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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Mon Apr 22, 2024 12:45 am


March 12th 5473

The Dolgavan Government has approved an emergency plan to increase the Dolgavan Military's funding and at the same time institute a partial mobilization of Dolgavan forces. This comes as rising global tensions are continuing to rise as ICBM's now fly across Terra from Lourenne and Beiteynu. The cascading effects of this war are playing out across the globe with states. In the most recent of these sorts of diplomatic altercations in which Kundrati and Luthori have . This is in response to a Luthorain ultimatum against Kundrati for joining the war on the side of Lourenne and going against the pleading of the Luthorian Government to remain neutral in the conflict. This is simply a line that has been crossed and threatens armed conflict in the North and in Artania.

The Dolgavan Government has been quick to react with the Minister of Defense Gustavas Glasas and the Prime Minister Ruuben Rootare in meetings all day with military commanders, allies and such. Parliament passed the emergency act as a means of protecting Dolgava from any spillover these conflicts might have and to protect Dolgava's allies if needed. The Prime Minister made no official statement but a brief message to the press saying that "We must ensure we stay strong during this crisis".

The Dolgavan Navy has been reportedly sent to patrol the Mad Dog Ocean and the Karzon Straight extensively for any potential threat, while the Dolgavan Airforce has been put in Blue Alert and has been making sorties into Dolgavan Airspace 24 hours a day. The Dolgavan Expeditionary Forces have been put on standby and the Dolgavan Armed Forces will begin partial mobilization immediately. These days are dark across Terra but one can hope that war does not come to the Dolgavan Empire. May God be With Us!

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Mon Apr 22, 2024 1:03 am


March 15th 5473

Aikums City Police along with National Police have arrested three Beiteynu nationals outside the Lourenne Embassy for "conspiracy against the Dolgavan Government". The three people, two men and one women were seen dragged through the streets of Aikums into armored cars before being taken to custody. Videos show them crying out for help as they are restrained and detained. They were apart of ongoing protests outside of the Lourenne embassy that have been ongoing for nearly two years at this point. The protests have been peaceful outside of the Lourenne embassy before a group of Pro-Beiteynu protesters started making rude remarks at the Lourenne embassy. Unrelated to this however soon Incident teams arrived, broke up the protests and captured all three Beiteynu nationals for federal crimes. These crimes are some of the most serious to be charged to foreign nationals and if convicted they could spend the rest of their lives in Dolgavan prisons. To conspire against the Dolgavan Government means you act in espionage or to disrupt civil order or to disrupt Dolgava's Government.

The Federal and local police are remaining tight lipped on the ongoing situation but the Police Chief of Aikums Erika Tamm made a press conference saying that the three were arrested for these crimes and are currently in Dolgavan custody, without bail.

Officials from Beiteynu have yet to respond to this but it is expected that possibly a deal could be reached that could extradite and excuse these three individuals from Dolgavan custody. There is no official response from Beiteynu yet. It is also unclear what crimes these three committed and why they were arrested outside of the Lourenne embassy. Were they attempting terrorism on the embassy? These are questions being asked right now inside of Dolgava.

Police Chief of Aikums Erika Tamm

However it is clear that the Dolgavan police have ensured the safety of our state by arresting three dangerous individuals and that the Lourenne embassy is now safe and secure from any potential attack by Beiteynu sympathizers and bringing the conflict here to Dolgava. We praise our police and first responders for working every day to keep our country safe.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Mon Apr 22, 2024 4:05 am


100,000 Dolgavans Protest Outside Beiteynu Embassy Demanding Ceasefire

The atmosphere outside the Beiteynu embassy was lively as protesters gathered for a sausage festival while other parts saw flashbangs and burn-bottles being thrown at the embassy

