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Re: Lourenne Quotidien

Postby Doc » Thu Dec 01, 2016 4:46 pm

Bjorksdattir: Tacticien
Le co-leader frère utilise une stratégie "Kalistani" pour gagner des élections

Their-Noel, Louives
12 novembre, 4128

La stratège des frères et leader adjoint, Louise Bjorksdattir ingénieurs "victoire tactique" lors de la dernière élection

Les résultats sont au rendez-vous et le vainqueur de l'élection est Louise Bjorksdattir, l'ex-Premier ministre kalistanais qui a déménagé à Lourenne il ya huit ans pour lui prêter une expérience politique considérable à la lutte de le PdFL. Des sources proches de Bjorksdattir ont déclaré que les résultats de l'élection sont dus en grande partie au projet de loi Bjorksdattir, connu sous le nom de "Brethrenist Positions Act", qui a vu le PdFL abandonner temporairement les positions longtemps, mais finalement détenues impopulaires, sur la taille du gouvernement, et le militarisme.

"Elle a visé directement le PSU", a déclaré l'observateur Jean-Phillipe Strauss. "L'objectif de Bjorksdattir était de briser le monopole de l'PSU sur ces positions qu'ils gardaient prudemment pendant deux décennies tout en laissant les autres Parties se balancer dans la brise et en ne ressentant aucune pression pour inclure d'autres Parties au gouvernement de Lourenne. Boulonge a clairement parié que s'ils pouvaient forcer l'PSU à voter contre les positions chères qui leur ont donné des super majorités pour les 8 dernières années, les électeurs le verraient, et ne voteraient pas enmasse pour l'PSU, mais étendraient leurs votes autour d'un peu plus . "

"GOTV était également un autre objectif de la stratégie de Bjorksdattir", a déclaré une autre source, Michelle LePierre. "Elle a pensé que tant que 27% de la population voterait, l'UPE gagnerait chaque élection, et le PdFL serait relégué à 23 sièges et absolument pas de voix dans un avenir prévisible. Dans leur dernier éditorial: ils ont suggéré que les PdFL abandonnent leur engagement en faveur de la paix et de la liberté et s'inscrivent dans la révolution de la PSU qui inclut la police militarisée, les armes nucléaires et les armées régulières. Ont abandonné leur engagement à leurs positions originales: Bjorksdattir a délibérément élaboré un projet de loi qui ne pourrait pas passer. "

La présidente du PdFL, Jeannette Boulonge, félicitait davantage son coreligionnaire. "Sœur Bjorksdattir et d'autres députés du PdFL au Conseil ont employé ce qu'elle appelait la stratégie 'Kalistani', qui était la clé du succès du vieux parti socialiste de Kalistan: trouver les barrières du succès et au lieu de les frapper directement et essayer d'avoir Un débat avec un parti qui ne manifeste aucun intérêt à changer de position, vous serez simplement en train de saper leur pouvoir législatif et de faire bouillonner ces blocs. Nous avons présenté une offre à l'autre principal parti d'opposition, le PD-S, Pour voir s'ils seraient intéressés à former un nouveau centre majoritaire à gauche et enfin à promouvoir la réforme à Lourenne, dans le but d'assouplir certaines des positions législatives les plus onéreuses de l'PSU au cours des quatre prochaines années. Nous serons heureux de travailler ensemble avec les deux autres parties, puis de faire avancer un programme vraiment pacifiste qui est en accord avec nos efforts à Lourenne au cours des vingt dernières années maintenant que l'PSU ne monopolise plus le pouvoir politique ".


The results are in and the winner of the election is Louise Bjorksdattir, the Kalistani former Prime Minister who moved to Lourenne eight years ago to lend her considerable political experience to the struggling PdFL. Sources close to Bjorksdattir said that the results of the election are due largely to the Bjorksdattir-authored bill known as the "Brethrenist Positions Act", which saw the PdFL temporarily abandoning long held, but ultimately unpopular positions on size of government, regulation, ecology, and militarism.

"She took direct aim at the PSU," said observer Jean-Phillipe Strauss. "Bjorksdattir's goal was to crack the PSU monopoly on those positions, which they have been conservatively guarding for two decades, while letting other Parties swing in the breeze, and feeling no pressure whatsoever to include any other Parties in the Government of Lourenne. Bjorksdattir and Boulonge clearly bet that if they could force the PSU to vote against those cherished positions which have given them super majorities for the last 8 years, voters would see this, and would not vote enmasse for the PSU but would spread their votes around a little more."

