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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby Mr.Yankees » Fri May 01, 2009 5:22 am

NATO finalizing its training exercises plans

Port Andalay, Andalay (LCN)- The Lodamese government announced today that NATO officials are finalizing the plans for the massive training exercises to be held very soon. A date for the beginning of the exercises has not yet been released but sources have indicated that they will, most likely, begin within a month.

This joint training exercises comes at a very crucial time for NATO. The world is seeing a sharp rise in violence and terrorism and officials all over the world are deeply troubled.

Very scarce details have been released by NATO officials. Lodamun's government, the promoters of such training exercise, have also kept a tight lip on the situation. However, Defense Minister Micheal J. Johnson let a very small detail slip by in an interview with LCN two weeks ago. When asked who is participating, the Minister replied: "I cannot disclose that information yet. I can confirm our participation and the participation of several other countries." LCN has been able to confirm the participation of at least three countries, the names of these countries are yet unknown. We have also been able to confirm that the exercises will take place in various regions of the world, including the territories of all of those participating and that several exercises will last from one day to six months.

We will keep you informed as we get more updates on this story.
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby GreekIdiot » Fri May 01, 2009 12:33 pm

Massive explosion stops the Conference of the Free World; IRC to blame

Gir-jonahan, the prominent leader of the Imperial Revolutionist Coalition, in what appeared in the security cameras, was the one who caused the massive explosion within the conference building of the Choice Hotel in Port Andalay. After no attendees had voiced their opinions, Sektual rose from his seat and revealed the bombing mechanism that was hidden beneath his clothes. The hotel's security has no idea how such a fatal error occurred.

After the massive explosion, the hotel administration quickly responded, and authorities were instantly at the scene, attempting to put an end to the expansion of flames and save any survivors. Police investigators report that the blast was thankfully limited within the conference room. No other announcements have been made, as firefighters continue to deal with the situation. No survivors reported yet. The media are currently awaiting for the official response from the government of Lodamun.
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby Mr.Yankees » Sat May 02, 2009 7:26 am

President and Vice President make announcements

Port Andalay, Andalay (LCN)- Earlier today at a news conference, President Kynes announced that he will be retiring and thus resigning next year.

Making his usual stylish entrance, the President shook hands with a few aides and assistants and quickly approached to podium. The President did not have a speech prepared nor did he need any paper to remind him of what he wanted to say.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the press, thank you for coming. I truly appreciate the work you have done all these years. You have definitely kept my staff very busy (*draws a laugh from the reporters*).

Citizens of Lodamun. I have had the priviledge of serving this country for almost five decades. This has truly been an amazing journey for me. In 2701, at a mere age of 35, I was approached by former President Michael Porter Jr. and offered the job of Foreign Affairs Ministry. To be honest, I never thought that could ever happened. I was a regular Foreign service man who went to the University of Port Andalay and graduated with a degree in international relations. However, President Porter saw something in me that no one else did and I cannot be thankful enough to him. Wherever he may be, I know he is listening right now. Thank you very much for what you did for me.

I was only 35 years of age and I had just been thrown into one of the most difficult positions in the government. Our country was just recovering from a very tough time and I was determined not to let down those who put faith in me.

I worked for 22 years as Foreign Affairs Minister. It seems like three months to me now. I negotiated over half a dozen trade agreements, I made sure Lodamun took its place within NATO once again, and I negotiated more than five peace agreements.

In December 2723, the people of Lodamun gave me a chance to be their President for the first time and here I am. Our country has faced many difficult situations but we have overcome all of them because that was my goal and yours.

We have faced terrorism and aggression. We have faced attacks by inhumane and cruel people but we never gave up and we will never give up. Terra has seen many changes since I became Foreign Affairs Ministry but there is something that has not changed at all: our determination. We, Lodamese citizens, are determined to protect our homeland. We, Lodamese citizens, are determined to ensure peace reigns all around the world. We, Lodamese citizens, are determined to fight until our last breath to ensure that our values and society are preserved.

I have been in public service for five decades now, I cannot imagine myself as a regular civilian. I love this country ver much and I will work, until my last breath, to ensure that peace in Lodamun exists.

I have given more than half of my life to Lodamun and I don't regret any second of it. I have been honored to serve this great and I will always be thankful for the opportunites you have given me. I will always be thankful for the support you have shown. I will always be in your debt for allowing me to represent you here at home and abroad.

