
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.


Postby Gracchus » Wed Jun 24, 2009 1:47 am

Dundorfischer Zentralen Medien (DZM) is Dundorf's major news outlet bringing you up-to-date news from Dundorf's six major papers:

1. Neues Dundorf (New Dundorf) is a broadsheet newspaper that has the support of the hard left. It supports militant communism, class struggle and revolution. It is seen as internationalist in foreign affairs, and promotes the idea of a 'Terran revolution'. It is also supportive of social reform. Its columnists are split over social issues such as gay marriage and abortion while its primary concern is the economic struggle.

2. Der Globus (The Globe) is a broadsheet newspaper with considerable loyalties to conservatism, the Monarchy, and traditional moral and religious values. It is mildly nationalistic in tone, and shifts between favoring economic nationalism or free trade. It generally takes restrictive opinions on immigration, social reform and crime and is noted for its staunch anti-communist line in foreign and domestic affairs.

3. Der Unabhängigen (The Independent) is a broadsheet newspaper, with a centrist political agenda, and actively promotes free-markets and a small government. It is seen as socially liberal and economically conservative. It has generally supported right-wing governments which promote a smaller role for the government and bureaucracy, and free trade. It is also supportive of globalisation.

4. Die Dunburg Welt Herold (The Dunburg World Herald) is a broadsheet newspaper of the nation's largest city and capital that while declaring itself 'independent' politically, has sympathies for centre-left and liberal causes. It is the paper most likely to promote environmental causes and social reform. It has generally endorsed moderate, centre-left parties, but has also backed right-wing parties with a liberal bent. It is seen as the paper for the liberal middle-classes.

5. Völkischer Beobachter (The People's Observer) is a broadsheet newspaper with absolute loyalties to the far-right of Dundorf. It is the most vehemently outspoken newspaper in the nation endorsing radical nationalism, extreme right-wing governmental reforms, cultural protectionism and economic autarky.

6. Pop! is a tabloid newspaper known to report from a popular entertainment angle and sensationalise the news. It often offers informal interviews with national leaders, and is generally supportive of incumbent politicians. Many of its opinion pieces are populist in nature, skeptical of both big business and the middle classes.
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Re: Dundorfischer Zentralen Medien (DZM)

Postby Gracchus » Thu Jun 25, 2009 9:45 pm

Den Globus: Major Nationalist Upset at Polls

Four large television screens glowed on the wall of the Nationalistische Partei headquarters. The room was silent as each television featured one of the major news channels of Dundorf. As the early results for Grozvic came in it appeared that the Nationalsozialistische Volkspartei was going to maintain its vice-like hold over the nation. Several hours later, the Reichstag results were counted stating that the Nationalists and their allies had won a stunning victory. Celebrations began and reached a crescendo upon word that the new position of Staatsführer had been awarded to His Imperial Majesty former-Kaiser Georg Wilhelm II. Everyone was taken by surprise, everyone, that is, except the Partei’s Erster Hochmeister Helmut Wilhelm Ralfs von Stößner.

“No, I am not surprised by this news,” von Stößner grunted, as he watched the celebration from the large window in his office. “We worked hard at every level and it shows. But beyond simple hard work, is the validation of the Partei’s ideals. We stand for Monarchism, conservatism, and the protection of our religion. In truth, however, this is a victory of His Majesty.”

When pressed about the reasons for the failure of the other parties, von Stößner added, “The Communists and the National Socialists pushed for vehemently to destroy the Monarchy that it bordered upon obsession. We always maintained that the nation supported the His Majesty and the Institution, and we feel this result is partially in retaliation to those parties’ criminal obsession … but maybe you can refer to it as a fetish.”

The headquarters was in good spirits that night as the final tally came in. The Nationalists had picked up 220 seats to become the largest party in the Reichstag. One can be assured that the nation is saved. Later that evening, His Imperial Majesty appeared to thank the Nationalist Party volunteers and give his victory speech. In keeping with his quiet demeanor, the Kaiser’s speech was short and to the point, but it did outline the Nationalist’s goal for the future.

“While we have won, we will not give up or forget our future goals. Our first goal, of course, is the protection of Dundorf and all Volksdundorfischer found throughout Terra. Our second goal, is the reestablishment of the Monarchy; I look forward to the day that myself and my family may once again regain the throne that is rightly ours.” The crowd burst into cheers and His Majesty had to wait for the crowd to die down.

