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Postby Gracious » Tue Dec 15, 2009 3:28 am

All parties of Mordusia are welcome to add content to this newspaper. Please keep in mind, that the date of publication begins at 2846 onward.

Conservative Party Defeats Luthori Loyalists

The Conservative Party of Mordusia defeated the Luthori Loyalists League in a landslide victory in the election of 2846. The right-wing party appealed to more traditional voters who supported a Republic over the Luthori Monarchy of William IV. The Conservative Party achieved 64 seats or 85% of the vote, the Luthori Loyalist League only received 11 seats or 15% of the vote. Newly formed political party, the Gracious Party won a few hundred thousand votes but gained no seats. Gracious Party leader, Grace Soekirno promised supporters a more successful election in 285

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The Mordus Daily

Postby Luxis » Sun Dec 27, 2009 1:44 pm

Serving Mordusia since 2869

Parties begin efforts to establish records

The two new major political movements in the Imperial Dominion of Mordusia, the Ceasarion League and Alliance Res Publica, formerly the Imperial People's Party, have set forth a series of proposals before the Imperial Diet for consideration. With the next elections still three years off, these basic moves may change greatly.

The Ceasarion League, which maintains membership in the ILGRA and the Separation of Church and State Alliance, has proposed a complete overhaul of the nation's civil liberties. Current policy in the Empire has been, of course, to divide the noble line of Mordus from the rest of the populace in terms of facilities; however, this may end under the Ceasarion League's proposed Bill.

Alliance Res Publica, which underwent a name change following a leadership vote resulting in the success of William Tvarivich achieving the position of Candidate for Prime Minister, has proposed several economy reforms and religious-oriented Bills seeking numerous alterations in the nation.
Last edited by Luxis on Tue Jan 05, 2010 3:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Mordus Daily

Postby Luxis » Wed Dec 30, 2009 6:28 pm

ARP Press Conference
William Tvarivich, Alliance Res Publica's Candidate for Prime Minister, held a press conference today, blasting the Ceasarion League and called for a renewing of the current alliance with Luthori. Though Mr. Tvarivich seemed to distance himself from the Luthori Empire, he did say that "Mordusia's interests do lie uniquely with our ties to Luthori. Let us make no doubts about this thing: Mordusia is stronger for its alliance with Luthori."

As well, William Tvarivich spoke on the promises of his party to the electorate.

"Unlike our newly absent friends in the Ceasarion League, Alliance Res Publica pledges to be a party of the people, serving to strengthen our education system, ensuring a free market, and, most importantly, cultivating a society that worships God Almighty. There is no place for any system of government that cannot yield itself to the teachings of Christ the Messiah. We seek a better society for all, based on the will of the people, subservient to God the Father. May God Bless the Emperor, May God Bless Mordusia!"

Alliance Res Publica introduced their Party's Manifesto pledges to Imperial Diet today, pledging an array of reforms aimed at privatization of the economy and key judicial reforms that centralize power and provide new access to due process.
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Re: The Mordus Daily

Postby Luxis » Thu Dec 31, 2009 5:29 am

Dissenting in the Ranks?

As Alliance Res Publica's "Victory in Talasor" conference started, there appeared to be vigorous movement and dissent among the party's newest faction, Res Publica. Hildegard Rosenburg, whose grandparents were forced into exile following the establishment of the monarchy, has been a leading voice for reform in recent years. As leader of Res Publica, she has been very efficient at guiding shifts in party policy.

ARP has introduced several meaningful judicial reforms, but hardliners in the Res Publica faction are urging the party to change its stance. Popular ARP leader William Tvarivich is seen by key party leaders as the path back to a Republic for Mordusia. Tvarivich, however, has consistently spoken in favor of the Emperor's continued rule.

The latest uproar, apparently, has come at the suggestion of certain party members accepting titles of nobility over regions within the country. While the Capitalist Imperium continues to take a neutral stance on the Luthori issue, it is clear that party leader William Tvarivich has his work cut out for him to halt the internal strife caused by Res Publica's populist tone and message.

Ms. Rosenburg's only comment on the situation was the following:
"Alliance Res Publica is a united party, and we will work together, as long as all voices get heard. Politics is about representing the people. My faction's duty is to ensure that every move we make is about representing our constituents and no one else."

