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Re: Kalopia

Postby Aethan » Mon Apr 15, 2024 9:37 am

Kalopian Dawn
Your source of fresh Kalopian news

November 5469

President of Kalopia won't run for reelection
The imminent return of Pericles al-Shakir as Prime Minister of Kalopia has prompted the decision; "the crisis is finished"

Current President of Kalopia Glykeria Christodoulopoulou presenting her succesor as candidate for FYDEM, Meropi Tavoulariadi

She has won every Presidential election she has stood in as candidate, albeit each time with less support. And now that the opposition parties have agreed on a coalition cabinet headed by Pericles al-Shakir - making his return as head of Government - to put an end to the coalition government between Enosi Kentrou and the far-right ETHNOS, she believes her time "has come".

Glykeria Christodoulopoulou was first elected President of Kalopia during the 5461 Kalopian elections, gaining 62% of the vote and avoiding a trifecta of ETHNOS, who managed to reach a whooping majority in the Kalopian parliament. Since then, she has won four more reelection, but in each of them she has lose votes - 55%, 52%, 51.5% and 51% - and the ETHNOS candidate, the perennial Giorgos Kanellopoulos, has been winning more ground. This is one of the reasons Mrs. Christodoulopoulou has cited as being behind her reasoning to take a step aside and let another person stand up as candidate for FYDEM for the next elections, to be held in 5471.

The truth is that, despite having stood as candidate for FYDEM during five elections, not even 10 years have passed since she was first elected. That is because of the political turmoil of the recent years, with the apparition of the far-right party ETHNOS, which reached a coalition government with Enosi Kentrou - until then coalition partners of FYDEM and Pericles al-Shakir - and the implementation of a series of political reforms deemed "unconstitutional" by many academics and scholars. This, together with the dissolution of Enosi Kentrou and its integration in the ranks of ETHNOS, leaving the coalition government in minority in the Kalopian parliament, prompted Mrs. Christodoulopoulou to declare the government as "unconstitutional" and "in rebellion", and promised not to ratify any law presented by them as they did not hold enough majority in Parliament.

Now, after the 5468 elections, a coalition government between FYDEM, New Kalopia and Unsubmissive Left has been proposed as a "national salvation government", and will elect Pericles al-Shakir as new Head of Government next week. With this act, Mrs. Christodoulopoulou believes that she can retire from the first line of politics and let the new government amend the many issues the ETHNOS-Enosi Kentrou government managed to change. However, many believe that this movement is not a final farewell, and that she will probably join a new government as Minister in a close time, since she is still widely among the most valued current Kalopian politicians nationwide.

Yesterday, the party ranks elected Meropi Tavoulariadi as her successor and new FYDEM candidate for the position of President of Kalopia. The militants have no say in the election of the FYDEM candidate for the Head of State, as this is chosen solely by the party executive, and Mrs. Tavoulariadi is well-known among them. She was proposed precisely by the outgoing President, as she was one of her closest allies during the troublesome times with ETHNOS. Deemed a "left-wing conservative", some people inside FYDEM are not sure about the choice to replace a widely popular President by a relatively unknown candidate, and they would prefer Mrs. Christodulopoulou to contest the next elections until she is defeated by the public vote. However, other argue that this would mean at least a 3-year period of a probable ETHNOS President, and that should be avoided at all costs.

It is just a bit more than a year until the next Kalopian elections, and then we will see if FYDEM movement was a wise one or a total wrong choice.
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Re: Kalopia

Postby Aethan » Tue Apr 16, 2024 8:25 pm

Kalopian Dawn
Your source of fresh Kalopian news

August 5470

Anger in Parliament
The atmosphere has been heating up in Congress with the debate on the laws presented by the new coalition government; ETHNOS accused of "racist" and "xenophobic" after comments against Wantunian Prefect

One of the moments where Prefect Meropi al-Nasr and FYDEM parliamentarians protested against the comments made by ETHNOS speaker

"ETHNOS has not yet come to terms with the fact that they have lost the government and that Kalopia does not belong to them." This is the general opinion of many FYDEM deputies after the intense debate that took place this afternoon in parliament and the subsequent presentation by the far-right group of a motion of censure against the coalition government that FYDEM interprets as "a crude attempt " to stop the processing of the parliamentary initiatives presented. However, these - the law on modernization and equality in the army and the law on religious counter-reform - have gone ahead with the votes in favor of the three parties that make up the coalition this afternoon, minutes before ETHNOS managed to present its motion of censorship.

