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Re: Kalopia

PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2024 10:30 am
by Aethan
Kalopian Dawn
Your source of fresh Kalopian news

May 5456

A breakway in Worthy Homeland?
Some rumors point to a possible split of critics with the party leadership

Pericles al-Shakir, former minister of Science, is considered to be the one behind the internal revolt

Despite continuing to achieve better results election after election, it seems that not everyone within Worthy Homeland is happy with the work carried out by Aristarchos Kouridis as general secretary of the party.

"What is better, having a broad voter base or being faithful to our ideals?" ask some critics, who believe that the significant increase in votes for Worthy Homeland since Mr. Kouridis took the reins of the party - going from the 38 seats they won under the last leadership of Iason Simatos to the current 138 - is due to the renunciation of "some core lines" of the Worthy Homeland ideology, and they wonder if it is worth it.

For the moment, these voices are nothing more than a mere noise in the background in view of the excellent electoral results that Worthy Homeland has successively achieved since the arrival of Aristarchos Kouridis at the helm, once again taking over several regional governments and once again acquiring considerable parliamentary power. However, the loss of the national government after the last elections - mainly due to the electoral debacle suffered by its coalition partners, Unsubmissive Left, which lost all the seats in parliament - has dealt the first blow to the waterline of the iron leadership that until now was maintained by Mr. Kouridis.

The team surrounding the Secretary General minimizes these criticisms, arguing that as in any democratic political party "there are always and it is healthy that there are divergent political opinions", but that in this case they are nothing more than a clear minority and above all, that the good electoral results do not imply "a renunciation of the core ideology of Worthy Homeland", but rather a "better communication strategy with citizens, who have once again understood that voting for Worthy Homeland is voting for a healthy and strong nation."

Kouridis himself has not commented on these internal criticisms, but claims that the party is a "strong and united" bloc, which now "has to act as the only parliamentary opposition to the Center Union government, which is going to use their parliamentary roller to pass any law they want".

According to information to this newspaper, the number of current Worthy Homeland parliamentarians who could produce a split in the event of a bad electoral result after the next elections - and if they are re-elected to office - amounts to 24, among whom we can find the young Minister of Science of the previous legislature, Pericles al-Shakir, whom many consider to be the instigator of the possible internal revolt and who is already preparing the launch of a new political formation to take the place of Worthy Homeland, which they consider "amortized."

al-Shakir, who during the previous government was considered Aristarchos Kouridis' trusted man, has had several private clashes with the secretary general in recent months, whom he has accused of being "anti-populist" and of trying to gain power by resigning to the ideology of the party. According to these same sources, the former Minister of Science would have given the Secretary General until the next general elections as a deadline to solve the internal crisis, and if he does not do so, it is very likely that he will launch his own political party.

Re: Kalopia

PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2024 11:44 am
by Luzzy
Kalopia's Stars are ready for the Festival Of Musical Arts in Terra

Kalopia's musical talents are getting ready for the Terra Festival of Musical Arts. With seven talented performers ready to take the stage, it promises to be a magical and memorable evening filled with songs. One of the stars that will be shining is Maria Sofia, whom you may recognize from her amazing performances in FOMAT. Her charismatic appearance and deep vocals promise to win people over once more. And there's Marina Sotiriou, who wrote the mesmerizing song "Tychi." Her songs have a way of becoming absorbed into your spirit and enchanting you. Not to be overlooked is Maria Zornadi, whose moving song "Potami" has been well-received in Kalopia and beyond. With an amazing 22% probability of winning, Marina Sotiriou is the clear favorite, and the audience is waiting eagerly for her to hit the first note. Hot on her heels is Maria Zornadi, bringing her A-game with a solid 20% chance of stealing the show. However, anything can happen in such a tight battle, and every performer is prepared to give it their best on stage. So settle in for an unforgettable experience as Kalopia's best prepare to enchant you at the Terra Festival of Musical Arts. On this night, passions are ignited, dreams come true, and music is the ruler. Don't pass on this year's harmonizing showdown!


