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Re: Vorona

Postby imperialpearl » Tue Dec 28, 2021 9:16 am

    In the postwar environment, the ability of the government or whatever has been imposed to resemble that of a government must aim to bring about a renaissance of governance, a rebirth of institutional strength and independence. The importance of public administration is underscored when it becomes virtually impossible for post-war economic recovery and governance to be achieved if core institutions either no longer function or are functioning with a clear impairment: instability. The challenges faced by post-war administrations is massive as this very administration must wrestle with dysfunctional institutional, a collapse of public administration and multiple hindrances to the implementation of economic and social policies, all of which hinder/impact their effectiveness and challenge the legitimacy of post-war administration. Throughout history, there have been attempts at mapping out a nation’s economic and political recovery via strong institutional reforms, however, most of these attempts have failed due to numerous reasons however one constant throughout the examination of the attempts of the past have been the effectiveness of reforms. Development economist, Harvey Simpson notes in his most recent research paper on economic development models that “post-war economic reconstruction is a catch-22 as every road seems to be leading to doom and destruction.” For the provisional government, the task is immense. Aside from juggling the issues related to the reformation of core institutions, they must also contend with bringing legitimacy to said institutions whilst attempting to maintain the public’s confidence. In recognition of this, it is important that in rebuilding these institutions, be they societal or macroeconomic, consensus must be drawn on major issues related to the future business of the nation. Addressing members of the media at an impromptu press conference at the provisional government’s headquarters, the Institutional Restructuring Committee (IRC) comprising of the Minister of Democratic and Constitutional Institution, the Minister of the Treasury and Finance, the Attorney-General, the Minister of Public Administration and the Minister of Economic Planning and Development, spoke on the numerous public administration reforms coming to Vorona as well as elaborated on the future macroeconomic environment to be expected in Vorona.

    Speaking to rebuilding core institutions, Minister of Democratic and Constitutional Institutions Dr Jamie Kennion stated that the provisional government was currently engaged in encouraging ex-pats in Lourenne and Yingdala to return to govern over the numerous agencies they intend on rebuilding. Highlighting the case of staffing in government departments, Minister Kennion stated that the provisional government had been encouraging staff underneath the previous regime to maintain their positions whilst the transition is underway. “We need technical staff to execute our policies. We have come to a decision that we should keep existing staff and encourage persons who are unemployed in the interim to seek employment with the government based on their qualifications.” Numerous institutions such as the Judiciary, the education system and the healthcare system remain under considerable strain with staff shortages. For the Judiciary the situation is becoming increasingly pressing as trials pertaining to war crimes committed during the civil conflict are set to begin soon as bound by the peace agreement. Attorney-General Hector Cooper stated that the reconciliation process will have to be halted for the time being recognising that the nation does not maintain a Chief Justice and the Supreme Court has virtually collapsed. Institutions such as law enforcement and defence have been set aside to recognise the presence of the Lourennais peacekeeping force. Considerable assistance will have to be rendered onto a new law enforcement/police force for Vorona should the nation want to bring the Lourennais peacekeeping force to an end. Dr Kennion is expected to lead the charge as it pertains to the government’s reforms to the nation’s governance arrangement. According to Minister Kennion, Luthorian constitutional drafters have been hired by the provisional government as he highlighted that Vorona would be returning to the Fort William system. The reforms to come out of reorientation of Vorona’s legislative and legal system towards the Fort William model is expected to result in a complete overhaul of the nation’s judiciary, the public service and political administration.

