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Re: Dolgava™ Printed and Broadcasted Media Corporation (PBMC)™

Postby SavelyYuriev » Mon Oct 29, 2018 6:23 pm

Dolgavan President and the Nationalkonservative Freiheistpartei Support Fortland

Due to the recent actions that were taken against Fortland; Dolgavan Chancellor Alban Bahr I has said that Fortland will keep their cannons as "They are Fortland's main defences against an invasion."

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Dolgava claims that they will make a treaty that will ensure that the nation will defend Fortland and will engage more relations with the nation.
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Re: Dolgava™ Printed and Broadcasted Media Corporation (PBMC)™

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Tue Dec 17, 2019 4:55 am

-Dolgovas vakara pasts-Dolgova Evening Post-

We are Dolgovian!!!

These were the words spoken by the Royal Chairman of Dolgova commonly known as Prime Minister today outside the first ethnic Dolgovian parade in decades. The new government's first task in building Dolgova up is to establish a clear culture.

We take pride in the fact that we are Dolgovian. We for years have been taken advantage of by Socialist Regimes and Governments that do not care about We the People. Today that changes friends. Today we get our borders back, today we get our culture back! Today we get our country back because it is the best thing for our country. We need to get this done and get it done soon. I look forward to meeting with other countries and working with other like-minded governments to help bring stability and peace to this long wartorn country. I officially will be making big changes soon to grow our economy and our business. My first task has been completed. Restoring a sense of pride in our monarchy and country!!!

Indeed the ethnic identity of the country was ripped apart after centuries of violence and uncertainty. The Prime Minister added that he will end these years and bring Dolgova out of the depths of poverty and isolation.

For the First Time in Decad,es a Traditional Dolgovan Parade Goes Through the Capital Aikums.
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Re: Dolgava™ Printed and Broadcasted Media Corporation (PBMC)™

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Thu Dec 19, 2019 7:30 am


Autarky, New Government to Rebuild Dolgova's Economy

January, 15th 4682

The Government of Dolgova proposed the following bill onto the legislations floor today citing their plan to revitalize Dolgova.

I Chancellor Viljo Lippmaa hereby put this bill to Congress to help identify and begin our country growth so it can thrive. It is labeled the 10-year plan. In 10 years the economy will be much more powerful. We shall also be self-sustainable as well.

Here are Our Plans:

1. We will create a national highway system called the Konigbahn. This shall make travel and communication across Dolgova much faster and effective

2. We shall simplify the Dolgovan Armed Forces to These Branches

l. Dolgovan Army
ll. Dolgovan Air Force
lll. Dolgovan Navy
lV. Dolgovan Home Guard

3. We shall also lower taxes and regulations so that businesses can thrive and so that we can build a better economy.

4. We shall back the Dolgovan Dalderis (DGD) with gold from the Dolgovan Federal Reserve the set price shall be coined and the price shall stay put because the value is backed in Gold.

5. The Government shall create several projects like creating hydroelectric dams and new dockyards. These technologies can later be used to help private businesses create these things. We want to be building these things in 10 years or so not done with them.

6. We shall develop and design ships such as frigates and destroyers using these dockyards. Our goal is to start this project in 10 years.

7. We shall develop designs for armored vehicles and train our armed forces as a unified army to help defend our country.

These are just the beginning of my future plans I hope this Congress agrees to these too.

Royal Council Chairman (Prime Minister)

Viljo Lippmaa

The Prime Minister Unveiling his Revitilization Plan
He calls for the government and the legislature to work with him to rebuild the economy.

March 2nd 4682

Government Unveils Massive Upgrade to the Nation's Highway System. New System Called Königsbahn.

The Government under Prime Minister Lippmaa has officially begun finalizing plans for a new federal interstate network known as the Königbahn. The existing Autobahn's only went from major cities and transportation outside of that was treacherous and slower. This new system would replace badly kept up 2 lane roads and replace them with a 4-8 lane road with guardrails. The roads shall also include a safety lane on the right-hand side. This type of roadway already exists connecting certain major cities in Dolgova but this new Königbahn shall make sure that all major towns and communities have freeways connecting them not just highways.

The Prime Minister said
This new Königsbahn will be the thing that will help businesses and commuters be able to do business more quickly and easier in Dolgova. For years our outdated two-lane highway systems have been crumbling and this new Königsbahn will be the right remedy for it.

Some opponents say he will use the new road system to transfer troops but by and large, a majority of citizens approve strongly these actions taken.

The already existing autobahn few miles outside of the capital. This will set the standerd for the rest of the freeways.

In his closing statement
Prepare yourselves people of this dear land. This is only the beginning. I will invest in this country because I believe that we are going to become a great nation. This is only the beginning.

The New Freeway expanision project will be a massive undertaking. The Government has a budget on roads of over 100 Billion DGDs. They hope to start this summer and be completed in 10 years.