However, I have decided that it is time for me to step aside and allow those who are younger and more vibrant to take over. It is your world now and I am sure it is in good hands. I wouldn't have not made the decision I made without making sure that our country falls in good hands.

So, it is my decision to retire and resign the Presidency on January of next year (2750). I wish the next President the best and I hope he or she keeps leading this country in the right path.

Thank you all and God Bless Lodamun!"

With those words, the President stepped away from the podium amid intense applause from everyone present in the room. The President, in an unexpected move, walked to where the reporters were sitting and started shaking the hands of those sitting in the front rows.

Merely twenty minutes after the President's news conference, the Vice President released a stunning statement.

"Citizens of Lodamun. Today, President Kynes has announced his retirement from public service. Both of us have been talking about such subject for some time now. We have both served this country for almost five decades now. I have had the great opportunity to serve as Vice President for this time and I greatly appreciate this chance given to me.

For almost fifty years, I have the Chairman of the Council of NATO and I have proudly developed this military alliance into the most neutral of any military alliances in the world. I have worked very hard to see peace in every corner of this world. While I may not have succeeded in achieving that goal, I have seen Terra grow more united towards the establishment of peace and stability. I have seen this world develop for the better, which brings me great happiness. I sincerely hope that future generations continue this path of peace for peace brings hapiness and hapiness brings glory.

I also want to thank former President Michael Porter Jr. for the opportunity given to me. I became Vice President at merely 37 years of age and now, after almost 50 years, I am 86 years old and still in public office. His remarkable show of confidence and his advice made me what I am now. I will forever be greatful.

After consultation with President Kynes and family members, I have also decide to retire from public service on January of next year.

After my retirement, Micheal J. Johnson shall become the official representative of Lodamun to NATO and the Chairman of the Council of NATO. I am fully confident that NATO is in the best of hands. Minister Johnson has served as Defense Minister for almost twenty years and is one of the most knowledge individuals in the world when it comes to security and national defense. I wish Minister Johnson the best of lucks and give him one advice: Neutrality is at the foundation of a great alliance. If you let your foundation break, you alliance will fall and you will fall with it.

I want to thank the citizens of Lodamun for this great time and I want to thank President Kynes for his support and leadership throughtout the years.

Thank you and may God Bless Lodamun now and forever!


Roland Lincoln
Vice President of the United Republics of Lodamun"

This is the first time in the history of Lodamun that both the President and Vice President decide to retire at the same time.

Both announcements have experts puzzled and the press buzzing. The question in everyone's mind is: Who will replace both of these great men?

Let's go to our panel of experts to get this and other questions answered. Manuel Kirk, Mark Trent, Donna Salds thank you for being here today. Let's get right to it.

John Benz: What are your opinions of these two announcements? Donna let's start with you.

Donna Salds: It was a bit surprising that both decided to retire at the same time. Usually that doesn't happen. They like to maintain some sort of leadership figure during the transaction phase. I guess they have a lot of faith in the new leadership. They both have shown to be in great health and physical condition as well. Look, John, they have both served this country for quite some time. They deserve some time for themselves.

JB: Manuel?

Manuel Kirk: I agree. They have both served for a long time and they deserve to enjoy the rest of the years they have left. They are both into their mid 80s, it is time to start having as stress-free life.

JB: Mark?

Mark Trent: I am not surprised at all. The fact is that this was coming sooner rather than later. They are old. They are not nearly as energetic as they were. We need new leadership, a younger leadership.

JB: Who will replace President Kynes as the nominee from the Liberal Party?

DS: Is that a rhetorical question, John? *She laughs* I think not to many people would disagree that Foreign Affairs Minister Elizabeth Kynes is the nominee in waiting.

JB: Mark, Manuel, do you agree?

MT: Absolutely.

MK: No question about that.

JB: Given the great consensus we have on the potential Liberal Party's nominee *they all laugh for a couple of seconds*, I guess the question is: Can she win in the general election?

MT: I think she has shown her great leadership capabilities. She has taken on an important role as ambassador to the UNT and the Foreign Affairs Ministry is a great training opportunity for Presidential candidates. Her dad, President Kynes, was a Foreign Affairs Minister for 22 years.

DS: She can win. Maybe not with huge landslide as her father has for the last 15 years but she can win.