    Speaking to the re-establishment of fiscal institutions, Minister of the Treasury and Finance Dr Maya Cook and Minister of Economic Planning and Development Dr Simon Sitanggang stated that one of the first tasks of the provisional administration in establishing fiscal/macroeconomic stability was re-establishing a central bank for Vorona. With most economists having fled the nation, preliminary nominees for the position of Governor of the Monetary Authority of Vorona are mainly economists from Lourenne. Dr Jean-François Pierlot and Dr Marie-Claire Blanchet have been tapped for the position of Governor and Deputy Governor respectively. Minister Cook noted that a complete overhaul of the nation’s fiscal operations was underway. She explained that the laws on which much of Vorona’s future fiscal and monetary positions will be based are currently under reform. An omnibus legislative package is expected to go before the Provisional Assembly for debate mainly aimed at creating a strong foundation for the financial machinations of the future. With an eye on ensuring enhanced ease of doing business from the very start, Attorney-General Cooper (who is responsible for the drafting of legislation alongside the Legislative Drafting Committee), stated that technical assistance has been sourced from numerous nations on simplifying the nation’s tax and financial laws, noting that complexity has often led to difficulty in terms of implementation. With a clear lack of data to inform the provisional government’s future economic policy decisions, an independent statistics agency is in the works with a census set to begin soon via the Macroeconomics Division of the Ministry of Economic Planning and Development. When asked whether the provisional government intends on re-establishing a national taxation agency, Minister Cook stated that although a revenue collection agency had been on the cards, the provisional government was not focused on the development of such an institution in the interim, highlighting the relative societal situation. One of the recommendations coming from the incoming Governor and Deputy Governor of the Monetary Authority of Vorona is that the provisional government establish a revenue-collection agency with immediacy, stating that the capital which had not been lost to capital flight can be rallied to aid reconstruction.

    On democratic institutions, Minister Kennion stated that elections (as per the peace treaty agreement) and the multi-party system as envisioned by the treaty’s drafters was not on the table. He explained that it would be remiss of the provisional government to call an election in the middle of what can only be described as the most difficult period for Voronan citizens. “I think that the peace treaty’s drafters were a bit optimistic on the speed at which recovery could take place or it was simply a matter of them not carrying about the process at all, but the current environment within Vorona is not conducive to stable elections. Although we need to maintain our credibility and win the confidence of the people, we don’t believe that it should be done via an election at this point in time. Once our institutions have been rebuilt and we are on a stable footing, then with Lourennais and international assistance we can propel the nation into a general election.” News media remains relatively tamed with little censorship coming from the provisional administration. Government House Press Secretary David Homely stated that the provisional government intends on remaining open to the media on the state of Vorona’s affairs and will not be afraid to confront false narratives and non-facts. As it pertains to corruption, Dr Kennion stated that the premise of corruption is plainly based on the effectiveness of the institutions to be rebuilt. He explained that should the administration fail to build resilient institutions, corruption will transplant transparency and good governance.
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Re: Vorona

Postby Rogue » Tue Dec 28, 2021 3:03 pm

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Re: Vorona

Postby imperialpearl » Wed Dec 29, 2021 12:25 am

    In paving the path to Vorona's economic and political recovery, the importance is stabilising the nation's currency becomes increasingly important. For Vorona's hyperinflation continues to hamper any sort of economic development, and as the situation worsens, the hardship of the Voronan people continues. Preliminary estimates by the Monetary Authority point to hyperinflation standing at around 20,000%. With the national currency losing its value on a daily basis at astronomical rates, many citizens are choosing to conduct transactions in foreign currencies in what is known as "dollarisation". Dollarisation is a process wherein a nation replaces its domestic currency with that of a foreign one. In the case of Vorona, it might better serve to call the process Franconisation, as the currency chosen by many citizens to conduct transactions is the Lourennais Franc. In seeking to stabilise the national economy, it became incumbent on the provisional government to consider its options on dollarization, its implications and other options to bring about currency stabilisation and economic progress. For Minister of the Treasury and Finance Dr Maya Cook, although the question of dollarization presents numerous advantages in allowing for the country to avoid the "hard work" of managing a currency on its own, the implications are far too risky. With dollarization, the nation adopting the foreign currency loses significant monetary controls, as the management of the currency's activities within Vorona would not be dictated by the Monetary Authority but the Central Bank of Lourenne. In view of this should Lourenne experience a financial shock and make adjustments to its monetary policy to cope with the situation, should the monetary authority objectives of both Vorona and Lourenne not be in sync (which they aren't), adjustments made in Eroncourt could seriously damage/reserve any economic progress made here. As an alternative to dollarization, Dr Cook has proposed the implementation of a currency board. A currency board according to the Minister is a process wherein the responsibility of the money supply and exchange rate shifts from the central bank and onto the currency board. According to the Minister, the currency board will allow for the stabilisation of the national currency without full/partial dollarisation as a new currency would be backed by foreign currencies in what is known as hard-peg. Deputy Governor of the Monetary Authority of Vorona, Dr Marie-Claire Blanchet warned that once the stabilisation of the Telar has been achieved, the currency board must be collapsed and the responsibility of the money supply and the exchange rate be shifted back to the central bank, as she warned that the currency board arrangement can be detrimental by restricting monetary policy.
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Re: Vorona