“Our third long term goal, is to work for the benefit of all Reichsdundorfischer, no matter their party affiliation or their personal politics. We will win them over with our policies and our culture of cooperation. We are not a party of who is going to usher in an era of ‘business as usual.’ We are going to bring a new era of ‘business unusual.’ In this new era, we shall cooperate with all parties and we will push our agenda through as much consensus as possible. If we stay true to these ideals, we shall win again in two years, and we shall continue to win elections and win over our enemies.”

Time will only tell whether these lofty ideals will be betrayed or whether a bright future awaits the people of Dundorf.
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Re: Dundorfischer Zentralen Medien (DZM)

Postby Drako » Mon Jun 29, 2009 6:54 pm

Völkischer Beobachter: Johann Klug Exlusive Interview
By: Tobias Holzmann

VB: "Your party is currently second in the nation. What do you think this says about the people of Dundorf?"

Klug: "It tells me that the left and nationalists know how to effectively lie to the public. Since taking power the Nationalists and their allies have overseen the degredation of our nation's economy and educational system."

VB: "How does the Nationalsozialistische Volkspartei plan on winning in the upcomming election?"

Klug: "We intend to show the people the true face of the Nationalists and their allies. We will show how they are going to allow those inferior races to take over our nation through free market capitalism, open trade, and free immigration for those who are not Volksdundorfe."

VB: "What is your party's official platform in this upcomming election?"

Klug: "We plan to return the economy and educational system back to the people. We will strive to ensure that our nation will remain ethnically pure through government intervention. We will ensure that all Volksdundorfe are safe by extreme measures if necessary. We will work to keep the nation secular and out of the hands of overly zealous religious officials. We will ensure that no monarchy will ever return. We will work to expand the military and it's power to ensure ALL Volksdundorfe, even those not in Dundorf, are under the laws of a true Dundorfian state led by true Volksdundorfe."

VB: "Aren't you afraid that the left will claim you are being driven by purely militarist intentions?"

Klug: "We are being led by militarist intentions and are not afraid to say so. For too long we have been led by the ideas of peaceful resolution with no gains. The only thing peace has done is set us on the path to disentegration. By using expansionist ideals to unite the Volksdundorfe we can form an ethnically pure and strong Dundorfian state. All the left wants us to do is become complacent and stay on the path to socialism. The Nationalists have become nothing more than a front for the monarchy. Only we, the NSVP, can unite the Volksdundorfe and keep them protected."

For full audio please visit the official Völkischer Beobachter website.

"Reich vor Selbst!"
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Re: Dundorfischer Zentralen Medien (DZM)

Postby Drako » Tue Jul 14, 2009 1:39 am

April 21, 2786

Völkischer Beobachter: Schutzstaffel Prevent Assassination Attempt
By: Uwe Berger

Yesterday the Schutzstaffel branch of the Nationalsozialistische Volkspartei prevented an assassination attempt on Johann Klug. A Schutzstaffel sniper team spotted the two assassins attempting to throw petrol bombs in Herr Klug's vehicle as it rounded a corner in Unterschloss, Oderveld. The Führer had just finished a rousing speech at the Alter Mann Bierhalle and was on his way to his hotel when the two men rushed through the crowd to reach the street. Upon reaching the street they lit their petrol bombs but were shot before they were able to throw them The case has been handed to the muncipal authorities but the SS has confirmed that they are performing an independent investigation. When the bodies of the assassins were searched they found pistols that most likely would have been used had the petrol bombs not worked. The identies of the assassins have not yet been released but police have confirmed that they have searched the property of the two men and found bomb making materials and heavy weapons. Police have also indicated that they found evidence that the men were part of a radical left-wing organization that may be actively planning the overthrow of the Dundorfian government.

The Führer was unphased by the attempt saying, "This only proves that fate is on my side. These left-wing radicals are dangerous and should be uprooted from the nation and exsponged from existence. It is people such as these that cause citizens to distrust the left and with good reason. We cannot allow these anarchists, communists, or whatever they are to take over this nation. We will use the full power of the legal system to bring these traitors to justice. No one will destroy the Vaterland on my watch."

There is also talk of the Bundesnachrichtendienst (Federal Intelligence Service, BND) becoming involved in the investigation as well. High level officers of the BND have publicly disclosed that they have been investigating several radical leftist groups but said they had no knowledge of any planned attempts on the lives of any prominent politicians.

