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Re: Solentia

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Tue Feb 22, 2022 7:30 am

al-Haliya Post

Solentia's Economy Tanks- Prime Minister Ubaid Bishara blamed


Under the Leadership of the Labour Government under Prime Minister Ubaid Bishara Solentia has seen its best days truly behind it. Now there are lines for bread in Oda and other cities as Solentia continues to experience downturn. The Government made a statement today saying

These dark days ahead comrades will pass. We must stand together in brotherhood to fight the fight that god willing will end very soon. As for now we will continue to stand shoulder to shoulder in facing these dark times as one!

The Prime Minister has been in office for 7 years following a landslide election and collapse of the Freedom and Government Coalition, They have increased spending almost 5 fold in Solentia and have been blamed for rising debt amongst other problems. However mounting pressure for him to resign has not born fruit as the embattled PM continues to lead Solentia into the future. With elections 1 year away it looks like the future will be in the hands of someone else. However no other party has been able to mount a successful opposition to the PM leading to increased anger amongst Solentians.

Many people including a groups of older ladies joined the growing crowds on the streets demanding for the PM to resign. Border crossings into Istalia and neighboring countries are seeing lots of traffic. The situation is only getting more dire...
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Re: Solentia

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Tue Feb 22, 2022 7:47 am

al-Haliya Post

Prime Minister Blames Istalia for current problems in Solentia - Increases Border Presense and Cuts Ties with Istalian State


The Prime Minister who is losing his battle at home is looking to take the fight abroad by blaming Istalia on Solentia's current problems. He called for the end of relations between the two nations pulling all Ambassadors and embassy staff from Romula. This comes as Istalia is falling into turmoil. He called for all Istalians to leave Solentia immediately calling them "fat overgrown pigs" this being a major insult made by a Ahmedist Prime Minister.

We are suffering as Istalia looks on and watches. They have created instability in the region! All Solentians must recognize that those overgrown fat pigs cannot win! Solentia must face this fact and stop this influence from happening. I will hereby break ties with Istalia once and for all! Solentia does not need to be told what we can and cannot do and we will not let them ruin us. We will be securing our borders! Solentia is strong and free alone not at the whim of pigs!

The Solentian Embassy in Istalia with the last diplomats leaving for good.

However the Solentian public is not buying the Prime Minister most people do not believe that Istalia is causing Solentia problems. However only a matter of time will see if the Prime Minister is right or if he needs to go!
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Re: Solentia

Postby Rogue » Wed Feb 23, 2022 7:59 pm

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Re: Solentia

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Wed Feb 23, 2022 8:33 pm

al-Haliya Post

Solentia Collapses! - Prime Minister to make a Statement


Protesters swelled to the millions surrounding the capital building complex today, calling for the Prime Minister to resign. Parliament has been convening today to discuss the protests however the Labour Party refuses to budge. Yesterday a militia was stopped at the gates of the capital and all members arrested. The PM has continued to blame Istalia for Solentia's problems leading to continued anger and resentment. However his grip on power is falling and getting less and less. The opposition party has called for him to resign and fresh elections to be held however they have come on deaf ears.

The Leader of the Opposition said

The more and more this prime minister dillies the more Solentia suffers. For all things that are good for this country we need Mr. Moghadam to resign immediately!!! The people have shown they have had enough.

This escalated when a military unit showed up and seemingly infiltrated the capital reporters say that multiple brigades mowed down protesting civilians at the capital in their haste to get there. The entered the capital building for unknown reasons.

The Government is falling further and further into chaos as now blood has been shed. With the public and the country turning on him the PM has now seemingly sent the military in to protect him and his regime. What will happen next is anyone's guess.
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Re: Solentia

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Wed Feb 23, 2022 8:54 pm

al-Haliya Post

Prime Minister Assassinated while Making his Televised Global Address!!! - Appears to have been a set up by the Military - Marshall Law Declared as Military takes power - Parliament Held Hostage and under Arrest!!!


It was one of most savage barbaric events to ever be recorded and streamed live as the Solentian Prime Minister began his address calling for peace and potential international aid

Dear Friends and comrades! These are rough days for Solentia. As your Prime Minister I have done all I can to keep peace and order throughout the country. However our country is in grave danger, I am calling on the int..... [unintelligible] [end of transmission

but was cut short after being shot multiple times and finished off with a machete. Solentians watched in horror as a group of masked figures calling themselves "The Salvation Front" took the mic and said that Solentia

Solentia has thrown the chains of oppression and corruption once and for all. The People have risen. We are going to lead the country to prosperity. The traitors in Parliament and the Prime Minister are to blame for our situation. We must be united as one! All protests will be ended. All uprising needs to stop. We have given change! We have given freedom! We have given Justice!