Postby Auditorii » Tue Oct 18, 2022 3:35 pm

Voronan Times
July 5197
Ethnic conflict breaks out across Vorona

Gatford (Paranden) - Vorona has experienced relatively instability over the past several decades. A disasterous civil war was fought in the early 51st century and has lasting effects on Voronan society as a whole. In recent weeks a number of new movements and groups have popped up, some of them wishing to restore democracy and peace and others wishing to see the island nation torn asunder for their own swathes of land. As weeks pressed forward President Kal Kyung-Gu attempted to keep the Cooperative Republic of Vorona together, his efforts ended in his death. On 30 June, 5197 just before midnight members of the Suman Popular Resistance Union stormed the President's residence and assassinated the President, prompting a response from the National Police and the Voronan Defense Forces. This response however was along ethnic lines with the Namdo (OOC: Jeju Koreans) standing alone against the more Pebish (OOC: Vietnamese and Chinese speaking Hmong) and Suman (OOC: Laotian) elements of the police and military. This prompted a response of the minority Delic and Akigan community, notorious for their historical violence against the other groups and suddenly the island nation was at the grip of a violent ethnic civil war.

The outbreak of violence went from protests and melees to some elements of the National Police and Voronan Defense Forces breaking away and arming their respective peoples. Following the outbreak of the civil war in early July, 5197 by various groups community leaders not involved in the civil war formed the "National Accord" within the Senate as more and more Senators decided that the legislative process had broken down and left their seats vacant. The National Accord Council, representing the various ethnicities have come together and formed a somewhat functioning government with Kyo Dong-Gun, the leader of the Namdo majority New Democratic Party, standing in as President. Sieghelm, a now former General in the Voronan Defense Forces and respected leader within the Akigan community came forward to represent the often disregarded Akigan's and will become the Prime Minister of the transitional government. Numerous other senior posts have been filled by other ethnic groups and the National Accord claims to represent all Voronan's with little interest in the civil war.
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Re: Vorona

Postby Rogue » Mon Sep 18, 2023 11:43 am


New Moorsdale: Leader of the Popular Democratic Party, Jorell Pandarvas, has publicly announced that his party seeks an end to the provisional government and hopes for the introduction of a proper constitution backed permanent government. Pandarvas and his party had advocated for such a move during the election and with them becoming the second largest party in the Senate they now push for such changes to become reality. The provisional government has seen many troubles in the past and present, with the Voronan economy extremely weak, its ethnic and political conflicts a ongoing issue and corruption being rampant in government circles. According to Pandarvas the only way to change the country its course is by enacting a permanent constitution. His party has now proposed a constitution in which a formal parliamentary republic would be established under a multi-party system. Run-off voting with single-member constituencies would be used to keep the connection between voters and representatives and, once the constitution is enacted, measures could be taken to strengthen institutions, combat corruption and restore faith in politics. Pandarvas says he has "good hopes" of his proposals passing as the Voronan Traditionalist Party has indicated their support, ensuring the 2/3rd parliamentary majority needed to finally end the provisional government and start building actual state institutions for the people of Vorona.
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Re: Vorona