Re: Kalopia

PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2024 12:19 pm
by Aethan
Kalopian Dawn
Your source of fresh Kalopian news

June 5456

Kouridis expels four deputies
Critics accuse Worthy Homeland's leader of "censorship"; this could precipitate the presentation of al-Shakir's new party

The four deputies expelled from Worthy Homeland at a press conference outside the Parliament building

The situation within Worthy Homeland remains unstable. Despite having achieved its best electoral results in decades, the loss of the government and its parliamentary allies has been a blow to the party of which echoes still resonate. And now, after rumors a few weeks ago about a possible split within the populist party, its general secretary and current opposition leader Aristarchos Simatos has decided to take matters into his own hands with an iron fist, as he has done since he took over the party.

After a brief period of reflection, Mr. Simatos has decided to expel 4 of his deputies from his parliamentary group: Kiriakos Ballopoulos, Zenovia Zografouli, Katia Manili and Emanouella Apostoloti, accused of trying to promote a change in the parliamentary group behind the secretary general's back. However, this expulsion has other readings by many political scientists and experts on the subject: the four are close allies of the former Minister of Science and deputy Pericles al-Shakir, and many believe that this expulsion serves to send a loud and clear message to the until recently a confidant of the general secretary: he is not going to admit any questioning of his leadership, and even less so with good electoral results such as those he has been obtaining election after election since his appointment as general secretary of the party.

However, some believe that on this occasion the secretary general has not correctly calculated the consequences of this act, and fear that these four deputies will now be joined by more representatives critical of the party leadership, united under the leadership of al-Shakir, which could capitalize on that discontent.

In statements to the media after her expulsion from the Worthy Homeland parliamentary group, Katia Manili has expressed her disagreement with this matter and has criticized the actions of Mr. Kouridis, whom she has made ugly by behaving "like a despot".

"It was them, well it was all of us, the militants, who put him where he is, but it was the voters who put us in Parliament, under Worthy Homeland. That now [Aristarchos] Kouridis has decided tobehave in this way is something sad and disappointing. Within any party that considers itself democratic, the divergence of opinions must be admitted, because none of us are perfect and there is always room for improvement and change. However, Mr. Kouridis constantly shields himself on good electoral results to justify his actions and silence dissenting voices. What has been done with us, expelling us from the parliamentary group, is nothing more than one more step towards the elimination of any dissident voice within the party, while he hopes that everyone pays homage to him. And we are not going to do it."

Asked if they plan to hand over their seats, the four deputies have refused to do so, remembering that it was the citizens who elected them to be their representatives in Parliament and that therefore, they will remain until the end of the legislature. Therefore, it remains to be known which political group they will fall into, whether they will remain independent or whether these latest events could accelerate the launch of the political party that al-Shakir has supposedly been planning in the shadows for some time. In fact, some voices affirm that it would be logical to take advantage of the opportunity to take some deputies from Worthy Homeland and be able to legislate in Parliament for the remaining two years of the legislature, in order to gain visibility for the next elections. Otherwise, they risk not being able to present themselves with sufficient force, which would lead to waiting for an entire new legislature, that is, four more years, which would waste the current political moment and could disenchant potential voters.

Asked about this expulsion, Mr. Kouridis did not shy away from the press and stated that the wayward deputies must take "responsibility for their actions" and recognize that they were no longer working against his figure, but against the party itself, and has warned that he will not hesitate to expel more deputies if necessary, which is interpreted as a veiled threat to al-Shakir.

All in all, the breakup of the Worthy Homeland parliamentary group is more than evident, and although that is not going to greatly affect the legislature - the Center Union has an absolute majority in the Chamber - the battle to see who wins the story begins now. Mr. al-Shakir has written a cryptic message on social networks, where you can read "he who loves his homeland does not despise his people."


