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Re: Egelion

Postby Liukupukki » Sun Jun 19, 2022 12:48 am


Pirates to the congress?
September 24th 5136

The extraparliamentary group known as Unión de Psiconautas y Piratas (UPP) has announced their intent to run in the 5141 elections.
After their numerous rallies based around the country, they have gained a surprising amount of support, especially from known criminal organizations due to their very permissive ideas.
Captain Elias Álvarez, The President of UPP has been criticized for his criminal history and convictions for piracy, drug abuse, drug trafficking, illegal distribution of copyrighted material and illegal sales of narcotics, but Captain Álvarez has stated that he has changed and wishes to stay clear of crimes, and is instead campaigning with his party to decriminalize or legalize offenses that should be legal according to him.
Among decriminalizing various offenses, the members of UPP are actively campaign for restricting the powers of law enforcement, removing regulations on anything involving one's own body and health, incentives to promote local businesses instead of big corporations or national industries and less strict gun laws. Among their official agenda, many party members have stated their intent to support most bills that would lessen the government's involvement in what people can and can't do.
Many in opposition of UPP have voiced their concern in social media, calling them extremists, anarchists and outright criminals, Although many of the members are ex-convicts and there are even former anarchist activists among their ranks, the party has declined any support for illegal activities or extremism.

UPP's Flag and Logo

There UPP has already motioned 2 bills to the congress, one for the abolition of recreational drug laws, and one for the abolition of copyright laws, but it is unlikely that these bills will gain much support among the parties in congress. The support for said bills has been varying in the eyes of the public. Many who would like to experiment, and drug users have shown their support for the Psychonauts Act, but there is a lot of opposition to it, from concerned parents to anti-drug activists. The Total Media Freedom Act, which proposes the abolition of copyright laws, making every piece of art and media free to use and distribute for the public, also proposed by the UPP has received more support from the general public, especially from people in poverty, many of which claim that it is too expensive to go to the movies. But there is a hard opposition to it by professionals of the media industry. Filmmaker Isabella Valverde called the Total Media Freedom Act "an attempt to legalize theft of honest entertainment and media"
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Re: Egelion

Postby Cabhomon » Sun Jun 19, 2022 2:46 am


Election Results
July 2nd, 5136

At the Egelionese General Election of 5136, the following parties contested:

Partido Lariano Nacional, a right-wing party;
Colectivo Metzista-Collectiu Metzista, a Metzist and Caillean independentist party;
Partido Federal, a federalist party;
Partido Liberal, a liberal party;
Socialismus Gigachadus, a little-known socialist party;
And the DjDoom128 Party, an unknown party.

The Larianos Nacionales mantained their position as the main party with 21,138,579 votes, obtaining 89 seats.
The Metzistas gained a total of 28 seats, making it to a total of 81 seats and now being the second largest parliamentary group. Their number of votes was 19,035,668.
The Federales lost their spot as the second-largest parliamentary group; and, losing 4 seats, they made it to 56 seats with 13,411,678 votes.
And lastly, the Liberales, who remained the same in terms of seats, with a total of 29 seats. Their number of votes was 6,870,023, representing a roughly 2 million votes increase.
Socialists and Djdoomists didn't achieve seats.
Liberal Party of Egelion player. Discord ---> Guago#2977.
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Re: Egelion

Postby Cabhomon » Sun Jun 19, 2022 4:18 am

OPINION - Larian National rule only weakens the forces of progress in Egelion
Column by Alejandro de los Ríos
July 5th, 5136

DEMAR SOLAD - The Larians have once more ended up in first place of the elections. This time by a narrow margin of 8 seats, but in the end we all know that the lack of the ability to form governments in coalition has been present since the start of our nation. And those who have obtained 81 seats, the Metzists, are advocates for Caillean independence under a socialist state. The Larians have long opposed the progress of civil liberties in the Kingdom of Egelion and the Metzists legislate in their regional language, Caillean; knowing that Egelionese is the only official language in the NATIONAL congress. And those two forces of anti-liberalism have gained their respective positions at the cost of the Federal Party and the Liberal Party, which are two outspoken pro-liberty parties. In the group of those uncapable of forming a government in coalition are the defunct Technocrats and even the Metzists, Atheist Communists and the Federals. The precary and fragile state of the resultant cabinets, governments and majorities in parliament are a demonstration of how fragile can Egelion's governability be. Being a pluralist democracy like the one we have been since the Technocratic Party broke the Larian-Federal two-party system is a good thing, but if we can't transform that pluralism in a strong and capable but small government, it's of no use to have elections if the same government is going to stay regardless of election results.