However, the hot spot of the parliamentary conflict has come with the liberal economic law presented by ETHNOS (http://classic.particracy.net/viewbill. ... lid=702594).

The law, although it will foreseeably be rejected with the votes against Unsubmissive Left and FYDEM despite the fact that New Kalopia has announced its vote in favor - FYDEM and AA together have 151 seats, a very tight absolute majority -, has provoked a bitter debate in the parliamentary seat between the ETHNOS spokesperson and the Prefect of Wantuni, who is also a national deputy for FYDEM.

The proposal, which among other things proposed privatizing all banks, denying the right to strike of public workers, allowing foreign investors to acquire all the capital they want from national companies, legalizing gambling without any regulation or privatizing television and radio, has been harshly attacked by the current Prime Minister, Pericles al-Shakir, whose protectionist and nationalist positions are well known. In his speech, al-Shakir pointed out the hypocrisy of ETHNOS in calling themselves "patriots" while "they sell the entire nation to foreign capital and plunge the citizens of Kalopia into misery." After this, Prefect Meropi al-Nasr of Wantuni intervened to announce that, if the proposal were approved, she would reserve the power that it granted to regional governments to maintain the legislation as before.

It was at that point that the ETHNOS spokesperson took the opportunity to question Mrs. al-Nasr, with the following phrase:

"first of all, tell us about your origin. Are you a real Kalopian?"

With that comment, the spokesperson made visible reference to the Majatran origin of Mrs. al-Nasr, one of the most numerous minorities in Kalopia along with the Siphinan, and with the greatest concentration of it precisely located in the Wantuni region, where she was chosen.

It was only after this comment, "totally inappropriate and morally reprehensible" according to several parliamentarians from the different parliamentary forces, that the FYDEM deputies stood up and protested the "racist and xenophobic" comment by the ETHNOS spokesperson. Mrs. al-Nasr took the floor to answer:

"Wantunians are real Kalopians. You may want to read some books about Kalopian history. I am a proud Kalopian and I am a proud Wantunian, as is our Prime Minister Mr. al-Shakir. Have a little respect to our ethnic diversity and our own history"

However, the ETHNOS spokesperson has returned to the fray, calling the Prefect "semi-Kalopian." This has once again motivated protests from the parliamentary arch, and calls to the President of Parliament to "bring order." However, given their passivity, FYDEM parliamentarians have decided not to continue the debate on the law, and instead proceed directly to voting on it.

Some consider this as another step in the toxic environment that ETHNOS has brought to Kalopia, and justify it as another example of how necessary a change in government was.

There is just under a year left for the next general elections, and there we can see again the muscle that ETHNOS can show if they manage to return to the government, which they have not yet managed to lead despite their great electoral results.
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Re: Kalopia

Postby Aethan » Fri Apr 19, 2024 7:21 am

Kalopian Dawn
Your source of fresh Kalopian news

July 5457

ETHNOS gets Premiership
Far-right party has struck a deal with New Kalopia for the first time; outgoing Prime Minister al-Shakir criticises decision, accuses former coalition partners of "backstabbing"

Prime Minister Pericles al-Shakir arriving at the Vouli for his last debate as Head of Government of Kalopia

He did not lose his smile for a second. From his arrival to the Vouli, the Kalopian parliament, until the voting of the new government was concluded, he stood smiling from his seat, resigned to what had just happened. And when he spoke once again, already in his final speech and as leader of the opposition, his words reflected some thoughts that had been running through his head throughout the parliamentary session.

Pericles al-Shakir did not want to address ETHNOS and its new Prime Minister Thomas Kotzamanis more than necessary, only to congratulate him on his new position and wish him "the greatest success and the greatest of luck." However, Mr. al-Shakir had all the ammunition reserved for those who had already become his former coalition partners and were now still in the government, while Unsubmissive Left and FYDEM now took over from the opposition, from the that he would rise as Leader for the rest of this legislature.

