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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby Aquinas » Thu Oct 25, 2018 12:25 pm

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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby Yolo04 » Thu Oct 25, 2018 8:13 pm

Keymon News Network
President Apologizes For Foreign Ministers Comments About Fortland

January 4475-President Nerita Apostolou has apologized to Fortland for the Foreign Ministers comments.

The Presidential Palace released a press statement regarding Mrs. Talia Alexopoulou’s comments about Fortland:

I, Nerita Apostolou, apologize for the comments Mrs. Talia Alexpoulou’s comments regarding Fortland. She is widely known as anti-Fortland. If I had the power to do so, I would remove her as Foreign Minister. Fortland, in my eyes and legally, according to Keymon, is a country. We’d like to formally apologize to Fortland for Mrs. Talia’s insidious comments.
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Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby Yolo04 » Thu Oct 25, 2018 8:15 pm

Keymon News Network
Talia Alexopoulou Begins Protests Against NC Near Turtle Bay Naval Center

4475-Foreign Minister Talia Alexopoulou, alongside around 10,000 residents of Turtle Bay began a protest against the Northern Council near the Turtle Bay Naval Facitlity.

The protests began in response to the beginning of submarine warfare naval exercises in the Mad Dog Ocean. Keymon, the host country, participated with helicopters and some surface craft monitoring the action.

This has lead Talia Alexopoulou to state-
The Northern Council will not pay for the hassle the submarine warfare is causing yet they’ll force Keymon to participate. That system is absolutely corrupt and shouldn’t be tolerated and yet our president is praising the Northern Council like some kind of god.

Perhaps it’s time she was voted out and replaced by someone with an I.Q above 2.

President Nerita Apostolou has welcomed the exercise as a-“Great chance to demonstrate the power and prestige of the Northern Council”.

The protests are guarded by at least 25,000 security and military personnel, due to what occurred during the last protest.

Protesters have been cited chanting-“down with the Northern Council” and “Vanuku is our ally”. The Foreign Minister, on several occasions, has stated she wishes to leave the Northern Council and join Vanuku in an alliance or mutual defense pact.
List of Parties:
Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby Yolo04 » Sat Oct 27, 2018 10:16 pm

Keymon News Network
Keymon Electronics Announces Name Change

April 4476-Keymon Electronics, due to its ever expanding markets and products, has announced it will change its name to the Anastos Corporation.

The main contributor to this name change is the expansion into Lourenne and other nations, according to the official press release concerning the name change.

The Anastos Corporation has recently announced that it would open a casino in Leighstown serving the entire nation.

Blueprint’s of The Obsidian Oasis Casino

The Obsidian Oasis Casino is planned to be built in the Metropolitan Area of Leighstown, close to the Port of Leighstown. The casino will be 175,000 feet squared and will be themed around Canrailles cultures and nations.

Alongside this, the Anastos Corporation also announced that it would begin selling smartphones in Kazulia. The KE Apex II (soon to be renamed to the Anastos Corporations Apex II or AC Apex II) will be open for sale in certain cities including the capital city of Skalm and many cities along the coast.

The Anastos Corporation is one of the biggest companies within Keymon alongside the agriculture and processing industries, making the Anastos Corporation the biggest technological company within Keymon.

Yet the company is facing ever growing competition within the technology market. Several companies within Lourenne’s Golden Valley has opened stores within Keymon and the Anastos Corporation is losing in the ever more competitive markets of Lourenne.

Yet recent economic improvement and corporate actions may solve this issue. The Anastos Corporation recently began to work with Technologie Astéria. Alongside this, the Keymon economy has improved significantly over the past 20 years, seeing a average income increase from around 10,000 KED in 4456 to 27,000 KED, in 4476, which is nearly a x3 increase.

However many economist believe that this increase may see a substantial fall. One economist from Turtle Bay University of Economics Stated:
Such a large increase can only mean one thing. Investors and entrepreneurs are investing in and opening businesses at an unsustainable rate. If the rate of investment and business creation continues at this rate, then we will see an economic crisis unimaginably painful for all Keymonites.

