
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Major Tax Increase Coming Soon!

Postby Romulus » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:15 pm

President Plans to propose major tax increase

The President has announced that he will begin to raise all taxes on Keymon. He stated this is necessary in order to fund the current budget, which has created at the time a -4,471,659,220 KED deficit.

Supreme President Andrew Royaliwith Adressing The 53rd Supreme Congressional Convention

“I really want to keep our current budget. We are doing so much to increase the quality of life, and strengthening our military. In order to do that we must make sacrifices to plan out a better way of life. Beginning around 3227 taxes shall be orderly raised.”
The President addressing, Supreme Congress just a few days ago.

The President also plans to have Congress pass some of his new plans for the government coming up in 3228.
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Support For the Davostani Empire!

Postby Romulus » Fri Dec 16, 2011 1:01 am

Keymon Supports Davostani Empire!

“After a long debate with my cabinet I have decided that we will support the Davostani Empire. We supported them when the imposters and pretenders of the throne from Hutori claimed Davostan. We shall support them once again. We will never recognize the Union of Davostan, never! We support the Selucians and hope they accomplish that goal. We never wanted to go against the Alliance of Republics and divide it but, we must make this decision to support the rightful government. I hope that in the end all of this can be resolved peacefully”
The President’s address to the Supreme Congress and Public.

The President address to the Supreme Congress

More updates coming soon.
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Re: Keymon News Service

Postby Romulus » Tue Dec 27, 2011 2:00 am

William Coolwithy Imperial National Party chairman today has announced that INPIEN is to be revived and moved into a new direction!

“Today I have publicly announced that since 3223 we have been funding 3.8 KED to redesign and reinvent INPIEN which had a very short life.” I believe that it is in our best interest to give this party news network another shot and make it last forever” (Chairman Coolwithy giving a quick speech about INPIEN during a press conference)


Many believed that INPIEN had enormous potential but the former Chairman Wilhelm Royaliwith II killed it in the 3160s. He never gave us any information on the reasons behind that move but in his later years he said this……

“INPIEN was a great idea; however I never understood its main purpose. Our party is strong enough without it” (Wilhelem Royaliwith interview in 3199)

However many today are excited for the revival and look forward to the new platform and informative move.
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National Address to the Nation!

Postby Romulus » Thu Dec 29, 2011 12:44 am

John Richburg’s National Address to the Nation

Supreme President Richburg, giving his national address speech.

December 28, 3234
Loyal citizens of Keymon, we have seen so much happen in the last two decades. We saw the rise of corruption and the hero to put an end to it. This nation has endured so much in the last 200 hundred years. From the Darnussian-Keymoni War, to the rise of “Anarchist Keymon” and the rise of the Glorious Peoples Empire of Keymon. Then to the fall of it and rise of the Second Republic of Keymon, and its transformation into the Supreme Imperial Republic of Keymon. I can go into so much more detail about those eras but we don’t have that time *laughing to self-*. Now at the present day our economy is preforming good, and our international affairs are in order. However we are facing much internal division. Our own party the party, that I am a member of the INP. It is dividing itself into a faction which is leading to much great conflict in the Supreme Congress. I have instructed Spiro Anroosen, the former president who is currently the Majority leader in the Supreme Congress, to reorganize the party in the Supreme Congress and stop the division. All this division is not allowing our nation to preform to what it should, and I am tired of it! I want the Chairman to unite the party; after all he is the ruler of the party and controls what goes on inside and outside of party affairs.

So we must as a people and to all the people who belong to the INP, please help me by uniting as a party and nation and show the members in Congress that we must ALL stand united and as one in order to better serve our nation in all that Is possible. In other news I would also like to point out that our nation is preparing to host an international conference on the creation of an international Court which should better help Terra in Justice and order. We will keep you all updated on when that will happen.

Thank you, and may our nation rule many under one.


John Richburg
Supreme President of the Supreme Imperial Republic of Keymon
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Thomas Coolwithy New Chairman of the INP

Postby Romulus » Thu Dec 29, 2011 11:42 pm

Thomas Coolwithy Ascends to Chairmanship!

After a long 14 years of having William Coolwithy as the 12th INP Chairman, he has decided to resign and let his brother the Vice Chairman take over.

Thomas Coolwithy preparing his opening speech as the 13th Chairman of the INP

“I will miss this position, but I have done what I could and wish Tom the best in leading us”
(Williams final Speech as Chairman)

Thomas Coolwithy has pledged his full support if continuing the effort to push for the INPIEN funding program. Also he said that his main concern is to unite the party under a moderate platform and move away from the socialist faction.

“This party has drifted to far to the left. We have a habbit of doing this when are party comes to power, history has proven that. So we will return to moderate ideas and bipartisanship under my time as your chairman.”(Thomas Coolwithy opening speech as the 13th chairman of the INP)

Thomas Coolwithy has appointed Spiro Anroosen the former 2nd President of the Supreme Imperial Republic of Keymon as the vice Chairman “Spiro is a great guy for the past seven years he has been an exceptional Secretary of the party and will move that experience to the Vice Chairmanship”

Many people of the party support and like Thomas Coolwithy. His current approval rating is 96% among the members of the party. Thomas is the former Supreme Court Justice who just resigned last year.

