
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Luthori

Postby Autokrator15 » Tue May 07, 2024 10:51 pm

Luthori Daily
Humperdinck Media
Luthori & Baltusia cooperate militarily, Imperial Armed Forces depart for Baltusia
The Commonwealth allies Luthori & Baltusia announce that the Imperial Luthorian Armed forces are to station in Baltusia and train with Baltusian Armed Forces
March 5480


Fort William, Luthori -The Secretary of State for Defence and the First Lord of the Admiralty announced today that the Home fleet will depart with some division of the Imperial Airforce and the Armed Forces for Baltusia. The Minister of State for Seleyan Affairs and the Minister of State for Commonwealth Affairs have been announced as accompanying the Imperial forces departure as a gesture of good will to the Baltusian allies.

For some time now Baltusia has been a part of the Commonwealth together with Luthori. With the creation of the Northern Security Treaty Organisation (NSTO) the nations who already share important economic, cultural and historic ties have become allies. Though the symbolic signing of the treaty and the celebrations that come with it are still being planned by the host country Dolgava, the Luthorian and Baltusian governments felt it time to already accelerate their cooperation by stationing the Luthorian forces there for two years. During the time the Baltusians will lease out a base and port for the Luthorians to use and both forces shall conduct various training excercises with each other with the different branches of the armed forces as well as a joint training of all branches during these two years.

The Imperial Navy’s home fleet will remain for, as said earlier, two years. It specific role is to train the Baltusian navy, give information and instruction but also to train itself in unfamiliar waters and conduct patrols of the Baltusian coast on behalf of its ally Baltusia. After the two years the Home Fleet will return to its duties in the Artanian Sea. During this time the Northern or Southern Fleets will each take turns replacing the Home Fleet during its absence. After the two years the fleet will however not directly return home, but rather work its way home. Though plans have not been finalised, it is the plan that the Home Fleet will make a stop in Lodamun to train with the formidable Lodamun navy and with government representatives discuss the Lodamunese success on creating a formidable Coast Guard, something the Empire wishes to emulate.

On Seleya the Baltusians are obviously a strong force within the alliance and are familiar with the terrain in the region. The Imperial Army, wishing to increase its foreign knowledge hopes to take advantage of the knowledge of the strong Baltusian armed forces. The training excercies will be to exchange best practices, learn from each other and especially for Luthori to train in Seleya to get more knowledge of the region, the terrain and tactics that work there. Like the naval training the mission and the stationing of the troops will last for two years.

The move is in line the Imperial Governments strategic shift towards the Northern part of Terra, especially Northern Seleya, Keris and Makon. On these continents many nations rest who have in various ways ties to Luthori, ranging from deep economic and cultural ties like with the Commonwealth, as well as an alliance and security commitments in the form of the new NSTO. With the near-war with Kundrati and Davostag, the nations that rallied to Luthori’s side have seen an increase in willingness to cooperate on mutual security with each other and especially with Luthori. This willingness has resulted in the creation of the NSTO. The Imperial Government has stated it will later divulge more information on the new alliance. For now, it seems that the partners of Luthori are gaining more of its attention in the most positive forms possible.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Autokrator15 » Wed May 08, 2024 9:49 pm

Luthori Daily
Humperdinck Media
Imperial Government responds to foreign response on Luthori-Baltusian military cooperation
May, 5480

Fort William, Luthori - A few months ago the Luthorian Imperial Armed Forces stated that they would start with training and military excercises with their fellow Commonwealth nation Baltusia. The two nations would cooperate with each other and teach best practises so as to enrich both militaries. The Holy Luthori Empire sending various trained troops to gain valuable non-Artanian experience as well as creating a deeper bond and pact with Baltusia. However this move has not come without criticism. The biggest and most harshest statement came from the MSCO, who in a hostile tone called Luthori’s actions as ‘’aggression’’ and ‘’hostilities towards Beiteynu’’. During a press conference the Minister of State for Commonwealth Affairs responded to these accusations of the MSCO by saying:

It is laughable that an organisation created for the security of Majatra, headed by Badara I believe, whom we always considered a very responsible nation in regional affairs, seems to respond on matters they clearly do not understand, have no business in and make claims that are preposterous. I’m not going to dignify these words filled with lies and poison with a further response other than we will speak to our friends in Yishelem about how unacceptable this is. The MSCO should mind its own business.

