consigliere comunale PLI presso la sua città, Turrino.
-Ministero dell'Agricoltura: Dario Anfosso - 33enne di Nepoli è stato Assessore all'Agricoltura al comune di Nepoli.
-Ministero dell'Ambiente e Turismo: Lucrezia Treviza - 49enne di Verunia ha speso buona parte della sua vita per la causa ambientalista.
-Ministero del Commercio e dell'Industria: Giovanni Piacente - 52enne di Eristano è deputato dal 4358.

La lista dei candidati PLI è stata approvata dall'Assemblea con 195 voti favorevoli e 5 contrari.
FLORENZA, PADAGNA - The seventh Labor Party Congress took place, in the agenda there were the following points: Change Party Statute, report on the number of Party members and the publication of the new list of candidate ministers.
The amendment of the Statute, which must be approved by 2/3 of the Assembly, in the case of approval by "simple majority" (1/2), a "referendum" must be held among the members of the Party, concerns the Primary elections: they will hold every 5 years, the election will serve to elect the Party Assembly but no longer the President who will be elected by the Assembly, the same will also elect the group leaders of the Chamber and Senate while the other offices (vice president, secretary and deputy secretary) will be appointed from the President as it happens now. The Statutes included the ideological "currents" within the Party: liberals, social democrats and socialists. According to a survey, currently the currents have the following consensus: Lib: 60%, Soc-dem: 35%, Soc: 5%.

The Assembly votes with 191 votes in favor, 8 against and 1 abstained from the reform, there will be no need for a referendum.

President Rosso, before introducing the new candidates for ministers, gives an account of the number of party members, the number of members registered in March 4361 is 750,547, an increase of 10,345 since last year, this result,emphasizes the President, is the best since 4343 when touched 801.600, Rosso concludes this small intervention thanking all the new members.

Rosso now introduces all the PLI candidates in the elections:
-President of the Republic: Lucio Vero Rosso - PLI President since 4354, 37 year-old of Florenza was the Deputy Mayor of his city from 4349 to 4354.
-President of the Council: Nicola Borromeo - Deputy Secretary PLI since 4359, 55 year old from Milona previously was Secretary PLI from 4341 to 4359, historical social-democratic exponent of the PLI.
- Foreign Ministry: Beatrice Macario - 60 years of Turrino from 4325 to 4335 worked as an Embassy official in the capital of Pontesi, graduated with honors in international sciences.
- Ministry of the Interior: Pietro Monteverde - Whip of the Chamber of the PLI since 4359, 41 year-old from Romula has been a MP since 4350.
- Ministry of Finance: Carla Maritini - Deputy Secretary of the PLI from 4351 to 4359, 45-year-old from Romula graduated in Economics.
- Ministry of Defense: Giorgio Palma - 59 year-old from Palerno, he served at the Navy from 4328 to 4360, now a Senator candidate for the PLI.
- Ministry of Justice: Federico Ghedini - President of the PLI from 4341 to 4349, 61 year old from Vinesia was Magistrate from 4321 to 4351
- Ministry of Transport: Claudio Romio - Minister of Transport from 4355 to 4358, 46 year old from Ulbia, member of parliament since 4354
- Ministry of Health: Duchessa Giuliano - 30 years of Florenza graduated in medicine with honors, is a candidate for the Chamber with the PLI.
- Ministry of Education: Beatrice Grande - President of Padagna from 4342 to 4350, 47 year old from Milona was a teacher from 4333 to 4342.
- Ministry of Technology: Giuseppe Giusta - 25 year old graduate in biology and robotics, PLI city councilor in his city, Turrino.
- Ministry of Agriculture: Dario Anfosso - 33 year old from Nepoli was Councilor for Agriculture in the municipality of Nepoli.
- Ministry of the Environment and Tourism: Lucrezia Treviza - 49 year old from Verunia spent a good part of her life for the environmental cause.
- Ministry of Commerce and Industry: Giovanni Piacente - 52 year-old from Eristano has been a MP since 4358.

The list of PLI candidates was approved by the Assembly with 195 votes in favor and 5 against.
FRONTE DEMOCRATICO - FP (Istalia - inactive)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby TheUnicorn. » Mon Mar 12, 2018 11:24 pm


Simonette's possible ministers were announced on this long-awaited congress

This year, the ULD held it's eighth general congress (counting from the '39 one), paired with the yearly congress and the constructional congress, making it a triple whammy. It was also the longest congress that the ULD ever held, lasting seven days, an entire week. It was very fruitful, resulting in the election of the ULD's presidential candidate, as well as in Simonette announcing his possible cabinet's ministers.

Let's start with the prior, the ULD's presidential candidate.

The eight candidates that had enough signatures (10k) under their names to advance to this round of the vote were announced. The original count was 14, so the ULD members were pretty busy giving out their signatures. Those four that were able to qualify were;

Estella Salvi, former CEO of the PMI Media Group, 57

Duccio Sarlo, Consitutionalist and Historian, ULD Senator, 53

Seif Maalouf, Vice-Deputies Whip of the ULD, 36

Rashid el-Mahmud, Minister of Internal Affairs, 47

Islam Shamon-Baz, Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, 44

Sahla Sabbagh, Chairperson of the ULD Youth wing, 25

Eros Zanussi, Grandson of the former ULD chairperson and Senator, 32

Antero Reale, ULD Deputy Chairperson in the Parliament, 51

The number of candidates made the vote pretty divisive, however, the two clear favourites before this round, Reale and el-Mahmud, were the ones to advance, with 26.7 and 22.8 percent of the vote respectively. Although the results of the top two were expected, they did, however, achieve fewer votes than expected. Sabbagh surprisingly came in third with 14.5%, above Shamon-Baz, who had 14.2%. It is expected that Sabbagh's result could give her a bright future within the party, similar to how leading the youth wing does. The total amount of ULD members participating exceeded a million and a half,