The term of five years is an absolute madness and both the defunt Technocrats and the Liberals have sought to change, to revamp it. But it seems that the Larian National forces want to keep the population uncomfortable and enraged with their horrid governments for five years each legislature. The number of seats in parliament is absolutely ridiculous -only 255 seats for 60 million voters in the last election, which means there are 235,000 voters per seat- and it reduces the possibility of new, fresh political movements to replace old and rotten ones, such as... Yes, such as the PLN. They are perpetuating themselves in power, with the help of the people of Egelion, those who have been scammed and lied to. The purple lion shall awake one day, and when the day comes... Liberals shall drive Egelion to the path it deserves, the path of glory.
Liberal Party of Egelion player. Discord ---> Guago#2977.
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Re: Egelion

Postby ReallySuper » Mon Jun 20, 2022 1:36 pm

A Clear Mandate to Govern: Big Win for Collectiu Metzista in the July 5136 Elections

DEMAR SOLAD, Estat Egeliana—The party of Caillean independence scored large victories across the Egelian state in the elections of July 5136, doubling their popular vote and picking up a whopping 28 seats to become the second-largest party in the legislature. Not only did they improve both their vote and seat share in Caille, where they placed second to the devolutionist Partido Federal and tripled their seat count, but also all throughout Egelion, showing that the people's support for a leftist platform is widespread as Collectiu Metzista becomes the only socialist party remaining in the politics of the day.

The failure of government formation in the preceding legislative session, with nominees of both the Partido Federal and Comunistas y Ateos de Egelion repeatedly lacking the necessary support, coupled with the surge in votes for CM, shows that the people of Egelion have clearly given an electoral mandate for CM to lead government. Caille in particular voted overwhelmingly for parties supporting greater autonomy, with two-thirds of the electorate casting a vote in favor of a CM-Federal coalition to grant greater powers through devolution to the region which has been long oppressed by the imperialist subjugation of the Egelian state.

A government formed and led by Collectiu Metzista will not only chart a path towards an independent and free Caille, but will be the vanguard of all the workers, peasants and oppressed peoples of the Egelian state. It will bravely defend them from the vicious attacks on the people's sovereign, human and economic rights launched upon them by the immoral capitalist class and the reactionary politicians who do their vile bidding. Treballadors del món, uniu-vos! No tenim res a perdre, excepte les nostres cadenes!

La lluita per l'alliberament nacional continua! Fins a la victòria sempre!
Collectiu Metzista, Caille (Estat Egeliana)
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Postby Luis1p » Thu Jun 23, 2022 2:16 am

Demar Solad, Amateria: This afternoon in the Royal City of Demar Solad, the nation's major press services and newspapers quickly
flooded the National Congress after rumors spread that a new party would be formed to represent the nation's right wing supporters.
the rumors circling the government district were correct as Carlota Cascabel, one of Demar Solad's Council Members, resigned
from her position and became the leader of the new Conservative Party of Egelion. The Conservative Party filed an official party
status document to the Office of Election Oversight to declare that the Conservative Party was a legitimate party and could
participate in the next national elections. Already, millions of citizens are applying to become members of the new party to
begin campaigning and spreading the true conservative message.

