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Re: Neues Dundorf

PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 8:32 pm
by thefalloutfan101

Dundorfische Volkspolizei forcibly shut down PdM after repeated neglection of adherence to the Socialist Protection Bill

November 4345
Neukirchstadt, Oderveld

After repeated negligence of adhering to the DDR's Socialist Protection Bill, which banned capitalist, monarchist, fascist, and nationalist parties from forming a political organization in the Volkskammer, the PdM, of who meet 3/4 criteria of the ban, were effectively shut down by the Dundorfische Volkspolizei. Armeegeneral der Volkspolizei Wilhelm Tanzer declared the operation a "resounding success". After the DDR's first general elections, the PdM obtained an alarming 235 seats, while still continuously violating the Socialist Protection Bill. Herr Tanzer declared that police action was "absolutely necessary for the return of stability to the DDR". Police forces contacted the Minister of Justice for request of a warrant to enter the home of Ms. Auerswald to issue an arrest. After doing so, the party's headquarters were also searched and several arrests of key party members were conducted there and at the Volkskammer. When spoken to by Neues Dundorf, Herr Tanzler said that most of the largest opposition was removed from parliament and stability was soon to return. He also thanked the efforts of fellow policemen for their commitment to duty during this time of great instability for the working class. He also stated that the VoPo would be more vigilant for organizations that spring up that also wish to infringe upon the law. "We have no place for lawbreakers in our country. The political parties in our parliament asked them repeatedly to submit to the ban but they continued to be reckless and refused. It was only a matter of time until something like this happened."

Herr Tanzler gives a statement to press from his desk.

A squad of Volkspolizei Officers moments before entering the home of Ms. Auerswald to issue her arrest.

Re: Neues Dundorf

PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 12:22 am
by Gracchus
Der Globus: Outlawed PdM Auerswald Declares the End of her Party but Not of Her Movement

Former-PdM Chairwoman Theresia Amelie Auerswald explains the dissolution of her party on The Konrad Schwartz Show.

Neukirchstadt, Oderveld - The Volkspolizei held Theresia Amelie Auerswald for less than 24 hours but made up for this temporary detention with the permanent destruction of her party, the Partei des dundorfischen Mittelstandes. DDR officials have accused the PdM of violating the Socialist Protection Bill which outlaws all left-wing parties.

What will happen to the PdM's 235 seats in the Volkskammer as they can no longer be organized as a party? Frau Auerswald answered this question. Soon after being released from VoPo headquarters she ran to a local talk show. Shockingly, she found that her official television ban had not yet been enforced and quickly took the airwaves.

On Schwartz's program, Auerswald announced that the deputies who formerly were the Partei will become unattached, independent deputies of the Volkskammer. "This seems to be the one way to skirt the Socialist Protection Bill," Auerwald stated. "It states that parties are banned but not individuals. Therefore, the deputies will not have a formal organization but will instead vote independently. However, it will just a coincidence that their voting patterns will align. There will be no proof of cooperation or collusion. They can arrest us all - and I'm certain that we will be arrested at some point - but they cannot ban us as we are not an organized party in the full sense of the phrase."

Re: Neues Dundorf

PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 9:25 am
by Mbites

Re: Neues Dundorf

PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 9:16 pm
by thefalloutfan101

General Secretary Albrecht Schultze allows Social Democrats to practice their politics in VKPD, quickly surges to top opposition faction

May 7, 4345
Dosmund, Hauptstadt der DDR

In a surprising move, Generalsekretär Albrecht Schultze announced that the VKPD would allow the Alliance of Social Democrats (Allianz der Sozialdemokratischen), a previously liquidated faction that was absorbed by the Metzist Communists all the way back in 4310, would finally be able to independently practice their political beliefs in the party's headquarters and be able to send delegates to the Volkskammer, but still representing the VKPD. Despite still being under the VKPD, the ASD has surged to the top opposition faction in the party, with an estimated 42% popularity. Herr Schultze's move was likely due to the recent political instability in Dundorf after a capitalist party, named the PdM, in direct violation of the Socialist Protection Bill, sent delegates to the Volkskammer and won an alarming number of seats in parliament—All whilst still breaking the law. Finally in a move that saw criticism by some members of the VKPD, but likely inevitable, was the forced dissolution of the organization and the arrest of its leader. To appease those wanting reforms, the Alliance of Social Democrats was reestablished by members of the Zentralkomitee, then began practicing independently within the VKPD. The faction's leader, Helmuth Krauß, even arranged an agreement with Leonidist faction leader Andrei Viktorov which would see their faction integrated with the AdSd. The forming of a rival faction within the ruling party of Dundorf for much of the 2nd DDR's existence was met with warm reception, with the VKPD's Chief Delegate in the Volkskammer, Ortwin Zellweger, even giving Krauß a bouquet of flowers, a token of socialist brotherhood. However, there was small criticisms made by hardliners of the party. Generalsekretär Schultze justified his actions by stating "We are still in the process of achieving full Communism. The DDR is currently a socialist state, and as such, to assist in the advancement to full Metzist Communism, all socialist parties are welcome. It would be unjust to not allow them representation." In an incredible turn of events, it seems the VKPD has finally begun to open up to small reforms from within. Reporters from Neues Dundorf were able to capture numerous photographs of the event, taken by our field reporter, Günter Hermann.