The results:
Antero Reale - 26.7% - 465,271
Rashid el-Mahmud - 22.8% - 397,310
Sahla Sabbagh - 14.5% - 252,675
Islam Shamon-Baz - 14.2% - 247,447
Eros Zanussi - 6.2% - 108,040
Seif Maalouf - 5.7% - 99,327
Estella Salvi - 5% - 87,129
Duccio Sarlo - 4.9% - 85,386

In the second round of the voting held on the sixth day, Reale and el-Mahmud faced off, with the prior being the clear favourite. With a week to campaign, the pair travelled around the country, trying to convince as many party members to vote for them as possible. Reale mostly directed his attention on the island, with el-Mahmud focusing on the mainland. Their efforts, however, didn't really change the results much. Reale defeated the Minister of Internal Affairs with a big majority.

Antero Reale - 59.2% - 1,384,826
Rashid el-Mahmud - 40.8% 940,372

Reale quiting his HQ in his typical, calm manner

el-Mahmud apparently didn't expect himself to win, so he didn't respond too emotionally, either

However, the latter part f the programe was equally interesting, with Simonette announcing his candidates for ministers. They didn't really shock, but then again, some were unexpected.

Prime Minister - Grimaldo Simonette. Obviously.

Foreign Affairs - Elena Vespa-Baldassare. The past chairman's daughter, ULD Vice-chairperson and current minister of Environment and Tourism.

Internal Affairs - Carlo Del Gatto. The ULD's first Vice-Chair, a close ally to Simonette. Major in administration and logistics.

Finance - Islam Shamon-Baz. The Minister of Internal Affairs, even with his lower than expected result in the first popular vote round, is still an influencial figure in the ULD, and a sucessor to Manfrin's legacy.

Justice - Egeo Biele. Often called Istalia's best (and richest) lawyer, Biele has closely worked with the ULD for the last five years, and will run for a seat in the chamber of deputies with their support.

Defence - Najeer el-Saladin. A long-term military man, now a rather radical pacifist, is the ULD's Senate whip.

Infrastructure and Transport- Aini Haik. Current Vice-Minister of I&T, Haik is a city planner and ecology graduate.

Health - Elmo Cappola. The ULD's Secretary, Cappola is also a neuropsychiatrist, he graduated medical school with honours.

Education and Culture - Erardo Candela. Simonette's ward, the Trivenditan-born politician is an ethnologist, historian and a pretty famous fantasy writer, at a young age.

Science and Technology - Majd Ghanem. Vice Minister to el-Mahmud, Ghanem is a web developer, IT specialist and, supposedly, an ex-hacker.

Agriculture - Ban Khouri. She is an economist, Deputy mayor of Triesta, and once the Whip of the ULD in the Trivendito.

Environment and Tourism - Oriana Salamandra. ULD's member of the Chamber of Deputies, the leader of the party's ecology commission.

Trade and Industry - Astrid Espinoza. ULD's Vice-Chairperson, the Party's finance spokesperson, cousin to Elena Vespa-Baldassare through Agostino Baldassare.

After the ministers were announced, President Lepera came out to congratulate Mr Reale, and announced that he'll help him in campaigning.
Borgersammenføring - Citizens' Rally
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby 13ShinyTie » Tue Mar 13, 2018 10:17 am

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: "The situation in Aloria is very concerning."

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and presidential candidate for the newly re-renamed Alternativa Istaliana, Aurora Adorinda had her hands full during this legislative period. Even now the situation in Aloria prevents her from campaigning like the other candidates, which may cost her the race. Nonetheless, she does receive a lot of media attention and is the third most recognized figure in Istalian politics, after President Lepera and Prime Minister Logatto.

Ms Adorinda has issued the following statement:
The actions on behalf of the Alorian government are rather controversial, as they deport in order to protect. We will believe this dubious statement in order to avoid any escalation in the bilateral relations, and will even aid our citizens to "comfortable" repatriation. We will also aid OUR citizens to return if they should wish to do so. However, due to the obscure actions and reasoning of the Alorian government, we will not hesitate to impose sanctions and other less friendly measures should the government TOUCH our citizens or their private property. If the act is indeed benevolent, then the Alorian government has nothing to fear. But if it is a racist Trick to target and get rid of Istalian citizens, and steal their property, we will indeed not hesitate and the President has already issued his blessing for an embargo for Aloria. The ball is in their half now and we advise to act wisely and not strain our bilateral relation unnecessarily.
Nazionale, Official Press of the Alternativa Istaliana (Istalian Alternative; AI)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby -DR5996- » Tue Mar 13, 2018 4:55 pm

Good results from MFI, what maintain the largest party of coalition, but in the party where are a lobby for dimission of actual Confederal Governor

VINESIA - A very good results for MFI, taht mantain with success the regional government of Trivendito, and impove their presence on national parliament. Althorugt Al-Fayeed was highly criticized becuse he don't convince the I.p.I. coalition to candidate himself to president, because is considered obvious that MFI was the strongest and with more possibilities to pass at least the first turn. More bleame the coalition that the attempt to keeping the communists votes, is view very badly form the ultra-federalists fringe (and some of more moderate) especcialy that communists do the anti-devoltuion policies.
Zaia Luciano is the possibly the man that can take the leadership on MFI, he declaring that MFI want to remain in the coalition that he will wish that coalition will tke more seriously the our movement.
Is it the end of Al-Fayeed presidency?
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