"GOTV was also another goal of the Bjorksdattir strategy," said another source, Michelle LePierre. "She figured that as long as 27% of the population was voting, the PSU would win every single election, and the PdFL would be relegated to 23 seats and absolutely no voice for the foreseeable future. The PSU's olive branch to the PdFL was shown in their last editorial: They suggested that the PdFL abandon their commitment to peace and liberty and get on board with the PSU's revolution which includes militarized police, nuclear weapons and regular militaries. Bjorksdattir therefore did precisely that, though I would not say that the PdFL have abandoned their commitment to their original positions: Bjorksdattir deliberately crafted a bill which could not possibly pass."

PdFL Chairwoman Jeannette Boulonge was more congratulatory of her co-religionist. "Sister Bjorksdattir and other PdFL Deputies in the Council employed what she called the 'Kalistani' strategy, which was the key to the old Socialist Party of Kalistan's success: find the roadblocks to success and instead of hitting them head-on and trying to have a debate with a Party who showed no interest in changing their position, you simply undermine their legislative power and cause those blocs to crumble. We have held out an offer to the other main opposition Party, the PDS, who were the primary beneficiaries of our action, to see if they would be interested in forming a new center left majority and finally promote reform in Lourenne, with the aim of softening some of the more onerous legislative positions of the PSU over the next four years. We first and foremost want to end the hateful curfew. We will be happy to work together with both of the other Parties then on moving a truly pacifist agenda which is in accord with our efforts in Lourenne over the past twenty years now that the PSU no longer monopolizes political power."
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
Gaduri Brethrenist Movement (MHdG), 4481-4485
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Re: Lourenne Quotidien

Postby Doc » Sat Dec 17, 2016 8:43 pm

Boulogne est élu secrétaire général
Fondateur de le Parti des Freres Lourenne cherche l'unité

Thiers-Noel, Louives
30 Novembre, 4136

Chef du Parti Brethreniste, Jeanette Boulonge, est d'abord Chef d'État Brethreniste dans l'Histoire de Lourenne

Jeanette Boulonge a été élue au poste de secrétaire général de Lourenne avec l'aide du parti de l'Unité Populaire, brisant une longue série de victoires de plusieurs décennies détenue par LO. Au cours des dernières années, PdFL a fait des votes pour assurer une plus grande équité entre toutes les Parties, afin de s'assurer qu'aucune Partie ne dispose d'un mandat solide pour gouverner seul. Dans son premier discours post-électoral, Boulonge a déclaré: "Nous voulons faire en sorte que toutes les parties aient voix au chapitre dans le gouvernement, et aucun parti ni idéologie n'a le seul monopole sur ce qui est bon pour le pays. Alors que le LO apporte beaucoup d'expérience dans le gouvernement à la table, nous pensons que le PdFL et le PUP ont aussi quelque chose à ajouter à la conversation nationale et nous voulons nous assurer que chacun a sa place à la table."

La Lieutenant de Boulonge, Louise Bjorksdattir, qui va maintenant occuper le poste de Shadow Premier, a déclaré que le but du Parti au cours des trois prochaines années est de promouvoir la paix dans la nation, de garantir les libertés civiles et de promouvoir seulement des gouvernements modérés Participation à l'économie. "Nous voulons nous concentrer sur les réformes modérées qui vont inclure la liberté pour tous. Même si nous avons été appelés naïfs pour notre promotion de la liberté pour le peuple, les Frères pensent qu'un appareil d'État oppressif est contraire aux exigences d'une société libre Nous serons heureux de travailler avec nos partenaires gouvernementaux pour faire en sorte que tous les intérêts de chacun soient satisfaits, mais l'objectif global est la paix et la liberté. Ce sont plus importants, selon les Frères, que le contrôle par l'État de l'économie ou de la domination étatique des appareils de société civile."

Les Frères sont largement censés appuyer le projet de loi parrainé par la PuP pour mettre fin à l'utilisation des armes de la NBC, puis proposeront une réduction du rôle et de la taille de l'armée permanente. Ils réduiront également les pouvoirs de police à Lourenne.