What do you think about Vice President Lincoln's replacement? Is Minister Johnson the right person to lead NATO?

Minister Johnson is the perfect person. Over 20 years of experience heading the Defense Ministry is not a bad line for your resume.

DS: I agree. He is a great pick for the job.

JB: Does that give him an edge to be the next Vice President?

MT: He would be in anyone's short list. I can't say that his new position will give him an edge but I think that if Ms. Kynes get elected, he will be nominated as Vice President. They seem to share a very special friendship. They trust each other...

JB: I am sorry to interrupt you Manuel but we are getting some new information. According to sources, Prime Minister Johnson will also announce her retirement this week. The sources could not comment further on this issue as it has not yet been made public.

What do you think about this?

DS: Not surprising. She has been Prime Minister for a long time and the job was clearly taking a toll on her health. It is definitely the time for her to step down. I think they all made the decision together, it seems.

MK: I was just thinking the same thing.

MT: They probably were drinking coffee one afternoon and said to each other: How cool will it be for the three of us to retire at the same time?

*Draws laughs*

JB: We are running out of time. OK, let's get into hypotheticals here. Let's say Minister Kynes gets elected President. Who gets the Vice Presidential nod? Just answer the question quickly.

DS: Minister Johnson

MT: Minister Johnson

MK: Her sister, Minister of Finance Kynes.

Who gets the Prime Minister position?

MT: The Deputy Prime Minister or someone who is not known too well.

DS: The Liberal's Party Chairman, Gregory Kynes

MK: Too many people to choose from.

JB: Who gets the Foreign Affairs Minister position?

MK: Gregory Kynes

DS: Patricia K. Johnson II

MT: Gregory Kynes

JB: Who gets to be Defense Minister if Minister Johnson becomes Vice President?

His deputy.

MT: I agree

MK: Someone from outside. Perhaps someone from the opposition party.

JB: Thank you all for being here today. We will keep you updated of new developments as they occur.
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby Mr.Yankees » Sat May 02, 2009 7:59 pm

Quarantine Zone canceled

Port Andalay, Andalay (LCN)- Today, President Kynes issued an executive ordering effectively canceling the quarantine established by the previous administration of her father.

In a statement released by the Presidential Office the President said that "the quarantine effectiveness does no longer outweighs its cost." She also reiterated that "the quarantine was successful and has prevented further terrorism from occurring in our nation and in other countries."

According to sources, new measures are being taken to prevent terrorism from happening including a heightened security at the ports. These sources indicate that while it may not seem like it, the security and actions taken now are much more aggressive than the quarantine, just not as evident.

Here's a copy of the executive order:

Executive Order 012-Removing Quarantine Zone

By the power given to me by the Constitution and laws of the United Republics of Lodamun, I hereby order the following:

1- The quarantine zone is hereby canceled.

2- All Fleets are to return to their regular assigned areas of operations or as otherwise indicated by classified orders.

3- The security at all ports in Lodamun will be increased to maximum and all sailors reaching ports will be searched and identified before being allowed into Lodamese terrorist.

4- Several checkpoints, to be enforced by the military, will be put in place, aside from those currently in effect, to assist with the identification and search of sailors.

5- All ships' cargo will be inspected before being unloaded from the vessels. All cargo will be inspected several times before leaving the port.

6- All branches of the military will downgrade to DEFCON 3.

7- All branches of the military will downgrade to REDCON 3.

8- The Force Protection Condition will downgrade to FPCON Bravo.


Elizabeth Kynes
President of the United Republics of Lodamun
Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby Mr.Yankees » Tue May 05, 2009 12:26 am

President Kynes celebrates the $1 trillion GDP mark

Port Andalay, Andalay (LCN)- This morning, outside of the stock exchange in Port Andalay, a giant banner reading "Welcome to the Trillion Era" was hung in commemoration of the historic economic mark reached by Lodamun. The government announced yesterday that GDP had finally reached the $1 trillion mark.

In the afternoon, and to celebrate this historic accomplishment, President Kynes visited the stock exchange. During the last trading hour of the day, she walked in the floor talking to investors and those who worked there.

At the end of the trading day, the President was given the honor to bang the gavel to signify the end of the trading day.

The Finance Ministry has predicted a continue growth of 5-10% for the next two-five years.