Candidate for Prime Minister William Tvarivich attempted to sidestep the issue by declaring that "Alliance Res Publica's policy remains unchanged. We support the alliance with Luthori. Our party remains resolved of this fact. I appreciate that some members do not share this view, but, regardless of faction, we are committed to working together to get to the busy work of governing this nation."
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Re: The Mordus Daily

Postby Luxis » Mon Jan 04, 2010 5:58 am

The Imperial Diet and Faith: Should there be a separation?

Mordusia's two fledgling political movements, the Ceasarion League and Alliance Res Publica, have been engaged in recent months over a shocking proposal aimed at reforming the nation's religious system. The Ceasarion League's proposal titled 'Separation of Church and State' seeks to break the vast majority of ties the state currently maintains with the Church, including the payment of several key offices and the abolishment of the state's governing faith, the Holy Church of Mordusia.

In a particularly caustic debate between the parties, Alliance Res Publica accused the bill of moving Mordusia towards "a sea of greed and destruction." While also making overtures that the proposal was evil, the Ceasarion League has countered that they simply seek to maintain a viewpoint that every man's faith is his own. As the League put it "government is [h]ere to serve man, and man chooses to believe in any religion."

Faith has always been a pressure point in Mordusian politics. Recent polling indicates a majority of Mordusians favor some form of establishment of faith from the government; however, the dissent to these measures is very strong and not to be ignored, as the current debate holds.

While no official comment has come from the Emperor, Henry II, observers expect this to be a challenge at the monarchy maintaining its legitimacy in the eyes of the people. With the Ceasarion League remaining oddly quiet on the overall issue of the Head of State, and rumblings within Alliance Res Publica, it will be up to his majesty to quiet these fears through due diligence. It should be noted that the Ceasarion League did propose measures recently that would have stripped the Emperor from appointed local mayors and other leaders, instead yielding those to local elections. This is seen as a key power of the Emperor, for it enables him to have representatives of the Crown locally, throughout the nation.
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Re: The Mordus Daily

Postby Luxis » Mon Jan 04, 2010 8:14 pm

William Tvarivich, ARP begin 'Freedom and Faith' Tour

July 2873
Icythe Harbor, Adubura

William Tvarivich addresses gathering

With the elections for the Imperial Diet less than a year away, Alliance Res Publica has launched its 'Freedom and Faith' tour as its initial campaign pitch to the voters. William Tvarivich, the President of the Party and presumed candidate for Prime Minister, has led the tour through a series of church-style rallies. In the highly religious region of Adubura, the ARP's message of continued religious dominance will resonant well, or so hope William Tvarivich and company.

Following a lengthy period of music and worship by those in attendance, William Tvarivich began his pitch to the voters in Icythe Harbor, decrying the Ceasarion League as a "party that is being used by powers beyond their control to destroy Mordusia." After quoting several Biblical passages concerning Israel's allegiance to God, Mr. Tvarivich yielded the podium to a variety of speakers who were important in kicking off this event.

With the Imperial Diet currently empty following a crisis of resignations following the death of Emperor William Sayon-Mordus I, political observers expect the coming race to shape Mordusia for the foreseeable future. Elections occur every six years, unless the Diet uses its ability to call for early elections.

Among the speakers was controversial Cardinal Martin Streitem, who called for a "holy inquisition" against the "lost, corrupt regimes across the globe" in 2865. He has not repeated that statement, nor has he recanted it. He has been known to speak about the role of the Church over the state, and the Icythe Harbor rally was no different. Promising an aggressive overhaul of the nation's tax system and budget, Cardinal Streitem of the Holy Coptic Church urged the ARP's supporters to "oppose those who would take God's money and use it for their own greedy evil."