The map below shows The Old Autobahn (Red) The Proposed New Konigsbahn to replace the old Highways (Orange) and Surviving Highways (Black)

Last edited by alaskancrabpuffs21 on Fri Jan 10, 2020 4:00 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Dolgava™ Printed and Broadcasted Media Corporation (PBMC)™

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Tue Dec 24, 2019 10:39 pm

Viljo Lippmaa announces new Laws to Create a Small Central Government and Give More Power to Local Governments, Overshadowed by Declining Stock Market

August 2nd 4684

Prime Minister Viljo Lippmaa announced new sweeping reforms that would cut government size and spending and give more power to local governments. This is during a period of stockmarket insecurity. The reforms are supposed to cut government spending and cut taxes.

These reforms will help to end our nation treading water and get to the surface.

Labour Unions Strike, Demand Change!!! Stock Market Collapses!!!

December, 3rd, 4685

After a couple of rough years for workers as the economy expands. The Trade Unions and Labour Unions organized a "Winter Strike" to protest poor working conditions. These mass strikes sparked an economic collapse throughout the month of November and into early December. The protests have gotten louder and more violent as the market continues to collapse. The Left-Wing charismatic figure Wilhelmina Abend has organized this strike and is currently talking with government officials to end the strike if her demands are met. The economy continues to collapse as uncertainty continues. Hopefully, this can lead to a peaceful solution


The Labour Strike Leader Wilhelmina Abend

The Leader of the Strike said this in a rally.

The Conservatives don't care. They don't care about us workers!!! We need a change, at this point, I don't care how we get it. Capitalism isn't equality. We need equality!!! We are going to make sure the worker gets his rights no matter what the cost.

This new group of people stands for Syndicalism a form of Socialism where Labour Unions would dominate the markets and that Capitalism would end. They also want to see high minimum wages and to reform electoral systems to better represent workers.

Syndicalist Protesters outside the Dolgovan Stock Exchange
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Re: Dolgava™ Printed and Broadcasted Media Corporation (PBMC)™

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Sat Jan 04, 2020 9:15 pm

Dolgavia Plunges into Civil War!!!

On one side is the current government with full military support and on the other a massed group of syndicalists marching through the streets well armed. This escalated finally to full war after a bomb destroyed half of the Aikums City Court House. This was alleged to have been planted by the Syndicalists. The military seized over 200 people with ties to the bombing and as they began to take them away the protesters began to shoot at the police. Now over 12 divisional districts have broken away including Aikums. The government is being held siege in the capital as military forces throughout the country are rushing to their aid. These are dark days for Dolgavia...

Massed Syndicalist Mobs

The Court House After the Bombing
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Re: Dolgava™ Printed and Broadcasted Media Corporation (PBMC)™

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Wed Jan 08, 2020 6:54 am

Prime Minister Orders Military to Squash Resistance!!!

January 4th 4692 [postdated]

The Prime Minister said today that he has decided to send in the Dolgavian Military to squash resistance. The civil war that has lasted for a long time in Dolgavia. started by Socialist Syndacalists has torn the nation apart. He deployed 3 units of infantry and tanks to end the riots and bloodshed. He has tried to stay peaceful up until this point using state militias and state militaries but finally, after severe bloodshed in the capital took its toll he ordered the army to intervene.

A Burnt-out Bus Terminal in Aikums.

This step is necessary to preserve the Fatherland!!! These Syndacalists will be stopped and ended. They are to dangerous to be kept active in this country!!! We as Dolgavians must be vigilant to end this threat and both the military and the people of this country need to rise up and crush these traitors!!!

Last edited by alaskancrabpuffs21 on Fri Jan 10, 2020 4:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dolgava™ Printed and Broadcasted Media Corporation (PBMC)™

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Wed Jan 08, 2020 7:20 am

-Civil War Ends!!! Nation Badly Devastated-

April 12th 4692

The Prime Minister walked out of his residency with his wife next to him. The two walked the two blocks down to the Prime Minister's office hand in hand. This was not an uncommon sight 2 years ago but ever since the Civil War and riots they hadn't done this. Instead, they took the tunnel from the couple's residence to the prime minister's office. They were met with cheering crowds and celebration!!! The Prime Minister walked to a podium in front of the Capitol Building and made a speech.


Friends, Patriots, and Fellow Countrymen. Today marks a new fresh beginning for Dolgavia. The perpetrators of the riots and civil war are in custody or have a change of heart. To those left who are still unhappy with the direction, this country is taking let me say that there is nothing to fear. I am going to bring things this country has not seen in decades. Prosperity, wealth, security, lower prices, more jobs. All of this can be yours if you allow me and my government to change things. To the men and women who fought to keep this country from falling apart, I applaud you. Your sacrifice and loyalty will not be forgotten. Today the streets a quiet and safe. Today the children play. Today is a new day it is a day to be glad and hopeful. My friends the future is bright.