Overall many hope that the new chairman can repair the division and conflict in the party. Many people fear that a dysfunction could happen and destroy the party. People forget during 3069-3074 the party was going through a great dysfunction caused by factions and power struggles due to the poor or lack of leader ship under John Coolwithy’s Administration.
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Postby Romulus » Fri Dec 30, 2011 6:18 am

INPIEN logo has been released!

Choosen Logo for INPIEN

The Chairman has shown the new logo for the news network. The creation for a logo has been in development for three years. This one that was developed last year proved to be extremely popular and attractive to testing viewers.

“I was the main leader under the development for a logo for the news network. This one just works and should prove to be effective in the promotion of our party news network.” Thomas Coolwithy says during a press conference.
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Legion Rises Again!

Postby frosted12001 » Wed Jan 11, 2012 12:13 am

Neo-Legion Movement opens again in Keymon

For the first time in many years, a member of the former ruling family of Keymon, Brutus Urrutius, has announced in a press-release he is beginning a movement in honor of his ancestors, Flavius and Tanius Urrutius, former leaders of Keymon's Iron Legion. A press conference is supposed to be held shortly with further announcements.
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Keymon Militarty Exercise!

Postby Romulus » Mon Jan 30, 2012 7:53 pm

Keymon Begins military exercise in South Ocean!


The government of Keymon has order the Imperial Navy to start a few military exercises in the south ocean. Many believe that these exercises are happening due to the upcoming celebration of the INP’s bicentennial.

“We are 3 years away from celebrating our 200th foundation anniversary, this is going to be a national celebration whether your part of this party or not. We are going to create a massive celebration in Royal Hillsborough the capital of this nation. This is where it all began, the founders created the party headquarters in our capital symbolically right next to the government district. I look forward to seeing many of our prominat politicans and leader of the party.”

That was the Supreme President Augustus Von Starlius giving an update on the current affairs for the celebration. He also said the government is working on the 100th celebration for the establishment of our current government, which will be in 3273.
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Imperial National Party Celebrates its Bicentennial

Postby Romulus » Sun Feb 05, 2012 8:38 am


Dear Fellow Party Members,

It has been 200 years since we formed this majestic Party. Our founders had a vision; a vision of peace and social justice in Keymon. Well I can tell you that all those goals have been fulfilled with the highest honor and privilege of the power and position I hold now. We have worked so hard and struggled our these 200 years striving with every energy in our bodies to give Keymon a better name a better quality of life and enjoy all the riches of Terra. We have worked to make this government strong along with high freedoms to keep balance and to form a new order of peace throughout Terra. With our strong leadership during the 3070s from James Royaliwith we could not ever have achieved these goals. 200 years has been a long time, so much as happened so much accomplished and many great people lost. I remember my father telling me about Richard Coralburg and how he saved the party from a terrible time. I remember learning about the great dysfunctions (3069-3076) that almost destroyed us, but how in the end united us and strengthened us to be better and to work harder. I remember the death of Drake Coolwithy my grandfather and how I saw so many people who never knew him personally love him and respect him. These are just examples our struggle and events that shaped us today.

So please join me and the rest of the administration at Royal Hillsborough, for a grand celebration of a life time to reflect and celebrate our 200th party anniversary in June of this year! I look forward to seeing many people and remember that without the leadership and passion of Cal Coolwithy, James Royaliwith and John Coolwithy we would not have this great honor of helping Keymon.
Happy 200th anniversary and I look forward to updating everyone on our events during the main celebration!


Thomas M. Coolwithy
The Chairman of the Imperial National Party
Supreme Overseer of Party Affairs

That was a letter from the chairman to all members of the party. As our nation, as a whole prepares for the celebration. It was just recently announced by the chairman that he shall be resigning next year in May which is very interesting because that is around the time when Cal Coolwithy formed the Chairman position. He also addressed that Head Supreme secretary of our party, his son Romulus Coolwithy shall be his chosen successor and will assume the Chairman position after his resignation at once.
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200 years of INP!

Postby Romulus » Wed Feb 08, 2012 2:41 am

INP NOW 200!


In June of 3254 our party celebrated our 200th anniversary!

We have been in Keymon for over 200 years. We started out as a small party with no seats; our old name was the Imperial Start Party lead by Cal Coolwithy. We wanted to fundamentally change Keymon for the better bringing a stronger government for the people (Peoples Government) with social justice and more freedom-we later succeeded 30 years later. Our party has been working to insure Keymon is seen as a nation that is not weak, but strong and free. Our founders made it there priority to forward the Imperial National Party by all means to establish a pure and symbolic government. We have done that and are goals have been completed. We will keep working in Keymon because our nation is evolving and so are we; we must keep serving the people until there is no more! Our party is here for Keymon and Terra and we shall forward the peoples Dream
So thank you all for supporting us and believing in a dream of peace which must become a reality.


You’re Chairman
Thomas Coolwithy
Chairman of the Imperial National Party
Supreme Overseer of the Imperial National Party

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