With an important second round assist by the Popular Unity Party, Jeanette Boulonge was elected to the office of Secretary General of Lourenne, breaking a decade's long winning streak held by LO. Over the last several years, PdFL has been casting votes to ensure more equity among all Parties, for the purposes of ensuring that no one Party has a strong mandate to govern alone. Said Boulonge, in her first post-election speech, "We seek to ensure that all Parties have a voice in Government. No one Party or ideology has the sole monopoly on what is good for the country. While the LO brings a lot of experience in government to the table, we feel that both the PdFL and the PUP also have something to add to the national conversation, and we want to ensure that everyone has a place at the table."

Boulonge's Lieutennant, Louise Bjorksdattir, who will now move into the role of Shadow Premier, has stated that the goal of the Party in the next three years is to promote peace in the nation, as well as ensure civil liberties and to promote only moderate government involvement in the economy. "We wish to focus on moderate reforms going forward, which will include freedom for all people. While we have been called naive for our promotion of freedom for the people, the Brethren think an oppressive state apparatus is contrary to the requirements of a free society. We will be happy to work with our governing Partners to ensure that everyone's interests are met, but the overarching goal is Peace and Liberty. These are more important, the Brethren believe, than State control over the economy or state domination of the apparatuses of civil society."

The Brethren are widely expected to support the PuP-sponsored bill to end the use of NBC weaponry, and then will propose a reduction in the role and size of the standing military. They will also reduce the powers of police force in Lourenne.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
Gaduri Brethrenist Movement (MHdG), 4481-4485
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Re: Lourenne Quotidien

Postby Doc » Wed Dec 21, 2016 5:26 am

Government completes long overdue survey of Armed Forces
"Woefully inadequate" declares Boulonge

Theirs-Noel, Louives
June 17 4138

The long awaited Armed Forces Survey has been completed. The Executive summary shows a military unprepared for long term conflict, with very antiquated command and control structures, general disorganization, out of date weapons systems, lack of discipline and low morale among the troops.

Secretary General Boulonge called the state of the armed forces of Lourenne "woefully inadequate." While noting that Brethrenism is a religion of peace, Boulonge added, "Lourenne has the right to expect that we will be able to mount an effective defense of the nation and the Revolution should we ever need to. There is not a member of the Society who would disagree with that point. As it is now, Lourenne possesses a military which would render that impossible. Lourenne would be easily conquered in a matter of days if faced with invasion by a determined foe." The Secretary called her assessment "fact-based" and "realistic", but several sectors of Lourenne expressed immediate dismay at the comments.

Industrialist Jean-Pierre Rousseau, of Carolleux Collectif, said "The Secretary General denigrated our proud armed forces today. She clearly has an agenda to dismantle the military entirely. The true patriots of Lourenne shouldn't stand for this talking down our military." His voice was added to a petition signed by 1500 other "true patriots" and sent to the Capital.

The Secretary brushed aside these criticisms. "We will be asking the National Council to modernize and reorganize the military, from the Platoon level up. Overall, the goal will be to standardize military practice across the entire country. The military must adopt some degree of professionalism, in that there should be a regular structure of ranks throughout the entire nation, a regular schedule for promotion, and a uniform code of justice. We need to acquire modern small arms, as well as crew served weapons and better indirect fire weapons. Our air power will focus on mobility and close air support. And most importantly, I would like to institute a citizen militia force. Every citizen will be required to participate in drills for the defense of the country while we build our force. These drills will focus specifically on localized organization. Citizens of all towns will know where the most defensible and strategically important points are in their city and in their collectives. And citizens will be trained specifically in defensive technique- we should not train our citizens to attack others."

The executive summary of the Armed Forces review has been released to the General Public, and may be read in full here.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
Gaduri Brethrenist Movement (MHdG), 4481-4485
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Re: Lourenne Quotidien

Postby theoriginaltrotka » Thu Mar 02, 2017 5:47 pm

Parti Socialiste Steamrolls Trade Deal With Istalia
"we cannot vote for this deal when there is an impending crackdown on the rights of working people" Arceneaux said
Theirs-Noel, Louives
January 3rd 4174

Above: Pierre-Paul Arceneaux, the Chairman of Parti Socialiste, and Conseileur from Outtanais, criticizing the Reformists policy as an excuse to prevent trade deal

The new social-democratic party in Lourenne, Parti Socialiste, which arose as moderate opposition to the conservative reformists, liberals, and populists made waves at the end of the year through a forceful and condemning refusal to vote for Ratification of the Treaty of Friendship and Trade & Economical Cooperation between the Repubblica Istaliana and the République Lourennais. The treaty itself is somewhat benign, but heated instigations from Parti Reformiste, as well as a refusal of the Liberals to enter coalition with the Socialists has led the party to seemingly implement 'scorched earth' tactics.