President Kynes during the closing bell congratulating investors
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby Mr.Yankees » Wed May 06, 2009 6:20 am

Motion to expel Egelion from NATO introduced by Vice President Johnson

Port Andalay, Andalay (LCN)- Yesterday, a close door emergency meeting of the Council of NATO convened after Vice President Johnson petitioned the Council for it. In the agenda, the expulsion of Egelion from NATO.

As previously reported, Egelion's legislature approved the ratification of the Novan Terran Unification Treaty. In a press conference before walking into the Council chambers, Vice President Johnson called these actions " a clear violation of all NATO stands for."

Several sources within the Vice Presidential Office have indicated that the Vice President will ask the Council to strip Egelion of its membership in NATO and revoke the automatic membership rule. This rule, established many decades ago, allows a country to ratify the NATO charter and gain immediate membership in NATO if no NATO member opposes the country from becoming a member. This rule was adopted to reduce the amount of time it took for countries to become members and to reduce, in great scale, the agenda of the Council.

Sources for LCN have also indicated that the debate in the Council will take a while as this is a historic move taken by NATO. No member before has had its membership revoked before and they will not take this case lightly.

We will, of course, keep you updated on this situation as it develops.
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby Mr.Yankees » Thu May 07, 2009 4:25 am

Egelion's membership in NATO revoked

Port Andalay, Andalay (LCN)- Today, NATO officials announced in a press conference that Egelion had been expelled from NATO after its clear violation of the charter when it endorsed the workings of Nova Terra by ratifying the Nova Terran Unification Treaty.

"Today is a sad day but at the same time a good day. It is very disappointing that our oldest member had to be expelled but at the same time we have created good precedent and shown the international community we will not allow terrorists and criminals within our alliance. NATO stands for peace not for violence. Today, we showed that. The Council acted swiftly and efficiently and we did what had to be done" said Vice President Johnson.

Experts had expected a fierce debate in the Council but this was nowhere to be found according to sources. These sources indicated that members debated behind the curtains for a little while, came to the floor one by one and voted to expel Egelion. "They had apparently made up their mind going into the meeting. They know these kind of meeting are not called randomly, there is always a reason for it and the evidence against Egelion could not be more clear" said Donna Salds, political contributor to LCN.

According to NATO officials, the Egelion representatives will be given sufficient time to vacate their offices at the NATO headquarters and at the Military Coordination Committee.
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby Mr.Yankees » Tue May 12, 2009 6:38 am

BREAKING NEWS: Former President Jonathan Kynes ill

Port Andalay, Andalay (LCN)- LCN has been able to confirm that former President Jonathan Kynes is very ill. We have not been able to confirm what the current situation is or what symptoms the former President presented with. Former President Kynes has a long history of heart disease and underwent open heart surgery two and a half years ago, only a year after stepping down as President.

The family has not issued any statements but confirmed that the former President is at his home in Port Andalay.

We are now receiving information from our correspondents at the Presidential Palace that there is a lot of movement in the Palace's grounds. We have not yet been able to confirm this but it seems that President Kynes is about to exit the Palace to go see her father, who we just mentioned is gravely ill.

We'll bring you more updates as soon as we get them.


Presidential Limousine getting ready
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby Mr.Yankees » Wed May 13, 2009 4:47 am

Former President Jonathan Kynes still very ill, confirms family member

Port Andalay, Andalay (LCN)- A family member of former President Kynes confirmed to the media today that the former President has not yet recovered from a serious illness and seems to be getting worse by the day.

This announcement comes amid speculation that the former President is in his last days. Helping to fuel these rumors are the visits from family members, including President Elizabeth Kynes and Foreign Affairs Minister Gregory Kynes, and close friends of the former President. Among those close friends, former Vice President Roland Lincoln.

LCN was not able to get a statement from the former Vice President but his press secretary did say that the former Vice President will be staying "for a couple of days until President Kynes gets better."

Reporters have assembled outside the house of the Kynes family and several hundreds of people have gathered in the Grand Plaza to pray and wish a speedy recovery to the former President.

We will keep you updated of any new developments.


Former Vice President Roland Lincoln on his way to visit ailing former President Jonathan Kynes


Hundreds gathered at the Grand Plaza to pray for the prompt recovery of former President Jonathan Kynes
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby GreekIdiot » Wed May 13, 2009 4:55 am

Keymon Defense Minister wishes a slow and painful death for Mr. Kynes.
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