Carlota Cascabel gave a speech at the party's new headquarters not far from the National Congress building to explain parts of
the party's platform and long-term goals for the Kingdom. According to Cascabel, the party hopes to represent Egelion's hidden
right wing electorate. The party's position is mainly center-right, but has several centrist policies. Cascabel noted that the party
wishes to bring strength, stability, and prosperity to Egelion through several socioeconomic reforms. She stated that the country
exists in "eternal, stale stagnation" and wishes to give the country a new image. This image would be spearheaded by the return
of a hereditary, constitutional monarchy led by the House of Montalivet y Nueva-Formoselle. She stated that the Egelburgo
Protocol must be eliminated and a return to the country's historic regal past must be ensured. Temporary tax increases on
corporations and the elimination of several useless government agencies would be "necessary to ensure a strong economic
rebound", said Cascabel. Political analysts expect new corporations, individuals, and government agencies to rise once the
new party wins seats in the National Congress. For now, Cascabel and her colleagues seek to consolidate the party nationwide
and prepare for national elections.

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Re: Egelion

Postby Liukupukki » Thu Jun 23, 2022 5:32 am

CALAVERA - Captain Álvarez suggests the guillotine for monarchs
Oct 28th 5138

Captain Elias Álvarez (UPP) has given immense criticism to monarchism. "There is no reason why monarchism should exist, but here we are with multiple different monarchs being supported on our own soil" said Álvarez during a press conference. "Monarchs deserve the guillotine, not a place to rule over our country! I thought democracy should be the main focus of political parties, not installing some crownies on a throne." he added.

Álvarez has suggested that the monarchy should be abolished instead of changing the person on the throne. "The monarchy should be replaced with democratic elections, instead of making some dimwit with blood relations to a former ruler whose legacy would rule over our people regardless of competence." he commented. "There is no such thing as a 'constitutional' monarchy. It's all bullshit made up by the upper classes so they can feel powerful. They want to remove our democracies all over Terra, and seem to be succeeding if we take a look at how many 'royals' there are as the face of nations. I will not support any rightist bullcrap or a monarchy, whether it be so called constitutional or not. Fuck these fake democratic parties, who want to keep these clowns on the throne! Until they support true democracy, I, or the UPP will not have any respect for them. The right wing is nothing but a sham."

Captain Elias Álvarez

The UPP has always been against monarchism, but since Captain Elias Álvarez's strong words against it, the party has made it its official agenda and a priority to remove the monarchy and install democratic elections for a head of state as soon as possible. The party secretary Daniela Gallego has called all of Egelion's truly democratic parties to unite to purge the monarchy instead of allowing another lineage of 'royals' rule as their head of state.
Last edited by Liukupukki on Thu Jun 23, 2022 7:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
Your friendly neighborhood Lube bottle. Contact me on discord rather than on forums. > Liukupukki#2896
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Re: Egelion

Postby Cabhomon » Thu Jun 23, 2022 6:58 am

Expression of Egelionese Liberalism


The Liberals are seeking a bipartisan agreement with the Conservatives, after Pirate leader voices support for the execution of the King
The chairman of the Liberal Party of Egelion addressed the populace today after the words of Pirates' leader Elías Álvarez proposing the guillotine for the King of Egelion, which is a non-hereditary office. The well-known Liberal Conservative branch of the party has voiced its support for the comeback of the Montalivets, to provide "a non-partisan head of state, someone who is only loyal to the people and does not obey any political interests", in its words. The Conservatives of Egelion have arisen from the dead parties, once again, and have stated their constant will to bring back the House of Montalivet -of Caillean origin-. The Liberal Party and Conservative Party are currently debating on the formation of a bipartisan agreement, which will seek to win the majority in the upcoming elections of 5141.
Liberal Party of Egelion player. Discord ---> Guago#2977.
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Re: Egelion

Postby Liukupukki » Sun Jun 26, 2022 8:17 pm

"The congress sucks" claims UPP Leader Álvarez
March 9th 5140

The Congress has definitely been quiet, with bills having surprising outcomes due to large amounts of absentees during votes. This has angered a lot of Egelion's population, and the growing UPP which has given opposition to the government prior to these issues. "Quite frankly, the congress sucks." Said UPP's leader Elias Álvarez during a press conference. "I'd call this mockery of our democracy! There are bills passing and failing only because of the incompetence of the congress. It's not uncommon to see more absentees than yes and no votes combined on the bills, it would be quite amusing, but it directly affects the people living here, so it's rather disastrous!"