Re: Kalopia

PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2024 8:12 pm
by Aethan
Kalopian Dawn
Your source of fresh Kalopian news

August 5456

al-Shakir launches his political party
Fydem is born after the expulsion of al-Shakir from the Worthy Homeland group; a large group of deputies join the new party

Image posted by al-Shakir on social media after launching his new party

It was only a matter of time before it happened. At noon today, al-Shakir was scheduled to hold a press conference in the parliament hall, but the Worthy Homeland has pre-empted any possible announcement he might have planned to make and announced that al-Shakir himself is suspended from membership and expelled from the party with immediate effect. This announcement, formally communicated by the Secretary General Aristarchos Kouridis himself, has provoked a political earthquake of great dimensions within the parliamentary group of Worthy Homeland itself, with many of the deputies criticizing the forms or the very substance of the drastic measure taken by Kouridis.
After hearing the news, al-Shakir did not say a word until the time of his own press conference, where he proceeded to drop the bombshell: the birth of the new political party, under the name of Republican Guardians-Workers' Front.

"Thank you all for coming. As you all may already know, the Worthy Homeland leadership decided, first thing this morning, to expel me from the party to which I have dedicated my entire political life and to which I have always given my best. This is only the tip of the iceberg of a series of decisions that Worthy Homeland has been making in recent years that many, including me, have not been convinced by. Giving up the best ideals of our party just for the sake of attracting more people to our side is not the right thing to do. What we should try to do is convince those same people why the ideals we defend are the ones they should support. And unfortunately, many of us have seen how Worthy Homeland did not try to do that. We have debated this on numerous occasions internally, but despite everything, the current secretary general has been constantly questioned, and has made any internal debate personal, criticizing and attacking all those who did not share his point of view. on how to handle the game. This is not how these situations are handled.

Unfortunately, today was the last stone in this crumbling house. Today, Worthy Homeland is established as a project that no longer has anywhere to go, at least under its current management. And that is why I officially and from here announce to everyone the launch of a new political force, with the name of Φύλακες Δημοκρατών–Εργατικό Μέτωπο, Republican Guardians–Workers' Front, abbreviated as Fydem by its acronym. Under this new party we will work hard so that, based on our ideas and not those of Worthy Homeland, citizens give us their trust. We are building a party to fight for the working people of this country, for the citizens that make up the majority of our nation, and for those that cannot afford to lose time in futile modernist questions."

After the announcement, which many were deeply expecting after all the months of political conflict within Worthy Homeland, there has been a cascade of resignations in all parliaments at different levels: 29 members of Parliament, added to the 4 previously expelled for Worthy Homeland, who together with Mr. al-Shakir will make the Fydem parliamentary group consist of 34 deputies, reducing Worthy Homeland's deputies from 138 to 104, although it will not affect the absolute majority of Center Union.

But there have not only been resignations in the national Parliament, but members of the five regional parliaments, including a Prefect, have announced their integration into Fydem:

-Elaiona: 3 deputies. The Worthy Homeland group remains at 25 deputies.
-Kithara: 4 deputies. The Worthy Homeland group remains at 16 deputies.
-Oroseira: 8 deputies. The Worthy Homeland group remains at 23 deputies.
-Thalassa: 5 deputies. The Worthy Homeland group remains at 19 deputies.
-Wantuni: 12 deputies, Prefect of Wantuni. The Worthy Homeland group remains at 23 deputies.

For the moment, al-Shakir has only dropped the general lines of the party, which will be based on ideas such as alter-globalism, Kalopian nationalism, populism, popular sovereignty and what they call "anti woke dictatorship", but currently he has said that the general ideological plan of the party is under development, and that it will be developed jointly with members of civil society and labor unions.

The idea of the party now is to make a stand in parliament and therefore, become known to the general public prior to the next elections, which they intend to contest.

Logo of Fydem, the new political party launched today

Re: Kalopia

PostPosted: Wed Mar 20, 2024 2:06 pm
by Aethan
Kalopian Dawn
Your source of fresh Kalopian news

January 5457

No truce in the opposition bench
With a year before the next elections, the battle to win the narrative continues

Pericles al-Shakir (left), Coordinator of Fydem, and Aristarchos Kouridis (right), General Secretary of Worthy Homeland

Some say it is male ego, others that this is just how most breakups go. But the relationship between Worthy Homeland and Fydem seems to be growing bitter and bitter every week after Pericles al-Shakir was expelled from Worthy Homeland and decided to found his new party at the expense of many Worthy Homeland deputies, now being as much as 34 parliamentarians in the current Kalopian legislature.