Yet some economists have argued that there will not be a significant collapse but instead a modest level of continued development could occur or the economy could possibly flatline. One economist of Maple Hills University stated the following:
It is unlikely that the economy will suddenly take a nose dive. Instead it’s more likely to settle down and stay a relatively modest area of continuous growth. We’ve seen this with many nations and it is not necessarily a bad thing. It’s just the averaging out of the economic playing field.
Last edited by Yolo04 on Fri Nov 02, 2018 10:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.
List of Parties:
Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby Yolo04 » Wed Oct 31, 2018 5:01 pm

Keymon News Network
Keymon Sends Soldiers To Fortland to Defend It from Noumonde Aggression

October 4476-Due to a recent occurrence, where Noumonde threatened to ban naval vessels from leaving Noumonde in order to visit or supply Fortland unless Fortland agrees to have all of its guns and cannons confiscated, the Ministry of Defense announced that it would send 10 soldiers to Fortland and the Ministry of Defense also stated the possibility of sending a naval vessel to the area.

President Nerita Apostolou released a press statement concerning Noumonde’s threat of economically crippling Fortland, with a threat of invasion if Noumonde were to forcefully take Fortlands cannons and economically sanctioning Noumonde if Nounonde economically attacks Fortland:
If the Noumonde government were to organize a formal invasion onto Fortland, that would be an immediate declaration of war against The Republic of Keymon and would be met with immediate destruction of Noumonde.

If the Noumonde government were to implement economic challenges against Fortland, such as cutting off food supplies to the nation, then Keymon will implement harsh sanctions upon Noumonde and will deny it access to Keymon ports.

While we wish for a peaceful and swift resolution, if Noumonde threatens the sovereignty of Fortland either economically or militarily, there will be consequences.

Think wisely before you make your decision

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs remained silent on the issue, however Talia Alexopoulou did not. She began a recent speech with a tirade of against both the Ministry of Defense and President Nerita Apostolou:
The fact that we might have to send men to die in a war over a small rock in the middle of nowhere is bullshit! What do we gain from such loss? Nothing! The political elite simply want to waste your time and distract you from domestic issues. Do not fall for it! We must tell our politicians that we don’t want a foreign war and we don’t want dead soldiers! Our sovereignty matters most above all other nations!

Alongside the increase in military presence, the Ministry of Defense has also sent 5 new cannons as a show of force against Noumonde.
List of Parties:
Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

Dankuk, Hwanghu Dang Party (4613): INACTIVE
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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby Yolo04 » Sat Nov 03, 2018 6:18 pm

Keymon News Network
Obsidian Oasis Casino Opens In Leighstown

August 4480-The Obsidian Oasis Casino, owned and operated by the Anastos Corporation, has opened for business after its 4 year long construction.

The casino is 175,000 square feet, 1,802 slot machines, 79 table games, plus a 19 table poker room.

The inside of the Obsidian Oasis Casino

The casino opened to a rounding applause and then a rush for the games. The main attraction of the casino wasn’t its gambling in fact, but instead it was the Canrailles theme of the casino that attracted so many.

The main feature was a recreation of the Lourennais Royal Palace our of ice in the main hall. Alongside this ice sculpture, there were also ice sculptures of famous Canraille figures including the royal family of Lourenne.

In the first day alone, it is estimated that the casino made over 2.5 million KED, making it the most successful opening day for any establishment in Keymon history.

The Obsidian Oasis Casino’s name is based on an old name for Keymon. Sailors use to call Keymon the Obsidian Oasis due to it being a vital trade stop in international trade and the fact it has large quantities of obsidian.
List of Parties:
Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby Yolo04 » Sat Nov 03, 2018 10:22 pm

Keymon News Network
2nd Corruption Committee Has Been Formed, States Minister of Justice

September 18th, 4479-Minister of Justice Spyridon Artinos, in a press conference held at the Supreme Court, announced the creation of a 2nd Corruption Committee to deal with both local and federal corruption cases and investigations.