Elias Álvarez giving a speech

One former worker of the prostitution industry wrote to EGELEÓNE about how the so called crisis has affected her life quite severely: "I personally have suffered from this crisis a lot. The Partido Lariano Nacional made a bill to repeal the right for someone to prostitute themselves, and me working in the industry, I hoped and prayed that the bill wouldn't pass, but of course the incompetent congress made me lose my job; the bill passed 89 to 29, with 137 Abstains. To me that's outrageous! if there are more absentees than votes, how can it be that this can bring down a whole industry?"

It's no question that the situation isn't good, and with the elections growing closer, it is expected that many members of the congress are bound to not be re-elected due to their inactivity within votes. The situation has grown into popularity after the UPP has publicly voiced their concerns on the congress' and the offending parties' ability to perform their duties. Daniela Gallego, the party secretary said on social media that "The congress is failing at executing its duties to keep our so called 'democracy'. If they can't get their act straight, we should just #ToppleTheCongress" As a result of this, the hashtag was trending on social media for almost 2 days.
Your friendly neighborhood Lube bottle. Contact me on discord rather than on forums. > Liukupukki#2896
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Re: Egelion

Postby ReallySuper » Wed Jun 29, 2022 2:37 am

A Clear Mandate for Independence: Big Win for Collectiu Metzista in the Caillean Elections

NORDERMS, Caille—Despite marking a loss of seats overall in the Egelian state, Collectiu Metzista for the first time in its history won an absolute majority of the vote in Caille, showing a clear mandate for independence for the oppressed nation. The working people of Caille are sick and tired of the exploitation of their lands, lives and labor by the Egelian capitalist-imperialist class and fervently desire change. The old order must fall: national liberation now! No Egelian monarch to rule over Caille! No Caillean monarch to rule over Caille! There can be one ruler only: the people!

Despite the overwhelming support for independence shown by the electorate of Caille, it is inevitable that the enemies of democracy which hold a stranglehold over the politics of the Egelian state will refuse Cailleansʻ human right to self-determination. After all, they have too much to lose by granting our freedom. But we have nothing to lose but our chains! We must take our rights and future as a sovereign nation into our own hands and fight for an independent Caille like our lives depend on it—because they do. A les barricades, camarades!

La lluita per l'alliberament nacional continua! Fins a la victòria sempre!
Collectiu Metzista, Caille (Estat Egeliana)
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Re: Egelion

Postby ReallySuper » Sat Jul 02, 2022 4:08 pm

Collectiu Metzista's Platform Advocates for a Socialist Caillean Republic. The Reactionaries' Policies Necessitate It.

NORDERMS, Caille—Perhaps the party most supporting the case for an independent, socialist republic for the Caillean nation is not Collectiu Metzista, who have led this fight for years, but instead the Partido Lariano Nacional and their reactionary colluders in the parliament of the Estat Egeliana, the Partido Liberal. Although their platforms reject the will of the Caillean people to realize their democratic rights to self-determination and popular governance of their nation and workplaces, the extreme right-wing attacks perpetrated against the working people of Caille by those two reactionary forces demand nothing short of full and total independence for our oppressed people and the establishment of a true workers' government beholden to no kings, no capitalist special interests and no Egelian imperialists.

The latest of the anti-worker bloc's "Reforms" (their euphemism for the "Regression" of the democratic and economic rights of the Caillean working class) serves only to do their capitalist owners' bidding by blatantly removing the little, inadequate workers' representation on corporate boards, illegalizing workplaces defended by workers' unions in closed shops and placing the provision of the basic right of all people to affordable energy out of the Caillean local government's hands and into the deep pockets of the for-profit, privately-owned exploiters of the Caillean people. There can be no mistaking this for what it is: an all-out war against the working people of Caille by the capitalist-imperialist Egelian state.

We must fight back. At the ballot box, in the streets, in the halls of governments both local and national—we must make Caillean workers' voices heard anywhere and everywhere, at any and all times. We will never give up the fight of the producers against the owners, the oppressed against the oppressors, the Caillean nation against the imperialist State. I vencerem!

La lluita per l'alliberament nacional continua! Fins a la victòria sempre!
Collectiu Metzista, Caille (Estat Egeliana)
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