Amid crossed accusations and harsh words, both leaders try to reaffirm themselves as the true force of change in Kalopia, despite the fact that Worthy Homeland still maintains more than a hundred deputies compared to the thirty that Fydem has.

The latest confrontation comes after Prime Minister Olga Katartzi (EK) congratulated the formation of the new political group, welcoming them and wishing "that it will immediately form the new creative opposition."

From Worthy Homeland, they take advantage of these words to accuse Fydem of being "Enosi Kentrou's useful puppet", by weakening the possibility of a credible and serious option and losing citizens' confidence in political change.

However, Fydem points out that the words of their former colleagues on the bench are nothing more than a product of fear, since there are already several surveys that indicate that, if the general elections were held now, Fydem would become the leader of the opposition, placing itself above 25% of the vote, while Worthy Homeland would fall to third position or even be overtaken by Unsubmissive Left, which could re-enter Parliament. One year before the new elections, the polls still show Enosi Kentrou as the winner, but Fydem hopes to reverse this trend and surprise in next year's elections.

"What is clear is that we are experiencing the last throes of a political force that did so much for our nation and that is now heading towards an unworthy end to its history,"
declared al-Shakir.
"What everyone is seeing now, this constant harassment and demolition of other political forces for simply disagreeing within the healthy political plurality of any self-respecting democracy, is what some of us have been experiencing within the party for months or even years. The current leadership of Worthy Homeland is incapable of understanding that Kalopia is a plural and diverse nation, and that currently, there are more voters who support Enosi Kentrou than them, no matter how much they try to metamorphose their own ideology to adapt. What we intend is to make them see that what we propose is the direction that Kalopia should take, and we still have a whole year for it.

For the moment, Fydem has already presented its first initiatives as a parliamentary group, which include a restriction on the right to abortion - which can currently be performed at any time during pregnancy - and the prohibition of foreign capital from obtaining the majority of the capital of National companies.

In addition, Fydem has presented a major reform that breaks with the line defended until now by Worthy Homeland, and is a reform of the Constitution so that citizens are the ones who directly elect the head of Government, who will hold the position of head of State and Government at the same time, since they would become two figures with equal power, known as "Diarchs". This would mean the de facto elimination of the current royal family, established after a referendum promoted by Worthy Homeland. This would open a new front with his former colleagues who criticize that until now "there has not been any problem with the current form of the Head of State" - which in practice, is dual - and that now they want to reform it "just to attract attention".

In any case, the positioning of Enosi Kentrou will be key, since without them, none of these reforms could go ahead. In fact, for the constitutional reform proposed by Fydem, 4 more votes would be needed than those they currently have along with those of Enosi Kentrou, but no one now rules out that there will be 4 more leaks from Worthy Homeland to the one that has now become its main political rival.

Re: Kalopia

PostPosted: Thu Mar 21, 2024 10:10 am
by Aethan
The Whisper of Kalopia
The gossip you didn't know you needed

May 5457

Royal surprise: heir presents his partner
At 44, many speculated about why the future Prince of Kalopia was not dating anyone

Duke Kyriakos of Kalopia with his partner, businessman Stephanos Kostakos

In a groundbreaking moment that sent shockwaves through the corridors of power in Kalopia, Duke Kyriakos of Kalopia, the heir to the throne, made a stunning revelation at the prestigious Kalopian National Film Awards. With all eyes on the royal family, the Duke stepped onto the red carpet not alone, but accompanied by his partner, businessman Stephanos Kostakos, marking a significant departure from tradition and opening a new chapter in Kalopian short royal history.

The Kalopian National Film Awards, an event renowned for celebrating the finest achievements in Kalopian cinema and full of political and entertainment personalities, provided the perfect backdrop for Duke Kyriakos to introduce his partner to the nation he is supposed to lead in some years and to the world. As cameras flashed and reporters clamored for interviews, the Duke and Stephanos Kostakos exuded an air of confidence and grace, capturing the hearts of onlookers and sparking a flurry of speculation and excitement across the viewers and people present in the event alike.