The United Kingdom of Lourenne one of the signatories of the Treaty of Altatepec. They made some nasty comments about our proud servicemen but also expressed grave concerns, which the Minister of State for Commonwealth Affairs Dylan Hackforth addressed during the press statement by the Foreign Office:

We find the response of Lourenne undignified in its wording. We are not sending untrained troops. We are sending troops with extensive experience in Artania to obtain valuable experience through diversification. That’s why we trained with Lourenne in Artania and in their home country during the Malivia crisis. We agree however that the optics are less then favourable, that was not our intention. The Empire is always open for feedback. However, this is not an intervention nor power projection but merely a show of brotherly cooperation between two parties. We assure Erincourt and those who have spoken out that the Empire has no ill-intent. But we also must point out Baltusia’s right to self-determination which Lourenne glances over too much.

The Minister then went on to state the following:

It is wrong for anyone to hinder their right to self-determination and to choose their own path. Baltusia and Luthori have discussed and planned this for months and it is Baltusia’s sovereign right to invite us. We would also like to remind everyone we are not opening a permanent base there, it’s a training mission. So I hope cooler heads will prevail and that sovereignty is respected.

At this point it seemed as though no compromise was to be made, then the statement of Dundorf was addressed, not brought up by the attending journalists for the Minister was to quick in addressing it. The Minister began first stating how Luthori is happy that some nations have cooler heads and that the Empire has nothing but peacefull intention, to think other wise is malicious. Then he addressed the statement:

The international community has nothing to fear. The Holy Luthorian Empire has not started a war for unjust causes in the last 300 years and we are not about to do so now. We are simply here to train and cooperate with a sister nation, a partner and special ally, Baltusia. We present no hostile attempts and stand for peace and stability and for the protection of the Commonwealth and all our allies in the region.

And in this we hear the voices of our dear friends in Dundorf loud and clear. As we said, the optics could have been better. As such we adhere to their sensible request and downscale our mission to Baltusia in regards to our fleet. We will continue to send our forces to Baltusia. However, we will only send the Support Flotilla of the Home Fleet, instead of the entire fleet. With this we hope to showcase our pure intend. The idea that Luthori is an imperialist power is a nasty and yet tiresome and old insult of the petty nations of Kalistan and Badara.

With the response the Holy Luthori Empire has shown its willingness to listen to the international community, through it has stated that it disapproves of their disregard of the right of self-determination of Baltusia and that this is behaviour is disconcerting. The Foreign Office has send word to the Imperial Ambassador to Yeudi Homeland with the instruction to explain the Luthorian motives, their commitments to their partnership and to articulate their disaproval of the MSCO behaviour to the Empire.
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Re: Luthori

Postby GreekIdiot » Fri May 10, 2024 6:33 am

The Terran Times
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Fri May 10, 2024 10:21 am

Chief of Naval Staff resigns over Baltusian "fiasco".
The Chief of Naval Staff, Admiral John Bernaby stated in a press conference that he "took full responsability" of the recent Luthorian fiasco in Baltusia, citing a "rush and uncalculated" decision as a reason for his resignation.
2nd, June 5481

Fort William, Principality of Orange, Luthori - So long since the beginning of the Baltusian affair. The Luthorian Empire - in clear breach of the Altatepec Treaty - sent a naval fleet towards Baltusia. In theory, this would be normally be eyed as something that major nations would have turned a blind eye to. Yet here, the Luthorian Government made an huge mistake in terms of optics and reactions. As the reactions of major countries and organizations made itself known - the Naval Staff was in a position of weakness - because of its own hubris. The Chief of Naval Staff, Admiral Bernaby announced that a successful agreement was acheived with Aldegar in light of both Kalistan's and Lourenne's announcements about the Northern straits of Ananto and Meridian. The Prime Minister and his cabinet ministers, in an attempt to do "damage control" over the recent Luthorian blunder in Baltusia, asked Aldegar to let the ships from the Home Fleet pass through the Aldegar Canal. This initiative was approuved by the Canal Administrative Council - narrowly. The Aldegarians were obligated to lower the necessary threshold for the policy to pass. With that bitter success, the Imperial Navy's High Command announced that the Home Fleet's Support Fleet was leaving for the Home Territory - and announced its upmost apologies towards Seleya and other world powers for "not having consulted with them" in the first place.