They would go on to say that strict curfews are being declared and all citizens must show regional passports before leaving their town or villiage and that military outposts are being set up all over the country to enforce this. Protestors have been arrested for not following orders and in a very chaotic scene as soldiers with guns stood at the door, the Speaker of Parliament was replaced by a military figure and Parliament basically under gunpoint approved the new Military Government as official.

Blackouts have also occurred all over the country as the military has worked at night, borders have been closed and diplomats of other nations have been allowed to leave the country.

Migrants have flooded into neighboring countries following the broadcast as people feared for their lives. This has been the darkest day in Solentia's modern history and one of the darkest days in Terra. Right now the country is stable but under one of the most controversial governments in its history.

May we at al-Haliya Post say that we have also left the country out of fear but we will continue to report in a non-biased and fair manner about all things happening in Solentia.
Last edited by alaskancrabpuffs21 on Fri Feb 25, 2022 7:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Solentia

Postby Rogue » Thu Feb 24, 2022 1:36 pm

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Re: Solentia

Postby Rogue » Fri Feb 25, 2022 7:17 pm

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Re: Solentia

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Fri Feb 25, 2022 7:47 pm

al-Haliya Post

New Prime Minister Saddam Morsi takes office - Vows to bring security and peace to the country - Cuts Ties with Deltaria after unprovoked attack!


A new Prime Minister has taken power in Solentia. He has had a history of being in the Solentian military for over 30 years. He seemingly stands as a front man for the military or that is what everyone thought until he made his first speech. Surrounded by loyal followers and a armed guard the Prime Minister spoke to a tattered nation and in a complete reversal of former Military claims called for the arresting of "The Salvation Front"

Solentians, it has been my honor to become your Prime Minister. Your leader and your fellow patriot. It has been clear that these have been dark days in Solentia's history. However I would like to straighten out any rumors that have been floated by the international community. These lies that have been permeated by the great Snake of Majatra Deltaria need to be addressed. As of now Solentia does not support Terrorism in any way. As of now we will be inviting the international community to help in our efforts to rid the Solentian army of terrorists. I will be inviting Dorvish peacekeepers into Solentia so that the rest of the International community. Any other interested country may join however we will not tolerate any aggression in Solentia.

This brings me to the most important point. Solentia has been attacked. Our people have been harmed. 12 men died today by Deltarian air strikes. These are unprovoked brutal attacks by a fellow Majatran nation. I am asking the international community if you have any sense for peace and justice to please punish Deltaria. I will be speaking to the World Congress about this, Ahmed willing. Solentia will not back down. We will not be interfered with by a fellow sovereign nation. I will be also recalling all Solentians in Deltaria and cutting all ties with that cowardly nation...

Solentia is open for business. The international community and Deltaria especially want to harm us, sanction us but we will not let that harm our will and our fighting spirit. We will achieve a glorious Solentian state and someday all of Majatra will fly under one flag, of peace and unity. Thank You

These actions show that the Prime Minister has consolidated power and has back stabbed those that killed the former Prime Minister. He has also let outside press back into the country and set up programs to help deal with the crippling sanctions. Troops have not left the Istalian border in fact more have been added to it. He has also done other things like releasing the parliament from house arrest and telling them to go home. In the process disbanding the Solentian parliament and replacing it with a parliament controlled by his "Freedom and Justice Party". These reforms have been popular inside of Solentia and the hope is to ease international pressure. The country now holds its breath as their new leader leads them into an uncertain future.
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Re: Solentia

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Tue Mar 08, 2022 5:32 am

al-Haliya Post

Solentian Prime Minister Counters Istalian Claims, Promises Peace

Prime Minister confronts Istalian "absurd claims"

Metapontum Solentia
May 22nd 5085

In a statement to Istalia the Prime Minister lashed back at claims of invasion saying these words

Istalians are simply fearmongering. We have every right as any nation in Terra to be able to guard our borders. Yes we have cut ties and after the falsehoods they are spreading to the media it only strengthens our resolve to stay disconnected. To the Istalian people. Despite what your government says I have no intentions of invasion or any armed conflict. Majatra must unite under the banner of friendship not under the sword and shield. Solentia has already been attacked and we have defeated the largest power on the continent. Now we will look to join everyone in unity and freedom.

I will be continuing our army presence on all of our borders to make sure foreign aggression does not take place. I will soon be negotiating a end to the pointless war with Deltaria and bringing peace to our continent.

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