For years, speculation had swirled around the Duke's love life, with many wondering why the future Prince of Kalopia had remained conspicuously single, or without a known girlfriend. With Princess Persephone I, aged 74, at the helm of the Kalopian monarchy, questions about the succession had been floating around for quite a time. Yet, Duke Kyriakos' revelation at the Kalopian National Film Awards doesn't seem to disipate this questions, since Kalopian Constitution establishes in its Chapter II Article 17 that "In the absence of a natural and legitimate heir, the Kalopian Parliament shall convene and elect a new Head of State. The Prince of Kalopia cannot designate as Heir to the Throne the sons or grandchildren of his siblings". This means that with Duke Kyriakos, the Maragopoulos-Ypirétis line would become effectively extinct, as a result of no natural and legitimate heirs produced from this relationship. This would immediately trigger an emergency Parliament meeting to decide how to choose the next Kalopian Royal line.

Despite that, this issue seems not to bother Duke Kyriakos nor Princess Persephone I, who in a royal statement from the Palace confirmed that as long as her children are happy "she will not have any issue" with whom they choose to be with. With the Kalopian Royal family installed in 5364, it is less than a century old and one of the youngest monarchies in Terra, although Kalopia itself is not defined as a monarchy but as a "Crowned Republic", since the nation has a dual Head of State, with one Royal and an elected Head of State, named the President of the Republic, with distincts functions and attributions.

While the duke and his companion greeted and chatted with the large group of celebrities and Kalopian and foreign dignitaries present at the event, journalists and photographers crowded to take the first images of the future Princes of the nation, trying without success to exchange a few words . The gala, broadcast on television, showed the vision of the heir to the throne hugging his partner and sending a powerful message of inclusion and acceptance to many homes in Kalopia, which will undoubtedly raise criticism from the most conservative sectors of Kalopian society.

Stephanos Kostakos, 39, is an engineer and the heir of Kostakos companies, dedicated to the construction of affordable housing in needy areas around the world, as well as financing the construction of children's and youth schools. According to several sources close to the couple, they met about six years ago on a visit by Duke Maragopoulos to the last schools that Mr. Kostakos was building in rural areas of Utari Mosir, in Dovani.

In the hours and days following the event, social media platforms have been filled with messages of support and admiration for the Duke and Stephanos Kostakos, with many praising their bravery and normalization, despite Kalopia being considered one of the destinations safer for the LGBT population worldwide.

On his social media, Fydem General Coordinator Pericles al-Shakir wrote "Happy to see that inclusivity and normalization of all types of relationships continues its course in our nation. In the near future, Kalopia will have a Prince who will inspire many boys and girls to be who they really are without being afraid to do so. Congratulations to the couple". Despite this, it was Fydem who presented a proposal to abolish the Kalopian monarchy.

For his part, opposition leader Aristarchos Kouridis has stated that in Kalopia "everyone can live in freedom", and that this is "just one more example that Kalopia is an inclusive, tolerant and free nation."

Re: Kalopia

PostPosted: Fri Mar 22, 2024 10:14 am
by Aethan
Kalopian Dawn
Your source of fresh Kalopian news

August 5457

al-Shakir becomes Prime Minister
FYDEM and United Siphinans make gains; Worthy Homeland disappears from Parliament

Pericles al-Shakir during his inaugural speech in the Kalopian Vouli

After a long year of tug-of-war between the two parliamentary forces into which Worthy Homeland was divided - its own deputies and the splinter FYDEM -, the early elections called by the Prime Minister have allowed citizens to express their opinion on the composition of the next Kalopian parliament. And the verdict has been clear: Worthy Homeland, the party that brought major constitutional reforms to today's Kalopia, disappears from parliament, obtaining just 2% of the votes and not winning a seat for any of the five regions of Kalopia. Not even his secretary general, Aristarchos Kouridis, manages to revalidate his position, so an uncertain future now opens up for the political formation, with many critics demanding immediate resignations and severe measures.

For its part, FYDEM manages to increase its representation from the 34 deputies it held at the end of the last legislature - all of them split from Worthy Homeland - to obtain 16.5 million votes and become the second political force with 85 seats. The leadership of the Prefect of Wantuni, Meropi al-Nasr, is also reinforced, the only one of the regional leaders that Worthy Homeland had who gave her support to al-Shakir's new political project and the only one who has managed to revalidate her mandate, although for barely 50,000 votes, compared to Unsubmissive Left, a party that re-enters Parliament with 35 seats, presumably from voters disenchanted with Worthy Homeland but who did not want to give their vote to Fydem.