April 12th 5473

100,000 Dolgavans took to the streets of Aikums to protest tonight as they gathered chiefly around the Beiteynu embassy in the embassy quarter of the city. The streets were closed as an armed guard of the Dolgavan State Police and the Aikums City Police barricaded the embassy from object being thrown by angry protesters. One group of unemployed miners was extremely aggressive calling Beiteynu "the filthy meddlers" while lobbing flash bangs into the streets and playing pulsing loud noises on boom boxes as a form of annoyance. Many Dolgavans are angry at the perceived aggression by the Beiteynu state as causing this crisis with many Dolgavan unemployed because of Beiteynu. The anger was apparent. Over 32 people were arrested from minor crimes up to attempted breaching of the embassy but the embassy remained secure and the Dolgavan protesters despite their best efforts could not carry out their frustration any further.

The unemployed miners who were some of the most vocal and angry of the Dolgavan protesters

The main protests however were relatively peaceful with food carts and a sausage festival taking place as many Dolgavans came out to march and protest but not make a scene. Some protesters called it "standing up for what is right" while others said "They cannot win anymore, they need to surrender". The sentiment was largely apparent that Dolgavans like most of the rest of the world want to see peace restored, but with recent events in Artania it seems that Beiteynu's folly has spiraled into the real possibility of more conflicts and war on the horizon. Many Dolgavans see the Beiteynu Government as "self serving" and "self centered", something that was elaborated onto handmade signs throughout the protests.

Dolgava like the rest of Terra holds its breath for peace but it is clear that Dolgavans are furious with the government of Beiteynu and this will lead to negative relations between Dolgava and Beiteynu for years to come...

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Re: Dolgava

Postby Doc » Mon Apr 22, 2024 4:15 am

Her Imperial Majesty, Empress Nicolette I Ananto visits Dolgava
Brief 2 week holiday includes afternoon tea with Empress Konstanja III

April 30, 5473

Read about it in La Moda
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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Tue Apr 23, 2024 12:31 am


Dolgava Releases Beiteynu Citizens Back to Beiteynu Citing "Intelligence Mistake"

The three Beiteynu Citizens were Flown Back Home To Beiteynu after this mishap

September 10th 5473

The Dolgavan Ambassador to Beiteynu Astrid Levenberg has confirmed that after negotiations with the Beiteynu Government the three prisoners initially arrested on charges of "Conspiracy Against the Dolgavan Government" have been released and sent home as they requested back to Beiteynu. The mix up came from faulty intelligence reports which labeled the three as potential threats to the security of the Dolgavan State. The mix up or what the report said is classified. Many analysts think the mishap was due to the ongoing war between Lourenne and Beiteynu and the world tension during that time wore off on Dolgava.

The Ambassador apologized on behalf of the Dolgavan Government and said that Yeudi sovereignty and security of paramount. The three were also given financial compensation for their time in Dolgavan prisons, this number has not been released.

The Dolgava Freie Presse is an Independent Newspaper Which Covers All Stories Related to Dolgava
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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Tue Apr 23, 2024 1:40 am


September 12th 5473

After some delay in which we first reported on Dolgavan Submarine expansion, the Royal Dolgavan Navy has approved plans to lay down and build the Lasis Class Nuclear Attack Submarine which will be the forefront of Dolgava's naval expansion into the future. The Dolgavan Defense Minister in a now highly watched press conference said that "Dolgava will soon have the most capable and strongest submarine force in all of Terra".

Our resident military scholar and Dolgavan military strategist Kaspar Sirel have watched the events of the Hubris war play out and have seen the disastrous defeat for Beiteynu it is clear that the Carrier Strike Group can be defeated easily by coordinated, sustained attacks. Sirel told that DBC that

Countries across Terra have watched what has unfolded in the Hubris war and they are taking notes. The Dolgavan Miltary High Command is no different. Lourenne exploited several weaknesses in Beiteynu naval strategy including an over reliance on Carrier Strike Groups as a display of power. Most of the power militaries of Terra rely on the Carrier Strike Group as a display of power and Dolgava and any country that watched the Hubris war, should be finding ways of directly combating and defeating Carrier Strike Groups.