After taking the stand, he pronounced each of the words calmly and meditatively, without losing the smile on his face at any time, and began his speech by acknowledging his defeat and the new government, confirming the strength of Kalopian democracy "despite that some want to corrupt it", and abiding by the Vouli vote.

Then, without saying a word, he proceeded to read one by one the laws proposed by ETHNOS during the previous legislatures, which included the legalization of the death penalty (http://classic.particracy.net/viewbill. ... lid=702216), the expulsion of women and the LGBT community from the army and other social areas, the breaking the religious neutrality of Kalopia with strongly religious legislation (http://classic.particracy.net/viewbill. ... lid=702512), the legalization of paramilitary forces, the legalization of slavery (http://classic.particracy.net/viewbill. ... lid=702295), the criminalization of abortion...

Once he had finished reading all the laws, Mr. al-Shakir turned to the New Kalopia caucus, and pointing to his leader and former coalition partner, he told them:

"This is what you have agreed to govern with. I really hope it is worth it to you, because you will no longer find a place back at our side as long as I remain the leader of FYDEM, even if it is difficult for me not to be Prime Minister of this great nation that is Kalopia again".

Mr. al-Shakir also took the opportunity to wonder what United Siphinans, one of the parties that makes up New Kalopia and a staunch defender of the Siphinan minority, would think of the words that ETHNOS dedicated to the Prefect of Wantuni last term, where they accused her of not being Kalopian and referred to her as "semi-Kalopian" (posting.php?mode=reply&f=17&t=7244#pr195256), due to the fact that she was of Wantunian descent.

Mr. al-Shakir closed his speech by referencing the words spoken by New Kalopia just a few years earlier, when ETHNOS proposed the laws that he had enumerated on the platform, and which were "Political parties will be forgotten, Kalopia will remain forever." .

New Kalopia justified its decision to govern with ETHNOS based on its victory in the last five elections held, but these arguments have not convinced many, who believe that New Kalopia is pure opportunism and "lust to get seats" in the new government .

Read part of the entire final speech below these lines.

Concession speech by Prime Minister Pericles al-Shakir:

Members of Parliament,

Since we see this proposed coalition government between ETHNOS and New Kalopia has an absolute majority in favor and therefore will be approved, I think it is the right time for me to address this parliament one last time as Prime Minister of the Republic of Kalopia.

To our coalition partners of Unsubmissive Left I say: thank you for your loyalty and for your cooperation, looking forward to working together in the future.

To Mr. Kotzamanis I say: congratulations, you have finally got what you were longing for: becoming Prime Minister of this glorious nation. I wish you luck in your path, and that you do not bring too much dishonour to the citizens of our country. I have nothing left to say.

However, I do want to address our previous coalition partners of New Kalopia. I hope this deal is truly worth it. We gave you a place next to us during this government, although there was no need for it since we could have made still a majority only with Unsubmissive Left. We did so because we saw in New Kalopia a compromise to fight fascism and discrimination, and a show that you can be a clearly conservative party and still have a moral compass. But we see that no longer. We remember that New Kalopia once said about ETHNOS and its politics "Early elections will be the end of those bad days for Kalopia. Political parties will be forgotten, Kalopia will stay forever". How does that apply now?

I truly hope that our former partners enjoy this coalition government, fully knowing who they are sitting next to.

New Kalopia was formed in part by the United Siphinans party, and we find it difficult to understand that such a party would join forces with a far-right party that called one of our own politicians, the former Prefect of Wantuni, as "semi-Kalopian", addressing her condition as Wantunian. We wonder what would United Siphinans think about this if it happened to a Siphinan politician. But I guess seats come before morals.

Do not misunderstand me, I understand. Being in positions of charge is rewarding and gives you the opportunity to bring real change. But let me ask it once more: will it be worth it? What has ETHNOS offered to New Kalopia for them to accept this sudden change? I guess we will discover it soon enough, as we do not expect to have their support for the next Presidential elections.