Minister of Justice Spyridon Artinos

I, Minister of Justice Spyridon Artinos, after hearing from multiple investigators, including foreign and local observers, have decided to call upon a 2nd Corruption Committee to investigate both federal and local corruption cases.

Corruption harms both the government and the people of Keymon. It steals money from infrastructure projects. It takes funds from new weapons and equipment for our military. It takes trust and it breaks it. We shouldn’t and won’t tolerate corruption.

Due to multiple complaints of corruption from multiple sources, the 2nd Corruption Committee will focus mainly of federal cases of corruption.

The main centers of the investigation, according to insiders in the Justice Ministry, is Leighstown and Turtle Bay.

According to insider sources, the main subject of the investigation will be the Ministry of Finance, which has had multiple millions of dollars go missing.
List of Parties:
Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

Dankuk, Hwanghu Dang Party (4613): INACTIVE
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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby Yolo04 » Sun Nov 04, 2018 9:11 pm

Keymon News Network
Keymon Ministry of Defense Purchases Five Submarines From Kazulia

March 4480-The Ministry of Defense has announced the purchase of five Gotland Class Submarines from the Kazulian Navy.

The Ministry of Defense announced the purchase with a national press release broadcasted from the Presidential Palace, read aloud by the Minister of Defense.

Minister of Defense, Homerus Leventis

In an ever more terrifying and dangerous world, the Keymon Navy must be prepared to fight off hostile threats. To do this, we’ve deemed it necessary to purchase five Gotland Class Submarines from the Kazulian Navy.

This gracious exchange has allowed us to continue to work on our ever expanding and ever powerful Navy.

No weapon of war is perfect of course, however these Submarines are stealthy, hard to detect, and can destroy an aircraft carrier and then sneak away without being detected. If war were to ever break out, the Keymon Navy must have some way to beat back the tides of enemy forces. With a submarine, that possibility of beating an enemy force will finally be realized.

Gotland Class Submarines Heading to Turtle Bay Naval Base

The Submarines were docked at the Turtle Bay Naval Base and were brought in for inspections and any repairs necessary.
List of Parties:
Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

Dankuk, Hwanghu Dang Party (4613): INACTIVE
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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby Yolo04 » Tue Nov 06, 2018 11:27 pm

Keymon News Network
Senate Votes To Leave The Northern Council, As Alliance Breaks Down

April 4481-The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Talia Alexopoulou, recently proposed a billinto the Senate that withdrew Keymon from the Northern Council. The bill has passed with 52 voting for it, 46 voting against, and 2 abstaining.

The reason for Mrs. Alexopoulou decision is stated best by herself:
The Northern Council is collapsing. Anyone paying attention to the news will tell you that. The era of Northern Council dominance over Keymon is over. Instead, what shall rise is a stronger Keymon. We do not need some overlord in Dovani to guarantee our sovereignty. We are powerful by ourselves.

The bill was heavily debated in the senate with even President Nerita Apostolou coming down herself to condemn all senators voting in favor of the bill. Yet this didn’t stop the voting nor did it sway many opponents.

Two Senators Have An Intense Debate Concerning Levaing the Northern Council

The voting was neck and neck at 45-43 until 10 members of the senate voted. The 10 members voted accordingly:
7 voted yes
3 voting no
0 abstaining

These members sealed the fate of Keymon within 1 vote.

Immediately after the bill passed, the Ministry of Defense ordered that all Northern Council soldiers, except those of Dankuk and Lourenne (as Keymon has military treaties with them, which allows them to maintain bases and soldiers within sovereign Keymon territories), to leave the island in the next 2 months. Alongside this, the Ministry of Defense also ordered that all equipment belonging to the Northern Council including-aircraft, naval vessels, small arms, artillery, land vehicles, AA defense emplacements, and armored vehicles-leave the island within a year. The Ministry of Defense also ordered the SAM Missile Defense System to be withdrawn within a year, as it is legally Northern Council equipment.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is engaging in a debate concerning the Northern Council Regional Headquarters at Keymon. The debate concerns whether the structure should be torn down or should just be renamed and rebranded.