"Reich vor Selbst!"
Royal Fascist Party - Mordusia - Inactive
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Re: Dundorfischer Zentralen Medien (DZM)

Postby Tomzilla » Wed Jul 15, 2009 8:52 pm

Die Dunburg Terran-Herald: Speech from the Staatsführer

In a rousing speech given in Dunburg, fresh off another victory for the Demokratische Republikaner Partei in both the Nationalversammlung and Staatsführer elections, Staatsführer Schaedel outlined the goals of his term, and the overall goals of the DRP. Speaking on the political doldrums Dundorf has been in for near the past decade:

"For far too long our government has done naught but sit around in stagnation. The current government is a joke, with positions being held by party's that do no reflect the will of the people. Changes are coming, whether they like it or not."

Herr Schaedel's speech ended with the following:

"As I've said before, change is coming. For far too long, the oppressed have had to fear for their existence, whether the grounds be that they are not of the so-called correct race or creed. For too long the businessman has had to fear for being creative. For far too long the bureaucrat had had to fear for acting progressively. For far too long those that defend this nation have had to fear of being in the so-called correct lifestyle. For far too long, all of us have had to fear many things: fear a dogmatic monarchy, an oppressive economic system, a society of 'racial purity'. What I propose is the New Way, the Middle Path. The Government and the Economy can be seperate, but regulated. The people can live as they like, as long as it does not harm the government. Freedom can be had by any, not just the 'best'. This is what we must all strive for. I thank all of you for listening.
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Re: Dundorfischer Zentralen Medien (DZM)

Postby Drako » Thu Jul 23, 2009 6:02 pm

Völkischer Beobachter: Nationalsozialistische Volkspartei Upset At Polls

The NSVP won a major victory in the election. They gained a majority in the Nationalversammlung and the position of Staatsführer. Johann Klug won with a stunning 61% in the runoff election showing the true will of the Dundorfian people. In a statement Klug concluded, "We have won a major victory. They will of the Dundorfian people has been made into reality. We will not stand by as ethnic minorities attempt to take over our nation. We will work to bring power to the Dundorfian Vaterland. SIEG HAIL!!!"

However, despite the NSVP victory, the other parties are refusing to include the NSVP in a cabinet. These "democratic" parties are certainly not standing by their ideals of consent of the people. The NSVP has called for a new cabinet proposal that would include the NSVP and therefor show the true will of the people. Until the NSVP is included in the cabinet these other parties cannot declare themselves democratic without being total hippocrites.

Reich vor Selbts!
Royal Fascist Party - Mordusia - Inactive
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Re: Dundorfischer Zentralen Medien (DZM)

Postby Drako » Mon Sep 21, 2009 5:32 pm

Volkischer Beobacher: NSVP Headquarters Bombed

The main headquarters of the NSVP was bombed today. The building, located in Dunberg, was hit by suicide bombers associated with radical anarchist groups. The bombers destroyed the main enterance area, underground parking garage, outer wall, and main security checkpoint simultaneously. Over 500 people, both civilians and SS members, were killed with many more wounded. Johann Klug recalled feeling the blast in his office and running to the window to see smoke billowing up from the complex. The SS was put on high alert at all NSVP buildings across Dundorf but no other buildings were hit. The NSVP has called for a crackdown on anarchist groups all across the nation. The SS has begun official war games in preparation for open conflict with radical anarchist militants. Heinrich Eicke, leader of the SS, has officially activated the first division of the SS and has deployed it to all NSVP buildings in Dunberg. Whole streets have been shut down and blocked by SS roadblocks attempting to ensure security. The Anarchistische Bund Dundorf (ABD) has claimed responsibility for the attack. They claim that the NSVP is the embodiment of "The Syatem" and must be eliminated. They admitted that they failed to kill Klug, which was their goal, because his security detail had caused the bomber to detonate in the lobby of the building. The ABD is calling for citizens to rise up and overthrow the government. The NSVP is calling to an increase in state security to counteract the possibility of an anarchist rebellion.