The other big winner of the night is United Siphinans, a newly created party that is committed to the representation of the Siphina minority, and which obtained 37% of the votes, 112 seats and the Presidency of Kalopia, a position disputed by its candidate Fatlum Krasniqi in the second round against the Fydem candidate, while the previous President, Tina Sarellakou of Enosi Kentrou, obtains third position and fails to advance to the second round.

Enosi Kentrou has undoubtedly been one of the hardest hit on this electoral night, going from first political force to third with 68 seats and losing the head of state of Kalopia. However, they have moved quickly, and have proposed a government coalition to Fydem with Pericles al-Shakir at the head of it.

With 153 seats in an assembly of 300 representatives, the new government is born with an absolute but weak majority, and we will have to see how the relationship between both government partners develops, since Worthy Homeland, for the moment, is already history.

Within this new executive, on the part of Fydem we can find representatives of the three major demographics of Kalopia, since apart from Kalopian ministers we find a minister from the Siphinan minority, Mjaltina Haxhi, as the new Minister of Justice, and a member of the Majatran minority, Yiorgos el-Malek, as Minister of Internal Affairs, in addition to al-Shakir himself. It should also be noted that although United Siphinans has emerged as the first political force in four of the five regions, it has been in Wantuni, the region with the most members of the Majatran and Siphina minorities, where it has obtained its worst result, barely a third square and 11 seats out of a possible 60, being surpassed precisely by Fydem as well as by Unsubmissive Left. This paradox opens the door to the question of whether United Siphinans can really stand as a representative of these minorities, since they, for the moment, have not given them their trust.

The incoming Prime Minister, Pericles al-Shakir, has decided to dedicate his inaugural speech to all those who have supported his party, since he believes that they knew that he "was doing the right thing."

"The results obtained in these elections by Fydem support that the path taken by Worthy Homeland was a path that had no future, and it was our obligation to put on the brakes and rethink our ideas and our way of doing politics. The citizens have rewarded us with a second place and a regional government when we are barely a year old, and now we have to work so that, in the next elections, many more citizens trust in our project as the best to carry out the reforms that Kalopia needs.

Asked about the government coalition, al-Shakir affirms that they are not Worthy Homeland, and that any dispute within the government will be resolved as best as possible internally, in order not to undermine citizens' confidence in the institutions.

With his election as Prime Minister, al-Shakir becomes the first Head of Government of Kalopia with both Majatran and Siphinan background - his parents belonging to each of the said demographics -, and he has claimed that to be one of the reasons behind his performance in Wantuni, the region from where he was also first elected national deputy.

"United Siphinans may claim to represent Kalopian minorities, but taking a look at these results, it looks like they have a clear favorite. I am a Siphinan, I am a Majatran, and I am a Kalopian, and above all, I am proud of each one of my origin, and will defend all of them fiercely. This government will work hard for each single Kalopian citizen.

Re: Kalopia

PostPosted: Sun Mar 24, 2024 9:59 am
by albaniansunited
It is strange that al-Shakir did not mention his Siphinan origin before. They play with that card only for election benefits, nothing else.
Also, Siphinan minority is mostly concentrated in Elaiona, which name unjustly changed from its former name Siphina.
Yes, we are Siphinans, we are Kalopians, and we will form next government, and that will be a victory for all. al Shakiri government did nothing. even they let 72.7 billion budget surplus. That's very sad.

Best regards, Pajtim Pajaziti leader of United Siphinans


Asked about the government coalition, al-Shakir affirms that they are not Worthy Homeland, and that any dispute within the government will be resolved as best as possible internally, in order not to undermine citizens' confidence in the institutions.

With his election as Prime Minister, al-Shakir becomes the first Head of Government of Kalopia with both Majatran and Siphinan background - his parents belonging to each of the said demographics -, and he has claimed that to be one of the reasons behind his performance in Wantuni, the region from where he was also first elected national deputy.

