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Re: Hobrazia

Postby Drako211 » Thu Jul 28, 2022 11:18 pm

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Re: Hobrazia

Postby Drako211 » Fri Jul 29, 2022 3:39 pm

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Re: Hobrazia

Postby Drako211 » Mon Aug 01, 2022 4:52 am

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Re: Hobrazia

Postby RedReaper » Fri Jun 23, 2023 9:54 pm

Hobrazian National Army Captures Astoria K’alak’i
General Licheli Requests International Recognition and Military Support

The Hobrazian National Army has successfully captured Astoria K'alak'i, the capital of the old Hobrazian Republic, following
two weeks of bitter fighting. The city, long a stronghold of Traditionalist militias, has been the centre of fighting along the
coastline in recent months. General Petre Licheli, commander-in-chief of the HNA, declared that Astoria was under the
complete control of the HNA in the early hours of the morning. HNA infantry captured the Presidential Palace at dawn
after a negotiated surrender by the traditionalist garrison, although fighting continues in the north west and south of the

In a speech given outside the Presidential palace to the regiment who served as a vanguard during the siege, Licheli heralded
the capture of Astoria as the beginning of the final stage of the war. To cries of support, he announced the establishment
of a national "Council for Revival" staffed by members of the HNA's general staff, to act as an executive for a new
government. Although unconfirmed during the speech, it is all but certain Licheli will play a substantial role in this new

Licheli called on the international community to recognise the Council for Revival as the official government of Hobrazia
and requested support from all likeminded nations to help the HNA restore security and end the war. Licheli reemphasised
his commitment to a democratic state post-war; and said that he will be reaching out to the government of Luthori and
Dorvik in the coming weeks.

General Petre Licheli - The New Face of Hobrazia?
The capture of the city is a great victory for General Licheli, who has long considered control of the capital as a key step
to victory. At age 50, he has been involved in the conflict since he joined the northern branch of
the Hobrazian Traditionalist Army in the early stages of the civil war.

Following a breakdown in relations between the southern and northern wings of the Traditionalists, Licheli managed to
manoeuvre himself into command of the northern faction following an attack on his predecessor, Commander Richard
Tavkhelidze which paralysed him from the waist down.

Licheli has over the course of the last year made substantial overtures to centre left figures within the People's Army to
defect to his side. Last December, Licheli announced his main war aim to be the establishment of a democratic state in
line with other countries in the region. He also emphasised the need for a stable political environment to incentivise
international investment in the country's rebuilding efforts. Today it seems he is one more step towards that goal.

Hobrazian public opinion remains mixed, Licheli's ties to the traditionalists have left him loathed by the remaining
Communists in the far north, while traditionalists in the south accuse him of treachery. His most ardent support comes
from the region surrounding the capital, as well as his home region along the northern coast.

The Hobrazian Dirty War - A conflict without End?
Hobrazia has long been a country suffering under the weight of a broken political system. Swinging wildly between
far-right and far-left political parties, its political situation has long been perilous. However, since the collapse of the
Hobrazian Communist Party and the return of Traditionalist militias in the southern highlands, control of the rural areas
was quickly lost, with the United Democratic Workers government controlling solely the capital Astoria by 5283.

In 5285, traditionalist militias seized key positions around the city and forced the communists to retreat north. Since then
there has been near constant combat between warring factions along the line of control. Atrocities against civilians remain
rampant, especially in the north where communist and traditionalist towns lie in close proximity.

The Hobrazian National Army, claiming descent from the Army of Hobrazia during the period of stable governance in 5158, has
had great success in the coastal region over the past 6 months, seizing several cities and towns. The territory under their
control is single largest contiguous territory governed by a single faction since the beginning of the war. Some analysts have
emphasised the continued opposition to the HNA in the north, however, for General Licheli and his supporters throughout
Hobrazia, the capture of Astoria can been seen, with some reservations, as the beginning of the end.
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Re: Hobrazia

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Mon Jun 26, 2023 6:00 pm

Tory Party (Hardliners) - Primary account.
Controller of the House of Orange-Villayn Armstead.
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Re: Hobrazia

Postby Auditorii » Mon Jun 26, 2023 6:27 pm

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Re: Hobrazia

Postby RedReaper » Thu Jun 29, 2023 6:40 pm

Hobrazian National Army Launches Northern Offensive
Licheli praises international community for support, calls for a military settlement

The Hobrazian National Army has launched their much anticipated northern campaign into the provinces of Muzalkaz and Zargundia
in an effort to dismantle the Communist insurgency along the Luthori border. Troops of the 5th Army have been spotted engaging
insurgents in the towns of Camundi and Lasra, both on the M2 highway towards Muzal K’alak’i. Muzal is a key target for the campaign,
serving as a defacto capital of the Communist People's Army. The PA have long maintained a dual power structure in Muzal, smuggling
arms across the border from neigbouring countries in order to fuel their war effort. Hence cutting the main strongholds further west
from the border crossings would substantially weaken the rebels, and in the words of senior HNA officers lead to a military settlement
on the Revival Council's terms.