Before leaving this Chamber I have entered as Prime Minister and that I will now seat as Leader of the Opposition once more, I would like to remind New Kalopia of a few politics that ETHNOS have supported, to see whether they feel comfortable ruling along them:

-"A national and religious society": http://classic.particracy.net/viewbill. ... lid=702512. There is nothing else to say about this law.
-"The very first laws": http://classic.particracy.net/viewbill. ... lid=702295. Legalizing paramilitaries, enslaving, discrimination against women, lgbt people and other minorities...
-"Death penalty": http://classic.particracy.net/viewbill. ... lid=702216.

They were the ones that proposed against that, calling them "inhumane". What do they have to say now? (http://classic.particracy.net/viewbill. ... lid=702354).

Once again, congratulations, and good luck. Political parties will be forgotten, Kalopia will stay forever. I will be walking now among my partners in the Vouli, with no gubernatorial position, but with my head up high because during all the years I have lead this nation, I have been true to my principles. I believe others can't say the same.

Pericles al-Shakir
Leader of the Opposition
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Re: Kalopia

Postby Aethan » Tue Apr 23, 2024 3:08 pm

Kalopian Dawn
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January 5474

al-Shakir resigns following early elections; former President takes reins of FYDEM
Meropi Tavoulariadi loses reelection but promises to put up a fight

Meropi Tavoulariadi appearing before the press after the announcement of the results

Then-President of Kalopia, Meropi Tavoulariadi, has lost reelection for just less than 100,000 votes, with a percentage of 49.90% against his rival and Prime Minister Thomas Kotzamanis from ETHNOS, who reached 50.07% thanks to the critical support of New Kalopia, their new government partners.

Not long after the announcement of the results, in which FYDEM has lost 4 seats but remains as the second largest party and leader of the opposition - since the current coalition government of ETHNOS and New Kalopia still retains a majority -, former Prime Minister and leader of the party Pericles al-Shakir appeared before the press to announce that these were his last elections as head of the party he founded 18 years ago. It was a difficult moment for him, he said, after having been Prime Minister of Kalopia for 9 non-consecutive years, but he believes that now at 55 he can return to his previous job at the Gene and Seed Vault and quit politics completely. He said that while the results are not what they expected for, they show that FYDEM is a "leading force" in Kalopian politics and that the old dichotomy among left and right ideologies is "broken". He ended his appearance thanking every single person that at least once chose to vote for FYDEM, and said that hopefully, those votes would return "soon again" to the party.

After a long standing ovation in the headquarters of the party, where the election results were being followed, he gave way to Meropi Tavoulariadi, until then President of Kalopia, who just moments before had seen how she had lost reelection for less than 100,000 votes to the current Kalopian Prime Minister of ETHNOS, Thomas Kotzamanis.

This result, achieved thanks to the support of New Kalopia to the ETHNOS candidate - the first time the far-right party reached the Head of State of Kalopia and did so because of the support of New Kalopia during the campaign -, show that the current government "is weak" and "lacks a vision of future", said Mrs. Tavoulariadi.

The 41-year old politician promised to put up a fight during this legislature until the next election, and vowed to not give "a single molecule of oxygen to breathe" to the current coalition government, as she will now lead FYDEM until new primaries are called to select the new leader of the party. She will do so therefore without a seat in Parliament, since candidates running for President cannot run at the same time for Parliament, and therefore, the FYDEM spokesperson in Parliament will hold a key power during this first months of legislature if a parliamentarian is chosen as Leader. If not, the spokesperson will hold considerable power during the whole legislature.

Mrs. Tavoulariadi congratulated his rival Mr. Kotzamanis, but urged him to resign as soon as possible in order to respect the separation of powers between the Head of State and Head of Government.