Due to this behavior not being one of a so-called "Great Power", it seems that heads have begun to roll within the Luthorian High Command - as of today - the Chief of the Naval Staff (other name for the Naval High Command) - announced in a press conference that he was "immediately" resigning his position as Chief of the NHC. He stated that the Navy's behavior in regards of the Baltusian "blunder" as he calls it, was made after "a rush and uncalculated" decision. He again, announced that he was personally apologizing towards all Seleyan nations and the signatories of the Altatepec Treaty for this "fiasco" - stating that this "should've been more thought by the Naval HC". In light of this fiasco - he announced taking full responsability for the failures of the Luthorian Navy and announced that he gave his resignation to the Defence Secretary who first accepted and then to the Emperor who also agreed to his resignation.

The quest for his successor, after an unnecessary fiasco, just began and lies upon the Defence Secretary's nominations.

The International Inquirer is a Luthori-based foreign and political newspaper destined to be published in the world and Luthori.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Fri May 10, 2024 11:51 am

Leader of the Opposition resigns after Baltusian/Xsampan fiasco.
The Leader of the Opposition, Lord Derby resigned after his apparent "health concerns", contacts within the Party told us that it was mostly a result of bad decisions from the LOTO in the realm of foreign policy - even though the Leader of the Opposition had nothing to do with the government's decisions. As of now, the Leader of the Imperial Diet, Matilda Weddall has taken the interim head of the Tory Party and became Acting Leader of the Opposition.
6th, June 5481

Fort William, Principality of Orange, Luthori - The Leader of the Opposition, Lord (Duke) Everett Derby, former Prime Minister between 5465 and 5473 and Leader of the Opposition ever since, has announced his resignation amids "health concerns" - it's an open secret that the former Prime Minister has been struck off with cancer since 5 years and is fighting a long-time battle against his cancer, which is likely coming from his smoking habits that he has since a young age. He stated that "it was his upmost honor as both Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition to serve his country and his monarch" for so long. Lord Derby is in Parliament since the foundation of the Imperial Senate in 5430, making him the dean of all Members of the Imperial Parliament (MIP). While the political class united towards remembering Lord Derby's passage at the 10 Crown Street - the foreign policy analysts as well as Mr. Meyer cannot just help but make the press remember that his foreign policy decision plunged Luthori into the abyss of economic ruin. Mr Meyer stated that: "even though former Prime Minister Derby was a good man with good intentions, his policies made Luthori enter economic ruin - even though, I admit, the part comes from the Lost Souls War. Yet, we should reflect on how the Derby Premiership caused a total collapse of the Luthorian economy - and a collapse on the Yeudi-Luthorian alliance - which in my view was way more important than any of the deals that Luthori could have brokered with Lourenne. That's an important take of the Derby Premiership and I'm not going to lie - seriously made Luthorian foreign policy more tenous that it was ever before."

The consequences and the ramifications of the Derby Ministry is going to be one over which Luthori would have to deal with it for quite a long time, Lord Derby brought the "Greatest Disease" book to national prominence by buying it in his regular library, creating an international outburst against the book (mostly in the East) and a diplomatic crisis between Beiteynu & Lourenne - over Xsampa. The Pernigh (Day) Ministry's tried - and mostly failed with the recent Baltusian debacle to make up for it. The main contender for the post of Leader of the Conservative Party is the Duke of Threwiford, Robert Harrington, descendent of the first Prime Minister coming from the Constitutional Democratic Union (the ancestor of the Tory Party), Richard Harrington. Lord Threwiford's political views are known to be mostly conservative - with a outlook on foreign policy still unknown, yet his speeches about the Orange Palace's inaction in regards to the gems exposed to Vanuku- calling it a disgrace - and the recent Empress' death in NEK - telling an eulogy in regards to Luthori's deceased consort - but also calling out the importance of "constitutional and model governance" against absolutism - of which he stated that "the greatest mistake of Her Majesty was to not emulate Luthori's system of constitutional, parliamentary governance in New Endralon, a democratic nation by modern standards - in favor of a more absolutist view - something that has only brought ruin to the nation."

