
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.


Postby GreekIdiot » Thu Jun 03, 2010 7:01 pm

Reserved for news from Likatonia. Founded in June 2948.
List of individual newspapers that form the LNH:

- Lyudi Novosti (People's News)

- Politicheskie Kompas (Political Compass)

- Pravye Assotsiirovannyh (Right Wing Associate)

- Mezhdunarodnyĭ Tribune (International Tribune)
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Re: Likatonian Nadezhnyĭ Herald - LNH

Postby GreekIdiot » Thu Jun 03, 2010 8:41 pm

L N H | L Y U D I . N O V O S T I
INTERNAL AFFAIRS: POLITICS ~ New regime established; a new era arrives for Likatonia!
June 2948

The vacant space of the Likatonian arena was suddenly filled by a new coalition that almost immediately took power and presided over current affairs. The VDR, Verhovnyĭ Diktatorskogo Rezhima, stands for a bright future for Likatonia, effectively passing constitutional amendments and winning the hearts of the people. Led by the omnipotent Dzhon Sábya, former Likatonian General, the new regime will be based on a strict police basis. A new dictatorship that will benefit the people of Likatonia has been established!

Expect soon the release of Mr. Sábya's interview.
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Re: Likatonian Nadezhnyĭ Herald - LNH

Postby GreekIdiot » Mon Jun 07, 2010 4:15 am

L N H | L Y U D I . N O V O S T I

~ New government formed, VDR takes drastic actions
February 2950 ~

Earlier today the leader of the Supreme Dictatorial Regime, Mr. Sábya, announced the formation of a new Likatonian government that will be consisted of prominent and high ranked members of the VDR. Most notably, candidate for the DM is Putána Lavrikos, a most rigid gentleman who served multiple years as Likatonian General for the army. "We expect that this new government will be able to enforce even more drastic measures, for the benefit of the Likatonian citizens", stated VDR's spokesperson outside the party's headquarters in Lokharest. It was of course a reference to the upcoming general reforms in economy and its sub sectors, health and education.

In response to many national and international whispers of Likatonia being silent for quite a well for reasons such as weakness, fear of confrontation and insignificant others, the new government of Likatonia will be soon posting a constitutional document to the legislative assembly. More specifically, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, after proposing several changes in policy, will be refusing to host a Selucian embassy on national grounds, and will be requiring that Selucian ambassadors abandon the borders as soon as possible. This announcement was purposefully given by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs a few days ago. Political analysts blame this movement mainly on Selucian's failure to maintain peace and order throughout Terra, thus causing unnecessary war against apparently weaker sides. The office of the HoG will be soon making announcements.

Source: ... lid=293357

In other news, Mr. Sábya has been abroad for this month, in attempt to stabilize relations between certain nations.
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Re: Likatonian Nadezhnyĭ Herald - LNH

Postby GreekIdiot » Mon Jun 07, 2010 4:39 am

L N H | L Y U D I . N O V O S T I

~ New military reforms announced,
February 2950 ~

Reforms and restructuring will be witnessed by the Likatonian army and navy, as the DM earlier announced. "This is a measure to address the current international ongoings and to protect Likatonian integrity from greedy, power hungry entities around the globe", VDR spokesperson stated. As apparent in the transformations, pending of course the upcoming taxation and budget proposals, the Defense Ministry will cut great parts of the Likatonian ground armies and will place vast amounts of money to developing coastal protection, by water and air, as well as making amendments to the naval fleet, by buying further ships and making military reforms in ranks and divisions, as well as positions, all of which is disclosed information. Political analysts speculate that the purchase of hardware and equipment will be done by trading with ally nations. Nevertheless, the DM has not excluded working with private firms for the completion of the Likatonian government's objectives with regards to the military reforms.