"United Siphinans may claim to represent Kalopian minorities, but taking a look at these results, it looks like they have a clear favorite. I am a Siphinan, I am a Majatran, and I am a Kalopian, and above all, I am proud of each one of my origin, and will defend all of them fiercely. This government will work hard for each single Kalopian citizen.

Re: Kalopia

PostPosted: Mon Mar 25, 2024 3:46 pm
by Aethan
Kalopian Dawn
Your source of fresh Kalopian news

July 5459

Duke Kyriakos announces death of his mother; Kyriakos I ascends to throne
Princess Persephone I dies at 76. His son an heir, Duke Kyriakos, becomes Kyriakos I

Prince Kyriakos I announcing the death of his mother, Princess Persephone I

At a relative young age of 76, Princess Persephone I of Kalopia has been pronounced dead. It was his heir and first son, Duke Kyriakos Maragopoulos-Ypirétis, who broke the news in a surprise announcement broadcasted live through all major TV channels.

The Princess, who seemed to be doing just fine for these past years had been battling a lung cancer, said his son.

The news has been a surprise even within the family itself, which was immersed in preparations to celebrate the centenary of the Maragopoulos-Ypirétis family at the head of part of the Head of State of Kalopia and in which the princess herself wanted to have an active role.

However, early in the morning the state media were informed of an important announcement by the Royal Family, and although the presenters were not asked to wear the color black, they were encouraged to wear with "non-flashy" colors. Furthermore, the fact that the message sent to the media spoke of news of special importance that had to be communicated by the Duke of Kalopia set off all the alarms, with only two outcomes circulating on social networks: either there would be a resignation from the throne by Kyriakos so that the Maragopoulos-Ypirétis family continued on the throne of Kalopia, or the death of the monarch had occurred.

Finally, it was this second option that was announced live by Duke Kyriakos, who from the moment of the Princess' death immediately ascends to the throne and becomes Prince Kyriakos I of Kalopia, along with his partner Stephanos Kostakos as new Prince consort.

The accession of Kyriakos I implies that, de facto, the Maragopoulos-Ypíretis family will end its royal line in him, unless constitutional modification or election by the Parliament of Kalopia of another member of the Maragopoulos-Ypirétis family once Kyriakos I left the throne. According to the current Constitution, its articles 12, 17 and 18 establish the following:

12. The position of Prince of Kalopia is hereditary in the direct, natural and legitimate descend by order of primogeniture of Alexios Maragopoulos. No exclusion may be made by the family to one of the members. Only in case of willingness abdication the position shall change from the next descendant, without any consent made in regards of gender, race, or sexual orientation.

17. In the absence of a natural and legitimate heir, the Kalopian Parliament shall convene and elect a new Head of State. The Prince of Kalopia cannot designate as Heir to the Throne the sons or grandchildren of his siblings.

18. Should the rightful line of succession become extinct, the Parliament in joint session shall provide for the succession to the Crown in the manner most suited to the interests of Kalopia. A special law shall be adopted by the Parliament in joint session to chose and appoint a new Prince and shall rules in his family the order of the inheritance. Until the appointment of the new Prince the duty and dignity of the Prince are managed by the Archonte in accordance with the Constitution.

Therefore, and unless Kyriakos I produces a legitimate heir - something that, being married to Mr. Kostakos, seems impossible - the Maragopoulos-Ypirétis line will see a foreseeable end.

Some speculated with the possibility that Kyriakos I could renounce succeeding his mother so that his line could continue in the figure of his sister, Elena Maragopoulos-Ypirétis, who has 3 children, but the Royal House itself denied this possibility, citing precisely to Article 12 of the Constitution, protecting the sexual identity of the heir to the throne and discrediting those who questioned the suitability of an LGBT person for the hereditary Head of State of Kalopia.

In his televised announcement, which lasted 10 minutes, Kyriakos I - visibly affected and with red eyes, but with a firm voice - said the following words, among other things.

"Dear citizens of Kalopia, compatriots.
Today, at 6:37 am, my mother and our Princess Persephone I, passed away peacefully in her sleep.

In recent years, Princess Persephone I had suffered from a form of lung cancer which, however, did not prevent her from continuing to carry out her work as one of the Heads of State of our great nation with dignity and pride.