For now, Mr. Andrew Meyer, as Head of the Foreign Relations Committee stated that "he would support a Threwiford's bid as Leader" - in exchange for "some guarantees" from the new Leader. As for now, within the Tory Party, Matilda Weddall took over as Interim Leader of the Conservative Party before the 5302 Committee could potentially elect the Leader in the next weeks.

The Daily Mail is a conservative-orientated newspaper, favorable to the Conservative Party, describing international or national politics.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Fri May 10, 2024 1:44 pm

Orange Palace "apologizes" to Beiteynu for Vanukean blunder.
The Orange Palace has recently announced its "upmost and sincere" apologies to the Yeudi People for the failure of the Palace to respond to the recent Gems exhibition in Vanuku. The Palace is stated to have sent a letter to the Vanukeans asking for the possibilty for His Majesty, as holder of the Crown of 8 Gems to visit the nation.
25th, June 5481

Fort William, Principality of Orange, Luthori - Vaunku acheived something that many people considered to just a little memory or a urban legend - it was announced by the Government of Vanuku that they've acheived to have 3 gems in their possession - two of which coming from a gift from the King of Lourenne and the other coming from - well, no one knows - and it seems that it was in the possession of the Kingdom of Vanuku since "decades" according to the Krsyiji Sagmot'l (United Media) - the official news agency of the Kingdom of Wrnuke. Nonetheless, the Kingdom's Museum of National History has announced - back in 5471 an exposition of these gems. Since that year, Yeudis around the world have flock to Vanuku - becoming the top summer destination to see from their own eyes - the near mystical "Eight Gems" being displayed to the public. This sparked a new controversy about the presence of the Luthorian Emperor to this display. The Kingdom has announced barring the entry of the Vanukean territory to His Majesty, who is also King of the Yeudi Homeland (Beiteynu) - sparkling this controversy to high levels. For the last 5 years, the Orange Palace has been remarkably silent about the whole Wrunke exposition - no official statement was made - except for the fact that the Emperor is now residing in Beiteynu for the last 3 years - although in the wake of a general election coming in - and the recent death of the Empress-Consort in New Endralon & Kizenia, it's likely that the Emperor would - definitely come back home in the Hallowtide season - ending the de facto "Regency" Era of Prince George.

The Orange Palace made a mistake in underrestimating the real threat the Vanukean Exhibition posed to the legitimacy and relationship between the Monarch and his subjects in Beiteynu. The Beiteynuese Government's patience is already running thin with recent Luthorian blunders in Baltusia and the Minister of State for Commonwealth's Affairs - mostly undiplomatic response to the crisis and in Luthori itself, voice have been heard criticizing this policy, such as the possible future Leader of the Conservative Party, Lord Threwiford, who stated that this state of affairs was a "disgrace". The Orange Palace has expressed its "upmost and truest" apologies to the Beiteynuese Government for their inability to resolve this crisis as soon as it begun. The Palace's Private Secretary, Lord Jackson stated that he resigned his position as the Sovereign's Private Secretary after this "great" failure. The Orange Palace has stated that the Emperor-King has sent a letter for a possible visit of the country as the Holder of the Crown of 8 Gems. The King has stated that it was "in light of the recent difficult relations between Luthori & Vanuku...I would like to humbly visit personally Vanuku with the aim of restoring trust and confidence for Luthori within the Vanukean Kingdom...", in his letter he also admitted some failures from the Foreign Office in light of the Luthori-Vanukean diplomatic relation.