"I hereby acknowledge the victory of Mr. Kotzamanis in the Kalopian Presidential elections, where he succeeded in defeating me with less than 100,000 votes of difference, meaning that citizens decided to give him a vow of confidence for this legislature as President of this great nation. I wish him the best of luck in this endeavour, but I also urge him to resign from his post as Prime Minister in order to fulfill his new duties as President of Kalopia. Not doing so would mean a serious breach to our Kalopian Constitution and the separation of powers between the Head of State and Head of Government. As has been told to him before the elections, if he wanted to run for President he should have resigned before the elections took place. But if he does not do it now after the elections, he would be taking our nation through a dangerous path, and FYDEM will study all the neccesary actions to be followed".
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Re: Kalopia

Postby Aethan » Thu May 02, 2024 8:01 am

Kalopian Dawn
Your source of fresh Kalopian news

October 5477

FYDEM remains largest party but is unable to form government
Following early elections after the dissolution of Unsubmissive Left, FYDEM continues growing but cannot dethrone right-wing government

Leader of the Opposition and Leader of FYDEM Antigone Berishaj arriving at the inaugural session of the legislature

Despite huge gains under her leadership, Antigone Berishaj will remain as Leader of the Opposition for the moment.

The January 5477 elections were the first test for a new leadership of the party after its founder and Leader until that moment, Pericles al-Shakir, announced he was stepping down. A driving force of the party since it was first founded as a split from the now extinct Worthy Homeland, FYDEM was widely seen as a personalistic project centered around al-Shakir own political positions, which lead him to the breakup with his former party. However, there was some concern around political analysists and reporters about whether FYDEM would survive without his founder.

Party members decided to elect the then-spokesperson of the party in the Vouli, Antigone Berishaj, as its new Leader, as she was widely seen as a figure close to al-Shakir but also with a strong background and charisma. Born in 5434 in Siphina, Mrs. Berishaj became the second leader of the party in a row to come from a Kalopian minority, in this case the Siphinan one, and studied Philosophy and History to later work as a History teacher before getting involved in politics.

Mrs. Berishaj passed the first test with the highest score: FYDEM went from 17 million votes and 85 seats to become the largest party in parliament with 113 seats and almost 24 million votes; it was the first time since 5461 and only the second time that the party had become the largest one in parliament. FYDEM could form a government to replace the current conservative coalition government between New Kalopia and ETHNOS thanks to the help of Unsubmissive Left; however, the party disbanded just a few months ago due to internal infighting, and new elections were called to replace the empty seats left in the Vouli. There it came the second test, just six months after the first one.

Antigone Berishaj once again exceeded expectations, and FYDEM remained the largest party, gaining additional 17 seats up to 130 and 4 million additional votes, 43% of all those eligible to take part in the elections. However, that was not enough for them to get into government, as the right-wing coalition retained the majority of seats.

Speaking to the press after the election results, Mrs. Berishaj thanked every Kalopian citizen who placed their hope "in a better future" voting for them, and promised that this was not the end but just the start of her leadership.

"Some people thought that after Pericles [al-Shakir] was gone, this party had no future. However, we have proved them wrong. I will fight for each single of you who have decided to trust my leadership and to believe that I, and this party, are the best option for a bright, new Kalopia that we all deserve, and we will fight without resting for this future to happen."

In addition, under her leadership the party now controls 3 out of the five Kalopian regions: Kithara, Oroseirá and Thálassa - those last two with absolute majority -.

"For the moment, we still have to lead the opposition despite our huge result, thanks to New Kalopia selling themselves to the far-right of ETHNOS. However, our seats give us the power to block any Constitutional change, and we will make use of this if needed. We won't let this government pass any constitutional change, because we believe they are hurting our democracy and worst of all, hurting the rights and needs of our citizens".
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Free Kalopia: Historic Victory for Kalopian Freedom Party in

Postby albaniansunited » Fri May 03, 2024 11:30 pm

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Re: Kalopia

Postby Aethan » Mon May 13, 2024 2:42 pm

MAGENTA will represent Kalopia with Lova in FOMAT

Members of MAGENTA, upcoming Kalopian representatives at FOMAT

MAGENTA has won the Kalopian superfinal and therefore have won the right to represent the nation in the upcoming FOMAT, with the song "Lova", sung in Canrillaise and Egelian.

In a heavily contested Kalopian Festival of Music, the group, made up of rapper ATH-Ina and siblings Periklis and Fanis Panagiadis managed to win both the public vote and the jury vote with over 300 points, well over second-placed Valentinos Xenides, who scored just 158 points.