Meanwhile, nuclear testing was marked as successful, after the general doubts of the ability of Likatonian nuclear missiles and bombs to operate. Furthermore, the National Air-Force will be subjected to changes as well, and may or may not receive the same attention as the national navy.
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Re: Likatonian Nadezhnyĭ Herald - LNH

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun Jun 20, 2010 2:50 am

L N H | L Y U D I . N O V O S T I

Riots in the capitol, a truly damaging event

~ Internal war between anarchists and reformists,
August 2956 ~

Throughout these entire six years of quiet existence, the government of Likatonia faced nothing else but internal chaos in the nation and the immediate need to restore order. The numbers can speak by themselves. Only 20,000 dead alone the last two years, and those are only the corpses that were counted by the official authorities. No one is able to determine the loss and damage the anarchists and communist groups have suffered so far. "It's a chaotic, persistent, never ending battle", stated a shopkeeper in downtown St. Vodinsburg, "and we've quite lost track of what the sides are fighting for after almost six years of chaos." The People's dictatorship has released no comment since the LNH's reopening, after its offices burned down 3 years ago. Likatonia has been virtually left in the dark until last week.


This picture is something we managed to obtain with great difficulty, depicting the increasingly aggressive measures the Likatonian government has been undertaking in the past few months, in order to eradicate the rebel groups and restore stability once again. We have no details over the battles currently being held throughout Likatonia, and that by itself is a fact as to the level of chaos that has been dominating the lands since the VDR's rise to immediate and absolute power. The regime however, seems truly stable, and the citizens of Likatonia look to the face of Bessmertnyĭ (HoS) Dzhon Sábya for hope.
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Re: Likatonian Nadezhnyĭ Herald - LNH

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun Jun 20, 2010 3:06 am

L N H | L Y U D I . N O V O S T I

Dzhon Sábya

~ VDR calls for help from Lodamun's newly elected President,
August 2956 ~

The latest of events throughout the country, with massive explosions deteriorating already unstable areas in the rural premises and rioting escalating on multiple levels with anarchist groups burning and destroying without discrimination, the government of Likatonia was somehow forced to make a press release, where it's clearly stated that Mr. Sábya is calling for military aid from Nero Augustus, the newly elected President of neighboring Lodamun. The following is an extract:

"We have been patient for the past six years, issuing a hold after hold for an eventual meeting between the VDR's administrative rankings and the leading Lodamun party's. But unfortunately, the postpone note lasted for too much, and any potential chances of meeting were cast aside by the increasing rage of single minded people in Likatonia. These handful of so called patriots know the drill all too well; how to destroy and burn without getting caught, all in the name of freedom. Although we do congratulate Nero Augustus for his election, we fear this press release is going to be regarded as a plead for assistance, whereas it actually represents the call for help from a seriously wounded friend. It's been quite a long run for our government, and at these dangerous and dark hours we seek for help from Lodamun. Granted of course we are recognized as an entity. But peace is the ultimate objective we seek as a regime, and through that cooperation for grand dreams can begin without silly interference."

The whole scope of Likatonia is currently awaiting for the Lodamun response.
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Re: Likatonian Nadezhnyĭ Herald - LNH

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun Jun 20, 2010 3:22 am

L N H | L Y U D I . N O V O S T I

City evacuation will be followed by total military interference

~ Evacuation of St. Vodinsburg began,
August 2956 ~

Earlier this morning, the evacuation of St. Vodinsburg, the nation's capitol, was declared, as the government announced in short notice that it shall be proceeding to drastic measures to combat the increasing wave of rioting and chaos. All capitol citizens have been ordered by local martial law to abandon their homes and report to city borders with all the money they could save and minimum belongings at hand for an invasive security check. "The intensive border control has been arranged to screen out the troublemakers and as proven so far, apprehend them before they make a run for it without paying to justice", was the comment of VDR spokesperson at VDR's press conference this morning. The Internal Affairs Ministry and the Defense Ministry's coordinated efforts have so far led to 128 arrests of anarchists, rebels and members of outlawed communist groups, who by chance attempted to pass border control and evacuate the city as well.