Alliance Res Publica's estimates for the attendance at their event were around 35,000. The party plans to tour all the major cities of Adubura well into October. The Ceasarion League's campaign schedule and events will be covered as they are made available.
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Re: The Mordus Daily

Postby Luxis » Tue Jan 05, 2010 3:30 am

'Res Publica Pledge' starts in Rechtenburg

October 2873
Hildegard Rosenburg answering questions at a panel event

Continuing part of Alliance Res Publica's multi-faceted campaign strategy, the 'Res Publica Pledge' tour began earlier today in Rechtenburg, Talasor - the capital city of the Imperial Dominion. Speaking on behalf of the populist arm of the ARP, Ms. Rosenburg continued to make a strong case for ARP as the "People's Party." Grumblings earlier this year about the continuing support of the Emperor as Head of State and the alliance with Luthori and Alduria had led some party members and those within the populist movement to have concerns over whether the ARP was actually going to achieve results. Ms. Rosenburg very clearly is aware of these concerns in her speeches.

As Ms. Rosenburg told the crowd in Rechtenburg, "we are a party united by the people. There can be no true legitimate government without the consent of the governed. You, the people, are this party. You, the people, are this country. Too long have we, the humbled, oppressed masses, been without our basic rights! Trust me when I say that when you vote for Alliance Res Publica, you are voting for your interests - not those of the status quo." She proceeded to outline the aggressive agenda that ARP has of expanding rights to due process and the right to vote.

What remains to be seen is if these guarantees will be enough to quell those who have opposed Imperial rule since its inception. While the reign of Empress Grace I achieved the greatest level of unity within the Imperial Dominion, no Emperor since has been able to duly inspire the people. With the absence of the Luthori Loyalist League in Mordusian politics, the crown is more vulnerable than at any time in History. And His Grace, the Emperor Henry Sayon-Mordus II has remained relatively silent on the issue at hand.

The internal situation within Alliance Res Publica has seemingly settled down as the party unites to campaign at its optimum for the upcoming elections. Sources within the party have said that leader Peter Vinecci of the Capitalistic Imperium has acted as the powerbroker to unite the Christian Alliance and Res Publica for the difficult road ahead. Ms. Rosenburg's comments, as aggressive as they may appear, seem to toe the party line, for now. William Tvarivich's statements in a separate event today seem to mirror, at least to some extent, the same campaign promises. While Mr. Tvarivich lacks the same tone, the intent is clear: there will be a weakening of the monarchy under ARP governance.
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Re: The Mordus Daily

Postby Luxis » Tue Jan 05, 2010 5:40 am

Mordus Daily's Exclusive Interview with William Tvarivich


The Mordus Daily recently got the opportunity to sit down and discuss politics with one of Mordusia's "rising stars" of politics, Alliance Res Publica President William Tvarivich.

MD: Mr. Tvarivich, thank you for agreeing to do this interview. We know you have a busy campaign schedule planned.

WT: Indeed we do. The ARP will be hitting every town and city in Mordusia. Our message, we believe, will resonate with all people, in all corners.

MD: Some observers have noted the apparent invisibility of Peter Vinecci on the campaign trail, does this reflect some internal strife?

WT: Not at all. Peter's been plenty busy with our campaign strategy sessions. He is an integral part of the Party and you'll be seeing him on the trail with us as the elections draw closer. The Party wouldn't even be here today without Peter Vinecci's vision.

MD: What about the views of the Capitalistic Imperium? Is this not a calculated maneuver, considering that many within the CI are not as populist as some within your party would like?

WT: Alliance Res Publica is a free-market party, and we make no qualms about it. From Cardinal Streitem to Ms Rosenburg, our party is unyielding in its belief in an innovative, open economy. The CI is part of our party, and there's no better place for them to be, really.

MD: I'd like to talk a little bit more about your Party's campaign events across the nation. In July, your Party kicked off what it called a 'Faith and Freedom' tour in Adubura, we covered your opening event.

WT: Indeed so. I remember very clearly the crowds in Icythe Harbor. We've seen that general success replicated over and over throughout Adubura and elsewhere.

MD: What of Cardinal Streitem, who you mentioned earlier. Do you believe that he is an appropriate figure to be serving so high-ranking in the Party? Do you agree with his calls for a holy crusade against all non-Christian states?

WT: (chuckles) Listen, the Cardinal is a devout, competent man. I'd like to see any person, candidate or not, who has half the experience he has. He's been a personal guide for my own faith, and I am glad to have him with us. I'd never want to run in a race against him.

MD: What of his previous calls for a crusade? Does he still hold these views?

WT: Have you heard him speak of any such thing? Alliance Res Publica is running a campaign about the people, about Mordusians. We are not concerned with needless wars at this time. I hardly think it fair to judge a man on one out of context statement from nearly two decades ago.