The Syndacalists were finally ended by bitter fighting in Aikums and other large cities. The army helped out loyal mitias and squashed the socialists. More then 500 people are in prison awaiting verdicts and more then 10,000 people are dead. Cities lie in disaray and infastricture is destroyed. Let us hope the prime minister can change things for the better.
Last edited by alaskancrabpuffs21 on Fri Jan 10, 2020 4:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dolgava™ Printed and Broadcasted Media Corporation (PBMC)™

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Thu Jan 09, 2020 12:32 am

Dolgova Exits Lodamun- Dolgavia Cuts Diplomatic Ties With "Troubled" Nation

September, 6th 4692

Prime Minister Viljo Lippmaa has officially sent a letter to Lodamun cutting all relations between the two nations. Outside of the Parliament building, the Prime Minister slammed the radical parties in Lodamun saying that they were doing nothing to help the people of Lodamun. This action pulls all Dolgavian officials out of Lodamun and gave Dolgavian citizens 2 weeks to flee the country as well. Today marked the end of the two weeks and the diplomats at the Lodamun embassy left by helicopter.

The amount of radical parties in Lodamun is frightening. They don't care about the people of Lodamun. They don't frankly push their agenda and keep power and control centralized. Cultist parties are currently ruining that nation. I have sent a letter to Lodamun officially stating that we are tired of their government and that we are going to cut ties with each other. This is for the best because I and my government cannot support pagan cultist parties and singularly focused left-wing menageries. They are simply trying to conduct their agendas and in the process, they are crushing and oppressing the people. We do not support this.

The Prime Minister after his speech
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Re: Dolgava™ Printed and Broadcasted Media Corporation (PBMC)™

Postby Auditorii » Fri Jan 10, 2020 6:07 pm

Image Dorvik | Image Zardugal | Image Ostland (FBC)
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Re: Dolgava™ Printed and Broadcasted Media Corporation (PBMC)™

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Sat Jan 11, 2020 8:32 am

Dolgavian Economy Booms - Military Grows

November 3rd 4693

The year 4693 was for Dolgavian investors a year that has finally come at last. The Aikums Stock Exchange has risen to record highs, unemployment and crime rates are dropping and new businesses, private firms and projects are springing up in every province. How did this happen. Today the Pree Press Lists the 3 Reasons why the Dolgavian Economy is Growing Faster then it ever has.

1. Deregulation:
The Prime Minister and the congress passed a sweeping de-regulation legislation that opened private business to thrive. This included disbanding the Dolgavian National Bank, making airports completely private and giving access to the nations power grid for private companies. So far this year the power grid is becoming more and more modernized because of Dolgavian companies such as DP Power, Electrofusion and Wolfgang Bros. LLC. Their stocks have gone up by 500%. This has been the same with banks as the LCL Bankgruppe, Hodari Landesbank and Aikums Pilsētas Sols have taken the banking industry by storm and have also grown as the government took a step back. These deregulations stabilized the Dolgavian economy and grew the economy greatly


2. The Gold Standard
The Dolgavas Federālā Rezerve (Dolgovia Federal Reserve) annouced with the Prime Minister that the Dolgvian Dalderis (DND) would be pegged by the standard of 400 Dalderis for one ounce of gold. The bill even without being formally signed stablized the economy even further so that hyperinflation could not occur. Investors and stocks reacted positively to this as they rallied finishing thousands of points every day.

The Prime Minister doing his twice weekly press conference to reports after officially announcing the Gold Standard Act

3. Dorvik Influence
Königreich Dorvik and their foreign minister Jannick Waldd came to Dolgavia in July to help the Dolgavian economy and military get off the ground. Dorvik started utilizing the Dorvish Devolpment Bank in Aikums to assist Dolgavia in projects. So far plans to improve the Konigbahn to Dorvik standerds have been planned and the overhaul and rebuilding of 6 major hydroelectric dams in Dolgavia. The Wasse Dam on the Wasse River will be expanded and will have 2 more power houses added on. Dorvik is assisting businesses and local officials to expand infrastructure and business in Dolgavia. Also the Dolgavian Government got billions of DNDs in Grants to overhaul the Dolgavian Armed Forces and private firms are already working on creating a new state of the art naval base with dry docks and ship building facilities in Dolgavia.

Also a new class of fighter jet shall be in the works as the Dolgavia looks to expand its military presence. The Dorvish will be training and teaching all Dolgavian officers and the Dolgavian Armed Forces is creating a new officer training school in Dolgavia. The Dorvish are looking to help the Dolgavian government and business rebound after the bloody civil war and the contribution is helping Dolgavia greatly.

The land where the New Konig Heinrich Naval Base shall be an estimated 10-15 year project estimating around 1.5 billion DNDs will be built.
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