Reich vor Selbst
Royal Fascist Party - Mordusia - Inactive
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Re: Dundorfischer Zentralen Medien (DZM)

Postby Drako » Thu Oct 22, 2009 2:35 am

Völkischer Beobachter: Nationalsozialistische Volkspartei and Thule-Gesellschaft Reestablish Dundorfisches Reich

The Nationalsozialistische Volkspartei and Thule-Gesellschaft have reestablished the Dundorfisches Reich. They have also passed broad reforms that will once again establish Dundorf's dominant place in the world. Staatsführer Johann Klug made a special speech before the newly reestablished Reichstag today. "We have brought Dundorf into a new era. This will be an era dominated by the Volksdundorfe; dominated by the Reich. We will once again take our rightful place atop the world and establish an unending Reich that will reign forever. The path ahead will be written in ink and blood. The ink of our pens will establish new lands and territory for the Volksdundorfe and the blood will be that of those who stand in our way. We will not sit idlely by and be exploited as we have in the past. We will rise up and plant our flag on every corner of the globe and proclaim the beginning of our new era. Seig Heil!"
Royal Fascist Party - Mordusia - Inactive
Radikal Kaiserliche Partei - Dundorf - Inactive
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Re: Dundorfischer Zentralen Medien (DZM)

Postby KommunistischenAP » Wed Oct 28, 2009 6:18 am

Neues Dundorf:Bloodless Revolution restores Democracy in Dundorf

After the passage of a series of laws by the government of the Nationalsozialistische Volkspartei, aimed at the destruction of the democratic government of Dundorf and the elimination of civil liberties and human rights of the people, a united front was formed of Communists, Moderates, and dissenting Conservatives demanding that snap elections be held over concerns of previous elections being little more than show elections rigged by the Nazis. In response to a possible outright civil war, Johann Klug, leader of the Nationalsozialistische Volkspartei and self-proclaimed "Führer" of Dundorf, immediately relented to popular sentiment and called elections, which in turn saw his party receive but 18.13% of the votes. The Presidential election, however, was yet again rigged with no one allowed to run in opposition. In the first series of laws passed by the popular front included reversal of nearly every law of oppression passed by the Nazis, and restored the constitution of Dundorf of which the Nazis had revoked as well as the parliament passing an outright ban on the Nationalsozialistische Volkspartei and declaring the leaders of the party as fugitives from the law. A second round of snap elections were called after the Nationalsozialistische Volkspartei's dissolution which saw the front divide into three major parties, in this election the Kommunistische Arbeiterpartei Dundorf saw a gain of nearly 48% of the seats in the, now named, Bundestag. The fascist/ultra-conservative Dundorfnationale Kaiserlichenpartei came in second in the polls with just over 40% of the vote, while the moderate Demokratische Republikaner Partei carried a solid 12% of the vote.

The Presidential elections saw Kommunistische Arbeiterpartei Dundorf's party leader Viktor Nordhaus claim victory who then immediately formed a new unified government. As a first act of business legal charges was issued for the entire leadership of the Nationalsozialistische Volkspartei, who were previously under arrest as per parliamentary declaration, under charges ranging from violation of the constitution of Dundorf to elections fraud, to crimes against humanity and treason. When questioned Paul Schikora, newly swore in Justice Minister of Dundorf, declared that the men in question would be tried to the full extent of the law by military tribunal and that capitol punishment would be sought in light of the charges of treason for all defendants.

For this we congratulate the politicians of the unified popular front on their victory over the Nazis, and for their saving of the entire Dundorfian people and offer our strongest level of thanks.
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Re: Dundorfischer Zentralen Medien (DZM)

Postby KommunistischenAP » Tue Nov 03, 2009 8:46 am

Neues Dundorf: Kommunistischen Arbeiterpartei Dundorf Reformed

After recent elections showed a slight decline in the votes the KAP-DD received, party leaders called together all communist, socialist, and militant leftists together in a general congress of unity. Through the process of general voting, proposals, compromises and deals it was determined that the KAP-D would henceforth be reformed. The party was to take a more hardline militant stance, push for economic and political reforms to be voted upon in the Bundestag, and do all in it's power to bring about the return of the Dundorf Democratic Republic of old. In light of this not unity party the name has officially been changed to Sozialistische Einheitspartei Dundorf, SED (Socialist Unity Party) and shall henceforth be known as such in all public records.

Additionally to spread the message of the party and expand the party base party leaders have agreed to the founding of the Freie Dundorfian Jugend, FDJ (Free Dundorfian Youth) in order to instill a communist spirit into the youth of Dundorf through education, organised holidays, and sporting clubs.

For graduates of the FDJ, as well as adult supporters of the SED there shall be a paramilitary militia formed under the name of the Vereinigte Arbeiter-Armee (United Workers Army) which shall further the FDJ education by providing armed military like training for the protection of the workers, party, and Dundorf itself from the fascist forces which threaten it

(VAA paramilitaries on march in Chonstaat-am-Bingen)
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