The Times is a foreign policy-orientated newspaper, but also commentating on domestic politics, it's editorial view is considered to be fairly centrist but rightist economically.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Fri May 10, 2024 6:02 pm

Opinion: The Prime Minister should sack the Minister of State for Commonwealth Affairs.
With the recent - and worse blunder - in Luthori's recent history, this paper is here to show the opinion of the International Inquirer about the behavior of the Minister of State for the Commonwealth, Mr. Aurel Marwin.
1st, August 5481

Shippington, Grand Duchy of Shipleyriding, Luthori - Luthori sent a fleet in Baltusia - yay. And we are now left a humiliated in the world stage - yet again. Weirdly enough, this marks the first time where Luthori has been humilated by its errors in the world stage...under a Labour government - let's not count the Conservative Party here. So, here, for context, there was the War of Lost Souls - Lourenne won and Beiteynu lost it. Luthori stayed neutral - costing a good relationship with Yishelem and an ambigious relationship with Lourenne + the cost of an economic crisis...thanks to Derby. So, after this embrassing defeat, the Moledet Medinat or Beiteynu to make it short and the United Kingdom convened at the city of Altatepec in Gaduridos - in the presence of others nations such as - Dundorf, Narikaton & Darnussia, Gaduridos and finally Kalistan. Yet - it seems that Luthori, all up and mighty, thought it would be a good idea to reopen the not yet closed wounds of the Lost Souls War by entering Seleya with a bang - if I may. After the signing of the treaty, Luthori announced that the Home Fleet - not the Northern Fleet - the Home Fleet was sent to Baltusia for military training between the two states. This revealed a shocking development within Luthori - the Foreign Office do not care at all about the optics of their decision - well if it was the Foreign Office at all who made this decision - from what it seems - it was mostly a decision coming from one man - and one solely - the Minister of State for Commonwealth Affairs - a post which was recently split off from the Office of the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and made its little own ministry within the Department of Foreign Affairs.

Indeed, from what we can see from the Luthori Daily's articles, the Minister of State for Commonwealth Affairs was at the center of such policies - he was also the man who drafted Luthori's response to the Crisis - which made it even more critical for the Empire. Mr. Marwin used a poor diplomatic language during the crisis - which jeopardize Luthori's relations with Beiteynu and Lourenne - both of whom became increasingly tired with Luthori's poor diplomatic word. For example, when asked about the MSCO, Mr. Marwin stated that they should "mind their own business", saying that an organization which participated to a war which gave them the Altatepec Treaty wasn't the best choice of words here. And when asked about the imperialist accusations from both Badara and Kalistan, he stated that "that was a nasty accusation from petty countries..." again, a poor choice of words, which only served towards the isolation of Luthori in the international stage, when even its allies didn't come the rescue. Luthori was only saved by the miraculous intervention of Aldegar which was secured by the Foreign Relations Committee and its head, Mr. Andrew Meyer which didn't stopped himself from criticizing Mr. Marwin's poor decision-making, calling him "a fool with no purpose within the Foreign Ministry". For now, Mr. Marwin didn't answer to these remarks. Yet, as of now, according to sources within Crown Street, the Prime Minister, the Duke of Pernigh is "tired" and according to sources from the Palace of Moreshet, the grieving Emperor, who just lost his wife, is "completly livid" at Mr. Marwin's lack of grace and conduct and could be swayed into dismissing him from the Cabinet.

As of now, here at the Independent Observer, we call upon Prime Minister Pernigh to dismiss or strongly encourage Mr. Marwin to resign immediately and without further addo, over his apparent role in the "Baltusian debacle" and his poor choice of diplomatic wording.

The Independent Observer is a fairly centrist newspaper, favorable to free-market, liberal social views, and an hard-line view favorable to the Luthorian monarchy.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Fri May 10, 2024 7:51 pm

The Luthorian Embassy advises "caution" and calls on all Luthorians to withdraw from the NEK.
The Luthorian Embassy in NEK released a statement calling for the greatest "caution" in regards with dealing with New Endralon & Kizenia's recent internal strife. The embassy further called upon all Luthorians wishing to leave the country to leave it as Luthori Airlines would make special free flights between Fort William and Cetatea Albă.
5th, August 5481