Meanwhile, more and more military presence has been reported around the city, with scheduled air force check ups over the city's premises. All legal citizens will have been escorted out of the city's area until the early days of September, while all government official and civil servants have already been led out of St. Vodinsburg. The Defense Ministry will be ordering a complete military swoop where the necessity to kill if needed will be authorized without discrimination.

In other news, swooping reforms will be introduced to the relocated legislative assembly in due course, probably within the upcoming year, VDR administration announced.
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Re: Likatonian Nadezhnyĭ Herald - LNH

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun Jun 20, 2010 3:45 am

L N H | L Y U D I . N O V O S T I

Downtown St. Vodinsburg on fire after
massive building explosions

~ Military infiltration ordered; first signs of battles,
September 2956 ~

Yesterday night came the first report from the battlegrounds of St. Vodinsburg. Two days have passed since the commencement of the operation and, although the media has not been allowed to enter within the city's borders, the signs of battle and destruction are evident. The Defense Ministry spoke of a full military infiltration, giving all military groups and therefore to every soldier in there the right to shoot to kill without discrimination, if such necessity arises of course. "We believe in these strong measures as it's the only way to finally restore order", VDR spokesperson stated this morning, "and we've been piled up in bureaucratic nonsense for far too long". There have been vague reports of two soldiers already having lost their lives during the massive explosion that shook the ground yesterday night, but these remain unconfirmed to this hour.

Meanwhile, the Defense Ministry seems too short on military personnel and is eager to receive a response from Lodamun's finest. A state of emergency has been unofficially declared by the government throughout the nation, with the police authorities proceeding to further investigations, meeting all the necessary apprehensions and putting an end to various street rioting around the nation. However, in many cases, even military interference proved to be unsuccessful, with the Zardic embassy in Lokitogorsk suffering a major explosion a few hours ago. No casualties reported so far.
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Re: Likatonian Nadezhnyĭ Herald - LNH

Postby GreekIdiot » Tue Jun 22, 2010 1:15 am

L N H | L Y U D I . N O V O S T I

~ Military operations successful; St. Vodinsburg cleared of rioting,
July 2957 ~

In recent news, the situation within the city borders of St. Vodinsburg has been stabilized and is now entirely controlled by the Likatonian National Army. "The necessary measures have been taken, resulting in complete and utter success", VDR spokesperson stated. The government has been unclear however on the matter of allowing the citizens to return to their homes. In fact, political analysts within the VDR itself have speculated a mass relocation program that will ultimately put an end to the existence of the capitol altogether.

Casualties, as estimated by local media, reach the number of 278,154 in total, both from the LNA's side and from the groups of the rioters. In total, 132,540 apprehensions were conducted alone in the region of St. Vodinsburg. Many building have suffered unrepairable damage, with streets having been blown utterly apart and building blocks no longer standing. Nevertheless, for the past week, rioting throughout the country has subsided, as numerous military squads have appeared all over the nation. Tanks can be seen everywhere and a state of martial law has been declared since last night. Meanwhile, the police is continuing the latest of government programs that aim at ensuring stability, that of leading all 717,041,004 citizens to an invasive security check and therefore conducting all the appropriate and necessary arrests.
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Re: Likatonian Nadezhnyĭ Herald - LNH

Postby GreekIdiot » Tue Jun 22, 2010 11:12 pm

L N H | L Y U D I . N O V O S T I

~ New budget proposals,
January 2958 ~

Rumors have it that the VDR will be introduced a new and very rigid budget proposal, mainly focused on military and trade and industry. We located VDR spokesperson earlier today exiting the party's headquarters and asked him about the matter at hand. "It's high time we invested in our nation's defense. By effectively increasing military budget and adjusting appropriate legislation to satisfy every need that is necessary to be satisfied, we shall effectively protect our nation from foreign influence and shield the people from aggressive hands. It's an international expansion, as we like to call it in VDR."

Moreover, we believe a suitable foreign policy combined with a manageable tourist investment could boost our economy even further."
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