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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Cirith » Wed Jun 06, 2018 10:53 pm

OOC: This happened in January of 4401. These posts are recaps of what happened on those days.

Jelbic Sea Hosts Joint Resolve Naval Exercise


The closing days of exercises in Operation Joint Resolve centred around the navies of both Luthori and Lourenne, with the first day focusing on joint operations and the second day focused on mock combat and a naval battle. The majority of the army personnel deployed for the Operation returned to their bases and large portions of the air force from both nations also returned home, with a small number remaining on hand for naval exercises around search & rescue and helicopter operations.

DAY 9 & 10:
Location: Jelbic Sea, off Coast of Utagia

The first day of the naval exercises consisted of two tactical assault groups, consisting of mixed warships from both fleets, simulating details of drills centred on a map including ship-to-sea firing by secondary cannons, air defence, joint landing and inspection, maritime search and rescue, underway replenishment and manoeuvres geared around close quarter operations. The training encompassed several units and naval machinery, including Mistral helicopters, a number of frigates, rocket launchers, aircraft that discover & combat submarines and fighters which can be launched by the Luthori Aircraft Carrier.


The drills on the second day involved a number of combat exercises using live ammunition, submarines, and defence against asymmetric threats, as well as executing daytime and night-time sailing formations. The exercise ran through a range of scenarios, including crisis and conflict situations, disputed territory operations, terrorist activity, smuggling and piracy. The afternoon of the second day saw a live ammunition war game participated in by both nations and a cat and mouse chase to test the maritime training of personnel on the vessels, as well as the comand structure for both navies.

The end of the day saw Luthori Royal Navy forces return to their base in Utagia, whilst the Lourenne Navy set sail to cross the Anantonese Ocean back to Lourenne.
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Cirith » Wed Jun 06, 2018 11:12 pm

Foreign Secretary Sets Ambitious Agenda

The Foreign Secretary of Luthori, Sharon Stinson, has laid down an ambitious agenda for the next 2 years, which will round out the Grand Coalition between the SDP and White Rose, which both parties have said will end in the election of 4407. She not only made it clear that Security Council action on Saridan and Piracy was a priority, but that Luthori engagement with the whole of Terra, as well as repairing relations with Narikaton, was firmly on her to do list before she may have to leave office again.

She started by saying she had decided to promote the Tukarali Diplomatic and Economic Cooperation Treaty for full Diet debate, although reserved judgement on whether the country should ratify it, as she says she has the power to present Treaties to the Diet, and they decide via super-majority whether to sign.

She went on to once more promote the Global Emancipation Treaty ( ... reatyid=59) which has been signed by a further 15 nations since she promoted its ratification across Terra, it now hosts 27 signatories and 3 further ratifications being debated.


She also used the opportunity to announce new embassies will be built and opened with Cakaniye Cumhuriyeti (Jakania). They will open a brand new embassy in Fort William, whilst the Empire opens a new embassy in the centre of Dokuz (Haftiye), both nations will joint-fund the embassies, with full opening ceremonies next year.

The Foreign Office confirmed that the Foreign Secretary would be making a state visit to the Grand Principality of Deltaria in January 4405 to further relations between Luthori and Deltaria, and to meet Augustin II Von Thaller, the Governor General.

She finished by saying she would reach out to the Government of Ewiges Thalleristisches Reich von Narikaton in the coming days, personally making overtures to Parteivorsitzender Dennis von Thaller in the hopes of thawing tensions between Luthori and Narikaton since the latter abolished slavery last year.
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Cirith » Wed Jun 06, 2018 11:25 pm

Union Between House of Argennes and House of Weston


The Luthori House of Weston and the Ardurian House of Argennes have joined hands today, as Elizabeth Weston, daughter of Marquis Samuel, married Christophe Edouard, Duke of Argennes in a lavish ceremony in Youk as the Marquis gave his daughter away at the church on their ancestral estate.

The service began at George III's Chapel at midday and was conducted by His Eminence, the Archbishop of Oalapo, and the Rt Hon. Archbishop of Aldur officiated as the couple made their marriage vows. At 1pm, following the service, the couple travelled around Youk in a horse-drawn carriage, providing an opportunity for members of the public to see them and join in with the celebrations. After the procession, the couple and their guests attended a reception hosted by Marquis Samuel Weston in the estate grounds, bringing the public aspects of the day to a close.