Apart of Dolgava's strategy against invasion by any adversary is making sure they do not even make it close to Dolgavan soil in the first place. This is where the Dolgavan Submarine fleet comes in. A coordinated attack by Nuclear Attack subs with both missiles and torpedoes can take down any carrier strike group that dares to advance on Dolgavan waters. With enough submarine power in the area, it would prevent any modern navy from considering such an attack.

The increased funding for Dolgavan military assets has come at a perfect time for Dolgavan naval expansion. The Dolgavan Navy is planning 8 ships to go to the Lasis class which will join with the older submarines of the Śuketė Class Nuclear Attack Submarine. After the 8 replacements are finished then they will get to work at replacing this class with 4 more bringing up the total number of Nuclear Attack Subs to 12. With this capability in place, Dolgava would have one of the strongest Subamarine fleets in Terra and would be capable of sending these around to globe to any conflict they are needed using stealth and surprise to their advantage.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Fri Apr 26, 2024 8:08 am


Former Union Boss and Formerly Convicted Criminal (now Pardoned), Ruslands Dīriķis Appointed Special Ambassador to Tian’an Confernece

Ruslands Dīriķis the former Miners Union Boss, convicted and later pardoned to 6 months of community service for embezzlement and for his mining strikes, has been appointed the Special Ambassador to the Tian’an Confernece

May 3rd 5475

In a shocking press conference the Dolgavan Foreign Minister Evelyn Wegmann has appointed former Union Boss and controversial figure Ruslands Dīriķis. Ruslands Dīriķis was the longtime chief negotiation and union boss for the largest union in Dolgava, the miners union. This union was known for its shrewd practices and for making Dolgavan multinational companies, do their bidding. Dīriķis is known for getting good deals and for not backing down regardless of who he negotiates with. It has been shown that even he negotiated with prior Dolgavan Prime Ministers, in person to avoid mass strikes across Dolgava.

The luster from his glory days is now over as Dīriķis has been pardoned after finishing nearly 3 months of community service after being arrested for embezzlement and for his use of coercion in negotiating. However today he will now head the Dolgavan team heading to the Tian'an Conference in Yingdala instead of who most people thought would come, being the foreign minister herself. Appearing at the press briefing Dīriķis now Chief Negotiate to the conference said that "I will represent and bring about the best deal for Dolgava and for our region as possible. It is an honor to serve in this capacity".

The Union Boss will be leaving today on an jet heading for Yingdala with a large accompaniment of aides and staff. It is clear the Dolgavan Government wants a good deal out of this conference and they will put a bulldog in the fight, this time to represent the nation.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Fri Apr 26, 2024 10:36 am


May 12th 5475

Foreign Minister of the Dolgavan Empire Evelyn Wegmann instead of going to the Tian'an Conference made a State Visit to Hutori and Beiteynu as Dolgava looks to ensure close ties with their ally in Hutori and the impactful reopening of relations with Beiteynu and thesigning of the Yeudish Neset. Wegmann who has been known as as a professional negotiator and a very good ambassador for many years.


She spent 3 days in Hutori, visiting the Hutorian Government and negotiating with Hutorian Military leaders. The details of the visit are not known well but a statement from the Foreign Ministers Office said that "We look forward to working together with our allies in Hutori once again as we have done for many years now. Cooperation with our allies and partners across Dolgava both economically and militarily is extremely important to the stability and peace of Dolgava, Keris and Terra as a whole. Hutori is and will be an extremely important ally. We have some projects in the future that we will be working closely on and I am excited for the future of our alliance and friendship".

The Foreign Minister also spoke at length reportedly with the Hutorian Defense Minister and other high ranking officials, discussing topics that again, we can only speculate. The visit seemed to be a success for the Foreign Minister as the Foreign Minister was met with a warm welcome. After three days she boarded her plane with the next destination being Beiteynu.