It is not a coincidence that this campaign has coincided with official recognition of the Council as the official government of Hobrazia,
as Luthori and Dorvik both announced provisional recognition with full recognition at the end of hostilities. So far offers from Luthori
for a military intervention have been turned down by Astoria, who have faith in their military might to end the Dirty War without
outside help. Licheli thanked both nations for their support and endorsement of his aims to establish a democratic stable country in
a region long fraught with radicalism and instability.

Current military analysts suggest that the most likely outcome will be the enclosing of Communist and Traditionalist forces into rural
pockets in the mountain areas, leading either to a negotiated settlement or a protracted insurgent campaign. Whether the Council
would declare victory under the later conditions has been heavily debated. Licheli has long advocated for a negotiated peace, to
secure the legitimacy of the new government it may be seen that any armed rebellion must be forced to surrender or else be destroyed.
However many are sceptical of the ability of Hobrazia's military to maintain order in regions so long under separate governance. Anger
and vengeance run deep in the mountains and it is likely that the flame of the People's Army and of the old Hobrazia will long remain
a bane in the side of the new Hobrazian Republic.
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Re: Hobrazia

Postby RedReaper » Sun Jul 02, 2023 12:02 pm

Protesters in Astoria K'alak'i Demand Constitution
Revival Council Emphasises the Importance of Unity for duration of Conflict

Hundreds of protesters took to the streets of Astoria earlier today demanding the drafting of a new democratic constitution.
Calls for the Revival Council to take steps to establish a democratic state have been on the rise in recent months following
the Hobrazian National Army's military successes. Protesters of all political persuasions gathered on the steps of the old
Parliament building to call for a written constitution, guaranteed liberties and democratic structures. However, there appears
to be limited consensus among the demonstrators regarding how such rights and processes should be structured.

Some protesters have called for the establishment of a Bill of Rights which will ensure that martial law is constrained. Others
have called for an end to the Revival Council as a whole and the establishment of a democratic state with new elections.
Both suggestions have been rejected in the past by the HNA, who have emphasised the difficulty in establishing a new stable
democratic state in a time of civil war. General Licheli has emphasised the importance of the Hobrazian people remaining unified
behind the Council and the HNA for the duration of the conflict.

Is Martial Law Necessary?
Following the liberation of Astoria by the HNA, the Council of Revival has maintained order through martial law, attempting
to reduce the risk of violence and reestablish a stable order throughout their controlled territory. However, they have also
taken strides to ensure that their stated aims, to establish a democratic Hobrazia, influence the way that the martial law
is maintained. The Council of Revival has so far maintained a liberal position on peaceful protests in the capital, with police
stationed to ensure that the protests are protected.

An end to martial law would require the establishment of new court structures and the creation of a legislative body which
could draft and enforce legislation. There would also have to be great efforts made by the Council to transfer powers from
the army to the newly established civilian authority. Such a transition would take time and be constantly under threat of
reversal. The Army believes that such a transition is impossible while conflict still rages in Hobrazia. However, the risk of
a protracted insurgency means that an official end date to the conflict appears less and less likely, prompting democrats
to call for the transitionary process to begin urgently.

Hobrazian Democratic Society
The protests in Astoria have been organised by the Hobrazian Democratic Society, a civil rights advocacy group which calls
for an end to martial law and the beginning of a transitionary process towards a democratic state. Their founder, Stepane
Tugushi, a small businessman based in Astoria, has called on the military to relinquish its powers to a civilian authority.
Although clearly against the current policy of the Council, Tugushi has continuously praised General Licheli for his democratic
advocacy. However, there are others within the organisation who appear have more anti-military sentiments.

The HBS has called for continuous protests in the capital until their demands are met. Atkali Matsne will continue to follow
these developments closely.
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Re: Hobrazia

Postby RedReaper » Tue Jul 18, 2023 8:45 pm

Government Forms Committee to Begin Democratic Transition
Deal was reached between Democratic Activists and Revival Council

A spokesperson for the Revival Council announced today that a Constitutional Committee is to be formed to negotiate
a transition to democratic governance following almost two decades of martial law. The announcement comes following a
reduction in hostilities between the government and the terrorist people's army, as well as negotiations between the
Hobrazian Democratic Society and President Licheli.