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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Cirith » Thu Jun 07, 2018 12:01 am

House of Weston Elevated to Dukedom as Stinson Granted Marquessate

House of Weston Coat of Arms

For the 65th Anniversary of the Commonwealth, Emperor Alexander I undertook a Commonwealth tour with his family, it was during this tour that the Emperor confirmed he was making Samuel Weston the Duke of Greater Youk, and would elevate his brother, Frederick Stinson, to the Marquessate left vacant by the Westons. The Crown Princess Arianna and Prince Avrid officially ennobled the brothers at a ceremony in Fort William attended by the nobility of the Holy Luthori Empire, including His Grace, the Grand Duke of Yodukan. This means Samuel Weston is the fifth Duke of the Empire along with; the Duke of Adlerberg, the Duke of Helmsy, the Duke of Pribith and the Duke of Sustern.

The elevation comes ahead of the White Rose serving 200 continious years in politics, with more than half spent in the official Government of the Empire. It means the Weston family are now part of the second tier of landed nobility, and the Stinson family, starting from Frederick, the younger brother of Samuel, now claim the seat of Youk Marquessate and claim the fourth rank of nobility within the Empire for themselves.

Peerages Granted by Emperor Alexander I

Duke Samuel Weston, Duke of Greater Youk in Yodukan
Marquis Frederick Stinson, of Youk Marquessate in Yodukan

The Duke and Duchess with their newest daughter, Amelia
White Rose of the Holy Luthori Empire

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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Fred » Thu Jun 07, 2018 10:18 am



In a joint statement today, Mr. Jeremy Steel, leader of the breakaway Liberal Unionist Party, and Mr. Roy Maclennan, leader of the Democratic Socialists, announced that the parties would from now on campaign as an electoral alliance. If elected to government, the two parties will function as a "single government or governing partner", Mr. Maclennan said. Mr. Steel emphasised that there was no question of which of the two men would be the Imperial Seal-Bearer if the parties won the next election. "I have long been an admirer of Roy, and his firm commitment to liberal principles", Mr. Steel said. "His great experience as a former Chancellor of the Exchequer and Foreign Secretary, and as a former President of the Artanian Commission, make him the obvious choice to lead an Alliance government, and I and my party would be honoured to serve in a government under his leadership." Mr. Maclennan, for his part, emphasised his "profound sense of joy" at the thought of working with the Liberal Unionists. "I have always been an admirer of the reforming spirit of the Liberals in this country. I hope this Alliance will be fruitful not only electorally, but will also succeed in bringing about the realignment of the radical centre, which so many ordinary Luthori citiziens have hoped for for so long", he said.

The two parties will maintain their independent structures and leaderships, the two men said, but will campaign together on a joint platform and 'similar' manifesto pledges. Democratic Socialist insiders say that they hope to benefit from the greater local party infrastructure held by the Liberal Unionists, while Liberal sources close to Mr. Steel say that they hope to benefit from the Democratic Socialists' greater national profile, and government experience.
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby hansoloffson » Thu Jun 07, 2018 9:27 pm

SPD breaks coalition!

Today early noon Alice Teodurschu adressed the nation.

Due to the split within this cabinet, i don't see it being practical for it to continue. As correctly pointed out there have been different policies that both parties have tried to push for. But in the early days of the grand Coalition we managed to find common ground and leave well enough alone. When the White Rose leader and my deputy chancellor proposed a bill that would end union rights and attacked the rights for workers to defend themselves, we had no choice but to end the coalition. We will seek a mandate for a true left wing goverment that can steer this nation right and expand upon the welfare state that we have built together. The Social Democratic Party will not sit with the White Rose again. I have therefore asked the Diet for a fresh election, to ask the voters which way they want this grand nation to go.

The split have been obvious for many with many heated exchanges between coalition members within the diet, not least between the leaders themselves.

In the same speech she announced the new party poster and slogan for the election which can be seen on their party page.
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Dino9932 » Fri Jun 08, 2018 11:13 am

Elections for the Imperial Diet 4405
Election Night Speech by Edward Underwood

"If there is anyone out there who still doubts that the Holy Luthori Empire is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.

"It's the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches in numbers this nation has never seen, by people who waited three hours and four hours, many for the first time in their lives, because they believed that this time must be different, that their voices could be that difference.