I am sure that there are many today who, like me, mourn the death of our Princess, and I also mourn the loss of a great mother and a great woman, always committed to human rights, civil liberties, and the fight for a more just world for all of us. I am sure that many little girls in our country have seen in my mother an example to follow, and I am proud to say that Princess Persephone I leaves us today with the peace of mind of having left a great legacy behind her.

From today on, I, Kyriakos I of Kalopia, will do everything possible to live up to my late mother, and make all of you proud of our royal family."

Condolences for the death of Persephone I have also come from different areas of the political and social world, with numerous sports, television and political personalities sending their best wishes to the new Prince of Kalopia.

Prime Minister Pericles al-Shakir has mourned the loss of a "good woman."

"I deeply regret the death of Princess Persephone I, a good woman with whom I have shared many good talks and opinions. She leaves today a better place thanks to her work. My best wishes to Prince Kyriakos I and the Prince Consort, who are breaking a new glass ceiling in our society and throughout the world.

From some conservative sectors they have attacked the new Prince of Kalopia, whom they reproach for not having taken a step aside to allow the continuity of his dynastic line, and consider him a new conquest "of the LGBT lobby."

Re: Kalopia

PostPosted: Mon Apr 08, 2024 8:15 pm
by Aethan
Kalopian Dawn
Your source of fresh Kalopian news

August 5466

Political turmoil around Kalopia
ETHNOS, FYDEM and the rests of Enosi Kentrou battle for the control of the nation

President of Kalopia Glykeria Christodoulopoulou addressing the nation

Turbulent waters those that Kalopia is going through in these years. Three elections in three years, and with a future still uncertain after the meteoric rise of the far-right party ETHNOS, which in the 5464 elections obtained almost 43% of the votes and surprised everyone by winning in the five regions of Kalopia, while New Kalopia and Enosi Kentrou were the parties that suffered the most as a result of that electoral victory. Prime Minister al-Shakir's party held his own with 25% of the vote. However, the surprise was that despite the resounding victory of ETHNOS in the legislative elections, it was the FYDEM candidate, Glykeria Christodoulopoulou, who won the presidential elections with almost 55% of the votes.
After these results, and unexpectedly, Enosi Kentrou agreed to lead a coalition government formed by them and ETHNOS, despite the fact that during the previous legislature the far-right party had already brought a popular initiative to the Kalopian parliament (http://classic. against the most basic rights of many of the citizens of Kalopia.

After this government agreement, FYDEM described its until-then government partner as "hypocritical" and doing everything "for the sake of power". However, this did not last long since the following month new elections were called by the new government, with the idea of winning the Head of State thanks to the support of Enosi Kentrou for the far-right candidate. However, despite this attempted assault on the Head of State, citizens once again elected Glykeria Christodoulopoulou as President.

Immediately after knowing the result of the new elections, in which the newborn coalition government between ETHNOS and Enosi Kentrou already lost 3 seats just a month after the previous elections, Enosi Kentrou suffered an implosion, in which part of the party ended up joining the ranks of ETHNOS and another part founded a new party in order to break with that government agreement signed by its leaders, but not before approving two quite controversial laws: the first laws ( viewbill.php?billid=702295) and the Public Liberties law ( ... lid=702296).

Following the approval of these laws, President Christodoulopoulou issued an official statement, accusing the government of contravening the most basic and fundamental laws of Kalopia and its Constitution, and refusing, in a televised speech, to turn into law any proposal carried out by this government that would attack the basic pillars on which "Kalopia has been built."

After this, in October 5465 early elections were called again, and once again, Mrs. Christodoupoulou revalidated the position, once again defeating the ETHNOS candidate. However, the most important point is the loss of the majority of the government, which despite this still clings to office thanks to the current law that only allows the party with the most votes to propose a new government. However, FYDEM has already brought to parliament a modification of this law that is expected to be approved in the coming months and that will allow any party to propose a new government. With the current composition of Parliament, this would allow Pericles al-Shakir to return to office just two years after losing it due to the agreement between Enosi Kentrou and ETHNOS. However, not everything is written in this political soap opera.