Beiteynu and Dolgava have had a long and strenuous relationship with both countries going through international incidents and diplomatic scuffles. However with the end of the Hubris War and yet another incident between the two nations, it seems that this time a major breakthrough was made in the Beiteynu and Dolgavan relationship. The Prime Minister reportedly negotiated and spoke at length with the Government of Beiteynu during the crisis where a peaceful solution was agreed to. Ever since it seems that both sides are in communication and on much friendlier terms. So much so that the Dolgavan Parliament is in the process of passing a framework for diplomatic and economic ties with Beiteynu, something that only a handful of years ago, seemed impossible.

The Foreign Minister went to Yishelem and spent 3 days there meeting personally with Sneakyeth Avodi the Head of the Medinat Department along with other high ranking officials in the Beiteynu Government. The highlights of the visit included a join press conference where Evelyn Wegmann announced that Dolgava was in the process of joining the Beiteynuese Framework of Trade and Commerce and that Dolgava will pursue closer relations with Beiteynu in the future. Evelyn Wegmann said that

I hope that this is the beginning of a brighter period for both of our nations and especially for the relationship between our countries. I hope that in the future, Dolgava and Beiteynu can work together to ensuring the safe commerce and a more peaceful global community going forward. I hope that this is the beginning of a more peaceful world for all countries.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Sun Apr 28, 2024 9:52 am


Government Rescues and Fully Nationalizes Dolgava Hidroelektrostacija from Bankrupcy. Promises to Rebuild Dolgavan Energy and Civilian Infrastructure

Dolgavan Energy Giant Dolgava Hidroelektrostacija is now facing bankrupcy. In a 4.1 Billion DOL deal the Dolgavan Government will be fully nationalizing the company and running it in coordination with the Dolgavan Ministry of Energy

May 3rd 5476

Dolgava Hidroelektrostacija once the largest company in Dolgava has fallen from grace. Its aging dams have provided Dolgavans with reliable and safe energy for decades but they have fallen behind for a number of factors. The first being its competition with nuclear power. Nuclear Power is available throughout Dolgava through the Dolgavanas civilās kodolenerģijas aģentūra (Dolgavan Civilian Nuclear Energy Agency) have several nuclear power generation plants across Dolgava that produce power cheaply and efficiently. Dolgava's dams and hydro power just cannot keep up with the efficiency of nuclear power. A high level cabinet minister told the Presse that "it was bound to happen at some point".

The final straw was the hit to the Dolgavan Economy during the Hubris War. The company struggled to keep up and problems which they had dealt with before could not be solved. Energy prices crashed as consumers saved money especially on energy and many people conserved power. The tight balance of the checkbooks collapsed and soon debt was accumulating. For months now the Dolgavan Government has been working with Dolgava Hidroelektrostacija on a buyout and Nationalization of the company as it is simply "too big to fail" and provides millions of Dolgavans with power, flood control and water storage for many cities and communities in Dolgava as well.

A deal has now been reached between Dolgava and DH. The Dolgavan Government will buy the company for 4.1 Billion DOLS (which is considered a bargain), thus making the company fully nationalized. The Government has promised all those employed by the company will keep their job and they will receive pension, healthcare and the other baked in perks of working for the Dolgavan Government, automatically. The company will be taken off of trading on the Aikums Stock Exchange but it will retain its company name and structure with the board and executive structure being replaced. Work on the Dams will be conducted by civilian engineers with the Dolgavan Ministry of Energy which will have full control over the dams and hydroelectric power stations. The tidal wave generation portion of the company will be liquidated and sold as a separate entity for an undisclosed amount. Details on that are unknown at this time.