President Nerita Apostolou have the Northern Council 1 month to remove there flags from Keymon and due with them as they wish. If the flags are not gone by then, they will be removed by Keymon troops and placed into storage.

Multiple foreign experts are calling this move a “disaster” due to Keymon now lacking a SAM Air Defense System, the protection of major military powers, and equipment coming from the Northern Council.

One professor of foreign affairs put it best:
It is like she plans on keymon’s downfall. The decision to leave the Northern Council is going to go down as one of the biggest failures in Keymon history. Keymon will no longer have the protection of a dedicated and powerful alliance. This makes the nation vulnerable to a foreign invasion. However that is not the worst outcome of this. The worst outcome will be economic. Investors from the Northern Council nations will withdraw en-mass and pummel the economy that has been growing for decades.

What will happen is, investors will withdraw, many companies will either withdraw from Keymon or cut workers in anticipation for an economic collapse. This will lead to an economic collapse and will reset all the hard work of Keymon to become a average economic power and maintain its place as such.

I suggest all Keymonites sell there stocks, hold there children tight, pray, and be prepared to start collecting welfare

However some economic analysts are disputing this claim. One noted advocate of KeyExit, as it is now being called, released a press statement about the economic impact of leaving the NC:
Keymon will not suffer from an economic decline. Keymon has always been a freely trading nation. Keymon has always maintained a system of free trade and just because they’ve left the Northern Council, doesn’t mean that’ll change anytime soon. Investors shouldn’t worry about military alliances. They should worry about the economy and the economy is doing better than ever.

The idea that this decision will “cripple the nation” is absurd. Keymon has left military alliances before and our economy never took a hit because of it. This is the same. We will leave the Northern Council and better ourselves because we will not have to bend to the will of the Northern Council and it’s most powerful members.
List of Parties:
Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

Dankuk, Hwanghu Dang Party (4613): INACTIVE
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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby Yolo04 » Fri Nov 09, 2018 4:02 am

Keymon News Network
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Implements Keymon Neutrality Treaty, Requests Other Nation’s Do As Well

September 4481-The Ministry of Foreign Affairs Have Proposed the Keymon Neutrality Treaty and the treaty has been legally ratified by the Senate.

The Senate, in a vote of 70 for and 30 against, votes in favor of the Keymon Neutrality Treaty, which would legally restrain Keymon from militarily intervening in international politics and would announce the neutrality of Keymon in all wars that don’t directly involve Keymon or its military allies.

The treaty was met with condemnation from President Nerita Apostolou who called the treaty a “cowardice display of disregard of allies”.

The treaty was however changed multiple times to get a senate majority. The original treaty stated that Keymon would leave all mutual defense treaties and would never be legally allowed to sign mutual defense treaties. This treaty was swiftly rejected by the Senate and only 10 senators supported it.

The current treaty took over 3 weeks to organize and publish. Over that time, debate swirled around leaving the Northern Council and about keymon’s military obligations to nations such as Dankuk and Lourenne.

Ultimately the current treaty passed and it has sent shockwaves through Keymon and the world.

The Keymon Foreign Ministry and Ministry of Defense has ordered that all troops currently deployed in GA Peacekeeping Missions withdraw however they also announced that all air forces deployed overseas maintain there positions.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Defense also announced that the Keymon 1st Fleet, stationed in Lourenne, would stay within the region to defend its allies.

The Hutorian government has already ratified the treaty, making it the First Nation to recognize Keymon neutrality.
List of Parties:
Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

Dankuk, Hwanghu Dang Party (4613): INACTIVE
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