Fort William, Principality of Orange, Luthori - With the recent death of the Empress-Consort and the collapse of authority within New Endralon & Kizenia, the Embassy of Luthori in New Endralon & Kizenia relased a small, yet, unsurprising statement coming from the Embassy. In that statement, the Embassy called for a resolute "calm and reason" within the Luthorian population living in New Endralon & Kizenia. The Embassy stated that it was not in Luthori's upmost interest to enter itself into New Endralon's internal struggle - a cautious diplomatic response which was unsurprisingly responded positively by the Foreign Office here in Fort William. The Embassy stated to look "worringly" at New Endralon "being caught off guard by the flams of instability and civil strife - which begun as soon as Crown Prince Karoly died at the hands of the Kizenian nationalist terrorist. With the recent death of the Queen-Empress and the collapse of authority within New Endralon & Kizenia, the Imperial Family announced that it "would gladly" accept any exiled nobles or member of the Syldavian royal family into Luthori - if the communist government allow it to happen. Regardless, Luthori Airlines has announced an "airlift" between Luthori and NEK to allow any Luthorian citizen, regardless of its status within Luthori's diplomatic appartus in New Endralon & Kizenia or its wealth. "The safety of all Luthorians is our upmost priority.." stated the Foreign Ministry. For know, Luthori's recognition of the communists or the monarchists remains in limbo as the Foreign Office didn't express itself on the matter.

The Acting Leader of the Opposition, Mrs. Weddall stated that the Conservative Party as a whole was "willing to help the government in any way possible in regards to that crisis", while more ideological members of the Tory Party argued in favour of intervention in favour of the monarchists in the civil war to prevent the "spread of communism in the world", the Prime Minister, the Duke of Pernigh in a speech in the Imperial Senate, ruled out any possibility at direct Luthorian intervention. The Emperor, for its part, is famously silent on the whole NEK affair.

The Times is a foreign policy-orientated newspaper, but also commentating on domestic politics, it's editorial view is considered to be fairly centrist but rightist economically.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Fri May 10, 2024 9:29 pm

Libs wins re-election in Erneshire; RPL stronger in Northriding.
The Liberal Party has narrowly won re-election in the Grand Duchy of Erneshire; while the Labour Party has mostly been wiped out of this formerly-Labour stronghold. In Northriding, the Rural Party's come out of this election stronger than even before.
June 14th, 5480 (backdated)

Fort William, Principality of Orange, Luthori - Election day in Luthori. While it's not the General Elections, which would take place in 5483 - this election was seen as a test for the Duke of Pernigh's ministry - a confidence vote by the people - if you will. As of today, Luthorians from all across the nation have flock in numbers to the polling stations to elect their 1st grade regional authorities - the Grand Ducal authorities. As of now, we've only been confirmed about the results in Erneshire and Northriding, and a little detailed informations would be given to our readers at the moment. Yet, as of today, 10 PM, Fort William Standard Time, the Liberal Party of Erneshire, ruling over the Grand Duchy of Erneshire since their first election in 5475 was re-elected in Erneshire, although it should be noted, that out of the 100 seats up for grasps in the Assembly of Erneshire, the monocameral devolved assembly of the region, the Liberal Party lost seats compared to their previous showing in 5475 - losing over 11 seats and passing from 64 seats to 53 seats - still maintaining their majority - but proving more difficult to retain unity within the Party in times of great controntations and controversial proposals being put out to vote. The Conservative Party of Erneshire - excepted to lose seats in this election, did surprisingly well, showing off an increase of seats during this election, passing from 34 to 41 seats, most of these seats were taken off from the Liberals. Minor parties such as the Labour Party of Erneshire (center-left), the Movement for Erneshire (hard left), or the Urban-Rural Alliance (center) failed to gain any traction and didn't won more than 5 seats in a political environment dominated by these two parties. Labour won only 3 seats, MfE won 1 seat and finally the URA won 2 seats. It seems here that the establishment was - once again - secured.