Postby Rogue » Mon Sep 18, 2023 8:12 pm


New Moorsdale: The Popular Democratic Party, in its newly released manifesto, has argued for a policy of "pragmatic neutrality", openly calling for not joining regional alliances and keep a "open vision" when it comes to its trade relations. It comes just 2 months since the party worked with the Traditionalist Party in drafting a proposal which would create a permanent constitution for the country and allow it to finally leave behind its provisional government. According to PDP leader Pandarvas the proposal of pragmatic neutrality will be "formally advocated for by our representatives after the new constitution has formally taken effect". Critics have hailed the move as "cuddling with dictators" as the new policy also calls for a lenient stance towards anti-democratic countries. But Pandarvas destroyed that critique, saying that "in objective terms, you could not call our country a democracy either. Politicians filling their pockets, institutions barelyt functioning and crime being ripe. Lets not pretend we are saints. In order to build a better country we need all the opportunity we can get, especially in the form of trade." The policy also calls for a strong committment to the World Congress as a independent arbiter and hints at the possibility of completely eliminating tarrifs on all exports and imports. With such a policy, the PDP hopes to make Vorona a hub for trade in the Anantonese Ocean, potentially furthering its goal of rebuilding its broken economy.
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Postby reformist2024 » Thu Mar 28, 2024 8:36 pm

VORONA DAILY - January 5461
Finally, Vorona Holds the Population Census
In a landmark effort to map its diverse demographic landscape, the State of Vorona has completed its first comprehensive population census, covering the entirety of its territory. Known for its rich ethnic and religious mosaic, Vorona stands out on the global stage as Terra's most diverse state. The census, conducted by the Independent Statistics Agency, marks a significant milestone in the nation's history.
The initiative spanned several key regions, with census centers established in Hyllburne, Hwitceaster, Ceddeswic, Godwinesburh, Gatford, Blæcfeld, Æscham, and Culfretun. These areas, known for their unique cultural and historical significance, played a pivotal role in the successful execution of this extensive exercise.

This census is unprecedented in Vorona's history, offering the first complete demographic snapshot of the nation. A dedicated workforce of more than 10,000 individuals played a crucial role in registering the population, reflecting the government's commitment to understanding the complex societal fabric of Vorona.

For several years, the government and local community leaders have organized meetings with all ethnic groups to emphasize the importance of the census and encourage full participation. These efforts were aimed at ensuring a comprehensive and inclusive count, recognizing the value of every citizen's contribution to the national identity.

Vorona's journey to this momentous census has been shaped by its tumultuous history. The state has weathered a long history of political crises and instability, navigating through periods of monarchy and dictatorship. The turning point came with the fall of the 'Magna Edictum of 3764', a regime that had tightly controlled the state. Its collapse ushered in a new era of openness and growth. Vorona opened its doors to immigrants, leading to a significant increase in both its population and economic strength. This period of renewal and expansion set the stage for the diverse and vibrant society that Vorona is today.

Preliminary findings shared with "Vorona Daily" reveal that the Akigans continue to be the predominant ethnic group, making up 61% of the population. In terms of religious affiliation, the Holy Luthori Church emerges as the main faith, encompassing over 45% of Voronans. These statistics underscore the diverse yet distinct identity that defines Vorona, reflecting its longstanding heritage and evolving societal dynamics.

As the nation awaits the detailed outcomes of this monumental census, the anticipation builds around the insights it will provide into the demographic, ethnic, and religious contours of Vorona. This data is not only expected to inform future policy and planning but also to foster a greater understanding and appreciation of the country's rich diversity.

Next, you can read some important findings from the final result of the census.

Percentage of ethnic groups:
Akigan - 61%
Siphinan - 12%
Daralazindian - 9%
Doron - 8%
Trigunian - 4%
Santonic - 4%
Others - 2%

Percentage of religious communities:
Hosianism 78.6% (Holy Luthori Church 45.4%, Aurorian Patriarchal Church 27.4%, Other Hosian 5.8%)
Ahmadism 14.4% (Israism 11.1%, Sahabism 2.1%, Other Ahmadi 1.2%)
Irreligious 6%
Other religions 1%
Holy Luthori Church is dominant in Akigan, Trigunian and Santonic communities, Aurorian Patriarchal Church dominates in Doron and Daralazindian communities, while Israism Ahmadis dominate in Siphinan community.
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Vorona Daily

Postby reformist2024 » Thu Apr 04, 2024 3:53 pm

VORONA DAILY - June 5464
Vorona Overhauls Immigration Policy in Bold New Initiative

**Akigana, June 5464** – In a decisive policy shakeup, Vorona will now accept 1 million new immigrants according to an official new directive issued by Foreign Minister Noah Brown.

The order, made under the Pro Immigration Act 5464/FA/01M, cites Vorona's laws protecting human rights, permanent residency for all, and aid for refugees as the foundations for this expansive decision.