The song, which is already making huge numbers in home soil, is set to become the fourth number 1 hit for ATH-Ina, whose career just started a few years ago but who is already a well-established artist within the Kalopian musical landscape, with many awaiting their time to make a collaboration with her.

Speaking to the press following their victory, ATH-Ina said that they have "high expectations" for the competition, and she is "looking forward to meet the many amazing artists" from different countries that will take part this year.

The fact that the song has no lyrics in Kalopian and instead is entirely sung in foreign languages have risen some discussion within the nation, with some conservative media asking the group to put some Kalopian lyrics in the song or resign entirely from representing the nation. However, the Panagiadis siblings, who are half Egelian themselves, have stated that the song will not be modified, and have encouraged everyone to get behind them in support and enjoy the next FOMAT
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Re: Kalopia

Postby Aethan » Tue May 14, 2024 8:43 am

Kalopian Dawn
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May 5483

FYDEM chooses new Presidential candidate
Baker Achilleas Tassiadis will contest the elections; he accepted an interview with this newspaper

Achilleas Tassiadis during a conversation with this newspaper

With still more than a year to go before the next elections, the FYDEM electoral machinery is already greasing its wheels to get everything ready.

After a decade in the opposition, the 5481 elections gave an absolute majority to Antigone Berishaj's FYDEM, which until now had not managed to reach the head of Government despite significantly improving the results of its party in both seats and votes.

Aware of this, Berishaj's government has been characterized as a revulsion against the previous decade of ultra-conservative government, proposing a series of populist and militarist reforms, in line with the general theses of the party, which combine a hard line with immigration and the military forces together with a defense of the civil rights of minorities and the general population.

However, there is one position that still resists them: the Head of State. Under the leadership of Meropi Tavoulariadi, there are already five elections - in a period of 10 years - in which the FYDEM candidate has failed to win the Presidency of Kalopia, despite always being a few votes away from achieving it (49.9% in 5474, 49.6% in 5477, or 48.8% in the latter). Some voices within the party advocated for a renewal of the candidacy, since they say that the candidate cannot live on "being almost something". In response to these critical voices, Mrs. Tavoulariadi announced last month that she would not repeat as a candidate, surprising those around her who believed that she would take advantage of the fact that her party was in power to launch at least one last attempt.

The one chosen to succeed her was newcomer Achilleas Tassiadis, a 33-year-old baker who becomes the first male candidate for the Presidency of Kalopia by FYDEM in its almost three decades of existence after the candidacies of Irene Stamataki, Glykeria Christodoulopoulou and Meropi Tavoulariadi herself.

In this newspaper we have had a conversation with Mr. Tassiadis, in which he tells us about his points of view, the situation in Kalopia and his own candidacy.

Interviewer: It has been a decade since FYDEM last held the head of state of Kalopia. Since then, first ETHNOS and then New Kalopia/KFP have taken control of it. How do you value your mandates?

Tassiadis: Disappointing. During these ten years, we have not seen our heads of state do anything relevant either nationally or internationally, nothing more than settling into their position and amassing public money to do nothing. At FYDEM we believe that an urgent renewal is necessary, that someone who truly wants to look after the interests of the citizens is elected to the position.

I: However, her predecessor Mrs. Tavoulariadi did not manage to gain citizen trust in successive elections, despite that "accommodation", as you call it. What do you think this could be due to?

A.T.: Meropi [Tavoulariadi] is an exemplary fighter and an example to follow. The citizens do not know what a great woman they have missed to be their President. However, in the end it is the people who decide. I do not think that I can speak for all those who have not voted for her and know the reasons for her, but I will fight so that from now on they see me as that figure that they have not been able to see in Mrs. Tavoulariadi and thus achieve the Presidency. That is my goal.

I: And what will you do if after the next presidential elections you don't get elected?

A.T.: Politics is a long-distance race. Very few political leaders achieve their objectives on the first try. The important thing is tenacity, persistence and above all, being faithful to your ideals. Antigone [Berishaj] has gone through several general elections in which, despite achieving magnificent results for our party, it has not been possible to form a government. However, thanks to her insistence, today we find a strong and solid FYDEM government leading Kalopia, hopefully receiving the trust of the voters again in the next elections.