In another Grand Duchy - it seems that the establishment was crushed by the weight of good governance, Minister-President Kinholm's Rural Party once again defied the odds and won against them, winning an outright absolute majority in the Northriding Assembly. After the 5375 election, where the Rural Party was forced into a coalition with the Labour Party's NLA [Northriding Labour Alliance] - now renamed Northriding Social Democrats (NSD), Mr. Kinholm's economic recovery plan was mostly applied by the Labour Party - with a focus on agricultural recovery - which is still being applied to this day. With this victory over his foes, Minister-President Kinholm is likely to get re-nominated by the Lord Protector of Northriding to his post without having to pass through a confidence vote. The Rural Party won 57 out of 100 seats up up for grasps. The Liberal-Democratic Party (center-right to right) won only 17 seats in the Assembly, while the NSD won 20 seats, the small parties of the Green Union (green) and Workers' Aseembly (left) won 4 and 2 seats respectively.

The Voice of the Citizens is a right-wing orientated media, reporting religious, social, economic, and political issues, always trying to make the voice of the "Forgotten people" heard in Fort William.
Tory Party (Hardliners) - Primary account.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sat May 11, 2024 10:11 am

Orange flips from the Tories to Labour.
We can now confirmed the results for the Principality of Orange's Legislative Election, which is quite surprising - since the Workers' Party of Orange won a small minority of seats in the Orange Assembly - greatly jeopardzing the Orange Conservative Alliance's grip on power.
June 14th, 5480 (backdated)

Fort William, Principality of Orange, Luthori - Welcome once again at the election night in Luthori program, we are now ready to project the results for the Principality of Orange - a clear shift in policy is going to happen regardless of what party wins today as - the sitting Minister-President Dutchers has stated that he would not carry the OCA-led government into the next term, withdrawing from local politics altogether, the new leader of the Orange Conservative Alliance, John Keling stated that Dutchers' legacy was one of "steady, calm and reasonable leadership" for the Principality, something that he wished to continue under his possible future ministry. Mr. Keling's hopes are likely to be bashed today as the Orange Conservatives lost at least 20 seats compared to their last showing in the 5475 legislative assembly election, passing from 54 seats to 34 seats, this is considered a show of no-confidence in Mr. Keling's abilities to form a ministry in the Prince's name and command that ministry towards continued economic growth and political stability. The great winner of this election was Edgar Malin's Workers' Party - the Workers' Party is affilated - and is one of the few party that way, with the national Labour Party, so the success of the Labour Party in the last general election in 5478 could be stated as one of the main driving force of the Workers' Party's success. Mr. Malin's party won 41 seats in the Orange Assembly, making it the largest party, but falling short of a majority within the 100 seats-assembly, fostering the need of forming a coalition government - but with who? The OCA and WPO both have 75 seats within the Orange Assembly - but what are the other parties. First, we have the Co-Operative Party of Orange (Co-Op), a hard left party, which won 7 seats in the Assembly, their best showing yet. There is also the Liberal Union (LU), a market liberal party, mostly centered around the LEA which won 10 seats in the Assembly. The Social-Green Alliance of Orange won 2 seat and the Movement for Orange (hard-right), an hard right party won 6 seats.

These are the definitive results in the Principality and the now, both the OCA and the WPO needs to negociate with other parties to form a ministry in the Prince's name, if this is impossible, the Orange Assembly could either be dissolved and new election could be called or the Prince of Orange could potentially - if securing the trust of most parties to form a majority - form a "Princely-appointed ministry" with independents ministers.

For now, these are mostly likely coalitions to be formed out of this composition:
- Red-Green coalition (WPO-Co-Op-SGA) - 50 seats - with LU C&S agreement.
- Red-Green-Yellow Coalition (WPO-LU-SGA) - 53 seats.
- Red-Yellow Coalition (WPO-LU) - 51 seats.
- Blue-Red Coalition (WPO-OCA) - 75 seats.
- Blue-Yellow Coalition (OCA-LU-MFO) - 50 seats.

The Voice of the Citizens is a right-wing orientated media, reporting religious, social, economic, and political issues, always trying to make the voice of the "Forgotten people" heard in Fort William.
Tory Party (Hardliners) - Primary account.
Controller of the House of Orange-Villayn Armstead.
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Robert F. Kennedy
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