It argues welcoming more immigrants aligns with Vorona's values of diversity and economic opportunity. The initiative aims to not only fulfill humanitarian duties but ensure continued prosperity through integrating newcomers into the labor market.

Minister Brown stated the policy also reflects Voronans' generosity in extending solidarity to all citizens of Terra. "Our nation opens its doors to all who want to contribute here and share in our collective success," he said.

Implementing such an enormous intake of 1 million people will be no simple feat. But the Minister expressed confidence in relevant agencies to smooth the process through housing support, jobs programs, education access, and cultural integration courses.

If passed smoothly, it would cement Vorona's place as a progressive beacon on the global stage. But the high-risk strategy also leaves little margin for error if not properly overseen. All eyes are now on how this new era of Voronese immigration will unfold.

Read full decision: http://classic.particracy.net/viewbill.php?billid=702259
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Re: Vorona

Postby imperialpearl » Sun May 05, 2024 6:33 pm


It could be said that this morning’s events had been decades in the making, yet such a conclusion would ultimately be false. In a nation which for the better half of a century, had been under the rule of an enigmatic monarchist order, this morning’s proceedings had been centuries in the making. To the more than 3,000+ indigenous peoples who still remain on the island even though their culture had been all but suppressed under the jackboot of successive governments and the coercive nature of colonial rule, this morning’s proceedings had been millennia in the making. By act of Parliament, the people of Vorona, have formally proclaimed a Federation, bringing an end to the nation’s current monarchist political structure. In proclaiming this Federation, the Voronan people have outlined their bold vision to build a nation where one’s merit shall be the measure of his/her character and where all, regardless of their race, religion, gender and/or sexual orientation may find comfort in common existence.

This morning’s proclamation ceremony was attended by thousands of persons, who by their measure, had come to bear witness to the beginning of a new era for their nation. In rejecting the previous monarchist order and renouncing the “Governor-General” and Viceroyalty, the people by a vote of their parliamentary representatives have appointed a President, who shall provide moral leadership and serve as a unifying figure. By casting down the near-absolute monarchist order (noting that previously the Governor-General had been responsible for the daily governance of the nation), the people therein restored the democratic traditions which have been sacrosanct; installing its first democratically elected Federal Government in nearly one hundred years. The Chief Minister and the Federal Cabinet, as outlined by the proclamation shall be constituted by representatives of the people, who on the basis of their knowledge and acumen shall be assigned responsibility/domain over unique aspects of governance. In forming this new federation, the importance of meritocracy as its founding principle must resonate throughout all political structures.

In this federal, parliamentary republic there shall be but three states: the Province of Western Vorona (formerly Westona), the Province of Eastern Vorona (formerly Eastona) and the Voronan Federation. These provinces, by virtue of their status, shall enjoy freedom and powers akin to states within the state. Herein, these provinces shall have the right to govern over their own affairs in areas ranging from healthcare, education, economic development and all other matters excluding law enforcement, national defence, justice and foreign/external affairs. In these excluded responsibilities, the federal government shall enjoy complete domain. Yet, the relationship of these provinces with respect to the Voronan Federation shall be that matters deliberate at the federal level (i.e. within the federal parliament) will supersede those deliberated on the provincial level (i.e. within the provincial legislatures). These provincial legislatures have been designated as: the Parliament of Western Vorona and the Parliament of Eastern Vorona.

On matters of national defence and law enforcement, the Voronan people through their representatives, have constituted the Voronan Constabulary Force, which shall act as the nation’s singular, law enforcement agency. It shall be responsible for all matters related to the execution of public safety and security and shall be furnished with the necessary equipment and personnel. On defence, the Voronan Defence Force (VDF) shall constitute the singular entity responsible for the nation’s national defence. It shall consist of: the Voronan Army, the Voronan Air Guard and the Voronan Coast Guard. The VCF and the VDF shall be headed by a Chief Constable and the Chief of the Defence Staff respectively. Vorona shall be unique to nations within the region in that it shall not possess a separate department for internal/home affairs and defence but both shall be combined to form a singular entity, known as the Department of National Security. This department shall be responsible for all matters related to internal security, emergency management and national defence.
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