"It's the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, Socialist and Conservative, Centrist and Liberal, Luthori, Beiteynuese , and Hulstrians , gay, straight, disabled and not disabled, Luthorians who sent a message to the world that we have never been just a collection of individuals or a collection of Duchies

"We are, and always will be, the United as the Luthori Empire.
"It's the answer that led those who've been told for so long by so many to be cynical and fearful and doubtful about what we can achieve to put their hands on the arc of history and bend it once more toward the hope of a better day.

"It's been a long time coming, but tonight, because of what we did on this date in this election at this defining moment, change has come to Luthori. Yes We Can.


I just got of the phone with Frederick Stinson i have accepted his offer of joning in a coalition goverment whith the White Rose and the Luthorian Democratic Union in a centrist third way middle ground goverment, know i know some of you out there would rather haved us stay out side any goverment with the right, i understand that. But i had to accept, for the stability of our country, for without a Liberal Republican voice in govement, there would be no goverment since no block had the neccesary votes to get a own majority. And with a liberals in goverment there will be liberal policies in goverment. We will not retreat, We will not bend or break, We will stand upp for our liberal values. "It's been a long time coming, but tonight, because of what we did on this date in this election at this defining moment, change has come to Luthori. And Yes We Will Legalize Abortion.



Election Result for the Imperial Diet in the election of4405.

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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Fred » Fri Jun 08, 2018 2:13 pm



The recent snap election was a "disappointing" results for the Liberal-DSP Alliance, Mr. Jeremy Steel, the Liberal Unionist leader, told a conference this morning. The Alliance gained just 48 seats in the Diet, with 31 held by the Liberals, and just 17 going to the Democratic Socialists. "Of course, I'm very disappointed, and very angry this morning", said Mr. Steel. "We ran a strong campaign, we had a lot of energy, and a great local response, particularly in the regions. At one point in the campaign, we were polling over 50%, well above the other six parties. So of course the result is frustrating. It only strengthens our calls to move from this outdated proportional system of voting to a more modern, First Past the Post approach."

Although not the breakthrough they had hoped for, the result is still the best for a Liberal Unionist leader in almost twenty years. For the Democratic Socialists, however, the result was more galling, with the loss of two members of the "Finger of Four" as members of the Diet, Mrs Shirley Jenkins, the president of the party, and Mr Bill Ogden, the transport spokesman, both losing their seats. Mr. Maclennan, leader of the Democratic Socialists, said that he and his party would have to "reflect very hard indeed" on why their message had failed to connect with voters at the election. Behind the scenes, however, there is widespread discontent within the party at Maclennan's leadership, which has been seen as highly ineffectual. The party split three ways on the recent Trade Union Act, and Maclennan's leadership has been blamed both for this and for the party's inability to convert poll results into momentum. One senior figure, who asked not to be named, suggested that Maclennan was "past it", and "more interested in his writing than in fighting to lead the next government". Other figures cite his heavy claret intake as causing slow and often lacklustre decision-making, while some have also cited the new party's "sclerotic", "over-democratised" structure. For now, however, no leadership challenge has been mounted.

For now, the Alliance has remained firm on the unlikelihood of its joining the right-wing coalition which currently looks set to once again take control of Luthori government, with both party leaders strongly denying being in talks with the White Rose party.
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Luis1p » Fri Jun 08, 2018 9:59 pm

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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby hansoloffson » Sat Jun 09, 2018 10:23 am

Alice Teodurschu remains as party leader

Once it stood clear which cabinet would pass Alice Teodurschu now leader of the opposition was asked if she would resign as leader.

Resign? Why would I possibly do that? I've never been in opposition before it will be a fun new experience.

Later that week during the social democratic Congress she was reelected and gave a speech to the crowd and to be broadcast across the nation.

It would seem that the Neo liberals convinced the Republicans! We held the talks, and while they said that the republicans hated the neo liberals, they have no worries of being the Neo Liberal puppet party! Forever doomed to support the white rose. These coming few years is a betrayal to the working class, to the hard working mother and single father. Wages will fall, people will loose much of their healthcare and education will cost even more. But hang in there! Fight the good fight! Stand your ground. When the government tells you that you can't strike! Strike! The unions are more powerful than ever! Strike for your rights as workers of the grand nation! Fight for your family and friends!

The speech caused massive cheers being the first time in many years a politician encouraged a strike.

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