Alex Fardi, a Astorian Lawyer and member of the pro-government Alliance for Peace, announced that the committee
would be made up of both members of the Council, civilian supporters of the Licheli government, and members of the
Democratic Society, as well as leading political theorists and intellectuals. The council will be appointed authority to
draft a constitution which will be voted upon as soon as January 5339.

The announcement has been met by almost universal celebrations throughout Astoria, as democratic supporters set off
fireworks in public parks and danced traditional folk dances through the streets. Several proposed flags of the new state
were also flown together, showing the unity of the population towards the common goal of democracy.

However, the Stepane Tugushi, leader of the HDS, emphasised the importance of caution, highlighting that there is still
a great many points which need to be settled by the Constitutional Committee to ensure that the hope for democracy
is met with a stable and continuous democratic government. Transitions to democracy have in the past been fraught with
violence and failure, Tugushi warned, but that with all sides coming together to settle the disputes amicably, Hobrazia
may just have what it takes to be a success that other emerging democracies can emulate.
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Re: Hobrazia

Postby RedReaper » Wed Aug 02, 2023 4:43 pm

Constitution of Hobrazia Enters into Law - "A New Day"
Constitution centres on Legislative Supremacy and a Federal Parliamentary Republic
Federal-President to be appointed by the Legislature for Five Years
President Licheli to step down following next election by Civilian Administration

Following three years of political debate, and two elections to the Constitutional Assembly, the people of Hobrazia have
put their support towards a new Constitutional settlement. The military and Revival Council have accepted this compromise
and intend to step down from power following an early election. The head of the newly formed Democratic Alliance Party,
ex-Alliance for Peace leader Alex Fardi, has joined celebrating crowds on the steps of the Constitutional Assembly, announcing
"a new day for Hobrazia".

The Revival Council and President Licheli have both endorsed the constitutional changes and have praised the Assembly for their
national fervour and determination to achieve compromises between all sides. President Licheli has announced that he will
be stepping down from power following the next election, and will not declare any decrees in the interim.

Hobrazia as part of these changes will be officially renamed to the Hobrazian Federal Republic. This change from the Hobrazian
Republic, alongside an updated name for Hobrazia in line with the recent language reforms, was intended by the constitutional
assembly to mark a clear break from the past and a call back to previous federal governments. Referendums on a national
anthem, flag and motto are currently being held throughout Hobrazia.

The New Constitution Explained

The new constitution was the product of a series of compromises between the pro-democratic Hobrazian Democratic Society
and the more conservative Alliance for Peace. Arguments in favour of a whole host of political systems and structures were
made, with the chief debate consisting of a Presidential and Parliamentary debate, as well as concerns around the ability
of the Federal Departments to influence politics. However, both sides were agreed that stability was the utmost concern,
and that such stability could only be achieved through a strong representative legislature have authority to channel the
publics interest in the right direction and supervise the central government to prevent tyranny.

These distinct interests have led to the constitution being structured far differently than any other country in Hobrazia,
a parliamentary republic where the legislature appoints a figurehead who is both Head of State and Head of Government.
The National Assembly, the legislative body, will consist of a constituent elected House of Representatives, a Senate appointed
by the Governors of each Department, and a House of Elders chosen from the most intelligent and experienced members of
the Assembly. This Assembly will be elected/appointed every 5 years, after which from its ranks a Federal President will be
selected to act as leader of the Government.

The Federal President will have to power to appoint government ministers, form government ministries and propose decrees
which will be fast tracked through the Assembly. However, the National Assembly is to remain ultimately sovereign, able to
remove the Federal President at will, vote down any decree, supervise and amend laws as acted upon by the government,
and propose any law with a simple majority. Beyond the First Law, any Law can be proposed or removed by the assembly
through a simple majority. Hence the National Assembly has complete control over the Executive, Legislature and Judiciary.

This system has been seen by political commentators as a radically democratic departure from modern political norms, and
tantamount to an elected constitutional monarchy. Supporters have called it the constitution the new Republic needs, set
out differently than the rest of the Globe and based on a compromise between warring factions seeking peace in a tired

Sceptics however, are concerned with the lack of a Bill of Rights, or a separation of powers, and are concerned that a state
of Particracy, or rule by parties in the legislature, may spell an end to the fledgling democracy before it has even begun. Only
time will tell.
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