Herr Krauß announces the reestablishment of the Alliance of Social Democrats, shortly after the meeting of the Zentralkomitee.

Ortwin Zellweger gives Krauß a bouquet of flowers, as a token of socialist brotherhood.

Krauß and Viktorov meet to arrange the absorption of his faction into the ASD.

Krauß and other allies leaving the Volkskammer tonight, shortly after a press conference.

Re: Neues Dundorf

PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2018 4:47 am
by thefalloutfan101
Die Dunburg Welt Herold: VKPD holds snap leadership elections, ASD faction wins clean sweep

July 15, 4347
Dosmund, Hauptstadt der DDR

With elections two years away, and a clear divide shown in the party, the VKPD, now the only fully communist and ruling party in the DDR, has held its leadership elections early, and the Alliance of Social Democrats faction, of whom gained 42% popularity, won a clean sweep, with the faction's leader, Helmuth Krauß becoming the new General Secretary. He thanked the communists graciously for allowing the social democrats to practice their political beliefs from within, and has committed to establishing a friendly relationship between the two factions. In his victory speech, he announced that the party would undergo some name changes, and the abolishment of the office of General Secretary, instead changing it to Chairperson. He also announced that the name would be changed from Volks Kommunistische Partei von Dundorf to Partei des Demokratischen Socialismus. He also announced numerous social reforms which would give some freedom back to capitalists, but ensured that Dundorf would still be ruled with some social democratic principles, namely the core ideal of Metzism which is the ownership of the means of production, with non essential items would be given some room for the private sector, such as the media. The new PDS party also announced that it would set forth plans to abolish the Staatsrat and Ministerrat, opting for the return of single-person positions. It seems the beginning of the end of communist rule has finally come for Dundorf and its peoples.

Herr Krauß gives the peace sign after he receives the results of the VKPD's leadership elections.

Re: Neues Dundorf

PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 4:10 am
by thefalloutfan101

DDR Government holds 8 Jahre DDR parade, DVA soldiers conduct final changing of the guard

January 8, 4348
Dosmund, Hauptstadt der DDR

With the Partei des Demokratischen Sozialismus, the new party emerging from the ashes of the VKPD after a rapid wave of political changes occurring from within introducing their Repeal of the Governmental Structure Reforms Bill and Restoration of the Bundesrepublik on the eve of passing within two months, the DDR is at its end. So today the current ruling party allowed the Dundorfische Volksarmee to conduct one final military parade, and the Dundorfische Ehrenwache conducting a final changing of the guard at the Volkspalast. Reporters from Neues Dundorf were able to photograph numerous photos of the emotional event. Several citizens present at the parade were seen tearing up upon the close of the Dundorfische Volksarmee, where upon the DVA would be given new uniforms that were previously standard issue in the Bundesrepublik. The PDS stated that it will likely sell the stock of DVA uniforms to surplus stores in Dundorf and other nations abroad. Our own field reporter admittedly got a little emotional as well. This emotional display already shows that the close of the DDR is certainly a bittersweet one.

A massive amount of DVA troops conduct a military parade in downtown Dosmund, not far from the former VKPD's headquarters, the Volkspalast.

The Dundorfische Ehrenwache conduct one final changing of the guard at a government building in Zerlin.

Re: Neues Dundorf

PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 8:27 pm
by thefalloutfan101
Die Dunburg Welt Herold: PDS campaigns for 4350 elections, promises "Freedom and Prosperity for All"

May 12, 4349
Zerlin, Dundorf

Campaign poster for the PDS, with their slogan: "Peace and Prosperity for All"

The PDS today commenced its campaign for the 4350 elections, encouraging a national unity government with their party and the PdM. They have however stated that a campaign coalition with them is unlikely, rather opting for friendly relations instead. Party Chairperson Helmuth Krauß was nominated for the candidacy of Bundespräsident for the upcoming elections. After having restored the Bundesrepublik and ushered in several reforms to allow some room for the private sector and more prosperity for the small business owner, the party wants to put the "scars of the past" behind them, opting for a return to federalism with social democratic principles, mainly in regards to the education system and industry of Dundorf. The successor to the VKPD has had enormous popularity from the working class, campaigning on their slogan, "Peace and Prosperity for All". How the party will fair in the first and second rounds for Bundespräsident is unknown, but with their status, a win isn't far within the realm of possibility.