I: We know that the relationship with the opposition is not going through its best moment, at least on the part of Prime Minister Berishaj. What is your opinion on this?

A.T.: New Kalopia/KFP has played dirty for many years, first with us and then with its infamous alliance with the far-right ETHNOS that has done so much damage to our great nation. Allying yourself with someone who despises you for being of a different ethnicity or place of origin does not leave you in a good place, and it is understandable that Mrs. Berishaj does not want to have anything to do with someone like that beyond the cordial relationship that must exist among the different democratic political forces with parliamentary representation. For my part, if I am elected President of Kalopia, I will work for all the citizens of this nation, whether they have voted for me or not, but my role is not to mediate political disputes between different forces. We are all adults.

I: This is important: how does a baker become interested in national politics, at the point of becoming the candidate of one of the two big Kalopian parties to become Head of State?

A.T.: To be completely honest, I have always been interested in politics. Although I come from a humble family, we have always had political discussions and debates. That is something normal for my parents and my three siblings. We always see this big politicians with their expensive suits and their high education talking about how they want to represent us all, but I believe that everyone deserves the chance to get a role and a saying in what politicians must do. I want to be a role model for all these low-income children and adults that live in disbelief and think that you cannot change things if you come from a humble environment. When I contacted FYDEM after Mrs. Tavoulariadi resignation and I told them I waned to become one of the party candidates for this position, they treated me with the outmost respect. That is something I truly appreciate. I certainly didn't really thought that I would become elected as the final candidate, but that made my determination more firm.

I: And why FYDEM and not the KFP?

A.T.: That's a good question [laughs]. I do not consider myself a progressive fanatic (feel free to write that for your newspaper) but I do believe in individual freedom and respect for everyone. I want the best for all my fellow countrymen, and that includes respecting everyone's right to be who they want to be without any kind of discrimination for this reason. I don't care if you are gay, lesbian, transgender, black or whatever. I care for your respect to this nation and your love for your compatriots. That is why it repulsed me when the KFP banned gay citizens from the military. I would like to see any KFP politician holding a gun and run to the battlefield to protect their country and their fellow citizens. I bet they would run away. Anyone that wants to serve their country has my total respect. For me, the KFP does not honor their name. If you ask me if I would join a social democratic party, I would probably say "no" [laughs]. However, I believe that FYDEM fights for everyone here, and wants to protect us from external enemies while building a perfect society within our own borders. And I want to be part of that.

I: Thank you for this interview Mr. Tassiadis, and good luck for the Presidential elections
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Re: Kalopia

Postby BananaZebra » Tue May 21, 2024 12:42 am

Hizb al-Ishtiraki al-Dimuqrati (Badara)
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Re: Kalopia

Postby Luzzy » Wed May 29, 2024 4:01 pm

Anipotakti Aristera Proposes Education Union for Kalopia

Anipotakti Aristera's leader put out a proposal to create the Education Union of Kalopia, with the goal of modernizing the nation's educational infrastructure and curriculum. The proposal was presented by party leader Ioanna Stergiou during a recent news conference.

Our children deserve the best possible start. The Education Union of Kalopia will lay the foundation for a brighter future.

A new curriculum that emphasizes creativity, critical thinking, and technology skills rather than rote memorization is at the heart of the idea. Stergiou underlined. The proposal also calls for constructing modern schools equipped with the newest technologies. "Learning happens outside of the classroom," project advisor Elena Papadopoulos stated. "We need inspiring environments for learning." Another important element is teacher development, which offers courses to assist instructors in adjusting to the new curriculum. Numerous parents, teachers, and students have expressed their approval of the initiative. Critics, however, raise doubts about the sustainability of such a comprehensive strategy due to financial and execution issues. Anipotakti Aristera is nevertheless optimistic that these difficulties may be overcome with appropriate preparation. Ioanna acknowledged that "change is hard, but we must move forward." The idea promises to have a revolutionary effect on Kalopian education as it moves toward the legislative stage, opening the door to a better future.

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