Minister of Energy Vahur Kabin told the Press in the statement of the buyout saying that

The Dolgavan Government sees cheap, efficient and renewable energy production as a top priority for all Dolgavans. We not only will ensure that these dams, and their employees stay in business but we will spend as much as it takes to get them up to modern standards for the safety and wellbeing of our nation. The Prime Minister has told me to say that this is apart of a new Government initiative to massively boost Civilian Infrastructure Projects as a means of getting our economy back on track. Dolgava Hidroelektrostacija not only will survive and thrive but we are planning the expansion of new hydroelectric power facilities across Dolgava which will create jobs, create more power for Dolgavans and it will ensure that our grid is more than capable of dealing with future growth. This Government is committed to helping Dolgavans through massive infrastructure spending which will spread to meet all aspects of Dolgavan life, however that is for him to elaborate on not me.

Dolgava's Dams will be Receiving much needed improvements and Governmental funding to ensure Dolgava is powered for decades to come

The reaction to this move has seen a massive jump in the Dolgavan Stock Markets with consumer confidence once again booming. The sluggish Dolgavan Economy will more than likely react well to the news of massive civilian infrastructure spending and now that Dolgava's energy crisis is over many in Aikums can breath a bit easier. Expect news in the coming days and weeks of the new Infrastructure program but for now this is a much needed first step for Dolgava to get out of the Hubris War crash.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Fri May 03, 2024 12:40 pm


Government Mandates all Dams, Canals and Locks Must Have Safe Fish Passage for Salmonid Species

After Nationalizing Dolgava's Hydroelectric Sector, Dolgava puts strict Restrictions on Salmon Fisheries in an attempt to boost populations of the species

July 5th 5478

An investigation into Salmon populations put Dolgava at a healthy level, however increased concern from external and internal factors that could be stressing the salmon runs have led the Dolgavan Government to do some drastic measures as a means to help boost the Salmon populations of Dolgava.

A series of reforms made by the Dolgavan Ministry of Fisheries and the Dolgavan Interior Ministry is looking to radically change both Dolgava's streams and foreign access to Dolgava's fisheries while maintaining healthy populations for domestic fisherman and to ensure more than adequate escapement occurs. The 5 species of salmon present in Dolgava include, the Red Salmon (OOC: Sockeye Salmon), the Pink Salmon (OOC: Pink Salmon), the Steel Salmon (OOC: Coho or Silver Salmon), the Tiger Salmon (OOC: Chum Salmon or Dogfish) and the Emperor Salmon (OOC: King or Chinook Salmon). These five species of salmon spawn in Makon, Keris and Northern Dovani with large populations existing in Trigunia, Kazulia, Dolgava, Hutori, Davostag, Kizenia and New Endralon and Dankuk. Dolgava has all 5 species of salmon running in over 48 rivers and hundreds of tributaries across Dolgava with the salmon traveling sometimes hundreds of kilometers to get to their spawning grounds.

Things in Dolgava that have impeded safe travel of salmon from the rivers to the oceans include, degradation of terrain, impassable dams and locks and canals, increased urbanization and over fishing. These new regulations require industry and dams along Dolgava's rivers to have fish ladders and to ensure safe passage for fish heading up and down stream as well as creating habitat in more urban areas by providing debris and logs into the water to provide structure to fish. Also taking out trash, and human made debris from rivers and cutting down pollution will greatly help Dolgava's rivers.

Finally there will also be heavy restrictions on foreign fisherman from going in Dolgavan waters. Foreign fisherman will have to pay hefty premiums and hefty regulations to be able to harvest Dolgavan salmon runs while Domestic fisherman will retain the regular Dolgavan licenses and fees. Dolgavan waters will include Dolgavan waters as well as internationally recognized fisheries boundaries. Dolgavan recreational and commercial fisherman will be able to harvest runs at normal rates and as they have done for centuries.

These methods are to ensure that Dolgavan salmon fisheries are safe and healthy for the foreseeable future, and it will help Dolgava's rivers be safe for not only salmon but other species and will ensure that water quality is safe for consuming, swimming, recreation and for the environment.

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