Re: Neues Dundorf

PostPosted: Sun Feb 18, 2018 4:56 am
by thefalloutfan101
Die Dunburg Welt Herold: PDS wins election for Bundespräsident, but dissolves its party

July 15, 4350

The PDS has won the elections of 4350 for the Bundespräsident and still secured their place as the largest party in the Bundestag, but keeping in line with their promises, they have chose to dissolve their party and hand the position over to a coalition government lead by the PdM and the NDVP. Helmuth Krauß thanked the PdM for cooperating with them for the revitalization of the Bundesrepublik in the post-DDR era and wished them good luck, hoping that the two parties would uphold the ideals of the recently reformed Bundesrepublik, still carefully recovering from small privatization reforms enacted by the PDS to give some relief to the working class of Dundorf, but still upholding socialist principles. The future of Dundorf is now uncertain, but with two capitalist parties, it seems more privatization reforms are soon to come. Whether or not they will still offer subsidies to education and healthcare, industries that the PDS has fought to upheld to make free, is undetermined.

Re: Neues Dundorf

PostPosted: Mon Feb 26, 2018 8:54 pm
by Gracchus
Dundorfischer Zentralen Medien (DZM) is Dundorf's major news outlet bringing you up-to-date news from Dundorf's six major papers:

1. Neues Dundorf (New Dundorf) is a broadsheet newspaper that has the support of the hard left. It supports militant communism, class struggle and revolution. It is seen as internationalist in foreign affairs, and promotes the idea of a 'Terran revolution'. It is also supportive of social reform. Its columnists are split over social issues such as gay marriage and abortion while its primary concern is the economic struggle.

2. Der Globus (The Globe) is a broadsheet newspaper with considerable loyalties to conservatism, the Monarchy, and traditional moral and religious values. It is mildly nationalistic in tone, and shifts between favoring economic nationalism or free trade. It generally takes restrictive opinions on immigration, social reform and crime and is noted for its staunch anti-communist line in foreign and domestic affairs.

3. Der Unabhängigen (The Independent) is a broadsheet newspaper, with a centrist political agenda, and actively promotes free-markets and a small government. It is seen as socially liberal and economically conservative. It has generally supported right-wing governments which promote a smaller role for the government and bureaucracy, and free trade. It is also supportive of globalisation.

4. Die Dunburg Welt Herold (The Dunburg World Herald) is a broadsheet newspaper of the nation's largest city and capital that while declaring itself 'independent' politically, has sympathies for centre-left and liberal causes. It is the paper most likely to promote environmental causes and social reform. It has generally endorsed moderate, centre-left parties, but has also backed right-wing parties with a liberal bent. It is seen as the paper for the liberal middle-classes.

5. Völkischer Beobachter (The People's Observer) is a broadsheet newspaper with absolute loyalties to the far-right of Dundorf. It is the most vehemently outspoken newspaper in the nation endorsing radical nationalism, extreme right-wing governmental reforms, cultural protectionism and economic autarky.

6. Pop! is a tabloid newspaper known to report from a popular entertainment angle and sensationalise the news. It often offers informal interviews with national leaders, and is generally supportive of incumbent politicians. Many of its opinion pieces are populist in nature, skeptical of both big business and the middle classes.

NOTE: These are not exhaustive, feel free to propose new paper titles and purposes (ie a Sports Magazine, etc), however, if one currently exists, just stick with it instead of creating something new. Have fun!

Re: Neues Dundorf

PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 9:40 pm
by Pragma
Ein Weg zur Erlösung // Der Unabhängige
A Path to Redemption // The Independent

Above: Dustin von Hertz-Frey

After centuries of political instability and division, with communism and fascism overpowering local politics, a new group has sprung up to create 'a new, moderate, safe Dundorf'. The credibility of Dundorf on the world stage has long been diminished by extremism, and the nation remains one of the least stable in Artania. The 'Radical Republican Party', or RRP, has staked itself out as a new political force designed to 'open Dundorf up to its neighbours', while refusing to 'sell-out' the culture of its residents. With a polarised political system in Dundorf, can the party act as a kingmaker in elections and push through a moderate agenda? Only time will tell, but The Independent brings to you the details of the new party.

Led by the charismatic Dustin von Hertz-Frey, a former stock exchange broker in the capital who made his fortunes riding the risky economy expertly, the party is globalist and seeks to open up Dundorf, but does not want to integrate Dundorf into the rest of the world culturally - instead to grow it into a regional power. Through an open trade policy, which includes scrapping tariffs and low corporation tax - as well as controversially allowing foreign businesses free-reign in the Dundorfian economy - the party seeks to grow the Dundorfian economy. It will also invest massively in upcoming technologies, in order to give Dundorf a 'major advantage in the economy of tomorrow' - a slogan popular among the party.

The RRP is also seeking to empower Dundorf, which has became relatively weak in comparison to the two major powers that surround it - Dorvik to the north and Luthori to the south. Plans include increasing military spending and investing in experimental equipment that can allow Dundorf to defend itself against invasion. Though their military policy remains overall dovish in terms of interventionism or aggressive tactics, the party certainly is not looking to weaken Dundorf to make it 'unterdorvik' or 'upper Luthori' - as it has been cruelly dubbed by some unsavoury characters. The RRP also hopes to combine into these positions a modern and liberal social policy - will this combine in their favour?