The deal would have created freer trade between Istalia and Lourenne, and was a major ambition of the government Reformist Party. However, with a two thirds majority needed for its passage, Pierre-Paul Arceneaux, PS's Chairman and Conseil National Leader, gave an impassioned but short speech explaining why his party would not cooperate in the passage of the trade deal. During discussions, Istalian Ambassador Dhuib Al-Jakan (present in order to take questions and participate in discussion) said "Talking in behalf of my Government, my current Government, I shall say that I understand the position of the Parti Socialiste" regarding the party's refusal to vote on the deal based on the Lourennian government's attempts to take away collective bargaining and sympathy strike rights. Some analysts have determined that the scene caused by Arceneaux on the floor of the Conseil has soured, or at least muddied, the viability of participating in deals with the conservative government in the eyes of Istalian officials.

However, members of the Parti Reformiste government attempted to save the situation in the final hours of discussion. Reformist leaders claimed that there was a "strong safety net" in Lourenne, a statement that was met with almost trained laughter by members of the Parti Socialiste opposition. A smaller conservative party, the populists, attacked the socialists more forcefully early in the debate. However, the ratification failed, as 2/3 consensus was not reached.
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Re: Lourenne Quotidien

Postby theoriginaltrotka » Fri Mar 03, 2017 3:02 pm

Unions Nearly Universally Support Parti Socialiste, Polls Show
"They are the Party of the working class"
October 4th 4174

Above: Union members participating in a march against market reforms and attacks on worker rights
According to a Lourenne Quotidien poll released today 85% of unionized workers in Lourenne support Parti Socialiste in its organizing campaigns and political campaigns. Many labor economists and other experts theorize that this is due to the 'assaults' of Parti Reformiste and its allies upon the unions. Experts also credit Parti Socialiste's efforts to restore union rights and nationalization of certain industries amongst this success.
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Re: Lourenne Quotidien

Postby theoriginaltrotka » Wed Mar 08, 2017 1:50 pm

Parti Socialiste Wins Election, Forms Government
Pierre-Paul Arceneaux elected Grande Minister Plénipotentiare
March 2 4176
Above: supporters of Parti Socialiste celebrate election victory
Parti Socialiste won elections to the Council of Ministrrs, winning 38% of the populace's support. Additionally, the socialists formed a cabinet with the populists
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Re: Lourenne Quotidien

Postby Pragma » Sat May 06, 2017 8:05 pm

A New Party In Lourenne


A new party has emerged in Lourenne, saying it plans to be a solution to the economic crises, the social turbulence and other uproars across the globe. The Fascist Party of Lourenne may not succeed in the next election, as it will have time to vote on just one bill, but it may in future be a major force on the far-right. Party leader, Estelle LaBelle is a radio host, and has been openly critical of national politics. The party claims to be extreme-right on social issues, but slightly less authoritarian when it comes to the economy, wanting to limit the power of unions and companies alike.
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Re: Lourenne Quotidien

Postby toro42 » Sat May 20, 2017 1:29 pm


Studio being prepared as postal vote concludes tonight; tallied finalists will be announced within the day

WACKER STREET - Just outside the nation's largest auditorium, Wacker Street continues to hum. The Wacker Theatre is preparing to host the first Mélodie-Festival, hailed by its producers as "a grand display of talent in song". Everything from chunks of a scoreboard to decorative handrails can be seen being hauled in, as potential contestants practice their entries. I managed to get inside the magnificent box of the Auditorium to snap a few shots of the soon-to-be studio.Image
Lola-Elizabeth Mitchell tuning up her voice on set.
Scoreboard being tested.
Chloe Haraway singing, with the orchestra accompanying her.
Presenter Grace Schneider posing for a photoshoot.
The final will be broadcast at a to-be-announced date and time on radio and television, and the contest has contracts with all major stations.✽

Lourennian Market Average 9122.62 ↑22.32 (↑0.24%)
Panhandle Standard 3013.93 ↓31.85 (↓1.06%)
Prudential Standard 929.00 ↑9.01 (↑0.97%)
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Re: Lourenne Quotidien

Postby toro42 » Sun May 21, 2017 2:56 am

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Re: Lourenne Quotidien

Postby toro42 » Mon May 22, 2017 4:00 am

Voting out tomorrow morning.

NOTE: Do NOT try to skip through slides during the linked presentation. It will mess everything up.
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