MD: The concern remains still. Moving on, the Res Publica Pledge has begun in earnest in Rechtenburg as well. This is your populist arm, but what would you say to those who say your party is simply not doing enough for the average Mordusian?

WT: Here's what my party promises every Mordusian. The right to a fair trial and to hear that trial on appeal. The right to a fair, modernized tax code that doesn't unfairly burden the hardest workers in our country. The right to, regardless of race, title, or economic status, vote in all elections and run for public office.

MD: Does that pledge include the abolishment of the monarchy?

WT: May God save His Majesty. I will never as Prime Minister seek for the abolishment of the monarchy. While it is far from a perfect institution, it has provided Mordusians with a sense of stability and belonging in times we've needed it most.

MD: Do you think Ms. Rosenburg would give the same answer?

WT: As Party President, I speak on behalf of all leaders in Alliance Res Publica. ARP supports the monarchy, end of story.

MD: Does this mean that you will officially be Prime Minister if your party gains the appropriate number of seats in the Diet?

WT: Alliance Res Publica will not support a Cabinet Coalition following the next elections that does not, at minimum, include the seats of Prime Minister, Minister of Finance, and Minister of Foreign Affairs. And, yes, I would become Prime Minister with the support of my party.

MD: I know your Party is confident, but, let's assume you do not get a majority in the Imperial Diet following these elections, what would your future prospects be like in the party?

WT: Firstly, Alliance Res Publica will get at least 42 seats, if not more, in this upcoming election, so that question is moot. However, I believe, if we do lose, we will have to go back, as a party, to search for the causes why and re-adjust as necessary.

MD: It was good speaking with you, Mr. Tvarivich. Keep safe on the trail.

WT: Thank you, God Bless.
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Re: The Mordus Daily

Postby Luxis » Tue Jan 05, 2010 6:22 pm

Land Owners to Vote?

Hildegard Rosenburg with Real Estate Associates

The current Constitution of the Imperial Dominion of Mordusia extends the right to vote only to landowners within the nation. Alliance Res Publica has adopted a policy that favors broadening suffrage to all adults within the nation; however, this does little to help them with the current voting base.

Then steps forward Hildegard Rosenburg, Vice Chairwoman of Alliance Res Publica, who worked as a Real Estate Agent prior to entering politics. Using her network of contacts, she has been fighting with the nobility as an incessant advocate for getting people into homes throughout the nation. As she put it, "no one here is a serf. We hope to have put over 17 million in homes that they own by election day, and we will continue this effort far past that time. Some things are just more important than politics."

Some critics have decried the efforts as vote buying, and rumors abound of a possible legal investigation into ARP's Homes for the People program. Regardless, at this point the ARP is continuing its efforts, which many observers believe will be a huge payoff on election day.
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Re: The Mordus Daily

Postby Luxis » Tue Jan 05, 2010 11:14 pm

Viceroy of the Imperial Dominion?

Leaders in the Imperial Diet

Alliance Res Publica Chairman William Tvarivich today introduced a Bill that would allow for Mordusians to elect a Viceroy to serve as their Head of State. The Viceroy would serve with the consent as well of Emperor Henry Sayon-Mordus I, who is also the current Head of State in Alduria and Luthori. This effort is seen as a step to appease those within ARP who have been calling for the abolition of the monarchy and the nobility within the Imperial Dominion.

Party Chairman Tvarivich re-iterated his previous claims that his party is not seeking the removal of the monarchy. Rather, he said "this Bill seeks to find a strong balance between the people's voice and a needed stability for Mordusia. We respect His Majesty Emperor Henry, and we wish him a long and healthy reign." Mr. Tvarivich and allies have argued that the Viceroy seeks to assist the Emperor in the busy activities that he may not be able to give the proper attention to with his schedule.

Indeed, Vice Chairwoman of ARP Hildegard Rosenburg said that the Bill is "as much for benefit of the Emperor as it is for everyone else." Ms. Rosenburg, who leads the Res Publica branch of ARP, has been a controversial figure as of late in her wavering support for the monarchy. Several leading members of Res Publica have various histories of supporting previous underground attempts at revolution to establish a federal republic.
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